Quarter 2, Week 3 - NOVEMBER 21-25, 2022
Quarter 2, Week 3 - NOVEMBER 21-25, 2022
Quarter 2, Week 3 - NOVEMBER 21-25, 2022
The learners should be able to make a chart showing healthful habits that promote proper functioning of the musculo-
B. Performance skeletal,integumentary,digestive,circulatory,excretory,respiratory and nervous systems
C. Learning S6LT-IIa-b-1
Competencies/ The learners should be able to explain the organs of each organ system work together
Write the LC
code for each
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional DLP 5 Module 6 DLP 5 Module 9 Science Unit 2 The Nervous
Materials from Science and Health and Health System pp.1-10
Learning The Respiratory System Taking Care of the
Resource (LR) pp.41-45 Respiratory System
portal pp.65-69
B. Other Learning Worksheets, pictures Charts and pictures Charts and pictures
A. Reviewing
previous lesson How does oxygen get 1. Review about the 1. Review about the
or presenting the into our body? respiratory system. taking care of
new lesson Likewise; how does 2. How can we take good respiratory
carbon dioxide get out care of our respiratory
from our body? Which system?
body system is 2. Present the
responsible for taking materials for new
in oxygen and giving lesson, The
out carbon dioxide? Nervous System
B. Establishing a Four Pics, One Word. Ask diferrent Discuss the functions of
purpose for the Guess the word by diseases/ailments the Nervous Sytem
lesson studying how the four associated with
pictures are related to respiratory system
each other. Write the problems?
word in the box below.
__ __ __ __ __
examples/instanc Activity Show pictures of Show some picture of
es of the new Riddle Time: Who am I? respiratory movements and ask
lesson Inhale these scrambled diseases/ailments. their observation in the
words. Exhale the How the problems occur presented pictures
answers to the riddles. in our respiratory
1. I warm and clean the system?
air you breathe. SNOE How can we avoid these
__________ problems?
2. There are 300 Original File Submitted
millions of me in your and Formatted by DepEd
lungs. Club Member - visit
RAI SCAS depedclub.com for more
3. I leave your body
when you breathe out.
4. I am a long tube
connecting your mouth
to your lungs.
5. I go through the air
sacs and into the
blood. YXGONE
concepts How oxygen and importance of taking care Discuss the observation
carbon dioxide occur in of our respiratory in the presented
alveoli of the lungs? system. pictures and explain
how it works
E. Continuation of Activity #2 Activity #1 Give an example of body
the discussion of Identify the part of the TRUE OR FALSE movements
new concepts respiratory system If False, change the
(leads to which is being referred inappropriate word to
Formative to. make the statement true.
Assessment 2) 1. Closes over your
larynx when you 1. Breathing exercise
swallow. improve the
2. Two short condition of one’s
branches at the lungs.
end of the 2. The chances of
trachea that getting the
carry air into the common virus is
lungs. increased as one
3. Cluster of tiny mixes with more
thin walled sacs people.
found at the end 3. Healthy lungs can
of each draw in enough
bronchioles. air to supply
4. Substance oxygen to all parts
produced by the of the body.
lining of the 4. Cigarette smoking
nasal cavity. is good to our
5. Tiny hair-like respiratory
structures that system.
trap bacteria in 5. Do not wash your
the trachea. hands before
6. A tube made up eating.
of C-shaped
rings of the
7. Opening of the
nose that leads
to the nasal
8. A tube-like
passage for both
food and air.
9. Produces vocal
10.Compose of
alveoli arranged
in grape-like
J. Additional
activities for
application or
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other
GRADES 1 to 12 School: SCHOOL Grade Level: 6
Teaching Dates and
Time: NOVEMBER 21 - 25, 2022 (WEEK 3) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER
A. Content The learner demonstrates…
Standards understanding of the oral standards of English in order to participate in various oral communication demands (situation,
purpose and audience
understanding that English language is stress timed to support comprehension
understanding of text types to listen for different purposes from a variety of texts
understanding that words are composed of different parts to know that their meaning changes depending in context
understanding that reading a wide range of texts provides
understanding of different formats to write for a variety of audiences and purposes
command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking
understanding of library skills to research a variety of topics
demonstrates understanding of the various forms and conventions materials to critically analyze the meaning constructed in
print, non-print, and digital
B. Performance The learner…
Standards prepares for and participates effectively in a range of conversations and collaboration with diverse partners, building on others’
ideas and expressing their
own clearly and persuasive
uses knowledge of stress and intonation of speech to appropriately evaluate the speaker’s intention, purpose and meaning
uses literal information from texts heard to construct an appropriate feedback
uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation and in context
uses knowledge of text types to correctly distinguish literary from informational texts
drafts texts using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences and purposes
uses the correct function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in various discourse
(oral and written)
applies knowledge of non-verbal skills to respectfully give the speaker undivided attention and acknowledge the message
utilizes discrete techniques (general or specific) and applies appropriately them to all or most fields of study
evaluates effectively the message constructed and conveyed in various viewing texts
C. Learning Note down relevant information Note down relevant Note down relevant Note down relevant Note down
Competencies/ from text heard information from text heard information from information from text heard relevant
Objectives Note significant details of Note significant details of text heard Note significant details of information
Write the LC informational texts informational texts Note significant informational texts from text heard
code for each details of Note significant
Identify the purpose, key Identify the purpose, key informational texts Identify the purpose, key details of
structural and language features structural and language structural and language informational
of various types of features of various types of Identify the features of various types of texts
informational/factual text informational/factual text purpose, key informational/factual text
EN6RC-IIIa-3.2.8 EN6RC-IIIa-3.2.8 structural and EN6RC-IIIa-3.2.8 Identify the
language features of purpose, key
various types of structural and
informational/ language
factual text features of
EN6RC-IIIa-3.2.8 various types of
factual text
II. CONTENT Types of Informational/Factual Key Structures of Features of Kinds of Graphic Weekly Test
Texts according to its purpose Informational/Factual Texts Informational/Factual Organizer to present
Texts Informational / Factual
A. References
1. Teacher’s MELC Guide 138 MELC Guide 138 MELC Guide 138 MELC Guide 138 MELC Guide
Guide pages 138
2. Learning
Materials pages
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Activity Sheet in English 6 / PIVOT 4A SLM p. 6-18
(Quarter 2: Week 2)
Resource (LR)
B. Other
A. Reviewing Review: Noting Details Review: Types Informational Review: Key Structures Review: Features of
previous lesson Text of Informational Text Informational/Factual
or presenting What are the three main Texts
the new lesson purpose of informational text What are the types of How can we know the
informational text key structure of How can we know the
informational text features of informational
B. Establishing a Can you guess what is in the Remember the story of Read again the story of Study the image on page
purpose for the picture? Manuel L. Quezon. Manuel L. Quezon. 9 of you PIVOT 4A SLM.
Can you still recall the Can you see the
statements, items, events or additional words before
steps are listed in the each sentences?
A graphic organizer is a
visual and graphic
display that depicts the
relationships between
facts, terms, and or
ideas within a learning
D. Discussing Read Learning Task 1 on page 7 Read the questions below: Each type has its own Each type has its own
new concepts of English 6 Pivot4A SLM. unique set of signal unique set of graphic
and practicing What statements, items, words. organizers that help the
new skills 1. Are you inspired by his events or steps are listed? readers understand the
(Leads to journey in the pursuit of his Read and study all of meaning of the text.
formative dream? Do they happen in this order? them on your PIVOT4A
assessment No. 2. What do you think was his ENGLISH 6 SLM, p. 8-11 Read and study all of
1) purpose in sharing this part of Do they always them on your PIVOT4A
his life to happen in this order? ENGLISH 6 SLM, p. 8-
his audience? 11
3. How did his story affect your The questions above are
personal views about your called signal questions.
studies and These questions give hint to
your dreams? the readers to determine the
type and purpose of an
The events were presented informational text.
starting from birth up to old age.
This informational text is an
example of Sequence.
E. Discussing Presenting the information text Each type has its own unique
new concepts through slide deck / pictures set of signal questions.
and practicing
new skills There many types of presenting Read and study all of them on
(Leads to information. your PIVOT4A ENGLISH 6
formative SLM, p. 8-11
assessment No. Description – also know as
2) Expository. Describes a person,
place, thing, idea or concept by
explaining its features and
or by giving examples
Choose 1 example of
Possible Type Purpose Possible Type Signal graphic organizer to
Title Title Question Possible Type Signal present the information
Title Words
in different way.
Information can be
presented in two ways;
through words and
There are informational text that There are informational text through images in the
don’t have title. One must learn that don’t have title. One Informational texts that form graphic organizers.
to take note of the details in must learn to ask the signal don’t have title use signal
order to understand the questions in order to find the words to present ideas.
meaning and purpose of the type and purpose of the text. Through signal words,
the readers can easily
know its type
G. Finding Group Activity (3 groups) Group Activity (3 groups) Group Activity (3 groups) Group Activity (3
practical -Each group chooses a leader to -Each group chooses a leader -Each group chooses a groups)
applications of facilitate the task to be done. to facilitate the task to be leader to facilitate the -Each group chooses a
concepts and -House rules/ standards/ done. task to be done. leader to facilitate the
skills in daily guidelines are set for the group -House rules/ standards/ -House rules/ task to be done.
living to follow. guidelines are set for the standards/ guidelines -House rules/
(Jigsaw Method) -Rating of each group group to follow. are set for the group to standards/ guidelines
presentation is based on a -Rating of each group follow. are set for the group to
rubric. presentation is based on a -Rating of each group follow.
-Each group is given 15 minutes rubric. presentation is based on -Rating of each group
to plan on what to do on the -Each group is given 15 a rubric. presentation is based on
task given. minutes to plan on what to do -Each group is given 15 a rubric.
-Each group is given only up to on the task given. minutes to plan on what -Each group is given 15
3 minutes to present their work. -Each group is given only up to do on the task given. minutes to plan on what
to 3 minutes to present their -Each group is given only to do on the task given.
Group Tasks (Choose any from work. up to 3 minutes to -Each group is given
the following): present their work. only up to 3 minutes to
What are the different types of Group Tasks (Choose any present their work.
informational text? from the following): Group Tasks (Choose
1. Group 1 – Express your Choose 1 type of any from the Group Tasks (Choose
answers through a poem. informational text. Mention following): any from the
2. Group 2 – Illustrate the examples of signal question to Choose 1 type of following):
remember. Make a creative informational text. Choose a topic of
solution through a poster.
presentation of the task. Mention examples of interest and present it
3. Group 3 – Share your ideas 1. Group 1 – Express your signal words to using a graphic
through a song. answers through a poem. remember. Make a organizer. Make a
4. Group 4 – Show your 2. Group 2 – Illustrate the creative presentation of creative presentation of
thoughts by presenting a role the task. the task.
solution through a poster.
play 1. Group 1 – Express 1. Group 1 – Express
3. Group 3 – Share your
your answers through your answers
*House Rules/ Standards/ ideas through a song.
a poem. through a poem.
Guidelines: 4. Group 4 – Show your
2. Group 2 – Illustrate 2. Group 2 – Illustrate
(Follow the mnemonic / memory thoughts by presenting a
the solution through the solution through
device.) role play
G – Give thoughtful feedback a poster. a poster.
R – Respect each other’s opinion *House Rules/ Standards/ 3. Group 3 – Share your 3. Group 3 – Share
O – On task all the time Guidelines: ideas through a song. your ideas through a
U – Use soft voices (Follow the mnemonic / 4. Group 4 – Show your song.
P – Participate actively memory device.) thoughts by 4. Group 4 – Show your
S – Stay with your group G – Give thoughtful feedback presenting a role play thoughts by
R – Respect each other’s
presenting a role
Rubrics in Participation / Group opinion *House Rules/
Activities O – On task all the time play
Standards/ Guidelines:
U – Use soft voices (Follow the mnemonic /
Points/Indicators P – Participate actively *House Rules/
memory device.) Standards/ Guidelines:
5 – Shows eagerness and S – Stay with your group G – Give thoughtful
cooperation to do the task, (Follow the mnemonic /
feedback memory device.)
participate actively, do great Rubrics in Participation / R – Respect each other’s
help to the group. Group Activities G – Give thoughtful
opinion feedback
O – On task all the time R – Respect each other’s
4 – Shows eagerness and Points/Indicators U – Use soft voices opinion
cooperation to do the task, good 5 – Shows eagerness and P – Participate actively O – On task all the time
followers only cooperation to do the task, S – Stay with your group U – Use soft voices
participate actively, do great P – Participate actively
3 – Participated but late, with help to the group. Rubrics in S – Stay with your group
teacher’s supervision Participation / Group
4 – Shows eagerness and Activities Rubrics in
2 – Activity was done but does cooperation to do the task, Participation / Group
not show eagerness good followers only Points/Indicators Activities
5 – Shows eagerness and
1 – No interest in participating 3 – Participated but late, with cooperation to do the Points/Indicators
the activities teacher’s supervision task, participate actively, 5 – Shows eagerness
do great help to the and cooperation to do
Special Reminders to pupils 2 – Activity was done but does group. the task, participate
before doing the activity: not show eagerness actively, do great help to
Be tactful in dealing with others. 4 – Shows eagerness and the group.
1 – No interest in cooperation to do the
Group Presentations participating the activities task, good followers only 4 – Shows eagerness
-3 minutes only for each group and cooperation to do
presentation Special Reminders to pupils 3 – Participated but late, the task, good followers
before doing the activity: with teacher’s only
(Learners are given utmost Be tactful in dealing with supervision
recognition in the task they are others. 3 – Participated but late,
presented) 2 – Activity was done but with teacher’s
Group Presentations does not show eagerness supervision
-3 minutes only for each
group presentation 1 – No interest in 2 – Activity was done
participating the but does not show
(Learners are given utmost activities eagerness
recognition in the task they
are presented) Special Reminders to 1 – No interest in
pupils before doing the participating the
activity: activities
Be tactful in dealing with
others. Special Reminders to
pupils before doing the
Group Presentations activity:
-3 minutes only for each Be tactful in dealing
group presentation with others.
I. Evaluating Identify the type of informational Write a short paragraph with Write / if the written Write / if the following
Learning Sequence
text presented below. Choose the 3-5 sentences showing an statement wants to material or
correct answer from the box. example of any type of persuade. Write O if the informational text
Cause and Effect informational text that you text wants to inform. means to entertain.
Comparison and Contrast learned. Use the signal Write X if not.
Problem and Solution questions as your guide in 1. Don’t try this at
writing. home! (/) 1. story book (/)
2. Taal Volcano is 2. advertisement (X)
the smallest 3. comic books (/)
volcano in the 4. card catalog (X)
world. (O) 5. paper (X).
3. Cavite is the
smallest province
in Region 4A. (O)
4. Choose wisely. (O)
5. The Philippines is
Cause and Effect
https://www.youtube.com/watch? in South East
v=J6A8FCD79f0 Asia. (/)
J. Additional
activities for
application or
A. No. of
learners earned
80% in
B. No. of
learners who
activities for
C. Did the
remedial lessons
work? No. of
learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of
learners who
continue to
E. Which of my Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work Strategies used that Strategies used that Strategies used
teaching ___ Group collaboration ___ well: work well: work well: that work well:
strategies Games ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group
worked well? ___ Power PointPresentation ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games collaboration
Why did these ___ Answering preliminary ___ Power PointPresentation ___ Power ___ Power ___ Games
work? activities/exercises ___ Answering preliminary PointPresentation ___ PointPresentation ___ ___ Power
___ Discussion ___ activities/exercises Answering preliminary Answering preliminary PointPresentatio
Case Method ___ Discussion activities/exercises n ___
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Case Method ___ Discussion activities/exercises Answering
___ Rereading of ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Case Method ___ Discussion preliminary
Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ___ Rereading of ___ Think-Pair-Share ___ Case Method
___ Differentiated Instruction Paragraphs/Poems/Stories (TPS) ___ Rereading ___ Think-Pair-Share activities/exerci
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ ___ Differentiated Instruction of (TPS) ___ Rereading ses
Discovery Method ___ ___ Role Playing/Drama Paragraphs/Poems/Stori of ___ Discussion
Lecture Method ___ Discovery Method ___ es Paragraphs/Poems/Stor ___ Case
Why? Lecture Method ___ Differentiated ies Method
___ Complete Ims Why? Instruction ___ Role ___ Differentiated ___ Think-Pair-
___ Availability of Materials ___ Complete Ims Playing/Drama ___ Instruction ___ Role Share (TPS)
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Availability of Materials Discovery Method Playing/Drama ___ ___ Rereading of
___ Group member’s ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Lecture Method Discovery Method Paragraphs/Poe
Cooperation in doing their ___ Group member’s Why? ___ Lecture Method ms/Stories
tasks Cooperation in doing their ___ Complete Ims Why? ___
tasks ___ Availability of ___ Complete Ims Differentiated
Materials ___ Pupils’ ___ Availability of Instruction
eagerness to learn ___ Materials ___ Pupils’ ___ Role
Group member’s eagerness to learn ___ Playing/Drama
Cooperation in doing Group member’s ___ Discovery
their tasks Cooperation in doing Method ___
their tasks Lecture Method
___ Complete
___ Availability
of Materials
___ Pupils’
eagerness to
learn ___
Group member’s
Cooperation in
doing their
F. What __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among __ Bullying
difficulties did I __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ pupils among pupils
encounter which __ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ __ Pupils’
my principal or __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Colorful Ims behavior/attitude behavior/attitud
supervisor can Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) __ Unavailable __ Colorful Ims e
help me solve? __ Science/ Computer Internet __ Science/ Computer Technology Equipment __ Unavailable __ Colorful Ims
Lab Internet Lab (AVR/LCD) Technology Equipment __ Unavailable
__ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Science/ Computer (AVR/LCD) Technology
__Reading Readiness __Lack __Reading Readiness Internet Lab __ Science/ Computer Equipment
of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __ Additional Clerical Internet Lab (AVR/LCD)
works __Reading __ Additional Clerical __ Science/
Readiness __Lack of works __Reading Computer
Interest of pupils Readiness __Lack of Internet Lab
Interest of pupils __ Additional
Clerical works
__Lack of
Interest of
G. What Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned
innovation or __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos Innovations:
localized __ Making use big books from __ Making use big books from __ Making use big books __ Making use big books __ Localized
materials did I views of the locality views of the locality from views of the locality from views of the Videos
use/discover __ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics locality __ Making use
which I wish to used as Instructional Materials used as Instructional to be used as __ Recycling of plastics big books from
share with other __ local poetical composition Materials Instructional Materials to be used as views of the
teachers? __Flashcards __ local poetical composition __ local poetical Instructional Materials locality
__Flashcards composition __ local poetical __ Recycling of
__Flashcards composition plastics to be
__Flashcards used as
__ local poetical
Date/Time November 21-25, 2022 Grading WEEK 3-SECOND
A. Content Standard Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and
skills in the safe and skills in the safe and skills in the safe and skills in the safe and skills in the safe and
responsible use of responsible use of responsible use of responsible use of responsible use of
wikis, blogs, and wikis, blogs, and audio wikis, blogs, and wikis, blogs, and wikis, blogs, and
audio and video and video conferencing audio and video audio and video audio and video
conferencing tools tools conferencing tools conferencing tools conferencing tools
B. Performance Practices safe and Practices safe and Practices safe and Practices safe and Practices safe and
Standard responsible use of responsible use of responsible use of responsible use of responsible use of
wikis, blogs, and wikis, blogs, and audio wikis, blogs, and wikis, blogs, and wikis, blogs, and
audio and video and video conferencing audio and video audio and video audio and video
conferencing tools tools conferencing tools conferencing tools conferencing tools
C. Learning Posts and shares Posts and shares Posts and shares Posts and shares Posts and shares
Competency/s: materials on wikis in materials on wikis in a materials on blogs in materials on blogs in materials on wikis
a safe and safe and responsible a safe and a safe and and blogs in a safe
responsible manner manner responsible manner responsible manner and responsible
TLEIE6-0c-5 TLEIE6-0c-5 TLEIE6-0c-6 TLEIE6-0c-6 manner
II CONTENT Wiki and its Features Wiki and its Features Blogs and Its Blogs and Its Wiki and Blog
Features Features
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials TLE-ICT. Module TLE-ICT. Module TLE-ICT. Module TLE-ICT. Module TLE-ICT. Module
3. Textbook pages Life Skills Through Life Skills Through Life Skills Through Life Skills Through Life Skills Through
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
B. Other Learning Audio-visual Audio-visual Audio-visual Audio-visual Audio-visual
A. Reviewing previous What is buying ang What is Wiki? What is Blog? What are the What are the sites
lesson or presenting the selling process? features of Blog? that is use for
new lesson education?
B. Establishing a Song: EPP Time . Song: EPP Time Song: EPP Time Song: EPP Time Song: EPP Time
purpose for the lesson Discuss the objective Discuss the objective Discuss the objective Discuss the objective Discuss the objective
of the lesson of the lesson of the lesson of the lesson of the lesson
C. Presenting Presentation of wiki Presentation of wiki Presentation of blogs Presentation of blogs Presentation of wiki
Examples/instances of ang its features and its features. and its features and its features and blogs and its
new lesson features
D. Discussing new Collaborative Collaborative Collaborative Collaborative Collaborative
concepts and practicing approach approach approach approach approach
new skills #1 I. Concept mapping I. Concept mapping I. Concept mapping I. Concept mapping I. Concept mapping
Give the different Give the different Give the blogging Give the blogging Give the blogging
features of wiki features of wiki platform platform platform
II. Role playing II. Role playing II. Role playing II. Role playing II. Role playing
Show the use of wiki Show the use of wiki Show how blogging Show how blogging Show how wiki and
in education in education helps you helps you blogging helps you
III. Drawing III. Drawing III. Drawing III. Drawing III. Drawing
Draw picture of Draw picture of wiki Draw picture of Draw picture of Draw picture/icons
wikipedia features blogging platform blogging platform for wiki features
E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2
F. Developing mastery 1. What is a wiki? 1. What is a wiki? 1. What is a seller? 1. What is a seller? 1. What are the
(Leads to Formative 2. What are the icons 2. What are the icons 2. What are the roles 2. What are the roles simple products you
Assessment) used in wiki features? used in wiki features? of a seller? of a seller? can produce?
3. Why most people 3. Why most people 3. What qualities of a 3. What qualities of a 2. What business
use the wiki site? use the wiki site? seller you should seller you should would you like to
4. Will you try to use 4. Will you try to use have? have? start? Why?
the wiki site? Why? the wiki site? Why? 4. If you will buy 4. If you will buy 3. Would you like to
5. What wiki features 5. What wiki features something, what something, what be an entrepreneur?
are you interested in? are you interested in? kind of seller you kind of seller you Why?
are? Why? are? Why?
5. Would you like to 5. Would you like to
be an entrepreneur? be an entrepreneur?
Why? Why?
II.NILALAMAN Pagiging Matapat Pagiging Matapat Pagiging Matapat Pagiging Matapat Pagiging Matapat
C. Pag-uugnay ng mga Basahin ang talata Panuto: Isulat ang TAMA kung ang Basahin Basahin at unawain ang tula.
halimbawa sa bagong aralin “Katotohanan Dapat Manaig” pahayag ay nagpapakita ng Ang Batang Hindi
pagiging matapat at MALI kung Nagsisinungaling
______1. Ipinagbigay alam sa
barangay ang napulot na pitaka
______2. Ang pagsasabi ng
katotohanan ay nagdudulot ng
bigat ng kalooban.
______3. Sinasagutan ko ang aking
modyul ng mag-isa at humihingi
lamang ako ng tulong kapag
mayroon akong hindi nauunawaan.
______4. Inaamin ni Robert sa
kaniyang magulang na nabasag niya
ang bagong bili nitong plorera.
______5. Ipinagtapat ni Angel ang
nagawang kasalanan sa kanyang
kaibigan at humingi ito ng
D. Pagtatalakay ng bagong 1. Ano ang dapat manaig ayon 1. Ano ang sinabi sa aral ni Sagutin ang mga sumusunod na 1. Paano mo ilalarawan ang
konsepto at paglalahad ng sa talata? Confucuis? tanong batang lalaki sa tula?
bagong kasanayan #1 2. Bakit may pagkakataong ____________________________ 2. Bakit siya minamahal ng
tinatago natin ang ating ____________________________ 1. Ano ang sinasabi sa aral ni mga tao?
pagkakamali? 2. Ano-ano ang naidudulot ng Confucius? 3. Katulad ka rin ba ng bata
3. Tama bang itago ang katapatan sa tao? sa tula?
nagawang pagkakamali? Bakit? ____________________________ 2. Ano-ano ang naidudulot ng 4. Ano ang katapatan?
4. Ano ang naidudulot ng ___________________________ katapatan sa tao? 5. Paano ipinakita ng bata sa
pagtatago ng katotohanan? 3. Sa inyong binasa, paano tula ang pagiging matapat?
5. Paano mo maipakikita ang matitiyak ang ganap na
pagiging matapat sa sarili at sa pagbabago? Ihalintulad ito
iyong kapuwa? sa inyong sariling mga
pagpupunyagi. Ano-ano ang mga
E. Pagtatalakay ng bagong
konsepto at paglalahad ng
bagong kasanayan #2
F. Paglinang sa Kabihasaan Isulat sa ibaba kung paano mo ______6. Itinatanggi ang Isulat sa ibaba kung paano mo Basahing muli ang “Ang Matapat Panuto: Sabihin kung
(Tungo sa Formative Assesment maipakikita ang pagiging kasalanang nagawa sa kapuwa. maipakikita ang pagiging ay Nagmamahal sa sumasang-ayon ka o hindi sa
) matapat sa bawat lugar na iyong ______7. Nasira mo ang laptop ng matapat sa bawat lugar na iyong Katotohanan”, alalahanin ang mga pahayag sa ibaba.
kinaroroonan. iyong ate naisip mong hindi na lang kinaroroonan. isang pagkakataong naging
Tahanan sabihin sa Tahanan matapat ka. Ilahad ang iyong mga Isulat ang Oo o Hindi sa
Paaralan kanya ang totoo upang hindi siya Paaralan naramdaman at ang naging pirasong papel at ilagay ito sa
Komunidad magalit sa iyo. Komunidad bunga nito. Itala ang aral na iyong portfolio.
______8. Isinasauli ni Remy ang natutuhan. 1. Dapat na isauli sa
sobrang sukli sa tindera sa nagmamay-ari ng mga bagay
palengke. na napulot mo.
______9. Nakita ni Shanna ang 2. Dapat na maghintay muna
matandang babae na nakahulog ng ng pabuya bago isauli ang
isangdaang isang mahalagang bagay sa
piso, agad niya itong inihabol sa napulot mo.
babae para isauli. 3. Tama lang na angkinin ang
______10. May nakita kang bag sa papuri para sa isang
loob ng sinakyan mong taxi ibinigay proyektong mahusay na
mo ito sa ginawa ng iba.
driver sa kadahilanang maaaring 4. Dapat aminin ang
kilala niya kung sino ang may-ari pagkakamali kahit alam mo
nito. na pagtatawanan ka ng ibang
5. Hindi dapat isinasauli ang
bagay na hiniram mo.
G. Paglalapat ng aralin sa pang Isulat sa iyong diary ang araw- Sa aling pagkakataon ka dapat Nakadaragdag ba ng lakas ng
araw-araw na buhay araw mong ginagawa na may maging matapat? Kapag masakit loob kapag alam mo na ang
kaugnayan sa pagmamahal mo sa sa iyong kalooban dapat bang sinasabi mo ay pawang
katotohanan. hindi na ituloy ang pagsasabi ng katotohanan? Ipaliwanag ang
totoo? iyong sagot.
H. Paglalahat ng Aralin Buuhin ang pangungusap. Paano mo isinasabuhay ang Paano mo isinasabuhay ang Bakit mahalaga ang pagiging
“Ako ay si ay batang pagiging mapagmahal mo sa pagiging mapagmahal mo sa matapat sa paggawa?
matapat.Ako ay may taglay na katotohanan? katotohanan? Ipaliwanag ang dahilan.
kakayahan tulad ng Sa anong mga pagkakataon mo Sa anong mga pagkakataon mo
______________________ maipakikita ang iyong pagmamahal maipakikita ang iyong
__________________________ sa pagmamahal sa
_________. katotohanan? Magsabi ng ilang katotohanan? Magsabi ng ilang
Pagyayamanin ko ito sa halimbawa. halimbawa.
pamamagitan ng
Gagawin ko ito upang ________
I. Pagtataya ng Aralin PANUTO: Isulat ang salitang _6. Ang banyang salita white lies ay Basahin ang bawat sitwasyon. Isulat ang salitang Tama kung ang Tukuyin kung ang pahayag ay
Tama kung wasto ang pahayag tinatawag ns simpleng Tukuyin kung ang pahayag ay sitwasyon ay naglalarawan ng nagpapakita ng matapat na
at Mali kung hindi wasto kasinungalingan. nagpapakita ng pagiging Matapat pagiging matapat at Mali kung paggawa sa panahon ng
_1. Sa pangangalap ng _7. Ang pagsisinungaling maliit man o Di-matapat. hindi. pandemya. Isulat sa patlang
katotohanan, kinakailangan ang o malaki ay 1. Sinabi ni Allan sa kanyang guro ang salitang Matapat o Di-
mgadatos sa tunayna itinuturing na mali atkasalanan. na siya ang nakabasag ng plorera. 1. Ang barangay Santolan ay Matapat.
pangyayari at katiyakan ng _8. Ang pagkalito, takot, agam- 2. Sobra ang sukli ng tindera kay bumaba ang kaso sa mga ________________1.
tamang agam, pagkagalit sa sarili at Minie at hindi niya ito isinauli. nagpositibong may COVID-19 Isinasauli ko ang sobrang
impormasyon. pagsisisi ay angmga maaaring 3. Kumuha si Andy ng pera sa dahil na rin sa matapat na sukli.
_2. Maaaring hindi sabihin ng maramdaman ng tao sa tuwing siya pitaka nang hindi nagpaalam. pakikiisa ng mga tao. ________________2.
mga tao ang katotohanan ay 4. Nakapulot si Lita ng payong. 2. Maraming doktor ang nahawa Tamang halaga ang
kung paminsan-minsan lamang nagsisinungaling. May pangalan at nagkataong sa sa sakit na COVID-19 dahil ibinabayad ko kapag
naman. _9. Ang pagigingmapagpasensiya ay kaklase niya ito kaya naibalik niya. sa mga pasyenteng hindi sumasakay ako
_3. Ang katapatang nakikita sa makatutulong 5. Nagpaalam si Ann sa kanyang nagsasabi ng totoo. sa pampublikong sasakyan.
tao ay nagiging daan para sa tao upangmakapaglaan siya ng Nanay na pupunta sa parke subalit 3. Si Ben ay isang security guard. _______________3. Nakita
makapagbago ngiba. sapat na panahon tungo sa bahay ng kaklase siya pumunta. Maayos niyang ginampanan ni Bing na nalaglag ang PhP
_4. Ang katapatan ang daan sa pagbabago. ang kanyang tungkulin sa 100 ng kanyang kuya.
tungo sa kabanalan. _10. Kapayapaan sa isip atv pagtingin sa mga pumapasok na Pinulot niya ito at ibinulsa.
_5. Madalas na dumating sa damdamin, kagaanan at tao sa ospital. _______________4.
buhay ng tao ang tukso upang kapanatagan ng loobang dulot ng 4. Itinago ng barangay ang Nagsasabi ako ng totoo sa
magtago ngkatotohanan at pagsasabi ng katotohanan. totoong bilang ng mga taong aking mga magulang kapag
mabigyan ng pabor ang sarili. nakasalamuha ng nagpositibo sa humihingi ako ng pahintulot
COVID-19. na pumunta sa isang lugar.
5. Si Ana ay nakaramdam ng mga _______________5. Binigyan
sintomas ng sakit na ni Aling Mameng si Nida ng
COVID-19. Agad siyang nagtungo PhP 300 para sa
sa pinakamalapit na kanilang magkakapatid.
ospital upang magpatingin. Hinati niya ito at ibinigay sa
J. Karagdagang gawain para sa
takdang-aralin at remediation
A. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nakakuha ng 80% sapagtataya
B. Bilang mag-aaral na
nangangailangan ng iba pang
gawain para sa remediation
C. Nakatulong ba ang remedial?
Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nakaunawa sa aralin?
D. Bilang ng mga mag-aaral na
magpatuloy sa remediation?
E. Alin sa mga istrateheya ng
pagtuturo ang nakatulong ng
lubos? Paano ito nakatulong?
F. Anong suliranin ang aking
naranasan na solusyonan sa
tulong ng aking punongguro at
G.Anong kagamitang panturo
ang aking nadibuho na nais
kong ibahagi sa mga kapwa ko
Class Adviser
Principal II