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Linear Algebra Iii

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of south africa

MAT3701 January/February 2022


Duration : 2 Hours 100 Marks


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the University of South Africa.

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2 MAT3701
January/February 2022


Let      
0 1 2 1 x1 1
1 0 −2 0 x2  0
 , x =   and w =   .
1 2 0 x3  0
0 0 0 1 x4 0
Let T : R4 → R4 be the linear operator defined by T (x) = Ax and let W be the T –cyclic subspace of R4 generated
by w.

(1.1) Find the T –cyclic basis β for W generated by w. (10)

(1.2) Given that 1 is an eigenvalue of TW , find a corresponding eigenvector expressed as a linear combination (6)
of the T –cyclic basis β calculated in (1.1).

(1.3) Find [TW ]β where β is the T –cyclic basis calculated in (1.1). (4)


Consider the vector space V = C 2 over the real numbers R, and let T : V → V be the linear operator defined by
T (z1 , z2 ) = (iz1 + z2 , z1 + z1 ).
Use the Diagonalisability Test to explain whether or not T is diagonalisable over R. (Note that V is a vector space
of dimension 4 over R.)


1 1
 
0 2 2
 
 1 1

 2 0 2

 
1 1
2 2 0

(3.1) Show that A is a regular transition matrix. (5)

(3.2) Find lim Am. (10)



Find the minimal solution to the system of equations

x1 + 2x2 + x3 = 6
x1 − x2 + x3 = 3


3 MAT3701
January/February 2022


For each of the following pairs of matrices A, B ∈ M2×2 (C), explain whether they are similar, unitarily equivalent
or neither of the two.
1 0 0 1
(5.1) A = , B= (4)
0 −1 1 1
1 0 0 1
(5.2) A = , B= (8)
0 −1 1 0
1 0 1 1
(5.3) A = , B= (8)
0 −1 0 −1


Find the spectral decomposition of A given that A ∈ M3×3 (C) is a normal matrix with eigenvalues 1 and −1 and
corresponding eigenspaces
 −2i   2i   i

 3 

 3 3 

  
   
    
E1 = span  1 2
 and E−1 = span  3
 ,  .
 3   3 

   
 
    


 i 
 
 2i 

3 3 3

Write each orthogonal projection matrix as a single matrix.



UNISA 2021

Tutorial letter 000/0/2022



Year module

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Exam Paper and Memo

MAT3701 February 2022


Define tomorrow. of south africa
Question 1
Let      
0 1 2 1 x1 1
1 0 −2 0

x2  and w = 0.
   
0 , x =
1 2 0 x3  0
0 0 0 1 x4 0
Let T : R4 → R4 be the linear operator defined by T (x) = Ax and let W be the T –cyclic subspace
of R4 generated by w.
(1.1) Find the T –cyclic basis β for W generated by w. (10)
(1.2) Given that 1 is an eigenvalue of TW , find a corresponding eigenvector expressed as a linear
combination of the T –cyclic basis β calculated in (1.1). (6)
(1.3) Find [TW ]β where β is the T –cyclic basis calculated in (1.1). (4)[20]

(1.1)        
1 0 1 2
, T (w) = Aw =  , T 2 (w) = AT (w) = 0, T 3 (w) = AT 2 (w) = −1.
0 1    
0 0 1 2
0 0 0 0
The T –cyclic basis for W is β = {w, T (w), T 2 (w)} since it is linearly independent and
T 3 (w) = 2T 2 (w) − T (w). (10)
(1.2) Since from (1.1)
T 3 (w) − 2T 2 (w) + T (w) = T (T 2 − 2T + I)(w) = T (T − I)2 (w) = (T − I)(T (T − I)(w)) = 0
it follows that T (T − I)(w) = T 2 (w) − T (w) is an eigenvector of TW corresponding to 1. (6)
(1.3) Finding the images of the vectors in β under T and expressing them in terms of β yields
T (w) = 0 · w + 1 · T (w) + 0 · T 2 (w)
T (T (w)) = 0 · w + 0 · T (w) + 1 · T 2 (w)
T (T 2 (w)) = 0 · w − 1 · T (w) + 2 · T 2 (w) since T 3 (w) = 2T 2 (w) − T (w)
 
0 0 0
thus [TW ]β = 1 0 −1. (4)[20]
0 1 2

Question 2
Consider the vector space V = C 2 over the real numbers R, and let T : V → V be the linear
operator defined by
T (z1 , z2 ) = (iz1 + z2 , z1 + z1 ).
Use the Diagonalisability Test to explain whether or not T is diagonalisable over R. (Note that V is
a vector space of dimension 4 over R.) [20]



Calculate [T ]β with respect to the basis β = {(1, 0), (i, 0), (0, 1), (0, i)} for V .

T (1, 0) = (i, 2) = 0 · (1, 0) + 1 · (i, 0) + 2 · (0, 1) + 0 · (0, i)

T (i, 0) = (−1, 0) = −1 · (1, 0) + 0 · (i, 0) + 0 · (0, 1) + 0 · (0, i)
T (0, 1) = (1, 0) = 1 · (1, 0) + 0 · (i, 0) + 0 · (0, 1) + 0 · (0, i)
T (0, i) = (i, 0) = 0 · (1, 0) + 1 · (i, 0) + 0 · (0, 1) + 0 · (0, i)

thus  
0 −1 1 0
1 0 0 1
[T ]β = 
2 0 0 0.

0 0 0 0
The characteristic polynomial of T is equal to

−t −1 1 0
−t −1 1
1 −t 0 1
= −t 1 −t 0
2 0 −t 0
2 0 −t
0 0 0 −t
−t −1 −1 1
= −t −t + 2

1 −t −t 0
= −t −t(t2 + 1) + 2t = t2 (t2 − 1) = t2 (t + 1)(t − 1)

which splits over R. Since for t = 0,

n − rank([T ]β − 0I) = n − rank([T ]β ) = 4 − 3 = 1

is not equal to the algebraic multiplicity of t = 0, it follows that T is not diagonalisable over R.

Question 3

1 1
 
0 2 2
 
 1 1

 2
0 2

 
1 1
2 2

(3.1) Show that A is a regular transition matrix. (5)

(3.2) Find lim Am . (10)[15]



(3.1) A is a transition matrix since all three column sums are equal to 1 and all entries are nonneg-
ative, and A is regular since all the entries of

0 12 21 0 21 21
    1 1 1 
2 4 4
    
     
A2 =  2
0 1  1
2  2
0 1 
2 
=  1 1 1 
 4 2 4 
    
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2
0 2 2
0 4 4 2

are positive. (5)

(3.2) To find an eigenvector of A corresponding to the eigenvalue 1

1 1
 
    −1 2 2    
x1 x1 
 1
 x1
 0
1 
A  x 2  =  x2  ⇔   2 −1 2 
x 2
 =  0 
x3 x3   x3 0
1 1
2 2
 1 
  3
x1  
 1 
⇔  x2  = t   3  , t ∈ R.

x3  

1 1 1
 
3 3 3
 
 1 1 1

lim A =  3 3 3
m→∞  
 
1 1 1
3 3 3


Question 4

Find the minimal solution to the system of equations

x1 + 2x2 + x3 = 6
x1 − x2 + x3 = 3




1 2 1 6
Let A = and b = . The minimal solution is given by u = A∗ x where x is a
1 −1 1 3
solution to AA∗ x = b. Therefore
AA∗ x = b
 
  1 1  
1 2 1  6
⇔ 2 −1  x =
1 −1 1 3
1 1
6 0 6
⇔ x=
0 3 3
hence    
1 1   2
u = A∗ x =  2 −1  = 1 
1 1 2
is the minimal solution. [10]

Question 5

For each of the following pairs of matrices A, B ∈ M2×2 (C), explain whether they are similar,
unitarily equivalent or neither of the two.
1 0 0 1
(5.1) A = , B= (4)
0 −1 1 1
1 0 0 1
(5.2) A = , B= (8)
0 −1 1 0
1 0 1 1
(5.3) A = , B= (8)[20]
0 −1 0 −1
Note that unitary equivalence implies similarity, that is, for two matrices to be unitarily equivalent
they must satisfy the conditions for similarity.
(5.1) Since the characteristic polynomials of A and B, namely cA (t) = t2 −1 and cB (t) = t(t−1)−1 =
t2 − t − 1 are distinct they cannot be similar and therefore also not unitarily equivalent. (4)
(5.2) Since B is self-adjoint (hence normal) with eigenvalues ±1, it is unitarily equivalent to A.
Thus they are also similar. (8)
(5.3) Since B has distinct eigenvalues ±1 it is diagonalizable and hence similar to A. B is not
normal since
∗ 1 1 1 0 2 −1 ∗ 1 0 1 1 1 1
BB = = and B B = = .
0 −1 1 −1 −1 1 1 −1 0 −1 1 2
Therefore A and B are not unitarily equivalent. (8)[20]

Question 6

Find the spectral decomposition of A given that A ∈ M3×3 (C) is a normal matrix with eigenvalues
1 and −1 and corresponding eigenspaces
 −2i   2i   i 

 3 

 3 3 

 
 
    

  1
  2

E1 = span  3 
 and E −1 = span  3   3 .
  ,  

   
    

 
 
 

 i   2i −2i 
3 3 3

Write each orthogonal projection matrix as a single matrix.


 −2i   −2i ∗  −2i   4 −4i −2

3 3 3 9 9 9
      
−i −2i 
 2
 2
  2
  2i 2
  4i 4

P1 = 
 3
 3
 =
  3

 3 3 3
9 9 9 
      
i i i −2 2i 1
3 3 3 9 9 9

and  2i ∗
  2i i
 2i i
  5 4i 2

3 3 3 3 3 3  −2i 9 9 9
1 −2i

      
 3 3 3
 =  −4i
1 2
 1 2
   
P−1 =   =1 2  5 2i 
3 3  3 3  3 3  −i 2 2i
 9 9 9
      
3 3 3
2i −2i 2i −2i 2i −2i 2 −2i 8
3 3 3 3 3 3 9 9 9

The spectral decomposition is

A = 1 · P1 + (−1) · P−1
 4 −4i −2   5 4i 2

9 9 9 9 9 9
   
−2i 
 4i 4
  −4i 5 2i 

9 9 9 
+ (−1) · 
 9 9 9
   
−2 2i 1 2 −2i 8
9 9 9 9 9 9



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