C Math-2005

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Preq. Math 1001, 1002

The aims of this course are to introduce the basic ideas of linear algebra.

Matrix algebra, addition and transposition, linearity, matrix multiplication, properties of matrix
multiplication, matrix inversion, inverses of sums and sensitivity, elementary matrices and
equivalence, the LU factorization, vector spaces, subspaces, four fundamental subspaces, linear
independence, basis and dimension, more about rank, classical least squares, linear transformations,
change of basis and similarity, invariant subspaces, norms, inner products and orthogonality, vector
norms, matrix norms, inner-product spaces, orthogonal vectors, Gram–Schmidt procedure, unitary and
orthogonal matrices, orthogonal reduction, discrete Fourier transform, complementary subspaces,
range-null space decomposition, orthogonal decomposition, singular value decomposition, orthogonal
projection, least squares, angles between subspaces, determinants, additional properties of
determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, properties of Eigen systems, diagonalization by similarity
transformations, functions of diagonalizable matrices, systems of differential equations, normal
matrices, positive definite matrices, nilpotent matrices and Jordan structure, Jordan form, functions of
non-diagonalizable matrices.
Recommended Books
1. Elementary linear algebra: applications version (11th Edition) by H. Anton and C. Rorres,
Wiley (2010)
2. Mathematical Methods for Physicists (7th Edition) by G. B. Arfken, H. J. Weber and F. E.
Harris, Academic Press (2012)
3. Mathematics for Physicists by P. Dennery and A. Krzywicki, Dover Publications (2012)
4. Mathematical methods for physics and engineering by K. F. Riley, M. P. Hobson, and S. J.
Bence (3rd Edition), Cambrige (1999)

53 | Curriculum (2020), Physics Degree Programs, University of the Punjab, Lahore

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