Year 10 English Gothic Elements: Coraline: To Succeed in This Task, You Will Need To

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Year 10 English

Gothic Elements: Coraline

Multimodal Presentation/ Response

Task: Students will watch and study the film ‘Coraline’ and analyse the use of
intertextuality and gothic elements.

Students will create a multimodal presentation explaining how gothic elements are
shown throughout the film and how this impacts the audience.
Include the following:
 Define intertextuality
 Provide 1-2 examples of intertextuality within the film.

The following gothic elements need to be analysed.

 Creepy settings
 The Grotesque
 Dreams and nightmares
 Supernatural elements and the Uncanny
 You may analyse additional elements, please consult Miss Morgan about this.

Text Type: Multimodal response

Length: 300-500 words.

Steps to complete this task:

1) Watch the film Coraline.
2) Complete the activities to understand different gothic elements.
3) Use the gothic elements PowerPoint on DAYMAP to find information about the gothic elements
mentioned above.

To succeed in this task, you will need to:

• Use correct spelling and grammar.

• Communicate correctly through a multimodal presentation.

• Include evidence from the text to support your arguments and analysis (e.g. characters, quotes,
visual elements).

Draft Due: Monday Week 5, Term 3

Final Due: Thursday Week 5, Term 3

Year 10 English: Intertextuality Multimodal Presentation- ‘Coraline’
Achievement A B C D E
They explain how Student shows critical Student shows Student shows some Student shows Minimal
the choice of analysis of style for sound analysis of knowledge of limited evidence of
language features, multiple authors and style for some images, vocabulary awareness of achievement or
images and is able to authors and is able choices and style and is able work not
vocabulary comprehensively to explain which language features to recognise submitted for
contributes to the explain which features are and can recognise basic language assessment.
development of features are distinguishing. the work of an features.
individual style. distinguishing. author.

They develop and Student forms Student makes Student can Student shows Minimal
justify their own sophisticated sound choices extrapolate ideas basic awareness evidence of
interpretations of interpretations of about information and information in of ideas or achievement or
texts. ideas and information and ideas from texts and can use information in work not
from other texts and other texts and is them to form simple texts and can submitted for
successfully defend able to successfully interpretations. restate them. assessment.
their own ideas and incorporate them.

Name: Grade:


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