BTT Reviewer 1
BTT Reviewer 1
BTT Reviewer 1
TYPE OF BUSINESS TOOLS THAT WILL HELP YOU 5. All-In-One Business Tools: Project, Team, and Task
“The smart alternative to email”. ProofHub - is a project and team collaboration
Chanty – is mostly known for being a simpler software that puts every tool that you and your
and easier tool than Slack. team need in one place.
1. Client management - you can build and manage a - is the most important change in our constantly
customer database. changing world.
2. Service request tracking - you will improve the time - These innovations and technologies have helped
management between the second a customer calls and change and develop new systems, apps and even
the moment of service request completion. devices which help people in business and their
3. Increase Productivity - you can learn what your personal life.
workers need to improve and how.
How Information Technology Has Affected the Tourism
4. Communication/collaboration - There are so many
And Hospitality Industry
programs that you can use to share files easily, chat
with your colleagues, and even hold video - Information Technology has played an important role
conferences. The purpose of these apps is to boost in the hospitality and tourism industry over the last
collaboration decade.
5. Finances - there are some advanced software tools
that you can use as online invoicing services that
- Technology has helped reduce costs, enhance IT Infrastructure
operational efficiency, and improve services and - refers to the composite hardware, software, network
customer experience. resources and services required for the existence,
- Technology has helped tourism and hospitality operation and management of an enterprise IT
industries replace expensive human labor with environment.
technological labor. This helps reduce labor costs, but
also helps avoid customer service issues.
- They are used in every aspect of a Company’s
operations, including product creation, marketing,
The ways that IT continues to improve the hospitality and
accounting and administration.
Tourism industry.
Digital Cameras
1. Internet and Marketing - The internet has a
powerful impact on hospitality and tourism. - Digital still cameras store photographs as digital bits
2. Computer Systems - allow communication between on a memory card or tiny hard drive, as opposed to
larger hotel chains with multiple locations to connect the film used in traditional.
making them virtually extinct. person for safety reasons, is a growing market.
1. Reservation System - You can easily book a hotel screen and input/output interface like an external or
room for anyone via the booking facility available touch screen keyboard.
7 Types of Business Technology Tools to Save Time and Two further areas of e-business:
1. Online communities: electronic communication
1. Task Management Tools - are an easy, cost-efficient network between individuals and organizations,
way for small business owners to save time and which supports data and knowledge sharing as well
money. as the preparation of transaction decisions.
- Any tool that allows you to track a task digitally, 2. Online companies: electronic business cooperation
rather than manually. for connecting individual company services, resulting
2. Email and Social Marketing - allow you to easily in a virtual business with a common transaction offer.
keep your email subscribers informed of news about
Market participants in e-business
your business and important deals and promotions.
3. Social Media Scheduling Tools - allow you to Business (B)
schedule posts to go out on the desired dates and Consumer/citizen (C)
times, without setting foot on the actual social media Administration (A)
sites themselves, avoiding that distraction.
The function of electronic business “electronic value
4. Scheduling Meetings - help automate the process of
setting up meetings.
5. Obtaining E-Signatures - 1. Structuring value: achieves an overview of a large
6. Finding and Retaining Business Clients - A CRM quantity of information
helps you keep track of potential, current, and 2. Selection value: provides specific database
previous customers from the first interaction through information upon request.
your marketing and sales funnels. 3. Matching value: makes it possible to merge inquiries
7. Document Collaboration - These digital tools from supplier and buyers more efficiently.
ensure that everyone is working from the same 4. Transaction value: makes a business more efficient.
version of the same document. 5. Coordination value: allows different providers to
better combine their services.
6. Communication value: improves communication
E-business is short for “electronic business.”. between different consumers.
- it refers to any method of utilizing digital information STRATEGIC AND TACTICAL TOOLS FOR E-
and communication technologies to support or BUSINESS
streamline business processes.
The Types of E-Commerce
E-commerce refers to trading products and services
1. Business-to-Business (B2B) - between two
online, and so is strictly only speaking of one aspect of e-
organizations come under Business to business.
2. Business-to-Consumer (B2C) - consumer buys
Components of Electronic Business products from a seller.
3. Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) - consumer selling
product or service to another consumer.
4. Consumer-to-Business (C2B) - crowdsourcing
based projects.
Three key areas are particularly important for e-business:
- large number of individuals make their services or CHAPTER 6
products available for purchase for companies.
5. Consumer-to-Administration (C2A) - all electronic
transactions conducted between individuals and
public administration. 1. Research and Booking
6. Business-to-Administration (B2A) - all transactions 2. Travel Agent Education
conducted online by companies and public 3. Home-Based Travel Agents
administration or the government and its varies 4. Competition From Travel Booking Websites
agencies. Travel research
Price shopping
Customer focus
Commission changes
- means putting your customers’ needs first. Travel agent fees
- foster a company culture dedicated to 5. Online Reviews and Social Media
enhancing customer satisfaction and building strong 6. Reinvention of Services
customer relationships.
Tips for building an effective customer focus strategy: TOURISM
1. Credibility
2. Brand Personalization
3. Share Knowledge of The Industry
4. Visual Impact
5. Client Reviews
6. Online Booking Engine
7. Travel Partner Network
8. Availability
9. Sales Promotion
10. Business Growth