Hostility Stress Economy
Hostility Stress Economy
Hostility Stress Economy
Background. According to the psychosocial vulnerability model, the health of hostile individuals is
at greater risk than that of non-hostile individuals, due partly to lesser ability of the former to cope
with psychosocial stress situations. We examined whether hostile individuals were more vulnerable
than others to health problems when faced with stressful changes in their working lives.
Methods. Hostility, sickness absence and psychosocial stressors in 866 local government employees
over a 5-year period, which included severe economic decline, were investigated. Hostility was
measured by a questionnaire. Data on medically certified sickness absence were obtained from the
records of the local authority. Information about exposure to psychosocial stressors after
assessment of hostility was also derived from these records, and from reports from the subjects.
Results. Exposure to stressors during the period of economic decline was related to increased rates
of sickness absence. In men, hostility increased risk of sickness absence after exposure to stressors
only in cases of absence because of trauma. In women, hostility increased risk of absence through
sickness overall and absence because of musculoskeletal disorders in individuals facing stressors
such as severe organizational downsizing, high or increased levels of job demands or negative
change in work. Findings were adjusted for sickness absence at the beginning of the decline, socio-
economic background and behavioural risk factors.
Conclusions. The psychosocial vulnerability model was partly supported. However, heightened
vulnerability through hostility may differ between the sexes, since it was more evident in the women
studied than in the men.
The lengthy declining trend in unemployment affective and behavioural components of hos-
reached its lowest point in 1990, at 3±4 %. Un- tility (Miller et al. 1996). Item ratings were on a
employment subsequently increased rapidly, first 7-point, Likert-type scale. The hostility measure
in the private sector, then in the public. It reached has been shown to be reliable and valid, and
its peak (17±9 %) in 1993 (Statistic Finland, has been successfully used in prospective
1995). In comparison with the previous year, studies to predict absence through sickness,
numbers of Finnish local government personnel hospitalization, coronary heart disease and
fell by 1±4 % in 1991, 2±7 % in 1992, 7±8 in 1993 mortality (Romanov et al. 1994 ; Strandberg et
and 2±7 % in 1994 (Statistics Finland, 1995). In al. 1994 ; Vahtera et al. 1997). The internal
Raisio, hours worked fell by 14±5 % from 1991 consistency and long-term stability of the scale
to 1993, after which they gradually increased. were satisfactory in our sample (coefficient alpha
However, hours worked in 1995 were still 10±7 % reliability 0±77, 3-year test–retest reliability 0±67).
fewer than before the decline. In addition to In illustrating interactions, hostile individuals
increasing unemployment, the economic decline were identified by application of the 30 % v.
led to increases in such psychosocial stressors as 70 % method (scores for low hostility 3–11 ;
job insecurity, increased job demands, and scores for high hostility 12–21).
negative changes in work (Hartley et al. 1991 ;
Kets de Vries & Balazs, 1997). Sickness absence
In the study reported here, assessments were We collected data on absence through sickness
undertaken in relation to 1990–1991, i.e. the from records kept by the occupational health-
period before and at the beginning of the care unit in Raisio. These computer-based
economic decline (Time 1), 1993, i.e. the worst records list periods of sick leave for each
year of the decline (Time 2) and 1993–1995, i.e. employee, and include the dates on which sick
the period after the worst year (Time 3). leave began and ended, and diagnoses, in coded
For Time 1, data included results of a survey form. All sick-leave certificates, irrespective of
conducted in November 1990 on hostility, place of issue, must be forwarded for recording.
baseline job stressors and behavioural risk For absence through sickness of up to 3 days,
factors, and records of absences through sickness employees may complete their own certificates.
of respondents to the survey from 1 January to For absences of more than 3 days, medical
31 December 1991. certificates are required.
For Time 2, data consists of results from the We grouped all periods of medically certified
second survey, in November 1993, and findings sickness absence that had occurred at the
related to changes in staffing levels. The results beginning of the period of economic decline
of the surveys indicated that work-related (from 1 January to 31 December 1991) and
stressors arose or changed after Time 1. Changes those that occurred during and after the worst
in staffing levels, in terms of reductions in hours year of decline (between 1 January 1993 and 31
worked between 1991 and 1993, were determined December 1995). We checked records for
from employer’s records. inconsistencies, and combined overlapping or
For Time 3, data was drawn from records of consecutive periods of sickness above. The
absence through sickness from 1 January 1993 number of sick-leave periods in 1991 represented
to 31 December 1995. the baseline level of sickness absence, and was
used as a dichotomized variable in analyses (no
spells} one or more spells). The number of sick-
Hostility leave periods in 1993–1995 represented the level
We measured hostility using a 3-item scale of sickness absence after the work-related
derived from that of Koskenvuo et al. (1988). stressors. Long periods of absences were com-
The items consist of self-ratings of anger- bined and used as a general indicator of health.
proneness (‘ do not get angry easily … get angry Musculoskeletal disorders and trauma as
easily ’), irritability (‘ get irritated easily … do not reasons for absence through sickness were also
get irritated easily ’), and argumentativeness grouped separately (International Classification
(‘ not prone to get into arguments … prone to get of Diseases, 1977 Revision, WHO, 1977). It has
into arguments ’), reflecting particularly the been reported that these categories of disease are
906 M. KivimaX ki and others
associated with hostility (Vahtera et al. 1997). indicated the degree of change (minor to major),
They have also been found to be important the other the nature of change (positive to
causes of disability in the working population, negative). Responses were placed in one or other
and to relate to work stress (Office of Population of two categories : negative, major change, and
Censuses and Surveys, 1988, Hemingway et al. any other kind of change.
Potential confounding factors
Organizational downsizing We also investigated eight potential confounding
To measure downsizing in staffing levels, we factors. Absence through sickness at Time 1,
obtained information from the employers’ age, sex and income level (as operationalization
records for all period of employment in Raisio. of socio-economic status) were determined from
This information included dates for the start the employer’s records. In these records, incomes
and end of employment, places of work, and the of employees are grouped into 17 categories,
dates of when each period of absence began and each successive category corresponding to an
ended. We calculated hours of work by sub- increase of 12 000 FIM in annual income. In
tracting the number of days absent from work, connection with the first survey, behavioural
irrespective of cause, from the total working risk factors such as regular smoking (yes}no),
hours, for each place of work between 1 January body mass index (low, ! 23 kg}m# ; medium, 23–
and 31 December, 1991 (i.e. Time 1), and 27 kg}m# ; high, " 27 kg}m#), alcohol consump-
between 1 January and 31 December, 1993 (i.e. tion (in men : low, ! 40 g of absolute alcohol}
Time 2). Working hours in Time 1 and Time 2, week, medium, 40–280 g}week, high," 280 g}
expressed as person-years, were calculated for week ; in women : low, ! 40 g of absolute
each place of work. The extent of downsizing alcohol}week, medium, 40–190 g}week, high,
was indicated by the percentage reduction in " 190 g}week) and physical activity (sedentary}
working hours in Time 2 compared with working moderate}vigorous) were determined. A detailed
hours in Time 1. The measure of downsizing was description has been given elsewhere (see
normally distributed. Vahtera et al. 1997).
Statistical analyses
Job insecurity
We determined the number of periods of sick
We assessed perceptions of job insecurity at
leave and the follow-up period in person-years
Time 2 by means of five items, relating to threats
for each employee. Number of sick leaves per
of notice, lengthy lay-off, unemployment, re-
100 person-years and corresponding rate ratios
dundancy and transfer to another job. The
were calculated. Because number of sick leaves
overall measure, derived from a national survey
is a form of count data, Poisson regression
by Statistics Finland (Lehto, 1991), was the sum
models were fitted to the data (McCullagh &
of the item scores (coefficient alpha r ¯ 0±87).
Nelder, 1989 ; North et al. 1993). Use of the
Poisson model implies that the between-em-
Level of job demands and change in job
ployee variance in rates of sick leave is equal to
the expected rate of sick leave. If rates of sick
Job demands were measured at Times 1 and 2 by leave vary between individuals after taking
means of 5-item scale, relating to perceived account of predictors, dispersion may be greater
psychological burden of work, amount of work, than that predicted from the Poisson model. In
pace of work, and time pressure. The methods of such a case, the square-root of the variance
measurement have been reported in detail divided by the number of degrees of freedom
elsewhere (Vahtera et al. 1996). We assessed should be used to adjust for standard errors. In
change in job demands by comparing levels of the study described here, the dispersion of rates
job demands at Times 1 and 2. of sick leave was, however, close to that predicted
from the Poisson model.
Perceived overall change in work We standardized continuous variables – i.e.
Perception of overall change in work was age, income, organizational downsizing
measured at Time 2 by means of two items. One (reduction in person-years worked), perceived
Response of hostile individuals to stressful change 907
Table 2. Relationships between psychosocial stressors, hostility before exposure to stressors, and
sickness absence after exposure to stressors
Sickness absence*
No significant association between hostility and stressors. No significant interaction with sex.
* Rate ratios and 95 % confidence intervals of medically certified sickness absences adjusted for age and sickness absence before exposure
to stressors.
† Interaction with sex in relation to sickness absence significant.
Table 3. Joint effects of hostility and psychosocial stressors on subsequent sickness absence.
Improvement in Poisson regression model after including interaction term
Overall sickness Musculoskeletal
absence disorders Trauma
Hostility¬downsizing† 5±0 (1)* 5±5 (1)* 4±6 (1)* 2±4 (1) 0±6 (1) 0±1 (1)
Hostility¬job insecurity‡ 0±0 (1) 9±5 (1)** 1±6 (1) 12±1 (1)*** 9±2 (1)** 0±0 (1)
Hostility¬job demands§ 0±1 (1) 11±3 (1)*** 0±8 (1) 15±8 (1)*** 0±8 (2) 0±6 (2)
Hostility¬change in demands§ 0±0 (1) 12±8 (1)*** 0±2 (1) 21±5 (1)*** 3±4 (1) 0±2 (1)
Hostility¬negative job change 0±8 (1) 4±5 (1)* 1±8 (1) 0±4 (1) 0±0 (1) 0±9 (1)
χ# values have been adjusted for age, sickness absence before exposure to stressor, income and health-risk behaviour.
† Interaction with sex in relation to overall sickness absence significant.
‡ Interaction with sex in relation to trauma significant.
§ Interaction with sex in relation to musculoskeletal disorders significant.
* P ! 0±05, ** P ! 0±01, *** P ! 0±001.
therefore, reported separately for each sex. increased levels of job demands on absence
Results relating to adjusted Poisson regression through sickness of all kinds and absence
models (Table 3) show that the stressor¬ because of musculoskeletal disorders were re-
hostility interaction for each sex was fairly lated to hostility. In men, and in cases of absence
similar in respect of absence through sickness because of trauma, hostility was not related to
of all kinds and absence because of musculo- the effects of stressors on health, with two
skeletal disorder. In women, the effects of exceptions. One was that the rate of absence
stressors such as high job insecurity, high and because of trauma in hostile men who had
Response of hostile individuals to stressful change 909
P for interaction† 0·02 Rate ratio* (95% CI)
High Ho+ 1·20 (0·85 –1·69)
Low Ho – 1·71 (1·40 –2·08)
P for interaction† 0·02
High Ho+ 1·76 (1·39 –2·22)
Low Ho – 1·16 (0·99 –1·37)
experienced high job insecurity was 4±2 times by organizational downsizing than non-hostile
higher than in hostile men who had experienced men (Fig. 1).
low levels of job insecurity. In non-hostile men, The result in Table 3 are based simply on
there was no relationship between job insecurity classification of subjects as hostile or otherwise.
and absence because of trauma. The other Similar results were obtained when hostility was
exception was that hostile men were less affected treated as a continuous variable.
910 M. KivimaX ki and others
As will be evident from Fig. 1, hostility in men absence through sickness, seemed to increase
did not increase risk of absence through sickness after exposure to stressors such as organizational
when stressors were operative. However, hostile downsizing, job insecurity, high levels of job
women exposed to psychosocial stressors such demands and overall negative changes in work.
as severe reductions in person-years worked, These results provided evidence that psycho-
high or increased job demands, and negative social work stressors are significant determinants
changes in work were at 55–90 % greater risk of of health, as already reported (e.g. Arsanault
subsequent absence because of sickness than & Dolan, 1983 ; Beale & Nethercott, 1988 ;
non-hostile women. Rates of absence through Mattiasson et al. 1990 ; Ferrie et al. 1995 ; North
sickness were also high in hostile women, et al. 1996). Previous research in this field has
whether job security was regarded by them as predominantly been cross-sectional or prospec-
high or low. tive studies in which factors potentially pre-
dictive of health have been measured at only one
time-point (Zapf et al. 1996). In the present
DISCUSSION study, at three-time points, it was possible to
determine changes in health and exposure
The aim of the study reported was to determine stressors with time. The relationship between
whether hostile individuals experienced more health and exposure to stressors was investigated
health problems than non-hostile individuals on the basis of data from a variety of sources,
when exposed to stressors. The focus was on including the subjects themselves and
psychosocial stressors related to an economic organizational records. Problems relating to
decline that took place after hostility and common-method variance were accordingly
baseline health had been assessed. Hostile minimized. Thus, these findings fulfil an im-
women were found to be particularly vulnerable portant precondition for a test of the psycho-
to most of the stressors studied. In men, adverse social vulnerability model of hostility by giving
effects of the stressors on health were fairly evidence that the measured stressors indeed
independent of hostility. contributed to health problems.
There can be many causes for absence from
Context for test of a psychosocial model of work (Nicholson, 1993 ; North et al. 1993).
vulnerability Absence from work may, therefore, be of limited
The stressors studied were not associated with value as an indicator of health. This is especially
hostility. In previous studies, however, it has true of short-term, uncertified absence. In
sometimes been found that hostility was contrast, long-term absence from work through
associated with higher exposure to various kinds sickness appears to reflect employee health fairly
of stress. Such associations have been considered accurately (North et al. 1993 ; Marmot et al.
to place hostile individuals at greater risk of 1995). In the present study, the reason for each
health problems than non-hostile individuals long period of sickness absence had been verified
(Scherwitz et al. 1991 ; Smith & Christensen, by a physician, thus minimizing the effect of
1992). Differences between the findings reported absence from work without a health-related
here and those described previously could be reason. Data in the present study relating to
explained by differences in extents to which the absence through sickness also covered minor
stressors studied related to personal attributes. health problems. Information about these tends
In earlier studies, life events related to the to be missing from the morbidity records often
individuals concerned may have been covered used.
more extensively than in the present study, Poor health habits are assumed to be an other
where the focus was on occupational stressors mechanism underlying the relationship between
determined by major economic change affecting hostility and health (Koskenvuo et al. 1988 ;
society but not significantly affected by charac- Leiker & Hailey, 1988 ; Scherwitz et al. 1992 ;
teristics of the subjects of the study. Absence of Siegler et al. 1992 ; Vahtera et al. 1997). In the
an association between hostility and stressors in present study, all main findings were adjusted
the present study is, on this basis, not surprising. for sociodemographic background and
Risk of health problems, as indicated by behavioural risk factors. Poor health habits
Response of hostile individuals to stressful change 911
could not, therefore, have affected evidence and experienced aspects of hostility and their
relating to the psychosocial vulnerability model associations with health (Miller et al. 1996).
in this study.
Conclusions and implications for future research
Hostility, psychosocial vulnerability and sex The results of the longitudinal study reported
Consistent with the psychosocial vulnerability partly support the psychosocial vulnerability
model, risk of sickness depended on hostility in model but also suggest that heightened vul-
women faced with severe downsizing of staffing nerability associated with behavioural and
levels, high or increased levels of job demands, emotional components of hostility may be sex-
or negative changes in work. Hostile women related. Hostility may increase an individual’s
were at greater risk of absence through sickness risk of health problems in the face of certain
of all kinds or absence of musculoskeletal occupational stressors, but this was evident in
problems, or both, than non-hostile women. In the study mainly in women. In hostile men it was
men, the situation was different. In a previous observed to a lesser extent, suggesting that the
study in the same subjects it was shown that mechanisms linking hostility with health
high levels of hostility predicted high numbers problems may differ in men and women. Thus,
of periods of absence through sickness in men several topics for future research remain.
(Vahtera et al. 1997). The results of the present Hostility was measured in this study by means
study suggest that this greater risk of sickness in of the simplest major hostility questionnaire
hostile men cannot be explained by increased used in the field (Barefoot, 1992 ; Miller et al.
vulnerability to the adverse effects of occu- 1996). Repetition of the study using other
pational stressors. In men, hostility did not hostility questionnaires (e.g. the Cook–Medley
typically increase risk of health problems fol- Hostility Scale (Cook & Medley, 1954) the
lowing exposure to studied stressors. Because an Buss–Durkee Hostility Inventory (Buss &
adjustment was made for baseline absence Durkee, 1957)) or complementary use of, for
through sickness, no effect of hostility on example, the Hostility Facet Scoring System
subsequent absence through sickness was ob- (Dembroski et al. 1989), might prove more
servable. comprehensive. It would be desirable to supple-
The differences between the men and the ment the evidence so far obtained with findings
women could to some extent be attributable to indicating extents to which, e.g. anger-in,
the men who dropped out of the study, having cynicism, mistrust and resentment can affect
been significantly more hostile than those who the consequences of exposure to occupational
remained in the study. The male participants stressors on health.
were, on average, less hostile than the female As the psychosocial vulnerability model
participants. If the level of hostility needed for argues that low levels of social support and high
an effect was high, the findings of differences levels of social conflict and intrapersonal stress
between the sexes in this study could reflect are responsible for the increased health risk
limitations of the data rather than any real among hostile individuals, it would also be
difference between men and women. This is, useful to determine whether differences exist in
however, unlikely, because differences between social and other health resources between hostile
the sexes were not observed not only when and non-hostile individuals faced with occu-
subjects were classed as hostile or non-hostile pational stressors, such as severe organizational
but also when hostility was treated as a downsizing, increased or high job demands, and
continuous variable. negative changes in work.
In general, the present findings relating to the The difference between the sexes when faced
measure of hostility of Koskenvuo et al. (1988) with the occupational stressors studied was
primarily reflect the roles played by the striking and therefore also warrants further
behavioural and emotional components of hos- study. For example, it would be interesting
tility in the development of health problems. to discover whether anger, irritability and
Thus, the evidence from the present study relates argumentativeness are tolerated less in women
to seldom studied components of hostility. than in men by other employees. It would also
Majority of prior research relates to cognitive be interesting to determine whether similar
912 M. KivimaX ki and others
differences existed in relation to exposure to Kets de Vries, M. F. R. & Balazs, K. (1997). The downside of
downsizing. Human Relations 50, 11–50.
other psychosocial stressors at work and in Kivima$ ki, M., Kalimo, R. & Julkunen, J. (1996). Components of
private life. type A behavior pattern and occupational–strain relationship :
testing different models in a sample of industrial managers.
Behavioral Medicine 22, 67–76.
This study was supported, in part, by grants from The Koskenvuo, M., Kaprio, J., Rose, R. J., Kesa$ niemi, A., Sarna, S.,
Finnish Work Environment Fund and Emil Aaltonen Heikkila$ , K. & Langinvainio, H. (1988). Hostility as a risk factor
Foundation. for mortality and ischemic heart disease in men. Psychosomatic
Medicine 50, 330–340.
Lehto, A.-M. (1991). TyoX elaX maX n Laatu ja Tasa-arvo Tuotannossa
[Quality of Working Life and Equality]. Statistics Finland : Helsinki.
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