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Weekly Current Affairs (01 - 07 June 2021)

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01st June - 07th June, 2021


CSE, ESE, PSUs, State Exams,

SSC and Banking Exams
2 Week-1 01st June - 07th June

King Worms, Morio Worms or Zophobas and are

  1st JUNE 2021
commonly used as food in the reptile pet industry.
• They should not be confused with giant mealworms
Vajra Kavach Disinfection System which are Tenebrio molitor larvae. Superworms larvae
• Mumbai-based start-up, Indra water has developed resemble 50 to 60 mm long mealworms.
“Vajra Kavach Disinfection System” which removes
• However, the ends of their bodies are very dark. They
scourge of viral particles from equipment used by
have 6 small legs. Insects are accepted by turtles,
Corona warriors front line workers.
lizards, salamanders, frogs, birds etc.

About Disinfection System

• It was tested with Escherichia virus MS2 (a single-
AmbiTAG: India’s first indigenous
stranded RNA virus and a well-known surrogate of Temperature Data Logger
human respiratory viruses such as influenza virus • Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar (IIT Ropar) in
and coronavirus) and E.coli strain C3000. Punjab has developed a first-of-its-kind IoT device
• The system employs a multistage disinfection AmbiTag that records real-time ambient temperature
process consisting of advanced oxidation, corona during the transportation of perishable products,
discharge and UV-C light spectrum to inactivate vaccines and even body organs and blood.
the viruses, bacteria, and other microbial strains
present on the PPE, achieving more than 99.999% About AmbiTAG
efficiency. • AmbiTAG is shaped like a USB device. It continuously
• It removes any possible traces of the disease- records the temperature of its immediate
causing SARS-Cov-2 virus from Personal Protective surroundings.
Equipment, N95 masks, coats, gloves and gowns. • It can detect temperatures “from -40 to +80 degrees”
• It thus enables reuse of PPEs and other materials in any time zone for 90 days on a single charge unlike
used by healthcare workers. other devices available in the market that record data
only for a duration of 30- 60 days. Recorded data can
• It protects health workers and the environment, by
be retrieved by connecting USB with any computer.
helping reduce biomedical waste generation.
• That recorded temperature further helps to know
• “Vajra Kavach’s UV disinfection of PPE is elegant,
whether that particular item transported from
user friendly and convenient.
anywhere in the world is still usable or perished
because of temperature variation.
• Ambitag was developed under Technology Innovation
• Kuwaiti businessman Jassem Buabbas has spent
Hub – AWaDH which stands for “Agriculture and
years breeding "superworms" for animal feed. He is
Water Technology Development Hub” and it's Startup
now hoping that superworms will find their way into
diets of Gulf citizens.
• He places worm-like larvae of the darkling beetle in a
small, dark room. Darkling beetles are known for their
AWaDH is a research center at IIT Ropar. It was
high protein content.
established with support of the Department of
Science & Technology (DST) and Science &
About Superworms:
Engineering Research Board (SERB). It carries out
• Superworms are larvae of a species of darkling
extensive research in agriculture and water.
beetle called Zophobas morio. They are also called
01st June - 07th June Week-1 3

• Existing scientific nomenclature system will continue

  2nd JUNE 2021
while new names will only aid public discussion using
labels in order to “non stigmatising” with the countries
India’s GDP contracts 7.3% in FY21 where variants were first identified.
• The Central Statistics Office (CSO) of India has issued
GDP figures for the January-March quarter of fiscal Variants of concerns
year 2020-21. According to it, the Indian economy • WHO has identified four VOCs- B.1.1.7, B.1.351, P2
is expected to develop in a favorable direction and B.1.617.2. They have been labelled as ‘Alpha,
beginning in the December quarter. Beta, Gamma and Delta’ respectively.

Key Highlights Variants of Interest

• Prior to the second wave of Covid-19, India's GDP • The variants of Interest were, less globally widespread
increased by 1.6% in the fourth quarter of 2020-21 and transmissible, also given Greek names. The
(January-March). B.1.617 virus, belonging to the B.1.617 family was
• However, GDP decreased to 7.3 percent for the entire identified in India which has been labelled as ‘Kappa’.
quarter. Because of a strong increase in government
spending, this improved from an earlier projection
Goa Institution for Future
of an 8% decline in February's second advance
Transformation (GIFT)
• On the model of NITI Ayog, the Goa government
• Improvement in the fourth quarter was driven by
founded the “Goa Institution for Future Transformation
the manufacturing sector even when services were
comparatively sluggish.
• Agricultural growth slowed to 3.1 percent in
About GIFT
January-March from 4.5 per cent growth in October-
• GIFT will operate similarly to NITI Aayog. It will help,
advise, and lead the government in the formulation
and execution of policies.
Central Statistics Office (CSO)
• It will also aid in the monitoring of long-term
• A governmental agency, working under the Ministry development goals and the evaluation of various
of Statistics and Programme Implementation. It is development plans, programs, and schemes.
responsible for coordination of statistical activities in • The Directorate of Planning, Statistics and Evaluation
India. It maintains statistical standards and has a well- issued the notification.
equipped Graphical Unit. Headquarter is in Delhi. • It will be backed up under Article 309 of Constitution
of India to attain autonomy.
WHO names COVID-19 variants found
in India   3rd JUNE 2021
• The B.1.617.1 and B.1.617.2 variants of the Covid-19,
first identified in India, have been named as 'Kappa' Second BRICS Sherpas’ meeting convened
and 'Delta' respectively, by the World Health • The second BRICS Sherpas’ and Sous Sherpas’
Organisation (WHO). meeting was convened under India’s Chairship.
It was conducted to discuss preparations for the
Key Highlights scheduled meeting of BRICS Foreign Ministers on 1st
• ‘UK variant’ was named ‘Alpha’. June.
4 Week-1 01st June - 07th June

• First BRICS Sherpa meeting was held in 2019 under • In 2019, India received 83.3 billion USD remittances.
the Presidency of Brazil in Curitiba, Brazil. This fell by 0.2% in 2020. This was the maximum
remittance from the UAE. The remittance from UAE to
Key Highlights: India was reduced by 17%.
• The BRICS Sherpas’ and Sous Sherpas meeting
• In Pakistan, the remittances increased by 17%. The
was convened under India’s Chair-ship from 25th
biggest growth in remittances to Pakistan came from
to 28th of May. During the meeting BRICS partners
Saudi Arabia.
negotiated key deliverables for India’s char-ship at
BRICS 2021. They also negotiated including outcome
documents for Foreign Ministers’ meetings.   NOTE:
• Sherpa is the personal representative of the head Remittance is a sum of money sent from one country
of state or government, preparing an international to another country. It can be business payments or
summit like G7 and G20 summits. remittances paid to a family member, friends.

• First BRICS Sherpa meeting was held in 2019 under

the Presidency of Brazil in Curitiba.
H10N3 Bird Flu
About Sherpas: • Recently, China has reported the first case of human
• Name Sherpas is derived from “Sherpa people” infection with the H10N3 strain of bird flu in Jiangsu
who are Nepalese ethnic group. They serve as province.
guides and porters across the Himalayas. Thus, • First Human case of H10N3 bird flu was reported in
designating grouping as Sherpa refers to the fact eastern province of Jiangsu in China.
that Sherpa clears the way for heads of state at
major summits. Key Highlights
• A 41-year-old man has become the first human case
“Migration and Development Brief” of infection with H10N3 strain of bird flu. He was
Report diagnosed with H10N3 avian influenza virus on May
• According to the latest edition of the World Bank’s 28. It is still not confirmed how he was infected with
Migration and Development Brief, despite Covid-19, the virus.
remittance flows remained resilient in 2020, registering • H10N3 is a low pathogenic or less severe strain of
a smaller decline than previously projected. virus in poultry. The risk of it transmitting on a large
• The report said that the remittance flows to the low- scale is also very low.
income and middle-income countries were 1.9% • In about 40 years, only 160 isolates of this virus were
lower in 2020 as compared to that of 2019. reported, in wild birds or waterfowl across Asia and
North America. It has not been detected in chickens.
Key Findings:
• The reduction in remittance inflows were smaller than Avian influenza or Avian flu or Bird flu
that of the 2009 Global Financial Crisis. • It is caused by viruses adapted to birds. It is similar
• However, the remittance inflows to China will be to swine flu, horse flu, dog flu and human flu. Among
reduced by 30% in 2020. three types of influenza viruses namely, A, B, and C;
• The inflows to the Caribbean and Latin countries influenza A virus is zoonotic infection which entirely
increased by 6.5%. affects birds.
01st June - 07th June Week-1 5

• It will cover urban and rural areas and also create a

  4th JUNE 2021
time-bound grievance redressal mechanism.

SWASTIIK Technology for Disinfecting About Model Tenancy Act:

Water • Model Tenancy Act, 2019, a tenancy law in India, was
• The CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (CSIR-NCL), designed to rebuild the tenancy market. Creation of
Pune has developed a hybrid technology called the act was first announced in the budget speech
"SWASTIK” for disinfecting water. of 2019 by finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman. It
seeks to replace archaic rental laws of India and to
Key Points: solve housing availability deficit. The Act will help in
• CSIR-NCL has used natural oils having antimicrobial achieving the target of “Housing for All by 2022”.
properties for disinfecting water.
• This is a cost-effective method for removing harmful Aspergillosis Fungal Infection reported
bacteria from water. It is developed by using the among COVID 19 patients
traditional method of Ayurveda. • In the midst of the country's fight against the covid-19
• It has used the hydrodynamic cavitation technique epidemic and rising occurrences of mucormycosis,
for removing impurities from water. doctors in Ghaziabad, Mumbai, and Gujarat
have reported cases of a new illness known as
• It will help the government in providing clean drinking
tap water supply to all rural households by 2024.
• People can come in contact with the fungus by
breathing in microscopic “aspergillus spores” from
the environment.
SWASTIIK Technology can eliminate harmful bacteria
• Though people come in contact with the fungus daily
and antibiotic-resistant strains, economically. It
but never contract illness. Because, aspergillosis
integrates Indian traditional knowledge of Ayurveda
infects people suffering from lung disease or weak
to disinfect water and offer possible health benefits
immune system. It causes infections in organs and
of natural oils.
other allergic reactions.

Model Tenancy Act About Aspergillosis

• The draft of the Model Tenancy Act (MTA) was • Aspergillosis is a fungal infection, fungal growth
approved by the Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime or allergic reaction caused due to Aspergillus
Minister Narendra Modi on 2 June. fungus.
• The fungus is found indoors as well as outdoors. It
Key Highlights
lives on decaying vegetation or dead leaves. This
• The draft of the Model Tenancy Act (MTA) creates a fungal infection is not as deadly as black fungus but
balance between the interest of owners and tenants. it can turn fatal too.
It will help in revamping the legal framework related
• There are 5 types of aspergillosis namely, allergic
to rental housing across the country.
bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, aspergilloma
• It will develop a vibrant, sustainable, and inclusive (fungus ball), allergic Aspergillus sinusitis, chronic
rental housing market in the country. Through this pulmonary aspergillosis and invasive aspergillosis.
draft, private participation in developing the tenancy But, COVID-19 patients are being diagnosed with
market as a business will increase. rare sinus pulmonary aspergillosis.
6 Week-1 01st June - 07th June

• Signs and symptoms depend on which organs are NITI Aayog Sustainable Development
affected, but in general, invasive aspergillosis can
• Recently, the third edition of the Sustainable
 Fever and chills
Development Goals (SDG) India Index and Dashboard
 A cough that brings up blood (hemoptysis)
2020–21 was released by NITI Aayog. The SDG India
 Shortness of breath
Index 2020–21 is developed in collaboration with the
 Chest or joint pain
United Nations in India.
 Headaches or eye symptoms
 Skin lesions
Key Points:
• The index measures the progress at the national and
  5th JUNE 2021 sub-national level in the country’s journey towards
meeting the Global Goals and targets.
RDSO- India’s First Standard • It has been successful as an advocacy tool to
Developing Organization propagate the messages of sustainability, resilience,
• Indian Railways’ Research Design & Standards and partnerships, as well.
Organization (RDSO) has recently become the • From covering 13 Goals, 39 targets, and 62 indicators
nation’s first institution to be declared as Standard in the first edition in 2018-19 to 17 Goals, 54 targets
Developing Organization (SDO) under the mission and 100 indicators in the second; this third edition
called “One Nation One Standard” by the Bureau of of the index covers 17 Goals, 70 targets, and 115
Indian Standards. indicators.
• In terms of score improvement, Mizoram, Haryana
Key Highlights and Uttarakhand are the top gainers in 2020-21 who
• The idea of One Nation One Standard Mission was have gained 12, 10 and 8 points, respectively as
first conceived in 2019, it was envisioned on the line compared to the index of 2019-2020.
of one nation, one ration card scheme in order to
ensure quality products in the country. India’s Overall SDG Score
• To attain the One Nation One Standard vision of the • India’s overall SDG (Sustainable Development Goal)
Government of India, BIS launched a scheme which score has increased from 60 in 2019 to 66 in 2020-
provides for Recognition of SDO. The recognition 21. This increase is driven by good performance in
is valid for 3 years and will require renewal after SDG goal 6 (clean water and sanitation) and SDG
completion of the validity period. goal 7 (affordable and clean energy).
• BIS launched the ‘National Standards Body’ scheme
to attain the government's vision of “One Nation One Cheetah to be re-introduced in India
Standard”. • The world's fastest land animal, Cheetah which was
• The National Standards Body Scheme also provides declared extinct in India in 1952, has been expected
for “Recognition of SDO”. to be re-introduced in India in November 2021 at the
Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh.
RDSO in Lucknow, is the sole Research and Key Points:
Design Wing of the Railway Ministry. It is India’s
• India had spotted its last Cheetah in Chhattisgarh
leading standard formulating body that undertakes
in 1947. After the death of the last Cheetah, it was
standardization work for the railway sector..
declared extinct in 1952.
01st June - 07th June Week-1 7

• Kuno is located in Chambal region. It is spread environmental protection, the China National Space
across an area of 750 sq km. Park has a conducive Administration (CNSA).
environment for cheetahs. • The network will also be able to conduct dynamic
• It is a protected area which has a considerable monitoring and tracking of a variety of disaster
elements including floods, cold fronts, droughts and
population of four-horned antelopes, nilgai, chinkara,
sand storms.
spotted deer and wild boar. Thus, the park has a
• Its observation range covers Asia, the central
good prey base for cheetahs.
Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean regions, so that
the network will also greatly improve China's
About Cheetah:
forecast accuracy of disaster weather including
• The fastest land animal is native to Africa and typhoons and storms.
central Iran. It can attain a running speed of 80 to
128 km/h. K.P. Krishnan Committee on Variable
• Cheetah is listed in the “vulnerable category” of Capital Company
the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s • Dr. K.P. Krishnan headed the expert committee on
(IUCN) red list of threatened species. Variable Capital Company (VCC). It has submitted its
report on the feasibility of Variable Capital Companies
  6th JUNE 2021 in the International Financial Services Centres in

China launches New Generation

Key Points:
Meteorological Satellite • IFSCA had set up K.P. Krishnan committee to explore
• China successfully launched the first of a new potential for allowing variable capital company (VCC)
generation meteorological satellite into planned orbit as an additional option using which asset managers
which will be used in the fields of weather analysis, could pool investors’ funds
environmental and disaster monitoring.
• VCC structure dispenses with some of the key
• This satellite, named Fengyun-4B (FY-48), will be limitations of companies and LLPs. It provides for
used for fields of weather analysis, environmental higher regulatory standards.
and disaster monitoring.
• Committee assessed features of VCC or its
equivalent, in jurisdictions of Singapore, UK, Ireland
Key Points:
and Luxembourg.
• The FY-4B satellite which is the first of China's new-
generation meteorological satellites will be used in About Variable Capital Company (VCC):
the fields of weather analysis and forecasting, and • VCC is an alternative form of corporate vehicle which
environmental and disaster monitoring. can be used for open-ended as well as closed-ended
alternative and traditional fund strategies.
• The new satellite will further strengthen China's
• It is a corporate vehicle with flexible capital because
observation and response capability of small and
of which shares are created when investments
medium scale disaster events and provide information
are made and shares are readily redeemable by
security services for a range of sectors including
shareholders. It has been designed for the fund
meteorological, agricultural, aviation, marine and management industry.
8 Week-1 01st June - 07th June

MadadMap: Real-time online map of • It also seeks to raise the seven per cent per-country
limit to 15 percent on family-sponsored visas.
vacant beds
• It provides for a nine-year period for the elimination of
• A group of doctors and professionals from the
this limit.
diaspora in the US and from India has launched
a first-of-its-kind online map that shows available • The seven percent limit was introduced in the mid-
hospital beds in India with real-time updates, aimed 20th century, which has led countries with relatively
at providing critical and time-sensitive information to small populations to be allocated the same number
anxious Covid-19 patients, as the country battles a of visas as a relatively large-population country.
devastating second wave of the pandemic.
Benefits of the act
• ‘MadadMaps.com’ by Project Madad (help) is India’s
• It will benefit the US economy by allowing American
first country-wide map of available hospital beds with
employers to focus on hiring immigrants based on
real-time updates. their merit, not their birthplace.
• The bill will be advantageous for Indian job-seekers
Key Points:
who currently rely on temporary visas or await green
• This online map was launched with the aim of
cards to work in the US.
providing critical and time-sensitive information to
anxious Covid-19 patients, as the battle against the
second wave of pandemic continues.
Senior Care Ageing Growth Engine
• This portal was launched by Project Madad (help). It
(SAGE) Project
is India’s first country-wide map showing availability • The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
of hospital beds in real-time updates. Washington- has launched the SAGE (Seniorcare Aging Growth
based Dr Rajesh Anumolu was head architect of Engine) initiative and SAGE portal for elderly persons.
• MadadMaps was created with the mission that
Key points:
“proper education and training” of local healthcare • The SAGE will be a “one-stop access” of elderly care
workers and Registered Medical Practitioners is the products and services by credible start-ups.
“fundamental” of controlling Covid spread across • The start-ups will be selected on the basis of
rural India. innovative products and services.
• Their products should be able to provide across
  7 JUNE 2021
th sectors such as health, housing, care centers, apart
from technological access linked to finances, food
and wealth management, and legal guidance.
EAGLE Act of US Visas
• The start-ups who have applied will be selected by
• Legislation to remove the per-country cap on
an independent screening committee of experts.
permanent residency visas, or green cards,
for the US has been introduced in the House of • A fund of upto Rs.1 crore as one-time equity will be
Representatives. granted to each selected start-up.
• This scheme was required in the light of increasing
Key Points: share of elders.
• The EAGLE Act is called the “Equal Access to Green • As per a survey, the share of elders with respect to
cards for Legal Employment Act”. It proposes to total population in percentage terms is expected to
phase out the limit of seven per cent per-country on increase from 7.5 per cent in 2001 to about 12.5 per
employment-based immigrant visas. cent by 2026.
01st June - 07th June Week-1 9

Nashik’s Buddhist Caves

• Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has found three caves in Buddhist Caves Complex in Nasik, Maharashtra.

Key Highlights:
• Newly discovered caves are almost two centuries after the British military officer documented the Trirashmi
Buddhist caves (also known as Pandav Leni) in a hill in Nashik.
• The antiquity of the caves (which may have been dwellings of Buddhist monks) is yet to be established;
• Archaeologists studying them, however, believe they could be older than the Trirashmi caves.
• Discovered caves are on the opposite side of the current complex, and 70-80 feet above the existing complex.
• The caves have been carved out of a steep hill.

About Pandavleni caves

• Pandavleni caves were earlier called ‘Trirashmi caves’. These caves are a group of 25 caves, carved out of Tri-
Rashmi Hill between 2nd century BC and 6th century AD.
• Vihara and the Chaitya are the main caves among 25 caves. Complex of the cave was documented in 1823 by
Captain James Delamaine. It is an ASI protected site and a famous tourist destination.

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