Aerzen Control System Aertronic
Aerzen Control System Aertronic
Aerzen Control System Aertronic
for rotary lobe compressor, screw compressor and positive displacement blower
packaged units
Easy to use. With intelligent features. And designed to provide you with the assurance that
your facilities will always run at the desired operating point, depending on system pressures
and other parameters. During negative pressure operation as well, of course. After all, that’s why
AERZEN designed it in the first place. We’re talking about AERtronic, the advanced unit control
system from AERZEN.
graphic representation
Display of the process Description of area of the respective
values shown operating parameter as “start/stop-function”
This basic equipment has a lot to offer. Control in compound systems – simply solved with AERtronic.
Already the basic equipment offers numerous functions to the A base load-/alternate switching is already implemented in
operator: each AERtronic. Consequently up to 5 AERZEN machines of
• Operating panel on the front side of the acoustic hood with the same priority can be simply cross-linked via MODBUS RTU.
touchscreen and 4.3” Colour Graphic-TFT-display Depending on an adjusted pressure band a connection resp.
• Control of an external or integrated power cabinet shutdown of the machines is carried out and its running peri-
• Monitoring of measured values by means of adjustable ods are evenly distributed.
limit values Moreover, for achieving energy savings of up to 30%, optimiz-
• Output or recording of the incidents ing running periods of the units and better control of main-
• Communication via MODBUS RTU (standard) tenance intervals, the application of a superior AERtronic
• Continuous acquisition of operating and service hours “Master” (additional unit) is recommended as control system.
• Extensive language selection (all common languages have Hereby up to 12 Rotary Lobe Compressors -, Screw Compres-
been pre-implemented) sors - and Positive Displacement Blowers – with fixed or vari-
• Graphic display of selected measured values for specified able speeds – also different manufacturers are combined to an
periods efficient and powerful machine cooperation.
• Intuitive navigation due to clearly arranged and password If an additional increasing demand is required, the “Master”
protected menu mode determines the suitable machine of the cooperation and
switches this in addition. Load-/Idle running switching cycles
of the machines are minimized and an energy saving as high as
Targeted extension due to modular technology. possible is achieved by avoiding idle running times. The opera-
The following optional modules are available to the operator: tor is also in the position to monitor the relevant process data
• Regulation according to system pressure with speed stipu- of his combination on the display of the “Master unit”. This
lation to frequency converter (=energy efficient operation) creates transparency and security.
• Communication with a DCS via Profibus DP
• Communication due to network connection (=Ethernet) Advantages which will pay off.
• Option of failure notification by SMS via GSM modem With AERtronic you set on a reliable and practice proven con-
• Control of acoustic hood heating for low ambient trol of AERZEN machines up to a compound system. Thanks
temperatures to the cost-effective modular design operators of the units
• Vibration monitoring with limit value consideration only have to pay for services they really require. Regardless of
• Visualisation software and interface for PC connection the machine type the control is effected according to the same
principle so that a re-accustoming is not necessary. Already af-
ter shortest time the unit operator is in the position to operate
with an AERtronic rotary lobe compressors, screw compressors
and positive displacement blowers safely and efficiently. The
practice has shown - thanks to the AERtronic the availability
of the machines has significantly increased and downtimes
could be clearly minimised. AERtronic upgrades your total unit