MFA Study and Research
MFA Study and Research
MFA Study and Research
Table of Contents
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................ 1
2. Types of Authentication Factors............................................................................................... 1
2.1 Knowledge Factors....................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Ownership Factor......................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Biometric Factors.......................................................................................................... 4
3. Best Practice............................................................................................................................ 5
4. Conclusion............................................................................................................................... 5
References.................................................................................................................................. 6
1. Introduction
Biometric: Something the user is, which can be demonstrated with fingerprint,
retina verification, or voice recognition
Figure 3: Apple ID Security Question (Hoffman, 2014)
Despite the guidelines for creating good security questions, users will forget their answers
and also answers can potentially be guessed.
well as a growing numbers from smart phone and smart watch. The advantage of NFC is that
it allows for short range, secure access authentication via smart phone as a keyless
identification device. Despite that, NFC can be vulnerable to eavesdropping and man-in-the-
middle attacks (Diakos et al., 2013). As NFC is a form of wireless communication that uses
radio waves to establish communication, thus there is a high possibility for attackers to
intercept the signals.
Figure 4: Touch ‘n Go (TnG) Near-Field Communication (NFC) card Free Malaysia today,
Biometric factors are metrics intrinsically owned by the authorised individuals. The
word biometric basically a combination of two words which are bio that means human and
metric refers to measurement. In simpler words, biometrics are any metrics related to
human features which make an individual different from other individuals. Biometric
authentication is growing more robust and commonplace in modern technology. Everyday
smart phones and laptops now boast biometric authentication technology, and its use in
multi-factor authentication will only continue to grow more sophisticated and more widely
used. Methods for biometric authentication include fingerprint scanning, face recognition
and retina scans. These unique biological features of individual is used to verify people are
who they claim to be.
Fingerprint authentication is the most widespread types of biometric identification
which commonly used in smart phones and laptops. The use of fingerprint scanners has high
reliability compared to other biometric authentication methods. This is most likely due to
the technology being much more established and that no two people have an identical
fingerprint. However, the scaling up of fingerprint scanner technology has not been without
growing pains. A study by Cisco Talos explored several methods of spoofing phone and
computer fingerprint scanners, and reported an 80% success rate. Although their methods
would be immensely difficult to replicate outside of the lab, the study demonstrates that it is
in fact possible to forge fingerprints and fool today’s most common type of biometric
3. Best Practice
MFA with any method is better than no MFA at all. In terms of technologies used for
best practice, the biometric factors will provide the most reliable method for authentication
as the user does not have to remember any information or carry anything with them in
order to access their data. Biometric authentication offered an improved level of security as
the users were required to present the evidence of their identity, which relies on two or
more different factors. It is also the hardest methods for attackers to crack so they are much
more secure than knowledge factors and ownership factors. Despite the robustness,
biometric factors will not be suitable for every situation as users may not have the required
technology to use them. In any case, ownership factor should be an alternatives option. ould
be used. Out of possession factors the two most secure to use are the connected and
disconnected tokens as it is a common and convenient authentication type to be used in
most platforms. Therefore, it can be concluded that the best option for security is to use a
combination of two or more of these biometric and ownership authentication methods.
4. Conclusion
1. Diakos, Thomas & Briffa, Johann & Brown, Tim & Wesemeyer, Stephan. (2013).
Eavesdropping near-field contactless payments: a quantitative analysis. IET Journal of
Engineering. 7. 10.1049/joe.2013.0087.
3. Rafaeli, R. (2018, March 7). Passwords are scarily insecure. here are a few safer
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5. Ometov, Aleksandr & Bezzateev, Sergey & Mäkitalo, Niko & Andreev, Sergey &
Mikkonen, Tommi & Koucheryavy, Yevgeni. (2018). Multi-Factor Authentication: A
Survey. Cryptography. 2. 10.3390/cryptography2010001.
6. Wpengine. (2022, June 27). What are knowledge factors, possession factors and
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7. Hoffman, C. (2014, March 28). Security questions are insecure: How to protect your
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8. Free Malaysia today (fmt) | free and Independent. (2022, September 28 ). Retrieved
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