Spigot ,: Clearance
Spigot ,: Clearance
Spigot ,: Clearance
C2fo 3mim)
Sochet (ollas
esign dt Sacket avd Spiaat Cotter cint
, o e d applied en the jemt
á Dia meter et »d
d, Oukside dia. of socket
, Inide dia. of Socket or Dia ot spigot
Chatss Logd
Aa ot e3asr seetion
Falre ot Saket in ensi8
adass the slst
Wk7he. aea- reststhing a a ot he Socket atoss dthe slst
A C d 2 - ,-d,)xt
fa?-d21-Ca,-d,) xt xde
alwuoT spigt collav in Caueshimg
A ea d)
P ECdd) xJer
teilure OT Socket collar in toushim
A (dy-ds ) xt
P Cd d)xt dy 2
trom his eayuabion Ahe distante taem zthe end s the slot
to he end ot the vod Ca) my e obfaine d
oilune t Ctler
Since the cstter is in double shea,hene
at he cattes Shaivng anfaa
A 2bxt
P2bxt xd b
lut otsocket emd 1
(dd)eXt C
cngth tter
apen Sheuld not exceed 1 in 2 . n cave the gneter taper
eured then a ocking device must be Povided
The drdl ot cotter s gnoally taken a 2 to 3 mm
d d 1dd:C 2
We knes h t secion modulus si the
he catter
2 x b
Bendin aeas induad n he catter
6 Playto.sd
This bendin S t t inducad in the estter Sheuld be Jes thw
dhe allemble berdin staus tt the cotfer
Design Poctlwme
tor dusieming ot thataded poy tien we ahall take
oad PA
Dia ot xcd
let. d dia of rod
de ore dia. ot rod
Consider the faiean
he t d in tensile ste»
3) Out side dia of ceuple nut
the failean ot couplen nut in densile shs
Considen he
P - x
P Co-4) x
Bu n actual Practice
D125d to 1.S A
Ctside dia. ot Couplen
D nside Dia of couplen
DOtside Oia o Ceuple
Bud in atua Pachice
D 1.sd totnd
SLensh Couple
L= 6d
6 1hicknek)
E 0.1sa Ceupen mut hickne
, .sdl-Couplen Hhickne
Pin hend-
Deuble eye teskedend tr rod end
Stngle eje
d 12d 1.2.
0.84- O.2Sd
Knuckle pm Cdhr
Knuckle pi Split pin
mpmical Kelations
d the diameter ot rod , Jhen diameter ot pin,
1 There is ho staess toncentvation , and
2. The lead is Unitormly distributed ever each pait at the jeint
failue of he solid nad in leio
P Ax f
toen this eAjaton fhe induced hean stas ts he rorked end may
be che cked
)al of dhe tox kod end in cushing
P Ax
P-2xdxt xd