Bindu - 543 - Mood of Gaura
Bindu - 543 - Mood of Gaura
Bindu - 543 - Mood of Gaura
Sri Krishna Kathamrita
तवकथामृतं तप्तजीवनम्
tava kathāmṛtaṁ tapta-jīvanam
Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications
pretending to be bona fide have not been accepted Srimati Radharani’s emotions after seeing Uddhava ex-
by Lord Chaitanya. Presentations such as those of actly correspond to those of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
He always conceived of himself in her position and some-
the gaura-nāgarīs are only disturbances to the sincere
times thought that he was Srimati Radharani herself.
execution of the mission of Lord Chaitanya. Lord
Chaitanya is undoubtedly Krishna himself, and he is Purport: Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur
always nondifferent from Srimati Radharani. But the explains that the purport of the word abhimāna, or
emotion technically called vipralambha-bhāva, which “self-conception”, is that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
the Lord adopted for confidential reasons, should not thought himself to be in the position of Srimati
be disturbed in the name of service. A mundaner should Radharani and was always ready to render service
not unnecessarily intrude into affairs of transcendence in that way. Although Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
and thereby displease the Lord. One must always be on is Krishna himself, he assumed the complexion and
guard against this sort of devotional anomaly. A devotee emotions of Srimati Radharani and remained in that
is not meant to create disturbances to Krishna. As Srila status. He never assumed the complexion or status of
Rupa Goswami has explained, devotional service is Krishna. Of course, Krishna wanted to experience the
ānukūlyena, or favorable to Krishna. Acting unfavorably role of Srimati Radharani; that is the original cause of
toward Krishna is not devotion. Kamsa was the enemy of
his assuming the body of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
Krishna. He always thought of Krishna, but he thought
Therefore, pure vaiṣṇavas never disturb Sri Chaitanya
of him as an enemy. One should always avoid such
Mahaprabhu’s conception of being Srimati Radharani.
unfavorable so-called service. (Purport to Cc. ādi 4.41.)
Unfortunately, at the present time a group of so-called
While Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is trying to enjoy as
devotees maintain that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is
a devotee, one should not disturb him by addressing
the enjoyer and that they are enjoyers as well. They
him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
(Purport to Cc. ādi 7.10.) have actually deviated from devotional service to the
Lord. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu manifested himself to
rādhikāra bhave prabhura sadā ‘abhimāna’
sei bhāve āpanāke haya ‘rādhā’-jñāna show that cultivation of love for Krishna in separation
Painting by Kshitindranath Majumdar. West Bengal. 1891-1975
Issue Five Hundred Forty Three, Page — 3 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is Krishna in the mood of Radha crying in separation from Krishna
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Five Hundred Forty Three, Page — 4
is the easiest way of success for all living entities. in the same manner as Krishna. But Krishna was in the
Despite this fact, there are some theosophists who role of enjoyer and Lord Chaitanya is in the role of being
declare that because Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is the enjoyed. So the party known as Gauranga Nagari, they
Supreme Personality of Godhead, such cultivation is are considered to be deviated from pure devotional
easy for him but difficult for the living entity and that service on account of Lord Chaitanya being given the
one can therefore approach Krishna in any way he same facility as Krishna, which he did not like. Our
likes. To nullify this idea, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu service mood should be compatible to the attitude of
demonstrated practically how one can achieve love the Lord. Not that we should overlap the attitude of
of Krishna by adopting Srimati Radharani’s mood in Krishna to Lord Chaitanya, or Lord Chaitanya to Krishna,
separation from Krishna. (Cc. antya 14.14.) or Krishna to Ramacandra, or Ramacandra to Krishna.
Lord Chaitanya is always presented with five (Letter to Satsvarup Das Goswami, 16 June 1968.)
transcendental entourage. He is himself present, and Devotee: On Ekādaśī, we can offer the deity grains?
his next expansion, Nityananda, and his incarnation, Srila Prabhupada: Oh yes. But not guru. Ekādaśī
Adwaita, and his internal potency, Gadadhar, and his observed by jīva-tattva, not by Vishnu. We are fasting
marginal potency, Srivas ... so pañca-tattvātmakaṁ for clearing our material disease, but Radha-Krishna,
kṛṣṇam. He is Krishna, but he is present in this age Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ... Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
with his five associates. Pañca-tattvātmakaṁ kṛṣṇaṁ also may not be offered grains because he is playing
the part of a devotee. Only Radha-Krishna, Jagannath
bhakta-rūpa-svarūpakam. But although he is Krishna, he
can be offered grains. Otherwise, Guru-Gauranga, no.
presents himself as a devotee of Krishna — bhakta-rūpa-
(Room conversation, Tokyo, April 22, 1972.)
svarūpakam. (Lecture in New York City, 3 January 1967.)
These comparative studies on the life of Krishna and
Ramachandra are very intricate, but the basic principle is Devotees Should
that Ramachandra appeared as an ideal king and Krishna Assist Mahaprabhu
appeared as the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Although there is no difference between the two. A Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada
similar example is Lord Chaitanya. He appeared as a
devotee, and not as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The word sarva-parikare indicates that the five
Although he is Krishna himself. So we should accept the types of Krishna devotees neither considered the
Lord’s mood in particular appearances and we should incarnation of vipralambha, Sri Gaurasundara, as the
worship him in that mood. Sometimes Lord Chaitanya, object of madhura-rasa, nor did they assist him in conjugal
because he is Krishna himself, somebody worships him affairs in the course of his magnanimous pastimes.
Issue Five Hundred Forty Three, Page — 5 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु
Unknown artist.
Rather, they nourished his feelings of separation And Jagannath is feeling separation from the gopīs and
from Krishna by helping him cultivate those mellows. Radha. So when they meet, Jagannath sees Radha in
Those who want to contradict the Gaura pastimes of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
the supreme shelter, Krishna, by putting a flute or sees Shyamasundar in Jagannath. Therefore, after
cowherd stick in Gaurasundara’s hands, imposing separation, union takes place.
the mood of a paramour on him, or considering him Mahaprabhu stayed in Jagannath Puri Dham
Arjuna's charioteer, can never be counted amongst continuously for eighteen years. This dhāma is very
Gaura’s associates or servants.
dear to him. Always ecstatic, feeling the acute pangs
— Srila Vrindavan Das Thakur. Śrī Caitanya-bhāgavata with
commentary of Bhaktisiddhanta S araswati Thakur. English of separation from Krishna, Mahaprabhu goes to the
translation by Bhumipati Das. Edited and published by Pundarik temple of Lord Jagannath every day and Jagannath
Vidyanidhi Das. Vrajaraj Press. Vrindavan. 2001. Pp. 149-150.
shows him his beautiful Shyamasundar form. Jagannath
will only show his beautiful Shyamasundar form to one
Always Crying for Krishna who is in rādhā-bhāva. Otherwise, if you have no such
mood you cannot see it. This is a question of mood.
If you are feeling the acute pangs of separation from
Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja Krishna, when you enter the temple of Jagannath
After Gauranga Mahaprabhu took sannyāsa, he stayed he will show you his beautiful Shyamasundar form.
in Jagannath Puri Dham. Sri Kshetra is also known as Otherwise, how can you see it? Jagannath will show you
vipralambha-kṣetra, the kṣetra where intense pangs of the form you want to see. So because Mahaprabhu is in
separation are felt. Gauranga Mahaprabhu is in rādhā- rādhā-bhāva he is always crying for Krishna:
bhāva. He is Krishna, but his mood is different; rādhā-
kva nanda-kula-candramāḥ kva śikhi-candra-kālaṅkṛtiḥ
bhāva is predominating. Although he is Krishna himself,
kva mandra-muralī-ravaḥ kva nu surendra-nīla-dyutiḥ
Gauranga Mahaprabhu is always crying for Krishna.
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Five Hundred Forty Three, Page — 6
kva rāsa-rasa-tāṇḍavī kva sakhi jīva-rakṣauṣadhir mandra-muralī-ravaḥ, where is Krishna, upon whose
nidhir mama suhṛttamaḥ kva bata hanta hā dhig-vidhim lips a flute plays so sweetly? Where is he?”
My dear friend, where is Krishna, who is like the Can you put a flute on Gaura? Although he is
moon rising from the ocean of Nanda Maharaja’s Krishna, you cannot put a flute on Gaura. Similarly,
dynasty? Where is Krishna, his head decorated with how can you put a peacock feather on he who is
a peacock feather? Where is he? Where is Krishna, crying for Krishna like Radharani? His mood will be
whose flute produces such a deep sound? Oh, where
disturbed. Although he is Krishna, Gaura’s mood is
is Krishna, whose bodily lustre is like the lustre of
the blue indranīla jewel? Where is Krishna, who is different. Therefore, Prabhupada has said, “Don’t
so expert in rāsa dancing? Oh! Where is he who can disturb the mood of Gauranga.”
save my life? Kindly tell me where to find Krishna, It is very painful to him. Our service is meant
the treasure of my life and best of my friends. Feeling to give him pleasure, not pain. We are servants
separation from him, I hereby condemn providence,
the shaper of my destiny. (Lalita-mādhava 3.45)
Mahaprabhu's Mood
In Jagannath Puri
From Srila Murari Gupta’s
Śrī Kṛṣṇa-caitanya-caritāmṛta
Unknown artist.
the physical manifestations of transcendental
ecstasy. He was rendered service there by
Ramananda and Swarup, who were conversant
with the science of rasa. (4.24.8)
But Mahaprabhu is crying, “Where is Krishna, kva
bhāvānurūpa-ślokena rāsa-saṅkīrtanādinā
nanda-kula-candramāḥ? kva śikhi-candra-kālaṅkṛtiḥ?
śrī-rādhā-kṛṣṇayor līlā-rasa-vidyā-nidarśanam
— where is Krishna on whose crest is a peacock
In accordance with the Lord’s particular feather? Where is that Krishna, indranīlamaṇi,
ecstatic mood, they sang verses proclaiming Sri whose complexion is blue like the indranīla jewel?
Sri Radha-Krishna’s rāsa-līlā pastimes. In this rāsa-rasa tāṇḍavī, who dances in the rāsa dance,
way, understanding of these intimate pastimes where is that Krishna? O sakhī, please tell me where
was proclaimed or revealed. (4.24.9) he is? Where has he gone? prāṇa rakṣauṣadhi, he is
the soothing balm for my afflicted heart. O sakhī,
śrī-rādhā-śuddha-premnā hi śravaṇāmṛtam adbhutam where is he? dhig-vidhi! Alas! Vidhi, the creator, has
pītvā nirantaraṁ śrīmac-caitanya-rasa-vigrahaḥ written in my fortune that I have to cry, cry, cry! A
Because of his spotless love for Krishna in the whole life of crying! This is my fate!”
mood of Sri Radha, Sri Chaitanya, the original form So Mahaprabhu is always crying, rorudhya
of transcendental rasa, incessantly drank from that māna. He is Krishna himself, but he is feeling the
wonderful fountain of ambrosia for the ears. (4.24.9) pangs of separation from Krishna because he is in
rādhā-bhāva. rādhā-bhāva is predominating; that
— Srila Murari Gupta. Śrī Kṛṣṇa-caitanya-caritāmṛta (Murāri
Guptera Kaḍacā), with Bengali translation by Sri Haridas Das. is vipralambha bhāva.
Published by Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar. Kolkata. 2009. Sanskrit in — From chapter nine of Embankment of Separation. Gopal Jiu
Bengali characters. Publications. Bhubaneswar, Odisha. 2023.
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Five Hundred Forty Three, Page — 8
Unknown artist.
"Can you put a flute on Gaura? Although he is Krishna, you cannot put a flute on Gaura. Similarly, how can you
put a peacock feather on he who is crying for Krishna like Radharani? His mood will be disturbed. Although he is
Krishna, Gaura’s mood is different. Therefore, Prabhupada has said, 'Don’t disturb the mood of Gauranga.'”
Issue Five Hundred Forty Three, Page — 9 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु
Unknown photographer
Photo by Radha Madhava Das
Unknown photographer
These deities were originally worshiped by Srila
Narahari Sarkar the guru of Srila Lochan Das
Pandit, famous author of Caitanya-maṅgala. They
are still present today at the Vishakha Math near
Markandeya Sarovar in Jagannath Puri, Odisha. GAURA NITAI OF MURARI GUPTA
These deities originally worshiped by Sri
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's intimate associate
are today in Bhankandi Bazar, Vrindavan.
Unknown photographer.
Unknown photographer.
Unknown photographer
Mamu Thakur was the maternal uncle of Sri
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. These deities established
by him are still worshiped today at the Tota
Gopinath temple in Jagannath Puri, Odisha.
Shortly after Mahaprabhu took sannyāsa, Srila
Narahari Sarkar had the large deity made. The
small deity is Balaram. They are still worshiped
to this day in Katwa, West Bengal.
The king of Puri at the time of Sri Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu, Prataprarudra Maharaja
According to various evidences (see KK. Bindu established deities of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, which
issue 484), Jajpur, Odisha, is the ancestral are still worshiped today at the Asta Sambhu
home of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. These Mandir in Jagannath Puri.
deities at a temple in nearby Kapileshwar
have been worshiped for 500 years.
Unknown photographer
Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur established these
deities at his home in Godrumadwip, West Bengal.
The Secret of
Gaura's Sannyasa-lila
In the introduction to his Śrī Caitanya-maṅgala
(1.1.113), Srila Lochan Das Thakur has written:
aneka rahasya kathā kahiba tāhāte
vairāgya adbhuta prabhura uṭhe yenamate
I will tell many secrets, such as the secrets of the Lord’s
Wood etching of gaura-līlā from one of the first printed volumes of Caitanya-caritāmṛta, 1700s.
Inner Purpose for Sannyasa “My friends, servants, father and mother, are all
bereft of this mellow. Only the gopīs can understand
Mahaprabhu’s internal reasons for taking sannyāsa it. (Text 108)
are described by Srila Nityananda Das, the disciple
guṇe prīte tāṅra sthāne ha-i āchā ṛṇī
of Jahnava Mata, in his book Prema-vilāsa. In chapter tomā sthāne lokanātha kahilāma āmi
seven, texts 87 to 136, he narrates an intimate
“O Lokanath! I tell you, Radha has such love that I
conversation between Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu remain indebted to her. (Text 109)
and Lokanath Goswami:
Mahaprabhu said, “This indebtedness is one cause
One day, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu privately revealed
of my unhappiness. Please listen to another cause.
his innermost thoughts to Lokanath Goswami. Mahap-
rabhu explained everything to him about the internal There is a Brahmin who has committed a great sin
and external unhappiness that was influencing his
conduct. The Lord said, “I feel dissatisfied remaining
silent about the nature of my appearance and mis-
sion. But to whom can I speak about this confidential
subject matter? I can influence some to respect
Nityananda Prabhu and Advaita, but who will actu-
ally hear from me and understand my mission? Some
people criticize me, and others even jeer at me. I have
come to Gaudadesh, manifesting the mood of Srimati
Radharani. I want to experience Radha’s feelings of
separation from her beloved Krishna. For my sake,
Mahaprabhu's madness in separation
by criticizing me. This Brahmin does not recognize “Radha wears blue-colored garments, the color of
Krishna’s supreme position. Not obeying Krishna as my complexion, and in this way attains happiness.
(Text 124)
guru, he has worshiped Krishna’s servants, the devas.
Due to this offense, he will go to hell. āmāra vicchede pare aruṇa vasana
“It is my plan that on the third day of the month of āpanāke nija-dāsī māne sarva-kṣaṇa
Magha I shall accept the renounced order of life and “But when separated from me, Radha would wear a
leave home. I will become the guru of all the Brahmins saffron-colored dress and always think of herself as
my maidservant. (Text 125)
who carry daṇḍas. For the sake of these Brahmins, I
will take sannyāsa, leave my home, and move from āmāra lāgiyā rādhā ādi sakhi-gaṇa
country to country. virahe vyākula haiyā tejila jīvana
e bāhya vicāra āra manera āśaya āmiha tejiba prāṇa tāṅhāra lāgiyā
śuna lokanātha ihā kahila niścaya se daśā ha-ibe tumi śunibe thākiyā
rādhikāra bhāva lañā saba prayojana “Feeling separation from me, Radha and the gopīs have
kebā bujhe kebā śune yei mora mana given up their lives. Now I shall also give up my life
for her. You will see me in that condition, O Lokanath.
“This is my external consideration. Listen, O Lokanath! (Text 126-127)
Accepting the mood of Radha is my only necessity.
Who is there who can listen to or understand the state dhariba tāhāra kānti pariba aruṇa vasana
of my mind? (Text 122-123) ha-iba tāṅhāra dāsa ānandita mana
mora aṅgera varaṇa vasana rādhā gāya “Adopting Radha’s complexion and the saffron-col-
ei lāgi nīla-vastre sukha ati pāya ored cloth of separation, I’ll become her maidservant
and get happiness. (Text 128)
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Five Hundred Forty Three, Page — 22
ei lāgi aruṇa vasana diba gāya
japiba tāṅhāra guṇa kahilu tomāya
“Wearing the saffron-colored dress of separation
on my body, I will sing the glorious qualities of
Radharani. (Text 129)
tāṅhara yateka guṇa nāriba śodhite
śata-janma āyu yadi haya pṛthivīte
guṇe prīte tāṅra sthāne ha-iyāchi ṛṇī
tomā sthāne lokanātha kahilāma āmi
Caitanya-caritāmṛta (ādi 4.177-180) elaborates on As described above by Nityananda Das, the only way
Krishna’s debt to the gopīs: Mahaprabhu saw to repay his debt to Srimati Radharani
kṛṣṇera pratijñā eka āche pūrva haite and the gopīs was for him to take sannyāsa. One may ask,
ye yaiche bhaje, kṛṣṇa tāre bhaje taiche what is the necessity of his taking sannyāsa to repay his
Lord Krishna has a promise from before to reciprocate debt. Wasn’t there some other way to repay the gopīs
with his devotees according to the way they worship other than leaving His home and devotees in Nabadwip?
him. (177) The answer is found in the Bhagavad-gītā (2.41), where
Krishna has described the nature of the path of love:
ye yathā māṁ prapadyante tāṁs tathaiva bhajāmy aham
mama vartmānuvartante manuṣyāḥ pārtha sarvaśaḥ vyavasāyātmikā buddhir ekeha kuru-nandana
“In whatever way my devotees surrender unto me, I bahu-śākhā hy anantāś ca buddhayo ‘vyavasāyinām
reward them accordingly. Everyone follows my path Those who are on this path are resolute in purpose, and
in all respects, O son of Pritha.” (Bg. 4.11) (178) their aim is one. O beloved child of the Kurus, the intel-
se pratijñā bhaṅga haila gopīra bhajane ligence of those who are irresolute is many-branched.
tāhāte pramāṇa kṛṣṇa-śrī-mukha-vacane
In loving dealings, by nature Krishna is bahu-śākhā,
That promise has been broken by the worship of the gopīs, many branched, for as the Supreme Lord he is worshiped
as Lord Krishna himself admits. (179) by unlimited devotees manifesting many varieties of
na pāraye ‘haṁ niravadya-saṁyujāṁ moods towards him, such as servitorship, friendship,
sva-sādhu-kṛtyaṁ vibudhāyuṣāpi vaḥ parental relationship and the conjugal mellow. As
Unknown photographer
Issue Five Hundred Forty Three, Page — 23 श्रीकृष्णकथामृत बिन् दु
such, Krishna has to appropriately reciprocate with Mahaprabhu repaid his debt to them and, making
each mood. However, the gopīs in their love towards the world aware of the depth of their love, glorified
Krishna have vyavasāyātmikā buddhiḥ — one-pointed them in return. Vasu Ghosh has written:
intelligence. They are not interested in the form of yadi gaura nā hoito, tabe ki hoito,
Lord Narayan. They do not even want to see Krishna in kemone dharitām de
Mathura, Dwarka, or Kurukshetra. They only want to rādhār mahimā, prema-rasa-sīmā,
serve Krishna as the son of Maharaja Nanda, playing his jagate jānāto ke
flute under the keli-kadamba tree in Vrindavan on the If Gauranga Mahaprabhu had not come, then
bank of the Yamuna. Mahaprabhu has expressed Srimati what would have become of us? How could we have
Radharani’s one-pointed attitude in the final verse of his tolerated living? Who in this universe would have ever
Śikṣāṣṭaka: mat-prāṇa-nāthas tu sa eva nāparaḥ — “I know learned about the topmost limits of loving mellows
no one other than he (Krishna) as my lord.”
that comprise the glory of Sri Radha? — MD
In their exclusive, selfless devotion to Krishna,
the gopīs gave up everything for him. They left their
— Dasarath Suta Das. Radha Krishna Nectar. Nectar Books. Union City,
homes, families, husbands and children and ran to Georgia. 1992.
Krishna in the dead of night. For Krishna to repay the — Gokulananda Sen. Pada-kalpa-taru. Syamacharan Library. Calcutta.
gopīs, he also had to give up everything, even his home 438 Gaurabda (1924). Bengali.
and the association of his loving mother and wife. He — Gopal Bhatta Goswami. Sat Kriyā Sāra Dīpikā, Volume One.
Bhaktivedanta Academy. Mayapur. 1995.
had to have a one-pointed focus — vyavasāyātmikā
— Krishna Dvaipayan Vyasadev. Bhagavad-gītā As It Is. English
buddhiḥ. He had to leave everything, put on the translation and commentary by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
saffron-colored cloth of separation, and cry in the Prabhupada. Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. Bombay. 1995.
same way that Radharani cried for him. This is the — Krishna Dvaipayan Vyasadev. Śrīmad Bhāgavatam. English
translation and commentary by the humble servants of His Divine
internal reason for Mahaprabhu’s taking sannyāsa. Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Bhaktivedanta Book
In their ekāntika, one-pointed devotion, the Trust. Los Angeles. 1985.
gopīs went mad for Krishna, and by so doing, they — Lochan Das Thakur. Śrī Caitanya-maṅgala. Gaudiya Mission. Bag
Bazar. Calcutta. 1991. Bengali.
glorified the Lord. To repay them, Krishna came
— Nityananda Das. Prema-vilāsa. Mahesh Library. Calcutta. 1999. Bengali.
as Mahaprabhu, adopted Radharani’s ecstatic
— Vrindavan Das Thakur. Śrī Caitanya-bhāgavata with commentary
mood of one-pointed devotion, and experienced of Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur. Sri Gaudiya Math. Bagbazar,
their madness of love in separation. In that way, Calcutta. 1984. Bengali.
Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu Issue Five Hundred Forty Three, Page — 24
Seeking to Understand
Radha's Love
Govinda Das
Govinda Das is considered the greatest poet of
Brajabuli language and one of the great poets of
Bengal. He appeared in Srikhanda, Burdwan District,
probably in the third decade of the sixteenth century.
He is the younger brother of Ramachandra Kaviraj,
the close friend of Srila Narottam Das Thakur. Like
his elder brother Ramachandra, Govinda Das also
accepted initiation and shelter at the lotus feet of
Srinivas Acharya.
Unknown artist
śrī kṛṣṇa caitanya gorā śacīra dulāla
ei se pūrabe chila gokulera gopāla