BITSHD Syllabus
BITSHD Syllabus
BITSHD Syllabus
Core Mathematics
Calculus: Functions and graphs; limit and continuity; Applications of Derivatives, Applications of Definite
Integrals, Convergence of Infinite sequences and series, Maclaurin and Taylor series. Functions of several
variables, Limits and Continuity in Higher Dimensions, Partial derivatives, The chain rule, Directional
Derivatives and Gradient vectors, Tangent planes and Normal lines, Extreme values and saddle points,
Double Integrals, Triple Integrals, Line and surface Integrals, Conservative fields, Curl and divergence,
Theorems of Green, Gauss and Stokes.
Linear Algebra: Matrix Algebra, Row reduction method, Rank and inverse of a matrix, System of linear
equations, Vector space; basis and dimension; linear transformation; range and kernel of a linear
transformation; Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Complex Variables:
Laurent Series; Calculus of residues and applications.
Probability and Statistics: Sample space and events, Conditional probability and independence; Random
variables and probability distributions; Independent random variables; Mathematical expectation; mean and
variance; Geometric, Binomial, Exponential, Gamma and Normal distributions; sum of
independent random variables; law of large numbers; Central limit theorem, Marginal and conditional
distributions; Sampling distribution, Point estimation, Statistical intervals based on a Single sample, Tests
of hypotheses based on a single sample, test for mean using normal and Students t-distribution;
Correlation and linear regression.
Differential Equations: First order differential equations (linear and nonlinear), higher order linear
differential equations with constant coefficient, method of variation of parameters, Cauchy-
Fourier Series, Laplace Transform, Initial and boundary value problems, Partial differential equations,
Method of separation of variables.
1. Grammar
2.2 Contextual meaning.
2.3 Analogy
3. Reading Comprehension
3.1 Content/ideas
3.2 Vocabulary
3.3 Referents
3.4 Idioms/Phrases
3.5 Reconstruction (rewording)
4. Composition
4.1 Rearrangement
4.2 Paragraph Unity
4.3 Linkers/Connectives
(b) Logical Reasoning
The test is given to the candidates to judge their power of reasoning spread in verbal and nonverbal areas.
The candidates should be able to think logically so that they perceive the data accurately, understand the
relationships correctly, figure out the missing numbers or words, and to apply rules to new and different
contexts. These indicators are measured through performance on such tasks as detecting missing links,
following directions, classifying words, establishing sequences, and completing analogies.
5. Verbal Reasoning
5.1 Analogy
Analogy means correspondence. In the questions based on analogy, a particular relationship is given and
another similar relationship has to be identified from the alternatives provided.
5.2 Classification
Classification means to assort the items of a given group on the basis of certain common quality they possess
and then spot the odd option out.
6. Nonverbal Reasoning
6.1 Pattern Perception
Here a certain pattern is given and generally a quarter is left blank. The candidate is required to identify the
correct quarter from the given four alternatives.
6.2 Figure Formation and Analysis
The candidate is required to analyze and form a figure from various given parts.
Here a particular rule is given and it is required to select from the given sets of figures, a set of figures, which
obeys the rule and forms the correct series.
Reference books:
(1) Himmelblau, D. M. Riggs, J. B. principles & calculations in chemical PHI, 8th ed., 2015.
(2) Felder, R. M. & R. W. Rousseau, Principles of Chemical John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., 4th ed., 2011.
Fluid Mechanics
Fundamental Concepts and Fluid Statics, basic concept of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, head
losses, velocity and pressure drop calculation. Integral and Differential Analyses for Fluid Motion, Internal
and External Fluid Flow and Flow through Packed & fluidized beds, Dimensional Analysis, flow meters,
pumps and compressors.
Reference books:
(1) R. W. Fox, A. T. McDonalds, and P. J. Pritchard, "Introduction to Fluid Mechanics", John Wiley and
Sons Inc., 8th ed., 2013.
Inc., 7th ed., 2014.
First and Second laws of thermodynamics. Applications of first law to close and open systems. Second
law and Entropy. Thermodynamic properties of pure substances: Equation of State and residual
properties, properties of mixtures: partial molar properties, fugacity, excess properties and activity
coefficients; phase equilibria: predicting VLE of systems; chemical reaction equilibrium.
Reference books:
(1) J. M. Smith, H.C. Ness, and M. Abbott, B Bhatt (Adapted), roduction to Chemical Engineering
McGraw Hill Education, 7th ed., 2009.
(2) Y. V. C. Rao, Engineering Universities Press, 1997.
Analysis, Delay Systems, Voice-over-IP.
Reference Books:
John C Bellamy. Digital Telephony. 3rd ed. John Wiley & Sons 2003.
Roger L. Freeman. Telecommunication System Engineering. 4th ed. John Wiley & Sons 2004.
Thiagarajan Viswanathan and Manav Bhatnagar. Telecommunication Switching Systems and Networks.
2nd ed. Prentice-Hall India 2015.
Behrouz A. Forouzan. Data Communications and Networking. 5th ed. McGraw Hill Education (India)
William Stallings. Data and Computer Communications. 8th ed. Pearson Education 2007.
Mechanical Engineering
Production Techniques
Metal casting, Metal forming, powder metallurgy, plastic forming and molding, Metal joining, Metrology,
metal cutting theory, machining processes, welding processes and Non-conventional manufacturing
Reference books:
Campbell, J.S., Principles of Manufacturing Materials and Processes, 23rd reprint, Tata McGraw Hill,
Ghosh, A. and Malik, A.K., Manufacturing Science, 2nd edition, East-West Press Pvt. Ltd., 2010.
Kalpakjain, S. and Schmid, S. R., Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, 5th edition, Pearson
Education, 2006.
Introduction, Structure of Materials (Metal and Ceramics), Dislocations, heat treatment of steel and
strengthening Mechanisms of Metals, Phase diagrams, Iron-carbide phase diagram, Phase
transformation in Metals, Mechanical and thermal properties of Metals, Polymers (Structure, processes
and properties) and introduction to non-destructive testing.
Reference books:
William D. Callister, David G. Rethwisch, Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, Ninth
Edition, Wiley, 2013.
V. Raghavan, Material science and engineering, 6th Edition, Prentice-Hall of India private Limited,
Forecasting and product planning, Process planning, job design and work measurements, Facilities
location and layout, Capacity planning, aggregate planning and scheduling, Inventory and quality control.
Reference books:
Gaither, N. and Frazier, G., Operations Management, 9th Edition, Thomson South Western, 2007
Criteria for static failure and fatigue failure, design of screws and bolted joints, design of welded joints
and riveted joints, Mechanical springs, Design of rolling element bearings, journal bearings and
hydrodynamic lubrication, Design of gears, clutches, brakes, couplings, flat and V-belt drives, Computer
aided design, and geometric modeling of mechanical parts.
Reference books:
Shigley, J. E. and Mischke, C. R., Mechanical Engineering Design, 9th edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2001.
Zeid, I., CAD/CAM: Theory and Practice, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1991.
Mechanics of Solids
Properties of pure substance, First law of thermodynamics, Second law of thermodynamics, Entropy,
Irreversibility, energy and thermodynamic relations.
Reference books:
Sonntag, R. E., Borgnakke, C. and Van Wylen, G. J. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, 7th edition,
John, Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte. Limited, 2009.
A. Cengel, Michael A. Boles, Thermodynamics an Engineering Approach, 7th edition, Mcgraw Hill
Education, 2011.
Applied Thermodynamics
Air standard cycles, gas power cycles, I.C. engines, Vapour compression and absorption cycle,
Psychometrics and air conditioning, Vapour power cycles, boilers, its mountings and accessories,
steam turbines, gas turbines, compressors.
Reference books:
Nag P.K., Basic and Applied Thermodynamics, 3rd edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.Nag
P.K., Power Plant Engineering, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001.
T.D. Eastop, A. Mcconkey, Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists, Pearson
Education, 2009.
Fluid statics, Conservation laws, Viscous and inviscid flow analysis, Dimensional analysis, Analysis of
fluid machines.
Reference books:
Frank White, Fluid Mechanics, 8th edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2016
Fox, Mcdonald, Pritchard, Fluid Mechanics, 8th edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Heat Transfer
Conduction: steady state and unsteady state heat conduction, Convection: analytical and empirical
relations for forced and free convection heat transfer, condensation and boiling, Radiation heat transfer:
basic laws, shape factor, radiation heat exchange between surfaces, Heat exchanger: analysis and
design, Mass transfer: diffusion and convective mass transfer.
Reference books:
Holman, J. P., Heat Transfer, McGraw Hill, 9th Edition, 2002.
T. Bergman, A. S. Lavine, F. P. Incropera, D. P. DeWitt, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 7th
Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Natural Drugs, Phyto-chemistry, Pharmacognosy :
General Pharmacognosy, traditional systems of medicine, plant nomenclature & classification, macro &
micro morphology, standardization parameters; Properties, isolation techniques, tests and functions of
alkaloids, alkaloidal drugs belonging to the classes: tropane, ecgonine, quinoline, iso-quinoline, indole,
purine, phenanthrine, diterpene, peptide, steroidal classes including pseudoalkaloids; Classification,
isolation techniques, test for glycosides, glycoside drugs of class: anthraquinone, cardenolide,
bufedienolide, saponins; Classification, isolation techniques, tests for volatile oils and fixed oils, volatile
oil containing drugs including acyclic, monocyclic, bicyclic and tri cyclic terpenoidal drugs, fixed oils
containing saturated, unsaturated fatty acids; Classification, isolation procedures, test for resins, drugs
of resin alcohol, acid resin and ester resin classes, classification and tests for gums, prepared gums and
naturally occurring gums.
Reference books:
Anatomy of a generalized cell, cellular transport mechanisms, cell division, body tissue types and
functions, their properties and characteristics., Composition and functions of blood, Plasma Proteins,
RBC, WBC, platelets- anatomy & functions, hemoglobin and blood groups, blood typing, anatomy and
physiology of the heart, blood pressure, ECG and its significance, blood vessels., General aspects of
neurology, central, peripheral nervous system ( CNS and PNS), autonomic nervous system, endocrine
glands, hormones:- their functions and mechanisms of action., Anatomy of the urinary system,
mechanisms of urine production, diseases of the kidney, male, female reproductive systems and related
disorders., Organs of the respiratory system, process of respiration, diseases related to the systems.
Reference books:
Martini F H Fundamentals of Human Anatomy & Physiology. 4th Ed, P-H International Inc.
Guyton & Hall, A Text book of Medical Physiology XI Ed., WB Saunders Co.(Indian Ed.), Elsevier 2006