3rd QTR Reviewer
3rd QTR Reviewer
3rd QTR Reviewer
Non random mating – mutation – natural selection –
gene flow – genetic drift
Fossil Records
Fossils are preserved remains of a once-living
organism through natural process or catastrophic
These are usually found in the sedimentary layers Comparative Anatomy
which means the more the layers, the more evidence Is the study of similarities and differences in the
there is of different organisms. structures of different species.
Fossils can be in a form of eggs in nest, fossilized It is seen mainly in the biological structure of
feces, bones, footprints, and skin impressions. animals.
o Relative Dating - The age of the rock is o Analogous Structure – They are quite
compared to the other rock layers. Older different in fundamental structure and
fossils are found in deeper layers of the origin. They perform the same functions.
earth’s sedimentary rock; younger fossils are
found in the upper layers of the earth’s
sedimentary rock.
o Radiometric Dating/Absolute Dating - It is a
method used to determine the age of rocks
using the decay of radioactive isotopes of
Carbon-14 which is present in rocks when
the organism died. The method was
developed in the late 1940s at the University
of Chicago by Willard Libby
POPULATION - Is a group of individuals of the
same species inhabiting and interbreeding in the
same area at the same time.
POPULATION GROWTH - The size of the
population may remain the same for some time.
However, in some cases, it can rapidly grow when it
is protected and isolated. It can also decline if
diseases or other factors affect a certain
o Homologous Structure – They have geographical area.
similar basic structures and embryonic
origins. They perform different Exponential Growth –
functions. A period of rapid growth.
During this period, there are plenty of resources
Biochemical Evidence available for all organisms, so more births are recorded
The nitrogen base sequences in the genetic code are than deaths in organisms.
the same in almost all organisms. Depicts a J-shape graph.
Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine, and Uracil Logistic Growth –
(RNA) A period of limited resources.
Small mutations or changes in the DNA eventually In logistic growth, population expansion decreases as
lead to the evolution of new species. resources become scarce, and it levels off when the
carrying capacity of the environment is reached.
Ex: Humans have 46 chromosomes or 23
pairs of chromosomes. Depicts a S-shape graph.
Chimpanzees have 48 chromosomes. Carrying capacity - The population stops growing
because it reaches the maximum number of organisms
Statistically, humans and chimpanzees have
that can be supported, or “carried”.
98.8% similar DNA.
POPULATION DENSITY - Refers to the number
of organisms per unit area.
No . of species
Pop . Density=
Land area
No. of species = 52,177
Land area = 300,000 km²
Density-independent limiting factors
The population’s density does not directly influence
changes in population’s growth
It can stop a population from growing can be such
BIODIVERSITY things as natural disasters, temperature, sunlight, and
the activities of humans in the environment.
Biodiversity describes how varied are life forms in
different ecosystems. The Philippines is known for Density-dependent limiting factors –
its very rich biodiversity. A factor that regulates a population’s growth and is
influenced by population density.
“The country has more than 52,177 described
species of which more than half is found nowhere When a population reaches a certain number of
else in the world.” organisms. For example, when a population reaches
a certain size, there won’t be enough resources
We are all interconnected! (food, shelter, water) for all of the organisms.
Limiting Factors that depend on Population
o Diseases and Parasites - Infectious diseases
and parasites spread faster in densely
populated areas.
o Competition for resources - The organisms
that have limited abilities to compete for the
resources will not reproduce as often, may
not be fit enough to live long, and can cause
their population to decrease.
o Predation - As the no. of prey decreases, so
will the number of predators, because there
is not enough food to sustain them.
o Emigration - As a population approaches its
carrying capacity, and individual organisms
leave and go to a new area where they can
find enough resources for survival and