BSF Lesson 5 Notes
BSF Lesson 5 Notes
BSF Lesson 5 Notes
Lesson Questions
First Day: Read Lesson 4 Notes.
The notes and lecture fortify the truth of the passage for understanding and application to daily life.
1. What truth from the lecture led you to seek God’s presence and help during a challenge this past week?
2. How did the notes help you realize that, like Elijah, God has positioned you to be used for Him? What
will you do?
3. What did Elijah experience after his great victory at Mount Carmel (see 1 Kings 18:16-46)?
© BSF 2022 (This material may be downloaded from and used by BSF class members in connection Lesson 5 | 75
with their personal BSF class studies. It may not be otherwise reproduced without BSF’s written permission.)
4. a. How did God care for His exhausted and discouraged servant?
b. In what ways have you experienced God’s provisions during a time of need or suffering?
5. What did God ask Elijah at Mount Horeb, and how did Elijah answer?
7. a. Describe the ways God revealed Himself to Elijah. What stands out to you?
b. What do you think God intended for Elijah to experience and learn?
8. a. How did God move Elijah forward in work for Him? What did He ask Elijah to do?
b. Why would God’s calling of Elisha have been particularly helpful to Elijah?
9. In what specific ways has God called and sustained you in obedience and service for Him?
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Fourth Day: Read 1 Kings 20.
God rescued Ahab and Israel from Ben-Hadad’s overpowering army.
10. Explain how God protected His people and His promises despite their sin.
11. a. What verses clearly state God’s purpose in rescuing His people yet again?
12. Even after experiencing God’s deliverance, what poor decision did Ahab make?
b. Tell some of the ways God has used the consequences of your sin to call you to a deeper
relationship with Him.
14. Describe the character of each of the following persons in this passage:
a. Ahab
c. Naboth
b. How did Ahab respond to God’s judgment? Do you think he was sincere?
17. What attribute of God stands out to you in 1 Kings 19–21? How do you see that attribute
displayed in the world today?
Passage Discovery (homiletics, word study, etc.) for Group and Administrative Leaders: 1 Kings 19–21
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Lecture Notes
Focus Verse
“The Lord said, ‘Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord
is about to pass by.’” – 1 Kings 19:11a
● God’s Generous Grace to a Weary Servant – 1 Kings 19
● God’s Generous Grace to a Rebellious King – 1 Kings 20–21
We live in a world that idolizes superheroes. The idea of unfaltering invincibility appeals to us. We
like to imagine ourselves stronger than we actually are. So what happens when our human fragility
surfaces? Life sometimes leaves us struggling to breathe. We face fears, illness, and the stresses of
life. Ongoing pressure leaves us depleted and weary. There is good news. Even though our strength
might wane, God’s strength never does! Our Heavenly Father understands our weaknesses better
than we do. His own Son walked the soil of earth as a man. God can be trusted to sustain us
when our strength fails.
Elijah confronted an evil king and rampant idolatry with seemingly superhuman strength. He trusted
God in big ways. Yet after a spectacular display of courageous faith, God’s weary servant collapsed.
Elijah experienced yet another hue of God’s multicolored faithfulness when his human frailty was
exposed. The God who fed him with ravens and sent fire from heaven met him in the pit of despair.
God tenderly restored Elijah. He then gave him more work to do. Human limitations do not limit
God. Elijah would again stand before rebellious Ahab to deliver God’s message. God generously
extends grace to the faithful and the unfaithful. God’s grace is essential. God’s grace is powerful.
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Elijah’s Crisis – 19:1-10
Elijah’s sudden plunge into despair might surprise us, but his raw humanity should not. The glaringly
honest words that poured out of Elijah revealed the depth of his inner strife. “I have had enough,
Lord … Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.” Elijah was just as human as we are. Like
any Christian who has experienced an intense spiritual battle, Elijah was physically, mentally, and
spiritually exhausted. Even though he was drained and defeated, he was honest with God.
Elijah’s very real struggle offers many lessons for us. Internal and external pressure, hunger, physical
strain, and general weariness can take us to a place where we feel we have nothing left to offer God
or anyone else. We face many moments when we have “had enough.” Satan aims his attacks on
believers at specific times and points of vulnerability. Our enemy flings accusations at us with
precise cruelty, but he cannot steal the permanent shelter given to us by our God Most High.4 “We
are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not
abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed” (2 Corinthians 4:8-9).
Great victories are often followed by moments of extreme distress. Even great men and women of
God face human limitations and discouragement. By God’s grace, His work does not depend on
our invincibility. Seasons of excruciating pain prove to us that we need God. He is sufficient.
God gave Elijah what he needed – sleep and food. An angel touched sleeping Elijah and gave him
bread and water. He ate and drank and lay down again. A second time, the angel awakened him and
said, “Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you.” God strengthened Elijah and supplied
what he needed most. The rest and nourishment He provided energized Elijah to travel for 40 days
and nights to Mount Horeb. When Elijah arrived there, he entered into a cave to spend the night.
God completely understands our human limitations. He is never surprised when we become
weary. God knows what is too much for us. We do not have the resources to navigate life or please
God on our own. We cannot figure out anything significant without His help. In so many ways, God
says, “I know what you really need, and I will give it to you if you trust Me.” Life’s darkest moments
are designed to teach us to depend on God.
Elijah held nothing back. He honestly poured out his utter loss of hope to God. He had been zealous
and faithful. The people had rejected God and killed His prophets. Elijah believed that he was the
only one left standing for Almighty God – and now they were trying to kill him. Elijah’s work
felt fruitless, and he felt defeated.
Elijah’s ear heard something else as the noise of nature faded. “And after the fire came a gentle
whisper.” He covered his face with his cloak as he stood aware of God’s presence. God’s message to
Elijah would not be offered in a big noisy way, but in the still, quiet voice of a loving Father. God
tenderly and gently repeated the same question – “What are you doing here, Elijah?” For a second
time, Elijah told God of his lonely plight of faithfulness. The sad songs of life can be honestly sung
to our Heavenly Father who loves us best. We look for God in the moments of life that are big and
loud. What is God whispering to you today?
Elijah’s story presents a real picture of the human experience. The uncertainties of life weigh heavily
on us. Our human strength will fail us, but God never does. In the midst of life’s challenges, God
welcomes our honest expressions about the depth of our struggles. Only He knows and can meet
our deepest needs. We gain strength to carry on as we fix our gaze on the greatness of God rather
than the magnitude of our problems. God orchestrates our circumstances to remove our illusion of
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strength and help us look to Him. In God’s strength alone, we can rise from the hard places in life to
carry on and move forward. God does not strengthen us just so we can be strong again. He wants us
to re-engage with the work He is doing in the world.
● Anoint two kings – Hazael was to be crowned as king of Aram5 and Jehu as king of Israel.6
● Anoint Elisha as your successor – God’s work among the people of Israel would continue.
● Be encouraged, you are not alone – There are 7,000 in Israel who have refused to bow
to Baal.
God called Elijah to speak boldly for Him as His prophet in Israel. In a similar way, God calls every
Christian to partner with Him in His ongoing work in the world. God comes alongside believers when
they are weak to give them the strength needed to carry on for His purposes and give Him glory.
On Mount Horeb, God confirmed His control of nations and His sovereignty over His people.
Elijah’s work for God was not done. God assigned Elijah immediate tasks that carried great
importance. He would anoint kings to carry forth God’s plan for rebellious Israel. King Hazael
would come as a bitter enemy. The sword of Jehu would reap vengeance on Israel. Elisha would
continue to stand with God and against evil. God’s plan for His people was not defeated.
With his characteristic abruptness, Elijah threw his cloak around Elisha and kept on walking. This
was not just any cloak but an official mantle that identified him as a prophet. Evidently, Elisha knew
what was happening. He recognized Elijah’s action as a call to follow him. Elisha responded to
God’s call, and his life was changed forever. With Elijah’s permission, Elisha returned to kiss his
parents goodbye. He verified his commitment by slaughtering his oxen and burning the tools of his
trade. Elisha held nothing back in his commitment to God.
God had great work in store for Elisha as he became Elijah’s servant. Over time, God gave Elisha a
powerful ministry of his own. What a privilege he had to walk alongside this renowned prophet of
God. Elisha was filled with power to boldly proclaim truth. He performed compassionate miracles in
God’s name. God revealed His compassion through the promise that His work would continue
as He provided Elisha to walk with Elijah. The bonds formed by those who work together for the
Lord are among life’s greatest treasures.
Suffering accomplishes God’s sovereign and good purposes.10 Some of our pain comes as God’s
loving discipline, to correct and perfect us.11 Times of suffering often reveal our human limitations
and our utter dependence on God. Suffering challenges people to face their own mortality and
human limitations, even if they fail to turn to God.
We often struggle to explain the hardship we face. While we cannot adequately document God’s
every motive in the suffering He allows, He can be trusted. The pain that is our regular fare in
this fallen world makes us long for the day when Jesus will end sin’s devastation and will reign on
the earth without rival.12 The fact that God allows suffering does not mean He does not love us.
In the ultimate expression of His love, God allowed His own Son to experience bitter suffering
on the cross.13 Jesus suffered so that all who turn to Him can eagerly anticipate a day when this
world’s suffering will end.
This world’s trouble is difficult to explain without a biblical perspective on suffering’s source and
purpose. If we do not recognize the relationship between human suffering and sin, we might
question God’s goodness. If we fail to recognize God and His redeeming purposes, the pain
seems pointless. We are left with only throbbing pain we must endure but cannot reconcile.
Where is the hope without Jesus?
Your suffering offers a personal invitation to trust the Lord. Jesus warned that living a
countercultural lifestyle in this world would bring suffering. He suffered in ways we cannot fully
describe. We are called to seek God’s purpose and experience His peace in the midst of our pain.
John 16:33 says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you
will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” What is the most painful situation
you face today? Are you willing to trust God with the pain, even if you cannot explain His purpose
in it?
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God’s Generous Grace to a Rebellious King –
1 Kings 20–21
God faithfully supported Elijah, but He also persistently reached out to King Ahab and Israel.
Ahab reigned 22 years in Israel as an evil king who perpetuated evil in unprecedented ways.14 Despite
this, God continually confronted Ahab, speaking through multiple prophets and demonstrations of
His power.
In generous grace, God sent an unnamed prophet with a message for Ahab. He declared that
God would give victory over the enemy so that Ahab and his people would know that “I am the
Lord.” Ahab followed God’s direction, and his forces decisively triumphed over his enemies in
the battle.
Despite his undeniable experience of God’s deliverance, Ahab valued political and economic
gain more than pleasing God. He not only spared his enemy Ben-Hadad, but he made him a
trading partner and ally. This diplomatic human solution came with great future consequences – the
Arameans would be back for more battle and bloodshed.15
Queen Jezebel noticed Ahab’s depressed state as he sulked in bed and refused to eat. She launched an
underhanded plan to get the vineyard for Ahab. Naboth was sentenced and stoned to death because
of his uncompromised devotion to what was right. Naboth’s sons were also killed so that no family
remained to inherit the property.17 Ahab seized the vineyard in a flagrant and evil abuse of power.
His misdeeds continued to escalate. Psalm 53:4 describes evildoers as those who “devour my people
as though eating bread.” Ahab’s treachery against Naboth did not escape God’s notice.
After Elijah’s somber announcement, Ahab put on sackcloth to express sorrow and humility.
God pointed Elijah to Ahab’s unexpected response. Despite Ahab’s record of excessive evil,
God acknowledged his fleeting moment of humility. God extended mercy to the degenerate,
murderous, and reprobate King Ahab. The just consequences of Ahab’s sin would not fall until the
days of his son. God was amazingly gracious to Ahab himself, though his son was left with the fallout
caused by his sin and rebellion.
This passage reveals God’s wisdom in dispensing grace. God tenderly dealt with Elijah in a moment
of human frailty. God persistently pursued Ahab despite a lifetime of evil. God generously extends
grace to the faithful and the unfaithful. We worship a God who delights to show mercy to the
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Take to Heart
Hold Fast
After his dramatic victory over the prophets of Baal, Elijah fled in fear when wicked Queen Jezebel
vowed to kill him. Exhausted and discouraged, Elijah sat under a bush and prayed to die. With
compassionate care, the angel of the Lord restored His faithful but weary servant. Elijah honestly
poured out his questions and expressed the depths of his personal struggle to God. He had been
faithful to God’s commands. He was fatigued, and his ministry felt fruitless. He felt forsaken and
alone. God revealed His powerful presence and gentle care to Elijah. Commissioned by God to new
work, Elijah did the next right thing. He emerged to anoint kings and raised up Elisha as a faithful
partner and his successor. God faithfully cared for Elijah when he faced real human struggles.
Human strength fails, but God’s faithfulness prevails.
King Ahab continued to reject God, despite many opportunities to turn to Him. Throughout
Ahab’s reign, God faithfully sent prophets to give direction and timely warnings. Even though Ahab
and Israel experienced victory in battle by God’s power alone, he continued to serve himself, not God.
Ahab’s evil only escalated. He abused power and murdered Naboth to steal Naboth’s vineyard for his
own pleasure. However, evil does not go unchecked. Elijah again stood before this reprobate king to
pronounce the end of his kingdom. In response to Ahab’s show of humility, the disaster was delayed
until the reign of his son. God extends mercy to the undeserving even as He exercises judgment.
Apply It
God regularly allows His children opportunities to recognize how much we need Him. He did
this for Elijah. He does it for us. We often resist moments that reveal weakness to ourselves and
others. We fail to recognize that we need God just as much on the days we feel strong as on the days
we struggle. God exposes our humanness to reveal the truth. Psalm 103:13-14 says, “As a father has
compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how
we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.” Our weakness is not news to God. He understands
the limitations of the mortals He formed from dust. We, however, struggle to shed our illusion of
superpowers. Will you trust that God has made you weak in all the right places to shine His glory
through the cracks in your clay pot?19 What is God revealing as He tenderly teaches you to trust
Him? How is God purposefully exposing your weakness to draw you to Himself ?
Elijah’s story presents lessons for us, but so does Ahab’s. Persistent refusal to yield to God’s loving
invitations reaps serious consequences. God revealed His power and accessibility to Ahab by
giving him victory in battle. He repeatedly sent His representatives to speak truth to this headstrong
king. Surely we would never be as foolish as Ahab! Admittedly however, there are ways we also resist
God’s loving appeals to us. How can you develop a heart that is sensitive to the Lord and pliable in
His hands? The “Ahab factor” at work in us limits our responsiveness to God. Do you recognize
the conviction and guidance of the Holy Spirit? How quickly do you repent when God reveals
sin? Lord, soften our hearts and unblock our ears! May God’s voice and loving appeals matter more
than our pride.
88 | Lesson 5 All Scripture quotations in this publication are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION ® NIV ®
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.