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 Filestage - makes content review and proofing

for teams easier. You can review videos, images,
Business management tools - are all the systems, and documents all in one place.
applications, controls, calculating solutions, methodologies,
etc. used by organizations to be able to cope with changing 4. Time Tracking Tools
markets, ensure a competitive position in them and improve - help you track time spent on work and thus be
business performance. productive time tracking tools.
- Time tracking tools work best when you have to
There are tools related to each organization’s department
differentiate between billable, non-billable, and all
which can be classified for each aspect of management.
kinds of hours.
 Planning Tools Example:
 Process Tools  Toggl - is a time tracking tool that has one-click
 Record Tools timers and also tracking timers to remind you
 Employee-related Tools when you need to track time in case you forget
 Decision-making Tools to. It also has over 100+ integrations.
 Control Tools

TYPE OF BUSINESS TOOLS THAT WILL HELP YOU 5. All-In-One Business Tools: Project, Team, and Task

MANAGE WORK Management Software

- are the ones that let you do all of the above and a lot
1. Chat Tools for Business
- are known to be a simple way to improve
- Mostly known as project management software.
communication among team members.
- When you have all kinds of teams: development,
- Instant messaging chat apps may kill productivity, so
design, support, marketing, and content, under one
they are supposed to work best for small- to medium-
roof, it’s better that you put all of them in addition to
sized businesses.
multiple tools under one roof.
 Slack - one of the most popular team chat tools. Example:

“The smart alternative to email”.  ProofHub -  is a project and team collaboration
 Chanty – is mostly known for being a simpler software that puts every tool that you and your
and easier tool than Slack. team need in one place.

2. Task Management Tools

- are there to help you with management-specific tasks.
- Task management tools work best when your tasks
are independent of a project and are mostly to be 1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software
taken care of at an individual level. - It keeps track of customer interactions, preferences,
Example: issues, and interests.
 Trello - one popular tool used for task 2. Analytical Software
management. It has the capability to let you work - Customer-related data is generated in vast quantities,
more collaboratively and get more done. every day.
 Todoist - is another to-do list tool to help you - Companies collect transactional data and non-
manage tasks. transactional data from various sources, including
mobile interactions, phone conversations, and
3. Proofing & Review Tools website visits.
- help you manage the review and feedback process. - Google Analytics tracking activity on your website to
- Proofing tools work the best for small- to medium- more robust tools that are designed to help you piece
sized businesses, basically when proofing and review together a clearer picture of what your customers
are around let’s say one project, and the only tasks to want, there are data analysis software applications
fulfill are around proofing, review, and feedback. you can choose from.
3. The Silver Lining That is the Cloud reduce the costs of collecting payments from your
- In recent years, cloud-based services have been customers.
bringing a ray of hope to the gloomy landscape of - you will not only be aware of where each buck goes,
business expenses. By opting for these services, but you will also make your accountant’s job (and
companies can cut costs and save on infrastructure- life) way easier.
related expenses.
How to Choose the Right Software Tools for Your
4. Cloud-Based Storage and File Sharing Applications
- Dropbox is the most popular among these, but there
are alternatives as well. As long as the application is  Think about your needs
installed on a device, you can log in and access files  What is your niche?
stored in the cloud, anytime, anywhere.  What exactly can you do with the software
5. Cloud Telephony
- Your business can enjoy a professional
communications system with features like Interactive
Voice Response (IVR), call tracking, call recording, Information Technology
click-to-call, and conferencing, among others.
- means the technology involving the development,
- This will help you gain more leads and build your
maintenance, and use of computer systems, software,
business, very cost-effectively. Your cloud telephony
and networks for the processing and distribution of
services provider even carries out all required
- assists organizations to manage information
6. Social Media Platforms
dynamically and influences business competitiveness
- From Facebook to LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram,
by assisting decision makers to make appropriate
you can use social media to promote your business,
update customers about company-related events and
- helps to meet the demands for timely and accurate
activities and showcase thought leadership.
information by customers.
7. Ratings And Reviews Websites
- Sign up as a business, read the reviews and respond Information Technology In The Hospitality Industry

with diplomacy and grace. - The use of information technology in hospitality

8. Contractor hiring websites industry has grown very fast over the past 20 years.
- Smart hiring is the key to success, especially for - Many problems within the hospitality industry were
startups where budgets are tight and staff solved as a result of the IT revolution, Reduce costs,
requirements are high. Higher productivity and efficiency, improved service
quality, increased customer satisfaction, better

THE IMPORTANCE OF BUSINESS TOOLS FOR A organizational integration, higher profitability


1. Client management - you can build and manage a - is the most important change in our constantly
customer database. changing world.
2. Service request tracking - you will improve the time - These innovations and technologies have helped
management between the second a customer calls and change and develop new systems, apps and even
the moment of service request completion. devices which help people in business and their
3. Increase Productivity - you can learn what your personal life.
workers need to improve and how.
How Information Technology Has Affected the Tourism
4. Communication/collaboration - There are so many
And Hospitality Industry
programs that you can use to share files easily, chat
with your colleagues, and even hold video - Information Technology has played an important role
conferences. The purpose of these apps is to boost in the hospitality and tourism industry over the last
collaboration decade.
5. Finances - there are some advanced software tools
that you can use as online invoicing services that
- Technology has helped reduce costs, enhance IT Infrastructure
operational efficiency, and improve services and - refers to the composite hardware, software, network
customer experience. resources and services required for the existence,
- Technology has helped tourism and hospitality operation and management of an enterprise IT
industries replace expensive human labor with environment.
technological labor. This helps reduce labor costs, but
also helps avoid customer service issues.
- They are used in every aspect of a Company’s
operations, including product creation, marketing,
The ways that IT continues to improve the hospitality and
accounting and administration.
Tourism industry.
Digital Cameras
1. Internet and Marketing - The internet has a
powerful impact on hospitality and tourism. - Digital still cameras store photographs as digital bits

2. Computer Systems - allow communication between on a memory card or tiny hard drive, as opposed to

larger hotel chains with multiple locations to connect the film used in traditional.

easier. Security & Surveillance Technology

3. Mobile Communication - Mobile tablets and
smartphones have replaced large desktop computers, - the act of monitoring a certain activity, place, or

making them virtually extinct. person for safety reasons, is a growing market.


HOSPITALITY SECTOR - is a pocket-sized computing device with a display

1. Reservation System - You can easily book a hotel screen and input/output interface like an external or

room for anyone via the booking facility available touch screen keyboard.

online. Communication Systems

2. Mobile Communication - To keep customers
- is a collection of individual telecommunications
updated of changes many hospitality businesses use
networks, transmission systems, relay stations,
mobile communication.
tributary stations, and terminal equipment usually
3. In-Room Technology - Guests can use the hotel’s
capable of interconnection and interoperation to form
Web application to access room service options via
an integrated whole.
online or an e-dining Internet site, or use an
interactive service that finds nearby restaurants, 5 Ways to Use Mobile Devices for Business
transportation or shopping stops for them.
1. Track and manage your business expenses.
3. Take customer orders. 
1. Organization - This organization allows agencies to
4. Accept payments. 
run more efficiently, preventing capacity losses due
5. Get customer signatures. 
to input time and other tedious tasks.
2. Coordination - This allows bookings and Business Communication Tools
coordination that might have taken hours or days to
1. Social intranet software - A central portal where
be processed almost instantly, greatly reducing wait
everybody can access all relevant information,
times and lost productivity in an organization.
communications, documents, and contracts in one
3. Self-Service Booking
place no matter where they are.
BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY 2. Private, group messaging, and chat tools.
3. Task management.
- is a strategy for organizing and coordinating
4. Cases, issue tracking, and ticketing software. - is
technology management across the entire enterprise.
one of the best internal communication tools to
- It is a set of management practices, tools,
manage customer queries.
organizational structures and
5. Internal blogs and videos.
- technology governance.
6. Analytics and sentiments - is one of the most information and to communicate using email. It also
effective business communication tools to evaluate permits computers to share a printer or a storage
user behavior. device.
7. Discussion forums - disseminate internal knowledge 4. Telephone Communication – used to communicate
and brings everybody closer together. with customers and organizations.
8. Spaces - best communication tool to divvy important - provides a fast, efficient and one-on-one personal
content, files, and people into one livable place. connection with others.
9. Alerts and notifications - will make the world of a 5. Accounting System - are software that enables
difference for your internal communications strategy. businesses to manage their expenses and revenue.
10. Employee profiles - provide context about each 6. Inventory Control System - An inventory control
person within your organization. system is used to handle all inventory of a business.
11. Workflows - implements an organized system for 7. Customer Relationship Management Systems -
your entire company to handoff and approve projects. Similar to having a useful telephone system for
effective communication purposes, a customer
relationship management system (CRM) is equally
NETWORKS AND SECURITY ISSUES IN important that can help a business move forward.
Digital Tools Every New Business Needs
The Problem
1. Project management - need help keeping track of its
1. Islands of Security: myriad projects and goals.
2. Individuality Theft:  2. Communication and collaboration - Let teams chat,
3. Cyber Attack: share files and integrate with other apps through a
communication tool like Slack.
The Solution
3. Website builder - A website says that you’re a
1. Cyber Security: legitimate company, and you can use your site to
a. Connect IT and security departments: impart news, information and alternative
b. Upgrade to VLAN: communication channels to your customers.
c. Beware of social engineering: 4. Website performance monitoring - Chartbeat or
2. Add Intelligence to video surveillance: Google Analytics.
3. Key Card Access Review:  5. Customer relationship management - allow you to
log and track every aspect of every relationship you
build, letting you know how long it’s been since
Global distribution was a form of inter-organisational system you’ve followed up with loyal customers, or which
that emerged from computer reservation systems that helped to users are visiting your website and filling out forms
integrate information from the airline. but not closing the deal on a purchase.
6. Email marketing - Email newsletters are one of the
most popular and effective digital marketing tools out

TYPES OF BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY 7. Social media management - posting, engaging with

other users, responding to customer questions and
1. Computers - are used across multiple businesses. -
feedback, and otherwise being active to show your
They´re equipped with software that enables them to
commitment to the platform(s).
perform all sorts of tasks such as analyzing financial
8. File storage and access - All of your important
information, sending and receiving emails and
documents, from your project files to your articles of
designing sales presentations.
incorporation, should be stored “off-site,” in the
2. Software - computers use different kinds of programs
and operating information, known as software, to do
9. Virtual private network (VPN) - allows users to
specific tasks.
create a secure network connection even when you’re
3. Networking - is used to interact with groups of
using a public network.
people to share information and documents, to store
- NordVPN is a popular option for its military-grade 1. E-procurement: the electronic sourcing of products
protections and thousands of available servers. and services by companies, focused on reducing costs
10. Video conferencing software - A video conferencing and effort.
solution that allows multiple parties to join and 2. Online stores: the electronic sale of products and
collaborate is a must. services via appropriate platforms, such as online
11. Accounting software - does the work of an stores.
accountant and bookkeeper. 3. Online marketplaces: electronic commerce via
12. Keyword research tools - investigate words and digital networks, connecting the buyers and suppliers
search terms in your industry. of products and services.

7 Types of Business Technology Tools to Save Time and Two further areas of e-business:
1. Online communities: electronic communication
1. Task Management Tools - are an easy, cost-efficient network between individuals and organizations,
way for small business owners to save time and which supports data and knowledge sharing as well
money. as the preparation of transaction decisions.
- Any  tool that allows you to track a task digitally, 2. Online companies: electronic business cooperation
rather than manually. for connecting individual company services, resulting
2. Email and Social Marketing - allow you to easily in a virtual business with a common transaction offer.
keep your email subscribers informed of news about
Market participants in e-business
your business and important deals and promotions.
3. Social Media Scheduling Tools - allow you to  Business (B)
schedule posts to go out on the desired dates and  Consumer/citizen (C)
times, without setting foot on the actual social media  Administration (A)
sites themselves, avoiding that distraction.
The function of electronic business “electronic value
4. Scheduling Meetings - help automate the process of
setting up meetings.
5. Obtaining E-Signatures - 1. Structuring value: achieves an overview of a large
6. Finding and Retaining Business Clients - A CRM quantity of information
helps you keep track of potential, current, and 2. Selection value: provides specific database
previous customers from the first interaction through information upon request.
your marketing and sales funnels. 3. Matching value: makes it possible to merge inquiries
7. Document Collaboration - These digital tools from supplier and buyers more efficiently.
ensure that everyone is working from the same 4. Transaction value: makes a business more efficient.
version of the same document. 5. Coordination value: allows different providers to
better combine their services.
6. Communication value: improves communication
E-business is short for “electronic business.”. between different consumers.

- it refers to any method of utilizing digital information STRATEGIC AND TACTICAL TOOLS FOR E-
and communication technologies to support or BUSINESS
streamline business processes.
The Types of E-Commerce
 E-commerce refers to trading products and services
1. Business-to-Business (B2B) - between two
online, and so is strictly only speaking of one aspect of e-
organizations come under Business to business.
2. Business-to-Consumer (B2C) - consumer buys
Components of Electronic Business products from a seller.
3. Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) - consumer selling
 information
product or service to another consumer.
 communication
4. Consumer-to-Business (C2B) - crowdsourcing
 transaction.
based projects.
Three key areas are particularly important for e-business:
- large number of individuals make their services or CHAPTER 6
products available for purchase for companies.
5. Consumer-to-Administration (C2A) - all electronic
transactions conducted between individuals and
public administration. 1. Research and Booking
6. Business-to-Administration (B2A) - all transactions 2. Travel Agent Education
conducted online by companies and public 3. Home-Based Travel Agents
administration or the government and its varies 4. Competition From Travel Booking Websites
agencies.  Travel research
 Price shopping
Customer focus
 Commission changes
- means putting your customers’ needs first.  Travel agent fees
- foster a company culture dedicated to 5. Online Reviews and Social Media
enhancing customer satisfaction and building strong 6. Reinvention of Services
customer relationships.
Tips for building an effective customer focus strategy: TOURISM

1. Encourage collaboration. 1. Travel Websites and Apps

2. Make your customers feel heard.  Research:
3. Meet your customers where they are.  Research:
4. Use feedback to get better.  Travel updates:
5. Combine data with empathy.  Loyalty points:
6. Leverage AI to proactively meet customers’ needs.  Boarding passes:

4 Examples of Customer Focus  Peer-to-peer systems:

 Customizable, interactive maps:
1. Zappos - To show that customer experience matters
2. Tour Information and Guiding Systems
across the business.
 Self-guided tours:
2. The Four Seasons - redefined luxury with its white-
 Group tours:
glove customer service that’s based on building real,
3. Smartphone Communication Apps
human relationships with customers.
4. Future Development
3. Postmates – ensure customer feedback informs key
 Customer recognition:
product decisions.
 Robots:
4. Birchbox - uses service recovery to flag customer
 Virtual Reality:
complaints and then turn the experience around to
repair the relationship. 7 fundamental changes that impact the travel agent’s
Advantages of e-business
1. Internet and its usage
1. Easy to Set Up: 
2. Book it yourself
2. Cheaper than Traditional Business: 
3. A new type of relationship with clients
3. No Geographical Boundaries: 
4. Start to build a social media presence
4. Government Subsidies: 
5. Mobile is king!
5. Flexible Business Hours: 
6. Technology is not the enemy
Disadvantages 7. Big data, robotics, virtual and artificial
1. Lack of Personal Touch: 
2. Delivery Time:
3. Security Issues:
Reasons Why Travel Agencies Need A Website

1. Credibility
2. Brand Personalization
3. Share Knowledge of The Industry
4. Visual Impact
5. Client Reviews
6. Online Booking Engine
7. Travel Partner Network
8. Availability
9. Sales Promotion
10. Business Growth

8 reasons your hotel should have its own mobile app:

1. Hotel apps offer a more optimised booking

2. An app will help you track more guest data
3. You can maintain brand awareness for your hotel
4. Increase customer service at your property
5. Integrate your communication with an app
6. Create a more effective guest loyalty program
7. Use your app to act as a tour guide
8. Adapt to any language

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