Week 06 Day 01 P1 2022 - Muzammil O Level Islamiyat
Week 06 Day 01 P1 2022 - Muzammil O Level Islamiyat
Week 06 Day 01 P1 2022 - Muzammil O Level Islamiyat
Week 06
DAY 01
• God's signs invite Muslims to observe their environment and ponder over His signs. It creates awe
and wonder to help get closer to Him.
• Muslims in their daily lives learn from this passage that God administers all affairs. Thus, they
consider themselves humble servants of God and turn to Him for salvation through prayer, fasting
and other acts of worship.
Themes of Quran
Allah in Himself
O/N 2013
2 (a) Using passages you have studied, write about the main teachings about God in the
Qur’an. [10]
M/J 2017
2(a) Choose two from the following passages and write in detail about the various ways
in which God describes in them how He is unique: 6.101–103, 42.4-5, 112, 41.37. [10]
The passages set for special study which represent the fundamental Quranic theme of ‘God in
Himself’, give us the prefect knowledge about God’s personality, Oneness and attributes. In the first place
these passages shed light on the concept of Tawhid. It is the first and the main principle of Islamic faith.
It means that Allah is the Supreme Being, Creator, Sustainer and Master of the Universe.
Surah Baqarah (2:255) also known as the Verse of Throne ( Ayat al Kursi) clearly mentions
Tauhid (Oneness of God) “Allah, there is no god but He the Living, the self-subsisting, Eternal.”
It tells us that Allah is a personality but His nature is sublime and far beyond our limited
conception. He is the ultimate reality and free from all limitations of time and space. “No slumber can
seize him nor sleep…”
Throne (Kursi) is a symbol of authority. This tells us that He is the King ruling over all that exists.
In everything is the working of God’s power, will and authority. Quran says: “then He established himself
on the throne” (10:3, 13:2)
2(b) In your opinion, why should Muslims try to understand God’s attributes? Give
reason(s) for your answer. [4]
It is extremely important for Muslims to understand God’s personality and attributes because now a days
many Muslims are becoming detached from God. Learning about God’s attributes allows them to have
an understanding of Him which increases their understanding of the world around them, or their faith,
Because God is beyond humankind’s knowledge/perception, understanding Him through what He says
about Himself in the Qur’an allows humans to know why God is important to them in their lives.
2.b) “The Qur’an is not as relevant to Muslims now as it was 1400 years ago.” Give two
reasons to agree or disagree with this statement.
• I strongly disagree with this statement as Quran is meant for the guidance of all mankind and its
teachings will never be outdated or irrelevant.
• These teachings are universal and eternal i.e for mankind and for all ages and disciplines. For
example, the following command about honesty in business dealings is for all mankind till the day
of judgement , “Give full measure when you measure and weigh with the balance that is
• Moreover, It helps Muslim to understand the duties to their Creator and therefore, it’s a link
between God and Muslims. It guides Muslims in beliefs and practices and guarantees successful
in this world and in the Hereafter. For example, the pillars of Islam i.e prayer, fasting, zakat etc are
primarily the rights of Allah but at the same time these acts of worship develop a sense of
responsibility and brotherhood being a part of Muslim community.