Effect of Preheating and Fatiguing On Mechanical Properties of Bulk-Fill and Conventional Composite Resin

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Operative Dentistry, 0000, 00-0, 000-000

Effect of Preheating and Fatiguing

on Mechanical Properties of Bulk-fill
and Conventional Composite Resin
AA Abdulmajeed  TE Donovan  R Cook  TA Sulaiman

Clinical Relevance
Bulk-fill composite resins may have comparable mechanical properties to conventional
composite resin. Preheating does not reduce the mechanical properties of composite resins.

SUMMARY posite resin in comparison to its conventional

Statement of Problem: Bulk-fill composite res- counterpart.
ins are increasingly used for direct restora- Methods and Materials: One hundred eighty
tions. Preheating high-viscosity versions of specimens of Filtek One Bulk Fill Restorative
these composites has been advocated to in- (FOBR; Bulk-Fill, 3M ESPE) and Filtek Su-
crease flowability and adaptability. It is not preme Ultra (FSU; Conventional, 3M ESPE)
were prepared for each of the following tests:
known what changes preheating may cause on
fracture toughness (International Organiza-
the mechanical properties of these composite
tion for Standardization, ISO 6872), diametral
resins. Moreover, the mechanical properties of tensile strength (No. 27 of ANSI/ADA), flexural
these composites after mastication simulation strength, and elastic modulus (ISO Standard
is lacking. 4049). Specimens in the preheated group were
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to heated to 688C for 10 minutes and in the
evaluate the effect of fatiguing and preheating fatiguing group were cyclically loaded and
thermocycled for 600,000 cycles and then test-
on the mechanical properties of bulk-fill com-
ed. Two-/one-way analysis of variance followed
Awab A Abdulmajeed, DDS, MS, Department of Restorative by Tukey Honest Significant Difference (HSD)
Sciences, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, post hoc test was used to analyze data for
USA statistical significance (a=0.05).
Terence Donovan, DDS, Department of Restorative Sciences,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Results: Preheating and fatiguing had a signif-
icant effect on the properties of both FSU and
Ryan Cook, DDS, MS, Department of Restorative Sciences,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
FOBR. Fracture toughness increased for FOBR
specimens when preheated and decreased
*Taiseer A. Sulaiman (Taiseer), BDS, PhD, Department of
when fatigued (p=0.016). FOBR had higher
Restorative Sciences, University of North Carolina, Chapel
Hill, NC, USA fracture toughness value than FSU. Diametral
tensile strength decreased significantly after
*Corresponding author: 4604 Koury Oral Health Sciences,
Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA; e-mail: sulaiman@unc.edu fatiguing for FSU (p=0.0001). FOBR had a
lower diametral tensile strength baseline val-
ue compared with FSU (p=0.004). Fatiguing
Operative Dentistry

significantly reduced the flexural strength of need to be capped with conventional materials due to
both FSU and FOBR (p=0.011). Preheating had their poor physical and mechanical properties.16
no effect on the flexural strength of either FSU High-viscosity bulk-fill materials on the other hand
or FOBR. Preheating and fatiguing significant- have good physical and mechanical properties that
ly decreased the elastic modulus of both com- allow them to restore an entire cavity without the
posite resins equally (p.0.05). need for a capping layer.17,18
Conclusions: Preheating and fatiguing influ- Laboratory testing of the mechanical properties of
enced the mechanical properties of composite composite resin materials is a common method for
resins. Both composites displayed similar me- determining their properties. The clinical relevancy
chanical properties. Preheating did not yield a of those tests is established to some extent.19
major negative effect on their mechanical Mechanical properties testing can help identify
properties; the clinical implications are yet to materials with a high likelihood of premature failure
be determined. due to fracture and their wear characteristics.
Fatiguing of composite resins prior to mechanical
INTRODUCTION testing by cyclic loading and simultaneous thermo-
Composite resin was introduced to the dental world cycling is highly recommended to increase the
by Rafael Bowen in 1957.1 Composite resins have clinical relevance of the results.20 Chewing simula-
changed the way dentistry is practiced and have tion is one of the methods that can be used to fatigue
become one of the most important dental materials. specimens at a reasonable cost and time.
Approximately 261 million composite resin restora- There are multiple protocols and techniques that
tions are placed around the world each year.2 dentists use when they place composite resins in
However, polymerization shrinkage and its resultant their practice. Preheating composite resin is a
shrinkage stress is one of the major shortcomings of relatively common technique that is thought to
conventional composite resin.3 The resultant poly- increase flowability and reduce film thickness.21
merization shrinkage stress manifests clinically with Preheating composite resin may maximize polymer-
several clinical complications such as cusp deflec- ization, reduce shrinkage forces, and increase sur-
tion, micro-cracking and fracture of enamel margins, face hardness.22-24 However, this effect on mechan-
microleakage, debonding, postoperative sensitivity, ical properties, wear, and clinical performance has
and pulpal irritation.4-13 yet to be investigated.
To reduce shrinkage stresses, an incremental The purpose of the present study was to test the
technique for composite resin placement was intro- effect of fatiguing and preheating on the mechanical
duced. This technique has insured proper light properties of a high-viscosity bulk-fill composite
polymerization of the resin composite and reduced resin and compare it to its conventional counterpart.
the polymerization shrinkage stress.14,15 However, The null hypotheses were that fatiguing and pre-
incremental placement of conventional composite heating yield no significant effect on the mechanical
resin is a technique sensitive procedure that re- properties of the tested materials. Also, there is no
quires clinical skills and special instruments, and it significant difference in the mechanical properties
is also time consuming. As a result, less technique- between high-viscosity bulk-fill and conventional
sensitive and more efficient approaches for compos- composite resin.
ite resin placement were required.
Manufacturers realized desirability of a material METHODS AND MATERIALS
that is simply and rapidly placed with reduced
Two composite resin types were used in this study
polymerization shrinkage. Their efforts resulted in
(Table 1): Filtek One Bulk Fill Restorative (FOBFR;
the introduction of bulk-fill composite resins, a wide
3M ESPE, St Paul, MN, USA) and Filtek Supreme
range of materials that can be placed and photo-
Ultra (FSU; 3M ESPE).
polymerized in a single layer of 4-8 mm thickness.
Several changes in the chemistry of monomers,
particle size, and shape were required to allow those Specimen Distribution and Group
materials to be used in bulk. Bulk-fill composite Descriptions
resins can be classified into low-viscosity and high- Specimens (N=180) were prepared and distributed
viscosity materials. Low-viscosity bulk-fills are into six groups (n=10) for each test performed: group
meant to serve as dentin replacement and therefore 1, FOBR baseline; group 2, FSU baseline; group 3,
Abdulmajeed & Others: Preheating and Fatiguing of Bulk-fill Composites

Table 1: Composite Resins Used in This Study

Product Type Manufacturer Matrix Composition Filler Type Filler Filler Load
Size (nm) (weight %)
Filtek Supreme Conventional nanofilled 3M ESPE Bis-GMA, UDMA, Ytterbium trifluoride, 4-20 78.5
Ultra, A2 composite resin TEGDMA, bis-EMA nonaggregated silica,
nonaggregated zirconia,
zirconia/silica clusters
Filtek One Bulk Fill Bulk-fill nanofilled 3M ESPE AFM, AUDMA, UDMA, Ytterbium trifluoride, 4-20 76.5
Restorative,A2 composite resin and DDDMA nonaggregated silica,
nonaggregated zirconia,
zirconia/silica clusters
Abbreviations: AFM, addition fragmentation monomer; AUDMA, aromatic urethane dimethacrylate; bis-EMA, Ethoxylated bisphenol-A dimethacrylate; bis-GMA,
bisphenol-A glycidyldimethacrylate; DDDMA, 1, 12-Dodecanediol dimethacrylate; TEGDMA, Triethyleneglycol dimethacrylate; UDMA, urethane dimethacrylate.

FOBR preheated; group 4, FSU preheated; group 5: photo-polymerization. Each specimen was photo-
FOBR fatigued; group 6, FSU fatigued. polymerized according to the manufacturer’s recom-
Specimen preparation and photo-polymerization mended time of exposure using a visible light curing
were done according to manufacturer’s instructions unit (Elipar DeepCure-S, 3M ESPE, St. Paul, MN
at room temperature (23618C), except for groups 3 USA) with a useable wavelength range of 420-490
and 4 that were preheated to a temperature of nm and mean light irradiance of 1168 mW/cm2. The
(68618C) for 10 minutes before photo-polymerization wavelength and irradiance of the curing unit were
by using a composite warmer (HeatSync, Bioclear, calibrated and confirmed using the MARC Light
Seattle, WA, USA). Collector (BlueLight Analytics, Halifax, Canada).
After completion of photo-polymerization, the spec-
Specimens of groups 5 and 6 were subjected to
imens were examined and any containing voids/
fatiguing. This was achieved by cyclic loading the
defects were excluded from testing. A #15 blade was
specimens under 50 N load with a steatite antagonist
used to remove excess composite resin from the
using a chewing simulator (CS-4.8, SD Mechatronik,
edges, and a 600-grit silicon-carbide abrasive paper
Feldkirchen-Westerham, Germany) for 600,000 cy-
cles at 1.4 Hz. Thermocycling was simultaneously (MicroCut, Buehler, Lake Bluff, IL, USA) was used
performed using distilled water at 58C and 558C with for final smoothing. Specimens were then stored in
a 30-second dwell time. Specimens were inspected deionized water at 378C for 24 hours. The width (b)
for premature failure every 12 hours. Each chamber and thickness (w) of each specimen were recorded
was supplied with a sensor that indicated if a prior to testing using a digital micrometer capable of
specimen were to fracture at a specific cycle number. measurements to 61 lm accuracy (QuantuMike
Specimens were tested for their mechanical proper- Micrometer, Mitutoyo Corporation, Kawasaki, Ja-
ties. pan). A notch depth of approximately 0.5 mm was
cut into the bar specimen using a 150 lm-thick
Fracture Toughness diamond blade. A razor blade impregnated with
diamond polishing paste (3.5 lm, Kent Supplies,
The single edge V-notched beam (SEVNB) method New York, NY, USA) was positioned in the notch,
(ISO 6872)25 was used to measure the fracture
and a light force (5-10 N) was applied using a gentle
toughness of FOBFR and FSU composite resins.
back and forth horizontal motion while maintaining
Sixty beam-shaped specimens 21.0 6 0.1 mm in
a constant pressure. The depths of the V-shaped
length, a rectangular cross section of 4.0 6 0.1 mm
notches were measured and confirmed from both
in depth, and 3.0 6 0.1 mm in thickness were
sides with a calibrated microscope. An acceptable
prepared for each of the composite resins. Poly-
notch depth measured between 0.8 and 1.2 mm. For
vinylsiloxane impression material (PVS) molds were
groups 5 and 6, the V-shaped notch was made after
created to the exact dimensions for easy removal
the fatiguing process.
after photo-polymerization. Composite resin materi-
al was injected into the mold preventing the Fracture toughness testing was performed using a
entrapment of air bubbles. A transparent ethylene four-point bending fixture. The 3-mm-width face
film and glass slide were placed with slight pressure with the V-notch was placed down on the testing
over the mold to confine the material and minimize fixture (tensile side). Specimens were loaded on an
exposure to oxygen from the atmosphere during Instron Universal Testing Machine (Instron 4411,
Operative Dentistry

Instron, Norwood, MA, USA) with a crosshead speed speed of 0.5 mm/min. For groups 5 and 6, specimens
of 0.5 mm/min until fracture. were fatigued as described previously prior to
The peak fracture load was recorded to three loading. Flexural strength was determined according
significant figures, and the fracture toughness [KIC to the following formula:
(MPa3m1/2)] was determined according to the fol-
a ¼ 3FL=2wt;
lowing formula:
where F = maximum force applied; L = distance
K IC ¼ F=bw½  L=w  3a½ =2ð1  aÞ3=2  Y;
between support beams; w = width of specimen; and
Y ¼ 1:9887  ð1:326  aÞ t = thickness of specimen.
 ð3:49  0:68  a þ 1:35  a2 Þ The elastic modulus (Young’s modulus) was deter-
mined using Test Works software (SINTECH, MTS
 ðaÞ  ð1  aÞ=ð1 þ aÞ2
System Corporation, Shakopee, MN, USA). The
software required the dimensions of each specimen
where KIC is the fracture toughness (MPa3m1/2); a =
prior to starting the test. After fracture, the software
average V-notch depth of group; F = fracture load; b
= width of specimen; w = thickness of specimen; L = yielded an elastic modulus based on the dimensions
distance between support beams; and Y is the stress and flexibility of the specimen.
intensity shape factor. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis
of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s multiple compar-
Diametral Tensile Strength ison tests for pairwise comparisons at p,0.05 and
The diametral tensile strength (DTS) of FOBFR and 95% CIs to test significant differences in fracture
FSU was determined under specification (No. 27 of toughness, flexural strength, elastic modulus, and
ANSI/ADA, 1993).26 Sixty cylindrical shaped speci- DTS. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
mens (6.060.1 mm diameter and 3.060.1 mm (SPSS) version 23.0 (SPSS/IBM, Armonk, NY, USA)
height) were prepared for each composite resin was used for statistical analysis.
material according to a similar methodology previ-
ously described. Specimens were immersed in water RESULTS
at 378C for 24 hours prior to testing. The cylindrical- Fracture Toughness
shaped specimens were positioned on their side
Mean and SD values of fracture toughness for each
between two compression plate fixtures (Instron
group are summarized in Table 2. Preheating and
4411, SINTECH, MTS System Corporation). Speci-
fatiguing had no significant effect on the fracture
mens were loaded at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/
toughness value of FSU (p.0.05). For FOBR,
min until fracture. For groups 5 and 6, specimens
preheating and fatiguing had a significant effect on
were fatigued as described previously prior to
the fracture toughness value (p=0.016). Preheating
loading. The peak load was recorded, and the DTS
increased fracture toughness, whereas fatiguing
was determined according to the following formula:
decreased fracture toughness (Figure 1). A pairwise
DTS ¼ 2F=pdt; comparison between FSU and FOBR for baseline,
preheated, and fatigued showed that FOBR has
where F = maximum force applied; d = diameter of significantly better fracture toughness values for all
specimen; and t = thickness of specimen. conditions (p,0.05).

Flexural Strength and Young’s Elastic DTS

Modulus Mean and SD values of DTS for each group are
The flexural strength of FOBFR and FSU was summarized in Table 3. In the FSU groups, preheat-
determined by a three-point bending test according ing had no significant effect on the DTS (p.0.05),
to ISO Standard 4049.27 Sixty specimens (2.060.1 whereas fatiguing had a significant effect on DTS
mm thickness, 2.060.1 mm width, and 25.060.1 mm (p=0.0001; Figure 2). For FOBR, preheating and
length) were prepared for each composite resin fatiguing had no significant effect on the DTS
material according to the previously described (p.0.05). A pairwise comparison between FSU and
methodology. Testing was performed using the FOBR for baseline, preheated, and fatigued showed
three-point bending fixture (Instron 4411, SIN- that FSU had a significantly higher DTS value for
TECH, MTS System Corporation) with a crosshead baseline only (p=0.004).
Abdulmajeed & Others: Preheating and Fatiguing of Bulk-fill Composites

Table 2: Mean and SD of Fracture Toughness (MPa 3 m1/2) of Both Composite Resin Typesa
Composite Resin Baseline Preheated Fatigued
Filtek Supreme Ultra 1.53 6 0.21 1.57 6 0.13 1.57 6 0.11
Filtek One Bulk Fill Restorative 1.78 6 0.13 A 1.94 6 0.16 Ab 1.66 6 0.07 Aa
Uppercase letters indicate statistical significance between types of composite resin (p.0.05). Lowercase letters indicate statistical significance within the same
composite resin (p.0.05).

Flexural Strength Figure 3). A pairwise comparison between FSU and

Mean and SD values of flexural strength for each FOBR for baseline, preheated, and fatigued showed
group are summarized in Table 4. For FSU and that FSU had significantly higher flexural strength
FOBR, preheating had no significant effect on in the fatigued group (p,0.05), whereas FOBR had
flexural strength (p.0.05), whereas fatiguing had a significantly higher flexural strength in the preheat-
significant effect on flexural strength (p=0.011; ed group (p=0.045).

Figure 1. Mean of fracture toughness of each composite resin type.

Figure 2. Mean of diametral tensile strength each composite resin type.
Figure 3. Mean of flexural strength each composite resin type.
Figure 4. Mean of young’s modulus each composite resin type.
Operative Dentistry

Table 3: Mean and SD of Diametral Tensile Strength (MPa) of Both Composite Resin Typesa
Composite Resin Baseline Preheated Fatigued
Filtek Supreme Ultra 62.05 6 5.06 A 64.90 6 7.74 51.54 6 7.80 a
Filtek One Bulk Fill Restorative 55.74 6 3.34 59.69 6 6.70 57.52 6 5.08
Uppercase letters indicate statistical significance between types of composite resin (p.0.05). Lowercase letters indicate statistical significance within the same
composite resin (p.0.05).

Young’s Elastic Modulus control, and it can be used for the same applications
Mean and SD values of Young’s elastic modulus for that are indicated for FOBR.
each group are summarized in Table 5. Regarding Composite resin restorations may fail over time
FSU, preheating and fatiguing had a significant due to the accumulation of damage produced by
effect on Young’s modulus (p,0.05). For FOBR, cyclic forces (fatiguing).19 Therefore, laboratory
preheating and fatiguing had a significant effect on fatiguing of composite resins prior to testing is a
Young’s modulus (p,0.05; Figure 4). A pairwise valid technique to increase the clinical relevancy of
comparison between FSU and FOBR for baseline, the generated results.20 This can be done by using
preheated, and fatigued showed that there is no simulators that cyclically load specimens with
significant difference in Young’s elastic modulus simultaneous thermocycling, in an effort to emulate
between the two composite resin types (p.0.05). the intraoral challenge. Hence, both materials were
fatigued for 600,000 cycles, which is equivalent to 2.5
DISCUSSION years of clinical performance.19 Loading parameters
included a 0.5-mm indentation with steatite indent-
The effect of preheating and fatiguing on the er, vertical movement, 1.4 Hz, and a load of 49 N.
mechanical properties of two composite resins, These parameters were selected after multiple pilot
bulk-fill and conventional, was tested in this in vitro tests to determine the best parameters. All samples
study. The first null hypothesis was rejected because survived the fatiguing challenge in this study.
both preheating and fatiguing yielded a statistically
significant difference on some of the mechanical Fracture toughness is considered the most impor-
properties of the two tested composite resins. The tant mechanical property in determining resistance
to fracture because almost all materials contain
second null hypothesis was also rejected because
flaws.29 In this study, preheating increased the
there was a statistically significant difference in the
fracture toughness of both FOBR and FSU, with
mechanical properties between bulk-fill and conven-
fracture toughness values of FOBR significantly
tional composite resins. Some differences were found
higher. A possible explanation for this may be due
at the baseline and others were found in the
to the different monomer of FOBR (Table 1) that may
preheating and fatiguing groups.
enhance a better degree of conversion after preheat-
Preheating is a common practice to increase ing. Daronch and others23 clearly showed that
flowability and reduce stickiness of the composite preheating significantly enhanced monomer to poly-
resins. Preheating is especially useful for composite mer conversion of composite resin due to increasing
resins with a high percentage of inorganic filler mobility of the monomer and filler particles. The
particles that are highly viscous. It has been shown enhanced polymerization yielded an increase in the
that preheating these composites ensures better fracture toughness. Fatiguing, on the other hand,
adaptation to cavity walls.28 The two composites had no significant effect on the fracture toughness of
that were chosen for this study are highly filled and FSU, but it decreased the fracture toughness of
viscous. The FOBR has 76.5 wt% filler load, whereas FOBR. Fatiguing with thermocycling may have led
FSU has 78.5 wt% filler load. FSU served as a to filler particle loss and surface changes that

Table 4: Mean and SD of Flexural Strength (MPa) of Both Composite Resin Typesa
Composite Resin Baseline Preheated Fatigued
Filtek Supreme Ultra 150.74 6 11.52 144.33 6 7.00 137.78 6 7.27 aA
Filtek One Bulk Fill Restorative 149.40 6 13.66 161.42 6 4.40 A 125.62 6 16.28 a
Uppercase letters indicate statistical significance between types of composite resin (p.0.05). Lowercase letters indicate statistical significance within the same
composite resin (p.0.05).
Abdulmajeed & Others: Preheating and Fatiguing of Bulk-fill Composites

Table 5: Mean and SD of Elastic Modulus (GPa) of Both Composite Resin Typesa
Composite Resin Baseline Preheated Fatigued
Filtek Supreme Ultra 15.17 6 0.73 13.74 6 1.35 b 14.95 6 0.60 a
Filtek One Bulk Fill Restorative 16.46 6 1.43 14.15 6 2.03 b 15.02 6 1.05 a
Uppercase letters indicate statistical significance between types of composite resin (p.0.05). Lowercase letters indicate statistical significance within the same
composite resin (p.0.05).

decreased fracture toughness. Those changes can be on flexural strength of composite resins.36 Although
due to chemical breakdown by hydrolysis, stress- the clinical significance of this is unknown, fatiguing
induced effects, and chemical composition changes these composite resins seems to affect their mechan-
by leaching or loss of strength due to corrosion.30 ical properties. The literature that describes the
Because fracture toughness is a function of micro- effect of fatiguing is scarce, but it can be speculated
structure, differences in chemical composition may that the microstructure is affected when those
explain why fatiguing decreased the fracture tough- materials are fatigued. There was no difference in
ness of FOBR but not that of FSU. Baseline fracture elastic modulus between the two composites (base-
toughness values of both composite types were line). Preheating and fatiguing significantly reduced
comparable to other studies.31,32 Tiba and others33 the elastic modulus of both FSU and FOBR.
investigated the fracture toughness of a range of However, the clinical significance of this reduction
bulk-fill composite resin materials ranging from 0.8 is unknown, and data cannot be extrapolated to
to 1.7 MPa 3 m1/2. To the authors’ knowledge, no clinical outcomes without highlighting deficiencies
published study has tested the effect of preheating in this method, such as flaw distribution and
and fatiguing on this property. structural reliability of the material.37,38 Nonethe-
Many clinical failures of composite resin restora- less, this method is recommended by ISO 4049 for
tions are related to tensile stress. The DTS test, polymer-based materials and is applied for compar-
which is an indirect method to assess tensile ative purposes.
strength, was performed in this study. Baseline A limitation of this study is that only one brand of
DTS of FSU was significantly higher than that of composite resin material was tested. Thus, the
FOBR. Schliebe and others34 had a similar result in results of study cannot be extrapolated to other
their study where the conventional composite resin brands of composite resin. It is well known that not
had higher DTS than its bulk-fill counterpart. all brands are similar. Different brands of composite
Preheating increased the DTS for both composite resin offer a wide range of materials with various
resins, but it was not statistically significant. This chemical formulations that may result in different
finding was similar to what was found by Nada and mechanical properties. Another limitation of the
others.35 This can be attributed to the enhanced study is that the specimens used in this study are
polymerization of preheated composite resins. Fa- flat following ISO standards and do not have
tiguing had a significant effect reducing the DTS of anatomical geometry that simulates the clinical
FSU (51.54 MPa). No other published studies were scenario. Also, testing at different temperatures,
found that tested the effect of fatiguing on DTS. and its effect on the mechanical properties, was not
Flexural strength and elastic modulus are two investigated and is encouraged for future research.
important qualities of composite resin materials. For This laboratory study does not substitute the need
the material to withstand masticatory forces, it for well-conducted randomized controlled clinical
should offer sufficient flexural strength to allow the trials.
material to resist fracture. The elastic modulus Within the limitations of this laboratory study, the
determines the stiffness of the material. The evalu- following conclusions were drawn:
ated composites in all groups had adequate flexural
strength according to ISO 4049-2009, which requires  preheating had no major negative effect on the
a value of at least 80 MPa. The flexural strength of mechanical properties of composite resins;
both composites was not affected by preheating but  laboratory fatiguing yields useful information by
was decreased by fatiguing. The results of this study emulating the intraoral challenge and predicting
are in agreement with the findings of Uctasli and the effect of that on the properties of composite
others, who concluded that preheating had no effect resins;
Operative Dentistry

 conventional and bulk-fill composite resins have 12. Eick JD & Welch FH (1986) Polymerization shrinkage of
minimal difference in their mechanical properties; posterior composite resins and its possible influence on
postoperative sensitivity Quintessence International
and 17(2) 103-111.
 the clinical implication of changes in the mechan-
13. Brannstrom M & Vojinovic O (1976) Response of the
ical properties yielded by preheating is yet to be dental pulp to invasion of bacteria around three filling
determined. materials Journal of Dentistry for Children 43(2) 83-89.
14. Kwon Y, Ferracane J, & Lee IB (2012) Effect of layering
Acknowledgements methods, composite type, and flowable liner on the
polymerization shrinkage stress of light cured composites
The authors thank Mr. Brandon Rodgers and Dr. Tariq Dental Materials 28(7) 801-809.
Alsahafi for laboratory support.
15. Kim ME & Park SH (2011) Comparison of premolar
cuspal deflection in bulk or in incremental composite
Conflict of Interest
restoration methods Operative Dentistry 36(3) 326-334.
The authors of this manuscript certify that they have no
proprietary, financial, or other personal interest of any nature 16. Bucuta S & Ilie N (2014) Light transmittance and micro-
or kind in any product, service, and/or company that is mechanical properties of bulk fill vs. conventional resin
presented in this article. based composites Clinical Oral Investigations 18(8)
(Accepted 29 July 2019) 17. Leprince JG, Palin WM, Vanacker J, Sabbagh J, Devaux
J, & Leloup G (2014) Physico-mechanical characteristics
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