Pastoral Plans 2023

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Diocese of Malolos

Diocesan and Parish of Shrine of St. John the Baptist

Poblacion, Calumpit, Bulacan
The Oldest Church in Bulacan – 1572


Liturgical Year 2022-2023

Projects/ Commission/ Key Results/

Objectives Activities Time Frame
Programs Organization Expected Outcomes
Strengthen the Capacity Capacitate lay PPC ExeCom March 2023 Conducted review of Parish
organizational Building and leaders of SPPCs SPPC Federation Pastoral Council Manual
systems and Leadership and organizations to and their roles and
processes of the Training their roles and responsibilities as lay
parish and sub- responsibilities leaders.
parishes through through leadership
efficient training activities.
monitoring. Parish Pastoral Gather leaders of PPC ExeCom/ October 2023 Facilitated the PPA with at
Assembly (PPA) SPPCs and Commissions/ least 90% of targeted
Organizations to SPPCs and participants.
evaluate programs of Organizations
the parish. Drafted Parish Pastoral
Plan for 2023-2024
Information Conduct information Commission on December 2022- Disseminated information
Campaign on and dissemination Temporal Goods March 2023 on the rehabilitation of the
the activities on the catholic cemetery.
Rehabilitation of rehabilitation of the
the Catholic cemetery.
Financial Conduct formation Commission on February 2023 Capacitated at least 90% of
Management activities to orient Temporal Goods lay leaders on financial
Seminar for SPPC and management and program
SPPCs and Organization implementation.
Organizations Officers on the
relevance of
financial systems,
transparency and
Signature for a Raise funds for the Commission on July – Raised P 500,000.00 as
Cause for the restoration of the Temporal Goods December 2023 additional fund for the
Restoration of convent through restoration of the church
Convento de San signature for a cause convent.
Juan Bautista in the amount of
P20.00 per signature
Capacitate social SAGJUAN: Conduct seminar/ Commission on March 2023 Capacitated SPPC
communications Sama-samang training every Social June 2023 representatives of SocCom
ministers with Akbay-Gabay sa quarter to capacitate Communications September 2023 in the implementation of
skills necessary Bayan ni Juan SocCom members in / SPPC December 2023 programs and projects.
for the ministry the SPPC in the field Federation
of print and visual
Encourage twenty Commission on March 2023 Recruited and trained 20
(20) young adults to Social June 2023 yound adults to join the
join the commission Communications September 2023 commission in the
to serve as social / December 2023 implementation of he
media evangelizers Parish programs.
and share the Commission on
programs and Youth
activities of the
Strengthen TInig sa Ilang: Produce an online Commission on January – Produced weekly programs
catechism Online segment every Social December 2023 on different topics about
among church Sunday to discuss Communications (Every Sunday) catechism and special
leaders on the catechism, other / devotions.
teachings of the teachings of the Commission on
church and the catholic church and Evangelization/
devotion to St. special devotions. Commission on
John the Baptist Devotion and
using social Special Apostolate
media platforms. of the Laity
LIBAD: LIwanag Publish parish Commission on March 2023 Printed 100 or more copies
ng Bayan ng newsletter every Social June 2023 of newsletter highlighting
Diyos Newsletter quarter of at least Communications September 2023 the programs and projects
100 copies to be December 2023 of the parish.
distributed to
different SPPCs and
Encourage five (5) Commission on January – Involved lay volunteers
lay volunteers who Social December 2023 who are experts in
have expertise in Communications journalism to contribute in
journalism to the publication of the
contribute in the newsletter.
production of the
Revitalize the Establishment of Organize members Commission on Organized the Parish
formation of the the Speakers’ of the speakers’ Evangelization Speakers Bureau involving
lay faithful on Bureau bureau of the parish at least twenty (20) trained
the doctrines of to spearhead speakers from the parish.
the Church. formation activities
in the sacraments of
confirmation, first
communion and
different formation
seminars like BCOS,
Basic Christian Conduct Basic Commission on Conducted 15 Basic
Orientation Christian Evangelization/ Christian Orientation
Seminar (BCOS) Orientation Seminar SPPC and Seminar to SPPC Officers.
Program to all SPPC and Organizations
Basic Bible Conduct Basic Bible Commission on January – Conducted Basic Bible
Seminars (BBS) Seminars to Evangelization/ December 2023 Seminars to 25-30
1-4 members of different Bible Apostolate participants from different
organizations. SPPCs and organizations.
Biblical Introduce characters Commission on November 2023 Facilitated Biblical Parade
Character in the Bible through Evangelization/ of Characters with 100%
Parade a Biblical Parade of Commission on Participation from 15
Characters. Youth/ Bible SPPCs.
Revitalization of Organize Basic Commission on January – Established 45 BEC
Basic Ecclesial Ecclesial Basic Ecclesial December 2023 Buklods from 15 SPPCs.
Communities in Communities in the Communities
the SPPCs SPPC Level
Sunday School Conduct Sunday Commission on January – Instituted Sunday School
Program School Classes to Evangelization/ December 2023 Program in all SPPC
children ages 5-12 PASKA Chapels.
years old
Recruitment of Recruit additional Commission on January – Recruited 3-5 Catechists
Catechists/ catechists in the Evangelization/ December 2023 per SPPC
PASKA Members parish PASKA
Parish Renewal Provide seminars to Commission on Organized PREX Seminars
Experience the faithful which Evangelization/ with ____ attendance.
Seminar will renew their faith PREX Secretariat
and love of serving
the church.
MARIA: A Conduct formation Commission on September 2023 Conducted a seminar/
Seminar on seminar to deepen Liturgy/ recollection on the devotion
Mariology understanding of the Commission on to the Blessed Virgin Mary
devotion to the Devotion and with at least 85%
Blessed Virgin Mary. Special Apostolate attendance of the members
of the Laity of CDASAL.
To address the Livelihood and Launch a livelihood Commission on March - May Assisted 15-30 single
concern on the Formation program for single Family and Life/ 2023 mothers generate
protection of Program for mothers to help Commission on additional income for their
couples, Single Mothers provide additional Social Action families.
minors/children income.
Conduct formation Commission on Aided 100% of select single
program and bible Family and Life/ parents and their families
sharing for single Commission on to deepen their faith
mothers. Evangelization through formation
programs and bible
Seminar on Conduct seminar on Commission on Conducted seminar on
Natural Family natural family Family and Life natural family planning.
Planning planning method.
Marriage Assist couples in the Commission on Counselled 2-3 couples a
Counselling early years of Family and Life month on their
Program marriage to responsibilities as married
strengthen couples.
through marriage
Mental Health Assist chosen youth Commission on March 2023 Conducted psychological
Awareness members of the Youth and psychosocial support
Counselling parish experiencing activities to members of
depression and the commission.
anxiety through
mental health
Youth Servant Conduct training Commission on April 2023 Capacitated young adults
Leadership seminar to Youth through leadership
Training encourage young training programs.
Seminar adults to serve in
the parish.
Parish Youth Gather youth Commission on April 2023 Conducted parish youth
Assembly leaders in the parish Youth assembly
to capacitate them of
their roles and
Reinvigorate and Establishment of Conduct medical Commission on Conducted medical and
sustain the Caritas de and dental mission Social Action/ dental mission in the
programs for the San Juan to less fortunate CDASAL parish
Church of the Bautista areas in the parish.
Poor and Livelihood Implement livelihood Commission on Spearheaded the
Marginalized Assistance training programs to Social Action/ implementation of
Sectors. Programs select beneficiaries TESDA livelihood training
in partnership with programs.
Parish Financial Select poor but Commission on Supported students
Assistance deserving students Social Action enrolled in the seminary,
Programs for to continue higher college or university.
Students education in a
chosen college,
university or
seminary through a
financial assistance
of P 10,000.00
Relief Conduct relief Commission on Distributed relief goods
Operations and operations programs Social Action and gift packs to affected
Gift Giving during natural parishioners.
Programs calamities.
Apostolate to Conduct regular Commission on Conducted weekly mass
Persons mass at Calumpit Social Action and apostolate at Calumpit
Deprived of Municipal Jail. Municipal Jail.
Liberty (PDL)
Kalinga: Conduct visits and Commission on Visited select elderly within
Assistance to the apostolate to the Devotion and the parish and home for
Elderly elderly within the Special Apostolate the aged within the
parish and of the Laity diocese.
institutions for the
aged within the
Raise awareness Establishment of Organize members Commission on Organized members of the
on disaster risk the Parish of the Parish DRRM Social Action Parish DRRM Committee.
reduction and Disaster Risk involving
management. Reduction and organizations in the
Management parish.
Conduct training Commission on Capacitated members of
programs on Social Action/ the Parish DRRM
disaster Knights of Committee in order to raise
management, first Columbus/ awareness on DRRM.
aid and rescue Knights of St.
operations. John
Strengthen River Water Conduct clean-up Commission on Conducted regular river
environmental Clean-up Drive drive in the rivers of Social Action/ clean-up drive to Calumpit
awareness Calumpit in Knights of river system.
programs. partnership with the Columbus
Bureau of Fisheries
and Aquatic
Tree Planting Conduct tree Commission on Planted 100 tree seedlings
Program planting activities to Social Action/ to identified locations
chosen barangays in Knights of within the parish.
the parish to Columbus

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