Citadel-The Faculty Uniform Issue Has Been Resolved

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The Faculty Uniform Issue Has Been Resolved FROM: Rick Toucey TO: Rick Toucey Message flagged

Wednesday, August 31, 2011 11:44 AM Message body Dear Classmates, the uniform issue is over and was a non event. Thanks so much for all of you who responded and sent messages to the BOV. Below is a sample of our classmates and how they went to bat on this subject. No need to wonder about our class, one of the best of all time. Thanks, and sorry this message is a bit long. Rick PS, a special thanks to Ed Carter who sent me every e-mail on the subject so we could keep our class informed.

Rick, FYI! Ed

Edward B. (Ed) Carter Home

To: Mailing List for Citadel Discussion Cc: Citadel club of DCCCGW; Randy Brooks Subject: [Alumnilist] FW: The Citadel Faculty/Staff To Reject Citadel Uniform Requirements

THE ANSWER. This could have been handled with a simple request. All things can be handled in a like manner. Just ask. Don't preach!!! Sam Hines is a quality man with who cares for this college. Mike

-----Original Message----From: Sam Hines Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 4:31 PM To: Michael F. Rogers Subject: FW: The Citadel Faculty/Staff To Reject Citadel Uniform Requirements


FYI. Here is what I sent to Andrew Kullburg. He's the only alum that corresponded directly with me the reality is that this started with Bill Kastner '74-- former BOV member--who wanted to find a way to get faculty who don't look good in the uniform into some other attire (perhaps coat and tie or equivalent for females). Last year's Chair of Faculty Council had for many years wanted to create "options" for faculty and so he engaged on the issue and a committee chaired by Col. Bebensee looked into the possibility of creating incentives for faculty to wear the uniform and a high standard of civilian attire for those that preferred not to wear the uniform. Faculty Council actually rejected what was a draft proposal along those lines at the end of last year. It is one of 6-7 agenda items for this year's Faculty Council IF they choose to pursue it. They very well may NOT choose to continue the discussion. If they do, there is a process that they would have to go through (see my email response below) before it could be brought to the BOV for consideration. ONLY the BOV could authorize such a change in allowable dress. Think they would??? :)

I hope we can move past this tempest in a teapot in a hurry! Best, Sam

BG Samuel M. Hines, Jr. SCM Provost and Dean of the College The Citadel 171 Moultrie Street Charleston, SC 29409 (843) 953-5007

"The empires of the future will be empires of the mind." Winston S. Churchill

From: Sam Hines Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 10:15 PM To: Andrew Kullberg Subject: RE: The Citadel Faculty/Staff To Reject Citadel Uniform Requirements

Andrew, Thanks for your email and the article by a VMI faculty member-- it was informative. Your concern is registered! No resolutions have been passed by Faculty Council. Faculty Council can make recommendations to the Academic Board that includes the Provost, Deans, and Department Chairs. In turn, the Academic Board makes recommendations (only) to the President on such matters The Board of Visitors is the authority on this issue. Rest assured, under no circumstances would we consider abolishing the wearing of the SCM uniform for all

faculty. That would most certainly be inappropriate. We do not require adjunct faculty to wear uniforms as they are part-time and the cost of purchasing uniforms would be prohibitive. Fortunately, I have been able to reduce our dependency on adjuncts from 40% to 25% over the past two years. I will give you a call soon and we can chat further about this topic. Best regards, Sam

"The first duty of a university is to teach wisdom, not a trade; character, not technicalities."- Sir Winston Churchill

"The empires of the future will be empires of the mind." -- Winston S. Churchill

"This is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty-never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy." Sir Winston Churchill-Harrow School, 29 October 1941

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness -all foes to real understanding. Likewise, tolerance or broad, wholesome charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in our little corner of the earth all one's lifetime."- Mark Twain

BG Samuel M. Hines, Jr., PhD Provost and Dean of the College Professor of Political Science

The Citadel. 171 Moultrie St. Charleston, SC 29409 (843) 953-5007

Rick, This uniform issue at The Citadel has really upset me. Please consider forwarding the email below expressing my feelings to our class and all Citadel alumni you know. Thank you, Tom Burbage 66

Fred Price Board of Visitors The Citadel


I cannot believe that The Citadel would ever consider allowing the teachers and the Faculty Council to disrespect the examples of discipline, pride, and respect projected by the military uniform. These professors should be the core for setting the examples admired by the The Citadel and the alumni.

Since the faculty, if true, have taken a stand to undermine these values, Gen Rosa and the Board of Visitors must take a stand and put this issue to rest. This action is a wakeup call for you and The Citadel Board of Visitors to take a position to resolve this issue NOW.

If this discussion by the Faculty Council is true, this is exactly how the left has infiltrated and destroyed the character of our traditional institutions of higher education. Initially, there are just a few suggestions in a relaxed, diverse approach. At this point, they have a significant minority. Next, anyone who wishes to counter them is targeted so that many fear stating even straightforward views like the anonymous Citadel graduate faculty member who brought this issue to light. At this stage, the infiltrators have usually taken over the institution, and it will never be the same.

In my opinion, if true, this effort is a symbol of the desire of the Faculty Council to destroy the values of The Citadel and in the big picture the uniformed military services. Unless this issue is put to rest, it will be reintroduced as these people have a definite agenda which is not about informal dress.

The Citadel is either a military college or it is not!

Lt Col Thomas M. Burbage, Jr. USAF Retired Class of 1966

Rick, Just for the record.

I have had several replies from the members of the BOV. Seem this issue rears its ugly head every so often; and as you can see from the attached replies it isnt going to happen any time soon.

I left my original note on Ms. Loves reply but deleted it from the others. The note was the same to all. I even had BOV member Dylan Goff call me yesterday to express the same view and sentiments.

From: Allison Love [] Sent: To: Monday, August 29, 2011 5:08 PM Green, Dale RE: EXTERNAL: RE: Faculty of The Citadel and Uniforms

Subject: Dale,

From what I understand, this issue did not pass through a vote with the Faculty Council (which I think was in the Spring). The uniform policy is written in the College Regulations (as below) and it would have to be approved by the BOV. It is not scheduled to come before the Board so thats why I said if/when. It may not come before the BOV. I first started hearing about these issues in the early to mid-90s, but the policy has not been changed and could not be changed without the approval of the BOV.

Here is a link to the College Regulations: and I pulled the language regarding uniforms below:

Uniforms and Insignia.

a. Officers of the faculty and staff who are commissioned in the Unorganized Militia of South Carolina will wear the uniform prescribed for officers of the South Carolina National Guard, except that a SC and The Citadel device shall be worn. Members of the faculty and staff who are commissioned in the Unorganized Militia of South Carolina and have earned a higher military rank in any branch of the armed services than that to which they would otherwise be entitled at The Citadel may wear the uniform and use the title of such rank. However, they must be members of the Reserve components of the armed services or retired officers there from or retired officers from the regular armed services. Such retired members may wear the "SC" emblem on their duty uniforms.

b. Active duty personnel of the United States armed forces assigned to duty at The Citadel will wear the uniform prescribed for them by their respective service.

c. On campus, all commissioned officers will be in uniform at all times that they are on duty except when the Corps of Cadets is on furlough. The faculty is considered to be on duty between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and at any other time the faculty member is meeting with cadets and/or parents in an official capacity. The general philosophy is that officers of the faculty serve as role models for members of the Corps of Cadets and should be in proper military uniform while contact with cadets is likely.

d. The uniform and its wearing, personal grooming and appearance, and wearing of adornments and other supplementary dress will be as prescribed by the President and generally as outlined in appropriate service regulations.

Thank you again!


From: Green, Dale [mailto:d] Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 4:42 PM

To: Allison Love Subject: RE: EXTERNAL: RE: Faculty of The Citadel and Uniforms


Thank you for your reply, Your second sentence I will remember your input if/when this topic comes before the Board of Visitors. Has caused me to wonder. Could the Faculty Council pass some sort of resolution without having to say mother may I? to the BOV?

Dale A. Green

From: Allison Love [] <mailto:[mailto:allisondeanl]> Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 4:30 PM To: Green, Dale Subject: EXTERNAL: RE: Faculty of The Citadel and Uniforms Dale, Thank you for your note. I appreciate your feedback. I have received other emails about the same issue from other alumni. I am Chair of the Education Committee this year and talked to our Provost, Dr. Sam Hines, about this issue last week. In the 20+ years Ive been affiliated with The Citadel, I recall this being a topic before and the policy was never changed. I will remember your input if/when this topic comes before the Board of Visitors. Thank you again for your feedback and input. I appreciate it! Allison

Allison Dean Love Allison Dean Love Consulting LLC

Web: <>

From: Green, Dale

Colonel Allison Love,

I am a member of the Class of 1966, BS in Mathematics. It has come to my attention that there are members of the faculty t hat are trying to change the current requirement for them to wear uniforms. I have many curt replies to their desires, but none are suitable for intellectual discourse. I will however state that I am totally opposed to the notion of faculty not wearing uniforms. The Citadel IS a Military College, and as such to have the members of the faculty attired in anything else is a non-starter. I could go on with more, but the major thing is for you to have feedback from alumni on this topic, so I will let this suffice for now. PS: You could inform those that dont want to comply that they are free to pursue their ambitions elsewhere, Columbia is only 100 miles up the road.

From: John Sams [] Sent: To: Monday, August 29, 2011 5:18 PM Green, Dale EXTERNAL: RE: Faculty of The Citadel and Uniforms


Dale, thanks for the note, and I understand. A point of order. For this to be changed the faculty committee will have to approve and make a recommendation; obtain the Provosts

endorsement; and, the President would have to agree (which he doesnt) and make a recommendation for change to college regulations. (College regulations require professors wear uniforms). The President would have to bring this to the board (should he approve), and its important to remember that the BOV sets rules/regulations, not a faculty committee. The BOV is comprised of all Citadel graduates, and only the BOV can change the college regulations. At this point, not even the faculty committee has approved. We have a terrific President, and I doubt he is even aware at this point. Lets give him the opportunity to work. Obviously, the board has not seen, but will work if/when we ever do.

I hope this is helpful..I have had considerable input over this issue, and in fact, as mentioned above, the issue has not yet been approved by a faculty committee, which means, a majority of the professors on the committee have not voted to recommend a change.I hope this puts the issue in prospective. I believe most professors understand our heritage, and are proud to be a part of it.

I have been on the BOV for about 59 days, and can assure all of our alumni that our entire board is supportive of our traditions, our military heritage, and the mission you expect us to maintain. I am glad you took the time to express your concern, and trust you will do so whenever a reason arises. Thanks, again. John

From: Mike Steele [] Sent: To: Monday, August 29, 2011 5:43 AM Green, Dale EXTERNAL: Re: Faculty of The Citadel and Uniforms


Dale: Received similar emails from other alum.

Citadel regulations require faculty to wear uniforms. The regulations are established by the BOV. Only the BOV can change them. Any faculty committee recommendation would have to clear the Provost and President to be presented to the BOV to change the faculty uniform requirement in the college regulations.

This comes up every few years but has yet to make it out of committee...let alone to the BOV for consideration.

Thanks for your support of the College.


From: BEN LEGARE [] Sent: To: Monday, August 29, 2011 7:00 PM Green, Dale EXTERNAL: RE: Faculty of The Citadel and Uniforms


Dale thanks for the email. Dont worry about this issue. Chairman Doug Snyder speaks for BOV, but I agree with you. Rest easy. Ben

From: James Mcquilla [] Sent: To: Monday, August 29, 2011 4:20 PM Green, Dale EXTERNAL: Re: Faculty of The Citadel and Uniforms


Mr. Green,

I appreciate you contacting me about your concerns. Let me assure you, I am NOT in favor of changing the current dress code for faculty and senior staff at The Citadel. As you know, our Alma Mater is a very prestigious institution of higher learning and it is an honor to attend "El Cid" and teach there.

I will continue to be a LOUD advocate for maintaining the current dress code for faculty and I am glad I have your support.


James M. McQuilla, (Citadel '88 - Go Dawgs!) CEO Professional Buyers Advantage, LLC 1925 Marion Street | Columbia, SC 29201

Rick, I sent a note to all the BOV who had an address on their website.


Dale A. Green 1055 W. Mercury Blvd, Suite 312 Hampton, VA 23666

e-mail: Voice: (757) 838-3037 Cell: (757) 593-2278 Fax: (757) 827-8557

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