Placement Goals
Placement Goals
Placement Goals
Teacher Education Student Name: Chelsea Gleeson Due (via EASTS) as part of
Assessment Item Two
Goals: Indicators/Evidence:
Sequenced steps describing
(Please include a time
• Professional Knowledge Lesson plans are written that incorporate an array of In the first week of my place
Focus area: resources and activities that meet the specific teacher utilises teaching str
1.5 needs of children with differing levels of ability,
whilst also meeting syllabus objectives. In my first week I will also d
Descriptor: with the supervising teache
Demonstrate knowledge and Tasks are differentiated when formulating lesson depth understanding of the
understanding of teaching strategies plans to ensure that activities are accessible to all
for differentiation that can be utilised students. A collation of observational
to meet the specific learning needs of the classroom and potential
students in the classroom who have Specialist student support staff are consulted to enhance my practice will als
a wide array of learning capabilities. create activities that meet student’s specific needs.
Notes are recorded detailing any import information In my second week I will ob
Goal: 1 obtained from these conversations and details engagement with learning a
By the end of my second week, I will surrounding appropriate teaching strategies and profiles that identify student
have a comprehensive techniques are also noted. fourth week I will design les
understanding of the importance of
differentiation and will understand the Adjustments are made to lesson plans and learning Throughout the duration of
specific learning needs of students in activities based upon the feedback provided by the teaching staff surrounding m
my classes. supervising teacher. strategies into teaching prac
Through demonstrating teaching
standard 1.5, I will start to fulfil the
need to cater for students from
diverse socioeconomic, cultural,
linguistic, and religious backgrounds.
Thus, experience in this realm will aid
my progression in becoming
proficient in achieving this standard
upon graduating.
• Professional Practice Notes will be collated detailing any pre-existing In the first week of placeme
routines that exist in the classroom. that are being utilised by my
Focus area: supportive learning environm
4.2 Observational notes will be written describing the
teachers’ strategies when giving instructions. I will observe how the super
Descriptor: class and how instructions m
Demonstrate a capacity to organise If necessary, a routine will be co-constructed with with diverse learning needs
classroom tasks and provide clear the teacher to ensure that students are aware of
and concise instructions that provide expectations and to reduce students’ cognitive load. In the first week of my place
clarity to students surrounding how to teacher the importance of ro
successfully complete assigned My own sets of instructions will be developed for ensure clarity when providin
work. learning activities.
In my first and second week
Goal: Feedback will be sought after teaching lessons to tendencies when receiving
By the end of my placement, I will improve practice and address any areas of concern. and note them in their class
establish or reinforce pre-existent
routines to create an environment Students’ responses to questions and instructions In the third and fourth week
where classroom activities are clearly will be observed to ensure that instructions are well challenges that were noted
organised to promote student understood and intended outcomes are addressed. discussed teaching strategi
Student reflections will take place to identify In the third and fourth week
By the end of my placement, I will whether or not students felt comfortable and my supervising teacher surr
also be able to provide clear confident in completing their work with the provide clear instructions.
instructions that are able to be instructions given.
understood by most of the class with
little to no clarification required after
students are dismissed to complete
Through demonstrating teaching
standard 4.2, I will be able to practice
promoting student engagement by
providing clear instructions that can
increase time on task and make
learning more accessible.
• Professional Engagement Engage in my own form of reflection by writing In the third and fourth week
personal feedback into my daybook. observational meetings or p
Focus area: supervising teacher to ident
6.3 Discuss with colleagues’ ways in which my practice evident in my teaching.
can be enhanced and record this advice into my
Descriptor: daybook. In the third and fourth week
Seek constructive criticism from annotating potential change
colleagues, especially my Annotate previous lessons with potential changes implemented to improve pra
supervising teacher, to make that could have been implemented to enhance the
necessary changes to ensure that my lesson. In the third and fourth week
teaching practice is meeting permission) of my lessons t
standards. Observe and annotate videos/photos that were supervising teacher.
taken of my practice and work collaboratively with
the teacher to discuss what could be improved for In weeks three and four I wi
Goal: upcoming lessons. my previous lessons to my
By the third week of placement, I will eagerness to improve my p
participate in productive feedback in which I received
conversations with my fellow
colleagues and seek their feedback
on my lessons to improve my
teaching practice.
By demonstrating teaching standard
6.3, I will gain an understanding of
my strengths and weaknesses as a
teacher, and I will be able to make
the necessary changes to the way in
which I teach to improve my overall
With regards to professional practice, I aim to demonstrate an understanding of the importance of providing students with ti
feedback that can help to build students confidence and improve their learning.
With regards to professional engagement, I aim to gain an understanding of the key principles that are outlined in the speci
ethics for the teaching profession. I also aim to successfully apply these principles into my teaching practice during this plac