The Paediatric Thymus: Recognising Normal and Ectopic Thymic Tissue

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Clinical Radiology 76 (2021) 477e487

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Pictorial Review

The paediatric thymus: recognising normal and

ectopic thymic tissue
T. Wee a, *, A.F. Lee b, c, H. Nadel d, H. Bray a, e
Department of Radiology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Department of Pathology, BC Children’s Hospital, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Department of Pathology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Department of Radiology and Division of Nuclear Medicine, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, USA
Department of Radiology, BC Children’s Hospital, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

art icl e i nformat ion

The appearance of the paediatric thymus changes as the normal process of thymic involution
Article history: occurs. Thymic tissue may be orthotopic within the anterior mediastinum or ectopically
Received 1 October 2020 located along the course of its embryological development. The variable appearance of
Accepted 11 February 2021 orthotopic and ectopic thymic tissue in children on imaging studies may lead to misinter-
pretation of the normal thymus as pathology. Recognition of normal thymic tissue can mitigate
unnecessary further diagnostic testing and patient anxiety.
In this review, we discuss the embryological development and anatomical variants of normal
thymus, and demonstrate the multimodality imaging features of the normal thymus in chil-
dren, including positron-emission tomography, and diffusion-weighted imaging and in- and
opposed-phase imaging on magnetic resonance imaging. We demonstrate the normal thymus
mimicking pathological processes and discuss features that distinguish normal thymus,
including thymic rebound hyperplasia, from pathology.
Ó 2021 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction thymus fuse at the 8th week of gestation and rest on the
anterosuperior aspect of the heart and the great vessels,
The thymus is an important lymphatic organ playing a while the thymopharyngeal ducts involute.1 It is only at the
major role in the development of the adaptive immune 10th week of gestation that lymphoid cells migrate to the
system. It arises during the 6th week of gestation primarily thymus from the liver and bone marrow for T cell lym-
from the third pharyngeal pouch with minimal contribution phopoeisis.1 As it has the greatest activity during childhood,
from the fourth pharyngeal pouch bilaterally.1 The thymic the thymus continues to grow in size during the neonatal
primordia form thymopharyngeal ducts at the 7th week of and post-natal period, reaching its greatest volume at pu-
gestation, which then descend caudally and medially to the berty.1 Subsequently, the thymic tissue involutes leading to
anterior mediastinum bilaterally (Fig 1).2 The lobes of the a reduction in its size and replacement of thymic soft tissue

* Guarantor and correspondent: T. Wee. Gordon and Leslie Health Care Centre, 11141-2775, Laurel St., Vancouver, BC, V5Z 1M9, Canada.
E-mail address: (T. Wee).
0009-9260/Ó 2021 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
478 T. Wee et al. / Clinical Radiology 76 (2021) 477e487

Figure 1 (a) Thymus development at 6 weeks gestational age. The bilateral third pharyngeal pouches (pink appendages) form the thymic
primordia, which become the thymopharyngeal ducts. The ducts descend caudally and medially (purple arrows) to fuse at the anterior
mediastinum. (b) Normal variant locations of ectopic thymus (green structures) can be anywhere along the pathway of descent of the thy-
mopharyngeal duct, including submandibular and intrathyroidal locations. The normal thymus can also extend above the manubrium as a
cervical thymus, abutting the thyroid gland.

with fat.1,3 The process of involution continues to adult- anteromedial to the sternocleidomastoid muscle, some-
hood, with complete fatty replacement found in 50% of times within the carotid sheath adhering to the carotid ar-
adults >40 years of age.4 Although these age-related tery, jugular vein, vagus nerve, and recurrent laryngeal
changes to the thymus are well-described, the appearance nerves, within the thyroid gland and rarely in the retro-
of the normal thymus in children can be quite variable and pharyngeal region.5,10e17 Cervical extension of thymus is
can cause diagnostic confusion. This is further complicated extension of the orthotopic anterior mediastinal thymus
by individual anatomical variants, which include the pres- above the manubrium, often extending to the inferior pole
ence of ectopic thymic tissue within the neck and thyroid. In of the thyroid. Submandibular ectopic thymic tissue may
children, prior to thymic involution, these anatomical var- present as an asymptomatic palpable mass. Intrathyroidal
iants can be mistaken for pathological masses leading to thymic tissue and cervical extensions of the thymus are
extensive diagnostic work-up. usually detected incidentally on imaging studies. Intra-
Although the reference standard for diagnosis of cervical thyroidal thymus is most commonly found in the middle or
and mediastinal masses in children is biopsy with patho- inferior portion of the thyroid, occasionally with tissue
logical confirmation, radiological advances have made it connecting it to the orthotopic thymus, aiding in its iden-
possible to differentiate normal thymic tissue from patho- tification. Foci of ectopic thymus are attributed to the failure
logical processes. Therefore, a thorough understanding of of remnants of the thymopharyngeal ducts to descend or to
the appearance of the thymus in children on various im- involute during development. Sequestration of thymic tis-
aging modalities can mitigate the need for unnecessary sue during its descent may lead to complete absence of the
procedures and patient anxiety.5e9 This review will discuss orthotopic thymus.18
normal anatomical variants of the thymus and the normal The reported prevalence of ectopic thymus is highly
multimodality imaging features of the thymus in children. variable, ranging from 0.4e66.5%.5,6,12,13,15,16,19e21 The
Distinguishing features that aid in the correct identification largest population study to date investigating the preva-
of normal thymic tissue will be discussed. Institutional lence of intrathyroidal thymus arose from the Fukushima
ethics review board approval to supplement the literature Health Survey, which included 360,000 children <18 years
review with anonymised local patient images was obtained. of age who resided in the Fukushima prefecture during the
nuclear reactor accident on 11 March 2011.21 With 37,812
screening neck ultrasounds conducted from October 2011 to
Normal anatomical variants of the thymus in March 2012, the study found a prevalence of 0.99% (375/
children 360,000).21 Furthermore, similar to other studies, they
found its prevalence to decrease with increasing
Although thymic tissue is primarily found in the anterior age.12,13,21,22 Most studies have found a left-sided predom-
mediastinum, it can be found anywhere along the course of inance, regardless of location.5,6,15,22,23 Reports of bilateral
the embryonic thymopharyngeal ducts from the angle of ectopic thymus have been described.5,17,19,21 Although most
the mandible to the anterior mediastinum (Fig 1b). Ectopic patients with ectopic thymus are asymptomatic, there are
thymus is the term used to describe thymic tissue lying reported cases of ectopic thymus causing dyspnoea, stridor,
outside of the anterior mediastinum. Common locations of hoarseness, and dysphagia.10,11,24e26 The recommended
ectopic thymus include the submandibular region management of ectopic thymic tissue is “watchful waiting”
T. Wee et al. / Clinical Radiology 76 (2021) 477e487 479

anticipating thymic involution unless the patient is symp- Normal orthotopic thymus can also be elevated by air in the
tomatic with dysphagia and/or severe respiratory symp- mediastinum, mimicking pathological lung or mediastinal
toms; however, due to diagnostic difficulty, most reports of opacity on both frontal and lateral chest radiographs, in
ectopic thymus in the literature were confirmed what is known as the “spinnaker sign” (Fig 2c and d).
postoperatively.7,24,27e30 Normal thymic tissue usually has no mass effect on adjacent
tissues. If anterior mediastinal soft tissue exerts mass effect
Thymic rebound hyperplasia on other mediastinal structures, or is not homogeneous in
attenuation, an anterior mediastinal mass such as germ cell
The thymus can undergo acute involution with reduction tumour, lymphoma, Langerhans cell histiocytosis, or thy-
of thymic volume in response to stressful biological condi- moma should be considered (Fig 3); however, there have
tions, which include chemotherapy, systemic corticosteroid been cases where normal thymic tissue has compressed the
treatment, and malnutrition.1 Choyke et al. observed this oesophagus or the airway, prompting further evalua-
phenomenon in patients with various types of malignancy tion.10,11,26 In contrast, the adult thymus should be involuted
who were undergoing chemotherapy, which was followed and inconspicuous on chest radiographs.
by thymic rebound hypertrophy after cessation of chemo-
therapy.31 Thymic rebound has been defined as an
enlargement of thymic tissue by >50% of its size prior to
initiation of treatment. In addition to malignancy, it has Ultrasound is the imaging method of choice in the
been observed to occur with treatment of rheumatoid investigation of neck masses in children as it does not
arthritis, pneumonia, and Cushing’s syndrome.32e34 Both require exposure to ionising radiation, is readily available in
orthotopic thymus and ectopic thymus can undergo most institutions and can be performed without sedation in
rebound hyperplasia.35,36 Its onset varies; rebound has been young children. Recognition of ectopic normal thymic tissue
observed to occur 2 months or earlier from initiation of on sonography can exclude malignant processes and reas-
treatment to as late as 15 months after completing sure patients. On sonography, thymic tissue is homoge-
treatment.31,34,36e39 The rate of regression of thymic neous and hypoechoic with multiple diffuse linear or
rebound is also variable.32,39,40 Although the characteristics branching hyperechoic foci that produce a “starry sky” or
of thymus rebound would be expected to be similar to “dot and dash” appearance (Fig 4a).41 This is a consistent
normal thymus, Tian et al. showed that most of the anterior finding regardless of location of thymic tissue. Although
mediastinal rebound thymus slightly displaces blood ves- ectopic intrathyroid thymus may mimic malignant thyroid
sels.39 Despite the extensive description of this phenome- nodules with microcalcifications, a distinguishing feature is
non in the literature, especially post-chemotherapy, it often the lack of associated acoustic shadowing from the hyper-
causes diagnostic confusion due to concerns of disease echoic foci in ectopic thymic tissue (Fig. 4bed). Further-
recurrence. The use of advanced imaging techniques has more, when it has an intrathyroid location, ectopic thymus
greatly aided the process of distinguishing thymic rebound has well-defined margins and a fusiform shape (Fig 4c).6 On
hyperplasia from other disease processes in adults. These Doppler sonography, thymic tissue can either be hypo-
techniques have been less applicable to paediatric thymus vascular or similar in vascularity to the surrounding thyroid
imaging as the paediatric thymus is composed of soft tissue gland.16 Due to its malleability, its shape changes with
as opposed to the largely fatty thymus in adults; however, respirations or cardiac contractions particularly for the
the use of multimodal imaging features can clarify the orthotopic thymus.41 Ectopic cervical or intrathyroid
diagnosis. thymus can occasionally have tissue connecting it to the
mediastinal thymus, aiding in its identification, while so-
nography readily identifies the cervical extension of
Imaging features of the normal paediatric orthotopic thymus (Fig. 4cee).
Computed tomography (CT) may be used for investiga-
The paediatric thymus may be prominent and mistaken tion of neck and mediastinal masses due to ease of acqui-
for a mediastinal mass on chest radiographs. As thymic sition. Contour of the orthotopic anterior mediastinal
tissue is soft and pliable, it readily conforms to the shape of thymus on cross-sectional imaging varies with patient age.
its surrounding structures. Orthotopic anterior mediastinal At its maximal volume during childhood, the thymus has a
thymus appears as a homogeneous soft-tissue structure quadrilateral shape with convex borders (Fig 5a). As it be-
with smooth undulating margins at the reflection of the gins to involute and reduce in volume, it forms a triangular
anterior ribs, producing the “wave sign”, and sharply shape with convex or straight borders (Fig 5b). By adoles-
demarcated by the minor fissure of the right lung, produc- cence, the thymus appears as a thin band of tissue anterior
ing the “sail sign” (Fig 2a). The prominent thymus can to mediastinal vascular structures. Similar to observations
juxtapose the heart thereby mimicking cardiomegaly; on other imaging modalities, the thymus typically moulds
however, the presence of a “notch sign” indicates the infe- to the contours of the mediastinum and other surrounding
rior extent of the thymus adjacent to the heart (Fig 2b). structures without deforming or compressing them.42
480 T. Wee et al. / Clinical Radiology 76 (2021) 477e487

Figure 2 Normal thymus on chest radiographs of neonates. (a) A 2-month-old male patient with a prominent thymus displaying the “sail sign”
(arrow). The “wave sign” (arrowhead) is also seen. (b) Female neonate with the orthotopic thymus over the cardiac silhouette creating the
appearance of cardiomegaly. The presence of the “notch sign” (arrow) delineates the inferior border of the thymus from the heart. Male neonates
with a large pneumomediastinum, elevating the thymus and producing the “spinnaker sign” (arrows) on (c) lateral and (d) frontal radiographs.

Figure 3 Male neonate presenting with grunting and respiratory distress at birth. (a) Frontal and (b) lateral chest radiographs demonstrate
anterior mediastinal soft-tissue mass (white arrows) causing posterior displacement and compression of the trachea (black arrow). (c) Trans-
verse contrast-enhanced CT image demonstrates a heterogeneous multiseptate cystic mass arising from left lobe of thymus (arrow), displacing
mediastinal vascular structures posteriorly and to the right. Normal thymic tissue is present in the right anterior mediastinum (arrowhead).
Histology confirmed mass to be a germ cell tumour.
T. Wee et al. / Clinical Radiology 76 (2021) 477e487 481

Figure 4 Ultrasound of normal orthotopic and ectopic thymus. (a) Normal anterior mediastinal thymic tissue on echocardiogram in a young
child. The normal orthotopic thymus (arrow) is hypoechoic with linear hyperechoic foci giving the “starry-sky” appearance. The thymus con-
forms to the contour of the underlying aortic arch and brachiocephalic vein (arrowhead) with no mass effect. (b) Screening thyroid ultrasound of
a healthy 4-year-old male patient. Intrathyroidal thymic tissue (arrow) is seen on transverse neck ultrasound with the characteristic appearance
of normal thymic tissue. (c) Sagittal view demonstrates intrathyroidal thymic tissue within the midpolar region of left lobe of thyroid (arrow),
and cervical thymus (arrowhead) extending to the inferior thyroid pole. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy of the intrathyroid lesion confirmed the
presence of normal lymphoid tissue, and its appearance remained stable over 4 years of ultrasound follow-up. A 4.5-year-old male patient
undergoing neck ultrasound for palpable cervical nymph nodes with incidentally detected intrathyroid (arrow) and cervical thymus (arrow-
heads) abutting the lower pole of the thyroid gland on (d,e) sagittal neck ultrasound images.

When mass effect is present, other pathological anterior tissue exhibits mild enhancement regardless of its
mediastinal masses must be considered (Fig 6). location.8,42
On unenhanced CT, the attenuation of the normal thymic Thymic rebound hyperplasia has similar imaging fea-
tissue decreases with age.43 The study by Sklair-Levy et al. tures to the normal orthotopic thymus with similar CT
found the thymus at <1 year of age to have a mean attenu- attenuation and contrast-enhancement characteristics.36,40
ation value of 80.8  5.7 HU and to be hyperdense compared Thymic rebound hyperplasia displays diffuse enlargement
to the chest wall and the myocardium.43 As age increases, the without a lobular appearance, differentiating it from
mean thymus attenuation decreases, becoming isodense to aggressive pathologies, such as lymphoma.39,40,44
the chest wall and the myocardium.43 The thymus has ho-
mogeneous attenuation in children <10 years of age, but MRI
becomes heterogeneous after puberty due to the inter-
spersed fat in the thymus soft tissue as involution pro- Thymic tissue in children has homogeneous signal in-
gresses.4 Following contrast medium administration, thymic tensity on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), slightly
482 T. Wee et al. / Clinical Radiology 76 (2021) 477e487

Figure 5 Normal orthotopic thymus on chest CT. (a) Contrast-enhanced transverse CT image of a 6-month-old female patient with a prominent
biconvex normal thymus (arrows). (b) Transverse image from contrast-enhanced CT in an 11-year-old male patient shows partially involuted
orthotopic thymus with straight borders (arrows).

hyperintense to muscle and hypointense to fat on T1- signal intensity loss in the normal thymus of patients <10
weighted imaging (T1WI; Fig 7a), and slightly hyperin- years of age due to its high cellularity, limiting utility of in-
tense to muscle and isointense to fat on T2-weighted im- and opposed-phase T1WI in differentiating the normal
aging (T2WI).27,28,44,45 It also demonstrates mild contrast paediatric thymus from malignancy in young children.47
enhancement with gadolinium.9 On both T1WI and T2WI Above the age of 10, there are age-related differences in
sequences, normal thymic signal intensity increases with signal intensity loss of normal thymus, with a positive
age and increasing fat content associated with thymic correlation between patient age and thymic signal intensity
involution46; however, fat-saturated T1WI and T2WI se- loss, as expected due to the normal process of thymic fatty
quences are not sufficiently sensitive to microscopic fat to involution (Fig 8).47
cause signal suppression in normally involuting thymus, The normal adult thymus has lower cellularity and
with thymic tissue remaining hyperintense to muscle and higher fat content resulting in unrestricted diffusion and
liver on fat saturated T1WI and T2WI (Fig 7b).37 high apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values on
Additional MRI sequences that detect the presence of diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI; Fig 7c and d); however,
microscopic fat can confirm the presence of normal invo- similar to signal intensity loss, there are age-related differ-
luted thymus to differentiate it from malignancy. In- and ences in ADC of the normal thymus due to higher thymus
opposed-phase T1WI better detects microscopic fat in the cellularity at a younger age.48 Thus, the normal paediatric
normal involuting thymus, with loss of signal intensity on thymus may have restricted diffusion, as previously re-
opposed-phase images; however, there is no observed ported, and as observed in Fig 9.9 These examples highlight

Figure 6 A 15-year old female patient with fatigue and weakness. (a) Frontal and (b) lateral chest radiographs demonstrate a left anterior
mediastinal mass (arrows). (c) Transverse contrast-enhanced CT image demonstrates a heterogeneous soft-tissue mass arising from left lobe of
thymus (arrow) displacing the left pulmonary artery posteriorly and causing atelectasis in the left upper lobe. The right lobe of thymus
(arrowhead) has normal size and contour for age. Histology confirmed mass to be thymoma.
T. Wee et al. / Clinical Radiology 76 (2021) 477e487 483

Figure 7 Chest MRI of 4.5-year-old male patient to exclude the presence of thymoma. Coronal images of the orthotopic thymus on MRI with
cervical extension representing a cervical thymus. (a) T1WI of the orthotopic thymus shows that it is mildly hyperintense to muscle and
hypointense to fat. (b) T2WI with fat saturation shows the orthotopic thymus is mildly hyperintense to the liver and the muscle, and does not
saturate on fat saturation sequence, as expected of the paediatric thymus. (c) Transverse DWI (b ¼ 800) image of the chest with the (d) cor-
responding ADC map indicates unrestricted diffusion of the normal orthotopic thymus.

the pitfall of using in- and opposed-phase imaging and DWI means for differentiating thymic rebound and malignancy
in identifying the normal paediatric thymus. recurrence. Currently, gallium- and thallium-based imaging
are not frequently used to discriminate between the normal
Nuclear medicine/positron-emission tomography thymus and malignancy as there have been multiple case
reports of gallium- and thallium-avid thymic rebound
Metabolic activity can be used to discriminate between hyperplasia.49e51 On positron-emission tomography (PET),
malignancy and normal tissue, and is therefore a useful the thymus is typically mildly physiologically avid on 2-
484 T. Wee et al. / Clinical Radiology 76 (2021) 477e487

Figure 8 A 12-year-old female patient who was being investigated for chronic cough. (a) Frontal chest radiograph shows a widened medias-
tinum (arrowheads), raising concerns for lymphoma. Opposed (b) and in-phase (c) T1WI performed for work-up of the widened mediastinum
(arrow) revealed mild signal intensity loss of the anterior mediastinal tissue on opposed-phase imaging. Biopsy confirmed thymic hyperplasia.

Figure 9 Incidentally detected submandibular mass while investigating facial asymmetry in a 1-month old male. (a) Transverse T1W image of
neck with fat saturation reveals a homogeneous left submandibular lesion (arrow) that does not saturate, while it is mildly hyperintense to
muscle on (b) T2WI. (c) DWI (b ¼ 1000) of the head with (d) the corresponding ADC map shows a left-sided diffusion restricting lesion (arrow).
(e) Neck ultrasound of the left-sided lesion (arrows) localised the mass between the internal carotid artery and internal jugular vein without
displacement of the vessels. The hypoechoic well-circumscribed mass has the typical ultrasound appearance of thymic tissue.
T. Wee et al. / Clinical Radiology 76 (2021) 477e487 485

Figure 10 18F-FDG PET/CT pre- and post-treatment of a metastatic abdominopelvic germ cell tumour to the anterior mediastinum in a 10-year-
old female patient. At presentation, (a) transverse CT, PET, and fused PET/CT images demonstrate a highly FDG-avid centrally necrotic anterior
mediastinal mass. The patient underwent chemotherapy and complete surgical resection of the residual anterior mediastinal metastasis. (b)
Transverse CT, PET, and fused PET/CT performed 9 months after completion of treatment shows a new mediastinal soft-tissue mass with trace
FDG avidity similar to the orthotopic thymus. Diagnosis of normal thymic rebound was confirmed with endobronchial ultrasound-guided biopsy
of the soft-tissue mass.

[18F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) imaging. In conjunc- consistent means of identifying normal orthotopic thymus
tion with CT imaging, the anatomical appearance and is by recognising its characteristic bi-lobed appearance in
attenuation pattern can help identify the normal thymus in the anterior mediastinum with mild FDG avidity. Some
many patients, including thymic rebound hyperplasia studies have used this feature to determine the presence of
(Fig 10). thymic rebound hyperplasia, which was supported by
There have been reported age-related changes in phys- follow-up PET imaging that showed either unchanged or
iological thymic FDG uptake due to innate changes in the resolved FDG avidity.32,55
activity of the organ over time. The mean maximum SUV
(SUVmax) of normal orthotopic thymus in the paediatric
population is < 3, while most adults have undetectable Conclusions
levels of uptake in the thymus.52e54 Although this
threshold has generally been used to differentiate thymic The thymus is largest early in life, but can also be
rebound hyperplasia from disease recurrence, there seems enlarged following illness. Normal thymus in children, both
to be much greater variability in the SUVmax of thymic orthotopic in the anterior mediastinum and ectopic in the
rebound hyperplasia as it ranges from 1.2e4.2, limiting its neck and thyroid, may be mistaken for pathological pro-
discriminatory ability.40,54,55 Some have suggested that the cesses. Regardless of its location, radiologists must be
pattern of uptake may aid in diagnosis of rebound hyper- familiar with the normal imaging features of the paediatric
plasia, which is generally diffuse, but thymomas and thymus on radiographs, ultrasound, CT, MRI, and PET, to
thymic carcinomas may similarly present with either pat- mitigate unnecessary diagnostic investigation and anxiety
chy or diffuse patterns of uptake.56 One of the most for patients and their families. Lesions suspected to be
486 T. Wee et al. / Clinical Radiology 76 (2021) 477e487

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