Green School Grounds As Sites For Outdoor Learning: Barriers and Opportunities

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Green School Grounds as Sites for

Outdoor Learning: Barriers and

Janet E. Dyment
University of Tasmania, Faculty of Education, Launceston, Tasmania
7250, Australia
In their review of evidence-based research entitled A Review of Research on Outdoor
Learning, Rickinson et al. (2004) identify five key constraints that limit the amount of
outdoor learning. This paper explores whether green school grounds might be a loca-
tion where these constraints could be minimised. Specifically, it reports on a study that
sought to investigate the use of green school grounds as sites for outdoor learning, to
identify barriers that impede such use, and to examine how these barriers differ from
those cited in Rickinson et al.’s review. A mixed method approach was used: (1) 149
questionnaires were completed by administrators, teachers, and parents associated
with 45 school ground greening initiatives in a Canadian school board; (2) 21 follow-up
interviews were completed at five of the schools. Study participants reported that green
school grounds are used regularly for teaching some subjects, notably science and
physical education, but considerably less for teaching language arts, mathematics, and
geography. They also identified a series of barriers that limit the amount of outdoor
learning and these are compared to those identified by Rickinson et al. (2004). This
paper concludes with a discussion of how the opportunities for teaching and learning
on green school grounds can be more fully maximised.

Keywords: school ground greening, teaching, outdoor classrooms, outdoor

learning, environmental education, barriers

While the concept of ‘outdoor learning’ is a broad and complex one, with
endless permutations of foci, outcomes, and location (see Rickinson et al., 2004:
15; Scott & Gough, 2003: 54), an emerging body of evidence-based research in
environmental education points to its benefits. A recent review by Rickinson et al.
(2004) points to the particular cognitive, affective, interpersonal/social, and
physical/behavioural impacts of outdoor learning that are occurring through
three kinds of outdoor learning activities: (1) fieldwork and outdoor visits; (2)
outdoor adventure education; and (3) school grounds and community projects.
The benefits of outdoor learning are broad-reaching to students, teachers, and
the wider community: for example, students who have had opportunities to
engage in outdoor learning have demonstrated an increased ability to think
creatively and critically and an improved performance on standardised tests,
teachers have reported renewed enthusiasm for learning, and the community
has benefited from having students who are active and engaged critical citizens
(Ballantyne & Packer, 2002; Lieberman & Hoody, 1998; Rickinson et al., 2004).

1038-2046/05/01 0028-18 $20.00/0 © 2005 J.E. Dyment

International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education Vol. 14, No. 1, 2005


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Green School Grounds as Sites for Outdoor Learning
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Green School Grounds as Sites for Outdoor Learning 29

Paralleling the growing understanding of the positive impacts of outdoor

learning is a growing realisation that many opportunities for outdoor learning
for school students has decreased substantially in recent years (e.g. Barker et al.,
2003; Fisher, 2001; Puk & Behm, 2003). The titles of recent investigations tell a
troubling story. A report published by the UK-based Field Studies Council and
British Ecological Society (Barker et al., 2003) explores if teaching biology
through fieldwork is ‘heading for extinction’ and Fisher (2001) documents the
‘demise of fieldwork’ in science education in the United Kingdom. Puk and
Behm (2003) point to the ‘diluted curriculum’ in Canada that has removed envi-
ronmental science (which is well suited for outdoor learning) as a teaching
Many researchers have documented numerous institutional, cultural, and
logistical barriers that have limited the amount and nature of outdoor learning
(e.g. Barker et al., 2003; Comishan et al., 2004; Fisher, 2001; Ham & Sewing, 1988;
Hart & Nolan, 1999; McCutcheon & Swanson, 2001; Rickinson et al., 2004;
Simmons, 1998). Rickinson et al. (2004), in their review of the literature on
outdoor learning, summarise five key barriers to outdoor learning:
(1) Fear and concern about young people’s health and safety (e.g. issues around
(2) Teacher’s confidence and expertise in teaching and learning outdoors (e.g. lack of
pre- and in-service training for teachers).
(3) The requirements of school curricula (e.g. mandated curriculum leaves little
room for outdoor learning, not enough time to undertake outdoor learning,
standardised testing makes it difficult to assess outdoor learning, outdoor
learning is only incorporated into subjects such as science).
(4) Shortages of time, resources and support (e.g. too much extra work for teachers,
lack of funding, transportation complications).
(5) Wider changes within the education sector and beyond (e.g. larger class sizes,
institution-wide timetables limit opportunities for field work, emphasis on
back to basics).
As these conflicting understandings as to the benefits of and limitations to
outdoor learning emerge simultaneously, I have become increasingly interested in
understanding if and how green school grounds might be particularly well suited
locations to facilitate outdoor learning. Clearly one would expect that some of the
barriers cited by Rickinson et al. (2004) are unique to certain locations, such as field
centres, that require students to travel from the school, often at considerable
expense. Might, then, some of the barriers to outdoor learning be mitigated on
green school grounds? For example, might commonly cited barriers to outdoor
learning, such as transportation complications, cost and liability concerns, be
non-issues on school grounds? If this is the case, then perhaps green school
grounds are particularly well situated to facilitate outdoor learning.
This paper draws on research conducted on green school grounds in a school
board in Canada and it reports on a study concerned with three main objectives:
(1) to explore if and how green school grounds are being used as sites for outdoor
learning; (2) to identify barriers that impede instruction on green school
grounds; and (3) to explore if and how these barriers differ from those cited in
Rickinson et al.’s (2004) Review of Research on Outdoor Learning. I first turn to a brief

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30 International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education

review of some of the literature that points to the potential of school ground
greening initiatives as sites for outdoor learning.

Green(ing) School Grounds as Sites for Outdoor Learning

The potential role of green school grounds to facilitate formal, informal, and
non-formal outdoor learning experiences is fairly well established (Dyment, 2005;
Titman, 1994, 1999). In terms of the formal curriculum, examples from the literature
suggest that numerous subjects/topics can be taught on green school grounds,
including reading, writing, mathematics, science, art, environmental education,
health, drama and social studies (Adams, 1990; Bell, 2001b; Centre for Ecoliteracy,
1999; Cronin-Jones, 2000; Engel, 1991; Gamson Danks, 2000; Grant & Littlejohn,
2001; Hansen-Moller & Taylor, 1991; Lieberman & Hoody, 1998; Malone & Tranter,
2003b; Olwig, 1991; Rhydden-Evans, 1993; Thomson & Arlidge, 2000).
The general cognitive benefits of outdoor learning on a school ground are well
understood and quite similar to the documented benefits of learning in other
locations, such as field centres, camps, or zoos (e.g. Alexander et al., 1995; Bell,
2001b; Canaris, 1995; Eden, 1998; Konoshima, 1995; Mabie & Baker, 1996; Moore
& Wong, 1997; Rahm, 2002; Rickinson et al., 2003). Researchers who have investi-
gated the potential of green school grounds as outdoor classrooms generally
agree that when the context for learning changes from an indoor, book-centred
environment to an outdoors and nature-centred environment, students find it to
be a more meaningful context for education. Learning easily comes alive, as
students are able to handle, touch, smell, and even taste the materials they are
learning with and from. Outdoor learning on green school grounds can help to
motivate and inspire students who do not learn best in classroom. Learning is
also enhanced because green school grounds provide endless opportunities for
learning about interconnections. For example, instead of seeing subjects as
discreet entities, students experience first hand the interconnections between
subjects, like maths, language arts, and science, as skills are often required from
many subjects to complete a task in the outdoor classroom. Students also get
opportunities to see the interconnections between their education, their home
lives, their environment, and their future.
Other researchers point to the informal learning that can occur on a green
school ground (Adams, 1993; Moore & Wong, 1997; Titman, 1994). Informal
learning is intrinsically motivated learning that happens without teacher inter-
vention. It occurs when students have unstructured time on the green school
ground and they learn social and behavioural skills (Adams, 1993).
Some researchers have identified the unique learning opportunities that green
school grounds afford, as compared to other more geographically novel environ-
ments (Dyment, 2004b; Martil-de Castro, 1999). Martil-de Castro (1999) notes
that some of the characteristics of the urban environment, which she thought
would inhibit opportunities for outdoor learning, actually ‘proved to be the most
beneficial and useful’ (p. 15). She found that the lack of visible biological diver-
sity, the presence of urban infrastructure, and the presence of urban poor
allowed an opportunity to bring issues of social equity into her lessons on
outdoor learning. She was able to make links with class, race, and gender in her
environmental education lessons.

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Green School Grounds as Sites for Outdoor Learning 31

Until recently, much of the literature provided only qualitative or anecdotal

evidence in support of the advantages of formal and informal learning on the
school grounds (e.g. Adams, 1991, 1993; Moore & Wong, 1997; Titman, 1994).
While many of these benefits are laudable, they are also difficult to measure.
Given that so much emphasis in educational circles is placed on academic perfor-
mance, as measured by standardised tests, many wondered if there was a link
between school ground learning and academic performance. Until recently,
there was a lack of literature that quantitatively explored a relationship between
outdoor learning on school grounds and students’ learning outcomes. Recent
studies, however, have generated quantitative evidence that does lend some
support for the potential educational benefits of formal instruction in environ-
ments such as school grounds (Lieberman & Hoody, 1998; Simone, 2002).1
Of course, learning happens not only through formal instruction on the green
school ground. A growing body of research points to the benefits of student
involvement in the process of greening the ground (Dyment, 2004a; Hart, 1997;
Hunter et al., 1998; Kenny, 1996; Moore & Wong, 1997; Titman, 1994). This
research argues that a democratisation process is one of the most important
aspects of children’s participation in school ground greening projects, more
important perhaps even than the particular impacts of any of their projects.
In addition to the outdoor learning benefits, when a school ground is greened,
there are numerous other benefits for students, teachers, the surrounding commu-
nity and the environment. For example, recent research appears to indicate that
students attending greened schools benefit from increased play opportunities
(Malone & Tranter, 2003b; Moore, 1996), safer and less hostile outdoor environ-
ments (Cheskey, 1994; Evans, 1995), increased connections to the natural
environment (Bell, 2001a; Nabhan & Trimble, 1994), more inclusive environments
(Mannion, 2003; Titman, 1994) and healthier environments (Toronto District
School Board, 2004). Teachers working at schools that have been greened report
unique opportunities for curriculum development (Moore & Wong, 1997) and
reduced classroom management problems (Lieberman & Hoody, 1998).
Not surprisingly, given the reported positive impacts, there has been a
growing number of not-for-profit organisations that facilitate the process of
school ground greening. Organisations such as Evergreen in Canada, the Centre
for Ecoliteracy in the United States, Learning Through Landscapes in the United
Kingdom, Movium in Sweden, EcoSchools in numerous countries, as well as the
Gould League and Learnscapes in Australia continue to grow in their profile and
scope.2 Many of these organisations also provide assistance for teachers who
want to use green school grounds as outdoor classrooms, through the develop-
ment of curricular resource material (e.g. Department of Education and Skills,
2003; Evergreen, 2001).

The study sites were selected in an urban school board in southern Ontario,
Canada, which has 451 elementary schools and 102 high schools. The school
board is located in a city that is diverse in terms of ethnic composition and socio-
economic status of students attending these schools. The school board was
selected because of the large number of schools with greening initiatives

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32 International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education

(approximately 20% of schools in the board). The projects were at various stages
of their greening process. With a view to understanding if and how outdoor
learning is happening on green school grounds, two research tools were used:
questionnaires and interviews.

A research package, containing four questionnaires, was distributed to each
principal at 100 schools with green school grounds in the school board.3 In addi-
tion to completing their own questionnaire, each principal was asked to
distribute the remaining questionnaires to the following three respondents: (1)
an involved teacher assuming a leadership role in greening or maintaining the
school ground, (2) a teacher who is not involved in the process of greening the
school ground, as well as (3) a parent who has been involved in the greening
project. In order to assist the principal in their selection of the additional respon-
dents, I provided descriptive criteria for each respondent.4 A total of 400
questionnaires were distributed (four questionnaires at 100 schools).
On the questionnaire, respondents were asked to reflect on if and how the
green school ground was used to deliver curricular material related to language
arts, mathematics, physical education, geography, and science. Standard demo-
graphic information was also collected. All questionnaires were numerically
coded to ensure confidentiality.

Case study interviews

With a view to having a greater understanding of if and how teaching occurred
on the green school ground, follow-up case studies were done at five schools. The
schools were randomly selected from the returned packages of questionnaires to
include one school from each ‘category’ of socioeconomic statuses (i.e. very high,
high, medium, low, very low).
Individual interviews were conducted with the three individuals who
completed the questionnaires: the involved teacher, the principal, and the
parent.5 The interviews were taped and lasted between 30 and 60 minutes
depending on how much information the participant had to offer. The semi-
structured interview consisted of a series of open and closed questions that
explored curriculum delivery, teaching, and outdoor learning on the green
school ground.

Data analysis
The questionnaire responses were analysed using SPSS. Descriptive statistics
were generated to understand respondent demographics and their perceptions
of outdoor learning on the green school ground.
Data from the interviews were fully transcribed. I read through the transcrip-
tions with a view to identifying potential themes and topics that were relevant to
the research objectives. I used ATLAS.ti 4.1. (Visual Qualitative Data Analysis,
Management and Theory Building) to code the interview transcriptions and
develop conceptual themes that allowed me to fully understand teachers’,
administrators’, and parents’ perceptions of the green school ground as an
outdoor classroom.

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Green School Grounds as Sites for Outdoor Learning 33

Response Rates and Demographics

Questionnaire response rates, school and respondent profiles
Out of the 100 schools invited to participate, 45 returned at least one question-
naire (45% response rate at the school level) (Table 1). Approximately half the
schools returned all four questionnaires, whereas 32%, 11%, and 7% returned
three, two and one questionnaire(s) respectively. At the individual questionnaire
level, 149 out of a possible 400 questionnaires were returned (37% response rate
at the questionnaire level). Forty-one principals, 39 involved teachers, 36 unin-
volved teachers, and 33 parents completed questionnaires. The majority of
respondents were women (83%).

Table 1 Profile of 149 questionnaire respondents

Characteristic and variable Frequency Percentage

Principal 41 27.5
Involved teacher 39 26.2
Uninvolved teacher 36 24.2
Parent 33 22.1
Male 26 17.4
Female 123 82.6
20–29 7 4.7
30–39 40 26.8
40–49 56 37.6
50–65 46 30.9
Highest level of education completed
College diploma 23 15.4
Undergraduate 73 49.0
Masters 36 24.2
Doctorate 2 1.3
Other 15 10.1
Years working in public/private education system *
0–2 4 3.4
3–5 8 6.9
6–10 12 10.3
11–20 36 31.1
More than 20 56 48.3
Number of years involved with school ground greening projects
0 31 20.8
1–2 20 13.4
3–5 54 36.2
6–10 32 21.5
11–20 11 7.4
More than 20 1 0.7

Note: N = 149 respondents

* Responses from administrators, involved teachers and uninvolved teachers only (n =

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34 International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education

Table 2 Profile of 45 schools from questionnaires

Characteristic and variable Frequency Percentage

Level of school
Elementary (Kindergarten to Grade 5/6) 32 71.1
Middle (Grade 5/6–Grade 8) 6 13.3
Secondary (Grade 9–Grade 12) 7 15.6
Socioeconomic status of school catchment area*
Very high 9 20.0
High 11 24.4
Medium 8 17.8
Low 9 20.0
Very low 8 17.8
Length of school ground greening project (years) †
<2 6 13.3
3–5 14 31.1
6–10 14 31.1
> 11 6 13.3
Unknown 5 11.2
Number of students
< 200 1 2.2
201–500 26 57.8
501–1000 11 24.4
> 1000 7 15.6
Number of staff
< 20 11 24.4
21–40 20 44.4
41–60 7 15.6
> 60 7 15.6

Note: N = 45 schools
* The socioeconomic status of each school was provided by the school board. It is deter-
mined by evaluating school communities as a function of: (1) average and median income
of families with school-aged children; (2) parental education; (3) proportion of lone-
parent families; (4) recent immigration; (5) housing type (apartment, single detached
house); and, (6) student mobility.
† Data for this response were sought from the involved teacher. If the involved teacher did
not respond, data were used from the parent questionnaire. If neither respondent indi-
cated a response, ‘unknown’ was recorded.

The majority of the schools participating were elementary (Kindergarten to

Grade 6) (n = 31), as well a number of middle schools (Grade 6–8, n = 6) and high
schools (Grade 9–12, n = 7). The schools represented a range of socioeconomic
statuses (Table 2). Additional demographics for both respondents and the
schools are found in Table 1 and Table 2 respectively.

Follow-up case study school and interviewee profiles

The five elementary schools6 (Grades K–6) were located in areas of differing
socioeconomic statuses, ranging from very low to very high. The schools ranged
in terms of the number of children (280–950 students) as well as their staff team
(13–48 staff).

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Green School Grounds as Sites for Outdoor Learning 35

I interviewed a total of 21 individuals during Phase 2 of the research project

(four principals, seven teachers, 10 parents). A large majority of interview
respondents were women (81%). The teachers and principals involved in the
follow up case study had been involved in the educational system for a minimum
of eight years and a maximum of 34 years, and had been working at their current
schools between two and 15 years. The interviewees had been involved in
greening projects for a varied amount of time: one respondent had only been
involved one year, while another had been involved for 12 years.

Are green school grounds being used for outdoor learning?
Questionnaire respondents were asked to indicate how often the green school
ground is used as an outdoor classroom for instructing five subjects. They indi-
cated that green school grounds are used most often to teach physical education
(76% of respondents) and science (79%), two subjects that are readily associated
with the outdoors (Table 3). Language arts, mathematics, and geography are
taught less frequently on the green school ground, with 41%, 53% and 46% of
questionnaire respondents indicating that these respective subjects are taught
‘never/rarely’. Study participants commented that the green school ground is
used to teach other subjects not listed on the questionnaire, such as art and
drama, illustrating the potential to integrate these spaces widely across the
The questionnaire respondents were also asked to indicate what percentage of
the teachers at the school use the green school ground as an outdoor classroom.
More than 50% of respondents reported that less than 10% of the teachers at their
school take lessons on the green school ground (Table 4).
I was able to gather a richer and more textured understanding of how green
school grounds are being used as outdoor classrooms when I performed my five

Table 3 Perceptions of respondents

Percentage of respondents reporting

N Never/ Sometimes Often/
rarely regularly
I use our school ground to help me instruct
curricular material related to:
(1) Language arts 127 41 39 20
(2) Mathematics 125 53 36 12
(3) Physical education 130 24 29 47
(4) Geography 128 46 32 22
(5) Science 134 21 32 47

Note: The wording included in this table represents the exact wording found on the
involved teacher’s survey. Slight changes were made among the four different question-
naires to ensure that each question was relevant to each respondent. For example, the
header to these questions on the principal questionnaire reads ‘Teachers at my school use
the school ground to help them instruct curricular material related to:’ and the parent
questionnaire reads ‘Teachers use the school ground to help them instruct curricular
material related to:’.

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36 International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education

Table 4 Percentage of teachers that instruct on green school grounds

Percentage of teachers Number of schools Percentage of schools

0 5 13.9
1–10 14 38.9
11–20 4 11.1
21–50 7 19.4
> 50 6 16.7

Note: N = 45 schools
* Nine schools did not respond to this question.

follow-up case studies. Not surprisingly, the amount of teaching occurring on

the green school grounds varied among the five schools and was influenced by
numerous factors. At a small number of schools, it appears that a considerable
amount of teaching does happen on the green school ground. At School B, for
example, enthusiasm for teaching on the school ground is high and teachers are
encouraged to use the ‘outdoor classroom’ for teaching a variety of subjects. In
the following quotation, the principal at School B described how some teachers at
her school are using the school ground in this way:
Our grade 1’s have just finished a unit on bugs. Four years ago we didn’t
have any bugs in our school yard. Now we have a ton of bugs. In fact our
trees were totally covered with ladybugs for about a week, and a whole
different variety of types of ladybugs which is quite exciting. I didn’t know
that there were that many different types of ladybugs until they went out
there. And they had their magnifying jars, and their reading buddies who
are the older students, who were their science buddies for that day . . . they
went out looking for bugs and they found all kinds of wonderful bugs. So
there’s a very simple example.
At points in time during School D’s greening project, a lot of outdoor learning
occurred in the school ground as well. In the mid-1990s, a teacher’s aid was hired
for nine hours a week and her sole responsibility was to provide instruction in
the garden. She described how much informal learning happened through the
maintenance of the garden:
Teaching just happened out there . . . we picked up apples and leaves and
put them in the composter. We screened compost. We brought mulch in
and soil in, and the older children spread it on the hillside. We planted. And
I did a lot by letting them learn through playing. . . . They would dig deep
holes in them, build landscapes, whatever. Stomp through puddles.
While enthusiastic about the benefits, study participants also commented
extensively on the untapped potential of the greening initiatives as outdoor
classrooms. They were anxious to see much more of the curriculum delivered
outdoors and in fact expressed a keen disappointment at the relatively small
percentage of teachers who were using the green school grounds. In the words of

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Green School Grounds as Sites for Outdoor Learning 37

one parent: ‘ . . . curriculum is the biggest area in which we have failed . . . teachers
seem to prefer traditional indoor teaching and there has been very poor partici-
pation by teachers’ (Parent, School A). This sentiment was echoed at all the
schools where follow-up interviews occurred: ‘I would say probably not as many
teachers use it as they should or could’ (Teacher, School A); ‘Probably at the
beginning there were more teachers involved and slowly it’s become less, unfor-
tunately’ (Teacher, School C); ‘It is rarely used for teaching any more’ (Teacher,
School D); and, ‘They are using it, although not enough’ (Teacher, School E). This
sentiment was even echoed by interviewees at School B, where a considerable
amount of teaching actually is happening: ‘Potential for teaching is not being
realised for sure’ (Parent, School B) and, ‘There could always be more’ (Principal,
School B).
To summarise, many study participants believed that the green school
grounds are not used nearly as much as they might be for an outdoor classroom.
They reported that many subjects are not being taught with regularity on the
green school ground. It thus appears that much room exists to enhance the
teaching that is occurring on the green school grounds in this study.

What are the barriers to using green school grounds as outdoor

Study participants identified many barriers that limited the amount of
outdoor learning happening on the green school grounds. I now turn to a presen-
tation of these barriers, using Rickinson et al.’s (2004) categorisation of ‘barriers to
outdoor learning’.
Fear and concern about young people’s health and safety
Rickinson et al. (2004) identified that a major barrier to outdoor learning was
concerns about young people’s health and safety. On the green school grounds
profiled in this study, this was not identified as a major barrier. While study
participants were aware of health and safety issues on green school ground
(e.g. allergic reactions to vegetation or insects, injuries from natural elements,
reduction in sight lines from trees, concerns about water safety around aquatic
elements), the large majority were not overly worried about them, and
expressed a willingness to accept and/or manage these risks. For example, they
described how compost bins could be strategically situated to reduce risk of bee
stings and how trees could be planted to ensure that sight lines are not
Teacher’s confidence and expertise in teaching and learning outdoors
A major barrier to outdoor learning that emerged in this study, as well as in
Rickinson et al.’s (2004) review, was that many teachers lacked the confidence or
skills about how to use the green school ground as an outdoor classroom. Many
participants suspected that teachers might find it difficult to even imagine
teaching outside, if all of their own education (as a student in primary,
secondary, tertiary, and teacher training) and subsequent career in teaching has
occurred in traditional indoor classrooms. As one parent explained, ‘it’s not
always obvious how to use these spaces, especially when you have a standard
routine and you’ve always taught in a classroom’ (School B). Participants
suspected that many teachers were ‘bound’ in traditional indoors views of

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38 International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education

learning, and found it difficult to imagine breaking out of their patterns. To illus-
trate, one parent indicated, ‘When you get caught in your little square boxes, you
stay in your little square boxes’ (School B) and another teacher agreed ‘It’s just
easier and safer maybe to teach the old way in the classroom’ (School A).
In terms of teacher confidence, many participants indicated that teachers
were concerned about losing control in an outdoor classroom. They noted that
classrooms offer familiarity and security, important considerations when one
is responsible for so many students. In the words of one teacher, ‘Outside it’s
an open area, it’s not a classroom, there’s less control with your students . . .
because obviously outside it’s a different place . . . so it is harder to teach in
that environment. So maybe some people are hesitant to teach out there’
(School C).
As some study participants suggested, however, the challenge lies much
deeper: teachers are often limited by conventional assumptions about educa-
tion – about their own need to ‘master’ the subject area, to have all the answers
prepared in advance, and to address first and foremost the ‘minds’ of their
students. Such assumptions sit uneasily with the realities of outdoor learning
where the environment is less easy to control, where learning outcomes are less
predictable and not necessarily measurable, and where learning experiences are
more fully embodied.
The large majority of study participants emphasised the need for teacher
training to provide teachers with the confidence and skills to take students
outside on the green school ground.

The requirements of school curricula

Rickinson et al. (2004), in their review of the research on outdoor learning, indi-
cated that curriculum constraints are a major barrier to outdoor learning.
Participants in this study also identified this constraint, with many asserting that
the mandated curriculum does not explicitly endorse or support the use of school
grounds for curriculum delivery. They stated that the curriculum requires that
the majority of teaching and learning in their schools takes place within the
Several participants indicated that certain subject areas or grade levels lent
themselves more easily to using the green school grounds as an outdoor class-
room. Where mandated curriculum links were most obvious, for instance in
science, teachers were more likely to take students outside. Yet study partici-
pants indicated that, too often, little teaching is happening beyond these obvious
subjects: ‘Some teachers think “This is math time, I can’t go outside” and they
might not see the benefits of it’ (Teacher, School C) and ‘Some people think that
the only thing you can teach outside is science . . . they don’t realise that there are
probably 3000 places in that elementary curriculum that we could be out there
doing stuff’ (Teacher, School A). This lack of obvious curricular links is a key
barrier that limits outdoor learning.
Study participants also maintained that province-wide standardised testing
has tended to reinforce this classroom-based orientation towards the curric-
ulum. Schools appear to be placing increased emphasis on literacy and
numeracy, with a view to ‘teaching to the tests’ (Teacher, School E). This often
can leave little room for outdoor teaching: ‘Teachers who focus on the three Rs

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Green School Grounds as Sites for Outdoor Learning 39

are going to be resistant in using the outdoor classroom . . . fearing it will take
away from the most important teachings that will be tested’ (Questionnaire
respondent). Thus the potential to use school grounds as an outdoor classroom
remains largely unrecognised and untapped.
Importantly, study participants stressed the need for curriculum packages to
help teach (and to help justify teaching) in the outdoor classroom across the
curriculum. In the words of one parent: ‘If they don’t get a package that’s basi-
cally streamlined and simple and tied into the curriculum they’re not going to
take them into the garden for that specific reason’ (School C).

Shortages of time, resources and support

Unlike Rickinson et al.’s (2004) review that identified time, resources, and
support as being key barriers to outdoor learning, the majority of participants in
this study reported the opposite and stressed that these factors were key
enablers. Compared to outdoor learning that occurs off-site from the school that
often requires significant logistical efforts on the part of the teacher (e.g. to
reserve a bus, to collect student fees, to secure additional helpers, etc.), partici-
pants reported that outdoor learning on green school grounds was comparably
easy. They noted that there were few financial costs, few time constraints, and
additional support was often not necessary. A principal illustrates: ‘Before you’d
have to shove them on a bus, send them to a conservation centre, or maybe walk
down into the park which is tougher to do with short-legged Grade Ones. But
now all they have to do is go out the back’ (School B).

Wider changes within the education sector and beyond

Like Rickinson et al.’s (2004) review, study participants noted additional
barriers outside of the immediate school that restricted using the school ground
as an outdoor classroom. Some suggested that unrest in the workplace (e.g.
strikes, work to rule) had unsettled the teachers, making it difficult for them to
get involved in innovative teaching practices: ‘Last year, we had labour unrest
and had restrictions . . . work to rule . . . so we had restrictions on what we could
and couldn’t do during the day’ (Teacher, School E). Another teacher agreed,
adding ‘There’s been a war between the teachers and the Board of Education and
the Government. And when you’re in a state of war there isn’t room for extras’
(School D). Other study participants, with a long history in educational circles,
speculated that school ground greening was yet another educational reform/fad
and were resistant to try teaching outside: ‘Like many teachers, I have reached
my saturation point for new initiatives!’ (Questionnaire respondent). Still others
indicated that they felt totally overwhelmed with the increasing number of roles
and responsibilities that teachers are expected to assume:

They keep piling more responsibilities on to us. Every time we turn around,
they say that we have to do this and we have to do that. The teachers are
sitting in the staff room saying ‘Don’t ask me to do a single thing more.’ So
when you say things [like] ‘Can we go clean up the garden?’ and ‘Why
don’t you take your math class outside?’ they say like, ‘What! Now I have to
do the garden on top of everything else?’ So before it was a fun thing to do
and now it’s ‘Oh my God, more work.’ (Teacher, School D)

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40 International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education

Additional barriers
Participants reported additional barriers to using the outdoor classroom that
do not align with the categories of Rickinson et al. (2004), including:
• At some schools, outdoor learning on green school grounds was seen as an add-on to
the school programming, and in competition with existing programmes in sports,
drama or music. (‘You won’t be surprised to hear that there are all sorts of
other stuff going on in terms of music and we use the swimming pool, etc. So
we already have less teaching periods a week . . . we’re heavily involved in
sports and all sorts of things . . . dramatic productions . . . we’re already too
busy to do extra stuff.’ Teacher, School A);
• At some schools, poorly designed school grounds limited the amount of
outdoor learning that happens. (‘We need a space where students can sit
down and teachers can actually teach a lesson . . . until we have that, there
won’t be much teaching.’ Questionnaire respondent);
• At some schools, teachers reported that they were not supported by their
principal to use the outdoor classroom. (‘You really need a strong leader to
encourage the teachers to go out and use it . . . if your principal doesn’t
support you, you’ll never use it.’ Questionnaire respondent); and,
• The Canadian climate makes it difficult to use the outdoor classroom in some
seasons. (‘It is a great option to leave a non-air-conditioned school and go
outdoors in the spring months . . . but at –20°C, there is no way I am going to
bundle my students up for one class.’ Questionnaire respondent).

The findings related to the amount and type of teaching occurring on green
school grounds point to the untapped potential of these spaces to be used as sites
for outdoor learning. Respondents indicated that only a small percentage of
teachers were using the green school ground as an outdoor classroom (Table 4).
They also indicated that many subjects are rarely being taught on the green
school ground: the main subjects being delivered regularly are physical educa-
tion and science, while language arts, mathematics and geography are taught
considerably less often on the green school ground (Table 3). It is difficult to
know how ‘generalisable’ these findings are. Turning to the literature for a frame
of reference provides few answers, as there appears to be a range of reports of
how school grounds are being used as classroom(s) (from Titman (1999) who
found similar findings to this study, to Humphries and Rowe (1994) as well as
Moore and Wong (1997) who describe much more use occurring).
Study participants described numerous barriers that limit the use of the green
school ground as an outdoor classroom. When I compared the barriers to
outdoor learning on school grounds with those identified by Rickinson et al.
(2004), there were some similarities and some differences. (Recall that Rickinson
et al. (2004) identified these barriers to outdoor learning at a range of locations: (1)
fieldwork and outdoor visits; (2) outdoor adventure education; and (3) school
grounds and community projects. My study explored barriers only to green
school grounds.)
The positive news emerging from this study is that participants consistently
noted that two of the barriers identified by Rickinson et al. (2004) were not major

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Green School Grounds as Sites for Outdoor Learning 41

barriers to teaching on green school grounds. Barrier 1 (concern about young

people’s health and safety) and Barrier 4 (shortages of time, resources, and
support) were not reported to be limiting the amount of teaching occurring on
green school grounds. These barriers are thus specific to outdoor learning that
occurs in other locations, such as outdoor education centres, where concerns
about liability, fund raising, and extra help are real (Barker et al., 2003; Comishan
et al., 2004; Fisher, 2001; Simmons, 1998). Clearly there are some advantages and
opportunities to having outdoor learning occurring on green school grounds as
compared to these other sites.
Yet three of the barriers identified by Rickinson et al. (2004) emerged in this
study as well. Study participants indicated that Barrier 2 (teacher confidence and
expertise), Barrier 3 (requirements of school curricula), and Barrier 5 (wider
changes to education sector) were very present for study participants. For the full
potential of outdoor learning on green school grounds to be truly realised, the
remaining three barriers must be addressed. This, of course, is no small feat
(arguably the two barriers that have been overcome were much easier).
In regards to Barrier 2 (teacher confidence and expertise), as has been noted by
others, clearly some training in outdoor learning on green school grounds should
be a requirement for pre-service teachers (Scott et al., 2003). This will mean that
the teacher training courses must recognise that outdoor learning is an important
part of core competencies. This instruction must be delivered to teachers across
the curriculum. Training must continue for in-service teachers as well. Perhaps
the provision of a short professional development course leading to accredita-
tion in outdoor learning teaching skills could enhance a teacher’s employment
and promotion prospects (see Fisher, 2001). Of course, external training will do
little for those whose internal values and perceptions do not include outdoor
learning (see Hart & Nolan, 1999; Shuman & Ham, 1997).
Addressing the remaining barriers becomes even more difficult. With respect
to Barrier 3 (requirements of school curricula) and Barrier 5 (wider changes to
educational sector), in order to fully maximise the potential of green school
ground learning, there must be a fundamental shift to recognise that outdoor
learning on school grounds is a legitimate form of learning and teaching. As
noted by Fisher (2001), these projects will not ‘break new ground’ unless the
potential role of outdoor learning is more fully endorsed . Explicit curricular
links that radically enhance the teaching and learning experiences of children at
school must occur. Furthermore, educational initiatives such as school ground
greening programmes must not stand alone; instead they must be situated
within other programmes that work together towards a common vision.
A modest number of additional barriers emerged in this study that did not align
neatly with the categories identified by Rickinson et al.’s (2004). Study partici-
pants reported that green school grounds were seen as an ‘add-on’ and ‘in
competition with’ other extracurricular activities, and that outdoor learning was
limited by poor designs, unsupportive principals, and bad weather. These
barriers also need to be addressed, some of which are relatively easy (e.g.
providing assistance to ensure proper design) while others are more complex
(e.g. shifting perceptions of green school grounds being ‘in competition with’
other activities).

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42 International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education

When a green school ground is not used as an outdoor classroom, important
opportunities to maximise the potential are lost. The space is, in effect, left to
‘speak for itself’ with students making sense by their own accord. There is no
shortage of evidence that a green school ground will ‘speak for itself’, as indi-
cated by the reported impacts on student behaviour (Huttenmoser, 1995; Moore
& Wong, 1997), play (Kirkby, 1989), health (Grahn et al., 1997) and environmental
connections (Bell, 2001a; Malone & Tranter, 2003a, 2003b).
Yet, given the reported additional benefits to using a school ground as an
outdoor classroom, it seems a profound loss to have them remain underused.
Despite the fact that three of Rickinson et al.’s (2004) barriers emerged in this
study, two did not. Given that there are fewer barriers to outdoor learning than
for other locations, the full potential of using green school grounds as sites for
outdoor learning must be realised.
As long as the barriers identified by Rickinson et al. (2004) exist, efforts must be
directed towards removing them. Factors that currently inhibit, impede, and
prohibit outdoor learning at all locations (not just green school grounds) must be
addressed. In the short term, this task may appear to be daunting; but given the
unequivocal benefits of outdoor learning, I suspect the long-term consequences
of not addressing them may be even more damaging.

Any correspondence should be directed to Janet E. Dyment, Centre for Human
Movement, Faculty of Education, University of Tasmania, Locked Bag 1346,
Launceston, Tasmania, 7250 Australia (

1. What is noteworthy about these two quantitative studies is their exploration of the
relationship between outdoor learning and academic performance across a range of
disciplines. Other quantitative studies have explored this relationship for specific
subjects, notably environmental science (see Cronin-Jones, 2000; Harvey, 1989).
2. This is just a small list of numerous organisations that are helping to facilitate greening
3. This list of schools was generated when the school board was preparing a document
related to school ground greening, at which time all schools in the board were asked to
indicate if they had a greening project.
4. There are other possible respondents who could have completed the questionnaires. I
chose the selected four respondents to investigate a range of perceptions within and
outside of the school. Of course, I could have sought perceptions of uninvolved
parents, or I could have explicitly delineated between uninvolved and involved prin-
cipals, but for the purposes of this study, and in the interest of project scale, I chose the
selected respondents.
5. In a small number of instances, the original questionnaire respondent was unable to
participate in the follow-up interview, in which case I sought input from another
6. The names of all schools have been changed to protect anonymity.

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