Digestive System
Digestive System
Digestive System
FUNCTIONS (IDEA) of nerves, blood vessels, small
1. Ingestion of food. glands
2. Digestion of food. ▪ Plexus – extensive network of
3. Elimination of wastes. nerve cell processes (innervated
4. Absorption of nutrients. by the autonomic nerves)
▪ With the help of the circulatory ▪ Consists of circular SM (inner),
system, is like a gigantic ‘meals longitudinal SM (outer)
on wheels’, serving 100 T ▪ Enteric nervous system –
customers the nutrients they composed of the nerve plexuses
need of the submucosa and
▪ Has its own quality control and muscularis; controls movement
waste disposal methods and secretion within the tract
4. ISerosa
▪ Outermost layer
▪ Consists of the peritoneum
(smooth epithelial layer +
underlying CT)
▪ Adventitia – connective tissue;
regions of the DT not covered
by the peritoneum
3. Esophageal Phase
▪ Responsible for moving food
form the pharynx to the
▪ Peristaltic waves – muscular
contractions of the esophagus
Gastroesophageal opening– opening
from theesophagus into the stomach
Cardiac region – region of
around the gastroesophageal
opening; near the heart
Fundus – most superior part of the
▪ Major site of digestion and
absorption of food
▪ Major function is the
absorption of nutrients
1. Duodenum – 12 in. long;
contains absorptive cells, goblet
cells. Granular cells and
endocrine cells
2. Jejunum – 2.5 m long; makes
up 2/5
3. Ileum – 3.5 m long; makes up
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Common bile duct (liver) and the intestinal epithelium from
pancreatic duct bacteria
(pancreas) – join and empty into the 4. Endocrine cells – produce
duodenum regulatory hormones
Intestinal glands – epithelial cells
produced within tubular galnds of
Duodenal glands – mucous glands in
the submucosa of the duodenum
Peyer patches – clusters of lymphatic
nodules along the digestive tract;
collection of lymphatic tissue
Ileocecal junction – where the ileum
connects to the large intestine
Ileocecal sphincter – ring of smooth
Ileocecal valve – allow intestinal
contents to move from the ileum to the
large intestine; but not in opposite
Increased surface area direction
1. Circular folds – formed by
mucosa and submucosa that Secretions of the Small Intestine
run perpendicular to the long 1. Peptidases – break peptide
axis of the digestive tract bonds in proteins to form
2. Villi – formed by tiny, amino acids
fingerlike projections of the 2. Disaccharidases – break
mucosa down disaccharides (maltose)
3. Microvilli – numerous into monosaccharides
cytoplasmic extensions on the (glucose)
surface of the villi Movement of the Small Intestine
Lacteal – lymphatic capillary A. Peristaltic contractions –
proceed along the length of the
intestine for variable distances;
causes the chime to move
along the small intestine
B. Segmental contractions –
propagate for shot distances;
mix intestinal contents
Anatomy of Liver Major Lobes
1. Right lobe
2. Left lobe
Falciform ligament – CT septum that
Simple Columnar Epithelium separates the right and left lobe of the
1. Absorptive cells – have liver
microvilli, produce digestive
Smaller Lobes
enzymes, absorb digested 1. Caudate lobe
food 2. Quadrate lobe
2. Goblet cells – produce a
protective mucus Porta – gate through which blood
3. Granular cells – help protect vessels, ducts, and nerves enter and
exit the liver
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Sources of Blood in the Liver efficiency of fat digestion and
1. Hepatic artery – takes oxygen- absorption; stimulated by secretin
rich blood to the liver; supplies Bile salts – emulsify fats
liver with oxygen Bilirubin – bile pigment that results
2. Hepatic portal vein – oxygen- from the breakdown of hemoglobin
poor blood but rich in nutrients
Hepatic veins – where blood exits the
liver and empty into the inferior vena
Portal Triads
1. Hepatic artery
2. Hepatic portal vein
3. Hepatic duct
Hepatic cords – located bet. the center
and margins of each lobule
Hepatocytes – platelike groups that
form the hepatic cords
Hepatic sinusoids – blood channels
that separates the hepatic cords from
one another Anatomy of Pancreas
Central vein – where mixed blood 1. Head – near the midline of the
flows toward the center of each lobule body
Bile canaliculus – a cleftlike lumen bet. 2. Tail – extends to the left
the cells of each hepatic cord Pancreatic islet / Islets of Langerhans
Common hepatic duct – right + left – endocrine part; produce insulin and
hepatic ducts glucagon
Common bile duct – common hepatic
duct + cystic duct Compound acinar gland – exocrine
Gallbladder – stores and concentrates part
bile Acini – produce digestive enymes
Duodenal papilla – where the Pancreatic duct – formed by larger
common bile duct joind the pancreatic ducts from clusters of acini
duct and opens into the duodenum