Studies in Geology Series, no. 58, p. 1 – 47.
2 / Pardo
In 1967, Khudoley (at that time with the former seminating information that was previously restricted
Soviet Union’s Academy of Sciences) published, through to Cuba and eastern European Countries.
AAPG, his concepts and interpretation of Cuban ge- Until recently, very little has been published in
ology. In 1971, Khudoley and Meyerhoff presented English describing Cuban geology. This is unfortu-
their conflicting concepts in a joint article in a Geo- nate because a better understanding of Cuban geol-
logical Society of America memoir. Contacts between ogy might lead others to become aware of processes
Cuban, American, and international earth scientists not recognized elsewhere. The interpretations pre-
have now revived. An example is International Union sented here are based on models derived from areas
of Geological Sciences – United Nations Educational, such as the Alps or the Pacific. This report presents as
Scientific, and Cultural Organization International much factual material as possible in addition to an
Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP) Project 364 interpretation of the data. Cuba is, geographically and
and ongoing Project 433 on Caribbean geology. geologically, a part of the Caribbean. English-language
Manuel Iturralde-Vinent, from Havana’s Museo Na- reviews of Caribbean geology such as those found in
cional de Historia Natural, has made significant con- Nairn and Stehli (1975) and Dengo and Case (1990)
tributions to the understanding of the island’s geolo- are useful for understanding Cuban geology.
gy; not only has he authored papers on several aspects Recently, Pindell et al. (2006, p. 304) suggested that
of Cuban geology, but he has written and cooperated much of the Caribbean geology is well understood,
on projects by a number of international organiza- and that new evaluations, ‘‘may also partly reflect the
tions (Iturralde-Vinent, 1969, 1970, 1972, 1975a, b, involvement of new or younger workers who were not
1981, 1985, 1988, 1996, 1998; Iturralde-Vinent and de actively involved in much of the older work.’’ Unfortu-
la Torre, 1990; Iturralde-Vinent et al., 2006), thus dis- nately, Cuban geology has been an inadequately known
4 / Pardo
part of Caribbean geology. I hope this book helps im- mation of the island. The second section, Data, is on
prove knowledge of Cuban geology and will stimulate the accompanying CD-ROM in the back of this pub-
further work by both younger and older workers. lication and provides a detailed description of Cuban
The work done by Gulf Oil Corporation (Gulf ) in stratigraphy, geophysics, and structures.
the early 1950s has never been published in its entirety. Because hydrocarbons have been a significant driver
This publication an attempt to present it in the frame- for much of the study of Cuban geology, Chapter 6 in
work of Cuban geological studies done since and new this publication entitled Hydrocarbons, gives a histor-
general geological concepts. It must be stressed that ical overview of work on petroleum occurrences.
the only way to properly describe this work is by de-
fining and using the original stratigraphic nomencla-
ture. Unfortunately, many of the names used have POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS
found their way into the official Cuban nomencla-
ture, commonly with a different meaning than the Before 1976, Cuba was subdivided into seven prov-
original intent. Therefore, in this book, when a name inces (Figure 1). In 1976, the island was subdivided into
used by Gulf is used in its original meaning, an as- 14 provinces plus a district for the city of La Habana
terisk follows (Santa Teresa*), thus differentiating it (Figure 2). The change postdates the acquisition of
from any other usage. This in no way suggests changes much of the precise information in this publication.
to the present nomenclature. To avoid errors converting from the old to the new
This book is divided into two sections. The first sec- provinces, the pre-1976 provincial nomenclature is
tion, Overview, is printed herein and presents a broad used here.
description of Cuba’s geology and provides an inter- It should be noted that the Isla de Pinos is now Isla
pretation of the geological events leading to the for- de la Juventud. The province of Matanzas has been
Overview / 5
extended to the south coast and includes part of the and Sancti Spiritus provinces. The ‘‘Camaguey’’ prov-
old Las Villas (Santa Clara) province. The remaining ince remains, but the boundaries have been changed;
part of the old Las Villas province has been approx- its western portion has been named ‘‘Ciego de Avila,’’
imately subdivided into the Villa Clara, Cienfuegos, and its eastern part has been named ‘‘Las Tunas.’’ The
FIGURE 11. North-central terrane sections. See Figure 8 for definitions of lithologic symbols.
broad and deep Straits of Florida separate Cuba from Over most of its length, the northern coast of Cuba
Florida, and the narrow, and relatively shallow, Nich- is the dividing line between stable conditions (at least
olas and Old Bahamas channels separate Cuba from since the Middle Jurassic) to the north and west and
the Bahamas. To the northwest, Cuba adjoins the very complex ones to the south. Figure 4 shows a
Gulf of Mexico and is separated from the Yucatan generalized geologic map of Cuba. Although it is geo-
Platform by the narrow but deep Yucatan Channel. To logically deformed, the part of the northern coast of
the south, the Yucatan Basin appears to be enclosed Cuba extending from eastern Matanzas to western
between Cuba to the north and the Cayman Ridge, Oriente belongs to the Florida-Bahamas carbonate-
which is the westward continuation of the Sierra bank province. To the south, in part under an upper
Madre in the southern Oriente province. Cuba, the Eocene or younger cover, is a relatively narrow belt,
Cayman Basin, and the Cayman Ridge appear to con- 45 –160 km (28–99 mi) wide, of intensely folded and
stitute a physiographic province between the stable faulted Middle Jurassic to middle Eocene rocks con-
margin of the North American craton and the highly sisting, from north to south, of:
mobile Caribbean Basin. This province is separated
from the Chortis-Nicaraguan rise block, including the north-central sedimentary terranes, charac-
Jamaica and Hispaniola, by the east – west pull-apart terized by very thick platform carbonates and
basin of the Cayman trough, whose spreading center evaporites on the north and a relatively thin sec-
has been recording the eastward migration of the Ca- tion of platform to pelagic carbonates and cherts
ribbean plate since the late Eocene. on the south
Overview / 9
the ophiolitic basic igneous-volcanic (called came into contact and became structurally mixed,
igneous-volcanic because of being a mixture of but it is generally accepted today that the ophiolite-
intrusive and volcanic rocks with a general pre- volcanic sequence is totally allochthonous. Figure 5
dominance of volcanic rocks) terranes, with ultra- shows a map of Cuba’s major structural features and
basic intrusive rocks, many types and great thick- terrane distribution, and Figure 6 shows, in cross sec-
nesses of basic, basaltic to andesitic volcanic tion, the structural relations between the various
rocks, volcanic-derived sediments, and granodio- terranes.
ritic intrusives Nearly all major structural features formed after
the southwestern sedimentary terranes, with pri- the early Maastrichtian and prior to the late Eocene.
marily thin stratigraphic sections of platform to Quiet, continuous uplift has predominated in Cuba
pelagic carbonates and cherts but locally with since the late Eocene. The island rose almost entirely
great thicknesses of older, continental-derived above sea level during the Miocene and, except in the
sandstones and shales showing various degrees Escambray and the Sierra Maestra, Cuba today has a
of metamorphism generally low elevation, although many areas have
rugged topography. Cuba has had no volcanism since
The most striking feature about the geology of the the middle Eocene and, with the exception of south-
island is the great disparity between the ophiolite- ern Oriente, has been seismically inactive in histor-
volcanic sequence of the basic igneous-volcanic ter- ical times.
ranes and the sedimentary sequences of the north- Despite its general low elevation, Cuba is an exam-
central and southwestern sedimentary terranes. Except ple of a Cretaceous – Paleogene Alpine orogenic fea-
for a few notable cases, essentially no relationship ex- ture in which thrust sheets moved northward over
ists between these sedimentary and igneous terranes. the craton. The ophiolites and volcanics are essen-
There has been much argument about how the terranes tially unmetamorphosed, which is uncommon for an
10 / Pardo
FIGURE 13. Southwestern terrane sections: Guaniguanico See Figure 8 for definitions of lithologic symbols.
Alpine orogenic feature. In the northern Caribbean These basins are limited on the north and south by
(with the possible exception of southeastern Belize), the trenches of the Muertos trough and the southern
only in Cuba are shelfal deposits juxtaposed against Caribbean (Curazao Ridge) deformed belt. The trenches,
ophiolites and deep-water volcanics and clastics. The related to, respectively, north- and south-dipping sub-
other Greater Antilles Islands show intense deforma- duction zones, are essentially inactive today. Sepa-
tion, but any former relationship to a continent is rating Cuba from the Yucatan Basin is the Cama-
missing or has been obscured by strong transcurrent guey Trench, a northeast-dipping, apparently inactive
motion. trench under the Jardines de la Reina Cays.
The northern Venezuela Caribbean Mountains and Although Cuba is now part of the North Amer-
their borderlands are structurally and timewise, but ican continent, it is a remnant of a Cretaceous to early
not stratigraphically, a mirror image of Cuba. This is Tertiary orogenic belt that has been preserved be-
the only other place in the Caribbean where thrust cause of the local configurations of the North Amer-
sheets of ophiolites, volcanics, and sediments moved ican and Caribbean plates. As a consequence, Cuba
over a craton (in this case, southward) during the early exposes sequences of Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous
to middle Eocene. The associated metamorphism is nonvolcanic pelagic sediments that are rare, if not
much more extensive and intensive than in Cuba. unique, in the Caribbean as well as in North, Central,
Between these two orogenic belts with opposing and South America. However, Cuba has facies and fau-
vergence are the essentially undisturbed Late Creta- nal similarities with equivalent strata of the Tethys re-
ceous to Holocene Colombian and Venezuelan basins. gion, specifically the Alps and Italian Apennines.
Overview / 11
FIGURE 14. Southwestern terrane sections: Guaniguanico. See Figure 8 for definitions of lithologic symbols.
Similarities and differences exist between the grades northward into a thick evaporite section, which
Jurassic–Cretaceous sedimentary sections of Cuba and overlies the dominantly red clastics of the Todos los
other areas in the region. Santos Formation, that has been compared to the San
Nannoconus biomicrites containing aptychi, iden- Cayetano Formation of Cuba’s Pinar del Rio. Carbon-
tical with the Neocomian of Cuba (and the Alps), are ates exist in the highly deformed Motagua fault zone,
present in southern Belize, south of the Maya Moun- in central Guatemala, but similarity to carbonates
tains (Flores, 1952; Schafhauser et al., 2003); in Mex- found in Cuba is uncertain.
ico, in the Lower Cretaceous of the Sierra Madre Ori- The clastic El Plan Formation in the Chortis block
ental; and in the coreholes of Deep Sea Drilling Project of Central America in Honduras has been compared
Leg 77 in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico (this type to the San Cayetano Formation. It shows lithologic
of Cretaceous sediment is widespread in the deep At- and paleoenvironmental similarities. However, its
lantic Ocean). Triassic to Middle Jurassic age, although somewhat
In the Maya Block of the Yucatan Peninsula (and in doubt, makes it older than the San Cayetano. El
northern Belize, north and west of the Maya Moun- Plan Formation is a very controversial unit because
tains), all the reported carbonates belong to the Cre- all the contacts with other units are tectonic.
taceous Coban and Campur formations. They are Present in much of Central America is a Cretaceous
similar to the bank carbonates of the Bahamas Plat- carbonate section unlike the Cuban carbonates of the
form and, therefore, are similar to the bank carbon- same age. It consists of Neocomian to Cenomanian,
ates of north-central Cuba. The Coban Formation mostly shallow-water Yojoa Group limestone underlain
12 / Pardo
FIGURE 15. Southwestern terrane sections: metamorphics. See Figure 8 for definitions of lithologic symbols.
by Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous clastics of the and Cantil Formation, and contemporaneous facies
Honduras Group and overlain by the Upper Creta- of the Florida-Bahamas Platform.
ceous Valle de los Angeles Group that consists mostly Close similarities exist between the Mesozoic ig-
of red beds. neous intrusive and associated volcanic rocks of Cuba
Similar to the northeastern Cuban evaporites are and those of the Caribbean.
Upper Jurassic(?) to Lower Cretaceous Maraval evap- Ophiolites are common throughout the Caribbe-
orites in the Paria Peninsula and Gulf of Paria, in the an and extend from the Motagua fault zone, between
southern Caribbean between Venezuela and Trini- the Maya and Chortis block, to Puerto Rico. They also
dad. The metamorphosed clastics and marbles of form the floor of the Cayman Trench. These rocks
the Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Caracas series in are also common along the northern coast of South
northern Venezuela have some similarities to Cuba’s America from Tobago to the Guajira Peninsula, al-
southern metamorphic massifs. In addition, the thick though they are not as intensely serpentinized as in
section of Upper Jurassic clastics of the Cosina Group the northern Caribbean. Cuba’s outcrops of ultraba-
(overlain by fossiliferous Neocomian carbonates of sic rocks are the most extensive in the region.
the Kesima, Palare, Moina, and Yaruma formations) Similarities exist between the Caribbean and the
in the Guajira Peninsula have similarities to the San Cuban Upper Cretaceous volcanic and associated in-
Cayetano of Cuba’s Pinar del Rio. Some similarity trusive rocks. The Cuban Upper Cretaceous granodi-
exists between the Orbitolina-bearing reef carbonates oritic intrusion has counterparts outcropping in His-
of Cuba, Venezuela’s Lower Cretaceous Cogollo Group paniola, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico in the north (where
Overview / 13
FIGURE 16. Central Cuba: basic igneous-volcanic terrane generalized geologic map.
the intrusive’s ages range into the early Tertiary) and To assist in the understanding of Cuba’s geologic
in Aruba, the Venezuelan Antilles, and the Aves Ridge history, a number of simplified geologic maps (loca-
in the south. Volcanics containing a characteristic tions shown on Figure 7) and accompanying strati-
fauna of Acteonella, large rudists (Hippurites), and orbit- graphic sections will be presented. Triangles on the
oids are present in Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Puerto maps show the location of the stratigraphic sections,
Rico, the Dutch West Indies, and northern Venezuela, and Figure 8 shows the lithologic symbols used in
suggesting a connection between the various parts of the sections. Limited stratigraphic names are shown
the volcanic province. in the columnar sections for easy reference to the Data
Other than the Yucatan Basin, Cuba is probably the section of this publication. Stratigraphic unit names fol-
only place in the Caribbean with complete sections lowed by an asterisk (i.e., Capitolio*) were originally
representative of the early Caribbean region after the named by Gulf’s geologists and might, or might not, be
separation of North and South America and before the used today in the same context.
formation of the present Caribbean plate in the Tertiary. Central and western Cuba are the only areas where
the exposures of sedimentary terranes show sufficient
STRATIGRAPHIC AND STRUCTURAL HISTORY facies relationships to permit meaningful, paleogeo-
graphic reconstructions of the early stages of the open-
The geological history of Cuba is part of the his- ing of the Caribbean. Central and eastern Cuba better
tory of the Caribbean and, consequently, the history represent the paleogeography of the rims of the later
of the relative motions between the North and South volcanic Caribbean plate.
American continents. As a result, as a background In this publication, the term ‘‘belt’’ is used. A belt in
for the history of Cuba, some of the salient features Cuba was originally defined by G. Pardo in 1953 and
of Caribbean history are included here. A more in- later published (Pardo, 1975, p. 561) as follows:
depth look at Caribbean geology is presented in Dengo ‘‘The central part of Cuba can be divided into a
and Case (1990). Details of the stratigraphy and struc- series of narrow linear and roughly parallel belts that
ture of Cuba are given in the Data section of this book extend along the north-central part of the island in a
located on the CD-ROM in the back of this publication. northwest–southeast direction. Each one of these is
14 / Pardo
FIGURE 17. Central Cuba: basic igneous-volcanic terrane sections. See Figure 8 for definition of lithologic symbols.
characterized by a diagnostic stratigraphy and struc- crust over continental margins. Superimposed on this
tural style. These belts. . .’’ basic structure are other structural elements such as
The definition of ‘‘belt’’ as applied in Cuba is dis- possible rifting and wrenching, which have contrib-
cussed in detail in the Data section of this publication uted to confusion about, for example, the origin and
under Chapter 1, The Belt Nomenclature Problem. The mode of emplacement of the ophiolites.
use of belt was extended to western Cuba by Truitt Walter Bücher (1954, personal communication),
(1956a, b) and, later, by other authors. It is still used in Hatten et al. (1958), Rigassi-Studer (1963), Hatten
the Cuban literature. Belts are discreet, separate strati- (1967), Meyerhoff et al. (1969), Knipper and Cabrera
graphic features, structurally brought into contact, and (1974), Iturralde-Vinent (1977, 1981, 1996), Pszczólk-
superimposed. owski (1999), Cobiella-Reguera (2005), and others have
The fundamental structural-stratigraphic model accepted variations on an Alpine orogenic model,
proposed here for Cuba is that of an Alpine orogeny but the nature and degree of acceptance varies. Me-
along the continental margin of North America. It yerhoff et al. (1969) rejected the involvement of plate
consists of shelfal carbonates paired with deep-water tectonics. Hess (1938) once used Cuba as the type sym-
sediments, volcanics, and ophiolites thrust northward metrical ‘‘Tectogene’’ (he changed his interpretation
toward the craton. The model assumes the involve- in later years). Flint et al. (1948) interpreted some of
ment of plate-tectonic processes and includes a pro- the major thrusting as being directed from north to
posal for Cuba (and other, geologically similar, areas) south. Ducloz and Vuagnat (1962) postulated that
of a mechanism explaining the obduction of oceanic many of the structures of central Cuba were caused
Overview / 15
FIGURE 18. Eastern-central Cuba: basic igneous-volcanic terrane sections. See Figure 8 for definition of lithologic
by deep-seated wrench faulting without major over- very common through the entire Cuban Cretaceous
thrusting and denied the existence of windows and and lower–middle Eocene. The Lutgarta Formation
klippen. Interpretations from the era of the former contains many turbidites, interbedded with biomi-
Soviet Union and Cuban cooperation are divided be- crites and radiolarian cherts, which accumulated from
tween thin-skinned and basement tectonics. the Santonian through the Maastrichtian. Furthermore,
It should be mentioned that Bohor and Seitz (1990) the most impressive carbonate breccia, the Sagua*
suggested that Cuba’s complex geology was caused by Formation, reaches unquestionably into the lower to
a meteorite impact in the Isla de la Juventud vicinity. middle Eocene.
This suggestion was not seriously followed, but mount-
ing evidence shows that the Chicxulub K-T boundary Restoration of Cuban Geology
meteorite impact had some effect on Cuba (see Officer Structural complexities have shuffled the various
et al., 1992). Pszczólkowski (1986b, 1999) proposed components of Cuban stratigraphy. The present rela-
that the Cacarajicara Formation (and its correlative, tive position of the outcrops is quite different from
the Amaro) was caused by such an event. Mounting their position at the time of deposition or formation.
evidence shows that the detritals of the Cacarajicara, Any palynspastic restoration will depend, therefore,
Peñalver, and the Amaro formations were caused by on the assumed direction of thrusting. In this publi-
the Chicxulub tidal wave (Takayama et al., 2000; Kiyo- cation, all the major displacements are considered as
kawa et al., 2002), but carbonate turbidite deposits are having been from south-southwest to north-northeast.
16 / Pardo
FIGURE 19. Western Cuba: basic igneous-volcanics terrane generalized geologic map.
North-Central Sedimentary Terranes belts, followed by the transitional Jatibonico* (J) belt
Figures 9 and 10 are maps of central and eastern and the Las Villas* belt. The type locality of the Las
Cuba showing the distribution of the sedimentary Villas* Belt at Quemado de Guines (QG) exposes a rel-
belts separated by folded and faulted major thrusts. atively thick section of Upper Jurassic bank carbonates
They also show the southwestern sedimentary ter- of the Trocha* Group, which grade into the upper-
ranes, Escambray and Asuncion, as windows through most Jurassic deep-water limestones of the Cagua-
the basic igneous-volcanic terranes. guas* Formation. The Jurassic is overlain by Lower
This is the conventional interpretation and was Cretaceous, thin, deep-water, nannoplankton carbon-
Gulf’s interpretation in the late 1950s. It is also the ates of the Capitolio* Formation. The Upper Creta-
interpretation of Hatten et al. (1958), Meyerhoff and ceous is mostly pelagic and distal carbonate bank tur-
Hatten (1968), Pardo (1975), and Hatten et al. (1988). bidites, with radiolarian cherts, of the Calabazar* and
This reconstruction is supported by: the presence of Carmita* formations. Of note are the carbonate con-
Jaguita* and Ronda* unmetamorphosed carbonate glomerates of the Sabanilla* Formation, definitely de-
outcrops, along the Tuinicu fault, south of the basic rived from the south. The Upper Cretaceous is very
igneous-volcanic terranes; the total lack of volcanic thin and in places not represented by sediments. To
and ultrabasic components associated with the sedi- the south, the Placetas* (P) and Cifuentes* belts, rep-
mentary terranes; and the fact that the basic igneous- resenting the higher thrusts, do not show any appre-
volcanic terranes completely surround (in fault con- ciable thickness of Jurassic sediments. In the south-
tact) the Escambray and Asuncion massifs. ernmost Cifuentes* belt of Las Villas province at La
Figure 11 shows, from north to south, the thick Ju- Rana (LR), Jarahueca, and Rancho Veloz, the pelagic
rassic and Cretaceous carbonate and evaporite bank limestones of the Lower Cretaceous Ronda* Forma-
sections of the Punta Alegre* (PA) and Yaguajay* (Y) tion and the Jobosi* conglomerate rest on weathered,
Overview / 17
FIGURE 20. Northern Cuba: basic igneous-volcanic terrane generalized geologic map.
strongly deformed, and allochthonous granodioritic with deformation culminating in the early middle
basement. This basement must have formed a paleo- Eocene.
ridge (Meyerhoff’s ‘‘Median Welt’’) called here ‘‘La
Rana’’; its original location is presently unknown. In Southwestern Sedimentary Terranes
the Sierra de Camajan window of the Camaguey prov- The southwestern sedimentary terranes are charac-
ince, the Lower Cretaceous Veloz (Ronda*) Formation terized by the presence of a thick section of continen-
rests upon the Tithonian Nueva Maria Formation tally derived clastics of mostly Middle Jurassic age.
that interfingers with tholeitic basalts. Present in the The Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous part of the section
Cifuentes* belt is a widespread quartz-muscovite is very similar to the Las Villas* to Cifuentes* belts of
sandy limestone of Aptian–Albian age, the Constan- the north-central sedimentary terranes. With one nota-
cia* Formation. The presence of abundant muscovite ble exception, the Cretaceous carbonate bank facies is
is surprising because the basement exposures are poor absent. The southwestern sedimentary terranes show
in micas. various degrees of metamorphism, principally in the
In the Yaguajay*, Sagua*, Jatibonico*, and Las Villas* Isla de la Juventud and the Escambray massifs.
belts, varied thicknesses of basic igneous detritus of Figure 12 is a geologic map of western Cuba, in-
the lower–middle Eocene Vega* Formation are invari- cluding the Isla de la Juventud. Here, the exposures of
ably present underlying the Rosas* orogenic mega- Jurassic to middle Eocene sedimentary rocks form a
breccia. Basic igneous detrital clasts are present in the group of low-elevation hills called the Sierra de Gua-
south in the Maastrichtian Miguel* Formation, as well niguanico. In contrast with the tightly faulted and im-
as in the Rodrigo*, indicating that the basic igneous- bricated stack of south-dipping plates of central Cuba,
volcanic terrane began to move in the Maastrichtian, the belts are less intensely tectonized, north-dipping,
18 / Pardo
FIGURE 21. Western and northern Cuba: basic igneous-volcanic terrane sections. See Figure 8 for definition of lithologic
superimposed thrust sheets. Each belt consists of a stack age. The thickness of the San Cayetano varies from
of several sheets showing great similarity to each other. possibly very thin to nonexistent in the north to pos-
The present order of the belts is reversed from their sibly very thick (more than 10,000 ft [3000 m]) in the
original position. The significance of the larger number south. Simultaneously, in the southern Rosario belt
of imbrications in the Sierra de Guaniguanico (±30) (CP), the Guasasa grades into the thinner, deeper wa-
than in central Cuba (7) is not clear. The larger num- ter, thin-bedded carbonate facies of the Artemisa For-
ber may be partly, but not entirely, caused by the qual- mation. These carbonates are similar to and partly
ity of exposure; perhaps the more numerous imbrica- coeval with the Caguaguas*, Capitolio*, and Ronda*
tions are a result of greater horizontal displacement. formations of the Las Villas*, Placetas*, and Cifuentes*
Figure 13 shows sections on the eastern part of the belts. Farther south, in the northern Rosario belt (N),
Sierra de Guaniguanico, with the belts in their assumed the Artemisa overlies and partially interfingers with
original position. the tholeitic basalts of El Sabalo Formation. This situ-
The Sierra de los Organos belt (PG, SG), like the ation is identical with the one found in Loma Cama-
Las Villas* belt, exhibits a fairly thick Upper Jurassic jan in the Camaguey province. The Cretaceous section
section of shallow-water carbonates, the Mogotes- is generally thin and accumulated in deep water.
forming Guasasa Formation. It is transitionally un- The highest thrust sheet of the Sierra de Guani-
derlain by the Jagua as well as the San Cayetano con- guanico, Guajaibon–Sierra Azul (GSA), is highly un-
tinentally derived clastics of Middle to Late Jurassic usual and difficult to explain. It consists mostly of
Overview / 19
FIGURE 22. Eastern Cuba: basic igneous-volcanic terrane generalized geologic map.
massive bank carbonates with a facies (and microfacies) central Cuba. These turbidites were deposited through-
identical with the carbonate banks of the Yaguajay* out the Cretaceous and the early–middle Eocene.
belt of north-central Cuba. Being the highest thrust In the Sierra de Guaniguanico, variable thicknesses
sheet under the basic igneous-volcanic terranes sug- of Paleocene to lower–middle Eocene Manacas (simi-
gests a position south of much deeper water facies and lar to Vega*) basic igneous-derived detrital rocks, over-
no connection to the Bahamas banks. These rocks may lain by the Vieja (similar to Rosas*) orogenic mega-
have been deposited over the westward continuation breccia, are present above most thrust slices.
of the southern La Rana granodioritic ridge exposed Figure 15 shows sections of the metamorphosed
in the southernmost sheets of the Cifuentes* belt. massifs of Escambray and Isla de la Juventud. Because
Figure 14 shows sections on the western part of of the structural complexities in both massifs, the
the Sierra de Guaniguanico. They differ from the indicated thicknesses are questionable. The slightly
eastern sections in having a greater thickness of San metamorphosed Cangre belt–Pino Solo (PS) unit on
Cayetano clastics-Loma del Muerto (LM), and Pizarras the southern border of the Sierra de Guaniguanico is
del Sur (PDS) by an indication that the Guasasa Forma- also shown. The Isla de la Juventud and Escambray
tion carbonates at EPEP Pinar-1 might not have been massifs, although not studied to the extent of other
underlain by thick San Cayetano clastics (total depth areas in Cuba, have sections dominated by Middle Ju-
of the well was near seismic-refraction basement) and rassic clastics (La Llamagua, Loma la Gloria, Cañada,
by considerable quartz-sand development in the Cre- Agua Santa) equivalent to the San Cayetano Forma-
taceous of the Esperanza (E) belt. Although these sands tion. The Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous carbon-
might have come from the Yucatan (Pszczólkowski, ates (Sauco, Cobrito, Mayari, and Collantes) seem to
1999), they are consistent with the southern granodi- have accumulated in deep water, akin to the Artemisa
orite high and might correlate with the Cifuentes* and Formation. In both massifs, as well as in the Cangre
Placetas* belts’ Constancia* Formation of Early Creta- belt, the metamorphism appears reversed. The up-
ceous age. The Santa Teresa* Formation cherts, charac- per units are more metamorphosed than the core of
teristic of the Cifuentes* belt, are well represented in the the structures. For example, the upper Pino Solo unit
southern Rosario (LM, LP) and La Esperanza (E) belts. has a higher metamorphic grade than the lower Mes-
Although the Cacarajicara detrital limestone rep- tanza unit. The age of metamorphism of the Cangre
resents a remarkable distal turbidite, it is similar to belt is Paleocene–early Eocene (Pszczólkowski, 1985).
the Carmita*, Amaro*, Lutgarta*, and Sagua* of north- It is also very significant that the median radiometric
20 / Pardo
FIGURE 23. Eastern Cuba: basic igneous-volcanic terrane sections. See Figure 8 for definition of lithologic symbols.
age of metamorphism in Escambray and Isla de la ultrabasics (serpentine, gabbro) to the north and meta-
Juventud is 66 m.y. or Paleocene (Iturralde-Vinent, morphosed ultrabasics (amphibolite) to the south.
1996). This, together with the sedimentary evidence of Highly sheared serpentine forms the base of the sec-
the timing of thrusting, suggests that the reverse meta- tion and contains large blocks of exotic metamor-
morphism was caused by the slab of basic igneous- phics. The trough of the synclinorium consists of oce-
volcanic terranes riding over the sedimentary terranes anic volcanics overlain by arc volcanics and associated
and not by the island arc thermal activity. sediments. Several granodiorite bodies intruded the
volcanic section from the central to the southern parts
Basic Igneous-Volcanic Terranes of the synclinorium and extend from the Escambray
massif to eastern Camaguey.
Central Cuba Figures 17 and 18 are representative columnar sec-
Figure 16 is a map showing the distribution of the tions of the basic igneous-volcanic terranes in cen-
general types of igneous and volcanic rocks (includ- tral Cuba. It should be noted that the sections of
ing volcaniclastic) in central Cuba. Generally speak- Santa Clara (SC), Santo Domingo (SD), and Camajan
ing, the basic igneous-volcanic terranes occur in a (C) show the best and most complete exposures of
complexly folded and faulted synclinorium, which is probable oceanic crust (Domingo* belt) and, possibly,
separated from the underlying sedimentary terranes upper mantle. The most complete and least deformed
by the Domingo* fault. Above the fault and at the volcanic (Cabaiguan* belt) sections are exposed on
base of the volcanic section are various-sized bodies of the north and south flanks of the Seibabo syncline
Overview / 21
(SNF, SSF), and they provide the best basis for inter- tion). Piggyback basins characterize the Paleocene and
preting the origin of the volcanic rocks. The Lower lower–middle Eocene. They contain volcanic-derived
Cretaceous in the Seibabo syncline consists mostly of sediments, marls, and limestones. The Taguasco* For-
basalts and basic volcaniclastics. Part of the Cenoma- mation, consisting of conglomerates containing large
nian – Turonian section contains no volcanics. This spherical granite boulders, and its equivalents are
section comprises the Gomez* and Huevero* dark-gray found at the base of the section.
shale and black nodular limestones and the Cristobal*
and Casanova* detrital, fine- to medium-grained lime- Northern and Western Cuba
stones containing Upper Jurassic detrital oolites and Figures 19 and 20 are maps showing the distribu-
other fragments. This volcanic-free section represents tion of the basic igneous-volcanic terranes in western
a period of volcanic quiescence following the forma- and northern Cuba. Here, the Sierra de Guaniguanico
tion of the new Upper Jurassic–Cretaceous oceanic occupies a structural position equivalent to the Es-
basement and preceding the development of an Upper cambray massif; it is a window of sediments cut by
Cretaceous volcanic arc. Of the above units, the Gomez* the Pinar fault to the south. An outlier of unmeta-
Formation is the most characteristic and can be rec- morphosed arc volcanics exists on the north of the
ognized in many localities. It must be noted that in Isla de la Juventud, the Teneme Formation. The most
the Las Villas province, most of the exposed volcanics complete sections of basic intrusive and volcanic rocks
are Early Cretaceous or older in age, whereas in Ca- occur north of the Sierra de Guaniguanico in the Bahia
maguey, they are middle to Late Cretaceous in age. Honda (BH) and Felicidades (F) belts.
Contrary to the interpretation of Iturralde-Vinent Figure 21 shows several sections of this terrane. The
(1996) and others, volcanism was active during the most complete section of oceanic crust is found at the
Maastrichtian as shown by outcrops of the Las Villas base of the Bahia Honda (BH) belt and is very similar
province (Hilario*, Cotorro*, and Carlota*) (see Data to the section present in central Cuba. The Lower Cre-
section on the CD-ROM in the back of this publica- taceous is not as well developed as in central Cuba and
Overview / 23
has not been studied in detail, but the middle to Upper most areas, but especially in northern Oriente (NO) and
Cretaceous Quiõnes Formation in the Felicidades (F) southeastern Oriente Purial massif (PM). However,
belt shows some affinities with the Gomez* and there is no question that the lower – middle Eocene
Huevero* formations of central Cuba. However, Up- Cobre Formation is very thick. It contains the only
per Cretaceous, Paleocene, and lower–middle Eocene lower Tertiary volcanic rocks in Cuba. The Purial mas-
outcrops are widespread and, being near Havana, sif is the only place in Cuba where the volcanic section
have been studied in detail for many years. These exhibits regional metamorphism; these volcanic rocks
lower Tertiary deposits form well-developed piggy- are under a nearly horizontal imbrication of an ultra-
back basins that were transported northward by the basic sheet. A small window of slightly metamor-
advancing ophiolite sheet, with no indication of near- phosed southwestern terranes sediments is present at
by volcanic activity. La Asuncion.
Figure 24 is a palynspastic base showing the ap-
Eastern Cuba proximate relative positions of the different belts at the
Figure 22 is a map of eastern Cuba showing the time of their deposition. It also shows the equivalence
various provinces. Eastern Cuba is characterized by a of the belts between the different areas of Cuba. The
strongly tectonized, steeply southward-dipping, basic Domingo-Cabaiguan belt could have originated far-
igneous-volcanic section (Kozary, 1968, referred to it ther to the southwest in the middle Cretaceous.
as the collapsed Aura trench); a nearly horizontal, al-
lochthonous, ultrabasic sheet overriding the volcanics HISTORY OF CUBA
in the Mayari and Baracoa massifs; the metamorphosed
volcanics of the El Purial massif; and a thick lower– The summary here of the geological history of Cuba
middle Eocene section of the El Cobre arc volcanics. has been strongly influenced by the geology of cen-
Figure 23 shows several stratigraphic sections through tral Cuba. However, the timing of the events was not
eastern Cuba. The thicknesses are questionable in isochronous along the whole length of the orogen.
24 / Pardo
Paleogeographic maps (Figures 25 – 34) illustrate Burke (1988), Pindell and Barrett (1990), Iturralde-
the possible past distribution of the most character- Vinent (1996), Cobiella-Reguera (2005), Garcı́a-Casco
istic stratigraphic units. These maps are on a conti- et al. (2006), Giunta et al. (2006), and Pindell et al.
nental drift base modified from the Ocean Drilling (2006), have interpreted the Cretaceous Cuban sub-
Stratigraphic Network (ODSN) created in 2005 by duction as northeast dipping and reversing polarity
the University of Bremen, with Florida occupying to the southwest during the Upper Cretaceous. Cuba’s
a fixed position. In all maps, Cuba is shown in its geology suggests that the subduction was continu-
present position relative to Florida, although dif- ously north dipping, and this concept is discussed in
ferent parts of the island came from various places. more detail below.
The first map of the sequence, 163 Ma (Callovian), The paleogeographic history presented here is
shows the position of the African and South Amer- in general agreement with that of Pszczólkowski
ican cratons. (1999). Differences are, for example, the position of
In these maps, ‘‘autochthonous nappes,’’ ‘‘alloch- the Guajaibon–Sierra Azul belt, the origin of the mid-
thonous nappes,’’ and ‘‘subduction’’ will be used to dle Cretaceous quartzose clastics, and the dip of the
describe, respectively, the thrusting toward the con- subduction zone.
tinent of the sediments, the basic igneous-volcanic
rocks, and the subduction. Supported by observa-
tions in Cuba and elsewhere, these maps (as well as Early(?)–Middle Jurassic
cross sections discussed later) show subduction as the Very little is known about the pre-Late Jurassic his-
main cause of the uplift of a convergent continental tory of the island except that the lower part of the San
margin or ocean floor, whereas the nappes are the Cayetano clastics might be Lower Jurassic (163 Ma;
result of sedimentary or volcanic cover sliding away, see Figure 25). The San Cayetano must have been de-
under the force of gravity, from the area uplifted by posited over an initially rifting basement that proba-
subduction. bly included fragments of continental crust as well as
Overview / 25
basaltic flows. This is supported by the pre-Neocomian America. As already mentioned, some studies indi-
granodioritic klippen of La Rana, Trés Guanos, and cate that the southwestern part of the San Cayetano
Rancho Veloz and the occurrences of the El Sabalo originated from the southwest, and the northeastern
and Nueva Maria tholeitic basalts underlying the sed- part originated from the northeast. Structural com-
imentary section of the northern Rosario belt and Ci- plexity makes source direction hard to evaluate.
fuentes* belt of the Sierra de Camajan. Toward the northeast, pre-Upper Jurassic sediments
It can also be assumed that, prior to the deposi- have not been observed in situ, but the Cunagua salt
tion of the Upper Jurassic rocks, a large area of base- suggests the presence of an evaporite basin correlating
ment was exposed to the northwest, extending from with the Louann Salt and Maraval evaporites and,
Florida’s Sarasota arch to the Maya Mountains. The possibly, as suggested by the San Adrian Formation,
nature of this basement is generally unknown, but it interfingering with the San Cayetano.
must have been of granitic to granodioritic compo- As rifting continued, new oceanic crust formed
sition as indicated by the arkosic nature of the San with outpouring of basalts (El Sabalo) and serpenti-
Cayetano Formation. In south Florida, several wells nization of the upper mantle.
have penetrated an undifferentiated Jurassic–Triassic
volcanic section and Paleozoic granite. The basement
must also have included Paleozoic sediments known Tithonian
to outcrop in the Maya Mountains, present as frag- In the Tithonian (144 Ma; see Figure 26) section,
ments in San Cayetano conglomerates, and, perhaps, sediments vary from the shallow-water, carbonate,
as exotics in the Cayo Coco Formation. The bulk of and evaporite deposits of Wood River, Punta Alegre*,
the San Cayetano Formation accumulated south of and Guani* in the north, toward Florida and the Ba-
this basement high. hamas, to shallow-water, normal marine limestones of
The San Cayetano clastics could have originated the Trocha* Group to the south in the Las Villas* belt.
from the Gulf of Mexico, as well as nearby South Toward Pinar del Rio, thick, massive, shallow-water
26 / Pardo
limestone of the Guasasa Formation accumulated the rifting, and uplifted blocks south of the Yaguajay*
over a northward-thinning wedge of San Cayetano, belt. The result was denudation of previously depos-
Jagua, and possibly, basement. Farther south, the thin- ited sediments as indicated by northward shedding
bedded limestones of Cobrito, Sauco, and Isla de la of carbonate clastics (Sabanilla* Formation), a south-
Juventud marbles were deposited over the lower Ox- ward increase in basement exposures (La Rana, Trés
fordian thin, quartzose sandstones of La Llamagua, Guanos, Rancho Veloz), and deposition of the Jobosi*
Loma la Gloria, and Agua Santa formations. The out- arkosic conglomerate. This basement could have
pouring of basalt continued forming the slightly been derived from a continental block, here named
younger Nueva Maria Formation in the southern the La Rana block (after the best exposures) and sim-
Loma Camajan. Farther south, rifting produced ultra- ilar to the Maya or Chortis blocks, that was overridden
basic oceanic crust. by later nappes.
In central Cuba, the Upper Jurassic and Neocomian
beds were only partially eroded. In western Cuba,
Neocomian shallow-bank carbonates, similar to those of the Vinas*
Shallow-water platform carbonates, with some evap- Group, accumulated atop the La Rana granodiorite
orites, continued to accumulate in the north (coastal horst and formed the Guajaibon – Sierra Azul belt.
area, Yaguajay* belt). Elsewhere in central and west- South of the La Rana basement horst, deep-water lime-
ern Cuba (Las Villas*, southern Rosario belts), the stones of the Mayari, Collantes, and Cobrito forma-
water was markedly deeper as indicated by the depo- tions were deposited and preserved.
sition of the Capitolio* and Artemisa formations con- Farther south, rifting continued, accompanied by
taining abundant nannoplankton (commonly rock outpouring of tholeites and other basic to ultrabasic
forming) and other pelagic forms. material forming a layered oceanic basement con-
Some tectonic activity extended into the Neoco- sisting of peridotite, gabbro, sheeted dikes, pillow ba-
mian (132 Ma; see Figure 27), possibly associated with salts (old volcanics of the Domingo* sequence), and
Overview / 27
associated sediments. Although some genetic rela- flows possibly continued to accumulate over the south-
tionship exists between the Domingo* sequence and ern part of the basic igneous basement.
the El Sabalo – Nueva Maria lithologies, these belong
to two entirely different provinces. El Sabalo and the
Nueva Maria formations, like the granodiorites, be- Aptian
long to the autochthonous nappes and were at the During the Aptian (110 Ma; see Figure 28), depo-
continental margin, whereas the Domingo* sequence sition continued to be shallow-water marine along
forms the base of the allochthonous nappe and is en- the north coast (Yaguajay* belt) with, farther to the
tirely oceanic. north (Cayo Coco area) and as far as Oriente (Gibara
area), some pelagic influence (Casablanca Group). To-
ward central and western Cuba, conditions continued
Barremian to be pelagic. The pelagic and shallow-water condi-
During the Barremian, deposition of platform car- tions were separated by a conglomeratic breccia zone
bonates continued in the north, grading from shallow- (Sagua la Chica* belt) representing a forereef facies, al-
water algal types, with fewer evaporites, to breccias. though reefs themselves are not common in outcrops.
South, west, and possibly east of the Bahamas Platform, There was an influx of quartz- and mica-rich tur-
deep-water sedimentation of pelagic (nannoplankton) biditic detritus, possibly from the erosion of the pre-
carbonates continued. However, because of the late viously formed basement high, which formed the
Neocomian tectonic activity, conglomerates, derived La Esperanza, Polier, and Constancia* formations. A
from the previously deposited limestones in the Las southern Guajaibon–Sierra Azul carbonate bank may
Villas* belt and from the exposed granitic basement in have been deposited.
the Cifuentes* belt to the south, became common. No Toward the south, the close of the Early Cretaceous
Barremian sediments were deposited in some of the was characterized by a great outpouring of basaltic
southern areas. However, the basaltic to intermediate flows (Mataguá* Formation) over rifted basement.
28 / Pardo
This activity was accompanied toward the north and of the Viñas* type carbonates of the Guajaibon–Sierra
west (Cifuentes*, southern Rosario, northern Rosario, Azul belt is problematic.
and La Esperanza belts) by abundant and extensive To the north, as during the Aptian –Albian, the
chert deposits (Calabazar*, Carmita*, and Santa Teresa* shallow carbonate banks continued to be separated
formations). from the pelagic, deep-water sediments to the south
by a zone of carbonate-derived clastics, which shifted
progressively southward; carbonate turbidites became
Albian–Cenomanian increasingly abundant (Calabazar* and Mata* forma-
Except for the Yaguajay* belt along the north coast tions). In the Florida Straits, carbonate deposition did
where platform carbonates accumulated, deep-water not keep up with subsidence as indicated by the in-
pelagic deposition continued during the Albian to crease in pelagic deposits, including chert (upper Casa-
Cenomanian (93 Ma; see Figure 29). In the south, blanca Group).
volcanic activity contributed silica to the seawater, Toward the south, the volcanic activity that formed
which led to the deposition of primary radiolarian the lower Cabaiguan* sequence decreased markedly,
cherts (Calabazar*, Carmita, and Santa Teresa) below and argillaceous, calcareous sedimentation became
the carbonate compensation depth. Whereas non- predominant, whereas conditions remained pelagic.
calcareous detritus was absent over most of the north- The detrital limestones in the southernmost outcrops
ern area, volcanic-derived clays became increasingly of the volcanic sequence (Cristobal* Formation) that
abundant toward the south (Santa Teresa* Formation). contain abundant Upper Jurassic reworked carbon-
The Rana granodiorite high was still active, providing ates (including oolites) indicate an unknown south-
material for the Chaco Azul Formation. The position ern source, possibly the Yucatan Platform.
Overview / 29
With the exception of the thick carbonate banks, to deep water province, whatever sediments remain
the Cenomanian sediments are mostly uniformly show that sedimentation continued under pelagic con-
thin. ditions and was essentially calcareous, with subordi-
nate cherts.
Turonian–Campanian Toward the south in the basic igneous-volcanic prov-
Turonian and Coniacian sediments are not com- ince, conditions were also dominantly pelagic. Sedi-
mon across most of the nonvolcanic area (80 Ma; see mentation was accompanied by a renewal of volca-
Figure 30). They are present to the north in the Cayo nism, with an outpouring of flows and other ejecta of
Coco area, to the south in the Seibabo area in central a more rhyolitic composition (Pastora* Group). Evi-
Cuba, and in a few units of the southern and north- dence of subaerial volcanism (such as glass bombs and
ern Rosario belts in western Cuba. The strata above ash beds) exists. Shallow-water reefs with rudists,
and below the missing interval all have deep-water corals, and large foraminifera are commonly associ-
characteristics, and no evidence of subaerial erosion ated with the volcanics and volcaniclastics. This was
exists to explain the lack of the Turonian and Conia- the period of major arc volcanism associated with sub-
cian sediments across such a large area. Either there duction. It was also the time of intrusion of the Mani-
was no deposition, or the section was eroded because caragua granodiorite into the central Cuba volcanics.
of changes in current patterns or submarine slides.
Local erosion is unlikely because a hiatus of the same Campanian–Maastrichtian
age has been found in many of the holes drilled by After the period of the disconformity, pelagic con-
the DSDP in the southern Gulf of Mexico and the ditions characterized the platform to deep-water prov-
western Atlantic. Toward the north, in the platform ince, which received massive, dominantly carbonate
30 / Pardo
turbidite flows from the north (Lutgarda* Formation) large Maastrichtian thrust sheets of ultrabasics in Ori-
and from the south (Amaro* and Cacarajı́cara forma- ente. Thrusting (and metamorphism) of ultrabasics
tions) (67 Ma; see Figure 31). Over the basic igneous- began in the Escambray, and thrust sheets began to
volcanic province, local provenance resulted in an stack into the former basin that is today represented
abundance of fragmental rocks; that is, limestones by the Guaniguanico Mountains. Northward-dipping
toward the north (Peñalver Formation) and volcanics subduction to the south produced uplift of the conver-
toward the south. In the south, sedimentation was gent margins. The northward-moving thrust sheets
accompanied during the Maastrichtian by an out- or nappes formed as the result of the sedimentary or
pouring of late orogenic basaltic flows and flow brec- volcanic cover sliding away from the uplifted areas.
cias (the Maastrichtian age of these flows disagrees
with the current interpretation of most Cuban geol-
ogists, including Iturralde-Vinent, 1996). Toward the Paleocene (Danian)
north, along the present outer line of clays, deposi- The Paleocene is very poorly represented in Cuba
tion of coarse Maastrichtian limestone conglomerate for reasons that are not entirely clear. Fossils this age
(Mayajigua* Formation) graded into fine-grained pe- have been found only in Cabaiguan* sequence rocks
lagic rocks. The basic igneous-volcanic province be- in Habana, Las Villas, and western Camaguey prov-
gan its initial northward movement as indicated by inces, but the paucity of the Paleocene is probably
serpentine detritus in the turbidites, by basic intrusive- not just a paleontological artifact. Strata above and
derived clastics (Miguel Formation) associated with below contain rich lower Eocene and Maastrichtian
the Domingo* thrust, as well as by the presence of faunas, respectively. Where present, the Maastrichtian
Overview / 31
was deposited in deep waters and so was the lower– igneous-volcanic front. As a result, the thrust sheets
middle Eocene flysch. No indication of subaerial ero- were generally arranged from older and more south-
sion or unconformity exists. erly sourced at the top of the stack to younger and
more northerly sourced at the base.
A large trough-shaped basin formed in front of
Early to Middle Eocene the thrust sheets, deeper near the thrust front and
The early to middle Eocene was characterized by shallower northward. Lower to middle Eocene flysch
intense orogenic activity (50 Ma; see Figure 32). Early deposition in the trough began with sediments de-
in the Eocene, the large-scale low-angle thrust sheets, rived from limestones, such as the Sagua* and San
or gravity nappes, that first moved in the Maastrichtian Martin* formations, followed by an increase in vol-
began to move at a greater rate. The volcanic section, canic and intrusive-derived detritus, such as the lower
along with the oceanic basement, rode over the plat- Vega* and lower Manacas (Pica Pica) formations, and
form to deep water province, probably along the line finally, capped by the intrusive and volcanic-derived
separating the basic igneous-volcanic province from coarse conglomerates and wildflysch of the upper
the platform to deep basin province. As thrusting Vega* (Rosas*) and upper Manacas (Vieja) formations.
proceeded, additional thrusts formed within the car- In central Cuba, the rocks of the deep-water Vega*
bonate section in front of and north of the basic Formation became coarser grained through time. In
32 / Pardo
western Cuba, the fine-grained clastics and other pe- lated in front of them, and the flysch served as a
lagic sediments of the Manacas Formation changed lubricating medium for further thrusting. The sub-
abruptly to the coarse breccias of the Vieja Member. duction responsible for the uplift driving the thrust-
The breccia clasts reflect the lithology of the associ- ing ceased progressively from west to east, and vol-
ated fault blocks. This suggests some subaerial erosion canic activity continued in Oriente until the middle
in central Cuba, whereas western Cuba was largely Eocene. Along what appears to be a north-dipping
submarine. subduction zone and south of the Jardines de la Reina
South of the front of the advancing volcanic and Cays (Camaguey trench) is a filled trench, which is a
basic intrusive-rock thrust plate, a second series of remnant of an accretionary prism. This trench could
basins developed parallel to the northern trough. be related to the exposures in Haiti’s southern penin-
Within these basins, which were carried piggyback sula and the Muertos Trench.
by the thrust plate, lower Eocene igneous-derived sed- In central and eastern Cuba, the thrust front ad-
iments accumulated, but under quieter tectonic con- vanced until the volcanic and basic intrusive rocks
ditions (the Taguasco*, Bijabo*, Santa Clara*, Alkazar, covered extensive areas of the massive shallow-water
Bacunayagua, Capdevila, and Universidad formations, carbonates of the northern coast of the island (Ya-
for example). guajay* belt, coastal and Gibara areas). After the front
As the thrust sheets advanced, they overrode the stopped advancing, compression from the south con-
lower to middle Eocene flysch, which had accumu- tinued, tightly folding and then reverse faulting the
Overview / 33
FIGURE 37. Scotia Sea bathymetry. Modified after the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Satellite and
Information Service.
FIGURE 39. Scotia Sea structural interpretation on bathymetry. Modified after the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration Satellite and Information Service. FZ = fault zone; PZ = Paleozoic.
succession of thrust plates. The result was the late began lateral motion, probably because the north-
Eocene structures shown in Figure 33. As compression ward compression was not directed perpendicular
continued, the folds became sharper, and the faults to the front of the carbonate banks. It is possible
FIGURE 41. Caribbean free air gravity. Modified after Sandwell and Smith (1997).
that a deep-seated, crustal transcurrent fault was also unconformity. Some local basins may have formed as
involved. gentle deformation of the old orogenic belt occurred.
In western Cuba, the northward-moving stack of This deformation consisted mostly of large-scale folds
thrust sheets did not reach the buttress of the Ba- (Habana-Matanzas) and high-angle faults (Pinar). This
hamas Platform, and the nappes came to rest on the type of deformation is still active today and is largely
sea floor toward the southern Gulf of Mexico. As a responsible for Cuba’s present physiography.
result, they are less deformed than they are to the Cuba is an example of subduction generating an
east. orogenic belt. The subduction progressed from an
It is possible that a large number of the present-day oceanic environment through a region of relatively
high-angle faults, some with reverse thrusting (Sei- recent oceanic crust between North and South Amer-
babo syncline), formed during the last phase of the ica and, finally, became inactive at the southern mar-
orogeny. gin of the North American continent. The main differ-
The intense orogenic activity ceased toward the ence relative to most of the well-known marginal
close of the middle Eocene or early late Eocene, and orogenic belts is that the thrust sheets that accompa-
the uplifted, faulted, and folded orogenic complex nied the subduction rode onto and over a much de-
was subsequently eroded and peneplained. pressed and fragmented continental margin (with
fragments now in the Bahamas Basin, Gulf of Mexico,
Late Eocene to Present Yucatan) relatively far away from a fully continental
Shallow-marine conditions prevailed during most craton.
of this time interval, and mostly limestones, marls, The orogeny was characterized by a scarcity of
and shales accumulated, accompanied by some coarse detrital sediments on its continental side and by the
clastic sediment (present; see Figure 34). There was rapidity of the entire orogenic process that started
very little tectonic activity. In the northern basins, a during the Late Cretaceous and culminated within
strong angular unconformity separates the upper Eo- the early to middle Eocene. It also shows clearly that
cene strata from the older rocks. In the southern ba- when the thrusting occurred, the continental mar-
sins, sedimentation was essentially continuous from gin was not contiguous with the subduction, but was
the Cretaceous through the Tertiary, with no major separated from it by an arch, which mostly exposed
36 / Pardo
FIGURE 42. Caribbean structural interpretation. PC = Precambrian; PZ = Paleozoic. See Figure 8 for definition of
lithologic symbols.
granodioritic basement rocks. The Alps show sim- The Domingo* belt shows a characteristic cross sec-
ilar geology. The northward displacement of the vis- tion of oceanic crust (>4000 m; >13,100 ft), with ser-
ible thrusting was on the order of several hundred pentine at the base. The serpentine very probably
kilometers. formed during oceanic rifting when seawater came
near, or in contact with, the upper mantle. As the ser-
pentine became buried under layers of basalt and as-
CUBA’S CONTRIBUTION TO THE sociated volcaniclastic, its low permeability did not
UNDERSTANDING OF OBDUCTION allow the water to escape at a rate directly related to
the weight of accumulating overburden. The water
A great contribution of Cuba to our knowledge of bore much of the overburden load, which generated
orogeny is that it provides evidence that obduction near geostatic pore-fluid pressure. The resultant de-
must not be the converse of subduction. That is to crease in shear strength would have produced a def-
say, the obduction in Cuba did not result from the inite low-velocity Moho discontinuity.
pushing of oceanic crust over the top of a subducting The decrease in shear strength created unstable oce-
plate. The evidence from Cuba indicates a different anic crust, similar to the overpressured shales at the
process, which could have much more general appli- base of normally compacted deltaic sedimentary sec-
cation than just in Cuba. This process was referred to tions. For Cuba, north-dipping subduction of oceanic
above, will be explained further below, and is dia- crust under the newly rifted oceanic crust raised the
grammatically shown in Figures 35 and 36. newly formed oceanic crust. It broke up and, under
Overview / 37
FIGURE 43. Structural interpretation on topography. Modified after the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration Satellite and Information Service. PC = Precambrian; PZ = Paleozoic. See Figure 8 for definition of
lithologic symbols.
the force of gravity, detached along the overpressured water carbonates and cherts also became involved
serpentine and slid downhill toward the foreland ba- in the slide and were pushed in thrust sheets in front
sin and away from the subduction zone. This Cuban of the advancing oceanic crustal sheet. Away from
scenario is supported by the presence of metamorphic its front edge, the warm slab of sliding oceanic crust
exotics in the serpentine; by the absence or the rela- caused reverse metamorphism (Maastrichtian –early
tively low-grade reverse metamorphism of the sedi- Eocene) in the Trinidad and Isla de la Juventud mas-
ments underlying the serpentine; by the total lack of sifs and Pinar del Rio’s Cangre belt. The granodio-
metamorphism of the volcanics overlying the oceanic rite associated with the arc volcanism was intruded
crust; by the diapirism and evidence of flowage exhib- during the Late Cretaceous and, thus, preceded the
ited by many serpentine bodies and contained exot- metamorphism.
ics; and by the definite evidence of stacked oceanic The Cuba subduction was part of the Caribbean
thrust sheets in the Santa Clara–Placetas area, as well oceanic crust subduction extending from the Yucatan
as in the Mayari and Baracoa massifs in eastern Cuba. to the Saba Bank. A continuous series of oceanic crust-
As the subduction of oceanic crust under oceanic al blocks became detached and began sliding north-
crust migrated, the uplifted and now-detached alloch- ward from late Maastrichtian near Yucatan to early
thonous fragment of newly formed oceanic crust kept Eocene toward Hispaniola. To the west, the sliding was
sliding northward away from the subduction zone over the oceanic crust of the Yucatan oceanic basin
until it overrode (was obducted over) the continental (Pinar del Rio). In central Cuba, the sheet of oceanic
margin, capturing and dragging, in its base, fragments crust slid (was obducted) onto the southward-projecting
of that margin, and eventually riding over a bed of Florida-Bahamas continental margin. Exposed farther
detritus derived from its own basic igneous rocks (the to the east, in Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, is the Carib-
Vega and Vieja formations). This obducted, allochtho- bean oceanic crust subducted under the Atlantic oce-
nous sheet carried, piggyback, the arc volcanics and anic crust (Haiti southern peninsula, Muertos Trench),
volcanoclastic basins. The continental margin deep- where it is possible that the Caribbean oceanic crust
38 / Pardo
FIGURE 44. 162 Ma: Callovian. A = Africa; FL = Florida; NA = North America; SA = South America.
was also obducted by sliding over the Atlantic oceanic be the tightest fit, but at the expense of moving parts
crust. of Mexico out of the way through the Mojave-Sonora
Obduction appears to accompany subduction only megashear and rotating and sliding crustal blocks such
in cases of subduction of oceanic crust under oceanic as the Yucatan and southern Florida.
crust and, as in Cuba, northern Venezuela, and the Salvador and Green (1980) give an interesting re-
Alpine ranges, on thinned continental margins adja- construction of the early stages of separation in the
cent to spreading the Caribbean- and Mediterranean- Late Triassic (200 Ma). They postulate that the Yu-
type oceans. In Cuba, the obducted sea floor is the sea catan block was farther north in the Gulf of Mexico,
floor that was originally on the upside of the sub- but otherwise, Florida, the Bahamas, and Cuba were as
duction; therefore, the obduction moved in the same they are today, except that the entire area was much
direction as the dip of the subduction. In other words, closer to South America. This reconstruction has the
the evidence from Cuba indicates that the continen- advantages of being simple and based on regional ge-
tal plate was not subducted under the oceanic plate. It ology and is adopted, in part, here. Also assumed here
is very possible that this Cuban obduction process is that since the Triassic period, the South American
may be the most common form of obduction. continent has included the Cordillera Central and the
Santa Marta massif in Colombia, and that the Bocono
fault in Venezuela has been of minor importance.
CUBA’S CONTRIBUTION TO THE HISTORY Many problems concerning the history of the Ca-
OF THE CARIBBEAN ribbean exist that the geology of Cuba cannot re-
solve. An example is accounting for the postulated
North America began separating from Africa dur- 1100 km (683 mi) of left-lateral displacement of the
ing the Triassic, approximately 200 Ma, and paleo- Cayman rift and the introduction of the Nicaragua-
geographic reconstructions prior to 150 Ma are un- Jamaica rise since the upper Eocene, although the rel-
certain. Pindell and Barrett (1990) present what may ative positions of North and South America remained
Overview / 39
FIGURE 45. 144 Ma: early Tithonian. A = Africa; FL = Florida; NA = North America; SA = South America.
essentially unchanged during that time. It is almost Some important differences exist. The Scotia Sea
impossible to locate a right-lateral displacement of the shows a definite oceanic basement, with a presently ac-
same magnitude (even with multiple smaller faults) tive east-northeast-spreading axis, interrupted by sev-
along the north coast of Venezuela. Another example eral west-southwest transverse faults (Figures 37–39).
is whether the circum-Caribbean orogenies origi- This oceanic basement seems to be continuous with
nated with a Great Arc (Pindell and Barrett, 1990), the Pacific, although separated by the Shackleton frac-
spreading from the Pacific Ocean, or whether there ture zone. Each spreading strip between transforms
were multiple arcs. A third example is the polarity of seems to end in subduction, either under the South
the subduction. American or the Antarctic continent. The oceanic
James (2006) proposed an in-situ origin based on crust is being generated in situ and does not come
similarities to areas such as the Scotia Sea and Banda from the Pacific.
arc. The gross morphological similarities between the The major Caribbean basins (Yucatan, Colombian,
Caribbean and the Scotia Sea are obvious. Both ap- and Venezuelan), however, do not have presently
pear to be eastward oceanic incursions between two spreading oceanic crust; only one short, active, north–
continental masses: North and South America, and south-spreading axis exists in the center of the Cay-
South America and Antarctica. Both are limited to the man trough (Figures 40–43). These basins are not
east by an active volcanic arc resulting from westward- considered typically oceanic, and only weak magnetic
dipping oceanic – oceanic subduction, and in both anomalies indicate a spreading center in the Vene-
cases, the western margins of the westward-drifting zuelan Basin, which has remained inactive for the last
continents are bounded by eastward-dipping conti- 127 m.y. (since the Hauterivian). This is puzzling be-
nental and oceanic subduction. In both cases, it ap- cause the distance between North and South America
pears as if the oceanic floor is moving eastward in increased continuously from the Triassic until the
relation to the continents. Campanian (80 Ma). In addition, in the Caribbean,
40 / Pardo
FIGURE 46. 132 Ma: Valanginian. A = Africa; FL = Florida; NA = North America; SA = South America.
undisturbed Upper Cretaceous (Turonian) and youn- day resulted from the superposition of orogenic defor-
ger pelagic sediments overlie older volcanics (such mation that started in the Paleozoic. The Cambrian
as basalts, dolerites, and tuffs). of Colombia is characterized by Atlantic province
The South American continent south of the Cerros trilobites and not Pacific. How the Appalachian oro-
de la Ventana (correlated to the Africa’s Cape Moun- genic belt (or the Hercynian Atlas) connected with Co-
tains) is covered by a large expanse of Jurassic volcanics lombia is unknown, but it must have gone through
(Serie Tobifera), which forms the basement. Protrud- the Caribbean region prior to the opening of the Ca-
ing out of this basement are the Paleozoic Falkland ribbean. Fragmental outcrops of Precambrian to upper
(Maldives) Islands. Precambrian rocks have been cored Paleozoic rocks are present in Mexico, from the Cabo
on the Falkland plateau. The Tierra del Fuego Andes de las Corrientes through Oaxaca, in the Maya Moun-
and the Antarctica Peninsula have a Paleozoic core. tains, and in north-central Nicaragua (Dengo, 1975).
The Scotia Sea appears, therefore, to have opened In central Florida, drilling has penetrated Paleozoic
across a Paleozoic to Precambrian continental mass granites and metamorphic rocks below a Triassic to
(Dalziel, 1974). Lower Jurassic volcanic complex. Allochthonous base-
Unlike the Scotia Sea, very confusing evidence of ment blocks in Cuba range in age from Precambrian to
what happened at the end of the Paleozoic in the Ca- at least Late Jurassic. The evidence suggests that the
ribbean area exists. The Ouachitas do not appear to be early Caribbean basement also consisted of meta-
a simple continuation of the Appalachians. Drilling morphics and plutons reflecting the Appalachian or
south of the Ouachitas shows thick, slightly meta- Hercynian orogeny.
morphosed(?), and relatively undisturbed Cambrian– Perhaps the Scotia Sea is an analog of the early stage
Ordovician Ellenburger carbonates. No known volca- of the opening of the Caribbean. That would suggest
nic or igneous equivalent exists, unless it runs under that the Caribbean oceanic crust formed in situ and
the Gulf of Mexico or farther south. The Andes of to- was not of Pacific origin. Assuming that this is true,
Overview / 41
FIGURE 47. 110 Ma: Aptian. A = Africa; FL = Florida; NA = North America; SA = South America.
both the Scotia Sea and the Caribbean would have curred through Florida and the Gulf of Mexico, with
similar relations between spreading axis and ocean- fragmentation of the Paleozoic basement and south-
under-continent subduction on one side and ocean- ward motion of the resulting Chortis, Acapulco, Maya,
under-ocean on the other. The Caribbean continental La Rana, and South Florida blocks. The Louann and
basement blocks, named here Chortis, Acapulco, Maya, Cunagua Salt, as well as the Maraval evaporite ba-
La Rana, and South Florida, were surely part of Gond- sins, formed. This was the time of major continental-
wana and were fragmented by the opening of the derived clastic sedimentation in the opening Carib-
North Atlantic when North America started rifting bean, with the deposition of the Todos los Santos and
from Gondwana. the San Cayetano (and equivalent schists and quartz-
Figures 44 – 52 show the stages of Cuban evolution ites of the Isle of Pines and Escambray massifs). The
described above relative to a possible plate-tectonic east-dipping Andes subduction zone is assumed to
reconstruction of the Caribbean. The continental po- have separated the Americas from the Pacific Ocean.
sitions in these reconstructions are based on the re- Cuba could have been located over one of the nu-
constructions of the ODSN. The position of the Ca- merous transforms offsetting the spreading axis. Such
ribbean is shown in relation to Africa. Cuba is placed transforms might have become later transcurrent
in its present position relative to Florida, although dif- faults, thus explaining the so-called ‘‘crustal discon-
ferent parts of the island come from different places. tinuity’’ running parallel to and north of the axis of
The reconstruction shown by Figures 44–52 can ex- the island.
plain several observations, but cannot be proven by
present evidence. Early Tithonian
The opening between North and South America
Callovian continued with a strong left-lateral component, but
The Callovian is an early stage of the opening of the spreading axis jumps south of the Paleozoic blocks
the Caribbean (162 Ma; see Figure 44). Spreading oc- (144 Ma; see Figure 45). From then on, the southern
42 / Pardo
FIGURE 48. 94 Ma: Cenomanian. A = Africa; FL = Florida; NA = North America; SA = South America.
margin of the North American continent and north- in a facies identical with that of Cuba’s Capitolio*.
ern Cuba became fixed relative to each other, and the The La Rana block appears to have remained positive
entire north coast of Cuba, from Matanzas to Oriente, with deposition of bank limestone of the Vinas*
became part of the North American plate. Shallow- Group.
water conditions covered much of Cuba, the Bahamas,
Florida, La Rana, and Maya, and the deposition of the
Florida-Bahamas-Yucatan banks began. Some of the Aptian
Cayo Coco and Maraval evaporites were still being South America began to separate from Africa, and the
deposited. This was the time of the formation and deep- Caribbean continued to open (110 Ma; see Figure 47).
ening of the early Caribbean. The Maya Mountains- The Maya Mountains-Sarasota arch continued to pre-
Sarasota arch, the remnant of a late Paleozoic moun- vent the Gulf of Mexico clastics from reaching the
tain range, was an effective dam holding back the Caribbean. The shallow-water Cogollo-Chimana reef
sediments derived from North America. The major limestones of Venezuela accumulated in a facies sim-
marine opening was toward the Atlantic, resulting in ilar to that of the Coban, Marquesas, and Cayo Coco
a strong influx of Tethys faunas. to the north. Strong submarine (oceanic) volcanism
continued as indicated by the pillow basalts of the
lower Cabaiguan sequence and by the Curaçao lava as
Valanginian well as the pre-Horizon B volcanics of the Venezuelan
The lower Cabaiguan* section indicates that the and Colombian basins.
Caribbean continued to expand with the generation
of new crust (132 Ma; see Figure 46). The rest of
Cuba showed a marked increase in water depth with Albian–Cenomanian–Turonian
accumulation of calcareous nannoplankton. In south- Oceanic spreading was mostly in the North and
ern Belize, the ‘‘Aptychus’’ limestone accumulated South Atlantic (94 Ma; see Figure 48). The motion in
Overview / 43
FIGURE 49. 80 Ma: Santonian. A = Africa; FL = Florida; NA = North America; SA = South America.
the Caribbean was mostly transcurrent, with in- tian, whereas the separation between North and South
creasing separation between North and South Amer- America increased (80 Ma; see Figure 49). During the
ica. In Cuba, this is reflected by a marked decrease in Coniacian, a new spreading axis formed (perhaps co-
volcanic material at the base of the Cabaiguan* se- inciding with today’s Cayman trough and under the
quence. The Cenomanian – Turonian was character- Curaçao Ridge), and subduction intensified along
ized by decreasing volcanic flows in the Gomez* the boundaries facing North and South America. The
Formation (Cabaiguan* sequence), which were, how- subduction generated a new arclike, more acidic, vol-
ever, still in proximity to basic submarine volca- canic sequence (Pastora* Group in Cuba, and Knip-
nism. The Gomez*, characterized by black shale and Villa de Cura in Venezuela). Pindell et al. (2006) consid-
thin nodular black limestone beds, is reminiscent ers that this volcanic sequence indicates the insertion
of the La Luna and Querecual in Venezuela and the of a Pacific oceanic plate (the present Caribbean) be-
Eagle Ford in the Gulf states. It correlates, in part, with tween both continents. It could as well have been
the extensive Santa Teresa cherts and clays that are generated in situ, which would agree better with the
similar to the San Antonio in Venezuela and the geology of Cuba.
Mowry in the Rocky Mountains. A major regional if
not worldwide marine transgression was accompa- Maastrichtian
nied by extensive submarine volcanic activity. Per- The Maastrichtian saw the initiation of the north-
haps the silica was contributed by volcanism along ward gravity slide of the basic igneous-volcanic ter-
the mid-Atlantic rift. ranes in western Cuba and the clockwise rotation
of the Villa de Cura (Tiara volcanics) in Venezuela
Coniacian–Santonian–Campanian (67 Ma; see Figure 50). Volcanism ceased in western
The transcurrent motion between Cuba and South Cuba and greatly diminished in central Cuba. It per-
America decreased from the Albian to the Maastrich- sisted during the middle and lower Eocene in eastern
44 / Pardo
FIGURE 50. 67 Ma: Maastrichtian. A = Africa; FL = Florida; NA = North America; SA = South America.
Cuba, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico. The lack of meta- Curaçao Ridge became detached and slid northward
morphism of the Cuban basic igneous-volcanic ter- into the Venezuelan basin.
ranes was caused by their detachment from their
roots and their continuous slide away from the ac- Early Late Eocene
tive subduction area and toward the Florida-Bahamas The northern and southern parts of the Caribbe-
Banks. an began to look as they do today, and the circum-
Caribbean orogeny ended (see Figure 52; 40 Ma).
Paleocene–Middle Eocene The Caribbean became isolated from the Pacific by
Around the Caribbean, including Cuba, compres- the north-dipping ocean – ocean Central American
sion, gravity sliding, and other orogenic activity cul- subduction zone and from the Atlantic by the west-
minated in the early to middle Eocene (50 Ma; see dipping ocean – ocean subduction of the Lesser An-
Figure 51). In Cuba, the Vega*, Rosas*, and Vieja oro- tilles arc. The Chortis block moved to its present
genic sediments accumulated at the same time as the position in Central America, and the Cayman Trench
Venezuelan Guarico Formation, Matatere flysch, and pull-apart rift began. All significant tectonic activity
the Barquisimeto olistostrome. The synchroneity and in Cuba ended.
symmetry of deformation resulted from the two bound-
ing subduction zones that responded to similar spread-
ing and faced opposing continents and oceans. The CONCLUSIONS
Lesser Antillean arc became active, and Puerto Rico
trench formed as a consequence of ocean-ocean sub- Cuba rests on the site of oceanic crust that formed
duction. The Barbados deep-water fan, derived from as North America first began to separate from the
the Guyana shield, was deposited and began to be over- rest of Pangea in the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic. It
ridden by the Lesser Antilles accretionary wedge. The shows the most complete assemblage of intrusive,
Overview / 45
FIGURE 51. 50 Ma: lower Eocene. A = Africa; FL = Florida; NA = North America; SA = South America.
volcanic, and sedimentary rocks in the Caribbean reversed polarity during the Tertiary). Both subduc-
region. tion zones operated simultaneously, and analogous
During and after the separation of South America to the present-day Scotia Sea, there must have been a
from Pangea in the Early Cretaceous, spreading con- spreading axis between them. Later processes, such
tinued in the Caribbean as well as the Atlantic and as those that formed the Cayman trough, probably
Pacific oceans. Oceanic plates were subducting under obscured the location of the spreading axis.
North and South America. As a result of the Caribbean It is particularly interesting that the entire oro-
rifting, a pair of opposing orogenic belts developed. genic activity shown by the rocks of Cuba (with the
Along strike, the northern subduction changed from exception of some subaerial volcanism) appears to
oceanic crust under continental crust (with obduc- have occurred below sea level. The introduction of the
tion) in Cuba to oceanic under oceanic in Hispaniola Chortis block, as well as the relationship with older
and Puerto Rico. Figure 53 shows, diagrammatically Hercynian and Appalachian deformed belts, remains
(transforms have been omitted), the possible connec- poorly understood. The end of significant tectonic
tion between Cuba and other Greater Antilles defor- activity in Cuba in the late Eocene means that the
mation. On the south side of the Caribbean, continen- island’s geology gives no indication about the nature
tal and oceanic subduction (with obduction) occurred of the Cayman trough’s left-lateral motion nor about
in Venezuela, and oceanic – oceanic subduction oc- the apparent right-lateral transcurrent motion in
curred in Panama (the Panama segment may have northern South America.
46 / Pardo
FIGURE 52. 40 m.y.: base upper Eocene. A = Africa; FL = Florida; NA = North America; SA = South America.
suggestions, and participating in important discus- editing parts of the manuscript. Lastly, I am terribly
sions. The author is grateful to M. Iturralde-Vinent of grateful to Andrzej Pszczólkowski from the Polish Acad-
Havana’s Museo Nacional de Historia Natural for pro- emy of Sciences and author of many recent studies of
viding much assistance and recent information. I am Cuban geology, who reviewed the manuscript and
also greatly indebted to T. Anderson for many sug- made many suggestions for improvements, as well as
gestions concerning the interpretation of the data and providing up-to-date information.
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for Geophysics, and can be found listed in the UTIG Plates Project Bibliography of Caribbean Geology and Geophysics located at http://www.ig.utexas.edu/research
/projects/plates/biblio/carib/carib.htm (accessed December 15, 2008).
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*All italicized references in this References Cited Section are unpublished reports donated by Gulf/Chevron to The University of Texas — Institute
for Geophysics, and can be found listed in the UTIG Plates Project Bibliography of Caribbean Geology and Geophysics located at http://www.ig.utexas.edu/research
/projects/plates/biblio/carib/carib.htm (accessed December 15, 2008).
Additional Reading
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acteristics of the geology and the useful minerals of the logical Society (Spanish), p. 51 – 58.
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logica (Spanish), v. 2, no. 1, p. 14 – 20. of the region of western Cuba: Centro de Investiga-
Bandy, O., 1964, Foraminiferal biofacies in sediments of ciones Geologicas (Spanish), v. 215, 55 p.
the Gulf of Batabano, Cuba, and their geologic signifi- Gyarmati, P., 1983a, Las rocas intrusivas intermedias de
cance: AAPG Bulletin, v. 48, p. 1666 – 1679. Cuba oriental, in E. Nagy et al., eds., Contribucion a la
Bresznyanszky, K., and M. A. Iturralde-Vinent, 1983, Paleo- Geologia de Cuba Oriental: Ciudad de la Habana, Edi-
geografia del Paleogeno de Cuba Oriental, in E. Nagy torial Cientifico-Tecnica, Ministerio de Cultura (Span-
et al., eds., Contribucion a la Geologia de Cuba Orien- ish), p. 99 – 111.
tal: Ciudad de la Habana, Editorial Cientifico-Tecnica, Gyarmati, P., 1983b, Las formaciones metamorficas de
Ministerio de Cultura (Spanish), p. 115 – 126. Cuba oriental, in E. Nagy et al., eds., Contribucion a la
Bresznyanszky, K., and M. A. Iturralde-Vinent, 1985, Paleo- Geologia de Cuba Oriental: Ciudad de la Habana, Edi-
geografia del Paleogeno de las provincias de La Habana, torial Cientifico-Tecnica, Ministerio de Cultura (Span-
in M. A. Iturralde-Vinent, ed., Contribucion a la Geo- ish), p. 90 – 98.
logia de Las Provincias de La Habana y Ciudad de La Hall, C. M., S. E. Kesler, N. Russell, E. Piñero, C. Roberto
Habana: Ciudad de la Habana, Editorial Cientifico- Sánchez, R. Mireya Pérez, J. Moreira, and M. Borges, 2004,
Tecnica, Ministerio de Cultura (Spanish), p. 100 – 115. Age and tectonic setting of the Camagüey volcanic-
Campos, M., and M. Hernandez, 1990, Correlacion de las intrusive arc, Cuba: Late Cretaceous extension and up-
Metavulcanitas de la Sierra del Purial (Cuba Oriental) lift in the western greater Antilles: The Journal of Ge-
con las Rocas de la Asociacion Ofiolitica, in D. K. Larue ology, v. 112, p. 521 – 542.
and G. Draper, eds., Transactions of the 12th Caribbean Hill, P. A., 1959, Geology and structure of the northwest
Geological Conference, St. Croix, U. S. Virgin Islands, Trinidad mountains, Las Villas Province, Cuba: Geolog-
1989: Miami, Florida, Miami Geological Society (Span- ical Society of America Bulletin, v. 70, p. 1459 – 1478.
ish), p. 95 – 98. Iturralde-Vinent, M. A., and F. D. Roque-Marrero, 1982a,
Cruz Ferrán, C., 2000, Paleomagnetic studies of Jurassic to New data on the diapiric structures of Punta Alegre and
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torial Cientifico-Tecnica, Ministerio de Cultura (Span- plex interpretation of geophysical data in the north of
ish), p. 185 – 196. Cuba: Serie Geologica 3, Instituto de Geologia y Pa-
Piotrowski, J., and R. Myczynski, 1986, The volcanogenic- leontologia, Academia de Ciencias de Cuba (Spanish),
sedimentary deposits of the Zaza Zone in Matanzas Prov- p. 73 – 87.
ince: Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Earth Terence, E. N., W. P. Dillon, C. Jacobs, L. M. Parson, K. M.
Sciences (Spanish), v. 34, p. 50 – 66. Scanion, and T. L. Holcombe, 1990, Structure and spread-
Pszczólkowski, A., 2000, New data on late Albian and late ing history of the central Cayman Trough, in D. K. Larue
Cenomanian nannoconid assemblages from Cuba: Bul- and G. Draper, eds., 12th Caribbean Geological Confer-
letin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Earth Sciences, ence, St. Croix, U. S. Virgin Islands, 1989: Miami, Florida,
v. 48, no. 2, p. 135 – 149. Miami Geological Society, p. 33–42.
Catalog of Stratigraphic Units
CUBAN GULF VERSUS 1988 CUBAN GEOLOGIC Contrabando Formation = Incl. in Guaney Formation
MAP (PUSHCHAROVSKY ET AL., 1988) Mayajigua Formation = not recognized
TERMINOLOGY Jaula Formation = Venero Formation (in part)
Turiguanó = Venero Formation (in part)
1988 Cuban geologic map (Pushcharovsky et al.,
1988) terminology is underlined; areas are in italics. SAGUA LA CHICA BELT = INCL. IN CAMA-
Incl. = included. JUANI ZONE
Sagua Formation = Vega Formation-Breccia Sagua
Las Villas
Viñas Group = Remedios Group JATIBONICO BELT = INCL. IN REMEDIOS
Guani Formation = not recognized ZONE
Bartolomé Formation = not recognized Guani Formation = Incl. in Remedios Group
Puntilla Formation = not recognized Mabuya Formation = Incl. in Remedios Group
Palenque Formation = not recognized Florencia Formation = Incl. in Remedios Group
Camaco Formation = Incl. in Remedios Group Mayajigua Formation = Incl. in Remedios Group
Palone Formation = Incl. in Remedios Group Sagua Formation = Embarcadero Formation (in part)
Mayajigua Formation = Incl. in Remedios Group San Martin Formation = Embarcadero Formation
Remedios Formation = Incl. in Remedios Group (in part)
Grande Formation = Incl. in Remedios Group
Sagua Formation = Grande Formation (in part) LAS VILLAS BELT = CAMAJUANI ZONE
San Martin Formation = Caibarien Formation (in La Trocha Group = La Trocha Formation
part?) Hollo Colorado Formation = Incl. in La Trocha
Vega Formation = not recognized Formation
Lower Vega Member = not recognized Jaguita Formation = Incl. in La Trocha Formation
Upper Vega Member-Rosas = not recognized Caguaguas Formation = Incl. in La Trocha
Caibarien Formation = Caibarien Formation (in Formation
part) Penton Group
Capitolio Formation = Margarita Formation,
YAGUAJAY BELT = REMEDIOS ZONE Paraiso Formation (in part)
Camaguey (Sierra de Cubitas) Remblazo Formation = Paraiso Formation (in part)
Viñas Group = Remedios Group Sabanilla Formation = not recognized (incl. in
Sagua Formation = Embarcadero Formation (in part) Margarita? and Paraiso ?)
San Martin Formation = Embarcadero Formation Malpaez Group
(in part) Calabazar Formation = Incl. in Mata Formation
Vega Formation Mata Formation = Incl. in Mata Formation
Lower Vega Member = not recognized Lutgarda Formation = Lutgarda Formation
Upper Vega Member-Rosas = Senado Formation Sagua Formation = Incl. in Vega Formation-Breccia
Caibarien Formation = Lesca Formation Sagua
Camajuani Formation = Incl. in Vega Formation-
Punta Alegre Formation = Punta Alegre Formation San Martin Formation = Incl. in Vega Formation-
Cayo Coco Formation = ? Breccia Sagua
Guillermo Formation = Incl. in Guaney Formation Vega Formation = Incl. in Vega Formation-Breccia
Romano Formation = Incl. in Guaney Formation Sagua
62 / Catalog of Stratigraphic Units
Lower Vega Member = Incl. in Vega Formation- Felipe Formation = Felipe Formation of the Tassajera
Breccia Sagua Group
Upper Vega Member-Rosas = Incl. in Vega Cotorro Formation = Cotorro Formation of the
Formation-Breccia Sagua Tassajera Group
Curamaguey Formation = Incl. in Tassajera Group
PLACETAS BELT = PLACETAS BELT (in part) Yaya Formation = Incl. in Tassajera Group
Ronda Formation = Veloz Formation Algarrobos Formation = Incl. in Tassajera Group
Constancia Formation = Constancia Formation Bernia Formation = Santa Clara Formation (in part)
(in part)
Carmita Formation = Carmita Formation South Seibabó syncline
Encrucijada Member = not recognized ‘‘Old Volcanics’’ = Mataguá Formation (in part),
Bermejal Member = not recognized Los Pasos Formation
Corona Formation = Amaro Formation Relampago Formation = Incl. in Mataguá Formation
Mataguá Formation = Incl. in Mataguá Formation
CIFUENTES BELT = PLACETAS BELT (in part) Cristobal Formation = Incl. in Provincial Formation
Jobosi Formation = Constancia Formation (in part) Casanova Formation = Incl. in Provincial Formation
Ronda Formation = Veloz Formation Seibabó Formation = Seibabó Formation
Constancia Formation = Constancia Formation Pastora Group = Bruja Formation
(in part) Bruja Formation = Incl. in Bruja Formation
Carmita Formation = Carmita Formation Pastora Formation = Incl. in Bruja Formation
Encrucijada Member = not recognized Agabama Formation = Incl. in Bruja Formation
Santa Teresa Formation = Santa Teresa Formation Escambray Formation = Incl. in Bruja Formation
Amaro (incl. Macagua) Formation = Incl. in Amaro Salvador Formation = Incl. in Tassajera Group
Formation Palmarito Member = Palmarito Formation of
Rodrigo Formation = Incl. in Amaro Formation the Tassajera Group
Maguey Member = Maguey Formation of the
DOMINGO SEQUENCE = ZAZA ZONE (in part) Tassajera Group
Venega Formation = not recognized (mapped as Cotorro Formation = not recognized
igneous) Hilario Formation = Hilario Formation of the
Andrés Formation = not recognized (mapped as Tassajera Group
Cumbre Formation = Zurrapandilla Formation (in Tamarindo-Camajuani area
part) ‘‘Old Volcanics’’ = Zurrapandilla Formation (in
Miguel Formation = Incl. in Vega Alta Formation part)
Note: The 1988 geologic map shows an extensive Gomez Formation = not recognized
development of the Vega Alta Formation of middle– Cotorro Formation = not recognized
lower Eocene described as an olistostrome. Gulf con- Hilario Formation = not recognized
sidered it a tectonic mixture of Cifuentes, Domingo, Carlota Formation = Incl. in Carlota Formation
and Cabaiguan (including Miguel, ophicalcite, and Flow Breccia Member = not recognized
rubble zones) belts; not a true sediment. Porphyry Member = not recognized
Rana Member = not recognized
CABAIGUAN SEQUENCE = ZAZA ZONE (in Turino Formation = Incl. in Carlota Formation
part) Jiquimas Formation = Incl. in Carlota Formation
North Seibabó syncline Taguasco Formation
‘‘Old Volcanics’’ = Mataguá Formation (in part),
Los Pasos Formation Fomento-Taguasco area (Taguasco vicinity)
Obregon Formation = Incl. in Mataguá Formation ‘‘Old Volcanics’’ = Incl. in Mataguá Formation
Barro Formation = Incl. in Mataguá Formation Viajaca Formation = not recognized
Huevero Formation = not recognized Potrerillos Formation = not recognized
Gomez Formation = Gomez Member of the Pro- Satasa Formation = not recognized
vincial Formation Undifferentiated tectonized Cretaceous Volcanics
Bruja Formation = Bruja Formation (in part) Taguasco Formation = Taguasco Formation
Pardo / 63
66 / Pardo
Pimienta Member, 151, 152, 169 San Juan y Martinez Formation, 232
Pinalilla Formation, 152 San Luis Formation, 278, 288, 289, 290
Piragua Formation, 222, 224 San Martin* Formation, 31, 61, 96, 99, 101, 113 –
Playuela* Formation, 286 115, 121 – 123, 234
Polier (Constancia*) Formation, 124 San Pedro Formation, 208, 213
Polier Formation, 150, 151, 157, 160, 176, 182 San Vicente Member, 150, 161, 164, 182
Pons Formation, 150, 152, 170, 171, 174 Sancti Spiritus granodiorite, 226, 327, 329
Porphyritic Serpentine, 203 Santa Clara* Formation, 32, 63, 209
Porphyry Member, 215 Santa Teresa Formation, 129, 135, 141, 160, 174
Potrerillos*Formation, 217 Santa Teresa Formation (Panchita Formation), 160
Principe Member, 245 Santa Teresa*, 4, 28, 44, 62, 139
Provincial Formation, 208, 212 Santa Teresa* Formation, 19, 28, 62, 132, 136
Puerto Boniato Formation, 254, 258 Santo Domingo Formation, 256
Punta Alegre* Formation, 140 Saramaguacan Formation, 224
Punta Brava Formation, 245 –247, 249 Satasa* Formation, 62, 217
Puntilla* Formation, 95, 97 Sauco Formation, 192
Purio Formation, 95, 98 Seibabo* Formation, 62, 207, 212
Quiñones Formation, 146, 153, 231, 232 Senado Formation, 61, 99, 112, 122
Ramblazo* Formation, 119, 120, 123, 139 Serpentine, 20, 92, 99, 101, 125, 133, 134, 135, 138,
Rana* Member, 215 139, 148, 154, 155, 175, 203, 205
Rancho Bravo Formation, 278 Sevilla Formation, 287
Relampago* Formation, 62, 210 sheeted dikes, 26
Remedios* Formation, 61, 93, 95, 96, 111, 112, 121, Sierra de Rompe sequence, 222
145 Sierra Verde Formation, 194, 195
Remedios* Formation(?), 61, 93, 95, 96, 111, 112, Siguaney* Formation, 62, 218, 221
121, 145 Suceso* Formation, 285
reticulate serpentine, 203 Sumidero (Capitolio*) Formation, 123
Roble Member, 63, 151, 157 Sumidero Member, 150, 151, 161, 165
Roble* Formation, 221, 227 Taguasco* Formation, 22, 32, 62, 133, 217
Rodrigo Formation, 62, 132, 133, 136, 183 Teguaro Formation, 284
Rodrigo* Formation, 62, 132, 133, 136, 183, 202, Tejas Formation, 259
227 Teneme Formation, 22, 185
Rollete* Formation, 285 The Guanı́* Formation, 114, 118, 119
Romano* Formation, 61, 105 Tinajita Member, 252 – 254
Ronda*, 16, 62, 135, 130 Tinguaro Formation, 246
Ronda* Formation, 16, 18, 62, 127, 129, 130, 132 – Toledo Member, 245
136, 174, 196 Tomas* Formation, 286
Rosario Formation, 283 Trocha* Group, 16, 25, 114, 117
Rosas* Formation, 31, 112, 114, 122, 125, 141 Tumbadero Member, 151, 170
Rosas* Formation, 31, 112, 114, 122, 125, 141 Tumbitas Member, 151, 171
Rubio* Formation, 63, 218 Turiguano* Formation, 106
Sabanilla* Formation, 16, 26, 61, 119 – 123, 125, 128 Turino* Formation, 62, 215, 227
Sagua de Tanamo Formation, 290 ultrabasic complex, 256
Sagua* Formation, 15, 61, 96, 99, 101, 106, 112, 113, ultrabasics, 30, 251, 253 –259
115, 121, 123, 141, 171 Universidad Formation, 32, 236, 237, 243 – 246
Salvador* Formation, 62, 208, 212, 227 Vaqueria Formation, 208, 213
San Adrian Formation, 25, 92, 95, 104, 118, 140 Varga* Formation, 285
San Cayetano Formation, 11, 19, 25, 92, 103, 142, Vasquez Formation, 280
161, 167, 179, 181, 185 Vega, 37, 61, 112
San Francisco Member, 223 Vega Alta Formation, 113, 135, 202
San Ignacio Formation, 290 Vega* Formation, 17, 31, 61, 83, 96, 99, 101, 102,
San Juan Group, 191 113, 114, 122, 125, 135, 138 – 140, 147, 156, 157
Formation Index / 69
72 / Pardo
Allochthonous Rocks that have been tectonically accumulate in the front of thrusts and become in-
displaced from their original location of formation. corporated into the melange.
Autochthonous Rocks that have not been tectoni- Miogeosyncline The part of a geosyncline devoid
cally displaced from their original location of formation. of volcanic activity. The sediments can have a con-
Boudinage The stretching process which gives tinental or pelagic oceanic source.
the bedding a link sausage aspect (from ‘‘boudin’’ in Molasse Sediments derived from the erosion and
French); common in the underside of nappes. peneplanation of an inactive orogenic belt. They com-
CCD Carbonate compensation depth; water monly grade upward from coarse to fine.
depth at which the shells of calcareous planktonic Nappe A large-amplitude thrust block commonly
foraminifera are dissolved. Normally 5– 5.5 km (3.1 – beginning as a recumbent anticline. The reverse limb
3.4 mi), although a shallower figure is possible be- is commonly considerably thinned, and sometimes
cause of upwelling. Below this depth, the sediments missing, through stretching. It is commonly the
commonly consist of clays and radiolarian oozes. result of gravity sliding.
Eugeosyncline The part of an orthogeosyncline Obduction The process by which a slab of oceanic
characterized by volcanic activity, generally its oce- crust rides over the margin of a continental plate. The
anic side. results of obduction are commonly observed in
Exogeosyncline The continental side of an ortho- orogenies, but the mechanism remains obscure.
geosyncline; commonly a basin receiving sediments Olistolith Blocks within an olistostrome.
from both the continent and an active orogeny away Olistostrome Large-scale rock slide consisting of a
from the continent. fine-grained, commonly argillaceous, matrix in which
Flysch Sediments produced by the erosion of an large blocks (from boulder size up to several kilometers)
active orogeny where the structural uplift is the of coherent lithologic units are imbedded. These slides,
continuing source of sediments. A flysch commonly which are commonly submarine and gravity driven,
grades upward from fine to coarse. are normally the result of orogenic uplift. They are
Fragmental Any rock consisting of rock fragments, sedimentary bodies, but are related to nappes.
i.e., fragmental tuff (tuff breccia), fragmental lime- Orthogeosyncline A broad term that includes the
stone (detrital limestone, limestone breccia), etc. This large-scale, linear, sedimentary, and tectonic fea-
term has been used frequently in Cuba, and it is com- tures characteristic of tectonically and magmatically
monly difficult to translate written descriptions in more active continental margins.
modern terminology such as grainstone, packstone, etc. Subduction The process by which an oceanic plate
Geosyncline Any large-scale depression or gradi- plunges under a continental or another oceanic plate.
ent of the Earth’s crust where sediments tend to A subduction zone Term coined by Bally to de-
accumulate, such as passive continental margins, rifts scribe the leading edge of an orogenic thrust front in
(taphrogeosynclines), continental interior basins which the thrusts are directed toward the continent.
(autogeosynclines), orogenic continental margins B subduction zone Term also coined by Bally to
(orthogeosynclines), etc. describe the area where subduction of an oceanic
Melange Tectonic mixture of disparate lithologies plate under a continental plate is occurring; B stands
resulting from the process of subduction or obduc- for Benioff.
tion and commonly occurs at great subsurface depth. Wildflysch The coarsest conglomeratic upper part
Strictly tectonic in origin, it can be difficult to dif- of a flysch deposit. Related to and sometimes difficult
ferentiate from olistostromes, which commonly to differentiate from olistostrome.
Pardo, G., 2009, Structural and stratigraphic elements, in G. Pardo, The
geology of Cuba: AAPG Studies in Geology Series, no. 58, p. 77 – 83.
Structural and
Stratigraphic Elements
The generalized geologic map of Cuba (Figure 54) middle Eocene are present in a stack of folded and
shows that the island is segmented into eight gen- faulted thrusts sheets (nappes) dipping generally
eral areas of pre-upper Eocene outcrops surrounded to the north. The direction of thrusting is believed
by relatively undisturbed later Tertiary sediments. Al- to be northward. Along the north coast, near Bahia
though there are similarities between them, each area Honda, ultrabasics and Cretaceous volcanics are
has its own stratigraphic and structural characteristics. present. The general strike is northeast. This area
From northeast to southwest, these areas can generally extends into the western Habana Province.
be grouped as follows: (1) north-central sedimentary 2) Isla de la Juventud area. This consists mostly of a
terranes: from northern Las Villas to northern Oriente; core of relatively low grade, but intensely deformed
(2) basic igneous-volcanic terranes: from northern metamorphics of Middle to Upper Jurassic and pos-
Pinar del Rio to eastern Oriente; and (c) southwestern sible Cretaceous age, similar to the older part of the
sedimentary terranes: from Pinar del Rio and Isla de section in Pinar Del Rio. This core has the general
la Juventud to southeastern Oriente. structure of a dome with the lower metamorphic
These areas are complexly deformed structurally grades in the center. In contact with the metamor-
and are present-day topographic highs. They are sur- phics, unmetamorphosed Cretaceous volcanics
rounded by a relatively thin and much less disturbed outcrop in the northwestern part of the island.
cover of sediments ranging in age from late lower Eo-
cene to Pleistocene. These areas are large-scale, mostly
post-Eocene, uplifts. Central Cuba
78 / Pardo
numerous facies of Upper Jurassic to lower–middle Rio section. The Escambray massif consists of two
Eocene sediments are present. However, although nearly circular domes and, as in the Isle of Pines,
the area is highly fragmented by vertical faults and the metamorphic grade is lowest in their cores.
is complexly folded, the general appearance is that The Las Villas–northwestern Camaguey area has
of several long (more than 100 km [62 mi]) south- the most complete sequences of sedimentary, vol-
dipping belts. The carbonate sediments are gener- canic, and igneous rocks occurring in the greatest
ally found to the northeast, the ultrabasic igneous variety of observable relationships on the island.
in the middle, and the Cretaceous volcanics and For this reason, it is used here as a type geologic
volcaniclastics in the southwest. The northern- province and is the basis for many interpretations
most exposed belt, the Yaguajay belt, shows mas- that will be extended to other parts of the island.
sive carbonates similar to, and of the same order 3) Central Camaguey area. This area is similar to the
of thickness, as the Florida – Bahamas banks. The Las Villas – northwestern Camaguey area; how-
degree of deformation is most intense in the mid- ever, with the exception of the extensive Creta-
dle, mostly ultrabasic, area, between the carbon- ceous massive carbonate exposures of the Sierra
ates to the north and the volcanics to the south. de Cubitas and a few scattered outcrops of sedi-
The general strike is northwest. Near the south mentary facies, most of it is covered by ultrabasic
coast of Cuba is the massif of Escambray, which and other igneous and Cretaceous volcanics in-
consists of an igneous complex and variously meta- truded by large bodies of granodiorite. A steep
morphosed, generally low-grade, Jurassic and Cre- southwestern dip exists, and the general strike is
taceous sediments very similar to the Pinar Del northwest.
Structural and Stratigraphic Elements / 79
Unfortunately, much other information follows Soviet- lines of stratigraphic nomenclature (Hedberg, 1976;
era practice of naming rocks by age and interpretive Salvador, 1994).
basin classification, such as ‘‘Cretaceous parautoch-
thonous miogeosynclinal,’’ which makes correlation The Belt Nomenclature Problem
with simple lithostratigraphic units difficult. In a few Several important related terms have been widely
cases, the Cuban published information appears used in Cuba throughout the last 39 yr. These are belts,
erroneous when compared to the solidly established facies-structural zones, structurofacies zones, zones,
pre-1960 data. Therefore, some of the recent informa- tectonostratigraphic units, tectonic units, tecto-units,
tion, when added to the natural geological complex- etc. The fact that in central Cuba, the names of these
ities, increases the problems of interpretation. so-called units, zones, or belts have been freely inter-
It has to be mentioned that the Mapa Geologico de changed by different authors increases the confusion
la Republica de Cuba (Pushcharovsky et al., 1988), on considerably. For instance, the Las Villas unit of Hatten
data collected up to November 1, 1985, is the best is approximately Pardo’s Cifuentes and Placetas belts,
overall published source of information available yet. whereas Pardo’s Las Villas and Sagua la Chica belts
Another excellent publication is the Mapa Tectonico de are (more or less) Hatten’s Zulueta unit; Ducloz’s Re-
Cuba (Pushcharovsky et al., 1989). medios zone is Pardo’s Yaguajay, Jatibonico, and Cayo
Coco belts or Hatten’s Remedios and Cayo Coco
Gulf’s Stratigraphic Nomenclature units; and so forth. Figure 55 is a chart showing the
When Cuban Gulf Oil initiated systematic geo- terms that have been most commonly used in central
logic mapping of central Cuba in 1951 at the scale of Cuba. What follows is an attempt to explain the or-
1:40,000, the confusion over preexisting terminology igin and the reason for such terminology and the en-
was such that it was decided to establish a framework suing confusion.
of stratigraphic units as if the geology of the island Although the complexity of the pre-Tertiary geol-
was totally unknown. Conventional rules of strati- ogy of Cuba has long been known (DeGolyer, 1918),
graphic nomenclature were strictly adhered to; any Rutten, in 1936, recognized that, broadly speaking, the
association of rocks with characteristic and recog- Las Villas Province could be divided into two terranes:
nizable lithologic features were given a formation limestone to the north and igneous-volcanic to the
name. The age was determined through fossils or south. In 1937, a Cuban geologist, Ortega y Ros,
stratigraphic relationships and had no effect on the properly identified, described, and named many of the
lithostratigraphic terminology. Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Paleogene stratigraphic units
The number of formations thus described by the of central Cuba. Unfortunately, his work appeared in
Cuban Gulf Oil was quite large, on the order of 125 an obscure publication and remained unnoticed until
for the pre-upper Eocene in central Cuba. With the the middle 1950s.
extreme structural complexities, many groups of out- By the late 1940s, the two-terrane scheme had been
crops had recognizable characteristics, but were to- further refined by various geologists, and the standard
tally disconnected from each other, so that their subdivisions of central Cuba became massive Reme-
relationships could not easily be determined in the dios carbonates to the north, serpentine and Tuff series
field. In addition, to avoid misgrouping, it was deemed to the south, and the radiolarian-rich, thin-bedded,
necessary to separate related lithologies that, under siliceous Aptychus Limestone in between.
less extreme circumstances, might have been given As Cuban Gulf Oil initiated the geologic mapping
a member rank and grouped under one formation that began with the pre-upper Eocene of central Cuba,
name. it became apparent that certain areas were charac-
In addition, the extreme structural shortening jux- terized by successions and associations of lithologies
taposes many lithologies that normally would be quite different from those in adjoining areas, although
spread across a large area. It can be said that the large the ages represented were similar. Because these areas
number of recognizable lithologic units across such a tended to be elongated along the strike, they were
relatively small area is a measure of the magnitude named ‘‘belts.’’ They were strictly informal operation-
of the telescoping of the basin. It should be empha- al subdivisions. In 1953, Pardo (Cuban Gulf’s Mem-
sized that many of the stratigraphic units that have orandum 92, p. 4) wrote the following:
been published in the recent literature, notably in
Pinar Del Rio and in the metamorphic massifs, are Northern Las Villas and northwestern Camaguey
well defined and follow accepted international guide- can be subdivided in several parallel northwest,
Structural and Stratigraphic Elements / 81
FIGURE 55. Central Cuba nomenclature.
82 / Pardo
southeast trending belts. Each one of these is sides by a tectonic feature (such as a fault system),
characterized by its structure and stratigraphy. . . and characterized by unique petrology. A tecto-
unit generally parallels regional stratigraphic
In 1954, Pardo (p. 5) modified this definition as strike. The characteristic of the petrology and
follows (the definition was published for the first time stratigraphy in each tecto-unit are distinct. . .
in Pardo, 1975, p. 561):
The concept of belts exposed in G. Pardo mem- As can be seen, the differences between the Gulf
orandum no. 92 (1953) has remained essentially and California Co. definitions are not major, but there
unchanged; however, due to the complexity of were strong differences of opinion relative to the as-
the tectonics, many of the belts cannot be geo- signment of some rocks to equivalent belts (units).
graphically separated onto continuous areas. In 1960, the files of all foreign oil companies were
They are in many instances scattered in small confiscated by the revolutionary government, and
patches following certain general trends. There- the above concepts became public knowledge in the
fore, for many of the belts, it is impossible to geologic circles of Cuba and of the assisting Soviet
define them as a geographic unit such as the Ya- block countries; however, they remained virtually un-
guajay or Las Villas belts (which are continuous), known in the west, where essentially nothing was
and one has to recur to a stratigraphic definition published until the late 1960s to mid-1970s. Mean-
of the belt; that is, a belt will be defined as an while, in Cuba, the application of these definitions,
association of several lithologies that occur invari- with varying degrees of understanding, resulted in
ably together. This definition can be carried even confusion. For example, Dilla and Garcia (1984, 1985)
further in a paleogeographic and paleotectonic reshuffled the existing terminology and split the ex-
sense: every part of a belt will have had an iden- isting zones, units, etc., between the Cretaceous and
tical succession of tectonic, sedimentary and ig- the Paleocene. They created two new zones (Sagua and
neous events during geologic time. Cabaiguan) that they thought contained only flysch
sediments superimposed on the older rocks of all other
It turned out that some belts have characteristic zones. This reduced the usefulness of previously rec-
internal structure. Lithologic associations are com- ognized zones, units, and belts, and using names that
monly bounded by faults, but they also grade into had been previously published added to the existing
one another (or at least are not separated from each confusion. Besides, their assumption that flysch sedi-
other by obvious major faults), making the assign- mentation always and only occurred from the Paleo-
ment of lithologies to belts difficult (facies do even- cene to the middle Eocene is surely not correct.
tually change). In Cuba, faults are everywhere, and In Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), these belts, units,
they can be strongly deformed, so their importance is zones, etc., are referred to as ‘‘zonas estructurofaciales’’
difficult to judge from field mapping alone. The dis- or structurofacies zones.
parity between two adjacent belts was used to de-
termine the probable magnitude of a fault and not
the magnitude of the fault to define the belt. In ad- General Remarks
dition, the boundary faults are commonly imbricated The Gulf data set forms a coherent package, with
with components of the two adjacent belts repeated well-established stratigraphic definitions now in the
several times. public domain, and its nomenclature is used as a back-
The California Company (Chevron) initiated re- bone for this publication. A significant reason to do
connaissance work in 1951 and, in 1957, began their so is that the author of this publication knows pre-
systematic mapping of central Cuba. Of course, they cisely the meaning of the Gulf names whereas much
had no access to Gulf reports and, in 1957, formalized of what has been published later has ambiguous defi-
a classification scheme, like Gulf’s belts, called ‘‘tecto- nitions. As will be seen, many Gulf names have been
units,’’ but differing from Gulf’s by being slanted more incorporated in today’s official nomenclature or pub-
heavily toward the present structure instead of stra- lished literature, but are not so credited. In some cases,
tigraphy. In 1957, in a private California Company credit is given to the author of the Gulf name, i.e.,
report, Meyerhoff and Hatten wrote the following: Wassall, Truitt, etc., who were Gulf employees, but in-
terestingly enough, Gulf is never recognized; nor is any
A tecto-unit is defined as a large and essentially other capitalist organization for that matter. As a re-
discrete structural unit, bounded on its two long sult, it is not always known whether the presently
Structural and Stratigraphic Elements / 83
used Gulf names are the result of a coincidence (i.e., guey, and Oriente, the published names will be used,
same type locality), or whether they found their way and an attempt will be made to correlate them with
into the terminology from Gulf’s early reports and Gulf’s data when pertinent. An attempt will be made
were sometimes given a somewhat different conno- to always give credit where it is due, but this some-
tation. This is also true of the work of other companies times will be impossible, considering the large vol-
such as Chevron, Shell, etc. ume of unpublished material that is being consulted
However, credit should be given to many Cuban (Gulf’s and others). However, the primary purpose of
and Eastern European workers who made definite this chapter is to give information about Cuba and
efforts to identify the original author of many strat- not to describe all the arguments that have ensued
igraphic units. If the political situation had been dif- ever since the second geologist visited the island.
ferent, much confusion would have been avoided. No The Geologic Map of Cuba, scale 1:250,000, (Push-
attempt will be made to identify the author of Gulf’s charovsky et al., 1988), and the Tectonic Map of Cuba,
terminology. It was a cooperative effort involving P. scale 1:500,000, (Pushcharovsky et al., 1989), published
Bronnimann, G. Pardo, P. B. Truitt, and H. Wassall. jointly by the Academy of Sciences of Cuba and the
Truitt and Wassall conducted most of the fieldwork Academy of Sciences of the former Soviet Union will
and were the originators of much of the terminology be extensively used to provide uniformity in discuss-
(full references can be found in the University of Texas ing the entire island.
copies of Gulf’s reports). To assist the reader, a table has been prepared (the
In some cases, Gulf used already existing names Localities section of this publication) where the ap-
and applied a precise definition that might not have proximate location of geographic localities mentioned
been followed by other authors. In this publication, in the text is given, using the 10 10-km (6 6-mi)
all the names defined and used by Gulf will be fol- grid system on the 1988 geologic map (Pushcharovsky
lowed by an asterisk (*), for example, to differentiate et al., 1988). This grid has an arbitrary origin west and
the Vega* Formation as defined by Gulf from the Vega south of Cuba, and the grid number refers to 10,000 m
Formation as used in Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), or (33,000 ft); for instance, 33N means 330,000 m
Gulf’s Las Villas* belt from Hatten et al.’s Las Villas (1,082,677 ft) north of the origin. It should be noted
unit. It is hoped that in this manner, confusion will be that the southern part of Oriente has a different origin
avoided. At any rate, these homonyms will be clari- than most of the island (the usual problem of trying
fied in the text. There certainly will be some depar- to fit a square grid over a sphere). In the Localities
tures from original definitions and interpretations section of this publication, the southwestern corner
because of new information such as age dating, pub- of the quadrangle in which the locality is situated
lished studies on the metamorphics, deep drilling, new will be identified in the following manner: The lo-
geologic concepts, etc. cality name will be followed by [sheet number — grid
Of course, in areas where other sources give more north — grid east]. For instance: Quemado de Guines
complete information, such as Pinar Del Rio, Cama- anticlinorium [12-33-37].
Pardo, G., 2009, Pre – Upper Eocene stratigraphy, in G. Pardo, The geology of
Cuba: AAPG Studies in Geology Series, no. 58, p. 85 – 275.
86 / Pardo
identified and correlated in the subsurface is through no use to the readers of this study, it is replaced by
continuous coring. Identification by cuttings is diffi- ‘‘sp.’’ or ‘‘spp.’’ Even without species names, the fau-
cult and ambiguous because of the large amount of nal composition is of interest.
natural reworking in many of the sections, and geo- The stratigraphic descriptions are accompanied by
physical logs do not differentiate the subtle differences a graphic columnar section. In most cases, the thick-
between the many stratigraphic units that commonly nesses given in Gulf Oil (Gulf) data (formation name
can only be identified through microfacies analysis in followed by an asterisk) were measured in the field or
thin sections. This is important because the lithologic in wells. Where measurements were impossible be-
data available today outside of Cuba consist mostly cause of structural complications, thickness estimates
of cuttings. only will be given. When the thicknesses are from the
It is not known what kind of data forms the basis literature, it is not always possible to know whether
for most of the currently published identifications. they are estimates or measurements.
The descriptions of fossiliferous stratigraphic units For convenience, the pre–upper Eocene graphic co-
will contain a faunal list. Whenever possible, genera lumnar sections will show a scale in meters and feet
and species will be given. In many cases, the genus is with the origin at the top of the Lower Cretaceous.
followed by ‘‘sp.’’ or ‘‘spp.’’ Paul Brönnimann had es- The post–middle Eocene columnar sections show the
tablished an extensive type collection where, accord- measurements from the base of the upper Eocene.
ing to the common practice of many oil companies, Figure 56 shows the lithologic symbols used through-
numbers identified the species, such as, Dicyclina 2, out the study unless otherwise noted in the figures.
Globotruncana 5, etc. These were cross-indexed to Cuba can be subdivided into the following major
formal species names. Unfortunately, the type collec- geologic provinces:
tion remained in Cuba, and as of this date, its fate is
unknown. In many of the reports, only the informal 1) The north-central terrane. It extends along the north
species number is available. Because this number is of coast from the subsurface between Habana and
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 87
Matanzas to Gibara in Oriente and is best developed Esperanza belt of Pinar del Rio, and the Cifuentes*
in central Cuba. It consists of sediments deposited belt of central Cuba.
along the southern margin of the North American The oldest Jurassic consists of a thick quartzose
continent. This terrane can be further subdivided terrigenous section overlain by Late Jurassic to
into Early Cretaceous bank carbonates that grade south
a. Jurassic – Cretaceous carbonate platform and upward into a deep-water limestone and chert
b. Cretaceous carbonate slope or scarp section similar to the north-central terrane deep-
c. Jurassic platform to Cretaceous deep-water lime- water facies.
stone and chert basin In the Guaniguanico Mountains, the structure
These provinces have been further subdivided into consists of a succession of north-dipping thrust
belts. sheets. The Isla de la Juventud and the Escambray
The structure varies from reverse faults and massif are domal structures showing stacks of
south-dipping monoclines to complexly folded thrust sheets.
and faulted, northward-directed thrust faults. 3) The basic igneous-volcanic terrane. This terrane ex-
2) The southwestern terrane. It has been recognized tends along the axis of the island and forms a
from the subsurface of the Guanacahibes penin- complex syncline from Bahia Honda to Oriente
sula in Pinar del Rio to the Escambray massif. This that today separates the north-central terrane from
terrane can be subdivided into an unmetamor- the southwestern terrane. The contacts between
phosed phase in the Guaniguanico Mountains, the three terranes are always of a tectonic nature.
and a metamorphic phase extending from the This terrane can be subdivided into a lower basic ig-
Cangre through the Isla de la Juventud and the neous sequence and an upper volcanic arc sequence.
Escambray massif. In southeastern Oriente, in an The structure and stratigraphy of this terrane can
area called Asuncion, are some metamorphosed be quite complex, showing stacks of folded thrust
sediments showing strong affinities with the La faults and a high variety of volcanic types.
88 / Pardo
A lingering question has been whether the south- Hatten et al. (1988) Las Villas fault is quite different
western terrane was directly in contact with, and from the Las Villas* fault used in this study.
therefore part of, the deep-water part of the north-
central terrane, or if it was separated from it by the NORTH-CENTRAL TERRANE LAS VILLAS:
basic igneous-volcanic terrane. It must be emphasized NORTHERN ORIENTE
that, with very few exceptions, rocks of the basic
igneous-volcanic terrane are never found in normal Under this section heading will be grouped all the
sedimentary or intrusive contact with any of the com- sedimentary rocks (nonvolcanic) found outcropping
ponents of the sedimentary provinces. Furthermore, and in the subsurface in central and northern Cuba
no basic igneous and volcanic detritus is present in that is extending from Habana to Gibara in northern
these sedimentary belts before the very Late Creta- Oriente.
ceous or early Tertiary. This suggests that the basic Figures 57 and 58 show the general distribution of
igneous-volcanic terrane is completely exotic and was the north-central and southwestern terranes and
tectonically emplaced over the other two terranes. most of their subdivisions in central and eastern Cuba.
The stratigraphy of these provinces will be described Figure 59 is a general correlation chart for the north-
from north to south and west to east. However, as central terrane arranged according to belts and areas.
will be seen later, the definition of belts (also referred As will be seen later, these outcrops can be restored
to as Hatten-Meyerhoff units, Hatten et al., 1958) given to a normal succession of facies typical of a continen-
in this chapter does not fit part of the carbonate plat- tal margin, going from shallow bank carbonates to
form, and to some extent, the entire basic igneous- a deep, pelagic oceanic environment.
volcanic terrane is a belt in itself.
The major subdivisions of the Cuban geology giv- Jurassic–Cretaceous Carbonate Platform
en in this study will be flexible and will be named The carbonate platform province was character-
‘‘belt’’ only when the definitions are satisfied. ized by the deposition of thick platform carbonates
In the following discussion, the nomenclature of and local evaporites during the Late Jurassic and Early
the major faults will follow the original nomencla- Cretaceous. Locally, the carbonate bank sedimenta-
ture. Specifically, the faults are named for the belt of tion continued uninterruptedly through the Late Cre-
which they form the northern (upthrown) bound- taceous and Cenozoic much as in the Bahamas Bank.
ary. When consulting the literature, this can cause This is generally known as the Remedios zone
confusion because other authors have used the same (Ducloz and Vaugnat, 1962). This name will not be used
names to designate other faults. For instance, the in this publication because (1) it includes the Sagua
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 89
FIGURE 59. Correlation chart, north-central terrane, central and eastern Cuba.
90 / Pardo
la Chica* and Jatibonico* belts that are not part of it part of the section suggests that an older sequence could
and (2) it has been given different connotations by possibly underlie much of the carbonate platform prov-
other authors. ince. It could also underlie, or at one time have under-
In Cuba, the most complete sections are known lain, other provinces or belts, as indicated by the San
from the outcrops of the Yaguajay* belt. This is an un- Adrian diapir, which is surrounded by rocks from the
interrupted south-dipping monocline with very good basic igneous-volcanic province. In view of its pos-
exposures and relatively little faulting. The Instituto sible widespread occurrence, this basal section will be
Cubano de Recursos Minerales’ (ICRM) wells and Gulf discussed first.
Blanquizal III-1 have contributed additional but, un-
fortunately, incomplete knowledge of the area, and Basal Section
Shell Cayo Coco-2, although it provided excellent in- A fundamental question revolves around the total
formation, is representative of somewhat different con- thickness of sediments that can be expected under
ditions. Consequently, in this province, the descrip- the carbonate platform.
tion of the stratigraphy will not proceed from north to Gulf’s depth estimates to magnetic basement, made
south, but from the Yaguajay* belt–type section north during the early 1950s, based on a survey by Aero-
and south to other areas. Service Corp. along the northeast coast of Cuba, Cay
The lower part of the section has never been ob- Sal, and southern Bahamas, range between 30,000
served in situ in surface exposures or in wells, but and 40,000 ft (9000 and 12,000 m). In the Cayo Coco
something can be inferred from the outcrops of three area, the depth to magnetic basement is on the order
diapir complexes at Loma de Yeso, Isla de Turiguano, of 30,000 ft (9000 m).
and San Adrian (the Loma Cunagua diapir shows only Some old reflection seismic, by Shell in the Cayo
young Tertiary sediments on the surface). The drilling Coco area, suggests a minimum depth of 20,000 ft
of Kewanee Collazo-1 in Loma de Yeso, Kewanee Tina-1 (6000 m). Deep crustal seismic measurements by the
and Kewanee Tina-2 in Loma Cunagua, and geophys- Soviets have given 41,000 ft (12,500 m) in Cayo Fragoso
ical data also contributed some information. As will and 36,000 ft (11,000 m) in Chambas (Scherbakova
be seen later, the fragmentary information on the lower et al., 1978a). See Figure 60 for localities.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 91
The deepest wells drilled in the area are Tenneco anhydrite, that in general have a tendency to be hori-
Doubloon Saxon-1 to 21,740 ft (6628 m) and Gulf- zontally aligned. The salt crystals, where seen, are hori-
California Cay Sal-1 to 18,906 ft (5764 m) in the Baha- zontal. On a core of silt, there are horizontal bands of
mas, 30 and 75 km (18 and 46 mi), respectively, north pure salt. There is nothing in the salt suggestive of ‘‘Salt
of the Cuban coast. In the north coast of Cuba, the Dome Conditions’’ as vertical flowage, or vertical orien-
deep wells drilled are ICRM Cayo Fragoso-1 to 16,450 ft tation of impurities, unless it represents an ‘‘overhang’’.
(5014 m), ICRM Cayo Frances-5 to 14,885 ft (4537 m), The Cunagua salt is believed to stratigraphically
ICRM Cayo Romano-1 to 13,317 ft (4060 m), Gulf Blan- underlie the Punta Alegre* Formation, although in
quizal III-1 to 11,218 ft (3419 m), and Shell Cayo Coco-2 Kewanee Collazo-1, the contact is structurally disturbed.
to 10,563 ft (3220 m). None of them reached basement. No direct evidence of the age of the salt exists, but
At least 10,000 ft (3000 m) of unknown section ob- spores in the red shales included in the halite gave an
viously exist. An additional problem is that the deep age of middle Mesozoic, probably Middle Jurassic. It
structure of the coastal area is poorly known, and no is considered equivalent to the Louann Salt by many
data have been published by ICRM. For instance, authors.
some information (Shein et al., 1984; Petroconsul- The geographic extent of the Cunagua salt is un-
tants, 1989, personal communication) suggests that known. Salt water has been reported in wells drilled
much of the coastal area of Cuba, where the deep near the San Adrian diapirs in the Yumuri Valley in
wells have been drilled, could be the upthrown block Matanzas. Other diapirs have been reported from seis-
of a large reverse fault, or system of faults, approxi- mic surveys in deep waters north of Cuba, but their
mately paralleling the coast. It could have as much composition is unknown.
as 10,000 ft (3000 m) of repeat. If this were the case,
the unknown stratigraphic thickness could be less Punta Alegre* Formation
than 10,000 ft (3000 m). This unit, named by Truitt (1956b), has its type lo-
Based on the exposures in the diapirs and the drilling cality at the Loma de Yeso diapir and outcrops in the
of Kewanee Collazo-1, Kewanee Tina-1, and Kewanee Isla de Turiguano diapir, both near the town of Punta
Tina-2, three lithostratigraphic units have been estab- Alegre. These diapirs are surrounded by younger Ter-
lished: the informal Cunagua salt, the Punta Alegre* tiary sediments and are located to the northeast of
Formation, and the San Adrian Formation. the carbonate platform outcrops of the Yaguajay* belt.
This is different from Meyerhoff and Hatten’s (1968)
Cunagua Salt Punta Alegre Formation. It must be emphasized that
The name is derived from Loma Cunagua, where halite is not included in Truitt’s original definition of
the well Kewanee Tina-1 drilled through a section the Punta Alegre* Formation, which consists only of
of evaporites from 5508 to 10,526 ft (1679 to 3209 m). exotics (many of them from rocks never observed be-
Halite forms as much as 70% of the section. It contains fore) in a gypsum matrix.
red and maroon shales, very finely crystalline white The formation name applies to a breccia of hetero-
anhydrite, brown dolomite, white to orange limestone, geneous rock fragments in a gypsum matrix. The brec-
and traces of red chert. No gypsum is present. cia has been subdivided into four types based on the
In the Kewanee Collazo-1 well drilled in Loma de number, size, and abundance of exotics and the red,
Yeso diapir, some halite was encountered at 1420 ft blue, yellow, and brown color of the gypsum matrix.
(433 m) and became a dominant component at 1700 ft The exotics form most of the rock and vary in size from
(518 m). a few centimeters to more than 100 m (330 ft). They
consist mostly of (1) blocks of black, dark-gray, and
1700 – 3100 ft (518 –945 m): The section consists dark-red medium-grained limestone, sometimes oolitic;
of fairly massive and pure halite (in average more (2) dolomitized limestones and dolomites, (3) purple
than 50%), containing many inclusions of anhy- slate, (4) red shale, (5) argillite, (6) blue quartz sedimen-
drite and dolomite. tary quartzite, (7) quartz sandstone, and (8) tuffs. The
3100–3963 ft (945–1208 m): The section consists carbonates form most of the clasts.
of halite, possibly containing many inclusions The age of the Punta Alegre* Formation is consid-
of anhydrite, dolomite, and argillaceous silt. ered Tithonian or older based on abundant Favreina
joukowskyi that is found in the dolomite exotics.
According to Calvache (1958), the salt has impu- Because of Favreina joukowskyi’s importance as an
rities fragments, pebbles, and masses of soft silt and Upper Jurassic fossil (it is the only identifiable fossil
92 / Pardo
found in the Punta Alegre Formation), it is worth ly halite, with subordinate shale, siltstone, dolomite,
mentioning the remarks of Brönnimann (1956, p. 9), and anhydrite.
where he discusses its recorded worldwide occurrence. To consider the Punta Alegre and Isla de Turiguano
He concludes that diapirs similar to the Gulf Coast salt domes is mislead-
ing. They are associated with the upthrown limbs of
From these records it appears that Favreina is a large south-dipping Oligocene or later thrust faults.
facies fossil of rather long range (Upper Juras-
sic to Tertiary). However, in Cuba and Trinidad, San Adrian Formation
B.W.I., possibly also Mexico, it seems charac- This formation, initially described by Flores (1949)
teristic of a facies, which apparently is restricted and formally named by Ducloz (1960), outcrops in
to the Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian – Tithonian). . .. a cluster of four fault-associated diapirs close to San
Faunistically therefore, the Upper Jurassic age of Adrian, near the town of Matanzas. Compared to the
the Punta Alegre* Formation may still be ques- diapirs near Punta Alegre, in the carbonate coastal
tioned, but it is most probable that lithology province, these are surrounded by the basic igneous-
and Favreina indicates here, as it does elsewhere volcanic province. As in Loma de Yeso, the formation
in Cuba, an Upper Jurassic age. name applies to a breccia of heterogeneous rock frag-
ments in a gypsum matrix. The breccia contains abun-
Kewanee Collazo-1 was spudded in the Loma de dant components up to 12 ft (4 m) in size. These com-
Yeso diapir 45 ft (13 m) above the Punta Alegre* For- ponents consist of (1) light- to dark-gray, silty and
mation and encountered the following section: finely sandy, micaceous, slightly calcareous shales;
(2) well-indurated medium-gray, coarse- to fine-grained,
45 – 630 ft (14 – 192 m): This consists of a mixture quartz sandstone with occasional feldspars and mica;
of gypsum, limestone, and dolomite, similar to (3) beige fine-grained limestone; (4) gray Nannoconus
the one in the outcrop. limestone; (5) fine-grained limestone with quartz grains;
630 – 1700 ft (192 – 518 m): The gypsum is in- (6) dark-gray, fine-grained, thin-bedded radiolaria lime-
creasingly replaced by anhydrite, and halite ap- stones; (7) dolomitic limestones; (8) marble; and (9)
pears at 1420 ft (433 m). quartz mica schists. Sandstones and shales form most
Below 1700 ft (518 m) to total depth at 13,032 ft of the exotics, and a large inclusion of serpentine exists.
(3972 m): Halite becomes common to dominant. Piotrowski and de Albear (1986) consider the major
part of the diapirs to be a clastic-carbonate-evaporite
Meyerhoff and Hatten (1968) proposed that the sequence that has been fragmented by diapiric evap-
Kewanee Collazo-1 section, including the Cunagua orite flowage. A minor part of the diapirs contains
salt, from 45 to 3963 ft (14 to 1208 m) be designated exotic blocks, from totally different environments,
as the type section of the Punta Alegre Formation (for dragged from the overlying country rock such as the
the first time in print). In view of the tectonic compli- Neocomian Nannoconus limestones and serpentine.
cations, the original Truitt definition will be main- Furthermore, the clastic components are very similar
tained in this study. to those outcropping 300–400 km (186–248 mi) to
A question remains as to whether the gypsum at the west as part of the San Cayetano Formation that
Punta Alegre and Isla de Turiguano has a cap rock will be described below. Salt has not been observed in
origin by solution of halite (Meyerhoff and Hatten, the area, but salt water has been reported in some of
1968) or, as will be seen later, is derived from the anhy- the water wells drilled in the vicinity.
drite that is commonly interbedded with Lower Creta- The age of the San Adrian Formation is considered
ceous and Upper Jurassic dolomites of the Cayo Coco* Upper Jurassic (not later than Neocomian). It is be-
Formation. Halite is certainly overlain by gypsum at lieved to represent an evaporitic section, equivalent to
Loma de Yeso, but at Loma Cunagua, only halite con- the Punta Alegre* Formation, but with a much higher
taining some anhydrite, with no gypsum, is present. percentage of sandstones and shales. Here, like in the
It is therefore possible that the Punta Alegre For- Punta Alegre area, the diapirs consist of material flow-
mation of Meyerhoff and Hatten consists of a tec- ing along faults cutting a large variety of terranes.
tonic mixture of two or more stratigraphic units, the
Punta Alegre* Formation, possibly equivalent to part Basal Section Discussion
of the Cayo Coco* Formation (that will be described The above is definite evidence that a poorly known
later) and the Cunagua salt unit, which is dominant- section at the base of the carbonate platform exists.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 93
In the Punta Alegre area, the large percentage and This area is parallel to the coastal province and is
types of carbonates compared to the clastics suggest limited to the south by a line running approximate-
a relationship between the evaporites and the bank ly through south of Sagua la Grande, San Antonio de
carbonates. However, some clastics appear to be re- las Vueltas, Viñas, the southern part of the Sierra de
lated to the San Cayetano. Other clastics are totally Bamburanao and Sierra de Meneses, and northern
unrelated to anything known in Cuba and suggest the eastern end of the Sierra de Jatibonico. This belt
the Permian micaceous black shales and blue quartz- is poorly exposed west of San Antonio de las Vueltas.
ites of the Maya Mountains in Belize. This area is part of the Remedios (1) structurofacies
By contrast, in San Adrian, the great abundance of zone of Pushcharovsky et al. (1988).
the San Cayetano-like clastics suggests that here, the This belt is approximately equivalent to the Reme-
evaporites were mostly interbedded with them. Al- dios unit of Hatten et al. (1988), but not the original
though some carbonates are present, many of the ex- Remedios zone of Ducloz and Vaugnat (1962) that in-
otics appear to belong to belts that structurally overlie cluded the entire coastal area. In the geologic map of
the evaporites (Las Villas*, Cifuentes*, etc.), and few of Cuba by Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), a Remedios ‘‘struc-
them suggest the platform carbonates. This, together turofacies zone’’ exists that, like that of Hatten et al.,
with the fact that none of the wells drilled west of Gulf (1988) includes the Yaguajay* and the Jatibonico* belts
Blanquizal III-1 encountered the continuous platform of this study. Besides, the section exposed in this belt
facies, indicates that the edge of the platform must be is still largely undivided officially and referred to as
somewhere between Gulf Blanquizal III-1 and Cardenas the Remedios Group in Pushcharovsky et al. (1988).
Bay. However, the evaporites must have existed, inter- This name is the extension of a Maastrichtian well-
bedded with the San Cayetano, under the Las Villas* belt. defined unit named Remedios Formation by Bermudez
Other diapirs have been reported in deep waters (1950). For this reason, the name Yaguajay* belt will be
north of Cuba, but none has been confirmed. retained.
In central Cuba, the Yaguajay* belt follows the
Yaguajay* Belt original definition of belts, showing a characteristic
In 1975, Pardo extended the meaning of the sequence of lithologies, dipping 30 –608 south, and
Yaguajay* belt to all the carbonate platform out- bounded to the north and south by major faults, the
crop areas, including the Sierra de Cubitas in northern Yaguajay* and Las Villas* faults, respectively. On air
Camaguey and the Gibara area in northern Oriente. photographs, it forms an easily mappable feature some
See Figure 61 for locations in central Cuba. 80 km (49 mi) long. To the southeast, it terminates at
94 / Pardo
the complex convergence of the two bounding faults, brown, fine-crystalline dolomites and dolomite brec-
whereas to the northwest, it plunges under upper Eo- cias. Many of the dolomites appear to be of the high
cene and later sediments. saline type; they are brown, thin bedded, and micro-
crystalline. The breccias are of a very distinctive type.
Remedios to Sierra de Jatibonico Area They are commonly found within sections of the above-
The most complete sections are exposed to the mentioned dolomites and consist exclusively of the
northwest near the town of Remedios. The forma- high-saline microcrystalline dolomites in jumbled
tions established in these sections will be described blocks with suture contacts. They strongly contrast
from oldest to youngest (see Figure 62). with the numerous heterogeneous carbonate breccias
Viñas* Group. —This group includes several sim- found elsewhere in the section. They have been in-
ilar lithologies that are commonly found together. terpreted as the probable result of anhydrite solution
The essential types are dense, light-gray limestones (Littlefield, 1952). The bedding is medium to thick,
grading laterally into light-gray pellet limestones and and the whole sequence is free of terrigenous material.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 95
In the Viñas River–type section, 10,300 ft (3140 m) and limestones of the Puntilla* type. Anhydrite so-
have been measured. Its age ranges from the Upper lution is believed to be the cause of brecciation.
Jurassic through the Cenomanian. This group has This unit is nonfossiliferous, but the age is con-
been subdivided into the Guani*, Bartolomé*, sidered Aptian to Cenomanian based on stratigraphic
Puntilla*, and Palenque* formations. relationships.
Guanı́* Formation. — The Guanı́* Formation con- The Palenque* is a facies of the Puntilla* Formation
sists of 4200 ft (1280 m) of thick-bedded brown, crys- and, in places, replaces the upper Puntilla*. It underlies
talline dolomite, with rare interbeds of limestone and conformably the Camaco* Formation.
dolomitized limestones. Some dolomite breccias, pos- Hatten et al. (1958) described a Palenque Forma-
sibly caused by anhydrite solution, are present. tion that appears to be synonymous with the entire
Fossils are absent, but the age, based on the strat- Viñas* Group.
igraphic position, is considered Upper Jurassic. Camaco* Formation. —The Camaco* Formation
The nature of the upper contact with the Barto- consists of 2080 ft (635 m) of white to tan, porous algal
lomé* Formation is obscured by dolomitization. The limestone, thin to thick bedded, and occasionally
upper Guanı́* could be dolomitized lower Barto- thinly laminated. Algal remains and miliolids are very
lomé*. The base has not been observed, but it could abundant. Rudist reefs are common near the base of
be underlain by the Punta Alegre* or the San Adrian the formation. In the Camaco River-type section, an
Formation. 80-ft (25-m) interval of dolomitized limestone sharp-
Bartolomé* Formation. — The Bartolomé* Forma- stone conglomerate is present 1400 ft (427 m) from the
tion consists of 2600 ft (793 m) in the Viñas River– top of the formation and is overlain by the Palone*
type section (up to 5000 ft [1525 m] in other areas) of Formation with apparent but questionable conformity.
dense, medium- to thick-bedded, hard, light-brown The Stensiöina sp., Cuneolina sp. assemblage indi-
limestone. Some beds are slightly dolomitized, and cates a Turonian to Santonian age.
occasional interbedded dark-brown crystalline dolo- It appears to be equivalent to the Purio Formation
mites are present. Toward the base, oolitic limestones of Hatten et al. (1958).
are present. Palone* Formation. — The Palone* Formation
In the lower part of the formation, the fauna in- consists of 300 ft (91 m) of cream, organic, medium
cludes Favreina, Dukhania, Valvulinella, and Clypeina, to fine calcarenite with rare secondary dolomitiza-
suggesting that the age extends from Upper Jurassic tion. Most of the components are reworked forami-
into the Lower Cretaceous. nifera and abundant rudist fragments.
The upper contact with the Puntilla* Formation is Based on an Alveolina sp., Siderolites sp., Dicyclina
conformable. sp., Cuneolina sp., and Coskinolina floridana assem-
Puntilla* Formation. — The Puntilla* Formation con- blage, this formation is considered Campanian to early
sists of 2200 ft (670 m) in the Camaco River-type Maastrichtian in age.
section (3400 ft [1037 m] in other sections) of pure It is conformably overlain by the Remedios* For-
light-gray to blue, dense, thick- to medium-bedded mation and is the lateral equivalent of the Mayajigua*
miliolid limestones with interbeds of fine- to medium- Formation.
crystalline dolomite. At the base of the formation, an Mayajigua* Formation. —This formation, besides
800–1000-ft (245–300-m) dolomite is present. being present in the Yaguajay* belt, is also present in
The Puntilla* Formation extends from the Aptian, as the Cayo Coco–Punta Alegre area of the coastal prov-
indicated by the Orbitolina cf. concava and Orbitolina ince, as well as in the Jatibonico* belt.
cf. texana to probably the top of the Cenomanian. In the Perea-Mayajigua road-type section, it con-
The contact with the overlying Camaco* forma- sists of 400 ft (122 m) of thick-bedded heterogeneous
tions is conformable. The Puntilla* Formation is a sharpstone conglomerate of cream and white, dense
lateral equivalent of the Palenque* Formation. limestone and light-brown dolomitic limestone com-
Palenque* Formation.— The Palenque* Formation ponents in a translucent, finely crystalline, white or-
(Hatten et al., 1958, described a Palenque Formation ganic limestone matrix. All the components originate
that appears to be synonymous with the entire from both older and contemporaneous units of the
Viñas* Group) consists of 2200 ft (670 m) of massive carbonate platform. This conglomerate is very well
dolomite breccias with heterogeneous dolomite com- indurated, hard, and nonporous. The upper part of
ponents up to boulder size in a brown crystalline dolo- the formation is less conglomeratic and is made up
mite matrix. The breccias have interbedded dolomites mostly of medium beds of white, translucent, organic
96 / Pardo
limestone similar to the matrix of the conglomerate. ent chart part of the Paleocene epoch. . . .Typi-
In Punta Alegre-1A, it is 640 ft (195 m) thick. cally Danian faunas with Globigerina daubjergensis
Based on a rich Orbitoides sp., Pseudorbitoides sp., Brönnimann have not been encountered as yet
Lepidorbitoides sp., and Dicyclina sp. assemblage, the in Cuba, although such faunas are known from
age is considered Maastrichtian. the Gulf Coast. However, assemblages with Glo-
It is the southeastern lateral equivalent of the borotalia compressa Plummer, Globigerina pseudo-
Palone* Formation and also is interbedded with the bulloides Plummer, and Globorotalia triloculinoides
Remedios* Formation. It lies unconformably over Plummer, and combined with the simultaneous
the Bartolomé*, Florencia*, and Guillermo* formations. absence of Truncorotalias, are suggestive of Danian
It is conformably overlain by the Remedios* For- or a younger Paleocene stage. Faunas of this com-
mation and in places unconformably by the lower– position have been found in Cuba only outside
middle Eocene. Las Villas province.
Remedios* Formation. —This formation is best
developed to the northwest of the belt and was named Therefore, this remains an argument for paleon-
by P. Bermudez. It should not be confused with the tologists. At any rate, even if the Paleocene is present,
Remedios Group of Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) that it is not well represented.
includes all Cretaceous and Jurassic carbonates in Grande* Formation. —The Grande* Formation
the Remedios structurofacies zone. The upper part of consists of 80 ft (25 m) of white and gray, medium to
Hatten et al. (1958) Remedios Formation is certainly coarse, heterogeneous calcarenite with some pebble
similar to Gulf’s; however, as the descriptions suggest, conglomerates of white limestone fragments.
the lower part might be synonymous to the Mayajigua* This unit is very fossiliferous and contains a Trema-
and Palone* formations. stegina lopeztrigoi, Discocyclina sp., and Coskinolina sp.
Lower member. —It consists of 1550 ft (473 m) of assemblage that indicates a lower–middle Eocene age.
brown, finely crystalline dolomite, and limy dolo- At this locality, it is conformably overlain by the
mite with occasional dolomitic limestone beds. The Sagua* Formation. This unit occurs only at the type
dolomite is massive, but near the top of the mem- locality in the Sagua la Grande River and in the Sierra
ber, nearly 300 ft (91 m) of thinly laminated dolomite de Meneses. This name is not to be confused with the
with laminations exist only a few millimeters apart. Grande Formation as used in Pushcharovsky et al.
Upper member.— It consists of 850 ft (260 m) of (1988) to designate limestone and carbonate breccias
dense, white, porcelaneous limestone. In places, the of Paleocene–Eocene age in the Remedios zone.
limestone is coarse to fine fragmental, light brown, Sagua* Formation.—This formation is a limestone-
and occasionally pseudo-oolitic. The beds are 2– 3 ft dolomite conglomerate with angular components
(60 –90 cm) thick. up to several feet in size. A fine matrix is very scarce
The thickness of this formation varies consider- compared to the number of larger blocks. In riverbank
ably, and it appears to lie with apparent conformity, outcrops, polished by the stream, it looks like a mo-
but probable hiatus, under the lower–middle Eocene. saic of interlocking fragments, with clean suture con-
The Remedios* Formation is richly fossiliferous tacts, smaller ones perfectly filling the space between
and was considered upper Maastrichtian on the basis larger ones. It is extremely hard, with no visible po-
of a Borelis gunteri, Borelis floridanus, Cosinella sp., rosity and dogtooth weathering. The fragments con-
Siderolites sp., Rhapydiomina sp., and Gavelinella sp. sist of all older units of the Yaguajay* and Las Villas*
assemblage. It correlates perfectly with the Cedar Keys belts. Fragments from the Yaguajay* belt are domi-
of southern Florida. nant, 70% or more. In its type locality, it ranges from
There has been some question as to whether this Albian to lower–middle Eocene, but in the Yaguajay*
unit extends into the Paleocene because in Florida, belt, it is lower–middle Eocene.
the Cedar Keys is considered to be Paleocene. In view The lower – middle Eocene part of this formation
of recent claims of the discovery of Paleocene fossils is also present in the Sagua la Chica* and Las Villas*
in the Remedios* Formation, it is pertinent to quote belts and the coastal province. It will be more fully
Brönnimann (1956, p. 5), who was fully aware of the described under the Sagua la Chica* belt section, below
Paleocene problem. in this chapter, where it has its largest development. It
outcrops all along the southern flank of the Yaguajay*
In the writer’s opinion, the Danian is unques- belt, where it varies considerably in thickness; it is
tionably a Tertiary stage and forms in the pres- 80 ft (25 m) thick in the Sagua la Grande area, where it
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 97
overlies the Grande* Formation with apparent confor- The fauna contains Asterocyclina sp. and Discocy-
mity, whereas in the Camaco River; it is 690 ft (210 m) clina sp. and indicates a lower – middle Eocene age.
thick and rests with strong unconformity over the This unit is lithologically related to the San Martin*
lower part of the Palone* Formation. In the Yaguajay* Formation and is also the lateral equivalent of the
belt and coastal province, the Sagua* Formation lies Lower Vega* Formation.
with strong unconformity on older formations and Drilling.—Two wells were drilled in the Remedios–
contains a greater amount of components belonging Sierra de Jatibonico area of the Yaguajay* belt:
to the older carbonate units.
San Martin* Formation. —The San Martin* For- 1) Atlantic Puntilla-1 to a total depth of 4034 ft
mation is well represented in the Yaguajay* belt. In (1230 m). It was spudded in the Lower Creta-
the Sagua la Grande River, 320 ft (97 m) of tan, fine to ceous Puntilla* Formation. Orbitolina cf. texana
coarse calcarenites with abundant igneous grains exist, was encountered at 1790 ft (545 m). It probably
interbedded with pebble conglomerates containing bottomed in the lower Puntilla* or Bartolomé*
abundant chert fragments and with dull light-gray ar- Formation.
gillaceous limestones typically shattered in splinters. 2) Texaco Mayajigua-1 to a total depth of 10,005 ft
It will be more fully described under the Las Villas* (3050 m). It was spudded in the Lower Creta-
belt section, below in this chapter. ceous, probably the Puntilla* or Palenque* For-
The San Martin* Formation contains a rich fora- mation. At 2580 ft (785 m), the section became
miniferal fauna. Radiolaria are abundant, and cocco- dominantly dolomite, possibly the lower Puntilla*,
lithophoridae and discoasteridae are rock forming. Palenque*, or Bartolomé*. Aptian–Albian was iden-
The age is lower –middle Eocene. tified at 4850 ft (1480 m), and the section remained
In this belt, the San Martin* Formation represents in the Lower Cretaceous to total depth. In view of
the first influx of igneous detritus. This formation the fact that dips ranged from 30 to 808, the total
underlies conformably the terrigenous clastic Vega* thickness penetrated was not more than 5740 ft
Formation. The San Martin* Formation represents an (1750 m).
upward transition from an exclusively carbonate to
an exclusively terrigenous detrital regime. Sierra de Cubitas Area
Vega* Formation. —The Vega* Formation, which This area of exposures has the same trend as the
is dominantly an igneous-derived unit, will be de- Remedios –Sierra de Jatibonico area, but is offset ap-
scribed in detail under the Las Villas* belt section. Part proximately 90 km (56 mi) to the east. It is defined
of the lower member of this formation, which consists to the south by a line running from Ojo de Agua to
of calcareous shales, igneous-derived sandstones, and Las Mercedes, north of which it terminates.
occasional sandy limestones, occurs on the Yaguajay* This is the Remedios (2) zone of Pushcharovsky
belt. In the Sagua la Grande River where it shows af- et al. (1988). Gulf did only reconnaissance in this area.
finities to the San Martin* Formation, the sandstones The Sierra de Cubitas is a 75-km (46-mi)-long feature
contain a large percentage of quartz grains. It also oc- prominent in air photographs. It is bound to the south
curs in the Sierra de Meneses in a more or less distorted and east by what has been known as the Cubitas fault
state all along the Las Villas* fault front. and disappears to the north and northwest under a
Caibarien* Formation. — In the type section, 300 ft Quaternary cover. To the southeast, it terminates against
(91 m) of Caibarien* Formation have been measured, ultrabasics. Generally speaking, the dips are 30– 508
but as much as 900 ft (275 m) are estimated. It consists to the south, and the carbonates are cut by several faults
of calcarenites and limestone conglomerates, with parallel to the strike that repeat the section several
brown secondary chert, interbedded with chalky and times across the belt. The section, shown in Figure 63,
marly limestones. The conglomerates are well and thin is reported as follows.
bedded, with constituents of nearly uniform size, sel- Viñas* Group Undifferentiated. —Formations of
dom larger than 5 cm (2 in.). Iron oxide stains are the Viñas* Group, with a minimum thickness reported
common. In Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), a Caibarien by Hatten et al. (1958) of 1890 ft (575 m), outcrops
Formation of lower–middle Eocene in the Remedios extensively in the area. This group must include the
structurofacies zone described as limestones, marls Palenque Formation, shown as Albian massive lime-
and carbonate breccias is present; it is not believed to stones by Iturralde-Vinent and de la Torre (1990).
be the same as that of Gulf, although it is probably Vilató Formation.— It consists of an unknown
partly equivalent. thickness of calcarenites and calcirudites containing
98 / Pardo
abundant rudist (Radiolites) fragments. It is considered Sidereolites skoirensis, Sidereolites vanbelleni, and Sto-
of Cenomanian age. matorbina binkhorsti. Although no name has been given
Purio Formation. — This name is used to identify to this unit, it is considered distinctive and separated
an unknown thickness (perhaps in the hundreds of from the underlying section by Iturralde-Vinent and
meters) of massive limestones of Turonian to Maas- de la Torre (1990), who consider it the equivalent of
trichtian age. the Camajan Formation of Loma Camajan. It is similar
Unnamed Maastrichtian. — This unit is 460 ft and is very probably the equivalent to the Remedios*
(140 m) thick and consists of calcirudites containing and Mayajigua* formations. Hatten et al. (1958) reports
the rudist Biradiolites mooretownensis. The following that the Viñas* Group is overlain by 7000 ft (2135 m)
foraminifera have also been reported: Vaughanina of Remedios Formation, which in this case appears to
cubensis, Vaughanina guatemaltensis, Pseudorbitoides be synonymous with Vilató, Purio, and the unnamed
spp., Sulcoperculina globosa, Chubbina cardenasensis, Maastrichtian (Remedios* and Mayajigua*) formations.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 99
This thickness appears excessive, probably because continuation of that of central Cuba, but is appar-
of faulting. The 1988 geologic map (Pushcharovsky ently more compressed.
et al., 1988) shows that the thickness of the Remedios The rocks of the carbonate platform form a gener-
Group (including the Viñas Group and Hatten’s Re- ally south-dipping, folded and faulted, regional half-
medios Formation) is 2625 ft (800 m). dome, bounded on the south by fairly continuous
Embarcadero Formation. — Described in Push- Paleocene –middle Eocene carbonate conglomerates
charovsky et al. (1988) as lower–middle Eocene lime- and flysch. These outcrops with the Cubitas Range
stone with volcanic fragments and carbonate conglom- (in Camaguey) and the Yaguajay* belt (in Las Villas)
erates, this description suggests the Sagua* and San form the three northwest – southeast-trending and
Martin* formations. The thickness is given as 165 ft southeast-plunging en echelon carbonate platform
(50 m). In the northern Sierra de Cubitas, Hatten et al. antiforms that define most of northern Cuba; these
(1958) report an interfingering of the Sagua* with the might have been originally separate carbonate banks.
Jumagua (lower Vega*) Formation. Here, the carbonates are present as a group of out-
Lesca Formation. —Described in Pushcharovsky crops covering an area of 22 9 km (13 5.5 mi) west
et al. (1988) as middle Eocene conglomerates and of, and including, the town of Gibara (see Figure 64).
limestones with chert, this description suggests the This is the easternmost occurrence of carbonate plat-
Caibarien* Formation. The thickness is given as 330 ft form sediments in Cuba. Because the dolomitic con-
(100 m). tinental margin carbonate complex is not present,
Senado Formation.—This unit is described in Push- G. Winston (1994, personal communication) consid-
charovsky et al. (1988) as olistostromes with blocks ers these carbonates to be unrelated to the Florida-
of limestone and serpentine, interbedded with sand- Bahamas Platform. He believes them to have been de-
stones and siltstones of middle Eocene age. As will be posited as a separate bank, such as the present-day
seen below, this is unquestionably the upper Vega* eastern Bahamas.
(Rosas*) Formation. The thickness is given as 660 ft The limestone massif is surrounded and broken up
(200 m). by several faults. Of interest is that the fault that
separates it from the basic igneous-volcanic province
Northern Oriente: Gibara Area dips south and strikes northeast toward the sea, where
In northern Oriente, only representatives of the it terminates offshore on the steep continental slope
carbonate platform and the basic igneous-volcanic plunging to 1000 fathoms (1828 m). Although no in-
provinces are present. The general structural style is a formation about the nature of the contact between
100 / Pardo
Cuba and the Bahamas along this part of the Old of magnitude, but it is doubtful that such a thickness
Bahamas Channel is available (seismic profiles by the is exposed in this area. The lower part of the formation
University of Texas do not get close enough to consists of brownish white, compact, medium-bedded,
shore), it must certainly be a major fault. The section crystalline limestones with intercalations of yellow-
is as follows and shown in Figure 65. ish white, sometimes laminated, hard, microcrystal-
Gibara Formation. — The Gibara Formation con- line limestones. It is separated by a slight angular dis-
sists of 2300–2600 ft (700–800 m) of limestones. Some cordance from an upper part, consisting of massive,
estimates, including that of Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), crystalline, medium- to coarse-grained, yellowish
of up to 20,000 ft (6000 m) exist, with no reference to gray limestones with abundant rudist remains. The
their source. It would not be surprising if the total uppermost part of the formation contains yellowish
thickness of the carbonate platform is on this order white, dense, microcrystalline, pelagic limestones.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 101
Beds of dolomite and dolomitic limestones are pres- ate platform, 6–8% of dolomites, and 2–4% of chert.
ent; the most persistent has been named the Jobal The percentage of igneous components from the ba-
Formation. The description suggests that one is deal- sic igneous-volcanics is very small.
ing with at least two and possibly three units. This conglomerate is identical with the Sagua* For-
The fauna of the lower part of the formation is char- mation of central Cuba, which ranges from the Aptian–
acterized by Coskinolinoides cf. texanus, Dictyoconus cf. Albian to the lower–middle Eocene, where it becomes
walnutensis, Orbitolina sp., Nommoloculina helmi, Millio- geographically very extensive. No indigenous fauna
lina sp., Planomalina buxtorfi, and Ticinella sp., indicat- has been found, and its age is based on components
ing an Aptian–Albian age. and because it underlies the upper Paleocene–middle
The upper part contains Globotruncana arca, Glo- Eocene Vigia Formation. The Vigia Formation corre-
botruncana contusa, Globotruncana caliciformis, Globo- lates with the San Martin* and Vega* formations of
truncana conica, Globotruncana fornicata, Globotrun- central Cuba; therefore, whether the Sagua* or Embar-
cana lapparenti bulloides, Globotruncana linneana, cadero are Paleocene or lower–middle Eocene, they
Globotruncana stuarti, Hedbergella sp., radiolaria, and are coeval and reflect the same process.
rudistids. This latter assemblage is definitely Upper Vigia (Vigia Oriental) Formation.—The Vigia (Vigia
Cretaceous, possibly Turonian–Maastrichtian, and, ex- Oriental) Formation (in Pushcharovsky et al., 1988, it is
cept for the rudistids that are probably detritus, indi- named Vigia Oriental) consists of up to 2300 ft (700 m)
cates pelagic depositional conditions similar to those of mostly igneous-derived clastics, detrital limestones,
of the Casablanca Group in the Cayo Coco – Punta and tuffs as follows:
Alegre and northwestern Cubitas of central Cuba; pe-
lagic faunas are typically absent in the carbonate plat- 1) The lower part of the formation consists of an
form sediments. The mention of strong folding, ob- interbedding of green to grayish green serpen-
served in the upper part of the Gibara Formation, also tine, limestone, and volcanic-derived graywacke
suggests the thin-bedded marly limestones character- sandstones and mudstones. They are well bed-
istic of the upper Casablanca Group. ded, and their grain size varies from coarse to fine
The lower part of the Gibara Formation is similar and sometimes contain large foraminifera.
and correlative with the Puntillas* Formation of the 2) The upper part consists of thin and well-bedded
Viñas* Group. The upper part definitely suggests the white to grayish white, calcareous, commonly
Casablanca Group. silicified tuffs, and radiolaria-bearing marls, with
El Jobal Formation.— El Jobal Formation consists bentonite. Rhyodacites and greenish gray, dense
of 230–330 ft (70–100 m) of gray to dark-brownish or rhyodacitic tuffs are also present. The rhyodacites
pinkish gray, sugary, medium- to coarse-crystalline are white to grayish white and porphyritic, with
dolomites and dolomitic limestones. It is believed to phenocrysts of biotite, quartz, amphibole, and
be a facies of the upper part of the Gibara Formation. plagioclase up to 2 mm (0.08 in.) in diameter. The
The dolomites are barren of fossils, but a limestone tuffs are commonly silicified or zeolitized.
interbed has been found to contain Milliolina sp., Sul- A rich, foraminiferal fauna contains Globorotalia
coperculina sp., Vaughanina cubensis minor, Orbitoides (Acarinina) acarinata, Globorotalia (Acarinina) densa,
murchissoni, Orbitoides tissoti, Pseudorbitoides sp., Sulcor- Globorotalia (Acarinina) mckannai, Globorotalia (Acari-
bitoides sp., and rudist fragments, indicating an upper nina) pentacamerata, Globorotalia (Acarinina) rugosoacu-
Campanian–lower Maastrichtian age. leata, Globorotalia (Acarinina) spinuloflata, Globorotalia
This unit is similar and equivalent to the Palone* (Acarinina) triplex, Amphistegina lopeztrigoi, Anomalina
Formation and is also equivalent to the Mayajigua* grosserugosa, Asterocyclina sp., Clavulina parisiensis,
Formation. Cribohantkenina bermudezi, Dictyoconus americanus,
Embarcadero (Embarcadero Oriental) Forma- Dictyoconus cookei, Discocyclina crassa, Discocyclina
tion. — This name has been used to designate the flintensis, Discocyclina pustulosa, Discocyclina vermunti,
Sagua*-like conglomerate that outcrops in the Sierra Ellipsoglandulina velascoensis, Ellipsonodosaria annulifera,
de Cubitas in central Cuba. In Pushcharovsky et al., Globigerina pseudoeocenica, Globigerinoides higginsi, etc.
1988, it is named Embarcadero Oriental. The age is considered upper Paleocene–middle Eocene.
The formation consists of 150–1000 ft (50–300 m) The Vigia Formation overlies unconformably the
of limestone and dolomite conglomeratic breccia made Embarcadero and the Gibara formations. It is equiv-
up of 95% of detritus, of which 90% consist of the alent to the Miranda and Castillo de los Indios for-
various limestone types found in the older carbon- mations of southeastern Oriente. The lower part of
102 / Pardo
this formation represents a flysch deposited in deep under shallow water, and although the evaporites are
waters similar to, and coeval with, the Manacas For- absent, it shows great affinity to the Bahamas section.
mation (Pica Pica Member) of western Cuba and the The above thickness figures give a constant average
Vega* Formation of central Cuba. However, the up- rate of sedimentation (uncorrected for compaction)
per part is of volcanic origin and of a volcanism syn- of 167 ft/Ma (51 m/Ma) from the middle Kimmeridgian
chronous to, and even postdating, the major thrust- through the middle Eocene or 114 Ma. However, the
ing episode of the orogeny. Upper Jurassic alone could show a higher rate of sedi-
mentation depending on the age of the observed base
Yaguajay* Belt Discussion of the Guani* Formation, which is unfossiliferous.
This section exposes a minimum of ±8400 ft
(±2550 m) of Tithonian and Lower Cretaceous mas- Coastal Region
sive, bank-type carbonates. Dolomite breccias are This region runs along the north coast. It is present
occasionally common, and evaporites are absent. The north of a line as follows:
Upper Cretaceous (and possible Paleocene) is charac-
terized by ±5600 ft (±1700 m) of occasionally richly It runs north of the Bahia de Cardenas, through
fossiliferous limestones and occasional dolomites. Jumagua, Sagua la Grande, the confluence of the
It includes the regionally persistent, Campanian to Camajuani and Sagua la Chica rivers, north of
lower Maastrichtian carbonate conglomerate of the Remedios, along the north flank of the Sierra
Mayajigua* Formation, which is mainly derived from de Bamburanao, south of Yaguayay, Chambas,
reef material. Finally, during the lower–middle Eo- Moron, Loma Cunagua, Bolivia, along the north
cene, ±2200 ft (±700 m) were deposited, which are flank of the Sierra de Cubitas, La Gabriela, and
characterized by the coarse-grained Sagua* conglom- goes to sea north of Nuevitas (see Figure 66).
erate followed by the San Martin* and younger de-
trital limestones and clastics where igneous fragments, The original name, by Pardo (1953), was the Coast-
derived from the orogenic front to the south, make al Belt and was defined as the entire coastal area in-
their first appearance. The entire section was deposited cluding the cays, with little or no pre–upper Eocene
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 103
outcrops, and where the sparse drilling (Gulf Blanquizal Cayo Coco* Formation.—In the Shell Cayo Coco-2
III-1, Shell Cayo Coco-2, Shell Punta Alegre-1A, Shell type section, it extends from 3998 ft (1218 m) to total
Punta Alegre-2) indicated a carbonate platform sec- depth at 10,563 ft (3220 m) for a total thickness, cor-
tion with less structural complications than in the rected for dip, of 5684 ft (1733 m). The dips average 308.
Yaguajay* belt, farther to the south. This was a depar-
ture from either the Pardo (1953, 1954) or Hatten- 3998 – 7150 ft (1218 –2180 m). The upper 2728 ft
Meyerhoff (Hatten et al., 1958) definition of belts (832 m) consists of massive to thick-bedded, brown
(units). In 1956b, Truitt restricted the coastal belt to light-brown, micro- to medium-crystalline do-
to a lithologic-type section as encountered in the well lomites and minor dolomitized oolitic zones. An-
Shell Cayo Coco-2 (the stratigraphic definition of belt). hydrite occurs in minor amounts commonly as
The same area was named the Cayo Coco tectounit by vug fillings. Many zones of healed, brecciated do-
Hatten et al. (1958) and the Cayo Coco belt by Pardo lomite are present; Shell geologists called it the
(1975). However, this restricted definition was difficult ‘‘upper (breccia) dolomite group.’’ Some clay-
to extend outside the Cayo Coco–Punta Alegre area shale laminae exist.
because of the lack of information, and Hatten et al. 7144–10,563 ft (2178–3220 m). The lower 2956 ft
(1958) included in it the area north of the Sierra de (901 m) of the section consists of dolomites, cal-
Cubitas, although there was no information on the carenites, and micritic limestones interbedded
Lower Cretaceous–Upper Jurassic facies. Further dril- with characteristic, sometime massive, white to
ling of the Kewanee Collazo-1 and Shell Manuy-1 wells brown, micro- to fine-crystalline anhydrites. The
and the scarce information available on the deep dolomites are brown in color, micro- to coarse
wells drilled by ICRM suggest facies changes within crystalline, with traces of anhydrite. The lime-
the coastal province and a much greater structural stones are light brownish gray and contain mi-
complexity, impossible to resolve with the informa- crofossils, and the calcarenites are coarse grained
tion at hand. For this reason, it is suggested that the and oolitic. A continuous limestone interval ex-
coastal areas of Las Villas and Camaguey, extending ists from 8982 to 9245 ft (2739 to 2819 m).
from Gulf Blanquizal III-1 to the town of Nuevitas,
north of the Yaguajay* belt of carbonate platform out- G. Winston (1984, personal communication) con-
crops, be named the coastal region, outside the belt siders the top of this lower section at 7144 ft (2178 m)
(unit) classification scheme. correlative with the top lower Comanchean (middle
For description purposes, this region will be subdi- Aptian), Punta Gorda Formation in Florida (COSUNA,
vided into areas: the Cayo Coco–Punta Alegre (east) 1988).
and the Blanquizal (west). In addition, a short descrip- Within the brown dolomites of this lower section
tion of the well Gulf-Chevron Cay Sal-1 as well as a are several zones of good intergranular to vugular po-
discussion of the south Bahamas Platform will be pro- rosity (up to 15%) from 8112 to 8350 and 8765 to
vided under the Bahamas area. 9000 ft (2473 to 2546 and 2672 to 2744 m). Tests indi-
cated zones of reservoir-quality permeability. G. Win-
Cayo Coco–Punta Alegre Area ston (1984, personal communication) considers these
The section shown in Figure 67 is a composite two intervals of brown dolomite to be a section, re-
section based on the Shell wells Cayo Coco-2, Punta peated by a thrust fault at 8349 ft (2545 m), that cor-
Alegre-1A, and Punta Alegre-2. The sequence from relates with the lower Able Member and upper Twelve
older to younger is as follows: Mile Member of the Lehigh Acres Formation of south
Cunagua Salt. — It is believed to be at the base of Florida. However, either this lithology is younger in
the section, although this unit has never been pen- Florida, or unknown structural complications exist in
etrated in this area in a normal stratigraphic position. Shell Cayo Coco-2. G. Winston (1984, personal com-
Punta Alegre* Formation. — Although this unit munication) considers the Lehigh Acres Formation
has not been drilled in a normal position in this area, lower Comanchean (middle Aptian; Childs et al., 1988),
it is believed to be transitional between the evaporites whereas Upper Jurassic fossils have been identified at
and the Cayo Coco Formation. The breccia must be in 9005 ft (2745 m) in Shell Cayo Coco-2.
part tectonic, but in part due to solution of the anhy- Asphalt stains are common throughout the entire
drite. The abundance of components derived from a section.
silicoclastic section suggests some relationship with Coskinolinoides cf. C. texanus, considered an Aptian–
the San Adrian and the San Cayetano Formations. Albian index (lower Fredericksburg) in the Gulf Coast,
104 / Pardo
was found at 6667 ft (2032 m). Saccocoma sp., Cuneolina Formation is synonymous with the upper part of the
sp., and Favreina joukowskyi, considered Upper Jurassic Punta Alegre* Formation.
indicators in Cuba, were found at 9005 ft (2745 m). The upper contact with the Guillermo* Forma-
Based on scant but reliable paleontological evidence tion is obscured by dolomitization but is believed
and its position underlying the Aptian (possibly ex- to be transitional. The Cayo Coco* Formation is
tending into the Neocomian) Guillermo* Formation, time equivalent to the lower and middle part of the
the Cayo Coco* is therefore considered to range from Viñas* Group and represents a similar carbonate
the Upper Jurassic into the Aptian. bank-evaporitic facies. It is very similar to the Guani*,
The lower contact has never been drilled. The Cayo Bartolomé*, and Palenque* formations of the Yaguajay*
Coco* Formation is probably underlain by the Punta belt, the main difference being the presence of anhy-
Alegre* or San Adrian formations. However, the pos- drites in the Cayo Coco* Formation. As already men-
sibility exists that the lower part of the Cayo Coco* tioned, the absence of anhydrite in the Viñas* Group
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 105
is believed by some workers to be due in large part to Romano* Formation. — It consists of an interbed-
a later solution as indicated by the frequent intra- ding of argillaceous limestones, marls, and some
formational dolomite breccias. shales. It is comformably overlain by the Contra-
Except for Hatten, Meyerhoff, and associated au- bando* Formation.
thors, the name Cayo Coco* Formation has been Based on abundant planktonic foraminifera with
used fairly loosely in the literature, scout reports, and Globigerina cretacea sl., Guembelina sp., and Nannoconus
other sources of information. spp., it is considered of Albian age. The influx of ar-
The Cayo Coco* Formation was also penetrated in gillaceous material in this deep-water environment
Kewanee Collazo-1 from 8395 ft (2559 m) to total depth is a definite departure from the previously predom-
at 13,030 ft (3973 m). The interval from 8395 to inant pure carbonate environment.
12,250 ft (2559 to 3735 m) or 3796 ft (1157 m) of Its type locality is the 2380 –3500-ft (726 – 1067-m)
thickness (after correction for an average 108 dip) sug- interval in Shell Cayo Coco-2. It is also present in
gests the upper dolomite section in Shell Cayo Coco-2. Shell Punta Alegre-1A from 1225 to 1520 ft (373 to
Below 12,250 ft (3735 m), 447 ft (136 m) of section 463 m). It is missing through unconformity in Shell
(after correction for an average 558 dip) suggests the Punta Alegre-2 and is not present in Shell Manuy-1.
lower anhydrite-dolomite section in Shell Cayo Coco-2. It has not been specifically recognized in Kewanee
Favreina joukowskyi was found at 12,730 ft (3881 m). Collazo-1, but it could be present because the inter-
Casablanca Group. — Giedt and Schooler (1959) val 8060 – 8395 ft (2457 – 2559 m) has been reported
described an assemblage of lithologies from the coast- as limestone-chert-shale of Albian – Cenomanian –
al plain south of Guaney Beach, Camaguey, north- Turonian age; this could be an interval of tectonically
west of the Sierra de Cubitas. It consists of light-gray to disturbed Casablanca Group.
yellowish gray, thin- to medium-bedded, fine-grained Contrabando* Formation. — It consists of chalky
limestones, with shaley intervals between the lime- limestone and marl, sometimes dolomitic, contain-
stone beds. The limestone is slightly chalky and con- ing characteristic nodular black chert stringers.
tains an abundant microfauna and poorly preserved It contains abundant pelagic foraminifera, among
ammonites. These lithologies are similar to a section them G. cretacea sl., Guembelina sp., and Rotalipora
from 950 to 4000 ft (290 to 1220 m) in Shell Cayo appenninica. It is considered Cenomanian –Turonian
Coco-2, where Pardo (1954) named three units, which, age and might extend into the Coniacian. As will be
in ascending order, are the Guillermo*, Romano*, and seen later, this unit is lithologically and paleonto-
Contrabando* formations. In this study, the Casa- logically very similar to the Calabazar* Formation of
blanca Formation has been elevated to group status, the Las Villas* belt.
and it includes the three above-named formations. It is unconformably overlain by the Mayajigua*
The thickness in Shell Cayo Coco-2 might be exag- Formation. The type locality is the 950–2380-ft (290–
gerated in view of reported high dips. 726-m) interval in Shell Cayo Coco-2, where the up-
Guillermo* Formation. — It consists of massive- per part is truncated by the younger Tertiary uncon-
bedded, pelagic foraminiferal white limestone and ap- formity. It is present in Shell Punta Alegre-1A from
pears to be unconformably overlain by the Romano* 920 to 1225 ft (280 to 373 m). It is probably present in
Formation. It contains abundant Nannoconus spp., Kewanee Collazo-1 (see Romano* Formation descrip-
Favusella washitensis, and Colomiella spp. Based on tion above). It is absent in Shell Manuy-1.
the fauna, it is considered Aptian to lower Albian and The Casablanca Group, with its definite open-
possibly extending into the Neocomian. It is, in part, marine, deep-water, pelagic environment, has been
the deep-water equivalent of the upper Cayo Coco* considered, in the past, as one of the characteristics
Formation. of the Cayo Coco belt (unit).
In Shell Cayo Coco-2, the type section, it is found Mayajigua* Formation. —This formation is well
between 3500 and 4000 ft (1067 and 1220 m). The represented in the Cayo Coco–Punta Alegre area. It is
Guillermo* Formation has been found in Shell Punta present in Shell Punta Alegre-1A from 280 to 920 ft
Alegre-2 between 3970 and 4220 ft (1210 and 1287 m) (85 to 280 m) and Kewanee Collazo-1 from 7347 to
and Shell Manuy-1 between 985 and 1213 ft (300 and 8065 ft (2240 to 2459 m). It has not been specifically
369 m). It is unconformably overlain by the upper identified in Shell Manuy-1, but based on sample
Maastrichtian Remedios* Formation. It is absent, pos- descriptions and the presence of a rich Maastrichtian
sibly faulted out in Shell Punta Alegre-1A, and has not orbitoid fauna, it is believed to be present under the
been specifically recognized in Kewanee Collazo-1. Cayo Coco* Formation after crossing a major fault at
106 / Pardo
±8000 ft (±2400 m). In Shell Cayo Coco-2, it is missing (2712 m). However, reliable reports indicate that
because of the Tertiary unconformity. the well was cut by several thrust faults; at ±1600,
Jaula* Formation. — It consists of calcarenite of ±6000, and ±8000 ft (±480, ±1800, and ±2400 m),
lower – middle Eocene age. It is present in Kewanee repeating the Casablanca Group and some youn-
Collazo-1 from 6550 to 7347 ft (1997 to 2240 m), where ger units several times.
it overlies the Mayajigua* Formation. It is the correla- 2) ICRM Cayo Fragoso-1. Oligocene and younger
tive of the Sagua* Formation. carbonates to ±2330 ft (±710 m), lower – middle
In Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), the Guaney Formation Eocene detrital carbonates to ±2820 ft (±860 m),
is overlain by middle Eocene limestone with breccias Coniacian–Maastrichtian limestones and dolomites
called the Venero Formation. It is a possible synonym of to ±6079 ft (±1850 m), Albian–Turonian limestones
the Jaula* Formation and even the Turiguano* Formation. and dolomites to ±11,250 ft (±3430 m), and dolo-
Turiguano* Formation. — The type locality of mites and anhydrite of Upper Jurassic and Neo-
this formation is a small outcrop north of the Isla de comian age (possibly Cayo Coco* Formation) to
Turiguano diapir. It consists of white calcarenite with total at 16,450 ft (5014 m).
abundant dolomitization and a few dolomite inter- 3) ICRM Cayo Frances-5. Neogene and Oligocene
vals of lower–middle Eocene age. limestones drilled from the surface to ±2230 ft
In Kewanee Collazo-1, it is present from 4325 to (±680 m), middle – upper Eocene limestones to
6550 ft (1319 to 1997 m), where it overlies the Jaula* ±2755 ft (±840 m), Albian – Maastrichtian lime-
Formation. With correction for an average 208(?) dip, stones to ±8005 ft (±2,440 m), Neocomian do-
this represents a thickness of 2091 ft (637 m). It is pres- lomite (no anhydrite) to ±11,415 ft (±3480 m),
ent in Shell Punta Alegre-2 from 3548 to 3970 ft (1082 and Aptian–Turonian limestones and dolomites to
to 1210 m), where it overlies the Guillermo* Forma- total depth at 14,881 ft (4537 m).
tion with possible unconformity. It is the equivalent Petroconsultants reports that the well penetrated
to the Caibarien* Formation of the Yaguajay* belt. Lower Cretaceous limestones and anhydrites at
It is unconformably overlain by various upper Eo- 11,513 ft (3510 m). This could be interpreted as
cene or younger units; however, in the Kewanee the well having drilled through ±3600 ft (±1070 m)
Collazo-1 and the Shell Punta Alegre wells, it is over- of upper Cayo Coco* Formation before crossing a
lain by the lower Oligocene Chambas* Formation. thrust at 11,513 ft (3510 m).
Drilling. — In addition to Shell Cayo Coco-2 and 4) ICRM Cayo Romano-1. This well has the most
Kewanee Collazo-1, several deep wells have been drilled conflicting information. The 1985 geologic map
in this area. Sparse information is available on them (Cuba, 1985a, b) shows middle Eocene and youn-
from the 1985 Cuban geologic map (Cuba, 1985a, b) ger Tertiary to ±680 ft (±280 m), Campanian –
and Petroconsultants (1989, personal communication) Maastrichtian limestones to ±1445 ft (±440 m),
and no dips or lithologic details are given. This makes Cenomanian – Senonian dolomite to ±7350 ft
precise assignment of formational unit and correla- (±2240 m), and Aptian – Turonian limestones to
tion with the other wells in the area very difficult if total depth at 13,317 ft (4060 m).
not impossible. For instance, it is impossible to However, a 1989 Petroconsultants report (personal
determine whether the Casablanca Group is present communication) shows Tertiary to 275 ft (84 m),
in the ICRM wells, although the equivalent time in- Maastrichtian to 623 ft (190 m), Cenomanian –
terval from Aptian to Turonian is shown in several of Turonian to 1591 ft (485 m) Albian to 4838 ft
them. The wells are Shell Manuy-1, and ICRM Cayo (1475 m), Neocomian–Aptian to 7915 ft (2413 m),
Fragoso-1, ICRM Cayo Frances-5, ICRM Cayo Lucas-1, Tithonian to 8397 ft (2560 m), Upper Cretaceous
ICRM Cayo Romano-1, and ICRM Moron Norte-1. limestones to 11,808 ft (3600 m), Lower Cretaceous
dolomite to 12,792 ft (3900 m), and Neocomian
1) Shell Manuy-1. Neogene carbonates to ±655 ft dolomite to total depth. In view that the presence
(±200 m), Campanian–Maastrichtian limestones of a thick dolomite section in the Upper Creta-
to ±1015 ft (±310 m), Aptian–Albian limestones ceous in this area is rather unusual, the author is
to ±1575 ft (±480 m), Upper Jurassic – Neocomian inclined to think that the geologic map is in error,
dolomites (possible Cayo Coco* Formation) to and that the well did cross a major thrust fault at
±7215 ft (±2200 m), Paleocene detrital carbon- 8397 ft (2560 m).
ates to ±7545 ft (±2300 m), and Campanian – 5) ICRM Moron Norte-1. Upper Eocene and younger
Maastrichtian limestones to total depth at 8895 ft terrigenous clastics penetrated from the surface
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 107
to ±6165 ft (±1880 m), Cretaceous volcanics to tized limestones, marls, and calcarenites of Mio-
±9185 ft (±2800 m), Paleocene coarse terrigenous cene age.
clastics to ±9480 ft (±2890 m), Neocomian dolo- 196 – 1775 ft (60 –875 m). Upper Cretaceous tan,
mite suggesting the Bartolomé* (or Cayo Coco*) cream, and gray fine-crystalline limestones with
Formation to total depth at 16,407 ft (5002 m). rare dolomites. It is typical of the Remedios* and
The well must have crossed the Domingo thrust possibly Palone* formations.
at ±9185 ft (±2800 m). 1775 – 2872 ft (541 – 875 m). Upper Cretaceous
consisting of dolomitized, richly fossiliferous
Blanquizal Area miliolid limestones, with rudist fragments typical
Gulf’s Blanquizal III-1 is representative of this area of the Camaco* Formation. A 3-ft (1-m) shaley bed
that is characterized by a lack of anhydrite and con- containing rock-forming Pithonella spp. as well as
tinuous shallow-water conditions through the Creta- Globigerina cretacea sl. and Guembelina sp. of early
ceous. The section shows great affinity to that of the Upper Cretaceous age was encountered at 2180 ft
Yaguajay* belt, and this well could have penetrated (665 m). This was the only evidence of open-water
the offshore extension of this belt (see Figure 68). pelagic conditions.
2872 – 5330 ft (875 –1625 m). Lower Cretaceous
0 – 196 ft (0 – 60 m). Güines Formation consist- tan and brown finely crystalline dolomites and
ing of light tan reefoidal porous, locally dolomi- dolomite breccias and cream, brown, and tan
108 / Pardo
±7300– 10,310 ft (±2226– 3143 m). Much of the tion. Anhydrite is present. This interval represents
Albian and the upper part of the Aptian to the top the beginning of continuous evaporitic conditions
of the Lake Trafford Formation consist of the lower in Cay Sal.
part of the Rattlesnake Hammock Formation over- 10,460–10,620 ft (3189–3238 m). It consists of tan,
lain by 2540 ft (774 m) of cream to tan, cryptocrys- micritic limestone with rare tan, microcrystalline
talline to anhedral dolomite called the Cay Sal do- dolomite and anhydrite of the Sunniland Formation.
lomite. The lower 480 ft (146 m) of section consists 10,620–11,500 ft (3238–3506 m). This is the first
of an interbedding of tan, brown, and cryptocrys- interval consisting dominantly of anhydrite. The
talline to euhedral dolomite, cream to tan micritic subordinate carbonates are dominantly tan and
limestones, and a minor amount of anhydrite. brown micritic limestones with occasional skele-
10,310 –10,460 ft (3143 –3189 m). It consists of tal remains. Minor microcrystalline tan and brown
tan micritic limestone and tan, euhedral, and mi- dolomite also exists. It is considered equivalent
crocrystalline dolomite of the Lake Trafford Forma- to the Punta Gorda Formation.
110 / Pardo
FIGURE 70. Stratigraphic sections: coastal province, Gulf Blanquizal III-1 to ICRM Cayo Romano-1.
11,500–13,850 ft (3506–4223 m). This interval con- the section, which caused considerable drilling dif-
sists of dominantly cream, brown, and tan, micritic ficulties. Winston considers this interval to be the
limestones interbedded with subordinate amounts Wood River Formation of Jurassic age. The COSUNA
of brown and tan, medium- to microcrystalline Charts (Childs et al., 1988) consider it of Tithonian
dolomites and subordinate anhydrite of the Able, (Lacastian) age. At the time of the drilling, Gulf’s
Twelve Mile, West Felda(?), and Pumpkin Bay geologist on the well, R. A. Worrell, also considered
formations. the well to have bottomed in the Jurassic.
13,850–16,200 ft (4223–4938 m). This interval con-
sists of 35% of anhydrite with tan to brown, micritic
to lithographic limestone as the dominant carbon- Jurassic–Cretaceous Carbonate
ate. The dolomite is tan to brown, very fine to fine Platform Discussion
crystalline. It represents the Bone Island Formation. The carbonate platform southern boundary is well
G. Winston considers it to represent the lower part defined by the Yaguajay* belt. This province can be
of the Coahuilan and the upper part of the Jurassic. divided into two areas on the basis of the distribution
The COSUNA Charts (Childs et al., 1988) consider of facies; however, this facies distribution is not nec-
it of Berriasian to Hauterivian (Durangoan) age. essarily related to identifiable structural features. Be-
16,200 to total depth at 18,906 ft (4938 to total cause of the lack of information, it is difficult to draw
depth at 5764 m). It consists of anhydrite inter- a boundary between the areas.
bedded with tan to brown cryptocrystalline do- Figure 70, based on the ICRM wells, Gulf Blan-
lomite with occasional remains of oolites. Some quizal III-1, and Shell Cayo Coco-2 (shown in Cuba,
subordinate brown to tan micritic limestones exist. 1985a, b), shows a spectacular increase in the thick-
A few thin salt beds are present near the bottom of ness of the interval between the top of the Neocomian
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 111
and the top of the Cretaceous in the 85 km (52 mi) tion, where no anhydrites are found. The well Gulf-
between Shell Cayo Coco-2 and ICRM Cayo Fragoso-1, Chevron Cay Sal-1 shows 3010 ft (918 m) of Lower
from ±3410 to ±8365 ft (±1040 to ±2550 m). In Gulf Cretaceous dolomites overlying 8596 ft (2621 m) of
Blanquizal III-1, this interval is at least 5134 ft (1565 m) interbedded dolomites and anhydrites. This section
thick. In the Yaguajay* belt, this same interval is certainly suggests the Cayo Coco* Formation. How-
10,780 ft (3290 m). In addition, this interval is shown ever, in this well, the Upper Cretaceous consists of
containing dolomites in ICRM Cayo Fragoso-1. Do- 2620 ft (799 m) of dominantly dolomites with some
lomites are present in this interval in Gulf Blanquizal interbedded limestones with no indication of Casa-
III-1 and the Yaguajay* belt, whereas dolomites are ab- blanca Group lithologies, therefore suggesting a greater
sent in the Cayo Coco – Punta Alegre area. In Gulf- affinity to the Yaguajay* belt.
Chevron Cay Sal-1, the Upper Cretaceous consists of The absence of anhydrite in the Yaguajay* belt and
3100 ft (945 m) of dominantly dolomites. This indi- Blanquizal area could be depositional and caused by
cates that the basic difference between the Cayo Coco– the proximity to the bank edge. However, the presence
Punta Alegre area and the Yaguajay* belt–Blanquizal of abundant monomictic dolomite breccias, inter-
area is that in the former, the carbonate platform con- bedded with what has been interpreted as high-saline
ditions were replaced by pelagic, deeper water con- primary dolomites, suggests that their absence could
ditions from the lower Aptian to the Maastrichtian, also be caused by secondary solution (Littlefield, 1952).
whereas in the latter, they persisted at least until the The age of this solution ranges from the top of the
end of the Cretaceous or Paleocene. Lower Cretaceous to the upper Eocene. This phenome-
This change occurred along a line running approx- non might have been related to the fluid expelled from
imately from Cayo Frances through Chambas, Moron, the deep basin sediments under the advancing thrust
Bolivia, and along the northern border of the Sierra de sheets; the basic igneous-volcanic province rocks are
Cubitas, suggesting the presence of a deep-water tongue, present over part of the Cayo Coco–Punta Alegre area.
possibly an ancestral Old Bahamas Channel, along the As already pointed out, none of the wells drilled along
north coast of Cuba. The presence of Cenomanian, the north coast of Cuba west of Gulf Blanquizal III-1
open-water Oligostegina limestone in Gulf Blanquizal III- has ever encountered this bank facies. This suggest
1 at 2180 ft (665 m) indicates the proximity to such a that the carbonate bank province does not extend
feature. However, note that in the well ICRM Cayo along the coast as a continuous bank farther west than
Romano-1, 3411 ft (1040 m) of Upper Cretaceous lime- the Blanquizal–Cardenas Bay area, although platform
stones were reported under the fault in the Tithonian carbonates are present in Pinar del Rio.
at 8397 ft (2560 m) compared to the 1315 ft (401 m) in In conclusion, it appears that the Yaguajay* belt
the upthrown block. It is not known whether this dif- and the Blanquizal area of the coastal province show
ference in thickness is caused by an incomplete section a strong affinity to the Bahamas section, with con-
in the upthrown block, steep dips in the downthrown tinuous sedimentation of bank carbonates (and evap-
block, or the superposition of two different facies. orites in the lower part of the section), throughout
Anhydrite beds occur, or have been reported, in the the Upper Jurassic and the entire Cretaceous.
Cayo Coco* Formation only in ICRM Cayo Fragoso-1, The importance of the Mayajigua* Formation should
Shell Cayo Coco-2, and in the lowermost part of the be noted. The abundance of indigenous shallow-water
section penetrated by Kewanee Collazo-1. No anhy- fossils, the intertonguing with the Remedios* Forma-
drite is present, or has been reported, in the Lower tion, and the strong unconformity at the base suggest
Cretaceous or Upper Jurassic of the Yaguajay* belt that it was deposited in shallow waters and, as the re-
(Remedios – Sierra de Jatibonico and Cubitas areas), sult of an uplift of the coastal province, accompanied
Gulf Blanquizal III-1, Shell Manuy-1, and the ICRM’s with the erosion of reefs, during the Campanian –
wells Cayo Frances-5, Cayo Lucas-1, Cayo Romano-1, Maastrichtian. In the southeastern part of the Sierra de
and EPEP Moron Norte-1, although collapse brec- Meneses, the Campanian–Maastrichtian Mayajigua*
cias in high-saline dolomites are common in the Formation breccias rest directly on the Neocomian
Yaguajay* belt and Gulf Blanquizal III-1. In view of Bartolomé* Formation, with some 7700 ft (2350 m)
the fact that no dip information for the ICRM wells of Aptian – Santonian section missing. In Texaco
exists and that Shell Manuy-1 is apparently very Mayajigua-1, drilled in the same general area, a mini-
disturbed structurally, it is impossible to say whether mum of 2782 ft (848 m), after dip correction, of Aptian–
the above wells might not have drilled through the Albian is present above the Neocomian. In the Cayo
upper ±3000 ft (±900 m) of the Cayo Coco* Forma- Coco–Punta Alegre area, the shallow-water Mayajigua*
112 / Pardo
Formation is in contact with the deep-water Casa- been entirely replaced by the pelagic carbonates of the
blanca Group, indicating a strong uplift. Toward the Casablanca Group. Furthermore, few dolomites have
northwest, the Mayajigua is equivalent to the detrital been reported, and those have been dated as Upper
Palone* Formation and, as will be seen later, to part of Cretaceous, so there is no indication that the outcrop
the Sagua* Formation, a similar conglomerate but ap- section exposes the Jurassic, but this appears unlikely.
parently deposited in much deeper waters. All this is Therefore, what is known about this section sug-
evidence for strong tectonic relief at the time of the gests a Cayo Coco – Punta Alegre area type of carbon-
pre-Mayajigua* Formation unconformity, in addition to ate for the Aptian through Maastrichtian, but gives
the natural bathymetric relief of the carbonate banks. no indication about the nature of the pre-Aptian rocks.
At present, it is difficult to estimate the possible The low percentage of dolomite clasts in the Embar-
tectonic shortening of the carbonate platform across cadero Formation might be significant in that it prob-
the strike, but it must be appreciable. At least three ably represents the general composition of the bank.
major reverse fault zones are known in the Cayo Coco– The presence of the Embarcadero overlain by the
Punta Alegre area, in ICRM Cayo Romano-1, Shell lower Vigia Formation is a close analog of the Sagua*
Manuy-1, and Kewanee Collazo-1, and in the Blanquizal overlain by the Vega*. It should be noted that, con-
area in ICRM Cayo Frances-5 and possibly Gulf Blan- trary to the Yaguajay* belt in Las Villas and Cama-
quizal III-1. The Yaguajay* fault brings the Upper Ju- guey provinces, here, no orogenic conglomerate is as-
rassic in contact with the Eocene. The total shorten- sociated with the Vigia Formation, as in the Rosas*
ing, even assuming high-angle faults, could be of the and the Senado formations. On the contrary, the up-
order of 50,000 ft (15,000 m), or 20% of the original per Vigia Formation represents a return to volcanic
width of 75 km (46 mi) for the entire carbonate plat- activity in a deep-water environment.
form. This estimate is believed conservative because
these faults could be ramps of much larger thrusts over Cretaceous Carbonate Slope or Scarp
evaporite décollements. The carbonate slope or scarp province consists of
The carbonate platform province in eastern Cuba two belts of outcrops located between and with affin-
has certainly strong similarities with central Cuba that ities to the Yaguajay* and the Las Villas* belts. In large
suggest the presence of Viñas* Group-type carbonates part, their rocks seem to represent the foot of the slope
in the Lower Cretaceous. However, it is not clear if where carbonate detritus from the shallow-water banks
the Camaco*, Palone*, and Remedios* Formation bank accumulated. These outcrops belong to the Sagua la
type of lithologies are present, or whether they have Chica* and the Jatibonico* belts (see Figure 71).
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 113
The Sagua la Chica* belt is also characterized by nism was practically nonexistent except in the south-
continuous coarse clastic, dominantly carbonate sed- ernmost part.
imentation, which lasted from the Aptian –Albian to This is the area where the ‘‘belt,’’ ‘‘unit,’’ ‘‘zone,’’
the early – middle Eocene. Although no break in a etc., nomenclature has been the most confused. Gulf
continuous well-exposed section is observable, no subdivided the platform to deep basin province into
Cenomanian to Santonian or Paleocene faunas have three belts and five unnamed informal subdivisions.
been identified. These coarse deposits might repre- Most subsequent authors saw no need to have more
sent the Yaguajay* belt carbonate bank talus, but this than two subdivisions. Three belts provide the best
interpretation leaves the common presence of pelagic basis for unraveling the geologic history of Cuba.
limestones and chert fragments originating from the As will be seen below, the Las Villas* and Cifuentes*
deeper water sediments of the Las Villas* belt to the belts represent two facies extremes, whereas the Placetas*
south unexplained. Perhaps the Sagua la Chica* belt is belt is transitional.
evidence for a major fault, lasting from the Aptian to
the lower–middle Eocene, responsible for the carbon-
ate bank margin (Hatten et al., 1958). Las Villas* Belt
All evidence points toward the Sagua* being a deep- In the province of Las Villas, it strikes essentially
water deposit, although most of the reworked faunas parallel to the previous belts and outcrops almost
are of shallow-water origin. Perhaps the deeper water uninterruptedly for 175 km (108 mi) from south of
fragments are of a tectonic nature, such as contem- the Bahia de Santa Clara in northern Las Villas to the
poraneous active rifts, whereas the shallow-water ones south end of the Sierra de Jatibonico in northwestern
were part of a conventional talus. The argument against Camaguey. It is limited to the south by a line running
this is that, with the exception of the Mayajigua* For- through Rancho Veloz, Cifuentes and Mata, Calabazar
mation, components of a typical reef (corals, algae, de Sagua, Vega Alta, Camajuani, slightly south of
mollusks) are relatively infrequent; most of the debris Zulueta, and parallel to the south edge of the Sierras
appears to have been derived from already solidified de Bamburanao and Jatibonico, to Los Barriles. To the
back-reef material as if the bank was being tectonically west, it has been identified in the subsurface as far as
destroyed. Via Blanca, near Habana.
The original distance across the strike represented Two windows in the Cifuentes* belt show the Las
by these two belts and the horizontal displacement Villas* belt: the Yabu window 7.5 km (4.6 mi) west
of the Sagua la Chica* and Jatibonico* faults is im- of the town of Cifuentes, and the Fidencia anti-
possible to estimate. cline 12 km (7.5 mi) south-southeast of the town of
Camajuani. In the province of Camaguey, the Las
Villas* belt consists of limited outcrops immediate-
Jurassic Platform to Cretaceous Deep Basin ly south of the northwestern end of the Sierra de
The Jurassic platform to Cretaceous deep basin prov- Cubitas and in the northern half of the Sierra Camajan
ince comprises three belts, Las Villas*, Placetas*, and (see Figure 73).
Cifuentes*, each representing a characteristic succes- This belt was defined by G. Pardo in 1952, who
sion of lithologies. These belts may have been brought redefined it to exclude the Sagua la Chica* belt (Pardo,
into proximity by major thrust faults, but their pres- 1954). Note that P. Ortegas y Ros described accurately
ent outcrops are probably caused by later generations its essential stratigraphy in 1937, but because of the
of faulting that, in large part, mask or distort the obscurity of the publication, the work remained essen-
original ones. For this reason, the stratigraphic defi- tially unknown until the middle 1950s. The following
nition of the belts has been followed. are highlights of what happened to the Las Villas*
These three belts are believed to be representative belt since then: (1) Hatten et al. (1958) named a feature
of part of a miogeosyncline as originally defined by essentially equivalent of the original 1952 Las Villas*
Marshall Kay, that is, devoid of volcanic activity. As belt, the Zulueta tectounit; (2) Ducloz and Vuagnat
will be seen later, sedimentation was in a shallow- (1962) named it the Camajuani zone; (3) Furrazola-
water carbonate platform until the early Tithonian, at Bermudez et al. (1963) used the name Las Villas
which time sedimentation could no longer keep pace structural-facies zone; (4) Meyerhoff and Hatten
with a probably accelerated subsidence. There was no (1968) named it the Camajuani zone; (5) Kniper and
major contribution of silicate clastics until the lower– Cabrera (1974) named it the San Felipe zone; (6) Dilla
middle Eocene diastrophism. The influence of volca- and Garcı́a (1985) named it the Camajuani subzone
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 117
of the Las Villas structurofacies zone; and (7) Hatten northern Las Villas. The section will be described
et al. (1988) named it the Zulueta unit. In Pushcharovsky below (see Figure 74).
et al. (1988), it is called the Camajuani structurofacies Trocha* Group.—The Trocha* Group includes sev-
zone. The amazing thing was that all this name chang- eral Upper Jurassic–related carbonate and chert lithol-
ing was done in the absence of any new information ogies. The lower part of the group was deposited in
and based on mid-1950 data. This could be amusing shallow water, although the presence of some radi-
if each author had not modified the definition, so that olaria indicate open waters. It outcrops mostly in the
a translation is impossible from the literature alone. southwestern half of the belt. The total thickness is at
For this reason, the Pardo, 1954, definition of the belt least 2800 ft (850 m). This unit was named the Trocha
will be maintained, and in this study, it will be named Formation by Ortega y Ros (1937). In Pushcharovsky
the Las Villas* belt. et al. (1988), 1310 ft (400 m) of an Upper Jurassic –
In 1954, Gulf used an informal local subdivision Tithonian Trocha Formation are present. Although
named the ‘‘Las Villas* belt southern facies’’ to de- the thicknesses do not match, it is believed to be
scribe a lithologic sequence intermediate between the synonymous with Gulf’s Trocha* Group. In 1952, Gulf
Las Villas* and the Placetas* belt. geologists divided it as follows:
Hoyo Colorado* Formation. —The Hoyo Colorado*
Las Villas Province Area Formation consists of a minimum of 2100 ft (640 m)
The Las Villas* belt is characterized by the most of dense, gray to light gray, in places pseudo-oolitic,
complete and fossiliferous Jurassic to lower – middle limestone and light brown, medium-bedded, fine-
Eocene sedimentary section in central Cuba. It was crystalline secondary dolomite. Occasional red and
used by Gulf as its type section for the pre–upper Eo- brown secondary cherts exist. This unit is medium
cene of central Cuba. It can reach up to 9.5 km (5.9 mi) to thick bedded. In the upper part, the fauna is sim-
in width without counting the windows. It has been ilar to the overlying Jaguita* Formation, and in its
recognized in the subsurface along the north coast lower part, only unidentifiable radiolaria have been
from the Bahia de Cardenas in Matanzas to La Habana. found.
The Las Villas* belt can be subdivided along its length Based on the fossils and its stratigraphic position,
into a northeastern and a southwestern half by im- it is considered of possible Kimmeridgian to lower
portant facies differences. Tithonian age. It definitely seems to have been depos-
The type localities for most of the formations are ited under shallow-water bank conditions, with the
located in the Quemado de Güines anticlinorium in exception of the radiolaria fauna found at the base.
118 / Pardo
It is partly equivalent to the Guanı́* Formation of by iron and manganese oxides. This formation is
the Yaguajay* belt and the Cayo Coco* Formation of commonly medium to very thick bedded.
the Cayo Coco –Punta Alegre area. The base has not The fauna consists of Pseudocyclammina sp., Coscino-
been observed, but it could have been originally un- conus sp., Nautiloculina sp., Lenticulina sp., and radio-
derlain by the Punta Alegre* or the San Adrian For- laria. Aptychi and ammonites are locally abundant.
mation. The present base is very likely to be a fault. R. Imlay (1954, personal communication) identified
It is conformably overlain by and grades into the the following ammonites: Pseudolissoceras zittelli,
Jaguita* Formation. Lithoplites caribbeanus, Protancyloceras hondenses, and
Jaguita* Formation. — The Jaguita* Formation con- Microacanthoceras sp. In addition, several microfossils
sists of 1400 ft (425 m) (some structural repeats are exist incertae sedis, such as Globochaetes alpina, Eothrix
possible) of cream orange, brown gray and gray, alpina, and Saccocoma spp. Favreina has been found in
pseudo-oolitic to oolitic limestones, interbedded this formation in Cuban Gulf Hicacos-1. These assem-
with dense radiolarian limestones occasionally stained blages indicate a middle Tithonian age and show a
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 119
strong affinity to those described in the Upper Jurassic surface of these plates. This unit outcrops along the
of the Tethys region. The facies (and microfacies) are northeast part of the Las Villas* belt. It grades into the
also very similar. The fauna is mostly shallow water; overlying Ramblazo* Formation.
however, the presence of radiolaria in dense limestones Hatten et al. (1958) describe 1178 ft (359 m) of a
indicates a definite deepening of the water, and the Margarita Formation that appears to be at least partly
oolites, as well as the shallow-water assemblage, could synonymous with the Capitolio* Formation. Pushcha-
well be reworked from nearby banks. rovsky et al. (1988) show in the Zulueta zone 985 ft
This formation is believed to be in part equivalent (300 m) of biomicrites with little chert of Beriassian –
to the Guanı́* and lower Bartolomé* formations of the Hauterivian age called the Margarita Formation and
Yaguajay* belt and in part to the Cayo Coco* Forma- 820–985 ft (250–300 m) of stratified limestones (bio-
tion of the Cayo Coco–Punta Alegre area. It is com- micrites) with interbedded cherts of Hauterivian –
formably overlain by the Caguaguas* Formation. Barremian age called the Paraiso Formation. These two
Caguaguas* Formation.—It consists of 375 ft (115 m) units appear to be synonymous with the Capitolio*
of dense, medium-bedded, gray carbonaceous lime- Formation.
stone interbedded with medium-bedded banded lime- In addition to aptychi and abundant unidentifiable
stone. The banded limestone has flesh pink to buff radiolaria, it contains Nannoconus steinmanni and com-
porcelaneous bands alternating with carbonaceous, mon Calpionellites darderi, Tintinosporella carpathica,
wavy laminated, gray, dense bands. The wavy laminae Calpionclla elliptica, and Calpionellopsis oblonga. The
are commonly orange colored, and the whole forma- Nannoconus is rock forming and, together with the
tion on weathering is stained by limonite and man- abundant radiolaria, indicates a deep, open-water en-
ganese oxide. In fresh exposures, the color is black. vironment. It is considered of Neocomian age.
The Caguaguas* Formation appears to be a transi- The conspicuous aptychi are the reason for formerly
tion between the Jaguita* and the overlying Capitolio* calling this type of lithology the ‘‘Aptychus Formation.’’
Formation. Ramblazo* Formation. — The Ramblazo* Formation
The fauna consists of abundant radiolaria, C. consists of 340 ft (104 m) of medium-bedded but very
elliptica, and C. alpina. The age is considered upper thin-plated, rust-laminated to white dense limestone,
Tithonian. The Caguaguas* Formation represents a similar in microstructure to that of the Capitolio* For-
marked water deepening compared with the bank car- mation, but with fewer wavy laminae. Thin stringers
bonate environment of the Hoyo Colorado* Forma- of dark-black, waxy chert are present and are one of
tion. It is equivalent to the lower Mabuya* Formation the distinguishing features of the formation. Some cal-
of the Jatibonico* belt, the lower Bartolomé* Forma- cirudites with a somewhat argillaceous matrix are
tion of the Yaguajay* belt, and part of the Cayo Coco* present. Thin interbeds of shale that weather white
Formation of the Cayo Coco – Punta Alegre area. It and form a faint white band in air photographs are
grades into the overlying Penton* Group. common throughout the formation. The Ramblazo*
Penton* Group. —This group was described and Formation has a very characteristic aspect when ex-
named by Ortega y Ros (1937). It consists of 1100 ft posed on roads; each bed separates into a book of very
(335 m) of medium-bedded buff dense limestone fine plates because of the presence of argillaceous
with wavy orange laminations and black and brown partings.
interbeds of chert and some secondary silicification. It contains abundant radiolaria and rock-forming
In the southwestern Las Villas* belt, it contains Nannoconus steinmanni and Nannoconus spp. Abun-
calcarenites and calcirudites. It is subdivided into the dant Orbitolina cf. texana exists in the calcarenites.
following formations. The presence of a shallow form such as Orbitolina in
Capitolio* Formation. —The Capitolio* Formation calcarenites interbedded with deep-water sediments
consists of 800 ft (245 m) of buff, dense, biomicrite, indicates the presence of turbidites, probably origi-
with thin, yellow-orange, wavy laminae, interbedded nating from the carbonate banks to the north. This
with brown and black thin-bedded banded vitreous situation is repeated later in the section. The age is
chert. Most of the chert is a secondary silicification of considered Aptian.
limestone (the limestone fabric can be seen in thin The Ramblazo* Formation is equivalent to the upper
sections) containing abundant radiolaria that are now part of the Sabanilla* Formation. It is comformably
replaced by calcite. The limestone layers are thick and overlain by the Calabazar* Formation. Hatten et al.
flat-bedded, but commonly split into set plates par- (1958) probably include the Ramblazo* Formation in
allel to the bedding. Aptychi are common along the the lower part of the Alunado* Formation. It might be
120 / Pardo
included in the Paraiso Formation in Pushcharovsky the time of the earliest Sagua* development, because
et al. (1988), but there is no mention of an Aptian unit. the Calabazar* Formation conformably overlies both
Sabanilla* Formation. — The Sabanilla* Formation the Ramblazo* and the Sabanilla* formations.
consists of 500 – 800 ft (150–250 m) of interbedding of Malpaez* Group. —Hatten et al. (1958) named
Capitolio*-type limestones and cherts with calcare- the lower 450 ft (135 m) of this group the Alunado
nites, commonly fine grained but sometimes becom- Formation.
ing limestone conglomerates. The matrix is conspic- This group includes several interbedded calcarenites,
uous and consists of a yellow to gray dense, structureless limestone conglomerates, dense argillaceous white
limestone. The fragments are mainly derived from limestones, powdery radiolarites, cherts, and shales.
the underlying Jaguita* and Caguaguas* formations, The fact that it contains what appears to be a sig-
although some are derived from the Capitolio* For- nificant regional break in sedimentation during the
mation. It should be pointed out that no components Coniacian could be an argument to restrict it to the
other than carbonates are present. This unit is present lower two units. The thickness of the group ranges from
in the southwestern half of the Las Villas* belt, and 600 to 1000 ft (185 to 300 m).
the size of the fragments increases southward, along This group is subdivided into the following
with the percentage of detrital beds. Along the south- formations.
western edge of the Las Villas* belt, detrital beds com- Calabazar* Formation.—It consists of 230 ft (70 m)
pletely replace the Capitolio* lithology. The origin of of interbedded white to very light-gray weathering
this unit is certainly caused by an unconformity with- dense limestone and waxy black and steel-gray thin
in the Capitolio* Formation; as from north to south, cherts. Medium- to coarse-grained calcirudites exist.
the Sabanilla* Formation is characterized by (1) thin The bedding is thin, but some medium beds are pres-
calcarenites interbedded with the Capitolio* lithology, ent. In places, intervals of brown thin-bedded, some-
(2) dominantly detrital beds resting on the Capitolio* times thick, vitreous chert and white-weathering, dark-
Formation, and (3) dominantly detrital beds, with com- gray shale (with no limestones present) are observed.
ponents becoming conglomeratic in size, resting on This formation is typical of the Las Villas* belt. In
the Caguaguas* Formation. A study of the detrital bed Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), 330 ft (100 m) of lime-
components indicates the southern origin of the sed- stones (calcarenites and biomicrites), cherts, and brec-
iments. Hatten et al., 1958, mentions the presence of cias (conglomerates) of Albian–Cenomanian age called
a Tithonian Sabanilla Formation, but no description the Mata Formation exist. This unit must certainly
is given. be synonymous with the Calabazar* and overlying
The fauna is characterized by Coskinolinoides sp., Mata* Formation.
Cuneolina sp., miliolids, Robulus sp., Nannoconus stein- The lower part contains abundant Nannoconus spp.,
manni, Calpionellites darderi, Tintinnopsella carpathica, whereas toward the upper part, it contains abun-
Calpionella elliptica, and Calpionellopsis oblonga. This dant Globigerina cretacea sl., Rotalipora appenninica, and
fauna indicates two disparate environments, shallow Guembelina sp. Radiolaria are abundant, and a calcar-
bank and pelagic, possibly deep water. enite at the base of the formation contains detrital
The upper part of this unit is also the lateral equiv- Orbitolina cf. texana.
alent of the Ramblazo* Formation and is comform- The age is believed to range from the late Aptian
ably overlain by the Calabazar* Formation. through the Cenomanian. The environment is definitely
The character of the Sabanilla* Formation suggests deep water, but an influx of turbidites brings in
Neocomian rifting. Obviously, an area south of the shallow-water detritus, most probably from the north.
Las Villas* belt either failed to subside or, after an ini- It grades into the overlying Mata* Formation. To
tial subsidence in the early stage of Capitolio* depo- the south, the upper part of the Calabazar* becomes
sition, was uplifted. The nature and mix of the com- equivalent to the entire Mata* Formation. Note that
ponents in the Sabanilla* Formation suggests a steep the Calabazar* and Mata* formations have strong
scarp with fragments of Jaguita*, Caguaguas*, and al- lithologic and paleontologic similarities with the Ca-
ready deposited Capitolio* formations dropping into sablanca Group of the Cayo Coco–Punta Alegre area
a deep basin. The situation was a forerunner of the and are generally its equivalent.
fault system that later would be responsible for the Mata* Formation. — It consists of 150–220 ft (45–
Sagua la Chica* belt. The shallow-water Aptian fauna 70 m) of interbedded calcarenites, dense limestones,
could have come from either the north or the south. and cherts. In the lower part of the formation are thin-
This fault must have become inactive in the late Aptian, to medium bedded, buff to orange, dense limestones
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 121
interbedded with medium- to coarse-grained heterog- Pseudorbitoides sp. fragments are found. The very great
eneous calcirudites. In some places, these calcirudites abundance of rudist fragments suggests that large
contain chert nodules and, in others, are completely rudist colonies were living nearby. Other, probably
silicified. In its upper part, opaque dense brown and reworked, fossils are abundant such as Cuneolina
gray cherts consist of silicified radiolarites. The orig- sp., Coskinolina sp., Dictyoconus sp., Nummoloculina
inal radiolarite can be seen as a yellow-brown pow- sp., and Dicyclina sp. The age is Santonian through
dery coating on the upper surface of the cherts; it is Maastrichtian.
made entirely of perfectly preserved radiolaria. This This formation appears to grade into the lower –
unit is distinguished from the underlying Calabazar* middle Eocene conglomerates of the Sagua* Forma-
Formation by the presence of silicification and ab- tion, despite the fact that no Paleocene fauna has been
sence of black waxy chert. This unit as shown in recognized. It correlates with the middle part of the
Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) includes the Maastrichtian Sagua* Formation in the Sagua la Chica* belt, the
Lutgarda Formation. Mayajigua* Formation of the Jatibonico* belt and
In addition to the abundant radiolarian fauna, Cayo Coco–Punta Alegre area, and the Remedios* and
it contains Globigerina cretacea sl. and Rotalipora Palone* formations of the Yaguajay* belt.
appenninica. It is considered late Cenomanian and The Malpaez* Group, therefore, represents a deep-
Turonian in age. The calcarenites contain an abun- water sequence that ranges from the end of the Aptian
dant reworked Lower Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic to the end of the Cretaceous, and perhaps into the
fauna. Paleocene, and received progressively increasing
As suggested by the thickness changes, the weath- amounts of detrital material in the form of turbidites
ered appearance of the upper Mata*, the abundant from the carbonate platform to the north. The entire
manganese staining at the base of the Lutgarda*, and section shows a total lack of silicate clastics.
the regional absence of Coniacian fossils, it is believed The overlying lower –middle Eocene part of the
to be overlain with disconformity, or slight uncon- Sagua* Formation conglomerates represents the cul-
formity, by the Lutgarda* Formation. However, no mination of this process. Pszczólkowski (1986b) has
evidence exists of a shallower-water environment. suggested that the Maastrichtian detrital turbidites
Lutgarda* Formation. — At the type section, the were originated by a catastrophic event at the end of
Lutgarda* Formation consists of 180 ft (55 m) of thin- the Cretaceous. The Malpaez* Group section indicates
to medium- bedded, heterogeneous calcarenites and that the turbidite deposition was a continuous pro-
calcirudites, bright red and brown chert as beds and cess of long duration.
nodules, very fine detrital to porcelaneous white lime- Sagua* Formation. — This unit is present along the
stone, greenish-blue clay, and a characteristic sugary- entire length of the northeastern half of the Las Villas*
white limestone consisting exclusively of small broken belt, where it is seldom more than 100 ft (30 m) thick
rudist fragments, which give it a sparkling crystal- and is of lower–middle Eocene age. It thins abruptly
line appearance. At the base of the formation, the across the strike and is either a few feet thick or disap-
limestones are strongly stained with manganese, giv- pears completely before reaching the southwestern
ing them a pink to black color. This unit is shown in edge of the belt. This formation grades southward into
Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) as the Maastrichtian Lut- the Camajuani* Formation. Upward, it grades into the
garda Formation. overlying San Martin* Formation.
In other outcrop sections, as much as 660 ft (200 m) Camajuani* Formation. — It is the southern facies
have been measured, but this extra thickness could be of the Sagua* Formation and ranges in thickness from
caused by isoclinal folding that, in the Las Villas* belt, ±20 to 0 ft (±6 to 0 m). It is characterized by a great
becomes common toward the upper part of the sec- abundance of black, brown, and red tabular chert clasts
tion. For the same reason, a question of whether more derived from the older Malpeaz* Group.
than one Rudist fragment bed are observed exists. Like the Sagua* Formation, it appears to grade into
The Lutgarda* Formation is very persistent through- the overlying San Martin* Formation.
out the Las Villas* belt, but thins southwestward to It is interesting to speculate why the downdip feath-
20 ft (6 m), across the belt. This thinning results in a eredge of the Sagua* Formation would contain such
spotty outcrop pattern along the southern margin of a high concentration of chert. One possibility could
the belt. be the reactivation of an old source of sediments to
The indigenous fauna is very scarce. Only Glo- the south of the Las Villas* belt, as suggested by the
botruncana lapparenti sl., Globigerina cretacea sl., and underlying Sabanilla* Formation clastics. Another
122 / Pardo
could be the concentration of low-density material, discoasters and cocolithophors. The age is lower –
such as silica, at the base of a submarine slope. At any middle Eocene.
rate, the underlying Calabazar* cherts had to be eroded. This unit is obviously a deep-water turbidite
Another possibility is that if the cherts were solidi- deposit.
fied penecontemporaneously with sedimentation in Upper Member.— The upper member consists of
a marly nannoplankton matrix (like chert nodules in 3000 ft (915 m) of graywacke sandstone, shales, and
chalk), they might have been loosened and reworked conglomerates. The sandstones and conglomerates are
by submarine currents. poorly sorted and commonly thick bedded. The shales
San Martin* Formation. — In the type section, it are commonly silty and thin bedded. In the coarser
consists of 220 ft (70 m) of tan, fine to coarse calca- conglomerates, the boulders can reach several feet in
renites with abundant igneous grains. It is interbedded diameter and commonly consist of various igneous
with pebble conglomerates containing abundant chert rocks, although limestone and other sedimentary clasts
fragments and with a dull light-gray argillaceous lime- are present. Sometimes, the boulders bleed oil when
stone that typically shatters into splinters. The Hatten broken. The general color of the formation is gray
et al. (1958) name, Gonzal Formation, appears to be when fresh, but the rock weathers to rust brown. The
synonymous with the San Martin* Formation. lower part of the upper member is almost exclusive-
As already mentioned, in the Las Villas* belt, as ly shale and finer grained sandstones, whereas the
well as in the belts to the north of it, the San Martin* coarser clastics are toward the top. This member is
Formation represents the first influx of igneous de- noncalcareous.
tritus from the south. It is transitional to the over- The very coarse wildflysch part of the upper mem-
lying Vega* Formation. ber was called by Gulf the Rosas* Formation. This was
The San Martin* Formation contains a rich fora- done because in many instances, it is only the Vega*
miniferal fauna characterized by Globorotalia sp., Formation lithology that can be seen along fault
Tremastegina sp., Baggina sp., Discocyclina sp., Planor- zones.
bulina sp., Dyctyoconus sp., and spinose Globigerina sp. The upper member is essentially barren of organ-
Radiolaria are abundant, and coccolithophors and isms except for a few detrital foraminifera and radio-
discoasters are rock forming. laria. The age is considered lower – middle Eocene
The age is lower –middle Eocene. because of its stratigraphic position and because it
This formation is present all along the Las Villas* contains fragments of all older units. The Hatten et al.
belt and can reach 1000 ft (300 m) in thickness, al- (1958) name, Florencia Formation, appears to be syn-
though this figure might be tectonically exaggerated. onymous with the Vega* upper member. The Vega*
As already mentioned, it is present in the Yaguajay*, Formation is certainly included in the Vega Forma-
Sagua la Chica*, and Jatibonico* belts. tion in Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), together with the
Vega* Formation.—At the type section (Chambas- San Martin* and Sagua* formations. It also describes a
Tamarindo road, Camaguey) in the southeastern end Senado Formation in the Sierra de Cubitas, which is
of the Las Villas* belt (thrusted over the Jatibonico* certainly synonymous with the upper Vega* or Rosas*
belt), 3300 ft (1006 m) of this clastic, igneous-derived Formation.
unit exists. The greatest percentage of fragments is The Vega* Formation is widely distributed all along
from basic igneous rocks. It is divided into two mem- the Las Villas* belt either in synclines or caught in
bers, as described below. fault planes, where it appears to form the main lu-
Lower Member. —The lower member consists of 300 bricant. This is especially true in the major Las Villas*
ft (91 m) of calcareous shales, thin-bedded dull-white fault. For this reason, in addition to poor exposures,
limestones, and occasional calcareous, igneous-derived it is very difficult to find and measure reliable sec-
sandstones. It is distinguished from the upper member tions. The Vega* Formation represents a typical flysch
by its calcareous content. Hatten et al. (1958) named deposited in deep waters ahead of the advancing
the Jumagua Formation, which appears to be synon- allochthonous basic igneous-volcanic province thrust
ymous with the lower member of the Vega*. Based on front. The unit is caught in the deformation and fault-
the presence of Truncorotalia cf. aragonensis, Globigeri- ing of the more autochthonous units ahead of the
noides mexicana, and Hantkenina aragonensis, they as- thrust plates. As previously mentioned, the Vega* was
sign it to the middle Eocene. also deposited over the Yaguajay* (Remedios – Sierra
The unit contains a rich pelagic fossils consisting of de Jatibonico and Cubitas areas), Sagua la Chica*,
foraminifera, radiolaria, and sometimes rock-forming and Jatibonico* belts.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 123
Las Villas* Belt Southern Facies are in fault contact with the Cifuentes* belt to the
This informal belt forms a narrow band south and south. In Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), only the Veloz
adjacent to the Las Villas* belt. It extends for some and Carmita formations are shown. The entire feature
45 km (27 mi) from near the town of Camajuani to is surrounded by Domingo* sequence rocks.
the town of Iguará. Northern Cuba Area.—In the Habana and Ma-
This belt is lithologically similar to the Las Villas* tanzas provinces, the Las Villas* belt is found only in
belt, but is differentiated by the absence of Jurassic the subsurface, underlying the basic igneous-volcanic
and lower–middle Eocene rocks and a slightly dif- province (see Figure 75). Figure 76 is a correlation chart
ferent facies in the Maastrichtian. of the northeastern terrane units recognized in north-
The oldest rocks exposed are a thick (±3000 ft; ern Cuba. According to Kuznetsov et al. (1985), who
±1000 m) development of the Lower Cretaceous call the Las Villas* (or Mogotes?) belt equivalent the
Capitolio* and Sabanilla* formations. However, the para-autochthonous section, the following units as
Sabanilla* Formation is not as characteristically devel- shown in Figure 77 have been recognized.
oped, and the conglomerates and detrital limestones Upper Jurassic.— Two wells, one in the Boca de
do not contain fragments as coarse as in the southern Jaruco and the other in the Varadero field, encoun-
part of the Las Villas* belt to the north. This suggests tered a carbonate and terrigenous section contain-
that the highs responsible for the detritus were linear ing Cadosina sp. and Globochaetes alpina that sug-
and relatively narrow as would be expected of fault gests the Francisco Formation. Above this unit are
blocks located between the Las Villas* and the Las micritic, partially dolomitized, oolitic, and sometimes
Villas* belt southern facies. black limestones with shale partings, which contain
The succession continues with the Ramblazo* and Calpionellites darderi, Chitinoidella cubensis, Chitinoidella
Calabazar* formations, the last showing an increase bermudezi, Favreina sp., Saccocoma sp., Cadosina sp.,
in the frequency of red and brown-weathering cherts Calpionella alpina, aptychus, and ammonites and are
and shales. identified as the Artemisa Formation (A. Pszczólkowski
The Upper Cretaceous Mata* Formation is occa- [2006, personal communication] considers it an error).
sionally present but not as well developed as in the Although the measured thickness shown is greater
Las Villas* belt. than 4000 ft (1200 m), the real thickness is believed to
The Lutgarda* Formation is well represented and be not greater than 650 ft (200 m) because of high
apparently thicker than in the Las Villas* belt but dips. It should be noted that the Varadero field is the
has some intervals of the dense, pink porcelaneous easternmost reported occurrence of terrigenous clas-
limestones found in the Corona* and Amaro* for- tics of Oxfordian age in northern Cuba. This supports
mations of the Placetas* and Cifuentes* belts respec- the postulated Jurassic age of the exotics in the San
tively. In addition, this unit contains a rich pelagic Adrian diapir.
assemblage with Globigerina cretacea sl., Guembelina Cretaceous.—Most of the information on the sub-
sp., and Globotruncana lapparenti sl. surface is provided by the agencies responsible for
Little is known about younger rocks. The Sagua* drilling for petroleum in Cuba (ICRM, EPEP). They
and its equivalent, the Camajuani* formations, are def- obviously follow the type of geological nomenclature
initely missing because there are scattered occurrences initiated in the former Soviet-era; that is, age determi-
of San Martin* Formation overlying the Lutgarda* nations based on fossils, not the lithostratigraphic no-
Formation. It appears that the lower – middle Eocene menclature used by the U.S. Geological Survey and the
was, in large part, not deposited, and whatever was laid Cuban Academy of Sciences. It therefore requires a cer-
down was destroyed by the diastrophism. tain amount of interpretation to correlate the units
Central Camaguey Area.—In central Camaguey, with the well-established lithostratigraphic sections.
the Las Villas* as well as the Cifuentes* belt lithologies Neocomian: — This part of the Lower Cretaceous
outcrop in small faulted windows in the Domingo* has been recognized in many wells of the Boca de
sequence, south of the Sierra de Cubitas Yaguajay*. Jaruco and Varadero fields.
In Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), these lithologies are Berriasian–Valanginian:—The lower part of the sec-
shown as outcrops of the Esmeralda complex, consist- tion consists of micritic, cherty limestones with clayey
ing of detrital and calcarenites, cherts, and argillaceous- partings correlated with the Sumidero (Capitolio*) For-
calcareous slates of Upper Jurassic through Albian mation. The upper part consists of thin-bedded micritic
age. The Las Villas* belt lithologies also outcrop in the limestones, marls, and shales that have quartz, feld-
northern third of the Sierra de Camajan. There, they spars, mica, pyrite, sulfur, and organic matter along
124 / Pardo
the bedding planes. It has been correlated to the Polier Aptian–Albian:—The Aptian–Albian interval con-
(Constancia*) Formation. The fauna consists of Nan- sists of micritic, cherty limestone containing a fauna
noconus sp., Calpionellites darderi, Tintinopsella spp., of Hedbergella sp., Ticinella sp., Praeglobotruncana sp.,
Calpionellopsis spp., and Remaniella sp. It is estimated and Nannoconus sp. It is equivalent to the Calabazar*
to be up to 1300 ft (400 m) thick. Formation. It has been recognized in the Yumuri and
Hauterivian–Barremian:—The Hauterivian–Barremian Colorados fields, where it reaches 1300 ft (400 m) in
consists of micritic, bituminous limestones with a few thickness.
shales provisionally considered similar to the Lucas For- Cenomanian – Turonian: — The Cenomanian –
mation. The fauna consists of Nannoconus spp., radi- Turonian interval is shown as calcarenite contain-
olaria, aptychus, and ammonites. ing Rotalipora sp., Hedbergella sp., and Shackoina sp.
The Neocomian is believed to be unconformably It is equivalent to the Calabazar* Formation. It has
under the Campanian – Maastrichtian in the Boca de been recognized only in the Colorados field, where
Jaruco, Via Blanca, and Yumuri fields and the middle– it reaches 2600 ft (800 m).
upper Paleocene in the Varadero field. Kuznetsov et al. It should be emphasized that the Coniacian and
(1985) compares this section to the La Esperanza– Santonian have not been recognized in northern
Martin Mesa zone, although the considerably re- Cuba.
duced thickness, the lesser grade of dolomitization, Campanian –Maastrichtian: —The Campanian–
the smaller quantity of terrigenous material, and the Maastrichtian interval consists of up to 1550 ft (470 m)
increase in carbonates and cherts indicate a more of calcarenites, calcirudites, coarse limestones brec-
offshore zone of the miogeosynclinal deposits or to a cias, calcareous shales, and cherts. The fauna consists
subzone within the limits of the Las Villas* belt. of Asatomphalus mayaroensis, Vaughanina cubensis,
Aptian–Turonian:—This interval of time is poorly Globotruncana spp., and orbitoides. It suggests the
represented, and Kuznetsov et al. (1985) consider it to Lutgarda* Formation and is also similar and coeval to
be only remnants preserved in synclines under the the Amaro* and Cacarajı́cara formations. It is uncon-
Campanian unconformity. formably under the middle–upper Paleocene.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 125
Middle – Upper Paleocene: — The middle – upper noplankton limestones are the northern equivalent
Paleocene interval is described as up to 650 ft (200 m) of southern-derived conglomerates containing Upper
of micritic limestones, calcarenites, marls, shales, Jurassic limestone fragments. The Coniacian and Pa-
and igneous-derived sandstones. The fauna contains leocene have not been recognized. The lower–middle
Globorotalia velascoensis. This unit is similar and equiv- Eocene is represented by at least 3620 ft (1100 m) of
alent to the Vega* Formation and the Pica Pica Mem- detrital sediments, ranging from pure carbonate brec-
ber of the Manacas Formation. cias at the base, shales in the middle, and igneous-
Lower Eocene: — The lower Eocene interval is derived, noncalcareous sandstones and conglomer-
described as up to 1300 ft (400 m) of an olistostrome ates at the top. These conglomerates become orogen-
complex containing blocks of the underlying lime- ic megabreccias near the thrusts. It should be noted
stones, gabbros, serpentine, etc. It contains Globoro- that no igneous-derived detritus is present in this belt
talia palmerae, Globorotalia formosa, and Globorotalia until the lower–middle Eocene, above the Sagua* con-
rex. It is similar to and correlates with the Rosas* Forma- glomerate. The rate of sedimentation for the Upper
tion and the Vieja Member of the Manacas Formation. Jurassic is ±260 ft/Ma (80 m/Ma), and its thickness is
on the same order of magnitude as in the Yaguajay*
Las Villas* Belt Discussion belt. However, the rate of sedimentation drops to
The Las Villas* belt shows the most complete sed- ±29 ft/Ma (±8.8 m/Ma) for the Cretaceous. This is
imentary section in central Cuba. It exposes 3875 ft quite typical of deep-water conditions. For instance,
(1180 m) of Upper Jurassic dominantly shallow-water in the Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole-535, drilled in
carbonates, with influx of deeper and/or open-water 11,316 ft (3450 m) of water, 1738 ft (530 m) of marly
elements. Conformably over these, the Cretaceous is limestones with approximately 35% porosity were
represented by ±2100 ft (640 m) of lithified nanno- deposited in 43 Ma. Correcting for the difference in
plankton and radiolarian oozes interbedded with car- compaction, one obtains a sedimentation rate of 28 ft/
bonate bank-derived turbidites. The Neocomian nan- Ma (8.5 m/Ma).
126 / Pardo
The flanks of the Quemado de Güines and Guayabo tal facies changes that occurred across the Las Villas*
anticlinoria show a marked stratigraphic asymme- belt. In addition, the Yabu window, surrounded by the
try (Capitolio*-Sabanilla* formations). In view of Cifuentes* belt, is 7.5 km (4.6 mi) southwest of the
the fact that (1) their width is on the order of 8 km Guayabo anticlinorium, and the Fidencia anticline
(5 mi), (2) the dips are in the order of 508, and (3) nu- is 5 km (3 mi) southwest of the Las Villas* belt and
merous longitudinal reverse faults exist (dipping separated from it by the basic igneous-volcanic
both north and south), the original predeforma- province. Therefore, the minimum observable width
tion distance between the two flanks could easily of the belt could have been on the order of 50 km
have been between 20 and 30 km (12 and 18 mi). (31 mi). The total displacement of the Las Villas* fault
This provides a measure of the rate of the horizon- is impossible to estimate.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 127
Placetas* Belt 2000 ft (±300 – 600 m) thick, but this figure could be
It has an irregular outline, but in general, has a off because of the intense faulting and isoclinal
northwest–southeast trend. It extends from Calabazar folding commonly present. It consists of thin, platy,
de Sagua, through Vega Alta, central Fidencia, north bedded limestone and interbedded, thin, yellow and
and east of Placetas, disappearing some 16 km (10 mi) brown calcareous shales.
to the southeast of Placetas. It reappears again some Hatten et al. (1958) describe a Placetas Formation
10 km (6 mi) farther on to form the core of a 26-km that probably includes the Ronda, but seems to also
(16-mi)-long canoe-shaped body, the Jarahueca Fenster, include several other lithologic units. It is assigned a
with the Jarahueca oil field in its center, south of the Neocomian to Cenomanian age. The Ronda Forma-
town of Jarahueca (see Figure 78). tion is very probably synonymous with the Veloz
The Placetas* belt was named by Pardo in 1954, Formation of many authors, including Hatten et al.
and it is part of (1) Hatten et al.’s (1958) Las Villas (1958) and Pushcharovsky et al. (1988). Some authors
unit, (2) Ducloz and Vaugnat’s (1962) Placetas zone, (Dilla and Garcı́a, 1985, for example) restrict it to the
(3) Meyerhoff and Hatten’s (1968) Placetas zone, (4) Berriasian–Valanginian, whereas Pushcharovsky et al.
Khudoley and Meyerhoff’s (1971) Las Villas zone, (1988) and others consider it Upper Jurassic through
(5) Shopov’s (1982) Cifuentes and Rancho Veloz sub- Aptian.
zones of the Placetas zone, (6) Dilla and Garcı́a’s (1985) Three distinct types of limestones, each with a sig-
Placetas subzone of the Las Villas zone, (7) Knipper and nificant areal distribution, have been recognized. They
Cabrera’s (1974) Placetas(?) zone, and (8) Hatten et al.’s appear to grade into each other and are as follows:
(1988) Las Villas unit. In Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), it
is part of the Placetas zone. Again, as in the case of the type 1: consists of brown limestone, with slightly
Las Villas* belt, the boundaries of all these belts, zones, wavy laminations of argillaceous, carbonaceous
and units do not necessarily correspond to each other. material (somewhat like, but not as pronounced
The succession can be divided as follows (see as, in the Capitolio* Formation limestones).
Figure 79). type 2: the wavy laminations are absent, and the
limestones are uniformly brown.
Ronda* Formation type 3: the limestones are very dark brown to jet
This unit has been mapped both in the Placetas* black, lack laminations, and have a somewhat
and Cifuentes* belts. It is estimated to be ±1000– coarser crystalline aspect.
128 / Pardo
Most of the limestones are biomicrites consisting Constancia* Formation. This unit is considered to be
almost entirely of Nannoconus spp. Nannoconus correlative with the Capitolio* and Sabanilla* forma-
steinmanni is dominant, radiolaria are abundant, tions of the Las Villas* belt.
and ostracods and ammonite remains are present.
Calpionella spp. has been found in the Ronda li- Constancia* Formation
thology interbedded with the Jobosi* Formation of The Constancia* Formation consists of ±50 ft (±15 m)
the Cifuentes* belt. The age is considered Neocomian of brown, sandy, micaceous limestone and limy mi-
and Aptian. caceous quartz sandstone interbedded with yellow-
The Placetas* belt is characterized by types 1 and 2. tan shales. The sandstones contain abundant mica,
In the Placetas* belt, the base of the formation has some quartz, iron oxide–stained limestone grains,
never been observed, but in the Cifuentes* belt, it and angular limestone fragments up to 1 cm (0.4 in.)
grades into and is in part equivalent to the underlying in diameter. These sandstones derive the bulk of their
Jobosi* Formation. It is conformable with the overlying components from metamorphic rocks, as indicated
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 129
by the abundance of muscovite and the presence of clear calcite cement and abundant, angular, cream-
tremolite, metamorphic quartz, hornblende, zircon, white limestone components, interbedded with brown,
blue tourmaline, garnet, etc. Although uncommon nonfissile, thin-bedded shale and reddish brown to
and badly weathered, some volcanic, mostly basaltic, brownish gray argillaceous limestone.
grains exist. Bermejal* member.— The Bermejal* member con-
The name Constancia Formation is widely used in sists of a distinctive limestone conglomerate with con-
the present literature to describe a sandy, arkosic spicuous white and tan angular fragments in a dark-
limestone unit underlying the Veloz Formation. It brown carbonaceous limestone matrix.
appears to be synonymous with the Jobosi* and has These members were at one time called formations
been attributed a Tithonian – Berriassian age. This is related to the Carmita*. Because of the deformation,
the way it is shown in Pushcharovsky et al. (1988). See the relations between them and the Carmita* Forma-
the comments on the Jobosi-Constancia nomencla- tion are not clear, but they are probably transitional
ture problem under the Jobosi* Formation descrip- into one another.
tion for more details. The fauna of the Carmita* Formation is mostly pe-
As will be seen below, the source of the abundant lagic and consists of abundant radiolaria, Globigerina
metamorphic components, especially muscovite, is cretacea sl., Rotalipora appenninica, Globigerinella sp.,
puzzling because in the Aptian, the metamorphism Pithonella spp., Schakoina cenomana bicornis, and rare
of the Escambray massif to the south had not oc- Guembelina sp. Some Nannoconus spp. are present in
curred yet, and the known exposed allochthonous pre- situ at the base of the formation and are also reworked
Cretaceous basement does not contain muscovite. throughout. The age is therefore considered to extend
The fauna consists of Globigerina cretacea sl., Glo- from the Albian through the Turonian. Some shark
bigerinella sp., Pithonella spp., common radiolaria, and remains have been reported and described (Mutter
fragments of Orbitolina sp. The Constancia Formation et al., 2005).
is considered Aptian in age. This formation is equivalent to the Calabazar* and
This unit grades into and is equivalent to the up- Mata* formations of the Las Villas* belt. The nature of
per part of the older Ronda* Formation. It is partly the contact with the overlying Corona* Formation is
conformably and partly unconformably overlain by not clear, but there appears to be a hiatus or a slight
the Carmita* Formation. unconformity.
The Carmita* Formation represents an influx of
Carmita* Formation fine, noncalcareous clastic material and is a transition
This unit is probably included in Hatten et al.’s between beds of equivalent age in the Las Villas* and
(1958) Placetas Formation, and it is recognized by Cifuentes* belts.
Dilla and Garcı́a (1985). Unfortunately, because these
authors lump the Placetas* and Cifuentes* belts to- Corona* Formation
gether, they show the Carmita overlying the Santa Other authors do not seem to recognize this unit.
Teresa Formation instead of being its calcareous In Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), it is probably included
equivalent. in the Amaro Formation of the Placetas zone and as-
The thickness of this unit is unknown, but prob- signed a Maastrichtian age.
ably is on the order of several hundred feet. It consists This unit consists of an estimated ±200 ft (±60 m)
of a tan calcilutite to dense slightly argillaceous lime- of an interbedding of
stone with abundant secondary nodular black and
brown chert. Intervals of thin, flat-bedded primary 1) gray, medium calcarenite with common green and
chert and brown to gray, carbonaceous, and non- occasional red and black igneous grains
calcareous shales with occasional tan dense, nodular 2) green to yellow-brown calcareous medium to fine
limestone stringers exist. The limestones are com- sandstones, some with abundant quartz, some with
monly lightly banded, stained with limonite, and have mostly colored volcanic grains
small, clear, calcite-filled foraminifera and radiolaria 3) pastel green and pink clay shales, sticky in fresh
arranged in rows parallel to the bedding. At the base of outcrops
the formation are two recognizable lithologic units, 4) maroon and brown, thin-bedded primary cherts,
which are described below. some looking like the silicification of the shales
Encrucijada* member. — The Encrucijada* mem- 5) argillaceous, very fine, fragmental, soft, maroon
ber consists of a white, spotted calcarenite with much limestone
130 / Pardo
6) pink to light-maroon argillaceous, semiporcela- the Maastrichtian, an influx of igneous detrital ma-
neous, dense limestone terial derived from the early orogenic activity to the
south. The upper Cenomanian through Coniacian is
All the above lithologies occur in thin to medium missing.
beds, although the calcarenites occur in thick beds or
as thick packages of medium beds. The Corona* For- Cifuentes* Belt
mation is unconformably overlain by young Tertiary. The Cifuentes* belt was named by Pardo in 1954,
Based on its faunal content, it is assigned a and it is part of (1) Hatten et al.’s (1958) Las Villas
Santonian through Maastrichtian age. unit, (2) Ducloz and Vaugnat’s (1962) Placetas zone,
The Corona* Formation is the southern equivalent (3) Meyerhoff and Hatten’s (1968) Placetas zone,
of the Lutgarda* and the northern equivalent of the (4) Khudoley and Meyerhoff’s (1971) Las Villas zone,
Miguel* Formation. Note that this is the northernmost (5) Shopov’s (1982) Cifuentes and Rancho Veloz sub-
Upper Cretaceous unit to contain igneous-derived zones of the Placetas zone, (6) Dilla and Garcı́a’s (1985)
detritus. Placetas subzone of the Las Villas zone, (7) Knipper
and Cabrera’s (1974) Placetas(?) zone, and (8) Hatten
Placetas* Belt Discussion et al.’s (1988) Las Villas unit. In Pushcharovsky et al.
The Placetas* belt does not expose rocks older than (1988), it is part of the Placetas zone. Again, as in the
the lowermost Cretaceous. The reason for this is un- case of the Las Villas* belt, the boundaries of all these
known, but based on the presence of southern-derived belts, zones, and units do not necessarily correspond to
conglomerates with Jurassic components in the Las each other.
Villas* belt, it is reasonable to assume that the Jurassic The Cifuentes* belt outcrops most extensively in
was eroded prior to the deposition of the Neocomian. Las Villas province; in central Camaguey, the expo-
The presence of metamorphic-derived material dur- sures are very limited (see Figure 80).
ing the Aptian indicates the erosion of an unknown
metamorphic basement. Except for the presence of Las Villas Province Area
silicate clastics, the Cretaceous section is very similar The bulk of this belt in Las Villas province can be
to that of the Las Villas* belt, and although thicknesses circumscribed by a line running from Coralillo to
cannot be accurately measured, they are believed to Rancho Veloz to the southeast, through southwest
be on the same order of magnitude as in the Las Villas* of Sitiecito, Cifuentes, and swinging back at Loma
belt. In contrast with the Las Villas* belt, there was, in Bonachea to the northwest, toward Santo Domingo,
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 131
where it disappears under a Neogene cover to reappear this belt will be described from lower to upper plate.
southeast of the Motembo oil field. The Cifuentes* Figure 81 is a composite of the three plates, but is
belt also can be seen associated with the Placetas* belt, more representative of the upper (southern) plate.
specially rimming the Placetas* belt body in the vi-
cinity of Jarahueca oil field. Lower (Northern) Plate
In the type Cifuentes* belt, near the town of Ronda* Formation.— Here, the Ronda* Formation
Cifuentes, a stack of three thrust plates has been is identical with the brown, with slightly wavy lamina-
mapped. The stack is interpreted as a north to south tions, type 1 described under Placetas* belt. The base is in
succession of facies, the upper plate being southern- fault contact with a sliver of basic igneous-volcanic prov-
most. Along the strike of the Cifuentes* belt, the num- ince. It grades upward into the Constancia* Formation.
ber of plates outcropping varies; although all three Constancia* Formation.— This unit has the same
are present to the northwest, only the upper one is development as in the Placetas* belt. It grades up into
recognizable to the southeast. The units composing the Encrucijada* Member of the Carmita* Formation.
132 / Pardo
Globotruncana ganseri, Guembelina spp., Globigerina cre- Middle (Central) Plate. — This plate is identical with
tacea sl., and Pithonella spp. are present. This assem- the lower (northern) one, except that the Lower
blage indicates a Santonian through Maastrichtian Cretaceous Ronda Formation has lost all similarities
age. The mixture of shallow-water and pelagic forms with the Capitolio* Formation. Here, it consists of
suggest turbidites in open, relatively deep waters. typical type 2 brown radiolaria and rock-forming
It grades into the overlying Rodrigo* Formation. Nannoconus limestones separated by yellow clay
This unit is correlative with the Corona* and intervals.
Lutgarta* formations to the north. All three are sim- Upper (Southern) Plate. — This plate is characterized
ilar in the sense that they are dominantly detrital by exposing the only known basement of the cal-
biogenic limestones, with closely related faunas, and careous sedimentary section (see Figure 82).
that most of the components are derived from shal- Basement. —In Las Villas province, one locality
low carbonate banks and deposited in relatively deep exists where the contact between the Cifuentes* belt
waters. However, distinct differences exist, such as sediments and basement has been unquestionably
textural and bedding characteristics and an increas- observed, near the La Rana village in western Las
ing influx of igneous-derived material from the south. Villas province. Two other localities show a very prob-
Rodrigo* Formation. — It consists of ±200 ft (±60 able basement under the sediments, but the contact
m) of gray to maroon dense, fine, fragmental is tectonically disturbed. These are Sierra Morena and
argillaceous soft limestone with green clay and black Trés Guanos in western and in eastern Las Villas prov-
carbonaceous inclusions. It is not recognized in the ince, respectively.
literature. La Rana locality. — About 13 km (8 mi) south-
The Rodrigo* Formation contains abundant pelagic southwest of the town of Jarahueca is a large out-
foraminifera, among them Globotruncana lapparenti crop of granodiorite surrounded by Upper Cretaceous
sl., Globotruncana stuarti, Globotruncanella havanensis, volcanics and possibly below a Paleocene conglomer-
Globotruncanella contusa, Globotruncanella ganseri, ate (Taguasco* Formation) of the volcanic Cabaiguan*
Globigerina cretacea sl., Rugoglobigerina macrocephala, sequence.
Globigerinella sp., and Guembelina spp. It also con- The granodiorite is medium grained and cataclas-
tain Pithonella spp. and Robulus spp. This fauna in- tic and appears similar to several other diorite-granite
dicates a late Maastrichtian age. type of rocks that outcrop in the northern Las Villas
The upper Eocene overlies this unit with marked province. Patches of serpentine also exist. Over the
unconformity. granodiorite is a granodiorite regolith that grades
134 / Pardo
upward into the Jobosi* Formation, the basal con- mination on the marble phlogopite gave the intru-
glomerate below the Ronda* Formation. It is a nor- sion age at 910 ± 25 and 945 ± 20 m.y. The original
mal sedimentary contact. In view of the presence of limestone is therefore older, suggesting a Precambrian
Neocomian Calpionella spp. and Nannoconus spp. in basement affected by a Kimmeridgian–Tithonian mag-
the basal Jobosi* Formation, the granodiorite must be matic intrusion.
pre-Neocomian, possibly Jurassic. The section is near- Jobosi* Formation.—The Jobosi* Formation con-
ly horizontal and is allochthonous. It appears to be a sists of ±50 ft (±15 m) of quartz granule to pebble-size
large olistolith (or slide block) that perhaps moved conglomerates, sandstones, and siltstones containing
during the Paleocene. The presence of this exposure abundant fragments of type 3 Ronda* Formation. In
has never been reported in the literature. In Pushcha- addition to Ronda*, the conglomerates have compo-
rovsky et al. (1988), an outcrop designated ‘‘Upper nents of quartz and granodiorite, as well as grains of
Cretaceous granodiorite, etc.’’ is shown at this location serpentine, sericite schist, and porphyry. The sand-
but with no indication of overlying Veloz Formation. stones and conglomerates are interbedded with and
Trés Guanos locality. — At the southeastern end of grade up into the type 3 black Ronda* Formation lime-
the Jarahueca area of Placetas* belt exposures are stones. At La Rana, where the lower contact is the best
some outcrops of a granodiorite (quartz monzonite) exposed, it grades down into a granodiorite regolith.
of the same family as the granodiorite at La Rana. Hatten et al. (1958) named the Quemadito Forma-
Hatten et al. (1958) observed the Quemadito ( Jobosi*) tion in Trés Guanos, which, by the description, is
Formation in normal sedimentary contact over the obviously synonymous to Jobosi*. It should be noted
quartz monzonite. Although the relationship is struc- that these authors assign it to the Upper Jurassic,
turally more complex than at La Rana, the Jobosi* although it has the same type locality and fauna as
Formation is unquestionably present, which is fur- Jobosi*. My personal opinion is that where it was
ther evidence for a pre-Neocomian age basement. observed, it is of Neocomian age, but it could very well
Unfortunately, an age determination of this rock extend into the Upper Jurassic at other localities. This
based on the K-Ar method run by Lamont Geological difference in age assignment and the fact that in some
Laboratory on biotite yielded an age of 61 ± 3 Ma. early Gulf reports there was a question whether the
Somin and Millán (1981) report a K-Ar determination Constancia* Formation was the Jobosi* lateral equiv-
of 79 ± 5 Ma. This might represent an Upper Creta- alent, have created some confusion in the literature.
ceous or early Tertiary overprint and not the true age Some authors have used the name Constancia as a syn-
of the rock. onym to Jobosi*; Kantchev et al., (1976) and Pushchar-
Sierra Morena locality. — About 10 km (8 mi) south- ovsky et al. (1988) show this unit as the Tithonian–
southwest of the town of Sierra Morena (Socorro, Cañas Berriassian Constancia Formation of the Placetas zone,
River, Coralillo) is a cataclastic pegmatitic granite consisting of polymict and arkosic sandstones and
associated with marble and patches of serpentine, sandy limestones underlying the Veloz Formation.
Jobosi* and type 3 Ronda* formations. The outcrops Other authors, including Dilla and Garcı́a (1985),
cover an area of some 12 3 km (7.5 1.8 mi). used the names Quemadito (Jobosi*) and Constancia
These units appear to lie in a complex structure sur- as two different units in their original sense.
rounded by the Upper Cretaceous of the Cifuentes* The interbedded type 3 Ronda Formation contains
belt. Pszczólkowski (1983, 1986b) mapped the area in Calpionella spp., radiolaria, and Nannoconus spp., in-
some detail. He interprets the granite as a window cluding Nannoconus steinmanni, which are rock form-
through the Cifuentes* belt. The granite and associ- ing. The age of the upper part of the formation is
ated outcrops coincide with the strongest Bouguer considered Berriassian, whereas Tithonian ammonites
gravity low of the island (Gulf’s gravity survey), which have been found within the formation (Shopov, 1982).
lends strong support to their being allochthonous Foraminifera (Globuligerina sp.) of questionable Ox-
and not deep rooted. fordian age have been reported (Pszczólkowski and
This basement has been named the Socorro com- Myczynski, 2003).
plex (Renne et al., 1989a, b; Iturralde-Vinent, 1996). In addition to La Rana, this unit is found in Trés
The analyses of four samples of the granite (Somin and Guanos and Rancho Veloz.
Millán, 1981; Renne et al., 1989a, b), dated by whole The Jobosi* Formation must have formed under
rock K-Ar method, yielded 142 ± 3, 150 ± 5, 139 ± 6, unique conditions. The granodiorite regolith, with
and 140 ± 2 m.y. The U-Pb method gave the intrusion its altered feldspars, indicates weathering of the
age of zircons at 172.4 m.y. and the K-Ar age deter- granodiorite. However, the interbedding with the
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 135
Aptian–Albian.—The Aptian–Albian unit consists unit suggests the Corona* and Rodrigo* forma-
of up to an apparent 2755 ft (840 m) of limestones, tions of the Placetas* and Cifuentes* belts, although
sometimes dolomitized, and cherts with shales, pos- it appears to contain a higher percentage of silicate
sibly corresponding to the Ronda* and Santa Teresa* clastics.
formations. The fauna contains Nannoconus sp., Ticinella Upper Plate. — The upper plate is recognized in
sp., Schackoina sp., Hedbergella sp., Pithonella sp., and Varadero, Camarioca, and Guasimas fields.
Globigerinelloides sp. The thickness is certainly struc- Aptian – Albian. — The Aptian – Albian unit consists
turally exaggerated. of rocks identical with those of the lower plate: up to
Campanian – Maastrichtian. — The Campanian – an apparent 2000 ft (600 m) of limestones, some-
Maastrichtian unit consists of between 150 and 650 ft times dolomitized, and cherts with shales, possibly
(50 and 200 m) of siltstones, sandstones, and calca- corresponding to the Ronda* and Santa Teresa*
renites containing Globotruncana spp., Sulcopercu- formations. The fauna contains Nannoconus sp., Tici-
lina sp., Vaughanina sp., and Pseudorbitoides sp. This nella sp., Hedbergella sp., and Globigerinelloides sp.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 137
Cenomanian –Turonian. — The rocks representing finity with rocks of the same age in the La Esperanza
this interval of time have not been recognized in the belt of western Cuba and not the Cifuentes* belt.
lower plate and consist of up to 1650 ft (500 m) of Campanian – Maastrichtian. — The Campanian –
polymict sandstones and siltstones interbedded with Maastrichtian unit consists of up to 2600 ft (800 m)
limestones containing Globotruncana sp., Rotalipora of arkosic sandstones and gravels, occasionally with
sp., Schackoina sp., and Hedbergella sp. This section anhydrite(!), containing Pseudorbitoides sp. It is unfor-
containing abundant coarse clastics has been recog- tunate that no better description of this unit is avail-
nized in a few wells and appears to be in part equiv- able; the anhydrite could be related to that of the San
alent to the Santa Teresa* or Carmita* formations, Adrian diapirs, and if the arkosic sandstones and grav-
but (barring structural complications) has greater af- els are in place in the Cifuentes* belt, it could indicate
138 / Pardo
a Late Cretaceous erosion of nearby allochthonous intrusions associated with the Cretaceous volcanism
granodiorite highs such as the Sierra Morena of cen- or an older Jurassic basement mechanically incorpo-
tral Cuba. rated in the ultrabasics through tectonism.
Upper Paleocene – Middle Eocene. — The Upper However, the presence of granodiorite and mar-
Paleocene–Middle Eocene unit consists of up to 1650 ft bles of possible Precambrian age (±925 m.y.) affected
(500 m) of shales, siltstones, sandstones, and conglom- by an Upper Jurassic (±145 m.y.) thermal event and
erates, as well as an olistostrome-containing gabbro the tholeitic basalts of Upper Jurassic age underly-
and serpentine. This section is reported to contain ing the Ronda* (Veloz) Formation in normal sedi-
Globotruncana spp., Sulcoperculina sp., and Vaughanina mentary contact suggests that the Precambrian base-
sp., which is the reason for the assignment to the ment of the North American continental margin
Campanian–Maastrichtian by Kuznetsov et al. (1985). was fragmented and invaded by oceanic rift ba-
In my opinion, this section is very suggestive of the salts during the Middle and Upper Jurassic. Other
younger Vega* and Rosas* formations or the Pica Pica evidences of Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous rifting
and Vieja Members of the Manacas Formation of exist, such as the presence of the Sabanilla* and
upper Paleocene–middle Eocene age (see the follow- the Jobosi* formations with southern local sources
ing Cifuentes* belt discussion). This same section has of detritus.
been found toward the east in Guasimas, Cardenas, An important difference of opinion exists between
and Camarioca. Hatten et al. (1958, 1988), Meyerhoff and Hatten
(1968), and Meyerhoff (in Khudoley and Meyerhoff,
Cifuentes* Belt Discussion 1971), on the one hand, and myself, on the other, on
This belt represents the southernmost part of the the present position of these basement outcrops. Al-
miogeosyncline, with minor influences from volca- though I agree that they could represent remnants of
nism (clay and cherts), and the deepest and most an- a ridge that might have separated the miogeosyn-
oxic depositional conditions. This is the only belt cline from the eugeosyncline, I interpret them as the
where basement, although allochthonous, is exposed. most allochthonous elements of the sedimentary ba-
This belt was the farthest away from the North Amer- sin, the basement of the highest sedimentary plate
ican margin and was deposited on granodiorite and below the ophiolite obduction. However, these au-
tholeites; it is therefore considered the most oceanic thors consider them as the relatively autochthonous
of the carbonate belts. As in the Placetas* belt, the (nothing is totally autochthonous in Cuba) basement
thicknesses cannot be measured, and the Tithonian of Meyerhoff’s ‘‘median welt.’’
dolomites and oolitic limestones are absent; however, Drilling. —Several wells have been drilled in the
the base of the pelagic carbonates has been considered Las Villas*, Placetas*, and Cifuentes* belts.
uppermost Jurassic in places. The Cretaceous sediments Gulf Hicacos-1. — This was drilled in northeastern
that compose this belt are the most extensive in Cuba, Cardenas Bay in 1949 by Cuban Gulf (Gulf Oil). It
having been recognized from the Pinar del Rio to cen- penetrated the Las Villas* belt at 2290 ft (698 m) to
tral Camaguey. This belt is also characterized by having the total depth at 5045 ft (1538 m) below an Eocene
most of the Turonian–Santonian missing, although no to Holocene cover and was cut by a major fault at
evidence of a subaerial unconformity exists. Although 4030 ft (1229 m), bringing the lower–middle Eocene
the area where this belt was deposited was originally (Sagua* or Vega*) under the Upper Jurassic Caguaguas*
the most remote from the carbonate banks, it never- Formation.
theless received from them a considerable amount of Texaco Guayabo-1. — This was drilled by Texaco in
turbiditic material during the Maastrichtian. the Guayabo anticlinorium, 2.5 km (1.5 mi) south-
In the northern Las Villas province, outcrops of west of the Las Villas fault. One of the main objectives
similar diorite-granite igneous rocks have been in- was to drill through the fault into the underlying
cluded in the igneous Domingo* sequence. These Yaguajay* belt; this objective was not reached,
show cataclastic alteration. In the field and under indicating that the fault is steeper than 508.
the microscope, they are practically indistinguishable The following section was drilled:
from the Manicaragua and southern Camaguey prov-
ince intrusive bodies that, from field relationships 0– 103 ft (0 –31 m): alluvium.
and K-Ar, have been dated as ±85 m.y. of age or 103 –183 ft (31 – 56 m): Caguaguas* Formation.
Coniacian–Santonian. Presently, no report exists on 183 –2910 ft (56 – 887 m): Jaguita* Formation.
the ages of most of these bodies. They could be late 2910 ft (887 m): Reverse fault.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 139
During the same interval of time, some 9000 ft pecially if one considers the dissimilarity with sec-
(2750 m) of shallow-water carbonates were deposited tions of equivalent age in North and South America.
on the carbonate platform, suggesting that in the Las Finally, it should be emphasized that all the contacts
Villas* belt, the water depth was more than 6000 ft between Las Villas*, Placetas*, and Cifuentes* belt
(2000 m) by the Late Cretaceous. Initially, the rate of deep-water lithologies and those of the basic igneous-
basement subsidence under the carbonate platform volcanic province are tectonic.
would have been equal to that under the basinal sed- It is important to attempt an estimate of the orig-
iments. As sedimentation continued, basin subsidence inal width of the basin in which the sediments of the
must have been much greater than under the banks. Las Villas*, Placetas*, and Cifuentes* belts were de-
During the Neocomian through Aptian, the basin posited. As previously mentioned, the Las Villas* belt
must have been broken by horsts and grabens, as in- could have been 50 km (31 mi) in width; the Placetas*
dicated by the localized presence of coarse detrital belt could have been some 5–10 km (3–6 mi), and the
material apparently deposited in deep water. There are Cifuentes* belt, considering the three plates, could have
clasts of Upper Jurassic and Neocomian carbonates de- been some 15–20 km (9–12 mi). Therefore, the basin
rived from the south in the southern Las Villas* belt was a minimum of about 70–80 km (43–49 mi) wide.
and pre-Neocomian metamorphic and granodiorite This distance is only the present estimated original
detritus of local origin in the southern Cifuentes* belt. width of the belt’s outcrops without allowing any
From the Aptian onward, an increasing contribu- distance for the facies to change from belt to belt.
tion of fine to coarse material was apparently derived Arbitrarily, one could allow another 70 km (43 mi) to
in large part from the carbonate banks to the north take care of the overriding of the thrust sheets and
and deposited as turbidites interbedded with pelagic the facies changes from belt to belt.
deposits. The increase in amount of radiolarian cherts As will be described below, large outcrops of Ronda*
indicates a great deepening of the water. and Jaguita* formations along the Tuinicu fault ex-
Through the Campanian and Maastrichtian, turbi- ist between the Cabaiguan* sequence and the Mani-
dites derived from the north dominated the sedimenta- caragua granodiorite, 25 km (15 mi) south of the
tion. However, at the same time, toward the south, ero- southernmost exposure of the carbonate belts. The
sion and redeposition of the Santa Teresa* cherts and basin width before deformation could, therefore, have
the presence of igneous-derived material in the Amaro* been close to 150 km (93 mi). Intuitively, this dis-
Formation indicated early orogenic activity there. tance is on the low side because the type of sediments
In the lower –middle Eocene, the northern half of in these belts suggests the scrapings, or remnants, of a
the basin continued to receive the Sagua* Formation much larger, deep-water, perhaps oceanic, basin.
detritus from the carbonate banks, together with those In La Habana and Matanzas, this province has been
derived from the early deformation and faulting of found only in wells and as far west as the Via Blanca
the Yaguajay* and Las Villas* belts. field. Because of serious structural complications, thick-
Finally, the Eocene San Martin* and lower Vega* nesses are only estimates. Despite problems with the
formations reflect the proximity of the advancing ba- published descriptions of the formations, some im-
sic igneous-volcanic province thrust sheet. The ero- portant points can be made:
sion off that sheet culminated with the deposition
of the wildflysch of the upper member of the Vega* 1) The belts are continuous from central Cuba to
(Rosas*) Formation. western Cuba, with the Las Villas* belt (equivalent
The entire deep-water nature of this basin is re- to the northern Rosario and possibly the Mogotes
markable. Despite the possibility of a Coniacian and area) being the lowermost penetrated sheet.
Paleocene hiatus, the presence of reworked intrafor- 2) The presence of Upper Jurassic Favreina sp. and
mational detritus, and the direct evidence of uncon- Globochaetes alpina indicates that, during that time,
formities, no indication of deposits of shallow-water shallow-water conditions existed uninterruptedly
origin exist other than turbidites. The possibility of from central to western Cuba, suggesting a con-
submarine erosion on a regional scale has to be con- tinuous basin, with evidence that in the Oxford-
sidered because subaerial erosion is unlikely. As has ian, clastic sedimentation extended east as far as
already been mentioned, the entire deep-water Upper the Cardenas Bay, possibly extending farther east
Jurassic and Cretaceous section has great lithologic toward the Punta Alegre area (supporting the Ju-
and faunal affinities with the Tethys, suggesting a di- rassic origin of the exotics in the San Adrian and
rect connection with the Tethyan Mediterranean, es- Punta Alegre formations).
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 141
3) As in the rest of Cuba, the Late Jurassic and all of logic community than central Cuba. As a result, the dis-
the Cretaceous were times of marked deepening of cussion here will be based heavily on the published lit-
the basin, shown by the influx of nannoplankton. erature, especially on the work of Andrzej Pszczólkowski,
4) The Aptian–Santonian appears to be less well rep- with references to Gulf’s or other works when pertinent.
resented than in other Cuban regions, and the Several units were first described and named by De-
Coniacian–Santonian has never been identified. Golyer (1918), Lewis (1932), and Palmer (1945). As in
5) The Campanian–Maastrichtian is, like everywhere central Cuba, these units turned out to cover a larger
else in Cuba, characterized by carbonate detritus; time span and may be more complex than originally
however, in the subsurface upper plate of the thought.
Cifuentes* belt, there is a reported influx of ter- Although western Cuba was not mapped in detail
rigenous arkosic detritus suggesting the proxim- by Cuban Gulf, P. B. Truitt conducted extensive re-
ity of southern granitic highs, possibly similar to connaissance during 1955–1956, in which he estab-
allochthonous Sierra Morena or La Rana, that has lished the basis for the presently used structurofacies
never been observed on outcrops—perhaps it be- zones nomenclature and resolved much of the struc-
longs to another part of the section. tural and stratigraphic confusion that existed at the
6) There is no report of middle Eocene carbonate time. It should be noted that one of the important
conglomerates such as the Sagua* Formation, in- aspects of Truitt’s work is that it was done after the bulk
dicating that the Bahamas-type carbonate banks of Gulf’s work in central Cuba had been conducted,
were farther away from the Las Villas* belt than and Truitt had been one of the main participants in
in central Cuba. that study; he was therefore ideally suited to compare
7) Terrigenous flysch deposits derived from the de- the two areas. His regional correlations are still valid
struction of the basic igneous-volcanic province (central Cuba names such as Carmita and Santa Te-
characterize the upper Paleocene–middle Eocene, resa formations are presently widely used in Pinar del
and culminate in the middle Eocene showing the Rio). In addition, the samples were described, and
chaotic wildflysch of the Rosas* Formation and their fauna were identified by P. Brönnimann’s labo-
Vieja Member of the Manacas Formation. ratory. During the late 1950s, C. W. Hatten mapped
the central part of the Sierra de los Organos, and much
of the present structural and stratigraphic concepts
SOUTHWESTERN TERRANES and terminology of the area are based on his 1957
California Co. unpublished reports, nationalized by
This province is found in the Guaniguanico Moun- the Cuban revolution. He recognized several peel
tains, the Escambray Mountains, the Isla de la Juventud, nappes and identified what is still believed to be the
and as far east as the Asuncion area in Oriente. The most autochthonous of all the exposed structural
southwestern terranes do not show as clear a con- elements: the pons autochthon. Since 1970, a team
tinental margin succession of facies as do the north- of geologists from the Polish Academy of Science has
central terranes. They show, to a greater or lesser ex- been involved in mapping and working out the de-
tent, a succession of facies that include silicate tails of the stratigraphic sequences of this area, no-
clastics, bank carbonates, and deep-water pelagic en- tably among them A. Pszczólkowski, K. Piotrowska,
vironment. For convenience, they can be generally and J. Piotrowski. R. Myczynsky (1987a, b), Myczynsky
subdivided into metamorphics and unmetamorphosed and Brochwicz-Lewinski (1981), and Myczynsky and
sediments. The unmetamorphosed rocks occur in the Pszczólkowski (1987) studied the Ammonite fauna.
Guaniguanico Mountains, whereas the metamor- Consequently, and unlike other areas in Cuba, much
phics are found along the southeastern edge of the has been recently published on Pinar del Rio. In the
Guaniguanico Mountains (along the Pinar fault), the last several years, Pszczólkowski (1999) has made
Isla de la Juventud, the Escambray massif in central some important and needed revisions to the pub-
Cuba, and Asuncion in extreme eastern Cuba. lished nomenclature. The revised nomenclature is
used here.
Nonmetamorphics As will be seen below, although very important
information can be derived from this region, the dis-
Guaniguanico Mountains tribution of exposures and the structural complexi-
Because of the spectacular exposures, Pinar del Rio ties make it very difficult to reconstruct the geologic
has historically received more attention from the geo- history from these data alone.
142 / Pardo
In contrast with central Cuba, western Cuba has a the structure and stratigraphy. For the sake of uni-
thick and extensive section of Jurassic and Creta- formity, the major stratigraphic-structural subdivi-
ceous continentally derived clastics, and the Creta- sions will be named ‘‘belt,’’ and because of the struc-
ceous carbonate platform is poorly represented. tural complexity, the term ‘‘unit’’ will be used for
In general, western Cuba has not suffered as much groups of strata that belong to one individual thrust
from the nomenclatural nightmare that has afflicted sheet. The names of the major subdivisions used by
central Cuba, but problems remain. Truitt (1956a, b), the Pszczólkowski (1999) will be used throughout; how-
first to use the concept of belts in Pinar del Rio, sub- ever, Pszczólkowski’s subdivisions (which he calls
divided the province into the sedimentary Organos*, ‘‘belts’’ but others call ‘‘facies-structural zones’’) will
Rosario*, and Cacarajı́cara* belts and the basic igneous- be modified as follows: The Sierra de los Organos belt
volcanic Bahia Honda* belt. Pardo (1975) used the will be subdivided into
same nomenclature. In addition, Truitt named an in-
formal unit: the ‘‘northwestern Rosario* belt,’’ that the Mogotes area: all the units of the Sierra de los
was also recognized by Hatten (1957), who named it Organos belt minus the Alturas de las Pizarras del
‘‘La Esperanza.’’ This terminology is, in large part, still Sur unit
in use today, although it has been modified, enlarged, the Alturas de las Pizarras del Sur area: the Alturas
and further subdivided. Pszczólkowski (1999) recog- de las Pizarras del Sur unit
nizes four facies-tectonic zones: La Esperanza (which
is equivalent to Truitt’s northwestern Rosario*), Bahia As will be seen later, the Mogotes area is a window
Honda, Cordillera de Guaniguanico, and Los Palacios through a thrust sheet of San Cayetano Formation that
Basin. The Cordillera de Guaniguanico is subdivided is partially included in the southern Rosario belt. So
into Sierra de los Organos, Cangre, northern Rosario, far, there is some evidence that the maximum thick-
southern Rosario, and Guajaibon-Sierra Azul belts as ness of San Cayetano does not coincide with the thick-
major subdivisions and a large number of smaller tec- est Mogote belt carbonates. It appears as if the San
tonic units. Each one of the smaller units is a separate Cayetano depocenter was south (restored position) of
thrust sheet with a characteristic stratigraphic sequence. the Mogotes carbonates depocenter.
The Guajaibon-Sierra Azul belt is equivalent to Truitt’s Figure 85 shows the correspondence of the several
Cacarajı́cara* belt. Pushcharovsky et al., 1988, show nomenclatural systems used in western Cuba.
the Bahia Honda, Sierra del Rosario, Sierra de los Or- The distribution of the major stratigraphic-structural
ganos, La Esperanza and Cangre facies-structural units, subdivisions is shown in Figure 86. Figure 87 is a pre–
and the Los Palacios Basin. The Cangre unit is the upper Eocene correlation chart of the northwestern
metamorphosed southern part of the Sierra de los Or- terrane units in western Cuba.
ganos belt (along and northwest of the Pinar fault), Pinar del Rio is the area where the Cuban orogen
and the lower part of the mostly younger Tertiary Los extended between the Bahamas and Yucatan platforms,
Palacios Basin is synonymous with Truitt’s southern and consequently, much of the section younger than
Bahia Honda* belt. Unfortunately, a serious nomen- Late Jurassic consists of rocks originating in a deep-
clatural problem exists: Truitt’s original Rosario–Los water environment. Here, many authors assume that
Organos belt subdivision was more physiographic the general thrusting must have occurred northward
than structurostratigraphic and only partially fol- toward the deep-water facies of the southern Gulf of
lows the Pardo ‘‘belt’’ or Hatten-Meyerhoff’s ‘‘facies- Mexico; however, contradictions exist. Truitt (1956a, b)
structural unit’’ definition (in 1957, Hatten did not was convinced that the thrusting was directed south-
use facies-structural units in Pinar del Rio). As will be ward. In Pinar del Rio, it is difficult to establish a nat-
seen below, from a structural and facies point of view, ural basinal succession on account of the apparent
a large part of the outcrops included by Truitt and opposing directions of thrusting or nappe emplace-
others in the Los Organos belt really do belong to the ment and the lack of a well-defined continental mar-
Rosario belt. gin to the north. As will be seen below, some remnants
In this study, an attempt will be made to use a of carbonate banks exist, caught in the thrusting, in
facies-structural nomenclature without creating un- the northwestern as well as the central part of the
necessary confusion. With the exception of Sierra province. These suggest a partial shallow-water link
de los Organos, the names used will be the same as between the Bahamas and Yucatan or perhaps small
the ones presently used in the Cuban literature or shallow-water banks surrounded by a deep-water en-
on maps and will be modified to consistently reflect vironment (similar to the eastern end of the Bahamas).
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 143
are more akin to the lower Las Villas* than to the Viñas* Group.— The Viñas* Group consists of the
Yaguajay* belt. For this reason, they will be described typical Upper Jurassic to Albian Puntilla* or Bartolomé*
under the section on clastics and platform to deep Formation lithologies described under the Yaguajay*
basin province. belt. One sample contained faunas with Jurassic af-
The Guajaibon–Sierra Azul belt extends as a dis- finities. It is included in the Guajaibón formation by
continuous belt for 20 km (12 mi) from San Juan de Pszczólkowski (1978) and Pushcharovsky et al. (1988).
Sagua to the east-northeast. Its maximum width is Camaco* Formation.— This formation, also included
1.5 km (0.9 mi) (see Figure 88). It consists of steeply in the Guajaibón Formation, is of Cenomanian to
northward-dipping fault blocks; one of them, the Pan Santonian age, is present in its typical development
de Guajaibón, is the highest elevation in Pinar del of white, porous algal, and miliolid limestones. Pszczól-
Rio. It appears not to have been studied in detail be- kowski (1987) reports Rotalipora sp., Ticinella sp., Hed-
cause of difficult access. In Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), bergella sp., and Preaglobotruncana sp. from the upper
it is shown as the Albian–Cenomanian Guajaibón For- part of his Guajaibón Formation, indicating a lower
mation that consists of light-gray massive limestones, Cenomanian age. The Manacas Formation overlies this
some being fragmental and richly fossiliferous; some unit with unconformity.
local dolomitization is present. Miliolids, algae, and Remedios*(?) Formation. — This unit has not been
mollusks are abundant. Bauxite has been reported in specifically identified in this belt. The presence of
the Cenomanian. Maastrichtian faunas reported by Pszczólkowski (1978)
Truitt (1956a, b) was more precise in characterizing in the Guajaibón Formation was not confirmed; how-
this belt’s lithologies and estimated the total exposed ever, the presence of abundant Remedios* Formation
thickness at not more than 1000 ft (300 m). Pszczólk- clasts in Eocene conglomerates of the Bahia Honda
owski (1978) gives a thickness of 1250 ft (380 m) at the belt, immediately to the north, as well as in the Caca-
Pan de Guajaibón type section and estimates a maxi- rajı́cara Formation to the south, suggest its presence,
mum of 1650 ft (500 m). The following is Truitt’s de- or that it was deposited and subsequently eroded.
scription (see Figure 89). It must be emphasized that the Gulf’s Remedios*
146 / Pardo
Formation (as opposed to the general Remedios lithol- conglomerates containing blocks of ultrabasic and
ogy) has a characteristic Paleocene microfacies easily basic igneous, volcanic, and sedimentary rocks in a
recognizable in clasts. clay matrix (Vieja Member).
Manacas Formation. — This name includes several This unit was named Quiñones* Formation by
related lithologic units with highly variable thick- Truitt (1956a, b), who assigned it to the Maastrichtian.
nesses. They range from 300 to ±1500 ft (100 to ±500 Hatten (1957) named the same flysch in Los Organos
m), of basic igneous-derived sandstone, and shales, belt the Pinar Group (including the Pica Pica and
argillaceous red to white limestones (Pica Pica Manacas Members, the ‘‘Vieja wildflysch,’’ and the
Member), and coarse and medium heterogeneous ‘‘Canaletes chert’’) and named part of Truitt’s Qui-
limestone (and chert) conglomerates and orogenic ñones* the Cascarajı́cara (not Cacarajı́cara as presently
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 147
spelled) Formation and considered them lower Eocene side up, and the faulting direction could be either
and middle to upper Eocene, respectively. Pszczólk- northward or southward. As already mentioned, the
owski et al. (1975) considered the Pinar Group name Guajaibon–Sierra Azul belt is similarly right-side up
invalid and redefined it as the Pica Pica Formation, as- under the north-dipping basic igneous-volcanic Ba-
signing it to the Paleocene to middle Eocene. Orig- hia Honda belt. It should be noted that its thickness is
inally, the Cacarajicara Formation was considered to only a fraction of that of the Yaguajay* belt, with only
be in part equivalent to the Pica Pica; however, Push- parts of the Lower and Upper Cretaceous represented.
charovsky et al. (1988) and Pszczólkowski (1986a, b) Regardless of the thrusting direction, these outcrops
consider it as a distinct unit of Maastrichtian age. In suggest a Cretaceous, prethrusting, basic igneous-
his most recent article, Pszczólkowski (1999) follows volcanic–carbonate platform–deep basin succession.
the current usage, sanctioned by the Cuban Commis- If the thrusting responsible for the present config-
sion of the Paleogene, of naming the unit Manacas uration of the belts was from north to south, then a
Formation. Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) call it the Pica source of volcanics must have been present to the
Pica (Manacas) Formation and includes in it the Vieja north, within the carbonate bank province, which
wildflysch. This does not agree with Hatten’s (1957) would be surprising. If the thrusting was from south
original definition of the Manacas Formation. to north, then carbonate banks were far removed from
This flysch occurs in all the structural units of the the Bahamas, south of the deep basin and north of
Sierra de Guaniguanico, with a variable character re- the volcanics. The presence of bauxite in the Ceno-
flecting the underlying stratigraphy. In this belt, it manian suggests a proximity to volcanic activity.
has its thickest development and separates the bank Perhaps the Guajaibon–Sierra Azul belt represents
carbonates from the Bahia Honda area Cabaiguan* the remnants of Jurassic – Cretaceous isolated banks,
sequence rocks. It contains a large proportion of basic not connected to the Bahamas and surrounded by a
igneous-volcanic detritus. Compositionally and tem- deep-water environment; this is the situation with
porally, this unit is similar to the lower–middle Eo- the Jurassic limestones of the Catoche Knoll or the
cene Vega* Formation of central Cuba, although it is present Bermuda Island. The age of the base of these
considered to extend into the upper Paleocene. banks is somewhat questionable, but is believed to
The flysch problem will be further discussed, and the be at least Early Cretaceous. At any rate, the banks
Manacas Formation will be more completely described must have been fairly extensive and continuous to
under the northern Rosario belt section. have supplied the material for the Cacarajı́cara and
Guajaibon – Sierra Azul Belt Discussion. — Al- Manacas formations and other related detritals of the
though essentially nothing has been written about it northern Rosario and Bahia Honda belts. Perhaps these
in the recent literature (except the recognition of the banks were deposited over the continuation of the
existence of bank carbonates), the presence of the typ- Lower Cretaceous Rancho Veloz and La Rana base-
ical Yaguajay* belt lithologies structurally sandwiched ment highs.
between the basic igneous and volcanics of the Bahia As an explanation for the position of the carbonate
Honda belt, and the pelagic sediments of the northern banks, which is the reverse from that of central Cuba,
Rosario belt, is of extreme importance. Although in one can invoke opposing thrusting directions (north-
central Cuba, the Domingo* sequence can be found ward thrusting of the Bahia Honda belt over the car-
north of the Yaguajay* belt, the presence of Creta- bonate bank, followed by southward thrusting of both
ceous and possible Upper Jurassic platform car- over the previously thrusted complex of deep-water
bonates 280 km (173 mi) west of the westernmost basin sediments), but this would considerably com-
known occurrences of Bahamas Bank lithologies plicate the structural picture.
(Gulf Blanquizal-1 and Gulf-Chevron Cay Sal-1) is sur-
prising, although similarity of facies and fauna should Northern Rosario Belt
not be automatically interpreted as suggesting paleo- The name Rosario was derived from a range char-
geographic continuity. acterized by low rounded topography caused by the
The Quiñones unit of the northern Rosario belt presence of thin-bedded cherty and chalky limestones,
dips northward under the Lower to Upper Cretaceous and distinguished from the Los Organos (The Organs)
platform carbonates of the Guajaibon–Sierra Azul belt Mountains characterized by sheer cliffs of massive,
and consists almost entirely of a Neocomian through thick-bedded, limestone in a mature karst topography
lower Maastrichtian pelagic section related to the (mogotes). The original Rosario belt has been sub-
Cifuentes* belt of central Cuba. The section is right- divided for structural and stratigraphic reasons into
148 / Pardo
a northern and southern Rosario belt. The northern 5) Cangre unit. It is rather extensive and covers two-
Rosario belt corresponds quite well to the original defi- thirds of the northern Rosario belt. From east to
nition of belt or facies-structural zone. The sequence of west, La Serafina, Naranjo, Belen Vigoa units, and
this subdivision of Truitt’s Rosario* belt was defined by the southern Rosario belt underlie the Cangre.
Pszczólkowski (1977, 1978, 1994a, b, c, d; 1999). Between the Cangre and the Naranjo units, a large
The northern Rosario belt, as shown in Figure 90, elongated serpentine body exists. Everywhere, the
has been subdivided into several low-angle, mostly Sierra Chiquita unit overlies the Cangre unit. The
north-dipping thrust sheets or units; from lower to name Cangre has been used for the metamor-
higher, these are as follows: phosed equivalent of the Alturas de las Pizarras del
Sur area, or unit, of the Los Organos belt.
1) Belen Vigoa unit. This is the lowest of the sequence 6) Sierra Chiquita unit. Extending for the entire length
and overlies the southern Rosario belt. It is over- of the northern Rosario belt, it is underlain by
lain in the east by the Naranjo and in the west by the Cangre unit and the southern Rosario belt to
the Cangre units. the west. It is mostly overlain by the Quiñones
2) Naranjo unit. It generally overlies the Belen Vigoa unit and in the east by the Bahia Honda area of
unit and, to the east, the southern Rosario belt. the Cabaiguan* sequence.
From east to west, the Dolores, La Serafina, and 7) Quiñones unit. It is the highest unit of the se-
Cangre units overlie the Naranjo. quence. It extends for 45 km (27 mi) east-northeast
3) Dolores unit. It is limited to the eastern part of the of San Juan de Sagua immediately south of the
northern Rosario belt, where it overlies the Naranjo Cacarajı́cara* belt.
unit and is overlain by the La Serafina unit.
4) La Serafina unit. It is also limited to the eastern In addition, there is the Martin Mesa window, con-
part of the Rosario belt and is mostly underlain sisting of northern Rosario belt sediments surrounded
by the Dolores unit and overlain by the Cangre by basic igneous and volcanics of the northern Bahia
unit. Honda area and outcropping between Mariel and
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 149
Guanajay in western Habana province. The rocks ex- Northern Rosario Belt (Sensu Stricto). — This
posed in the Martin Mesa window are tectonically belt extends for 65 km (40 mi) from south of the
highly crushed and show no direct structural relation- Sierra de Cajalbana to Cayajabos, along the south
ships with any of the units of the northern Rosario flank of the Cacarajı́cara* belt. It has a wedge shape
belt. and is bound by what are considered to be major
The stratigraphic sections of the northern Rosario north-dipping faults. It fits the definition of belt in that
belt and the Martin Mesa window in western Habana it has a set of characteristic sequences and is bounded
province are described below. by faults. The section is as follows (see Figure 91).
150 / Pardo
The fauna consists of Cubaspidoceras sp., Micro- and horizontal and cross-laminations. Some of the
sphinctes sp., Pseudolissoceras sp., Butticeras sp., Para- sandstones reach 3 ft (1 m) in thickness. The domi-
dontoceras sp., Corongoceras sp., Protoncyloceras sp., nant component is poorly rounded quartz with sub-
Dickersonia sp., and Viñalesites sp. They, together with ordinate plagioclases and muscovite. They are con-
Chitinoidella sp., indicate an age ranging from the late sidered to be turbidites.
middle Oxfordian–early upper Oxfordian to Tithonian. This formation was named by Pszczólkowski
The presence of Calpionella sp. in the upper part of the (1977) and was formerly included in the upper part of
section indicates that La Zarza Member reaches the the Artemisa Formation. Truitt (1956a, b) recognized
upper Tithonian or Berriasian. it as a separate unit and named it Soroa Formation.
This unit grades into the overlying Sumidero Mem- The base of the Polier Formation has yielded Cal-
ber. It is equivalent to the upper Pimienta Member pionellopsis simplex, Calpionellopsis oblonga, and Calpio-
of the Jagua Formation and to the San Vicente, El nellites sp. The Polier Formation contains a rich
Americano, and lower Tumbadero members of the ammonite fauna, including Partschiceras infundibulum,
Guasasa Formation in the Mogotes area. It is equiv- Lytoceras cf. stephanensis, Biasaloceras cf. subsequens,
alent to the Jagüita*, Caguaguas*, and lower Capitolio* Macroscaphites cf. yvani, Leptoceras cf. studeri, Hamuli-
formations of central Cuba. However, it appears to nites parvulus, and Karsteniceras polieri, which indicates a
have been deposited in much deeper water than the Valanginian–Aptian age, although most of the depos-
Jagüita*. its are believed to be Hauterivian–Barremian.
Sumidero Member:— The Sumidero Member con- In the upper part of the Polier Formation is a dis-
sists of 150 – 650 ft (50 – 200 m) of a succession of tinct lithologic unit named the Roble Member.
micritic pink and brown limestones, interbedded light- Roble Member: —The Roble Member consists of
gray limestones and thin cherts, and finally, toward ±80 ft (±25 m) of thick- to medium-bedded, medium-
the top, gray to bluish gray micritic limestones inter- grained quartz sandstone. Most of the sandstone beds
bedded with thick, radiolarian cherts and laminated show graded bedding, cross-bedding, current marks,
limestones. Abundant calcified radiolaria exist. groove marks, and prod casts indicating an origin as
An abundant fauna exists characterized by Cal- turbidites coming from the northwest and north. Some
pionella alpina, Calpionella elliptica, Crassicolaria brevis, fine interbeds of shales exist, as well as a few micritic
Tintinnopsella cf. carpathica, Tintinosporella longa, limestones in the middle part of the member. At the top
Remaniella cadischiana, Calpionellopsis simplex, Calpio- of the member is a 3-ft (1-m) bed of detrital limestone.
nellopsis oblonga, and Calpionellites darderi. In addi- This unit contains only poorly preserved, unidenti-
tion, the ammonites Thurmaniceras cf. novhispanicus fiable fossils, and the age is considered Aptian–Albian
and Karsteniceras cf. subtilis have been identified. The based on the stratigraphic position.
age is considered Berriasian to Hauterivian. Although the contact is sharp, the Roble Member is
The contact with the overlying Polier Formation conformable with the overlying Santa Teresa Formation.
is conformable. This unit is equivalent to the upper The Polier Formation, especially the Roble Mem-
part of the Tumbadero and the Tumbitas Members ber, shows an influx of quartz sand with muscovite.
of the Guasasa Formation in Los Organos belt and to There could be a relationship with the deep-water
the Capitolio*, Sabanilla*, and Ronda* formations of Constancia* Formation of central Cuba of Aptian age,
central Cuba. which is quite unique in showing quartz and abundant
Polier Formation. —The Polier Formation consists muscovite. It is also very similar to and coeval with the
of thin-bedded micritic limestones interbedded with La Esperanza Formation of the La Esperanza belt.
sandstones and shales. The sandstones are best Lucas Formation. —The Lucas Formation (named
developed in the Sierra Chiquita and Cangre units, by Pszczólkowski, 1977) consists of 650–1000 ft (200–
where the formation is 650 – 1000 ft (200 – 300 m) in 300 m) of thin-bedded, gray micritic limestones inter-
thickness, decreasing to less than 100 ft (30 m) south- calated with hard, calcareous shales and marly shales.
ward in the Belen Vigoa unit. This unit is absent in the The limestones contain abundant aptychi, a few am-
southern Rosario belt. The lower part of the forma- monite imprints, and calcified radiolaria, and the unit
tion consists of thin-bedded gray micritic limestones is considered of upper Hauterivian to Barremian age.
interbedded with claystones and sandstones. The sand- It is comformably overlain by the Santa Teresa For-
stones are thin bedded, gray to dark gray, hard, fine- mation. It is in part equivalent to the Polier Formation
grained with calcareous cement. They show organic and is restricted to the Sierra Chiquita and Quiñones
and inorganic markings at the base, graded bedding, units. It is also equivalent and lithologically similar
152 / Pardo
to the Capitolio*, Ramblazo*, and Ronda* formations to and partially correlates with the Santa Teresa* For-
of central Cuba. mation (Cifuentes* belt) of central Cuba.
Buenavista group.— This name is not in use at pres- Carmita Formation. — The Carmita Formation
ent (Pszczólkowski, 1999). It consisted of 650–1300 ft consists of 0 –230 ft (0 – 70 m) of an interbedding of
(200 – 400 m) of an association of three lithologies; micritic limestones, cherts, and detrital limestones,
cherts, limestones, and shales. which are calcareous turbidites, with graded bedding,
This group was formerly named the Buenavista containing common fragments of organisms, and rare
Formation by Pszczólkowski, 1977, 1978. It is subdi- foraminifera. They also contain occasional detritus of
vided into four formations; the Santa Teresa, Carmita, angular quartz, sandstone, graywacke, and plagioclase.
Pinalilla, and Moreno. The Buenavista Group was time This unit, whose name was originally established
equivalent to the upper Guasasa and most of the Pons in central Cuba, was called the ‘‘Limestone and Chert
Formation in the Mogotes area. In the Rosario belt, it Member’’ of the Buenavista Formation by Pszczólkowski
was mapped by Truitt (1956a, b) as the Carmita* (1977, 1978). It was recognized and mapped as Carmita
Formation of central Cuba because of its lithologic Formation by Truitt (1956a, b).
similarity and time equivalence, and he recognized This member is typical of the northern Rosario belt
the change to the dominantly chert Santa Teresa* and is particularly well developed in the Sierra Chi-
Formation facies toward the Mogotes area. quita, Cangre, and La Serafina units. It is only partially
Santa Teresa Formation. — The Santa Teresa Forma- present because of erosion in the Belen Vigoa, Naranjo,
tion consists of up to 130 ft (40 m) of green, thin- and Dolores units. It is absent in the Quiñones unit.
bedded, and laminated radiolarian cherts and silicified The planktonic fauna indicates a Cenomanian –
argillite at the base, turning into red to reddish brown Turonian age; however, in the upper part of the forma-
cherts toward the top. tion, which is commonly barren of fossils (or only con-
This unit, the name of which was originally es- tains unidentifiable ones), a fauna of Archeoglobigerina
tablished in central Cuba, was formerly named the cf. cretacea, Globotruncana cf. linneiana, and Rugoglo-
Sabanilla Member of the Buenavista Formation and bigerina sp. has been found, suggesting a Coniacian–
was included in the lower member of the now invalid lower Santonian(?) age.
Sierra Azul Formation by Pszczólkowski (1977, 1978). This unit is lithologically similar to and correlates
It is synonymous with the Panchita Formation of with the Carmita* Formation (Placetas* and Cifuentes*
the La Esperanza unit. It was mapped as part of the belts) of central Cuba.
Carmita* Formation by Truitt (1956a, b), although Pinalilla Formation. — The Pinalilla Formation (orig-
he recognized that locally, it was more similar to inally named the Pinalilla Member of the now in-
the Santa Teresa. valid Sierra Azul Formation by Pszczólkowski, 1977,
This unit contains a fauna of Ticinella sp., indicat- 1978) consists of a 560-ft (170-m)-thick, massive, thick-
ing an Albian to lower Cenomanian age. A sample of bedded, gray-green micritic limestone. The fauna con-
the Polier Formation immediately below the Santa sists of planktonic foraminifera and radiolaria that in-
Teresa yielded Nannoconus wassalli and Nannoconus dicate a Turonian age. It is confined to the Quiñones
cf. carniolensis latus, indicating an Aptian age. A unit. The contact with the Santa Teresa and Moreno
sample at the top of the formation yielded Rotalipora formations is sharp, but appears transitional.
appenninica, Rotalipora cf. reicheli, Rotalipora cf. cush- Moreno Formation. — The Moreno Formation con-
mani, Praeglobotruncana stephani, Praeglobotruncana sists of 0– 800 ft (0– 240 m) of argillite, polymictic
cf. delrioensis, Hedbergella cf. delrioensis, and Schackoina sandstones, and marly detrital limestones. The lower
sp., indicating an upper Cenomanian age. The age part of the section is dominated by argillites inter-
therefore ranges from the Aptian through the Cen- bedded with limestones. Toward the top, the lime-
omanian. It grades upward into an interbedding of stones become rare, and sandstones and conglomer-
limestones and cherts characteristic of the Carmita ates containing clasts of volcanics, all interbedded
Formation, but in some units (mostly in the southern with the shales, appear. Intercalations of green dacitic
Rosario belt), it has been subject to erosion and is un- tuffs are also present.
conformably overlain by the Cacarajı́cara Formation. This formation was formerly named the Moreno
This formation appears in all the units of the north- Member of the Buenavista Formation and included
ern and southern Rosario belts. in the upper member of the now invalid Sierra Azul
The formation is equivalent to the Pons Formation Formation by Pszczólkowski (1977, 1978) and was in-
of the Mogotes area. This unit is lithologically similar cluded in the Carmita* Formation by Truitt (1956a, b).
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 153
This member is well developed in the Cangre and This unit was named Quiñones* Formation by
Quiñones units. It is present in all other units, with Truitt (1956a, b) and assigned to the Maastrichtian.
the exception of Belen Vigoa. Hatten (1957) named the same flysch in Los Organos
The following microfauna has been identified: belt the Pinar Group and named part of Truitt’s
Dicarinella cf. concavata, Dicarinella cf. imbricata(?), Quiñones* the Cascarajı́cara (not Cacarajı́cara as
Marginotruncana pseudolinneiana, Marginotruncana cf. presently spelled) Formation and considered them
marginata, Globotruncana mariei, Globotruncana arca, lower Eocene and middle to upper Eocene, respectively.
Globotruncana saratogensis, Globotruncana ventricosa, The Pinar Group name was considered invalid by
Globotruncana linneiana, Globotruncana cf. linneiana- Pszczólkowski et al. (1975), who redefined it as the
mariei, Globotruncana cf. bulloides-linneiana, Globotrun- Pica Pica Formation and assigned it to the Paleo-
cana cf. tricarinata, Globotruncana cf. insignis-orientalis, cene to middle Eocene. Originally, the Cacarajicara
Globotruncanita elevata, Globotruncana cf. elevata, Glo- Formation was considered to be in part equivalent to
botruncana stuartiformis, Globotruncana cf. stuartiformis, the Pica Pica; however, Pushcharovsky et al. (1988)
Globotruncana calcarata, Globotruncana cf. subspinosa, and Pszczólkowski (1986a, b) consider it as a distinct
Globotruncana cf. stuarti, Rosita fornicata, Rosita cf. pa- unit of Maastrichtian age. It was formerly included
telliformis, Archaeoglobigerina cretacea(?), Hedbergella in the now invalid ‘‘calcareous breccia,’’ ‘‘upper chert,’’
monmouthensis, Hedbergella cf. crassa, Plummerita hant- and Los Cayos members of the Buenavista Formation
keninoides(?), Rugoglobigerina cf. rugosa, Rugoglobigerina by Pszczólkowski (1977, 1978).
cf. pilula, Rugoglobigerina cf. pilula-rugosa, Rugotruncana Fragments of deep-water biomicrites, radiolarian
sp., Hastigerinoides sp., Globotruncanella sp., Globigerinel- cherts, dolomites, shales, sandstones, quartzites, and
loides sp., Schackoina cf. cenomana, Sulcoperculina cf. volcanics are also present. The terrigenous material
diazi, Sulcoperculina cf. globosa, Vaughanina cf. cubensis, forms up to 5%, and the volcanic fragments form up
Pseudorbitoides sp., Orbitoides(?) sp., Sulcorbitoides(?) sp., to 2% of the clasts. The matrix is sparse and consists of
Nummoloculina heimi, Stomiosphaera sphaerica, Pitho- fine detritals. The upper part of the formation is fine
nella ovalis, Pithonella cf. trejoi, and Globochaete sp. grained and can be well bedded.
This fauna indicates a Santonian(?) to Campanian age, The fauna consists of Omphalocyclus cf. macroporus,
but mostly Campanian. Globotruncana arca, Globotruncana bulloides, Globotrun-
This formation exhibits an unconformable con- cana lapparenti, Globotruncana linneiana, Globotruncana
tact with the overlying Cacarajı́cara Formation. ventricosa(?), Globotruncanita calcarata, Globotruncanita
The Moreno Formation shows great similarity with stuarti, Globotruncanita cf. conica, Rosita patelliformis,
the Corona* Formation of the Placetas* belt. In cen- Rosita fornicata, Rosita cf. contusa, Gansserina ganseri(?),
tral Cuba, the Corona* Formation is considered Globigerina stuarti, Rugoglobigerina scotti, Rugoglobiger-
Santonian to Maastrichtian and is equivalent to the ina rugosa, Pseudotextularia elegans, Sulcoperculina cf.
Amaro* Formation. It could be, however, older than globosa, Sulcoperculina cf. diazi, Sulcoperculina dicker-
the Amaro* because the Amaro* is not present (eroded?) soni(?), Abathomphalus cf. mayaroensis, Racemiguembe-
in the Placetas* belt, and the Corona* is overlain by lina fructicosa(?), Globotruncanella havanensis, Globotrun-
younger Tertiary. canella minuta, Plummerita hantkeninoides, Lepidorbitoides
Cacarajı́cara Formation. — The Cacarajı́cara Forma- sp., Pseudorbitoides sp., and Vaughanina sp., indicating
tion consists of 330–1475 ft (100–450 m) of limestone an upper Maastrichtian age. The upper sedimentary
and chert breccia grading up into a coarse calcarenite. contact of this formation with the Ancón has been
Most of the fragments consist of shallow-water lime- observed in a few sections; however, the contact is
stones containing algae, rudists, echinoids, miliolids, commonly tectonic.
and large foraminifera. The lower part of the forma- This unit is best developed and is thickest in the
tion, named the Los Cayos Member, can be chaotic northern Rosario belt, where it outcrops continuously
and contain very large clasts; the limestone compo- for 53 km (32 mi) in the Sierra Chiquita unit. It is
nents can reach 4 ft (1.3 m) and are richly fossiliferous absent in the Quiñones unit. It correlates with and is
with benthonic foraminifera and rudists. A block of lithologically very similar to the Amaro* Formation
chert 16 ft (5 m) wide has been observed. Olistoliths (Cifuentes* belt) of central Cuba. It is also similar and
of Santa Teresa Formation (formerly called the ‘‘up- coeval with the Peñalver Formation of northern Cuba.
per chert’’ member of the Buenavista Formation) Ancón Formation.—The Ancón Formation reaches a
exist. The blocks are tightly packed with no visible maximum of 325 ft (100 m), but is commonly 65–100 ft
matrix. (20 – 30 m) thick. It consists of micritic limestones
154 / Pardo
containing planktonic foraminifera and radiolaria monly present in the formation. Much of the ma-
characterized by a reddish or greenish gray color. terial seems to be made up of angular quartz and
Truitt (1956a, b) named this unit first from the Finca feldspar grains and fine volcanic rock fragments;
Ancón locality. Hatten (1957) also named an Ancón all this is enclosed in a matrix of silt and clay.
Formation from the same type locality. Truitt consid- Common greenish gray shale horizons are found
ered the age Upper Cretaceous, whereas Hatten con- interbedded with the graywackes; some of these
sidered it lower Eocene. From the descriptions, they are have been reported to be tuffaceous. Besides the
certainly the same unit, and Truitt’s age must have above graywackes and lithic wackes, some pebbly
been based on the abundant reworked fauna. conglomerates also exist with angular limestone
The following fauna has been reported: Morozovella clasts of a bank and near-reef type, dolomite, and
pseudobulloides, Morozovella cf. trinidadensis-precursoria, rounded volcanics of olivine basalt and some in-
Morozovella uncinata, Morozovella cf. angulata, Morozo- termediate porphyritic rocks. Also present are
vella cf. acuta(?), Morozovella cf. aequa, Morozovella cf. coarse grains of angular felspar and quartz. Or-
velascoensis-acuta, Planorotalites compressa, Planorota- ganic material is sparse in the Manacas; the ratio
lites cf. pseudomenardii, Acarinina cf. soldadensis, Acar- of sediment to fossil remains is high. This seems
inina cf. brodermani, Globigerina cf. triloculinoides, and to be a typical characteristic of flysch deposits of
Globigerina chascanonna. The age is considered upper the Alpine type.
Paleocene–lower Eocene. On the strength of the presence of Globigerina
In places, the upper part of the formation is char- cf. bulloides, this unit is considered lower Eocene
acterized by reddish, marly limestones that grade into in age.
the overlying red or yellow shales of the Manacas For- 2) Vieja Wildflysch — The Vieja Wildflysch is made
mation. In one locality, the lower part of the Ancón up of dark greenish grey to grayish blue green
Formation contains thinly interbedded polymictic highly sheared serpentinized rock. This serpenti-
sandstones and red shales. The red calcisiltite of the nized rock has been observed to have many
Ancón Formation has been observed filling fractures varied textures. Sometimes relic crystals of ensta-
in the underlying Cacarajı́cara Formation. tite(?) up to 3 mm in size can be seen. More often
The Ancón Formation has been identified in the the serpentine is very fine grained to aphanitic.
Naranjo, Dolores, La Serafina, and Quiñones units. Many ‘exotic’ blocks of amphibolite, actinolite
Manacas Formation. — The Manacas Formation garnet schists, and hornblende-quartz rocks are
consists of 1500 ft (500 m) to a few tens of feet of enclosed by the serpentinized rock. These meta-
dominantly shales, sandstones, and limestones in the morphics are of unknown origin. Some large
lower part and chaotic megaconglomerates and blocks of sharpstone conglomerate with abun-
breccias (olistostromes) in the upper part. dant limestone clasts are frequently found. Blocks
There have been differences of opinion as to the of the metamorphics as well as the conglomerate
classification of these deposits. They have been de- have been seen as large as 6 to 8 feet in diameter.
scribed under the names of Pinar Group, Manacas, Hatten’s Vieja wildflysch, which is intimately
Pica Pica, and Quiñones* formations, Vieja wildflysch related to the base of the basic igneous-volcanic
(also referred to as the ‘‘Big Boulder bed’’), and Canaletes thrust sheet, could be a mixture of a true orogenic
chert. conglomerate and serpentine with exotics, which
Hatten (1957) named the Pinar Group and divided it is common in the lower Domingo* sequence of
into the Manacas Formation, the Vieja wildflysch central Cuba.
(Big Boulder bed), and the Canaletes chert. They 3) Canalete Cherts—The cherts are generally dark
were described as follows: grey but weather to light grey. Bedding is generally
well developed with beds uniformly near 1 cm in
1) Manacas Formation — Graywackes and lithic thickness. Between individual beds, a thin, approxi-
wackes predominate in the Manacas Formation. mately 2 to 3 mm, siliceous shale bed occurs.
The sequence is marine. The color of the weath- Radiolaria are abundant to common in the cherts
ered outcrop is generally light olive brown; how- and shales. No diagnostic fauna has been found
ever, some horizons are light olive to pale green. in the cherts or shales. The exact stratigraphic
Bedding is poorly developed. The sediments are position is therefore uncertain. From field obser-
poorly sorted, ranging from 2 mm (0.08 in.) to vations, there is considerable evidence that the
material the size of silt. Graded bedding is com- cherts are associated with the Pinar Group.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 155
Truitt (1956a, b) described a unit that he named He did not, however, include the chaotic rocks (capas
the Quiñones* Formation showing great similarity to de grandes bloques) in the Pica Pica Formation. However,
Hatten’s Pinar Group description. It consists of basic Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) use the name of Pica Pica
igneous-derived conglomerate, sandstone, shale and (Manacas) Formation, which is defined as including
siltstone. Dirty argillaceous red white limestone. Coarse olistostromes.
and medium fragmental heterogeneous orbitoid lime- More recently, Pszczólkowski (1994d) has renamed
stone and limestone conglomerate. Dark brown and most of the Pinar Group the Manacas Formation. He
black thin-bedded cherts near the base. Rare basalt subdivides it into the lower Pica Pica and upper Vieja
porphyry. Near the top are enormous tectonically jum- members and considers the Canaletes chert invalid.
bled blocks of actinolite schist, serpentine, diabase, He describes the section as follows.
spilite, tuff, and assorted flow rocks mixed with the Pica Pica Member: — Consists of several feet to
sediments. These blocks are probably a very coarse 325 ft (a few to 100 m [330 ft]) of interbedded yellow
orogenic conglomerate. weathering clay-shales, graywacke sandstones, marly
Truitt considered his Quiñones* Formation to be limestones, and detrital limestones.
of Maastrichtian age (possibly on account of the abun- This member contains an abundant foraminifera
dant reworked fauna) and, unlike Hatten’s Manacas, fauna in which the following forms have been iden-
included in it the chaotic megaconglomerates. tified: Morozovella aequa, Morozovella brodermani,
Pszczólkowski et al. (1975) proposed the name Pica Morozovella cf. crassata (spinulosa), Morozovella cf.
Pica Formation to replace Hatten’s Manacas and pseudobulloides, Morozovella cf. velascoensis-acuta, Moro-
Canaletes cherts. Piotrowska (1975) describe the Pica zovella cf. subbotina, ‘‘Globorotalia’’ cf. perclara, Planor-
Pica at the type locality as calcareous shales and sand- otalites cf. pseudoscitula (convexa), Planorotalites com-
stones (10.0 m), interbedding of polymict sandstones pressa, Planorotalites cf. pseudomenardii, Pseudohastigerina
and grey micritic limestones (2.5 m), light grey and red cf. wilcoxensis, Acarinina cf. soldadensis, Globigerina cf.
micritic limestones (2.5 m), calcarenites with tuffa- triloculinoides, and Chiloguembelina sp. This assem-
ceous material (3.0 m), green tuffaceous shales (8.0 m), blage suggests an upper Paleocene–lower Eocene age.
interbedding of polymict sandstones with shale and In addition, abundant reworked Cretaceous forami-
cherts (15.0 m), thin bedded red chert (5.0 m), polymict nifera exist. This member grades into the overlying
sandstones interbedded with breccias and shales Vieja Member and is in part equivalent to the Ancón
(20.0 m). Higher up in the section chaotic rocks ap- Formation.
pear. The thickness of the Pica Pica Formation in the Vieja Member: —The Vieja Member consists of up
stratotype is 85 m. to ±1300 ft (400 m) of a silty and argillaceous matrix
At the co-type locality it is described as yellow shales in which are embedded pebbles to large blocks of sed-
with sandstones with graywacke composition (6.0 m), imentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks. Common-
a breccia with limestone and chert fragments (2.5 m), ly, the lower part of the section contains limestones
shales and graywacke sandstones (up to 30.0 m) and in and chert breccias containing abundant Campanian–
the upper part, volcanic rocks (diabase and andesite) Maastrichtian foraminifera, with little terrigenous
and tuffaceous rocks (30.0 m). The total thickness material. In the upper part of the member are large
of the Pica Pica Formation in this section is almost olistoliths (reaching several hundred meters) where
80 m. These rocks are overlain by chaotic rocks. (Note: serpentine dominates. Large olistoliths of interbedded
The position of the volcanics in the Pica Pica Forma- basalts and cherts also exist, containing well-preserved
tion is not clear. The contact could be tectonic or they radiolaria, very similar to the Encrucijada Formation
could belong to the chaotic rocks.) of the Bahia Honda belt. Metamorphic blocks are also
This unit contains abundant reworked Upper Cre- present, including eclogitic ophiolites and garnet am-
taceous foraminifera and a scarce Paleogene fauna. phibolites. Most blocks are strongly deformed (espe-
Globorotalia cf. velascoensis has been found in the cially serpentine and pelagic limestones), indicating
lower limestones of the formation. Therefore, the violent tectonic activity prior to inclusion in the de-
age was believed to range from the upper Paleocene posit. The components of the breccias and conglom-
through the lower Eocene. erates at the base of the member commonly reflect
Pszczólkowski (1982) considered Hatten’s Manacas the composition of the rocks of the belt they are asso-
Formation to be the lower Manacas Member of the ciated with, whereas the igneous, metamorphic, and
Pica Pica Formation and the Canalete chert to be volcanic components are commonly concentrated to-
an informal upper member of the same formation. ward the top. No indigenous fossils have been found,
156 / Pardo
but this unit is considered lower–middle Eocene. The As already mentioned, the Manacas Formation is
upper contact is always tectonic. present in all the belts of the Guaniguanico Range
The presence of ‘‘Manacas chert,’’ which was some- with the exception of the La Esperanza belt and the
what puzzling in such an environment, is explained Quiñones unit of the northern Rosario belt. This is
as large olistoliths of an older chert section that slid in contrast with central Cuba, where the Vega* is re-
into the basin in front of the advancing thrust and stricted to the Las Villas* and northern belts. Perhaps
has chaotically mixed within the Vieja wildflysch. the Miguel* Formation, underlying the Domingo* se-
It should be noted that on maps, the Pica Pica, quence, is a somewhat equivalent facies of the Pica
Manacas, and Quiñones* formations and the Pinar Pica Member.
Group all have a similar distribution and, therefore, Northern Rosario Belt (Martin Mesa Window).—
are synonymous in their practical usage. This window, containing the northern Rosario belt
It is very important to note that Truitt’s (1956a, b), sediments surrounded by basic igneous and volcanics
Hatten’s (1957), and the most recent of Pszczólkowski’s of the Bahia Honda belt, extends for 15.7 km (9.7 mi)
(1994d) descriptions convey the impression of the Vega* between Mariel and Guanajay in the western Habana
and Rosas* Formation flysch of central Cuba; they province (see Figure 92).
obviously depict the destruction of an advancing ba- The sediments within the window are tectonically
sic igneous-volcanic front with its detritus caught in very disturbed, and for this reason, the entire section
successive, stacked, thrust sheets. has been named the Martin Mesa Group with no
On the basis of regional considerations, the Manacas formal subdivisions.
Formation probably correlates with the San Martin*, Martin Mesa group. — This unit is considered a tec-
Vega*, and Rosas* formations of central Cuba and tonic complex. It consists of thin-bedded, sometimes
the Paleocene–lower (middle?) Eocene versus lower– massive, gray micritic limestones. The limestones are
middle Eocene age assignments probably have more to associated with medium-grained, brownish gray sand-
do with the vagaries of paleontological determinations stones and calcareous slates. In places, the sandstones
than true age differences. are dominant.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 157
The fauna consists of Nannoconus sp., Ticinella sp., of quartz turbidites of the Roble Member of the
Stomiosphaera sp., Pithonella sp., Rotalipora appenni- Polier Formation, probably flowing along the axis
nica, Rotalipora cushmani, Globigerinelloides sp., and of the basin, possibly from northwest to south-
radiolaria. The age is considered Albian to Turonian, east. This quartzose material, with subordinated
although it could extend down into the Neocomian. feldspars and muscovite, probably extended as far
This unit appears to be made of Artemisa and Polier as the Constancia* Formation of central Cuba. As
Formation components. will be seen later, these clastics probably correlate
The Martin Mesa Group (including some Upper with those of the La Esperanza Formation in the
Jurassic) has been found in several wells in northern La Esperanza belt.
Cuba where it has been correlated with the Placetas- 5) Cenomanian to lower Maastrichtian. The Buena-
Camajuani zone (Las Villas* – Cifuentes* belt) of cen- vista Group is a complex unit that is probably not
tral Cuba. well understood. It is still of probable deep-water
According to Pszczólkowski (1999), the EPEP Martin origin with cherts, micritic limestones, and detrital
Mesa-1 well was spudded in the Via Blanca Formation limestones to polymictic carbonate and chert brec-
and encountered the Lower Cretaceous Polier Forma- cias. Some volcanic-derived sandstones exist.
tion at 2460–5250 ft (750–1600 m), drilled across a 6) Upper Maastrichtian. This time interval is repre-
thrust into the Campanian–Maastrichtian Cacarajicara sented by up to 2100 ft (700 m) of graded frag-
Formation to 4105 ft (1800 m), and back into the Polier mental carbonate of the Cacarajı́cara Formation.
to the total depth of 9350 ft (2850 m). This is an unusual detrital carbonate bed similar
Northern Rosario Belt Discussion. — This belt is to and contemporaneous with the Amaro* For-
characterized by tholeiitic basalts interbedded with a mation of central Cuba.
relatively shallow-water Oxfordian sedimentary sec- 7) Upper Paleocene to lower–middle Eocene. The Manacas
tion, overlain by a complete Late Jurassic, Cretaceous, Formation is found capping most sections near
and early Paleogene section. fault zones in the same way as the Vega* Forma-
tion does in central Cuba. Its absence between the
1) Middle and early Upper Jurassic. Nothing is known southern Rosario and the Guajaibon–Sierra Azul
about these sediments because they do not occur belts requires an explanation.
in this belt. Their absence might be entirely caused
by structural reasons, although the possibility exists It appears that the northern Rosario belt represents
that they were never well developed in this area or a post–San Cayetano–rifted basin that received an
were displaced by a younger oceanic basement. influx of quartzose clastics during the upper part of
2) Middle Oxfordian– upper Oxfordian. This period of the Lower Cretaceous; this appears to be a regional
time is represented by outpourings of tholeiitic Cuban phenomenon because the same sequence of
basalts, believed to be representative of a passive events can be observed in central Cuba. During the
margin’s rifting episode. The limestones inter- upper Maastrichtian, it also received a large influx of
bedded with the basalts indicate shallower than turbiditic clastics from an unknown but obviously
deep pelagic, reducing, and quiet water conditions. large source of shallow-water carbonates, which also
They were possibly less than 1000 ft (300 m) deep, appears to be of a regional nature.
but somewhat deeper than those in the Mogotes
area. La Esperanza Belt
3) Upper Oxfordian –Tithonian. A marked deepening This belt extends along the north coast of Pinar
of the basin exists in this belt accompanied by del Rio for 105 km (65 mi) between Rio Blanco and
carbonate deposition, contrasting with shallower Mantua, averaging less than 3 km (1.8 mi) in width
conditions of the Mogotes area. The outpour- over most of its length. In southwesternmost Pinar
ing of submarine basalts continued through the del Rio, it is repeated by folded faults. It is believed
Tithonian as indicated by their presence in the La to be the western equivalent of the northern Rosario
Esperanza belt. belt, possibly the lower units (see Figure 93).
4) Berriasian to Albian. Deep-water pelagic sedimen- This belt was recognized (but not defined) by Truitt
tation continued near the carbonate compen- (1956a, b); he gave it the informal name of ‘‘north-
sation depth (CCD) or 3500 – 4500 m (11,482 – western Rosario* belt.’’ Hatten (1957) also recognized
14,763 ft) as indicated by the appearance of cherts it and gave it the name ‘‘La Esperanza.’’ Both Truitt
and abundant radiolarians. There was an influx (1956a, b) and Hatten (1957) considered it as being
158 / Pardo
related, but with a much higher percentage of Cre- lated by Truitt (1956a, b) and Ducloz and Vaugnat
taceous clastics, to the sequences of the Rosario belt. (1962), but is a different tectonic unit. Pardo (1975)
Pszczólkowski (1976a, b, 1977, 1978) considered it a considered it part of the Bahia Honda belt, but it could
major, distinct structurofacies zone. Pszczólkowski also represents ultrabasics (El Sabalo?) associated with
(1999) does not consider it part of the Guaniguanico the La Esperanza belt. The serpentine could be related
terrane, although he considers it equivalent to the to the Vieja Member, although the Manacas Forma-
northern Rosario belt. Most of the published descrip- tion is not shown.
tions are poor and incomplete, in part because of In general, no good published description of the
poor exposures, but mostly due to the fact that the section exists. Some of the reports are conflicting, and
best data are from drilling because the information much of the information is sketchy. Truitt (1956a, b)
supplied by EPEP is scarce and of poor quality when remarked that in the area north of the Organos* belt
available; they commonly ignore the existing litho- west of La Palma almost all the limestones of the
stratigraphic nomenclature. Rosario* belt are missing and the sandstones and
Toward the southwestern end of the belt, Push- shales of the Cayetano Formation are overlain by the
charovsky et al. (1988) show several serpentine and sandstones, shales, and cherts of the Lower and Up-
gabbro bodies associated with this unit; some are per Cretaceous. The sandstones and shales are all de-
shown in fault contact with the sediments, but others rived from an acid igneous source, probably from the
are not. The largest one, the ‘‘Cabeza de Horacio same source, and except for the interbedded cherts in
window,’’ is a generally oval-shaped body, 2 5.5 km the Upper Cretaceous, are almost impossible to sep-
(1.2 3.4 mi) of folded gabbro and serpentine arate into age groups. Furthermore, the exposures of
present south of Dimas. Originally, it was thought this part of the Rosario* belt are very poor, and most
that it was surrounded by the San Cayetano Forma- of the area is covered. Towards the west, towards Santa
tion. However, Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) show that Lucia, the interbedded cherts are missing, and it is
it is associated, and partially surrounded, by the La unknown whether the belt continues to the west as a
Esperanza Formation. It is not an intrusive as postu- solid sandstone and shale belt, representing both
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 159
the Jurassic and Cretaceous time, or whether the only Several wells, 10,827–18,144 ft (3300–5532 m) deep,
rocks exposed are the Cayetano Formation. have been drilled in this belt: EPEP Esperanza-1 and
Pszczólkowski (1978) states that there are some 2, EPEP San Ramon-1, EPEP Dimas-1, and EPEP Los
deposits in the La Esperanza Zone in which facies are Arroyos-1 and 2. Kuznetsov et al. (1985) and Cuba
similar to the Polier and Buenavista formations of the (1985a) published some incomplete information on
northern Sierra del Rosario. They probably represent some of these wells.
the Lower and Upper Cretaceous. These deposits con- Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) also provide some gen-
tain greater quantities of turbiditic sandstones than eral information. What has been published about this
are present in many sections of the Sierra del Rosario, belt can be summarized as follows (see Figure 94).
from which it can be inferred that there was a terrig- Basic igneous rock.—In the area north of Mantua
enous influx from the northwest in Early Cretaceous. and near the Cabeza de Horacio window are several
160 / Pardo
basic igneous bodies interbedded with the sediments wells would encounter autochthonous, shallow-water
of the La Esperanza Formation. They are not similar sediments at depth. The reports are written empha-
in character to El Sabalo Formation, although they sizing this aspect and minimizing the disturbed, deep-
are reported to be Tithonian to lowermost Creta- water turbiditic aspect.
ceous. Unfortunately, little information is available. The logs of EPEP Dimas-1, EPEP San Ramon-1, and
La Esperanza Formation (Santa Lucı́a Forma- EPEP Esperanza-2 are shown in Kuznetsov et al. (1985)
tion). — According to Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), it and in Cuba (1985a). The two sets of logs, which differ
consists of 3940 ft (1200 m) of interbedded sand- somewhat from each other, are very sketchy, but in-
stones, shales, and limestones of Tithonian through dicate that in the three wells, the section is repeated,
Neocomian age. and the Tithonian overrides the Neocomian. These
This unit is named a formation in Pushcharovsky logs show that the Tithonian (equivalent to the mid-
et al. (1988). It is informally referred to as a group by dle of the Guasasa and Artemisa formations) contains
Kuznetsov et al. (1985). approximately 50% sandstones and shales, and that
This section is described by Kuznetsov et al. (1985), the dolomites are present in the Neocomian. In EPEP
and their description unfortunately leaves much to Dimas-1, a ±3300-ft (±1000-m)-thick (unknown dip)
be desired (Spanish translation of a Russian paper). Paleogene chaotic breccia, containing gabbros and di-
However, they divide the section into three groups abase (very likely the Vieja Member of the Manacas
of lithologies that from the bottom to the top can Formation), was encountered at ±13,280 ft (4050 m),
be named: (a) carbonate-terrigenous complex (sandy- below what was supposed to be the lower La Espe-
shaly-carbonaceous), (b) terrigenous complex (sandy- ranza section. In the 1985 geologic map of Shien et al.,
shaly-carbonaceous), and (c) carbonate complex. In 1984, logs of only a few dips are shown, and most range
general, the section of the Esperanza Group contains from 40 to 758. In Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) the sur-
several types of limestones: micrites; biomicrites; face dips shown range from 30 to 908 with the major-
sandy, nodular, dolomitized limestones; dolomites ity in the high range. Although Kuznetsov et al. (1985)
with terrigenous material represented by calcareous considers it very important that the lower La Espe-
sandstones; quartziferous sandstones; and thin clay ranza section is little disturbed, there is no question
beds. The Esperanza Group shows lithologic variations that it has been involved in much deformation.
with the presence of carbonate rocks that contain do- The La Esperanza Formation, which is considered
lomite and anhydrite in the Puerto Esperanza wells. As by Pszczólkowski (1999) to be in part equivalent and
can be seen, this description leaves much to be de- similar to the Polier Formation, is conformable to, and
sired, but suggests a possibility of a shallower-water possibly in part equivalent with, the overlying Santa
environment of deposition with clastic influx. Teresa Formation.
Unfortunately, the descriptions do not mention Santa Teresa Formation. — The Santa Teresa For-
thicknesses, dips, type of fauna, microfacies, texture, mation (formerly locally named the Panchita Forma-
etc., and do not mention whether the anhydrite is in tion) consists of 325 – 650 ft (100 – 200 m) of typical
beds or just fills voids and fractures (it is probably frac- radiolarian cherts, shales, and tuffs with occasional
ture filling). Furthermore, no information is present sandstones. According to Truitt (1956a, b), the cherts
as to the nature of the dolomites. However, Kuznet- seem to disappear westward, and the entire section be-
sov et al. (1985) emphasize that they are similar to the comes clastic. If this is the case, the Santa Teresa For-
Perros Formation (understood to be the Cayo Coco* mation is time equivalent to the upper part of the La
Formation) of the Remedios zone. However, the pres- Esperanza Formation, and the clastics would reach
ence of polymict terrigenous material in the middle into the Upper Cretaceous. According to Pushchar-
of the section shows its similarity to the isochronous ovsky et al. (1988), it outcrops in the eastern part of
sections in the Sierra del Rosario (Sumidero, Polier, and the La Esperanza belt and has not been reported
Lucas formations), but these do not contain dolomites from the subsurface, although Kuznetsov et al. (1985)
and anhydrites. They emphasize the fact that the Neo- shows the chert symbol in the Neocomian of the
comian deposits of the La Esperanza are dissimilar from EPEP Esperanza-2 well.
those of the Sierra de los Organos, outcropping near La Esperanza Belt Discussion. — Obviously, not
the Puerto Esperanza wells. enough attention has been paid to this belt, and
According to some Cuban sources, there is a cer- much more work needs to be done. From the sparse
tain amount of politics involved; the La Esperanza descriptions in a few publications, it seems to be a
drilling program was based on the theory that the northwestern equivalent of the northern Rosario belt,
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 161
with a considerable increase in acid igneous-derived Organos belt, it did not fit the belt and facies-structural
clastics. It was considered as such by Truitt (1956a, b) unit concept. To the east, the belt was bounded by
and Hatten (1957) and, more recently, by Pszczólk- major faults from the northern Rosario belt; howev-
owski (1999). The source for these clastics is debat- er, the separation from the Pizarras del Norte unit of
able (Pszczólkowski, 1999, suggests Yucatan), but their the former Los Organos belt was very questionable
composition suggest that they might have had the (see Figure 95).
same origin as those of the San Cayetano Formation, Like the northern Rosario belt, it has been sub-
and in the Aptian–Albian, they spread out as far east divided into several structural units consisting of
as central Cuba (Constancia* Formation). superimposed, thrust fault slivers (scales) repeating
The relationship with the San Cayetano Forma- the section. These are, from bottom to top,
tion of the southern Rosario belt (Pizarras del Norte
subbelt) is more difficult to establish; no section has 1) San Francisco–Soroa windows. These small features
been described showing a sedimentary contact be- are believed to expose the uppermost part of
tween the San Cayetano and the La Esperanza forma- the lowest sheets in the Sierra del Rosario. Only
tions (the oldest reported La Esperanza is Tithonian, the Manacas Formation is exposed. La Zarza unit
and the youngest San Cayetano is middle Oxfordian). mostly surrounded the windows.
The only character in common is that the clastics of 2) La Zarza unit. It is the lowest, fully exposed unit
both formations seem to have a similar composition. and, from east to west, is overlain by the north-
It is possible that the La Esperanza Formation strat- ern Rosario belt, and the Los Tumbos, Cinco Pesos,
igraphically overlies the San Cayetano and belongs and Taco Taco units.
to the same major thrust sheet. If this were to be the 3) Taco Taco unit. It overlies the La Zarza and un-
case, the fault separating the Pizarras del Norte subbelt derlies the Cinco Pesos and Caimito units. In the
from the La Esperanza belt would be a relatively mi- west, La Zarza is exposed in a window.
nor imbrication. This could be supported by the ab- 4) Caimito unit. It overlies the Taco Taco and under-
sence of Manacas Formation between the La Esper- lies the Cinco Pesos, Los Bermejales, and El Ma-
anza belt and the Pizarras del Norte subbelt, although meyal units. The Caimito unit forms the axis of a
it has been found under the La Esperanza belt. How- broadly folded, northwest–southeast-trending
ever, the presence of El Sabalo-like volcanics suggests stack of thrust sheets.
that the San Cayetano might not be present under 5) Cinco Pesos unit. It is found on the northeastern
the La Esperanza Formation, and that the La Esper- flank of the Rosario belt and overlies the three
anza belt, like the northern Rosario belt, forms a ma- previously mentioned units. It is below the El
jor thrust sheet over the southern Rosario belt and the Mameyal, Niceto Perez, and Los Tumbos units.
Alturas de las Pizarras del Sur area. However, despite the It is also overlain by the northern Rosario belts.
presence of the Vieja Member below the La Esperanza 6) Los Tumbos unit. It is of small extent and overlies
Formation in EPEP Dimas-1, the possibility still exists the Cinco Pesos and La Zarza units and under-
that it is less displaced than the other nappes, in which lies the volcanic-sedimentary and the northern
case it would be related to the Gulf of Mexico, and its Rosario belts.
presence could contradict the southern origin of the 7) El Mameyal unit. East of La Palma, it overlies the
San Cayetano clastics. This problem will be discussed Caimito and Cinco Pesos units and underlies
later in this chapter. the northern Rosario belt; it overlies the Bahia
Honda area and La Esperanza belt. South and west
Southern Rosario Belt of La Palma, it overlies the Los Bermejales (Loma
In this study, the southern Rosario belt is defined Colorada), Loma del Puerto, La Paloma, and the
as including all the exposed sediments south of the northeastern Pizarras del Norte (La Llave, Loma
northern Rosario and La Esperanza belts and north del Muerto) units. It is the uppermost thrust sheet
of the window exposing the thrust units of the in the western part of the southern Rosario
Mogotes area. It therefore includes the former Pizarras belt.
del Norte. Pszczólkowski (1977) defined the sequence 8) Niceto Perez unit. It is a small sheet that over-
of this subdivision of Truitt’s Rosario belt. lies the Cinco Pesos and El Mameyal units and
The geographic distribution of the conventional underlies the northern Rosario belt. It is the
southern Rosario belt was more difficult to describe, uppermost sheet in the eastern part of the south-
and as already mentioned and like the former Los ern Rosario belt.
162 / Pardo
9) Los Bermejales (Loma Colorada) unit. It overlies from La Palma to Mantua and Guane to the
the Mogotes area and the Caimito unit and un- west. It approximately replaces the term Pizar-
derlies the El Mameyal unit. It appears to have a ras de Norte. It overlies the La Paloma unit and
structural position equivalent to that of the Cinco underlies the El Mameyal unit. It is in contact
Pesos unit. with, sometimes over or sometimes under, the
10) Loma del Puerto unit. It overlies the Mogotes La Esperanza belt. It structurally overlies the
subbelt and underlies the El Mameyal and La Sierra de los Organos belt.
Paloma units.
11) La Paloma unit. It overlies the Mogotes subbelt The composite exposed section, as shown in Figure 96,
and the Loma del Puerto unit and underlies the is as follows.
Loma del Muerto and El Mameyal units. San Cayetano Formation. — The San Cayetano
12) Loma del Muerto unit. In most of the recent pub- Formation consists of a thick monotonous section
lished information, including Pushcharovsky where shales, sandstones, and siltstones dominate.
et al. (1988), this unit is named Pizarras del Norte, Occasional interbeds of conglomerates and limestones
which is somewhat arbitrarily divided into the (commonly at the top) exist. The color is dark gray to
eastern Pizarras del Norte unit, belonging to the black when fresh, weathering to white, grayish
Los Organos belt, and the western Pizarras del orange, red, or grayish black. Bedding is exceptionally
Norte unit, belonging to the southern Rosario well developed, ranging from 1 mm (0.04 in.) laminae
belt. The contact between these two units is to 6 ft (2 m) thick. In outcrop, the formation is soft
poorly defined, with no clear reason given for the and porous; however, it is very hard and dense in the
distinction. The division appears unfounded, and subsurface. Some authors report a slightly metamor-
Pszczólkowski (1994a, b, c, d; 1999) replaces the phosed aspect.
term ‘‘Pizarras del Norte’’ by Loma del Muerto The original name was the Cayetano Formation
and La Paloma units belonging entirely to the given by DeGolyer (1918). The name was changed to
southern Rosario belt. In this study, it extends San Cayetano Formation by Schuchert (1935), Imlay
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 163
(1942), and others. The present usage is San Cayetano Formation. According to the map legend, unit A con-
Formation. tains sandstones, shales, and siltstones, whereas
This formation is well developed in the Pizarras del unit B is characterized by phyllitic carbonaceous
Norte subbelt, Loma del Puerto, La Paloma, Mameyal, schists, shale, siltstones, and limestones. The mean-
Cinco Pesos, and Taco Taco units. It is missing or poor- ing of this subdivision is not entirely clear; it appears
ly represented in the La Zarza unit to the east. to be a lithostratigraphic subdivision, but it does
Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) divide the San Cayetano not correspond to other descriptions. For instance,
into a lower unit A and an upper unit B or Castellanos Pszczólkowski (1977) and Haczewzki (1987) report
164 / Pardo
the sandier, and coarser, section to be near Soroa, in Cayetano is equivalent to the Jagua Formation of the
the eastern part of the southern Rosario belt, whereas Mogotes area. Consequently, the San Cayetano fa-
Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) show it to be the upper cies becomes younger from the Mogotes toward the
unit B, which is characterized by finer materials. If it is Rosario belt. It is not entirely clear whether the San
a true time division, the criterion for the assignment is Cayetano shown in Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) in-
unknown. The Pizarras del Norte subbelt contains cludes the western time equivalents of younger car-
mostly outcrops of unit B; however, outcrops of unit bonate units.
A also exist in the northwest of the subbelt. Note that Francisco Formation. —The Francisco Formation
the Castellanos Formation and the units A and B consists of a maximum of 80 ft (25 m) of shales, silt-
scheme were never formally described. stones, fine-grained limestones, and thin-bedded
In the Mameyal, Cinco Pesos, and Taco Taco units, sandstones. Sometimes, the shales contain limestone
the San Cayetano Formation is mostly described as concretions.
sandy-silty-shaly deep-water turbidite facies; a deep- This formation was named by Pszczólkowski (1976a,
water, coarse sand, fan facies is found toward the b). It was previously considered as the transition be-
east. Although up to 1500 ft (500 m) of San Caye- tween San Cayetano and Artemisa formations.
tano is exposed below the contact with the overlying A few ammonites have been found as well as fish
carbonates, only some ±650 ft (±200 m) have been and plant remains. Globochaetes sp. has been identi-
measured and described, which is a small percentage fied. The fauna indicates a late middle Oxfordian age.
of the possible thickness of the entire San Cayetano This unit occupies the same position as the Jagua For-
Formation. mation, but is of a discontinuous nature. This unit
The finer grained sediments are micaceous and con- represents a transition between the underlying San
tain occasional limestone beds. The coarse-grained Cayetano Formation and the overlying Artemisa For-
facies occurs in thick beds, with pebbles up to 2 in. mation. It is well developed over most of the belt
(5 cm), and in addition to quartz, they contain, as where the Artemisa Formation is present except for
minor components, shale fragments, sparry carbon- parts of El Mameyal unit, where the Artemisa overlies
ates (including dolomite), quartzite, chert, quartz- directly the coarse-grained development of the San
sericite schists, granitoids, and volcanics. Plant remains Cayetano. In the type area, at San Francisco, a 20-in.
are abundant. (50-cm) volcanic bed exists within the laminated lime-
Because of the intense deformation and the mo- stones interbedded with the sandstones. It consists
notonous nature of the section, no reliable thickness of basalt with albitized alkaline feldspars. This vol-
measurements exist. In the Matahambre mine, a min- canism correlates with the volcanics present in the
imum thickness of 5000 ft (1500 m) has been mea- metamorphosed Jagua Formation of the Pino Solo unit
sured. Khudoley and Meyerhoff (1971) give estimates and is believed related to the previously described El
ranging from 10,000–16,000 ft (3000–5000 m). Push- Sabalo Formation.
charovsky et al. (1988) show a thickness of more than Artemisa Formation.—This unit is well developed
12,500 ft (3800 m), including 2600 ft (800 m) for the in the eastern and southern part of this belt where
upper unit B. These estimates are compatible with the the La Zarza and Sumidero members are generally
fact that the San Cayetano Formation outcrops over present. However, in addition to the two above mem-
a large area. bers, the San Vicente Member of the Guasasa Forma-
It should be emphasized that in the southern Ro- tion (characteristic of the Mogotes area) intertongues
sario and Mogotes areas, the exposures of San Caye- with La Zarza Member. It is absent in the Pizarras del
tano that underlie the carbonates are relatively thin. Sur and the western part of the Pizarras del Norte
This could be a reflection of the original thickness of subbelts.
this formation. No San Cayetano has been reported San Vicente Member. —The San Vicente Member
in the EPEP Pinar-1 well. consists of up to 30 ft (10 m) of light-gray to black,
The Francisco or Artemisa Formation conformably massive and thick-bedded, partially dolomitized
overlie this unit. limestones with gray or black chert nodules. Micrites
In this part of the belt, the following ammonites commonly form the base, whereas calcarenites are
were collected from the upper part of the formation: present in the upper part.
Perisphinctes spathi, Glochiceras cf. subclausum, and This unit contains gastropods (Nerinea sp.), pelecy-
Ochetoceras sp., giving an Oxfordian age; however, pods, algal fragments, echinoid spines, and benthonic
there is good evidence that the upper part of the San foraminifera. This assemblage indicates shallow-water
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 165
conditions of deposition. Because of the San Vicente This member is well developed in all the tectonic
Member’s relation to other units, it is considered late units with the exception of the Taco Taco unit.
Oxfordian to early Tithonian. Ancón Formation. — It is present in the Loma del
La Zarza Member. — It has the same character as Puerto, Los Bermejales, La Paloma, Caimito, La Zarza,
in the northern Rosario belt and has its best de- and Cinco Pesos units.
velopment in the La Zarza and Cinco Pesos units. Manacas Formation. —This formation is present
Sumidero Member. — It has the same development in all the tectonic units of this belt, overlying all
as in the northern Rosario belt and is always present older rocks, along the trace of the faults separating
in the upper part of the Artemisa Formation. The age the units from each other.
has been determined to be Valanginian. Drilling. — EPEP Guanahacabibes-1. The 1985 geo-
The Santa Teresa Formation overlies the Artemisa logic map of Shien et al. (1984) shows a highly dia-
Formation (1) transitionally and (2) with a disconti- grammatic log of the EPEP Guanahacabibes-1 well
nuity (hiatus?). drilled on the shores of the Golfo de las Corrientes in
Buenavista group. —The term is not in use at southwesternmost Cuba. It shows that the well pen-
present (Pszczólkowski, 1999). It occurred in the south- etrated Lower–Middle Jurassic shales and siltstones,
ern and central parts of the belt (lower thrust sheets), under late Paleogene, at ±3345 ft (±1020 m) and slightly
where it used to consist of the Santa Teresa, Carmita, metamorphosed terrigenous sediments of the same
and Moreno formations. age at ±4840 ft (±1475 m) until total depth at 7223 ft
Santa Teresa Formation. — In this belt, the Santa (2202 m). This is obviously the San Cayetano. It could
Teresa Formation (formerly called Sabanilla Member represent the Cangre belt.
of the Buenavista Formation by Pszczólkowski, 1977, Southern Rosario Belt Discussion. —The south-
1978) can reach 130 ft (40 m) and contains abundant ern Rosario belt represents a transition between the
Rotalipora sp., Praeglobotruncana sp., Clavihedbergella northern Rosario belt and the Sierra de los Organos belt.
sp., Schackoina sp., and Hedbergella sp., indicating
a Cenomanian to lower Turonian(?) age. However, 1) Middle and early Upper Jurassic. In this belt, the
this unit is in contact with the Artemisa Formation; San Cayetano is very well developed. In the east-
therefore, here, it could range from Hauterivian to ern part of the belt, it mostly consists of slope
lower Turonian(?). However, it is questionable if the turbidites and coarse sandstone fan facies. In the
advent of such a characteristic chert section (observed northwestern part of the belt, shales and silt-
throughout the island), which is the result of large- stones tend to dominate, whereas in the south-
scale geologic events (submarine volcanism), can ern part, nearshore conditions seem to have pre-
be heterochronous. The base of the chert deposition vailed. Fossiliferous limestones are common in
could be an important time marker in the Aptian – the upper part of the unit, indicating shallower
Albian. It has been recognized in all the units of this conditions of deposition.
belt. 2) Middle Oxfordian. It is represented by a transition
Carmita Formation. — This limestone-chert between the clastics and the overlying Artemisa
formation (formerly called the Limestone and Chert Formation. A good development of shale exists
Member of the Buenavista Formation by Pszczól- with ammonite-bearing limestone concretions,
kowski, 1977, 1978) occurs sporadically and does not indicating a moderate depth of deposition with
contain detrital sediments. It has been recognized in quiet conditions. In some cases, the transition is
the Loma Del Puerto, Los Bermejales, La Paloma, sharp. Occasional volcanics are present, possibly
Caimito, La Zarza, and Cinco Pesos units. related to the El Sabalo Formation.
Moreno Formation. —This formation is mostly 3) Upper Oxfordian–Tithonian. This is as in the north-
absent and has been recognized only in the Loma Del ern Rosario belt. A marked deepening of the basin
Puerto and Los Bermejales units. exists in this belt, with deeper-water carbonate
Cacarajı́cara Formation. — This detrital unit, deposition contrasting with shallower conditions
formerly called Breccia Member of the Buenavista of the Mogotes area. However, near the base of
Formation by Pszczólkowski (1977, 1978), is well rep- the section are tongues of the shallow-water San
resented in here, where it is 6–100 ft (2–30 m) thick Vicente Member of the Guasasa Formation inter-
and overlies unconformably the Carmita or the Santa bedded with the deeper water limestones of the
Teresa Formation. It contains mostly limestone clasts Zarza Member of the Artemisa Formation, indi-
and subordinate chert fragments. cating a transition between the two belts.
166 / Pardo
4) Berriasian to Hauterivian. Deep-water pelagic sed- thrust sheets containing the massive carbonates of the
imentation continued near the CCD as indicated Sierra de los Organos, through the clastics of the south-
by the appearance of cherts and the abundant ern Rosario belt and Alturas de las Pizarras del Sur
radiolaria. area. It extends for 105 km (65 mi) from San Diego
5) Hauterivian to Albian. The deep-water sedimenta- de los Baños to Mantua and Mendoza. Its width is
tion continued with the deposition of limestones, commonly less than 8 km (4.9 mi) (see Figure 97).
cherts, and clays of the lower Buenavista Group, Its name is derived from the spectacular vertically
and unlike the northern Rosario belt, silicate de- faced limestone hills, named Mogotes, that form a
tritus is totally absent. median mountain range in the Sierra de Guanigua-
6) Cenomanian to lower Maastrichtian. The Buena- nico, the Sierra de los Organos. The name Mogotes
vista Group is not as well developed in this belt Area has been created for this study, but Pszczól-
as in the northern Rosario belt. It is of probable kowski (1978, 1987) described the section.
deep-water origin with cherts, micritic and de- Like the Rosario belt, this area has been subdivided
trital limestones, to polymictic carbonate and into several units, each representing the outcrops of a
chert breccias. Some volcanic-derived sandstones nearly horizontal thrust sheet with a characteristic
exist. stratigraphic sequence.
7) Upper Maastrichtian. This time interval is repre- The results of the deep EPEP Pinar-1 well in the Pons
sented by up to 100 ft (30 m) of graded fragmental Valley, in the central Mogotes area, have been recently
carbonate of the Cacarajı́cara Formation. published. A previously unknown, thick Upper Juras-
8) Upper Paleocene to lower–middle Eocene. The Ancón sic, shallow-water carbonate bank section has been
and the Manacas formations are found capping reported. The previously unknown lower part of the
many sections near fault zones. Valle de Pons unit has also been described. This
The southern Rosario belt exhibits marked differ- new information will be described separately in more
ences from the northern Rosario belt; it shows a very detail.
thick, possibly southern-derived, clastic section in These units, the outcrops of which are shown in
the Lower(?) and Middle Jurassic. No evidence of ex- Figure 97, are as follows.
tensive Upper Jurassic volcanism exists, and during
the upper Oxfordian, the carbonates were deposited 1) ‘‘Pinar-1’’ unit. It is the lowest unit and is only
in shallower waters. Furthermore, no silicate clastics known from the deep EPEP Pinar-1 well. The unit
exist in the Early Cretaceous. The upper Maastrich- has not been formally named, and the name
tian Cacarajı́cara breccias are not as well developed as ‘‘Pinar-1’’ is used only in this study. It underlies
in the northern Rosario belt. Like in other parts of the Valle de Pons unit, and its base is unknown.
Pinar del Rio, the Paleocene –middle Eocene Vieja 2) Valle de Pons unit. Its upper part is known from
tectonic conglomerates and breccias are invariably outcrops in the Pons Valley, but the lower part
present near fault zones. is only known from Pinar-1. Because of a repeat
of section in the well, Pszczólkowski (1999) con-
Sierra de los Organos Belt siders that two units are involved; this is pos-
The Sierra de los Organos belt is not a belt in the sible. This unit is probably equivalent to the out-
Pardo (1953) sense. It consists of a grouping of several crops exposed in the Los Portales window in the
similar carbonate-containing units and a large area southwest of the Mogotes area. The Quemado,
where the silicoclastics of the San Cayetano alone are Infierno, Viñales, and Pizarras del Norte units
exposed. To better reflect the geological conditions overlie it.
and to avoid changing existing nomenclature, the 3) Quemado unit. It outcrops only south of the town
Sierra de los Organos belt has been subdivided into of Pons, where it overlies the Valle de Pons unit.
the Mogotes area and the Alturas de las Pizarras del Sur The Infierno unit overlies it. In the southwestern
area. Furthermore, the Mestanza unit of the Cangre Mogotes area, it is probably equivalent to the
belt, although treated as a separate belt, belongs to the Paso Real unit that overlies Los Portales outcrops
Sierra de los Organos belt. and is overlain by the Guane unit.
Mogotes area. — The Mogotes area (the name Mo- 4) Infierno unit. It occurs mostly in the south-central
gotes area has been created for this publication, but part of the Mogotes area and overlies the Valle
Pszczólkowski, 1978, 1987, described the section) is de Pons and Quemado units. To the southwest,
defined as a complex window, showing several stacked the Guane unit is considered equivalent to the
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 167
FIGURE 97. Western Cuba, Sierra de los Organos belt, Mogotes area.
Infierno. A minor structural segment included belt extends from La Palma to south of Mantua.
in this unit is named the Celadas unit. It shows mostly the underlying Manacas Formation
5) Viñales unit. This is the most extensive of the and other outcrops of unidentified lower units.
carbonate units and overlies the Infierno and the
Valle de Pons units. The Ancón, Pico Grande, and Note that the descriptions of all the stratigraphic
Pizarras del Norte units overlie it. units are based on sections exposed in the various
6) Sierra la Güira unit. It occurs in the northeast of thrust sheets forming the complex core of the Mo-
the Mogotes area. It lies over the Viñales unit. gotes area; here, the maximum exposed San Caye-
The Loma del Puerto, Los Bermejales, and Pizarras tano is less than 300 ft (100 m). No proof exists that
del Sur units of the southern Rosario belt overlie the thick, shallow-water Jurassic carbonates were orig-
it. Toward the southwest, it overlies the Pizarras inally underlain by a thick clastic section; in EPEP
del Sur that is believed to be a local structural Pinar-1, no clastics were reported under the Valle de
phenomenon. Pons unit. In the following, the section will be de-
7) Pico Grande. This unit occurs between the Vi- scribed in ascending order (see Figure 98).
ñales and Ancón units (it is the lower part of the San Cayetano Formation. — Here, this unit consists
original Rigassi-Studer, 1963, Ancón unit). of up to 1200 ft (400 m) of exposures of interbedded
Toward the east, The Loma del Puerto and La sandstones, shales, and claystones. Occasional lime-
Paloma units of the southern Rosario belt over- stones, found near the top of the section, are not more
lies it. than 6 ft (2 m) thick, dark gray to black, bituminous,
8) Ancón unit. It the highest carbonate unit from well bedded, recrystallized, highly fossiliferous (oys-
the Mogotes area. It is developed mostly toward ter hash), and emit a strong fetid odor when hit with a
the northeast, where the La Paloma unit overlies it. hammer. Some conglomerates are present. The base
9) Limonar – Cayo las Damas window. This long and of the section is always tectonic. The San Cayetano
narrow window through the Pizarras del Norte sub- Formation grades conformably upward into the Jagua
168 / Pardo
Formation, and the age of the contact varies slightly limestone concretions in which a rich fauna of am-
from place to place, becoming younger toward the monites, fish, and reptile bones have been found.
north and east. It should be emphasized that these The Jagua Formation is characteristic of the Mo-
gradational relationships have been observed only in gotes area and has been subdivided into the follow-
the units of the Mogotes area. ing members.
Jagua Formation. —The Jagua Formation (named Pan de Azucar Member:—The Pan de Azucar Mem-
by Palmer, 1945, and described later by Pszczólkowski ber (originally named the Azucar Formation by Hatten,
et al., 1975) consists of 100–520 ft (30–160 m) of dense, 1957, but reduced to member rank by Pszczólkowski,
black, bituminous, medium-bedded limestones, thick 1978) consists of 130 ft (40 m) of well-bedded, dense,
beds of ‘‘oyster hash,’’ and purple-black shale with bioclastic limestones (3–4 ft [1–1.5 m] thick). The
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 169
color is dark gray to black, weathering to light gray. This member contains some ammonites and has
Some sandy limestones exist in the lower part of the been assigned to the upper Oxfordian. The limestones
member. Beds or lenses of silicified limestones con- contain poorly preserved planktonic foraminifera and
tain a large number of pelecypod shells. Globochaete alpina has been identified.
Ostreidae and pelecypods are common, and Gry- This member is restricted to the tectonically less-
phaea mexicana is abundant. Conicospirillina basil- disturbed sections of the Mogotes area and is equiv-
lensis is the only identified microorganism. Conico- alent to the contact between the Francisco and Ar-
spirillina sp. has an age ranging from the Bathonian to temisa formations of the Rosario belt. This member
the Kimmeridgian. Based on stratigraphic relationships, grades into the overlying Guasasa Formation of the
this member is assigned to the middle Oxfordian. Viñales Group.
This member is restricted to the Ancón and Viñales Guasasa Formation.—The Guasasa Formation (named
units, the Mestanza unit, and to some sections in the by Herrera, 1961, and is, in part, synonymous with the
Pizarras del Norte and Pizarras del Sur units, lies on the Viñales Formation of Truitt, 1956a, b; Hatten, 1957)
San Cayetano, and is overlain by the Jagua Vieja Mem- consists of 1000 ft (300 m) in the Ancón unit to 2600 ft
ber of the Jagua Formation. It is the lateral equivalent (800 m) in the Viñales unit of bedded to massive,
of the Zacarı́as Member. medium-gray to black, bituminous, sometimes dolo-
Zacarı́as Member: — It consists of up to 130 ft (40 m) mitized limestones. In some sections, a sedimentary
of argillites with fine coquina and siltstone beds. breccia exists at the base consisting mostly of Guasasa
It contains abundant poorly preserved ammonite fragments but also containing fragments of Jagua For-
prints. In addition, less frequently, it contains Liostrea mation. Chert nodules are present in the lower part,
sp., Ostrea sp., Exogyra sp., and Plicatula sp. The and chert beds are present in the upper part.
age, based on the ammonites, is considered middle The limestones are responsible for the character-
Oxfordian. istic rugged mogotes landscape that is a mature stage
This unit is restricted to the Ancón unit, rests of karst topography. Streams flow uninterruptedly
directly over the San Cayetano, and is overlain by the underground through limestone hills and ridges.
Jagua Vieja Member. It is the lateral equivalent of the The age ranges from the upper Oxfordian to the
Pan de Azucar Member. early Valanginian.
Jagua Vieja Member: —It consists of up to 200 ft It has been subdivided into five members: San
(60 m) of laminated black shales and marly lime- Vicente, El Americano, Tumbadero, Tumbitas, and
stones with typical calcareous concretions. Infierno.
The calcareous concretions contain a well-preserved San Vicente Member: — The San Vicente Member
ammonite fauna. In this unit are the best known consists of up to 1000 –2150 ft (300 –650 m) of light-
Cuban Jurassic fossil localities. A partial list is Para- gray to black, massive, and thick-bedded, partially
cenoceras mullerreidi, Euaspidoceras o’connelli, Ochetoceras to totally dolomitized limestones with gray or black
canaliculum var. burckhardti, Ochetoceras mexicanum, chert nodules and lenses. In places, the limestones are
Perisphinctes (Discosphinctes) subgraneri, Perisphinctes bedded, oolitic, and contain abundant pellets. Micrites
(Discosphinctes) carribeanum, Perisphinctes (Discosphinctes) commonly form the base, whereas calcarenites are
antillarum, Perisphinctes (Orthosphinctes) rutteni, Peri- present in the upper part. In places, the dense micrites
sphinctes (Arisphinctes) aguayoi, Viñalesphinctes roigi, Viña- at the base of the formation have a peculiar pseudo-
lesphinctes niger, and Viñalesphinctes brodermani. Wierz- porphyritic texture with euhedral anhydrite clusters
bowski (1976) and Myczynski (1976) consider it lower of phenocrysts. In several sections, at the base, a con-
Bimammatum-Bifurcatus zone or upper Oxfordian. glomeratic limestone is made up almost entirely of
The Jagua Vieja Member is characteristic of the Viñales and upper Jagua fragments. This conglomer-
Mogotes area and grades upward into the overly- ate can be very thick in the south of the Mogotes area.
ing Pimienta Member. It is the lateral equivalent This unit contains belemnites, gastropods (Nerinea
of the Francisco Formation of the southern Rosario sp.), pelecypods, algal fragments, echinoid spines,
belt. and benthonic foraminifera. Oolitic limestones con-
Pimienta Member: —It consists of up to 200 ft taining Favreina sp. are also present in the upper part
(60 m) of interbedded dark-gray to black, well-bedded of the member. This assemblage indicates shallow-
limestones and shales. The limestones are micrites, water conditions of deposition.
sometimes marly and medium bedded. No calcareous This member has been found in all the complete
concretions exist in the shales. sections of the Mogotes area.
170 / Pardo
Because of the San Vicente’s relation to other mem- Tintinosporella longa, Romaniella cadischiana, Roma-
bers, it is considered late Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian. niella dadayi, Calpionellopsis simplex, Calpionellopsis
It is equivalent to the lower part of the La Zarza oblonga, Calpionellopsis darderi, Globochaetes alpina,
Member of the Artemisa Formation in the Rosario belts and Nannoconus sp., among others.
and extends as a tongue within that member in the The age is considered to be late Berriasian to early
southern Rosario belt. It also resembles and is very Valanginian.
probably synonymous with the shallow-water carbon- This member has been also recognized in the
ates of the EPEP Pinar-1 well. The upper part of this Infierno and Viñales units.
member is coeval and lithologically suggests the Hollo This unit is considered equivalent to the upper
Colorado* and Jagüita* formations of central Cuba. Sumidero Member of the Artemisa Formation and
El Americano Member: —El Americano Member to the upper Capitolio* and Ronda* formations
consists of 65 – 180 ft (20 –45 m) of dark-gray to black, of central Cuba, although aptychi are not common.
granular, well-bedded limestones. Some dolomites It is conformable with the overlying Infierno
and dolomitic limestones are present. Occasional Member.
intraformational unconformities are also present. The upper Guasasa Formation used to be called In-
Ammonites are present, among them Mazapilites fierno Member (very likely synonymous with Truitt’s
sp. and Pseudolissoceras sp., that indicate a Tithonian Guajanı́ Formation; it is included in Hatten’s [1957]
age. Microfossils include Chitinoidella bermudezi, Chi- upper Viñales), consisting of 0–160 ft (0–50 m) of well-
tinoidella cf. cubensis, Chitinoidella cf. boneti, Calpio- bedded, light-gray, micritic limestones and black
nella alpina, Calpionella elliptica, and Crassicollaria brevis. cherts. This member was present in the Infierno and
In addition, brachiopods, gastropods, pelecypods, rep- Viñales units. However, Pszczólkowski (1999) elimi-
tile bones, and fish teeth and vertebrae are present. nated the term and considers it part of the lower
This fauna indicates a middle and upper Tithonian Pons Formation, equivalent to the Santa Teresa
age. This member shows an increase in pelagic con- Formation. It also resembles and is part equivalent to
ditions compared to the San Vicente Member. the Ramblazo* and Calabazar* formations of central
This member also appears in the Infierno and Cuba. The upper boundary of the Guasasa Forma-
Viñales units. tion is erosional and overlain by the Paleocene
The El Americano Member is conformable with the breccias of the Ancón Formation.
overlying Tumbadero Member and is equivalent to the Pons Formation. —The Pons Formation consists of
upper part of the La Zarza Member of the Artemisa 650 ft (200 m) of light-gray to almost black, well-
Formation and the Caguaguas* Formation of central bedded, micritic limestones interbedded with thin,
Cuba. black chert beds, nodules, and lenses. Some thin yel-
Tumbadero Member:—It consists of 65–160 ft (20– lowish brown shales are present. In the lower part,
50 m) of well-bedded, thinly laminated, micritic lime- thick-bedded, light-gray mottled limestones are more
stones and calcilutites with intercalations of black chert. common. The microfauna of the lower part consists
Rare ammonites are present, as well as a rich mi- of Globigerina cretacea, Planomalina buxtorfi, Praeglobo-
crofauna; Calpionella alpina, Calpionella elliptica, Cras- truncana sp., Ticinella sp., Globotruncana lapparenti,
sicollaria brevis, Tintinnopsella carpathica, Tintinnospor- Rotalipora cf. appenninica, Thalmalinella cf. greenhornensis,
ella longa, Remaniella cadischiana, Calpionellopsis simplex, Nannoconus truitti, N. wassalli, Nannoconus bucheri,
and Calpionellopsis oblonga are part of it. These indicate and Nannoconus elongata. Hatten (1957) considered this
a Berriasian age. unit to extend from the Albian through the Campa-
This member is present in all complete sections of nian. More recently, the range has been extended
the Guasasa Formation. from the Hauterivian(?) to the Turonian.
It is equivalent to the lower Sumidero Member of Hatten (1957) described and named two super-
the Artemisa Formation and is also similar and equiv- imposed stratigraphic units that he called the Pons
alent to the Capitolio* Formation in central Cuba. and Peñas formations. Piotrowska (1975) considered
Tumbitas Member: —It consists of 130 – 260 ft both of them lithologically similar and included the
(40 –80 m) of light-gray, dense, micritic limestones Peñas into the Pons Formation. The present thinking
with some thin beds of darker color. The beds are is that both formations should be recognized (Pszczól-
commonly mottled because of bioturbation. kowski, 1999).
A rich microfauna is present, with Calpionella The Pons Formation outcrops are restricted to the
alpina, Calpionella elliptica, Tintinosporella carpathica, Pons Valley, in the central part of the Sierra de los
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 171
Organos, in windows exposing the Pons and Pica Pica Limestone,’’ and La Legua. This formation has been
units. These are the lowermost thrust sheets observ- found in all the units of the Mogotes area.
able on the surface. Consequently, the base of the La Guira Member: —It consists of up to 160 ft (50 m)
Pons Formation has not been observed in the type of a breccia with fragments up to 16 in. (40 cm), de-
section. This unit is lithologically similar and equiv- rived mainly from the limestones of the various mem-
alent, and could well be synonymous, with the In- bers of the Guasasa Formation. Chert is also present.
fierno Member of the Guasasa Formation and the The matrix is commonly invisible. Marly limestones
Carmita Formation of the Buenavista Group. It also can be observed at the top of the breccia and are also
appears to be equivalent to the Aptian – Albian part its lateral equivalent. The breccia contains reworked
of the deep-water carbonate section drilled in EPEP fossils of all the underlying units.
Pinar-1 (spudded in the Pons Valley) between 1640 This member is found in the Sierra de la Güira,
and 2870 ft (500 and 875 m), although in this section, Ancón, Viñales, Infierno, Valle de Pons and La Legua
cherts are not mentioned. The Pons Formation is units.
equivalent to the Ramblazo* and certainly part of the Marly Micritic Limestone Member:— As indicated
Malpaez* Group (Calabazar* and Mata* formations) in by its name, it consists almost entirely of the above-
central Cuba. described limestones. This unit is richly fossiliferous,
Peñas Formation. — It is similar to the Pons Forma- and the following foraminifera have been identified:
tion, but the beds are thinner; the color of the lime- Globorotalia (Morozovella) velascoensis (very abundant),
stone tends to be darker, with white calcite veins; Globorotalia (Morozovella) wilcoxensis, Globorotalia (Mor-
and the chert beds are more abundant. The limestones ozovella) brodermani, Globorotalia (Morozovella) elongata,
give off strong petroleum odor when freshly broken. Globorotalia (Morozovella) occlusa, Globorotalia (Morozo-
In the type section, it is 250 ft (80 m) thick. It con- vella) cf. aequa, Globorotalia (Morozovella) cf. acuta, Pla-
tains Globigerina cf. cretacea, Rugoglobigerina sp., Rugo- norotalia (Planorotalites) pseudomenardii, Acarinina cf.
truncana calcarata, and Globotruncana lapparenti sl. The soldadoensis, and Globigerina velascoensis. This assem-
age is considered Campanian – Maastrichtian. Recent blage indicates the upper Paleocene.
paleontological studies indicate the presence of a La Legua Member. — La Legua Member consists
hiatus in the Sierra de los Organos comprising the late of a breccia similar to the La Güira Member, but com-
Turonian and the Santonian. monly occurs at the top of the formation. It can reach
Moncada Formation. — The Moncada Formation 80 ft (25 m) in thickness, and the blocks are 16 ft (5 m)
(described and named by Tada et al., 2003) consists in length. Fewer chert fragments are present.
of 6 ft (2 m) of a calcareous sandstone complex. It The Ancón Formation has obviously been depos-
contains a mixed faunal assemblage from Aptian to ited in deep water as indicated by the rich pelagic
Maastrichtian. It is considered to represent the sedi- fauna in the micritic limestones and the interbedded
ments produced by the Chicxulub meteorite im- coarse breccias without visible matrix, suggesting the
pact at the K/T boundary. Grains of impacted quartz Sagua* Formation of central Cuba. In this case, the
are abundant, and the upper calcareous claystone talus origin of the breccia has certainly to be ruled
bed is rich in iridium. This unit correlates with the out because no shallow banks were present to sup-
Cacarajicara. ply the coarse detritus. The breccias must have been
Ancón Formation. — The Ancón Formation consists originated from an uplift of the previously deposited
of 0 – 160 ft (0 – 50 m) of well-bedded, pink, green, carbonates and cherts.
yellowish brown, and red, laminated, marly, micritic The Ancón Formation is younger than the Caca-
limestones. The limestones are highly fossiliferous. rajı́cara and older than the Sagua* Formation. The
Interbeds of breccias and conglomerates exist with Manacas Formation overlies the Ancón with strong
subangular clasts up to several centimeters consisting unconformity.
of oolitic limestones, calpionellid-bearing limestones, Manacas Formation. — It is well developed in the
cherts and dolomites. Occasionally, thin beds of light- Mogotes area where it was originally described; it is
green volcanic sand grains occur in the calcareous found at the top of every structural unit.
sandstones. The Ancón Formation rests disconform- Pinar-1. — Two of the units of the Mogotes area
ably on the Peñas and Pons formations. No angular deserve special description because the complete sec-
unconformity exists, but an irregular erosion surface tions have been seen only through drilling of EPEP
can be observed. In the Mogotes area, it has been di- Pinar-1, a deep, parametric well drilled to 17,056 ft
vided into three members: La Güira, ‘‘Marly Micritic (5200 m) in the Pons Valley, 4 km (2.5 mi) south of
172 / Pardo
the town of Pons (see Figure 97). This well, located in ing to the Soviet-era stratigraphic philosophy (strong-
the middle of the complex Pica Pica and other out- ly biostratigraphic), the geologists working for EPEP
crops belonging to the Valle de Pons unit of the Mo- emphasize the fossil content and the age of the section
gotes area, encountered a possibly autochthonous, penetrated by the drill and only summarily describe
shallow-water carbonate section of Jurassic age. The the lithology and, contrary to the geologists working
base has not been observed. Lopez Rivera et al. (1987) for the Academy of Science, seldom attempted to clas-
and Pszczólkowski (1994a, b, c, d; 1999) described the sify them within the established lithostratigraphic
section, which is partially repeated three times, and framework (see Figure 99).
the lithostratigraphic units have not been formally Pinar-1 Unit: —The Pinar-1 unit is present from
named. A recurring problem in Cuba is that, accord- 7872 to 17,056 ft (2400 to 5200 m). Part of the section
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 173
is repeated by a fault at ±10,500 ft (±3200 m). This unit 3) Aptian – Albian containing Nannoconus truitti,
is entirely subsurface and is not in the literature; it has Nannoconus elongatus, Nannoconus spp., Hedber-
been named solely for this study. gella cf. infracretacea, Hedbergella spp., Clavihed-
Guasasa Formation(?): Pinar-1 Shallow-Water bergella sp., Cadosina sp., Globigerinelloides sp.,
Carbonate:— It consists of 4920 ft (1500 m) of massive Ticinella sp., Preaglobotruncana sp.(?), Tintinopsella
limestones. sp.(?), and Heteroelicidae.
Lower section:—The lower section consists of 2296 ft
(700 m) of fine-grained limestones with variable The middle zone is argillaceous with clay beds,
amounts of coproliths and organic remains. The color whereas the lower zone has pronounced light-gray
is dark gray to black, and gypsum and anhydrite com- and black banding. In general, the dips are low (58
monly fill fractures and vugs. The anhydrite increases or less; only one core shows 408 dips). This section is
toward the lower part of the hole. correlative with the upper Guasasa Formation of the
The fauna consists of Favreina salavenses, Didem- Mogotes area and the upper Artemisa – lower Buena-
noides moreti, Globochaete alpina, and Cadosina sp., vista Group of the southern Rosario belt. It also sug-
indicating an Upper Jurassic age. gests the Caguaguas*, Capitolio*, and Ramblazo* for-
Upper section: —The upper section consists of 2624 ft mations of central Cuba, although no chert is reported.
(800 m) of fine-grained limestones, with variable Manacas Formation: — In the Pinar-1 unit, this
amount of clay and varying degrees of dolomitization. formation consists of 689 ft (210 m) of breccia, with an
Abundant coral and pelecypod fragments, echino- argillaceous matrix containing fragments of several
derm spines, coproliths, molds of ostracods, brachio- types of limestones, chert, silty shales, quartz sand-
pods, and benthonic foraminifera are present. Ques- stones, diabase, and tuffs. The fragments contain a
tionable recrystallized radiolaria are also present. fauna consisting of Orbitocyclina sp., Pseudorbitoides
The following forms have been identified: Sacco- sp., Sulcoperculina globosa, Ctenorbitoides cardwelli,
coma sp., Cadosina sp., Favreina salavensis, and mi- Globotruncana sp., Globigerinelloides sp., Stomiosphaera
liolids, indicating an Upper Jurassic age. sp., Sulcorbitoides pardoi, and rudist fragments, echi-
This shallow-water carbonate unit has similarities noid spines, and mollusks. The age of the components
(although much thicker) and is partly coeval with the is as young as Maastrichtian, although the Manacas
San Vicente Member of the lower Guasasa Formation Formation is considered of Paleocene to middle Eo-
of the Mogotes area and also suggests the Hollo Col- cene age.
orado* Formation of the Las Villas* belt in central Valle de Pons Unit: Lower Section. — The lower sec-
Cuba. Although gypsum and anhydrite are reported, tion of the Valle de Pons unit is present from the sur-
there is no mention of evaporite beds. Note that the face to 7872 ft (2400 m).
crustal measurements described in Chapter 6 of this In Pinar-1, the interval from the surface to 7872 ft
publication indicate that the top of the basement in (2400 m) is found a sequence of Lower Cretaceous
Pinar del Rio is at ±5 km (±3.1 mi). This is close to the deep-water and Upper Jurassic shallow-water car-
total depth of EPEP Pinar-1, and yet, there is no indi- bonates below the Manacas Formation. This section
cation of the presence of terrigenous clastics. represents the lower part of the Valle de Pons unit,
Guasasa Formation(?): Pinar-1 Deep-Water Carbon- which has never been observed on the surface. Parts
ate:—It consists of 3575 ft (1090 m) of a tectonically of the section are missing, and intense fracture zones
repeated 1800-ft (550-m) section of fine bioclastic, are present. The drilled interval seems to be part of a
massive, light-gray to black limestone. The section can complex thrust sheet.
be subdivided from bottom to top into three Guasasa Formation(?): Pinar-1 Shallow-Water
biozones as follows. Carbonate: — This section is present from 2870 to
7872 ft (875 to 2400 m). The thickness of 5000 ft
1) Upper Jurassic (Tithonian) containing Saccoco- (1525 m) is believed to be in part caused by a repeat by
ma sp., Aptychus sp., Cadosina sp., and molds of a reverse fault. The dips are not mentioned, but the
radiolaria. contact with the overlying deep-water carbonates is
2) Neocomian containing Cadosina sp., Nannoconus believed to be faulted.
steinmanni, Nummulites cf. bermudezi, Tintinospor- Guasasa Formation(?): Pinar-1 Deep-Water
ella longa, Calpionellopsis simplex, Remaniella sp.(?), Carbonate:—The Pinar-1 deep-water carbonate is pre-
Globochaete alpina, and Calpionella sp. Radiolaria sent from less than 1640 to 2870 ft (500 to 875 m).
and embryonic ammonites are also present. This section is believed to be part of a recumbent fold
174 / Pardo
because the top and bottom of the section contains posits appear to be the thickest in the Pinar-1 unit,
Aptian–Albian faunas, whereas the center of the in- reaching more than 4920 ft (1500 m) in the lower
terval is of Neocomian age. This inversion could be thrust sheet. This gives a rate of sedimentation
caused by faulting. (after compaction) of ±410 ft/Ma (±125 m/Ma),
Manacas Formation: —This unit occurs from the which is quite comparable with that of sediments
surface to less than 1640 ft (500 m). It is described as a of the same age in the Las Villas* belt. On the
volcanic sequence pertaining to an olistolith in the outcrop, the thickness reaches 2132 ft (650 m).
Vieja Formation or, not very likely, as the eugeosynclinal It should be mentioned that the San Cayetano
overthrust. The lower contact is questionable because facies was not reached in EPEP Pinar-1, although
the well was spudded in the Manacas Formation, and according to seismic studies, the total depth is
no data were taken until 1640 ft (500 m). supposed to be near the top of the basement. The
Mogotes area discussion. — The Mogotes area repre- next higher thrust sheet, the Valle de Pons unit,
sents a series of thrusts, or nappes, supposedly di- still does not show clastics at the base. Only the
rected toward the north. The possibility exists that uppermost outcropping sheets, Quemado and
the Pinar-1 unit is very nearly in place and is resting higher, shows the transition from San Cayetano,
directly over basement. The predeformation succession through Jagua, into the San Vicente Member of
of facies is not as easy to visualize as in central Cuba. the Guasasa Formation.
The most important aspects of the present facies 5) Middle Tithonian. There was regional subsidence
distribution are as follows. and a marked deepening of the sea. The deeper
1) Middle Jurassic to middle Oxfordian. The continen- water, pelagic facies of El Americano Member,
tal margin clastics of this age are not well devel- with abundant tintinids and radiolaria, replaced
oped in this belt. Although the base of the Pinar-1 the shallow waters of the San Vicente Mem-
unit was not reached, clastics were not reported ber. The sedimentation rate (after compaction)
between the base of the Valle de Pons unit and dropped to ±33 ft/Ma (±10 m/Ma). The depth
the top of the Pinar-1 unit. The only rocks of this was probably close to the aragonite compensation
age observed in the higher structural units are depth. These deposits, and the depth change they
middle Oxfordian and characterized by shallow- represent, are very similar and might be coeval
water, anoxic sediments as indicated by abun- with the change from the shallow-water, oolitic
dant oyster-hash sulfurous limestones, suggesting Jaguita* to those of the Caguaguas* Formation
\swamp conditions. These shallow-water con- of central Cuba.
ditions appear to be somewhat younger in the 6) Upper Tithonian through Valanginian. Deep-water
Rosario belt than in the Mogotes area. conditions continue throughout the Mogotes
2) Middle Oxfordian. The Jagua Formation and the area, with the deposition of pelagic limestones
Zacarı́as and Jagua Vieja members indicate containing tintinids, nannoconids, and radiolaria
nearshore conditions of deposition in an of the Tumbadero and Tumbitas members of the
anoxic environment probably less than 350 Guasasa Formation. These units are coeval and
ft (100 m) deep. The large, laminated, early lithologically very similar to the Sumidero Mem-
diagenetic concretions and the abundant un- ber of the Artemisa Formation and to the Capi-
damaged ammonite shells indicate quiet condi- tolio* and Ronda* formations of central Cuba.
tions not affected by waves and currents. The 7) Hauterivian and Barremian. Deep-water condi-
rate of sedimentation must have been low, and tions continue with added siliceous sediments
the presence of wood remains indicates some of the Tumbitas Member and the lower part of
connection to a delta and/or swamps. the Pons Formation. These suggest that the wa-
3) Upper Oxfordian. The equivalent of the base of ter depth was near the carbonate compensation
the Artemisa Formation indicate a decrease in depth. These sediments correlate with the lower
terrigenous material, an increase in planktonic part of the Santa Teresa Formation and the Polier
microorganisms, and a deeper water carbonate Formation. However, no traces of clastics exist,
platform environment. which would indicate that the Polier Formation
4) Kimmeridgian and early Tithonian. The sedimen- clastics could not have come through the Mogotes
tation was of shallow-water bank carbonates; area.
oolites, oncolites, biomicrites, coprolitic micrites, 8) Aptian through Albian. This is represented by the
etc. Favreina spp. is a common fossil. These de- Pons Formation and its possible equivalent in a
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 175
different structural unit, the Santa Teresa For- entire basin or was deposited as a wave in front
mation. The deposition of chert continues, in- of an advancing thrust sheet is not known. At
dicating a continuing deep-water environment, any rate, it must have been deposited over a
possibly near the carbonate compensation depth short period of time.
(CCD). Alturas de Las Pizarras del Sur area. —This area
9) Upper Cretaceous. The Pons Formation continues is to the south of, and tectonically overlies, the
into the Turonian; however, the Peñas Forma- carbonate units of the Mogotes area. To the south,
tion of Campanian–Maastrichtian age has sim- the Pinar fault and the Cangre belt form its southern
ilar facies. It is separated from the Pons by a hiatus. limit (see Figure 100). It is the southern equivalent of
The total thickness of the Pons and Peñas is not the Pizarras del Norte unit. The section consists en-
more than 650 ft (200 m), which could represent tirely of the San Cayetano clastics because the con-
the entire Cretaceous, or a sedimentation rate tact with the overlying carbonates has only been ob-
(after compaction) of ±8.8 ft/Ma (±2.7 m/Ma). served in the metamorphosed Cangre belt.
This is very low compared to other deep-water This group of rocks should not be part of the Mo-
sedimentation rates and indicates that part of gotes area and, in view of its following fairly well the
the section is missing. It should be noted that definition of belt or facies-structural zone ( because it
the Maastrichtian carbonate detritus of the Ca- is limited by faults and has a characteristic stratigra-
carajı́cara Formation have not been reported in phy), should be a belt.
this belt, but is replaced by the calcarenites of The section is shown in Figure 101.
the Moncada Formation. San Cayetano Formation. —It consists of the same
10) Paleocene. The Ancón Formation marks an im- thick monotonous section of shales, sandstones, and
portant break in the section; an influx of brec- siltstones as present in the southern Rosario belt,
cias and polymict detritus exists in a deep-water except that coarser clastics predominate.
environment characterized by marls and cherts. The shales are phyllitic with common sericite. Rare
The rate of sedimentation is still low, and the carbonaceous zones with carbonized wood particles
type of sediments indicates some early defor- are present.
mation and subaerial erosion of carbonates as The sandstones are poorly sorted with two gen-
well as a basic igneous-volcanic terrane. erations of quartz. One is rounded, whereas the other
11) Lower –middle Eocene. This time span witnesses is angular. More than half of the matrix consists
the continuation of the influx of polymict detri- of silt or finer particles. The cement is ferruginous-
tus (Pica Pica Member) of the Manacas Forma- argillaceous. Feldspars are rare, and muscovite is com-
tion and subsequent chaotic rocks of the Vieja mon. The sandstones weather to a soft friable sand.
Member. This is an orogenic conglomerate con- The coarse sandstones and conglomerates have frag-
taining not only large-size components of the ments up to 2 in. (5 cm) in diameter. In addition to
nearby carbonates, but also of volcanics, gabbros, quartz, they contain, as minor components, shale frag-
serpentine, schists, etc., in a graywacke matrix. ments, sparry carbonates (including dolomite), quartz-
It is very significant that this breccia is found ite, chert, mica schists, granitoids, and volcanics.
mostly in fault zones above the carbonate sec- The sedimentary features include cross-bedding,
tion in the Mogotes area as well as in the Rosario graded-bedding, slump folds, load-casts, and cut-and-
belts. It has never been found in stratigraphic con- fill structures.
tact with the underlying San Cayetano Forma- As already mentioned, Pushcharovsky et al. (1988)
tion of the Pizarras del Norte unit and Alturas de subdivide the formation into units A and B informal
las Pizarras del Sur area; the nearly continuous members and shows that most of the outcrops in the
band of Manacas outcrops in contact with the Alturas de las Pizarras del Sur area belong to the sand-
San Cayetano shown in the Pushcharovsky et al. ier unit A.
(1988) is a window through the Pizarras del Norte A normal stratigraphic contact between the San
unit. This indicates that the unit was deposited Cayetano and the overlying Jagua (or Francisco) has
as the youngest layer in the basin, possibly as a not been reported in the Alturas de las Pizarras del
large-scale olistostrome, prior to the faulting, Sur area. Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) show such a
but after some erosion or collapse of the basic contact only in the easternmost part of the Pizarras
igneous-volcanic terrane to the south had oc- del Sur unit, near San Diego de los Baños. Pszczólk-
curred. Whether it was synchronous over the owski (1999) shows it to be a window exposing the
176 / Pardo
FIGURE 100. Western Cuba, Sierra de los Organos, Pizzaras del Sur area.
Mogotes area Viñales unit. The base has never been Of great importance is the origin of the San Ca-
observed. yetano clastics. Haczewski (1976, 1987) published the
The San Cayetano Formation is very poorly fos- result of a sedimentological reconnaissance of the San
siliferous in this area. Very few fossil localities are Cayetano. He recognized nine facies characteristic of
known, and these contain only pelecypods and plant deltaic sedimentation on a continental margin. Most
remains. One fossil locality yielded Cuspidaria sp., of the fluviatile, delta-plain, and nearshore facies
Modiolus sp., and Trigonia sp., nondiagnostic of either were found to the southwest in the Alturas de las
Jurassic or Cretaceous. However, the trigonias have Pizarras del Sur area and western Pizarras del Norte
affinities to species from the Middle to Late Jurassic. unit; the turbidite deposits are characteristic of the
Another locality had an assemblage of Eocallista spp., eastern southern Rosario belt (eastern Pizarras del
Vaugonia spp., Gervillia sp., and Neocrassina spp. of Norte unit, El Mameyal unit), and the slope deposits
undetermined age. As already mentioned, ammonites were located to the northeast of the Mogotes area
were collected from the upper part of the formation (Ancón unit). This pattern suggests that the deep wa-
in the southern Rosario belt, Perisphinctes spathi, Glo- ter is to the east-northeast of the Sierra de Guanigua-
chiceras cf. subclausum, and Ochetoceras sp., giving an nico. What it was before deformation is another story.
Oxfordian age. The transitional contact with the Ja- In addition, measurements on ripple marks indicate
gua Formation, observed in the Mogotes area and the that the direction of transport was in a general north-
Cangre belt, has been well dated at upper middle easterly direction, indicating a southwestern source.
Oxfordian to lower upper Oxfordian, therefore fixing The exact meaning of these observations is not clear
the age of the top of the San Cayetano at middle Ox- until the relative motions of the Mogotes, Pizarras del
fordian. However, no reliable evidence exists for the Sur areas, and Rosario belt are resolved. At any rate,
age of the base of the formation; guesses range from the San Cayetano exposures in the Pizarras del Norte
the Middle to the Lower Jurassic (Triassic has even show a higher percentage of fine-grained clastics and
been proposed). clay than the Pizarras del Sur. Assuming that both
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 177
sections were continuous, approximately of the same gotes area and the northern Rosario belt would have
age, and that the Pizarras del Norte were deposited been originally underlain by thin or no San Cayetano.
south of the Pizarras del Sur, this supports the argu- Therefore, regardless of the direction of thrusting, no
ment of the northern origin of the clastic detritus. autochthonous Jurassic clastics should be expected in
If the thickness of the detritus exposed under the the present northern half of Pinar del Rio.
different thrust sheets has any bearing on the orig- Alturas de Las Pizarras del Sur area discussion. —
inal thickness of sediments (the décollement might The San Cayetano Formation in this area repre-
have been at the base of the clastics), then the San sents deposition in a relatively deep basin receiv-
Cayetano would have been well developed only in the ing sediment from a major continental source such
Pizarras del Sur and southern Rosario belts. The Mo- as an important river delta. The depth of deposition
178 / Pardo
is difficult to estimate because of the lack of well- Pszczólkowski (1976a, b) to identify a structural unit
preserved faunas (which is common in turbid sed- in the northern Rosario belt. It is present along the
iments). The sedimentological studies indicate near- northern upthrown side of the Pinar fault and ex-
shore, shallow-water deposits as well as deeper water tends for some 72 km (44 mi). It has been subdivided
turbidites and fans. These suggest a southern source into two units:
of sediments; however, because of the absence of
recognizable markers in the section and the struc- 1) Mestanza unit. It is a thin, south-dipping, thrust
tural dislocations, it is impossible to reconstruct sliver wedged between the Alturas de las Pizarras
the three-dimensional geometry of the deposits. del Sur area and the Pino Solo unit. It is char-
In general, field mapping indicates that the lower acterized by a thin Jurassic carbonate section and
part of the section contains a dominance of coarser by some degree of metamorphism.
sediments, whereas the upper part, with few excep- 2) Pino Solo unit. It extends for 70 km (43 mi) along
tions, is characterized by a much higher percentage the Pinar fault and represents the uppermost and
of shales. most metamorphosed thrust sheet of the Alturas
As already mentioned, the possibility exists that de las Pizarras del Sur area. North of it is a klippe
the Alturas de las Pizarras del Sur area is the northern of the same subunit named the Cerro de las
and western equivalent of the southern Rosario belt. Cabras unit.
Mestanza unit exposes some ±650 ft (±200 m) of sec- ammonites. The volcanics consist of a gray chloritic
tion (see Figure 103). The section is as follows. tuff and, higher in the section, several horizons of a
Mestanza unit. — very altered, greenish gray, volcanic rock, which is
San Cayetano Formation. —In this unit, only the believed to have been originally a basalt of interme-
uppermost outcrops of this formation are present. A diate composition (Piotrowski, 1987).
gabbro is present at the top of the formation. This unit grades conformably into the Guasasa
Jagua Formation.— The Jagua Formation consists Formation.
of 100 (30 m) of a section very similar to the non- Guasasa Formation. —The base of this massively
metamorphosed section in the Mogotes area. It con- bedded unit, with the exception of some recrystalli-
tains limestone concretions with middle Oxfordian zation, is identical with the unmetamorphosed section
180 / Pardo
of the Mogotes area. In the Piotrowski (1977) descrip- This unit, which is very similar to and the equiva-
tion of the section, it is not clear if this lithology lent of the San Cayetano Formation, was given a dif-
belongs to the Pino Solo or Mestanza units. According ferent name on account of the marbles near the top, the
to Pszczólkowski (1985), more than 230 ft (100 m) of metamorphism, and the presence of volcanics.
Guasasa normally overlies the Jagua Formation in the The volcanics in the southern 246 ft (75 m) of the
Mestanza unit. It is represented by the San Vicente section are tuffs consisting of a cryptocrystalline mass
Member, which is unconformably overlain by the in which quartz, feldspars, chlorite, and sericite can
Guı̈ra Member of the Ancón Formation. be recognized. This mass is saturated with epidote.
Ancón Formation. — In this unit, this formation con- Above the tuffs are cataclastic, medium-grained, crys-
sists of some 15 ft (5 m) of metamorphosed breccias talline basalts and a porphyroclastic gabbrolike rock.
of the Guı̈ra Member and the red and gray recrys- In the northern 164 ft (50 m) of the Arroyo Cangre
tallized, schistose limestone with a breccia at the top. Formation, near the contact with the Jagua Forma-
The Manacas Formation conformably overlies it. tion (probably belonging to the Mestanza unit), are
Manacas Formation. —The unit consists of some thin lamprophyres (monchiquite) interbedded with
25 ft (8 m) of red, green, and gray schists of the Pica the carbonate rock.
Pica Member of this formation. This is the youngest It is worth mentioning that the lower Mestanza
unit present under the Pino Solo unit basal thrust thrust sheet is less metamorphosed than the upper
sheet and represents the youngest metamorphism in Pino Solo sheet, which is reminiscent of the situation
western Cuba, lower – middle Eocene. in the Escambray and other metamorphic massifs.
Pino Solo Unit. — Cangre Belt Discussion. — In the metamorphic
Arroyo Cangre Formation.—This formation is 1836 ft Cangre belt, volcanics are present in the Jagua For-
(560 m) of a metamorphosed, dominantly clastic se- mation; they are equivalent in age to the El Sabalo
quence described by Piotrowski (1977) from south to Formation and to the basalts found in the Francisco
north as follows: Formation. These are the oldest volcanics associated
with the Mesozoic sediments of Pinar del Rio and are
59 ft (18 m): Polymictic meta-sandstones, quartz- therefore not related to the thermal activity respon-
chlorite schists, and marbles. sible for the lower–middle Eocene regional metamor-
62 ft (19 m): Recrystallized limestones, banded, phism of the metamorphosed units. Also of great in-
with oriented texture caused by the presence of terest is the fact that the regional metamorphism is
muscovite and sericite; quartz lenses. dated as middle Eocene or younger and appears to be
43 ft (13 m): Quartz-chlorite-muscovite schists equivalent or even predate the thrusting; remnants of
interbedded with meta-sandstones. the metamorphosed Arroyo Cangre are found along
30 ft (9 m): Fine-grained amphibolite with lepido- the southern border of the Pizarras del Norte unit. The
blastic structure and oriented texture. reason for this metamorphism is not clear; it could be
33 ft (10 m): Metasiltstones, metamorphosed related to the ophiolite obduction.
limestone, and chloritic schists.
20 ft (6 m): Cataclastic gabbro. Guaniguanico Mountains Sediments Discussion
590 ft (180 m): Interbedding of fine to medium As mentioned, unlike central Cuba, the paleocon-
grained quartz meta-sandstones, containing sub- figuration of the platform to deep basin province will
ordinate amounts of volcanic rocks, plagioclase, depend heavily on the structural interpretation (and
mica, and epidote, and quartz-muscovite schists. vice versa); it is difficult to set an a-priori facies dis-
836 ft (255 m): Interbedding of muscovite-chlorite- tribution. An attempt will be made to reconstruct
quartz crystalline schists with sericite and beds of some likely models of what this sedimentary prov-
metasandstones. ince might have been like prior to the deformation.
It is not the purpose of this book to revise the
Although this section is reported to be continuous present stratigraphic nomenclature of Cuba; how-
and overlain by the Jagua Formation, the contact be- ever, it is pertinent to remark that, until now, the ter-
tween the two units is always reported as strongly minology tended to obscure the important aspects
tectonized. The thickness of 1436 ft (435 m) for the of Pinar del Rio stratigraphy. Although E. DeGolyer’s
San Cayetano equivalent appears low compared to original name of Viñales limestone was poorly de-
its thickness in the Alturas de las Pizarras del Sur fined and much misused, the way it was used by
area. Truitt (1956a, b) and Hatten (1957) described well the
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 181
shallow-water, massive, commonly very thick, mogote- San Cayetano. — This formation, characteristic of
forming limestones of Upper Jurassic age. It is a major Pinar del Rio, is unfortunately too disturbed inter-
stratigraphic unit of the area, which, in today’s no- nally for drawing conclusions based on its thickness
menclature, is lost as the San Vicente Member of the or zonation. It is well represented in the Southern
Guasasa Formation of the Viñales Group. The same Rosario and Alturas de las Pizarras del Sur areas but is
is true for Lewis’ Artemisa Formation, also poorly de- not represented in the northern Rosario belt, and has
scribed, but given a precise meaning by Truitt (1956a, not been reported at the base of the Valle de Pons unit
b) and Hatten (1957), who called it the Rosario For- in Pinar-1. This could be an indication that the San
mation. It was originally the thin-bedded, argillaceous, Cayetano is absent or thin under the northern Ro-
deep-water equivalent of the Viñales Formation. Until sario belt and under the Pinar-1 and Valle de Pons
recently, it was the La Zarza Member of the Artemisa units of the Mogotes area. It is worth mentioning that
Formation of the Viñales Group. there is some evidence that the San Cayetano of the
However, some very distinctive and approximate- northeastern southern Rosario belt was deposited in
ly coeval lithologic assemblages, all characterized deeper waters than in the Pizarras del Sur or the
by the presence of thin-bedded chert with variable Mogotes areas.
amounts of thin-bedded limestones and clays, are The relation between the Alturas de las Pizarras
given names with the rank of formation or mem- del Sur area and Pizarras del Norte unit is not clear,
bers within or outside higher hierarchical units. For except that both overlie all the Mogotes area carbon-
instance, until recently, the Pons Formation of the ate units.
Viñales Group was similar to (1) the Infierno Mem- In the Mestanza unit, the Guasasa Formation is
ber of the Guasasa Formation of the Viñales Group, generally thin, commonly less than 300 ft (100 m),
(2) the Sumidero Member of the Artemisa Formation and only part of it has been recognized as the San
of the Viñales Group, (3) the Sabanilla Member of Vicente Member. The upper part of this member
the Buenavista Formation, and (4) the Sierra Azul For- (thin bedded with chert nodules) is overlain by the
mation. Recently, Pszczólkowski (1994a, b, c, d; 1999) Ancón Formation. The Jagua and Ancón formations
improved the situation by not using the Viñales are also thinner. This indicates that the thinning of
Group, the Buenavista Formation, and the Infierno the Guasasa could be tectonic in origin and a con-
Member and substituting Santa Teresa Formation (of sequence of the thrusting.
much wider usage) for both a part of the Sierra Azul San Cayetano Formation–Viñales Group Bound-
Formation and the Sabanilla Member. ary.—The Jagua Formation, which is present transi-
Nothing is wrong in establishing a large number tionally below the shallow-water carbonates of the
of lithostratigraphic units if these are necessary to San Vicente Member, is well developed, 100–520 ft
depict the configuration of a basin, but these should (30–160 m) thick in the thrust sheets, showing through
be grouped in a lithologically significant manner the window of the Mogotes area. It is quite probable
and not according to their geographic position or that the underlying San Cayetano was thin and was
historical precedents. Truitt (1956a, b) named all the deposited in shallow to moderate depth (shelf) con-
above units Carmita* (and Santa Teresa*), and Hatten ditions. However, in the southern Rosario belt where
(1957) named all the above units the Pons and Peñas a probably thick San Cayetano is overlain by the deeper
formations. water sediments of the La Zarza Member, its equiv-
An attempt will be made to relate the facies of the alent, the Francisco Formation, is much thinner, 80 ft
previously described stratigraphic units to see if some (25 m), and sometimes absent altogether. Evidence
coherent picture of a basin, or parts of basins, can be exists that the San Cayetano clastics under the Arte-
made. misa Formation in the southern Rosario belt are pro-
It will be first assumed that the Cretaceous Bahia gressively younger northeastward and, therefore,
Honda belt, as in central Cuba, originally belonged to equivalent to the Jagua Formation of the Mogotes area.
a separate basin. Except for some ash and siliceous ma- Late Jurassic Tholeiites. — The Jagua Formation in
terial, it did not interfinger with the sedimentary belts the Cangre belt and equivalent Francisco Formation
of the clastic and platform to deep-water basin prov- in the southern Rosario belt contain volcanics related
ince. Although some volcanics are interbedded with to the dominantly volcanic El Sabalo Formation of the
the Late Jurassic, these are of the tholeiitic oceanic type northern Rosario belt. The equivalent La Esperanza
and probably representative of an early rifting phase. belt contains similar volcanics, although they are
The most important units are as follows. considered Tithonian instead of Oxfordian (the age
182 / Pardo
difference might not be real; the information on the imum thicknesses of Cretaceous pelagic sediments
La Esperanza belt is very sketchy). The presence of (excluding massive turbidites) for the different belts
these oceanic volcanics interbedded with Upper Ju- are as follows: Quiñones belt (no pre – upper Hauteri-
rassic limestones at the base of the northern Rosario vian recognized), greater than 2950 ft (900 m); north-
and La Esperanza belts along the fault that separates ern Rosario belt, 1540 ft (470 m); southern Rosario belt,
the thick from the absent San Cayetano suggests, as 890 ft (270 m); and Mogotes area, 600 ft (180 m). Al-
in central Cuba, that rifting was active during that though these figures are very approximate, they show
time and might have been responsible for the basin systematic thickening from south to north. This in-
configuration. crease in thickness could be caused by an increase in
San Vicente Member–Guasasa Formation.—This small- to medium-size turbidite bodies.
unit is the only Jurassic, massive, shallow-water carbon- Turbiditic Sediments. —Turbidites are character-
ate unit in Pinar del Rio. The age is late Oxfordian – istic of the La Esperanza, Rosario, and Quiñones
early Tithonian, and the thickness ranges from 4920 ft belts. In the Tithonian and throughout the Lower
(1500 m) in the Pinar-1 unit, to 985 – 2130 ft (300 – Cretaceous are abundant turbiditic quartz-feldspar-
650 m) in most outcropping units of the Mogotes area, muscovite sandstones and shales in the La Esperanza
and 230 ft (100 m) in the Alturas de las Pizarras del Formation. In the Lower Cretaceous, they are inter-
Sur area. It is absent or very thin (10 m; 33 ft) in most bedded with dolomites, which, together with the
of the southern Rosario belt and absent in the north- presence of anhydrite, suggests a conflicting shallow-
ern Rosario belt, although the coeval, much deeper water environment of deposition. The relationship
water, lower La Zarza is well developed in both belts. between these turbidites and the San Cayetano is
The San Vicente Member is lithologically similar to always reported as a fault; however, the possibility
and coeval with the Hollo Colorado* and Jagüita* remains that the La Esperanza Formation was transi-
formations of central Cuba; no known counterpart tional with and deposited over the San Cayetano. In
to the lower La Zarza exists. As already mentioned, the the Albian–Cenomanian, these turbidites are inter-
Pinar-1 unit is nearly autochthonous. This member bedded with the cherts of the deep-water Santa Teresa
therefore indicates that, during the late Oxfordian – Formation, which they can totally replace. In the
early Tithonian, the carbonate bank conditions were northern Rosario belt, the Polier Formation, of Valan-
much more widespread than during the late Titho- ginian through Albian age, also contains similar
nian and Cretaceous and might have extended south quartzose turbiditic sandstones that are considered
of the present Bahamas Platform, from Yucatan to at correlative to the upper La Esperanza Formation. The
least as far as central Cuba. Here, however, contrary to Polier Formation has been recognized only in the
central Cuba, evidence exists that the carbonate banks northern Rosario belt, where it reaches 1000 ft (300 m)
had a possibly southern equivalent deep-water facies. in the north, thinning abruptly to the south; it is
The lower part of the La Esperanza Formation, which absent in the Quiñones unit and the southern Rosario
is considered Tithonian, consists of interbedded belt. These sandstones are time equivalent and sim-
limestones, sandstones, and shales. The base of this ilar in composition to the Constancia* Formation of
unit has never been observed nor has its stratigraph- central Cuba (although much better developed here)
ic relation to the San Cayetano. It could therefore be in the Placetas* and Cifuentes* belts.
a partial equivalent of the San Vicente Member. In the Upper Cretaceous are several well-developed
Middle and Late Tithonian.— The entire basin is carbonate turbidites, apparently derived from car-
under deep-water conditions as indicated by the El bonate banks. The thickest and most extensive is
Americano Member in the Mogotes area and the the Cacarajı́cara Formation of late Maastrichtian
upper La Zarza Member of the Rosario belts. No out- age, which has its maximum development of 1475 ft
crops of time-equivalent sediments in the Quiñones (450 m) in the northern Rosario belt. It is present
belt exist. This deepening of the basin is synchronous (originally identified as the calcareous breccia mem-
with the basin deepening in central Cuba as indicated ber of the Buenavista Formation) in a much reduced
by the character of the Caguaguas* Formation. thickness in the southern Rosario belt. This unit cor-
Cretaceous Pelagic Sediments and Cherts. — A relates with and is similar to the Amaro* and Rodrigo*
relatively thin section of pelagic sediments and the formations of the Cifuentes* belt in central Cuba, and
presence of chert beds and nodules characterize the in both areas, these turbidites contain a small but
Cretaceous. This indicates deposition in the vicinity significant amount of quartz and volcanic detritus.
of 4000 m (13,100 ft) CCD. The approximate max- These detrital components suggest a southern source.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 183
Manacas Formation. — In its broadest sense, this 3) (a) East Guaniguanico Mountains: middle to late
unit includes the end of the basinal sedimentation Oxfordian oceanic rift volcanics overlain by thin
and an early stage of flysch sedimentation, abruptly Upper Jurassic deep-water carbonates, covered in
followed by the wildflysch from the destruction of a turn by Cretaceous deep-water carbonates, clas-
basic igneous-volcanic orogenic front to the south. tics, and cherts with influxes of miscellaneous
The presence of the thin Pica Pica Member suddenly turbidites (northern Rosario belt including the
overlain by orogenic breccia (Vieja Member) in almost Pizarras del Norte unit); and (b) west Guaniguanico
every major fault slice over the entire Guaniguanico Mountains: Tithonian oceanic rift volcanics
area suggests a major collapse of the orogenic front overlain by shallow- to deep-water Lower Creta-
and an olistostrome of large proportions. This col- ceous carbonates and continental derived clastics
lapse occurred in a relatively short period of time and overlain by deep-water cherts and clastics (La
simultaneously with the early stages of deformation. Esperanza belt)
The generally low dips, absence of overturning, and 4) Lower and Upper Cretaceous bank carbonates
attitude of the faults indicate that here, in contrast (Guajaibon – Sierra Azul belt)
with central Cuba, gravity was the main cause of the
observed deformation. From the standpoint of re- Whatever the direction of movement of the dif-
construction, this means that, by the Paleocene, the ferent structural units or scales, it is important to
clastic and platform to deep basin province formed arrive at some sort of estimate of the width of basin
one continuous geomorphic unit. It is also intriguing involved. The northern and southern Rosario belts
that the Manacas has not been mapped at the contact have been subdivided into 17 rather extensive struc-
between the Pizarras del Norte subbelt and the La tural units, the Mogotes area has been subdivided
Esperanza belt, although it underlies both. Perhaps the into at least 9, and the Alturas de las Pizarras del Sur
compositional differences between these two tectonic area has been subdivided into 3 in addition to the La
units, as observed by Truitt (1956a, b), is more appar- Esperanza and the Cacarajı́cara belt; this is a mini-
ent than real. However, the presence of thick Vieja mum of 31 tectonic units. Assuming that, prior to the
Member under the La Esperanza belt in Dimas-1 in- thrusting, folding, and stacking, each unit was as
dicates that the Manacas flysch deposition extended wide as half the width of the Sierra de Guaniguanico
farther north than the present position of the La (an average of 12 km [7.5 mi]), a total width of ap-
Esperanza belt. proximately 375 km (233 mi) is indicated. This extrap-
It appears that the clastic and platform to deep olative guess gives an order of magnitude of the area
basin province is represented in a continuous stack involved. As a comparison, the total carbonate basin in
of sheets. These sheets have been described as scales central Cuba was estimated at a minimum of 225 km
of variable limited extent. The basin represented by (139 mi). Again, it is worth mentioning that one could
these sheets was asymmetric and can be summa- be dealing with much larger areas because most of the
rized as follows: sediments involved consist of pelagic, oceanic-type de-
posits, and there is much less evidence of compression
1) Basement (continental or oceanic) and/or thin Ju- than in central Cuba.
rassic clastics overlain by thick, massive, shallow- The present thinking is that despite structural com-
water carbonates covered, in turn, by Upper Juras- plications, all major movements were from south to
sic deep-water carbonates and cherts (Mogotes north. If one attempts to restore these scales back to
area) their predeformation position, that is, the higher sheets
2) (a) East Guaniguanico Mountains: thin to thick south of the lower ones, one can obtain a sequence not
Jurassic deep- to shallow-water clastics overlain unlike the one of central Cuba, where the shallow-
by Upper Jurassic shallow- to deep-water carbon- water Jurassic carbonates are to the north (Las Villas*
ates and covered, in turn, by Cretaceous deep- belt) and the deep-water limestones and cherts are to
water carbonates and cherts (eastern southern the south (Cifuentes* belt). The major difference is
Rosario belt); and (b) west Guaniguanico Moun- the presence in western Cuba of a thick Jurassic clastic
tains: thick Jurassic deep- to shallow-water clas- basin between these two extremes. The presence of
tics overlain by thin Upper Jurassic shallow- to oceanic tholeiites of uppermost Jurassic age sug-
deep-water carbonates (western southern Rosario gests that, as in central Cuba, rifting was respon-
and Alturas de las Pizarras del Sur areas, includ- sible for the basin configuration. The relationship of
ing the metamorphosed Cangre belt) the Guajaibon –Sierra Azul belt to this basin still has
184 / Pardo
The massif has also been subdivided into five meta- potassic feldspar. The contacts with zones I, II,
morphic zones where, generally speaking, zone I, and III are tectonic and gradational into zone V.
the lowest grade, is in the center of the Rio de los Indios Zone V. This zone is transitional with and ap-
antiform, and zone V, the highest grade, occupies a pears included within zone IV. It consists mostly
small area, in the north of the massif near the Creta- of gneisses. It shows intense migmatization and
ceous volcanic Sabana Grande zone (Teneme Forma- granitization shown by bands of gneiss inter-
tion). Generally speaking, the metamorphic grade in- bedded with bands of granite; commonly, these
creases from zone I in the lowest stratigraphic unit to are intensely contorted. The mineral association
zone V in the uppermost part of the section, giving quartz-andesine-hornblende-biotite is present.
(as in the Escambray massif) the impression of inverse
metamorphism. Here, however, the correlation be- The stratigraphic section of Figure 105 shows the
tween metamorphic grade and structural unit, or stratigraphic units as well as the metamorphic zone
thrust sheet, is not as well defined as in Escambray. The to which they belong. It should be mentioned that
metamorphism is described as moderate pressure–high in most cases, the given thicknesses are estimates.
temperature. The zones are characterized as follows: Cañada Formation. — It consists of at least
1650 ft (500 m) of quartz-muscovite and quartz-
Zone I. It is the lowest metamorphic grade and is plagioclase-muscovite, graphitic, fine-grained schists
found at the base of the section in the Rio de los interbedded with similar coarser grained schists. The
Indios antiform. The shales show the follow- fine-grained schists are dark gray to black when fresh
ing assemblages: quartz-muscovite-biotite, quartz- because of the disseminated graphite; they are pink,
muscovite-biotite-chlorite, quartz-muscovite- reddish, or reddish brown when weathered. The
chlorite, and quartz-muscovite. It appears to grade coarser quartz schists are light gray to light greenish
into zone II, but is in fault contact with zones III gray; they have a whitish color when weathered. Rare
and IV. occasional outcrops of a dark-gray, fine- to medium-
Zone II. It shows complete recrystallization. The grained marble are present.
sedimentary schists contain the following as- This formation, which makes up 40% of the meta-
semblages: garnet-biotite-muscovite, kyanite- morphic massif outcrops, comprises most of meta-
biotite-muscovite, staurolite-biotite-muscovite, morphic zone I and zone II in structural unit 1. How-
staurolite-muscovite, garnet-muscovite, staurolite- ever, it is found in metamorphic zone III in the core of
biotite-chlorite-muscovite, and zoisite-biotite- unit 2.
muscovite. The calcareous-silicate rocks contain This formation is believed to be equivalent to the
some diopside and potassium feldspars. These oc- Lower to Middle Jurassic San Cayetano Formation of
currences show the beginning of the amphibolitic Pinar del Rio.
phase. It grades into zone I, but is in fault con- Agua Santa Formation. —The Agua Santa Forma-
tact with zones III and VI. tion consists of at least 3000 ft (1000 m) of inter-
Zone III. The sedimentary schists contain the fol- bedded fine-grained, graphitic schists and occasional
lowing assemblages: kyanite-staurolite-muscovite, to common marbles that can reach several meters in
kyanite-staurolite-biotite-muscovite, kyanite- thickness. Locally, quartz-muscovite schists are inter-
staurolite-andalusite-muscovite, kyanite-muscovite, bedded with quartzites. The schists are greenish gray,
and garnet-muscovite. The kyanite and staurolite dark gray, or black when fresh and weather reddish
are abundant, and the crystals can become very to reddish brown. The marbles are gray or black, fine
large. The contacts with zones II and IV are tectonic. to medium grained, commonly graphitic and schis-
Zone IV. The sedimentary schists contain assem- tose, and at times banded. Small amounts of gray or
blages that represent all the combinations of white, sugary dolomitic marble and calcareous quartz-
garnet, kyanite, staurolite, muscovite, biotite, sil- muscovite-graphite schist are present.
limanite, and andalusite. Oligoclase and andesine The Agua Santa Formation, which makes up 50%
are commonly present and can be as much as of the metamorphic massif outcrops, comprises most
10% of the rock. The calc-silicate rocks and some of metamorphic zone II in structural unit 1. It forms
marbles contain diopside (commonly partially re- zone III and zone IV in the other structural units.
placed by tremolite or actinolite). The calc-silicate This Agua Santa Formation is believed to be equiv-
rocks also contain basic plagioclase, calcite, scapo- alent to the Middle to Upper Jurassic part of the San
lite, zoisite, epidote, hornblende, phlogopite, and Cayetano Formation of Pinar del Rio.
186 / Pardo
Isla de la Juventud marbles.—This informal group Playa Bibijagua marble. — It consists of a black,
of lithologies consists of several types of marbles graphitic, fossiliferous marble with interbeds of sug-
that form only 5% of the metamorphic massif out- ary dark-gray dolomite. This unit is only a few meters
crops. They are generally found in the troughs of the thick and is in stratigraphic contact with the Agua
synforms. They are believed to be interbedded with, Santa Formation. The black marbles contain a pos-
or lie above, the upper part of the Agua Santa sible Jurassic microfauna and cephalopods, possibly
Formation. Their relative stratigraphic position is nautiloidea.
not entirely clear. The aggregate thickness is be- Asiento Viejo marbles.—They consist of less than
lieved to be on the order of 1500 ft (450 m), although 100 ft (30 m) of a flaggy, banded, sometimes graphit-
they might not constitute a continuous stratigraphic ic, marble with thin beds of metamorphosed cherts
succession. (quartzite), garnet amphibolite, and calc-silicate
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 187
schists. It is in stratigraphic contact with the Agua ward the upper part of the section. It is considered to
Santa Formation. be entirely of Jurassic age and equivalent to the San
Colombo marbles. —They consist of more than Cayetano and possibly Jagua and lower Viñales. In-
300 ft (100 m) of fetid gray marbles with interbedded terbedded with the carbonates and terrigenous sed-
sugary, dark-gray, tremolitic marbles. In places, thin iments, presumably toward the upper part of the
beds of metamorphosed cherts (quartzite) and marbles section, are some amphibolites that could be equiv-
derived from an intraformational breccia are present. alent to the Oxfordian El Sabalo or the volcanics in
This rock unit is in stratigraphic contact with the Playa the Cangre belt. It must be noted that most of the
Bibijagua marble and the Sierra Chiquita marbles. marbles are dark, graphitic, and with a sulfurous odor,
Sierra Chiquita marble. —It consists of more than suggesting deeper water original carbonates.
150 ft (50 m) of light-colored, commonly banded The age of the metamorphism is considered syn-
and sugary, dolomitic marbles that contain thin beds chronous with the deformation. This is supported by
of metamorphosed chert. These are interbedded with K-Ar age dating, giving ages ranging from 49.3 ± 3.8 to
gray, fetid, medium- to coarse-grained, gray marbles. 78 ± 4.0 m.y. with a median value of 66.0 Ma or early
These marbles are found only in the tectonic unit 5, Paleocene (Iturralde-Vinent et al., 1996). Millán (1981)
where they are in stratigraphic contact with the Co- recognizes four or five superimposed stages of defor-
lombo marbles and the Sierra de Caballos marbles. mation. As already mentioned, the metamorphism
Sierra de Caballos marbles. — They consist of at is distinctively zoned with four mesozones and one
least 300 ft (100 m) of bluish gray, fetid marbles catazone. It appears inverse in relation to the section
with thin beds of metamorphosed chert. In places, and the structures (less metamorphism in the older sedi-
layers of garnet amphibolite, a calc-silicate rock and ments in the cores of anticlines and more metamorphism
sugary gray dolomites. It is in stratigraphic contact in the younger sediments in the troughs of synclines).
with the Sierra Chiquita marble. The zonation appears to be transitional and not re-
Las Casas marble. —It consists of nearly 300 ft lated to individual thrust sheets as in the Escambray
(100 m) of light-gray, very coarse-grained, fetid, mas- massif (perhaps it is, but the Isla de la Juventud has
sive, homogeneous, sometimes banded marbles. not been as intensively mapped and studied as the
Commonly, they contain millimeter-thin laminae Escambray massif). The metamorphism is of high tem-
of a black, sugary, graphitic dolomite. In places, inter- perature and relatively low pressure compared to the
beddings of dark-gray, medium-grained marble and a high pressure and low temperature for Escambray.
white to light-gray, fine- to medium-grained marble Inverse regional metamorphism is a phenomenon
are present. These rocks constitute the tectonic unit 6 difficult to understand. The original explanation by
(Sierra de las Casas nappe). Millán and Somin (1976) for the Cuban apparent re-
La Reforma Calc-Siliceous rock. — This consists versal of metamorphism was that the hot slab of
of ±100 ft (±30 m) of a commonly banded quartz basic igneous and volcanics was thrusted over the
and calcite rock containing abundant diopside and Escambray and Isla de la Juventud massifs with a greater
basic plagioclase. Generally, it contains layers of accompanying metamorphism of the upper layers of
centimeter-thick, light-gray marble forming boudins. the section than that of the lower layers.
Daguilla amphibolite. —This consists of groups If all the regional metamorphism was related to the
of strata, several centimeters to several meters thick, activity of the arc and, therefore, to the Manicaragua
of hornblende (occasionally with remains of clino- granitoid (Cenomanian–Maastrichtian?), it must pre-
pyroxene), intermediate plagioclase, and garnet am- cede the overthrusting of the Domingo*-Cabaiguan*
phibolite. It is interbedded with a calc-silicate schist sequences (Maastrichtian?–middle Eocene); this is not
rich in diopside and basic plagioclase of sedimentary the case.
origin. This amphibolite appears to be interbedded In light of available data, the thrusting hypothesis
with the Agua Santa Formation; the original rock could is the most likely. The predeformation width of the
have been a basic tuff, basalt, or diabase, although a Isla de la Juventud is highly uncertain, but because
sedimentary origin is not completely discarded. 40 km (25 mi) are exposed, it must represent a mini-
mum of 80 km (50 mi).
Isla de la Juventud Section Discussion
The section exposed in the Isla de la Juventud Escambray Massif
shows a terrigenous section with interbedded carbon- This province in the Escambray massif consists of
ates that become more numerous and thicker to- two outcropping domal uplifts near the southern
188 / Pardo
coast of Cuba: the Sierra de Trinidad to the west units between the two domes (see Figure 106). These
and the Alturas de Sancti Spiritus to the east (see units are interpreted as folded and faulted superim-
Figure 106). posed thrust sheets.
No similar rocks have been reported from the Each dome has also been subdivided into distinct
Camaguey Province. Gulf conducted only short re- packets of thrust sheets called units. In general, unit 1
connaissance trips to this area, so the following dis- is found at the highest level of each dome, in contact
cussion is mostly based on the excellent work of with the Mabujina amphibolite. Units 4 –6 are found
Millán and Somin (1975, 1976, 1981, 1985a), Somin in the core of the domes. Each unit has a character-
and Millán (1977, 1981), Millán and Myczynsky (1979), istic degree of metamorphism, generally decreasing
and Millán-Trujillo (1990). The 1988 geologic map from unit 1 to units 4– 6. It is described as high pres-
(Pushcharovsky et al., 1988) is also based on their work. sure and low temperature.
The Escambray massif is, in large part, made up of The metamorphism of units 4– 6 shows little re-
generally low-grade metamorphics that have been crystallization and much preservation of the orig-
fairly well dated and correlated with the unmeta- inal texture. The shales show preservation of the
morphosed Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous sec- original sedimentary structures with little or no schis-
tion of Pinar del Rio. tosity. The volcanics show an assemblage of chlorite,
The internal structure of these two domes is very clinozoisite-epidote, actinolite, and white mica. Quartz-
complex with steep, radially directed dips. The Trin- ites can have white mica, clinozoisite, garnet, and
idad and the Sancti Spiritus domes have been sub- magnetite. The marbles contain tremolite and white
divided into six structural units each or eight different mica. Units 2 and 3 show complete recrystallization.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 189
The sedimentary schists have white mica and occa- mentioned that in most cases, thicknesses are impos-
sionally chlorite, and some show remnants of the sible to determine; however, they are occasionally
original structures, exhibiting the same minerals found estimated.
in zone I, plus lawsonite. The quartzites contain the
same minerals as zone I, but with a greater variety of Unit 1
garnet. In unit 1, the sedimentary schists, chlorite Herradura Formation. —It consists exclusively of
has disappeared, and albite can be abundant. Quartz- quartz and quartz muscovite schists commonly with
albite-white mica schists are common. Some crystal- abundant graphite. It is in stratigraphic contact with
line schists contain garnet, glaucophane, diopside, the Boqueron Formation. It is characteristic of unit 1
hornblende clinozoisite, epidote, zoisite, and lawsonite. on the northern margin of both domes. However, the
In the metabasic rocks, hornblende is present instead of degree of metamorphism is less than in unit 2, which is
actinolite and so are glaucophane, garnet, clinozoisite- nearer the core of the domes.
epidote, white mica, diopside, zoisite, and lawsonite. Boquerones Formation. — It is characterized by a
Quartzites can contain garnet, magnetite, glaucophane, sequence of calcareous schists (with white mica and
riebeckite, hornblende, zoisite, clinopyroxenes, and di- graphite) and black to dark-gray, very foliated mar-
opside. White mica is always present. In marbles, zoisite bles. In places, cherts and greenschists are present. It
is occasionally present. is very similar to the Cobrito Formation.
Figure 107 is a correlation chart of the named
formations, and Figure 108 shows, from the center Unit 2
of the domes (units 4 – 6) toward the rim, the order Yayabo Formation. — The Yayabo Formation
of the structural units and the names of the units. In consists of a sequence of amphibolites made of
general, units 3, 4, and 6 are the internal units, where- hornblende, acid plagioclase, white mica, clinozois-
as units 1 and 2 are the external ones. It should be ite, and garnet. It contains beds of metaquartzite with
190 / Pardo
muscovite and garnet. The Yayabo is considered the Yayabo does not appear to be a remnant of
Jurassic in age. This unit is shown in Pushcharovsky basement.
et al. (1988). These amphibolites appear to be Loma La Gloria Formation. — It consists of a se-
independent of all other units within the massif. In quence of quartz schists, quartz-muscovite schists, and
their association with other rocks, they are dif- muscovite schists, commonly with abundant graph-
ferent, both petrographically and chemically, from ite. Calcareous schists are common, and sometimes,
the Mabujina amphibolite. Unlike the Mabujina, intercalations of garnet-eclogite with glaucophane
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 191
and garnet amphibolite are present. This formation (4 m) thick. Most of the contacts are tectonic; how-
occurs in unit 2, which is peripheral to both domes. It ever, it conformably overlies the Collantes and un-
is shown in Pushcharovsky et al. (1988). derlies the Charco Azul and La Sabina formations. In
Included in this formation are bodies of multi- Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), this unit is included in
mineralic crystalline schists, commonly calcareous, the Yaguanabo formation.
that are named ‘‘Algarrobo crystalline schists.’’ K-Ar In contrast with the limestones of the San Juan
dating from four samples of white mica yielded ages Group, this formation appears to have been depos-
from 71 to 82 m.y. (Campanian–lower Maastrichtian). ited in an open, pelagic, marine environment. The
Cobrito Formation. — It consists of a succession of age is considered Lower Cretaceous, possibly extending
calcareous schists and schistose marbles with a fine, into the early Upper Cretaceous. It belongs to unit 3 in
rhythmic stratification. Compositionally, calcite dom- the Trinidad dome.
inates, with subordinated white mica, graphite, quartz, Charco Azul Formation.—The Charco Azul Forma-
and variable quantities of albite. Occasionally, chlo- tion consists of metaquartzites, muscovite-chlorite
rite, clinozoisite, and lawsonite are present. Com- and muscovite-quartz schists, light-colored calcare-
monly included in the schists are small boudins, less ous rocks, and to a minor degree, metamorphosed
affected by the metamorphism, of black dolomitic sandstones with albite and chlorite and green meta-
and crystalline limestone, with radiolaria (Spumellaria volcanic schists. This unit belongs to unit 3 in the
spp. and Nassellaria? spp.) and other organic remains. Trinidad dome. In Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), this
Some of the fossils have been tentatively identified as unit is included in the Yaguanabo formation.
the Upper Jurassic–Neocomian Globochaetes alpina This unit comformably overlies the Collantes For-
and Cadosina sp. Poorly preserved remains also exist, mation and is the lateral equivalent of the Loma
suggesting Calpionella or Chitinoidella. Breccias with Quivican Formation. The Yunaguabo Formation over-
black graphitic marble components are common. lies this unit with apparent conformity. Near the con-
This formation is in possible stratigraphic contact tact of this formation, a Tithonian–Lower Cretaceous
with the underlying Loma la Gloria Formation and microfauna has been recognized in marbles.
could be, at least in part, equivalent to part of the San Yaguanabo Formation. — It consists of metavol-
Juan Group. This sequence is characteristic of unit 2 canic greenschists, interbedded with gray marbles
in both domes. This unit is shown in Pushcharovsky and minor amounts of quartzites and siliceous mica
et al. (1988). schists. It conformably overlies the Charco Azul For-
mation. It is believed to be of Cretaceous age, but
Unit 3 whole rock chemical analyses argue against being a
Collantes Formation. — The Collantes Formation metamorphosed equivalent of the Cabaiguan belt;
consists of a sequence of well-bedded black marble, the TiO2 content is much higher than in similar
with abundant graphite. Schistosity is well developed, rocks of the Cabaiguan* sequence. This formation
and generally, the marbles are nonfetid and non- occurs in unit 3 of the Trinidad dome.
bituminous. Chert is absent. The thickness is esti- This unit is shown in Pushcharovsky et al. (1988),
mated at tens of meters. It belongs to zone II and but it also includes Loma Quivican, La Sabina, Charco
unit 2 in the Trinidad dome. In Pushcharovsky et al. Azul, and the Tambor formations.
(1988), this unit is included in the Yaguanabo forma- La Sabina Formation. —The La Sabina Formation
tion. Its stratigraphic relationships are not well known, consists of well-bedded quartzites, occasionally stained
but it conformably underlies the Loma Quivican and with manganese, interbedded with quartz mica
Charco Azul formations. schists. Occasional marbles occur. This unit belongs to
The age is estimated as Upper Jurassic – Lower unit 3 in the Trinidad dome. In Pushcharovsky et al.
Cretaceous. (1988), this unit is included in the Yaguanabo for-
Loma Quivican Formation.—The Loma Quivican mation. It overlies the Loma Quivican Formation and
Formation consists of estimated tens of meters of appears to be the metamorphosed equivalent of the
light-colored (whitish, grayish, greenish, pink, and Santa Teresa Formation. Therefore, it is considered
violet), fine-grained, crystalline limestones. They Cretaceous.
show good foliation, with thin laminae of white El Tambor Formation. — The El Tambor Forma-
mica and thin chert beds. In addition, they contain tion is described as a metamorphosed alpine-type
intercalations of greenschists (tuffaceous?), sometimes flysch. It consists of well-bedded, rhythmic, some-
calcareous, and intraformational breccias up to 13 ft times calcareous, fine-grained chlorite schists to
192 / Pardo
greenschists that include coarse-grained metamor- and calcareous schists. They are commonly graphitic
phosed sandstones. Numerous interbeds of light- and have a fetid odor. They form 40 – 45% of the
colored marbles and a few beds of metaquartzite outcrops of the metamorphic province. This group
occur. This formation seems to contain olistoliths of was named the ‘‘series of crystalline schists’’ by
older formations. It is assigned to the Upper Creta- Thiadens (1937a, b) and ‘‘San Juan marbles’’ by Hatten
ceous and is believed to overlie the Yaguanabo For- et al. (1958). The group is shown in Pushcharovsky
mation, but apparently, the contact has not been et al. (1988), but not the individual formations. The
observed. This unit occurs in unit 3 of the Trinidad formations of the San Juan Group appear to have all
dome. In Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), this unit is been deposited under restricted, anoxic conditions, as
included in the Yaguanabo formation. indicated by the dark color, abundant graphite, and
Note that the metamorphism of the flysch and common hydrogen sulfide odor. Under the proper
olistostromes indicates strong tectonic activity si- conditions, they could have served as petroleum source
multaneously with, or prior to, the thermal activity rocks prior to the Late Cretaceous metamorphism.
of the arc. It means that some tectonic activity was Narciso Formation. —It consists of 130 ft (40 m) of
early Maastrichtian or older. beige and light- to dark-gray, finely crystalline lime-
stones containing much detrital quartz. Many un-
Units 4–6 identifiable fossil remains occur. It outcrops in the
Naranjo Group. —The name Naranjo has been Trinidad dome.
used to describe all the metamorphics of a terrige- The ammonites Perisphinctes and Microsphinctes
nous origin that form the lower part of the section have been identified, giving a late middle Oxfordian
in the Escambray massif. The Naranjo Group was age. The Sauco Formation conformably overlies the
named the ‘‘series of crystalline schists’’ by Thiadens Narciso.
(1937), the ‘‘crystalline schists of the Trinidad series’’ This unit is thought to correlate with the Jagua
by Hatten et al. (1958), the ‘‘Trinidad Formation’’ by and Francisco formations in Pinar del Rio.
Khudoley and Meyerhoff (1971), and the ‘‘Naranjo Sauco Formation. — It consists of medium-bedded,
Group’’ by Millán and Myczynski (1979). In 1981, fine- to medium grained, dark bluish gray to almost
Millán and Somin described it as a formation. In black crystalline limestones. They are very fetid and
1985a, b, Millán and Somin assigned new forma- at times show a high concentration of graphite. The
tion names to the different parts of this unit. In view Sauco outcrops in the Trinidad dome.
of the fact that the Naranjo Formation name appears It is barren of organisms, but is assigned an upper
in Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), whereas some of the Oxfordian –lower Tithonian age.
new units do not, it will be treated as a ‘‘group.’’ It Mayari Formation. —It consists of 300(?) ft (100? m)
includes the following formations. of gray, bluish gray to black, graphitic, crystalline lime-
La Llamagua Formation. —It consists of an inter- stones, always bituminous and fetid. They are com-
bedding of quartz-arenites and lustrous phyllites. This monly well stratified and thin-bedded and are inter-
unit stratigraphically underlies the basal, middle Ox- calated with thin beds or nodules of chert. It outcrops
fordian marbles of the San Juan Group and is consid- mostly in both domes. Based on ammonites of the
ered equivalent to the Jurassic San Cayetano Formation Perisphinctidae family, the age is considered Titho-
of Pinar del Rio. It outcrops in the Trinidad dome. nian, but it could be extended into the Neocomian. It
La Chispa Formation. — It consists of a sequence of is considered equivalent to the Guasasa and Artemisa
mica schists (quartz muscovite or muscovite schists formations of Pinar del Rio and the Caguaguas* For-
at times rich in graphite) of terrigenous origin, mation of Las Villas* belt. In the Sancti Spiritus dome,
interbedded with quartzites, micaceous siliceous Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) include it in the Jibacoa
schists, metavolcanic greenschists with lawsonite, Group.
marbles, and calcareous schists. The greenschists with
lawsonite and black marbles are named the Felicidad Escambray Massif Section Discussion
greenschists and are considered Lower–Upper Jurassic The Escambray massif consists of the superposi-
or Oxfordian. It is shown in Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) tion of a minimum of six sedimentary thrust sheets
in the Trinidad dome, but in the Sancti Spiritus dome, (nappes) of Jurassic and Cretaceous age. This super-
it is included in a Jibacoa Group. position shows that rocks of different facies and
San Juan Group.— It consists of ±1000(?) ft (±300? increasing metamorphic grade, but of equivalent
m) of well-bedded, black to dark bluish gray marbles age, have been stacked on each other. In addition, a
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 193
sheet of amphibolite, the Yayabo Formation, is be- the metamorphosed sediments are stacked in seven
lieved to be significantly different from the Mabujina thrust sheets, the distance between the most autoch-
amphibolite. thonous at the base and the most allochthonous at
As has been already mentioned, the Escambray sec- the top could be on the order of 300 km (186 mi) or
tions show greater similarities to the unmetamor- more.
phosed Guaniguanico sections than to the central The lowermost plate, units 4– 6, with the lowest
Cuba carbonate belts. This has been reported by metamorphic grade, consists of dominantly quartz
many authors such as Somin and Millán (1981), sandstones of Middle to Upper Jurassic age, overlain
Pszczólkowski (1987, 1999), and Iturralde-Vinent by dark organic limestones of Oxfordian to Lower
(1996). Such similarity has led these authors to pos- Cretaceous age that suggest restricted, anoxic, con-
tulate an early rift between the Yucatan and South ditions. The uppermost plate, unit 1, with the highest
America, predating the central Cuba basin succession. metamorphic grade, shows an age-equivalent sec-
The development history of the massif is complex tion consisting entirely of quartz-muscovite schists
and will benefit from additional work on dating the with graphite, suggesting a much more argillaceous
original rocks, the stages of deformation, and the meta- original sediment. This section is overlain by light-
morphism. Several radiometric dates by the K-Ar colored calcareous schists and marbles, with a fine
technique (Iturralde-Vinent et al.,1996) give ages for rhythmic stratification, which contain radiolaria and
the high-pressure metamorphism ranging from 43 to other organic remains. This upper plate, with the
85 m.y. or Maastrichtian. The median value is 66 m.y. highest metamorphic grade, was therefore originally
or Paleocene. Stanek et al. (2006) consider the end of farther away from a source of sediment, possibly
the subduction at approximately 70 Ma, followed by by some 200 km (124 mi), and seems to have had
northward thrusting. more open-marine conditions in the Late Jurassic–
It must be pointed out that the southeasternmost Early Cretaceous; it was also closest to the source of
outcrops of thrust sheets in the Guaniguanico Moun- metamorphism.
tains, the Cangre belt, contain volcanics and show It is impossible from the published data to draw
inverse metamorphism of Paleocene to middle Eo- much of a trend for the Cretaceous. There appear to
cene sediments (Guasasa, Ancón, and Pica-Pica for- be two distinct groups of facies: (1) a carbonate-chert
mations), predating the thrusting. overlain by clastics and (2) a clastic overlain by vol-
Despite a general correspondence between the struc- canics and occasional carbonates. Both groups of fa-
tural units and the metamorphic zonation, definite cies overlie the Upper Jurassic Collantes open-water
evidence exists that some thrusting occurred prior to carbonates and grade transitionally into each other.
the metamorphism, whereas more thrusting occurred It is not clear if these volcanics are related to the
afterward. For instance, in the Sancti Spiritus dome, Cabaiguan* sequence; based on the TiO2 content,
it appears that the La Chispa Formation of units 4 – Millán and Somin (1985b) consider them of a differ-
6 rode over the Cobrito Formation of unit 2, with a ent origin. At any rate, these volcanics are believed to
very low angle, and both were later folded and meta- be related to the metamorphism, which would place
morphosed. This is supported by the fact that the them in a direction opposite to the less metamor-
metamorphosed El Tambor Formation, of probable phosed quartz sandy section and, consequently, away
Upper Cretaceous age, is described as an alpine flysch from the source of sediments.
with olistostromes. Because the age of the thermal Although it has been generally assumed that the
metamorphism is not later than Maastrichtian and direction of thrusting was from south to north, this
can be as early as the Albian, the thrusting must have direction of movement is uncertain; Millán and
occurred in the pre-Maastrichtian and even Early Cre- Somin (1985b) and Iturralde-Vinent (1996) recog-
taceous, simultaneously with the deposition of the nize this possibility. Therefore, the direction of the
Cabaiguan* sequence and, therefore, much earlier than source of the clastics that accumulated during the
the deformation of the volcanic and carbonate belts Jurassic is unknown. It might be significant that unit
to the north. The Cretaceous Yaguanabo Formation 1 is present only along the northern rim of the domes
also significantly contains volcanics. and is less metamorphosed than unit 2 that under-
The Escambray massif is 29 km (18 mi) at its widest lies it. The possibility exists that there were two sets
point. Considering the complex folding and the gen- of movements along the thrusts; for instance, an early
eral high dips, 20–708, this could conservatively rep- south-to-north movement before metamorphism,
resent a 50-km (31-mi) distance before folding. If followed by a late north-to-south one. The above data
194 / Pardo
could also be further evidence that the metamorphism midium sp., Spirillina sp., Chitinoidella(?) sp., and
of the Escambray massif was caused by a different miliolids, suggesting an Upper Jurassic age possibly
phenomenon than the one that was responsible for extending into the Lower Cretaceous.
the emplacement of the Manicaragua granodiorite. Sierra Verde Formation. —The Sierra Verde For-
mation consists mostly of phyllites and metamor-
phosed shales, with beds of crystalline limestone,
Asuncion Area: Eastern Cuba metavolcanics, and metamorphosed cherts.
It is a relatively small area 10 12 km (6 7 mi) The phyllites constitute 80% of the section and
near the town of Asuncion (see Figure 109) and in are black when fresh, graphitic, schistose, and finely
fault contact to the west with the metamorphics of banded. They weather to pinkish, violet, creamy,
the Purial massif. The stratigraphic thicknesses have and greenish and occur in groups 600–1000 ft (200–
not been measured, and those shown in Figure 110 300 m) in apparent thickness. They contain sericite,
are for illustration purposes only. This area was also graphite, quartz, chlorite, albite, and commonly,
studied by Millán and Somin (1981, 1985b) lawsonite. The quartz grains maintain their original
Chafarina Formation. —The Chafarina Forma- sedimentary shape, and abundant detrital zircon
tion consists of schistose calcitic and sometimes do- exists.
lomitic marbles. In the east, the marbles are dark, Isolated beds, or groups of beds, up to 65 ft (20 m)
micaceous, banded, commonly graphitic, and some- in thickness of a green to grayish green, fine- to
times bituminous and grade transitionally into cal- medium-grained, sometimes banded rock with an
careous schists. Toward the west, the marbles are imperfect schistosity exist. It contains albite, chlorite,
gray, cream, and pinkish, interbedded with dark-gray actinolite, epidote, and sphene. Glaucophane and
marbles. Dark-gray to black cherts are present and white micas are also present but in lesser quanti-
sometimes abundant. These beds are intensely de- ties. This rock appears to be metamorphosed basic
formed in isoclinal folds, making the measurement volcanics.
of thickness impossible; however, this might reach One body of amygdular basalt, with altered pla-
several hundreds of meters. In some dark-gray mar- gioclase phenocrysts, was also observed.
bles, near the contact with the Sierra Verde Formation, Regular interbeds of gray, schistose, laminated crys-
are remnants of a dark-gray limestone with Ophtal- talline limestones up to 10 ft (3 m) thick exist, which
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 195
occasionally contains small remnants of a uncrystal- Common interbeds of metamorphosed cherts and
lized cream limestone in which microfossils have been an argillaceous, lustrous (sericitic), meta-silicate schist
found. The fauna consists of Calpionella sp., Nanno- showing abundant remains of radiolaria also exist.
conus sp., and undetermined globigerinidae (Ticinella? This unit is in fault contact with the metamor-
sp. and Hedbergella? sp.), suggesting a Neocomian age, phic Güira de Jauco Formation to the west. The na-
possibly extending into the Tithonian. ture of the contact with the Chafarina Formation has
196 / Pardo
not been described, but it is assumed that the Sierra south of the volcanic terrane and consists mainly of
Verde overlies it. basic to ultrabasic igneous rocks; the Cabaiguan* se-
According to Millán and Somin (1985a), the Sierra quence (formerly Pardo’s Cabaiguan* belt and part of
Verde Formation is similar to (with less sandstone) Hatten’s Manicaragua unit), generally in the center of
and possibly of the same age as the La Esperanza (and the province, consists of mostly unmetamorphosed
possibly the Santa Teresa) Formation of northern basic to arc volcanics and associated sediments and
Pinar del Rio, but not the San Cayetano Formation as includes an Upper Cretaceous intrusive granodiorite
previously supposed (Somin and Millán, 1981). It al- body.
so strongly suggests the Cifuentes* belt of central Cuba. The name Zaza is widely used in the present lit-
erature to describe the area where these types of rocks
Asuncion Area Discussion occur, but unfortunately, it has suffered the same
The metamorphics of Asuncion show a possi- nomenclatural confusion as the other belts. The Zaza
ble slightly metamorphosed equivalent of the La tectounit was used by Hatten et al. (1958) for much of
Esperanza belt in Pinar del Rio and not the Jurassic the rocks included in the basic igneous-volcanic
clastic sequence that is present in other metamor- terrane. However, the igneous rocks outcropping north
phic massifs. This is very significant because it in- of the Placetas* and Cifuentes* belts were, in large
dicates the extent of the La Esperanza sandy facies, part, considered by them to be the basement of the
and it is also suggestive of the outcrops of the un- Las Villas tectounit, whereas they were included in
metamorphosed Neocomian Ronda* Formation along the Domingo* belt by Pardo (1954). Furthermore, the
the Tuinicu fault separating the Manicaragua belt from Zaza unit did not include the Manicaragua unit. This
the Cabaiguan* sequence north of the Escambray massif terrane was named (1) the Santa Clara zone by Ducloz
in central Cuba. and Vaugnat (1962), (2) the Zaza zone by Khudoley
The relation between the metavolcanics of the (1967), (3) the Santa Clara zone by Meyerhoff and
Purial and the Asuncion metamorphics is tectonic Hatten (1968), (4) the Seibabo and Santa Clara zones
and further confused by the presence of ultrabasics. by Knipper and Cabrera (1974), (5) the Zaza and Santa
However, the band of ultrabasics separating the meta- Clara zones by Dilla and Garcı́a (1985), and (6) the
morphosed Cabaiguan* sequence from the Güira de Zaza and Manicaragua units by Hatten et al. (1988).
Jauco amphibolites is believed to be part of the major The Zaza zone in Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) appears
ultrabasic Mayari-Baracoa thrust sheet that formerly to coincide fairly well with Domingo* sequence of this
covered the Purial massif and was wedged along the publication.
faults that separate the Purial from the Asuncion area. In this chapter, the names have been extended to
It is no coincidence that in central and western Cuba, the entire island.
amphibolites (Mabujina, Daguilla) are also found in These two sections are intimately related, and it is
contact with metamorphosed sediments, suggesting believed that at one time, the Domingo* sequence,
that the Asuncion area was originally part of a win- including the metamorphosed Mabuyina amphib-
dow of metamorphosed sediments showing through olite, was part of an oceanic basement upon which
the thrust sheet of amphibolite basement under the the Cabaiguan* sequence was deposited.
Purial metavolcanics.
Central Cuba
Central Cuba is considered the type area for the
BASIC IGNEOUS-VOLCANIC TERRANE basic igneous-volcanic province and will be described
first, followed by western Cuba, northern Cuba, and
This province is a belt in the Pardo (1954) sense. Oriente. For each region, the Domingo* and Cabaiguan*
It includes a wide variety of igneous rocks, metamor- sequences will be described together (see Figure 111).
phic rocks, volcanic rocks, igneous- and volcanic-derived Figure 112 is a correlation chart of all the basic
sediments, and some carbonates. Originally, Pardo igneous-volcanic terrane units of central Cuba. In the
(1954, 1975) subdivided it into the Domingo* basic literature, the Mabuyina amphibolite and the grano-
igneous and the Cabaiguan* volcanic belts. In this diorite have been referred to as the Manicaragua belt
study, it will be subdivided into the Domingo* and (unit) and have been associated with the Escambray
Cabaiguan* sequences. The Domingo* sequence metamorphics. (A possible source of geographic confu-
(formerly Pardo’s Domingo* belt and part of Hat- sion exists. In prerevolution days, the mountains along
ten’s Manicaragua unit) is generally to the north and the south coast of Cuba, near the town of Trinidad,
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 197
known then as the Trinidad Mountains, now appear between the Las Villas* and Cifuentes* belts and be-
in the literature as the Escambray massif. It includes tween the Las Villas* and Placetas* belts. To the south,
the Sierra de Trinidad and the Alturas de Sancti Spi- it forms a nearly complete ring at the base of the vol-
ritus, whereas a range of low serpentine hills near canic section around the Escambray metamorphics.
the city of Santa Clara was used to be known as the However, it mostly occurs south of the Cifuentes*
Escambray Mountains and appear under that name and Placetas* belts. The width of the Domingo* se-
in many old reports.) In this publication, the Mabuyina quence ranges greatly from a few kilometers to as
amphibolite is considered to be part of the Domingo* much as 22 km (13 mi) in its maximum development
sequence, and the granodiorite intrudes and is part of southeast of Santa Clara. In central Camaguey, it most-
the Cabaiguan* sequence. ly forms a large body south and east of the Sierra de
In Las Villas province, the basic igneous-volcanic Cubitas (see Figure 113).
province is bound on the north by the Domingo* In Las Villas province, in general, this section can
fault and its imbrications and to the south by the be divided into a Vega-Tamarindo area, a Santa Clara–
Escambray fault zone that is considered to correlate Arroyo Blanco area occurring generally south of
with the Domingo* fault. the first, and a northern Escambray area. The Vega-
Tamarindo and Santa Clara–Arroyo Blanco areas are
separated by a possible major imbrication of the
Domingo* Sequence Domingo* sequence at the base or within the serpen-
The Domingo* sequence consists of an association tine. The Vega-Tamarindo area of the Domingo* se-
of intermediate to ultrabasic igneous and metamor- quence continues in a much reduced and structurally
phic rocks having definite layering. Its distribution is highly disturbed condition to the northwest between
almost impossible to describe accurately. It occurs the Cifuentes* and Las Villas* belts. In the northern
north of the Jatibonico* belt, in long linear bands Escambray area, they rim a window of metamorphics
198 / Pardo
FIGURE 112. Correlation chart, basic igneous-volcanic terrane, central Cuba.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 199
that can be seen through the Domingo* thrust. These be a mechanical mixture between diorite and basic
rocks will be described according to their location as igneous rocks. K. Dickson (1955, personal communi-
well as to their position in the sequence. The Domingo* cation) stated that
sequence rocks outcropping in the central part of the
Camaguey province will be described under the cen- All the quartz diorites except for some few aplit-
tral Camaguey area section below. ic differentiates are cataclastic in varying de-
grees; no occurrence is lacking some stress phe-
Vega-Tamarindo Area nomena. Quartz is crushed and rounded into
It extends from Vega to Tamarindo, between the granules, which appear as relicts in patches of
Placetas* and Las Villas* belts (see Figure 114). It is newly formed, limpid, untwined albite. Biotite
the northern part of what recent literature refers to and chlorite are bent and smeared, and feldspar
as the Iguará-Perea area (Iturralde-Vinent, 1996). Its laths are cracked, show undulatory extinction
northern boundary is along the Domingo* fault over and incipient replacement. . .Whether this cata-
the Las Villas* and Jatibonico belts. Its southern bound- clasis is due to emplacement in a crystalline
ary is formed by an intra–Domingo* sequence im- state, or postintrusion deformation due to thrust-
brication, the Jarahueca* fault, that brings the ser- ing, or both, is unknown. . ..
pentinites of the Santa Clara–Arroyo Blanco area in
contact with the various lithologies described as fol- A great similarity in texture and composition ex-
lows (see Figure 115). ists between this igneous rock and the granodiorites
Intermediate Igneous Rocks. — Within this that form the basement below the upper (southern)
group are diorites, quartz diorites, and granodiorites plate of the Cifuentes* belt.
that have many common characteristics. Gulf geologists recognized another widespread
The main rock type is a gray, medium-grained quartz type of intermediate igneous rock and named it the
diorite, commonly with black hornblende and biotite Andrés* Formation. The Andrés* Formation is be-
crystals standing out from a salt-and-pepper matrix. lieved to be synonymous with the Perea metamor-
Some samples have a distinct gabbroic appearance. phics of Hatten et al. (1958), which they consider to
Quartz is not visible in most hand specimens. The prin- be the result of the intrusion of a diabase by the
cipal mafic is a dark-green hornblende. The feldspar Trés Guanos granodiorite (quartz monzonite) (Hatten
is labradorite or andesine. Most of the samples from et al., 1988). Hatten et al. (1958) also reported the
this rock show crushing of the grains and appear to intrusion of the San Marcos troctolite by the Trés
200 / Pardo
FIGURE 114. Domingo* belt, Vega-Tamarindo, Santa Clara – Arroyo Blanco areas.
Guanos granodiorite. Gulf considered the San Marcos metamorphism and the abundant cataclasis. Millán
troctolite as part of the ultrabasic sequence, the Venegas* and Somin (1981) consider the metamorphism to be
Formation, which will be described below. The similarity of high temperature and low pressure. The timing of
among all the rocks of intermediate type, and the ap- this intrusion has been a long-standing problem be-
parent intrusion of the Perea metamorphics and the cause of the similarity of all the granitoids in central
San Marcos troctolite by the Trés Guanos grano- Cuba. Several K-Ar age determinations have yielded
diorite, is the main reason for including all these ages from 70 to 88 m.y. (Millán and Somin, 1981,
units as part of the pre–Lower Cretaceous basement, 1985b), correlating with the Upper Cretaceous volca-
the median welt, of the Las Villas unit (Placetas* and nic arc, although there are arguments for the Andrés
Cifuentes* belts) by Hatten et al. (1958), Meyerhoff and Formation to be older and metamorphosed during
Hatten (1968), Meyerhoff, in Khudoley and Meyerhoff the Upper Cretaceous.
(1971), and Hatten et al. (1988). This unit consists of Ultrabasics.—In this area, the serpentine is char-
a mixture of hornblende dolerite, hornblende-augite acteristically absent, and the ultrabasics are repre-
gabbro, hornblende dacite or quartz porphyry, and sented by the gabbros of the Venegas* Formation.
quartz diorite. This unit appears to be the result of the Venegas* Formation. —This formation consists of
intrusion of basic igneous rock by quartz diorite. an unknown thickness, but probably several thou-
As already mentioned, the Trés Guanos granodi- sands of feet, of fine- to very coarsely crystalline
orite, outcropping in the southeastern rim of the uralite gabbro, olivine gabbro, hornblende gabbro,
Jarahueca window, and associated with the Jobosi* hornblende diallage gabbro, augite-hornblende gab-
Formation, is probably the metamorphosed basement bro, and epidiorite. It is of dark-gray color and
of the Cifuentes* belt upper plate. weathers to dark greenish gray or powdery white and
Therefore, it appears that in the Vega-Tamarindo black. The feldspars, commonly up to 5 mm (0.2 in.)
area of the Domingo* sequence, a pre – Lower Creta- or larger, are borderline labradorite-bytownite, com-
ceous oceanic crust was intruded by and mechani- monly replaced by zeolites. The coarse-grained develop-
cally mixed with granodiorite as indicated by the ment is restricted to the top of the unit. It is in contact
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 201
and intermixed with the underlying intermediate the Las Villas* and Jatibonico* belts, as well as the
igneous described above. In places, it appears to be in carbonates of the coastal province.
conformable contact with the overlying serpentine, Dikes. —A complex of gabbro and diabase parallel
but is very probably in fault contact. The metaba- dikes cuts the Venegas* outcrop in an area south of
sites of the Venegas* Formation are considered to the Jatibonico Mountains. These dikes suggest oce-
have been subjected to low-pressure (<3-kbar) and anic crust.
high-temperature (8008C) metamorphism (Garcia-
Casco et al., 2003). This unit includes Hatten et al.’s Santa Clara–Arroyo Blanco Area
(1958) San Marcos troctolite. In this area, which is generally south and west of
In places, the Venegas* Formation, together with the preceding one, are some peculiar sediments in-
the intermediate igneous, overlies in fault contact variably associated with some of the igneous rocks.
202 / Pardo
Although this association is unquestionably tec- exists. The Miguel* Formation is probably included
tonic, these sediments will be described first as they in the Vega Alta Formation in Pushcharovsky et al.
stand by themselves. Although they have some sim- (1988).
ilarity to the Corona* Formation, they have no clear, This unit, which contains a rich pelagic fauna of
direct relationship with any of the sediments found Globigerina cretacea sl., Guembelina sp., Globigerinella
in any of the other belts. The section is graphically sp., Globotruncana lapparenti sl., Pithonella spp., and
shown in Figure 116. orbitoid fragments, was considered of Maastrichtian
Miguel* Formation.—In the general vicinity of the age. It is therefore the age equivalent to the Corona*,
towns of Santa Clara and Placetas, and associated with Amaro*, and Rodrigo* formations of the Placetas* and
fault zones in the serpentine, are outcrops of olive- Cifuentes* belts, but is lithologically similar to the
brown, red, noncalcareous, slightly fissile shales, brown lower – middle Eocene Vega* Formation. The faunal
nonfissile mudstones, and brown calcarenites with content suggests that this unit was deposited in deep
abundant igneous grains. No sign of metamorphism waters.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 203
Although all the contacts are tectonic, it appears is highly disturbed, cut by countless faults, and al-
to structurally underlie the Domingo* sequence. The ways in fault contact with sediments, a succession of
fact that the Miguel* Formation is not associated with distinct units is very apparent. For mapping purposes,
older sediments could be an indication that it was these units have been given both formational and in-
originally deposited on some sort of basement. This formal names.
could be expected in view of the fact that the pre- Serpentine. —In Cuba, it is formed from the al-
Santonian–Maastrichtian unconformity appears more teration of pyroxene-bearing olivine rock grading at
pronounced southward. It shows similarities with and depth into fresh, unaltered peridotite. Its color varies
is equivalent to the Corona* Formation. It is an early from greenish black to light green. Weathered sam-
flysch and also might have overlain the Cifuentes* ples take a brownish or reddish appearance because
belt. of iron oxidation. The original rock was probably ei-
Associated with this unit and at the contact be- ther harzburgite (orthorhombic pyroxene and olivine)
tween the serpentine and the sedimentary Cifuentes* or lherzolite (ortho- and clinopyroxene and olivine).
and Placetas* belts are outcrops of a rubble zone con- Peridotite has been encountered in wells where it
sisting of a crushed mixture of serpentine and sedi- contains hypersthene and augite, as well as olivine.
ments, as well as outcrops of calcite mesh (ophicalcite). The serpentine can be subdivided, from base to
Unnamed Metamorphic Exotics. — In the Santa top, into three types.
Clara area, metamorphic rocks occur as exotics in Waxy Serpentine.—It is a chlorite schist with a scaly,
a waxy type of serpentine. The size of the exotics highly sheared, glossy aspect. This shearing is unques-
ranges from a few centimeters to well over 1 km tionably tectonic because it is commonly found near
(0.6 mi). The zone of exotics is considered to repre- fault zones and in areas of intense deformation. Waxy
sent the lowermost part of the section. They consist serpentine is the type in which the metamorphic blocks
of several low- to high-grade metamorphic types previously described are found. The thickness is highly
such as metagraywacke, quartz-amphibole-albite variable. In the Santa Clara–Arroyo Blanco area, the
schist, quartz-zoisite-chlorite schist, muscovite schist, thickness is more than 3000 ft (1000 m), whereas in
glaucophane schist, graphite schist, amphibolites, other places, only thin slivers are present. The waxy
eclogites, and phyllites. Vein quartz and pegmatite serpentine is considered to represent a shear or un-
blocks are also present. Many of the exotics show stable zone at the base of the oceanic crust.
plastic flow structure (recumbent teardrop) conform- Reticulated Serpentine.—It is relatively massive, with
ing to the flow structure of the serpentine. These numerous thin crisscrossing bands of dark-green
exotics appear to have been torn from a metamor- serpentine.
phic basement, having similarities to some meta- Porphyritic Serpentine. — It is similar to the reticu-
volcanic types found in the Manicaragua belt and lated serpentine, but contains large bastite structures
transported by the serpentine. The metamorphism that stand out prominently as bronze or greenish
is of the high-pressure/low-temperature type charac- cleavage flakes. Under the microscope, besides bastite,
teristic of subduction. However, the origin of some a characteristic mesh structure after olivine is seen.
of the exotics is still unknown. Mosakovskiy et al., Many bastite grains contain relics of the original py-
(1986) considers them to be a pre–late Mesozoic base- roxene, and rhombic pyroxene grains may be present.
ment complex of a mafic type. Some of the meta- The total thickness of the serpentine body is
morphics have given ages between 85 and 91 m.y. unknown, but shows large variations. North of the
(Somin and Millán, 1981). However, the northern Es- Placetas* belt, it does not exceed a few hundred feet
cambray area metamorphism has been reliably dated and, in places, might be absent altogether, whereas
at 75 – 85 Ma or Coniacian – Maastrichtian (Hatten south of Santa Clara, it might be several thousands
et al., 1988; Iturralde-Vinent, 1996). This might not of feet thick. Hatten et al. (1958) estimate 8500 ft
be a contradiction because pre–Upper Cretaceous vol- (2600 m). The distribution suggests that the serpentine
canics, deposited over a basic to ultrabasic basement forms an irregular elongated body with a lenticular
(rift), could have been metamorphosed during the cross section. The thickness irregularities are probably
Upper Cretaceous thermal event and later torn away caused by flowage in response to tectonism. Note that
and incorporated in the ultrabasics during the lower– north of the town of Placetas, the serpentine structurally
middle Eocene obduction. overlies the Venegas* Formation and associated units,
Ultrabasics. — This large body of ultrabasics has a whereas toward the south, near Santa Clara, the pres-
definite layered appearance in the field. Although it ence of metamorphic exotics suggest proximity to
204 / Pardo
a metamorphic basement. In most other areas, the The Cumbre* Formation shows extensive spilitiliza-
waxy serpentine is in contact with the Cifuentes* belt. tion, which is a common characteristic of submarine
The serpentine is overlain by and transitional with volcanics. Despite being a volcanic unit, the Cumbre*
the Gabbros G&BW*. Formation is placed in the Domingo* sequence, and
Hatten et al. (1958) also considers the serpentine not the Cabaiguan*, because it is invariably associated
the lowest unit of the ultrabasic association. with the ultrabasics and shows petrographic affinities
Gabbros G&BW*. — This informal name stands with them.
for gabbros that can be mapped in the field by their This unit was included in the Zurrapandilla For-
green (G) or black-and-white (BW) appearance. mation by Hatten et al. (1958). In Pushcharovsky
They consist of a section, estimated to be ±4800 ft et al. (1988), the unit is shown as the Zurrapandilla
(±1450 m) thick by Hatten et al. (1958), of horn- Formation of undifferentiated Lower Cretaceous age.
blende dolerites with augite and uralite and micro- It is very probably the Cumbre* Formation because it is
gabbros very similar in composition to the Venegas* described as basalts, diabase, cherts, and tuffs overly-
Formation but are finer grained. In the lower part ing undifferentiated gabbroic rocks (Gabbros G&BW*
of the section, these lithologies are interbedded with and not the serpentine as described by Hatten et al.
serpentine. The dolerites are commonly cut by thick (1958) and underlies the Mataguá Formation.
quartz veins mineralized with copper, magnetite, etc. The Cumbre* Formation is overlain by the volca-
According to Somin and Millán (1981), K-Ar dating nics of the Cabaiguan* sequence. Although the contact
of this sequence gave 160 Ma or lowermost Oxfordian. is tectonically disturbed, it is believed to be a normal
Although somewhat different in character from depositional one.
the Venegas* Formation, this unit is thought to be its Dikes. —Two main kinds of dikes are present:
equivalent and represents a tectonic repeat. This is
suggested by (1) the presence of Cabaiguan* sequence 1) Black-and-white, sparkling, fine-grained diorites
volcanics apparently directly overlying the Venegas* identical with the Gabbros G&BW*. They are com-
north of the serpentine contact between the Placetas* monly found cutting the serpentine.
and the Las Villas* belts and (2) the underlying ser- 2) Hornblende trachyte and andesite porphyries.
pentine structurally overlying the Venegas*. The base They cut the Cumbre* Formation and sometimes
of the waxy serpentine would therefore represent the overlying volcanics of the Cabaiguan* sequence.
the sole of a major imbrication in the Domingo* se-
quence, the Jarahueca fault separating the serpentine Northern Escambray Area
to the south from the intermediate igneous rocks to Mabujina Amphibolite Complex. — It consists
the north. The Gabbros G&BW* are overlain by the of an unknown thickness, but possibly several thou-
Cumbre* Formation. Hatten et al. (1958) describe a sands of feet, of green hornblende amphibolite, with
Zurrapandilla Formation consisting of all the igneous crystals ranging from 1 mm (0.04 in.) to several centi-
rocks with a diabasic texture, which lie above the meters in length; plagioclase, ranging from andesine
Jarahueca serpentine and below the Fomento volca- to labradorite; relict pyroxene; sphene; and zircon.
nics or the Cabaiguan tuffs. Most of the amphibolite consists of metamorphosed
This certainly includes the Gabbros G&BW*, but basalts and thin-bedded metamorphosed basaltic tuffs.
it appears to include the overlying Cumbre* Forma- Some fine-grained biotite and hornblende gneisses
tion because it includes spilites in the upper part. In (meta-andesite flows) are present.
Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), the Gabbros G&BW* The age of the amphibolites protolith has been
are shown as undifferentiated gabbroic rocks. and still is widely discussed. Mosakovskiy et al. (1986)
Cumbre* Formation.— This unit consists of at considers them as ‘‘pre–late Mesozoic basement com-
least 1000 ft (300 m) of uralite basalt flows, dolerites, plex of a basic type.’’ Much of the evidence points
and possible tuffs. The color is gray green, and pillow toward an Upper Jurassic(?) to Lower Cretaceous age,
structures have been observed. The principal ferro- with superimposed Upper Cretaceous metamorphism.
magnesian mineral is uralite, which occurs in grains Several K-Ar age determinations have given between
and nodules, and is commonly replaced by chlorite. 69 and 95 Ma, or middle Cenomanian to middle Maas-
Epidote is scattered throughout and associated with trichtian, thus coinciding with the arc volcanism.
quartz, which is quite abundant in some areas in the Somin and Millán (1981) suggest that a great simi-
form of veins. Euhedral magnetite is abundant. Some larity exists between these metabasalts and those of
samples are identical with those of the Gabbros G&BW*. the previously described Sierra de Rompe in Camaguey,
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 205
although Tchounev et al. (1986) disagree. As already granodioritic (intrusive and/or cataclastic mixing) to
mentioned, blocks of similar metamorphics are in- the north and metamorphic (exotic inclusions) to the
cluded in the serpentine at the base of the serpentine south. The mixing of these disparate lithologies would
in the Santa Clara–Arroyo Blanco area. have occurred, in large part, during the lower–middle
It therefore appears that the Mabujina complex Eocene diastrophism that could explain the 61-m.y.
is related to the Domingo* sequence and, regardless dating of the Trés Guanos granodiorite.
of its age, represents the basement over which the As indicated by the dating of the Gabbros G&BW*,
Cabaiguan* sequence was deposited south of the Seibabo the ultrabasics must be of pre-Oxfordian age and
syncline. appear to be related to the oceanic crust and the sub-
marine volcanism that occurred during the opening
Central Camaguey Area stages of the Upper Triassic to Lower Cretaceous rift
Gulf did only reconnaissance in central and west- between North America and Pangea. The pre–Upper
ern Camaguey; however, several authors published Jurassic Cifuentes* belt basement has been identi-
on the subject. A good summary can be found in fied as a granodiorite (Tres Guanos, La Rana) in the
Iturralde-Vinent (1996). Jarahueca area. To the west, in the Socorro area, ex-
The ultrabasics here are represented by a large posures of a Jurassic-dated granite and Precambrian
body that occupies a broad area to the south and wraps marbles (African craton?) are near outcrops of the
around the east end of the Sierra de Cubitas, from west Jobosi* Formation and must represent the Cifuentes*
of Esmeralda to north of the town of Camaguey and belt basement. The metavolcanics of the Manicaragua
to Lugareño. In addition, several isolated outcrops of belt, to the south, are probably pre–Lower Cretaceous
serpentine are present near the north coast between and, together with the Domingo* sequence to the north,
the bays of Manati and Nuevas Grandes. form the basement beneath the Cabaiguan* sequence
Serpentine and associated ultrabasics form the bulk volcanics. They were metamorphosed by the Upper
of the outcrops. Within the serpentine are inclusions of Cretaceous arc, prior to the inclusion of some of their
exotic fragments in the mobilized peridotite. It should
1) Green to red, metamorphosed cherts, the Mate be pointed out that there is a great petrographic sim-
Prieto Formation. ilarity between the intermediate igneous and the Up-
2) Dark-gray diabase and basalts, the Abaiza Formation. per Cretaceous granodiorites of the Manicaragua belt
3) To the east of the town of Camaguey, Pushcharovsky to the south.
et al. (1988) show several large metamorphic
bodies, 1–3 km (0.6–1.8 mi) in length, consisting Cabaiguan* Sequence
of schists, quartzites, and calcareous schists em- The Cabaiguan* sequence extends in a northwest–
bedded in serpentine, and named La Suncia For- southeast direction along the central part of Las Villas
mation (Iturralde-Vinent, 1988), suggesting the and Camaguey provinces as far south as the foothills of
association described under the Santa-Clara–Arroyo the Escambray Mountains and apparently surrounds
Blanco area section above. this feature. Its width ranges from a maximum of 26 km
(16 mi) to a minimum of 10 km (6 mi). The volcanics
The same map also shows, 15 km (9 mi) northwest of this belt also occur in several localities within the
of the city of Camaguey, a large number of elongated Domingo* sequence, as well as between the Las Villas*
outcrops of gabbros and troctolites near what appears and Placetas* belt (see Figure 117).
to be an elongated depression in the serpentine filled The Cabaiguan* sequence is characterized by a
with a klippe of Upper Cretaceous volcanics. The as- large development of volcanics and volcanic-derived
sociation of gabbros and troctolites with serpentines sediments, and it is geographically and stratigraph-
certainly suggests the Venegas* Formation or the Gab- ically associated with the Domingo* and Manicaragua
bros G&BW*. It is therefore possible that here are ele- belts.
ments of a succession similar to that observed in Las The Cabaiguan* sequence is equivalent to the
Villas. Tuff series of Rutten (1936) and Tuff Formation of
Thiadens (1937a, b).
Domingo* Sequence Discussion The Cabaiguan* sequence shows significant areal
The Domingo* sequence shows an association of variations. Six representative successions will be de-
ultrabasics and basics that appear to be stratified and scribed. These are the Tamarindo-Camajuani area,
mixed at the base with at least two types of basement: Fomento-Taguasco area, Santo Domingo–Santa Clara
206 / Pardo
area, the north and south flanks of the Seibabo syn- will be described below. Hatten et al. (1958) includes
cline, and central Camaguey. The Seibabo syncline is this unit in the Fomento volcanics. A Los Pasos For-
a large asymmetrical feature, some 50 km (31 mi) long mation exists that is synonymous with the lower part
and 15 km (9 mi) wide, located between the Domingo* of the Mataguá Formation of Pushcharovsky et al.
sequence and the Manicaragua belt to the south. Al- (1988); it must be, in part, synonymous with the Old
though cut by several faults, it is relatively undisturbed Volcanics*. They are conformably overlain by the
and exposes the best and most complete unmetamor- Obregon* Formation.
phosed volcanic section in Cuba. Consequently, the Obregon* Formation. —This unit (also included
Seibabo syncline sections will be described first. in the Mataguá Formation of Pushcharovsky et al.
(1988) and Fomento Volcanics by Hatten et al., 1958)
Seibabo Syncline, North Flank consists of 1000–1500 ft (300–450 m) of dark, por-
As previously mentioned, the base of the Cabaiguan* phyritic, dolerite flows interbedded with yellowish
sequence volcanics rest on the Cumbre* Formation, brown weathering, dark-green siliceous tuffs; black,
although bedding slippage and faults obscure the true fine-grained vitric tuffs; black-and-white spotted ar-
nature of the contact. The section, shown in Figure 118, gillite; and tuffaceous ferruginous sandstones. No di-
is as follows. rect evidence of age exists, but it is considered Lower
Old Volcanics*. — This unit was not studied in Cretaceous. It is comformably overlain by the Barro*
detail by Gulf. Its thickness ranges possibly from Formation.
±1000 to as much as 13,000 ft (±300 to as much as Barro* Formation. — This unit (also included in
4000 m) in the southeastern flank of the Seibabo syn- the Mataguá Formation of Pushcharovsky et al. (1988)
cline. The ‘‘Old Volcanics*’’ consist of a monotonous and Fomento Volcanics by Hatten et al., 1958) consists
succession of well-indurated basalt flows, porphy- of 500–700 ft (150–210 m) of black, slightly calcareous
ries, siliceous tuffs, breccias, and associated volcanic- sandstone with characteristic spheroidal, onion-
derived sediments, which will be described in more skin weathering, interbedded with dark shales, con-
detail under the section on Fomento-Taguasco area. glomerates, and some porphyritic flows. The sand-
The age is considered to be Lower Cretaceous based on stones contain limestone fragments.
their stratigraphic position. In Pushcharovsky et al. This is the first unit where Cretaceous-looking
(1988), the Old Volcanics* are included in the Mataguá radiolaria and some problematic remains have been
Formation assigned to the Aptian–Albian. This should found. The age is considered late Lower Cretaceous. It
not be confused with Gulf’s Mataguá* Formation that is comformably overlain by the Huevero* Formation.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 207
Huevero* Formation. — This unit consists of 100– Gomez* Formation.—It consists of ±500 ft (±150 m)
200 ft (30 – 60 m) of dark, thin-bedded, siliceous of black to dark-brown, thin-bedded, sometimes nod-
shales, interbedded with marls and a few sandstone ular, shaly limestone with interbedded dark-gray
beds. The fauna consists of spheroidal and discoidal shales toward the base. Toward the top, the lime-
radiolaria. The siliceous shales show similarities to stones are lighter colored and occasionally frag-
and are believed to correlate with those of the Santa mental and interbedded with yellowish marls. Some
Teresa* Formation of the Cifuentes* belt. This unit is calcareous, fine-grained sandstones are present, con-
not recognized in Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), and it taining basic plagioclase, green hornblende, apatite,
is uncertain in what formation it is included. chlorite, volcanic grains, and bands of heavy miner-
Based on stratigraphic position and lithologic sim- als. This is a true detrital unit and is not directly as-
ilarities, the age is considered Albian and possibly ex- sociated with volcanism. It is overlain, with a hiatus
tending into the lower Cenomanian. This formation or unconformity, by the Bruja* Formation; the 600-ft
is conformably overlain by the Gomez* Formation. (185-m)-thick Seibabo* Formation, overlying the
208 / Pardo
Gomez in the south flank of the Seibabo syncline, is reef is present, indicating local shallow-water condi-
missing here. tions. It is included in Hatten et al.’s (1958) Cabaiguan
This unit is included in the Provincial Formation. tuffs. Dilla and Garcı́a (1985) consider it synonymous
It is equivalent to Hatten et al.’s (1958) Serrucho For- with, and therefore renamed it, the Cotorro Forma-
mation. This unit is certainly included in the Albian– tion and give it a Campanian and Maastrichtian age.
Cenomanian Provincial Formation of Pushcharovsky Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) show a Tasajera Group of
et al. (1988), where it is given a thickness of 650–1650 ft Coniacian–Campanian age that includes formations
(200–500 m). Here, the name Gomez Member appears names such as Cotorro, Salvador, Maguey, Hilario,
as part of the Provincial Formation without explana- Palmarito, and Felipe. All were described and named
tion. The name Provincial was given by Thiadens in by Gulf geologists and considered at the time to be
1937. Maastrichtian in age.
The fauna consists of mollusks, algal fragments, At the type locality of this unit, which is some 7 km
Globigerina cretacea sl., Globigerina sp., and Pithonella (4 mi) north of here, it has been divided into three
spp. The age is considered Cenomanian to Turonian. members. Here, although fully developed, subdivi-
This formation was deposited under pelagic con- sions are impossible. The subdivided section is de-
ditions, and it represents a pause in volcanic activity. scribed under the Santo Domingo–Santa Clara area.
It correlates with, and shows lithologic similarities A planktonic fauna exists containing Globigerina
to, the upper part of the Carmita* Formation in the cretacea sl. and Pithonella spp. Lithothamnium sp. is
Placetas* belt (it should be mentioned that there is a also present. In this unit are exceptionally large spec-
great lithologic similarity to Venezuela’s Cenomanian– imens of rudists; Radiolites and Hippurites are embed-
Turonian La Luna and Querecual formations). ded in a clay matrix. This is an intriguing occurrence
Bruja* Formation.— This formation is the basal of typically clear, shallow-water organisms found in
unit of the Pastora* Group in the south flank of the an argillaceous environment. They, together with the
Seibabo syncline. Here, it is the only representative reef limestones, suggest the presence of reefs on the
of this group. It is included in Hatten et al.’s (1958) flanks of volcanic islands, with some of their com-
Cabaiguan Tuffs. There is a unit shown as the Bruja ponents falling in deeper waters.
Formation in Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), but it is The sandstones are probably equivalent to the
not known if it has the same definition; this point San Pedro Formation, and the limestones are prob-
will be further discussed in the Seibabo Syncline- ably equivalent to the Cantabria Formation, found
South Flank section. along the northwestern flank of the Escambray mas-
It consists of a ±300-ft (±100-m) massive flow of sif (Pszczólkowski, 2002). There, these units are under
quartz andesite porphyry with abundant glass. It is the Vaqueria Formation marl, which is believed to
fine grained and translucent, with abundant glass span the Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary.
and white phenocrysts. It is dark green when fresh, The Felipe* is transitionally overlain by the Cotorro*
but weathers to a dull earthy yellowish brown. Its out- Formation.
crops stand up in hard high ridges. It has pillow struc- The Felipe* Formation is considered lower Maastrich-
tures with chilled glass borders and has interbeds of tian in age, perhaps extending into the Campanian.
siliceous, translucent, green pumiceous beds with ra- Cotorro* Formation.—It consists of ±300 ft (±90 m)
diolaria. It is unconformably overlain by the Felipe* of thin-bedded, green and brown, sometimes calcar-
Formation. The upper 1650 ft (500 m) of the Pastora* eous, volcanic-derived conglomerates, sandstones, and
Group present in the south limb of the Seibabo syn- shales with occasional sandy calcarenites, tuffaceous
cline were either eroded or never deposited here. sandstones, and vitric crystal tuffs. It is included in
No diagnostic fossils are present, but it is consid- Hatten et al.’s (1958) Cabaiguan tuffs. They also de-
ered Turonian on the basis of its stratigraphic rela- scribe a Carramayana Formation, interbedded with
tionships. The presence of radiolaria and pillow the Dagamal Formation, that could be part of the
structures indicates submarine deposition. Cotorro* Formation. Dilla and Garcı́a (1985) consider
Felipe* Formation.—It consists of 1000 ft (300 m) the Cotorro Formation as equivalent to the Felipe
of yellowish brown, friable tuffaceous, igneous- Formation and include in it the Hilario, Magüey, and
derived sandstones interbedded with sandy calcar- Salvador formations. They assign it a Campanian–
enites. Near the base, a distinctive coarsely crystalline Maastrichtian age. As mentioned above, Pushcharovsky
hornblende-biotite porphyry is present. In this loca- et al. (1988) include it in the Tasajera Group of
tion, a 100-ft (30-m) white massive rudist and orbitoid Coniacian – Campanian age.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 209
An abundant fauna of Globigerina cretacea sl., contusa, Guembelina sp., Pithonella spp., Pseudorbitoides
Globigerinella sp., Guembelina sp., Pseudorbitoides spp., spp., and Lithothamnium sp. It is considered of Maas-
sponge spicules, and radiolaria is present. The age is trichtian age, possibly extending into the Paleocene.
considered Maastrichtian. This formation was mapped by Gulf at only one
This formation is overlain by several related litho- locality.
logic units that are present as isolated outcrops near There appears to be an important difference of opin-
the axis of the Seibabo syncline. In this study, they ion between Gulf and Pushcharovsky et al. (1988)
are given the informal name of Seibabo upper units. regarding the dating of the youngest volcanism in the
The nature of the contact is unclear for structural reasons. Cabaiguan* sequence in central Cuba. Gulf considered
Seibabo Upper Units.—In the center of the Seibabo it Maastrichtian, whereas in the map, it is considered
syncline are several lithologies, which Gulf geologists Campanian.
called the Curamaguey*, Yaya*, and Algarrobos* for- Bernia* Formation. —The Bernia* Formation (in
mations. The relation between these units is not clear Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), a Paleocene Santa Clara
because of structural complications. However, they Formation probably includes this formation) consists
all appear to be related to each other and are found in of ±300 ft (90 m) of tan, pseudo-oolitic, medium-
contact with and overlying the Cotorro* Formation. bedded, sometimes fragmental, limestone contain-
These units are equivalent to the Belico* Formation ing sparse to abundant igneous grains. The compo-
in the Santo Domingo –Santa Clara area. This group nents consist of fragments of mollusks, echinoids, and
of formations is included in Hatten et al.’s (1958) foraminifera.
Cabaiguan tuffs. None of the three units can be readily The fossils consist of Globotruncana lapparenti sl.,
recognized in Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), but are Guembelina sp., Pithonella spp., Lockhartia sp., Textularia
included in the Coniacian – Campanian Tasajera sp., Ventilabrella sp., Lithothamnium sp., and miliolids.
Group. A Maastrichtian Perseverancia Group exists The age is considered Maastrichtian, possibly extend-
that apparently overlies all older units with marked ing into the Paleocene.
unconformity; however, it is not shown along the axis This unit is lithologically and faunistically related
of the Seibabo syncline and appears not to be related to the Santa Clara* Formation of the Santo Domingo–
to the Seibabo upper units. Santa Clara area, but its relationships with other units
Curamaguey* Formation.—The Curamaguey* Forma- are not clear.
tion consists of ±150 ft (±45 m) of thin- to medium- Seibabo Syncline, North Flank: Discussion.—
bedded, brown and gray, calcarenites with abundant Here, during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous,
volcanic fragments. very active submarine volcanism occurred with an
It is richly fossiliferous containing Globigerina cre- outpouring of thick basaltic flows and associated tuffs
tacea sl., Globotruncana lapparenti sl., Globotruncana and deposition of volcanic-derived sediments. The vol-
stuarti, Globotruncana contusa, Guembelina sp., Pithonella canism was essentially of the basic type with alterna-
spp., Pseudorbitoides spp., Dicyclina sp., Lithothamnium tions of more acidic periods. Toward the close of the
sp., and, in places, abundant radiolaria. The age is Lower Cretaceous, volcanic activity was greatly reduced
considered Maastrichtian. and was probably absent during the Cenomanian,
Yaya* Formation. —The unit consists of ±300 ft which is characterized by an influx of carbonate pe-
(±90 m) of tan to gray, dense limestone with wispy lagic sedimentation.
brown markings and abundant foraminifera. During the Turonian and Senonian, there was a
It contains Globigerina cretacea sl., Globotruncana renewal of volcanism with outpouring of flows of a
lapparenti sl., Globotruncana stuarti, Globotruncana more acidic composition. Prior to the Maastrichtian,
contusa Guembelina sp., Pithonella spp., Globigerinella a period of nondeposition or erosion occurred that
sp., orbitoid fragments, echinoid remains, sponge spic- appears to be shorter than in the sedimentary belts
ules, inoceramus prisms, and radiolaria. The age is to the north.
also considered to be Maastrichtian. The Campanian–Maastrichtian sedimentation be-
Algarrobos* Formation.—The unit consists of ±200 ft gan with an influx of volcanic-derived clastics and
(±60 m) of marly, coarse-grained, igneous-derived sand- the outpouring of a prominent rhyolitic flow. After-
stones and conglomerates, interbedded with fragmen- ward, sedimentation continued, with an alternation
tal sandy limestones, marls, and tan shales. of pelagic and shallow-water, reefoidal sediments,
It contains Globigerina cretacea sl., Globotruncana but always with abundant silicate detritus. Toward the
lapparenti sl., Globotruncana stuarti, Globotruncana end of the Cretaceous, there appears to have been a
210 / Pardo
renewal of volcanic activity as indicated by tuffs and Relampago* Formation. — The Relampago For-
volcanic-derived detritus, but now under dominantly mation (Pushcharovsky et al. [1988] include it in the
shallow-water conditions. Mataguá Formation) consists of 2000 ft (600 m) of in-
The present thinking in Cuba is that all volcanic terbedded basalt porphyries, amygdular basalts, gray,
activity ceased by the end of the Campanian, and that banded siliceous shales, and slightly calcareous coarse
only volcanic-derived material was deposited dur- volcanic sandstones, conglomerates, and agglomer-
ing the Maastrichtian. This problem will be discussed ates. The basalts contain abundant serpentine as re-
below. placement of the ferromagnesians.
Sedimentation extended into the Paleocene with Some unidentifiable, Globigerina-looking forami-
the deposition of thin calcarenites with igneous- nifera and other fossil remains are present. The age
derived grains. is considered Lower Cretaceous.
It is conformably overlain by the Mataguá*
Seibabo Syncline, South Flank Formation.
In this area, the section is mostly similar to that Mataguá* Formation. — It consists of ±2500 ft
of the northern flank, but the marked facies differ- (±750 m) of olivine and augite dolerites in thick, mas-
ences deserve a complete description. sive, sometimes porphyritic, flows frequently show-
The base of the volcanics cannot be observed here. ing pillow structures. These flows are interbedded
Toward the east, between the towns of Fomento and with conglomerates, tuffaceous sandstones, shales,
Zaza del Medio, the volcanics are separated from the and noncalcareous tuffs. As already mentioned,
Manicaragua belt metamorphics by a thick wedge of Puscharovsky et al. (1988) show more than 11,500 ft
lower – middle Eocene sediments and the Tuinicu (3500 m) of an Aptian–Albian Mataguá Formation
fault. In the vicinity of this fault are outcrops of un- that appears to include the Old Volcanics* as well
metamorphosed Jaguita* and Ronda* formations as the Relampago*, Mataguá*, Obregon*, and Barro*
identical with those characterizing the Las Villas* formations.
and Cifuentes* belts to the north. This unit is barren of organisms, but is considered
Toward the west and east, at the base of the Lower Cretaceous on field relationships.
Cabaiguan* sequence, volcanics are intruded by the It shows similarities to and is considered the equiva-
Manicaragua granodiorite and associated igneous. lent of the Obregon* and possibly, in part, of the
In places, numerous Upper Cretaceous diorite and Barro* formations in the north flank of the Seibabo
diabase intrusives of the same type as those intrud- syncline. It is conformably overlain by the Cristobal*
ing the Mabujina complex exist. Formation.
Generally, the Cabaiguan* sequence volcanics ap- Cristobal* Formation.— The Cristobal* Forma-
pear to overlie the amphibolites of the Mabujina tion consists of ±500 ft (±150 m) of an interbedding
complex, and the evidence seems to indicate that the of thin- to medium-bedded limestones and thin-
granitoids were intruded along the contact between bedded shales. The limestones are oolitic, dense, and
the two. Several authors (Millán and Somin, 1976, 1981; fragmental and contain radiolaria. The calcarenites
Millan-Trujillo, 1996a, b; Iturralde-Vinent, 1981, 1988, can be coarse and contain mollusk remains and re-
1996) believe that the Mabujina complex is part of worked oolites from the Upper Jurassic Jaguita* (or
a metamorphosed oceanic basement over which San Vicente) Formation.
the southern Cabaiguan* sequence was deposited. This unit is included in the Provincial Formation
This problem will be more fully discussed under the by Dilla and Garcı́a (1985) and in Pushcharovsky et al.
Manicaragua belt. The Cabaiguan* volcanics, to- (1988).
gether with the Manicaragua belt, generally wrap The fossils consist of Globigerina cretacea sl., Cuneo-
around and radially dip away from the Escambray lina sp. or Dicyclina sp., Archeolithothamnium sp., and
massif metamorphics. radiolaria. The age is considered Cenomanian, and it
The Seibabo syncline – south flank succession, is correlative with the Diego*, Gomez*, and possibly
shown in Figure 119, is as follows. Huevero* formations. This unit was deposited in part
Old Volcanics*. — In this particular locality (Zaza under deep-water conditions, but shallow waters were
River), the thickness may reach several thousands of nearby as indicated by the presence of oolites, mol-
feet. The lithology is similar to that of the northern lusks, and algae.
flank but is conformably overlain by the Relampago* This unit grades into the overlying Casanova*
Formation. Formation.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 211
The presence of Jaguita* (San Vicente?) oolites is Villas* belt and the dumping of sediments north-
considered extremely important because ward into a basin previously filled with submarine
basic volcanics (northward means not from the
1) The Upper Jurassic shallow-water carbonate bank Bahamas Jurassic carbonate banks to the north).
facies must have extended as far south as the south-
ernmost volcanics of the Cabaiguan* sequence. This influx of carbonate detritus happened dur-
2) During the Cenomanian, there must have been a ing a pause in the volcanism that coincided with a
source of Jaguita* detritus south of the Cabaiguan* marked change toward more acidic flows and ejecta,
sequence because they are absent in the equiva- thus presenting some intriguing questions concern-
lent Diego*, Huevero*, and Gomez* formations to ing the evolution of the basin.
the north. Except for Pardo (1975), these observations have
3) The relative scarcity of associated igneous or never been reported or discussed in the literature.
volcanic-derived detritus indicates uplift and ero- Casanova* Formation. — The Casanova* Forma-
sion of a block with a section similar to the Las tion consists of ±600 ft (±180 m) of argillaceous, dense
212 / Pardo
to fragmental, yellowish brown limestone interbedded with tuffaceous, siliceous, radiolarian shales and
with thinly bedded shales. A 150-ft (45-m) flow of dark- volcanic agglomerates containing characteristic glass
gray porphyry, weathering yellowish brown with white bombs up to 1 ft (30 cm) in length in a yellow ash
phenocrysts, is present in the middle of the section. matrix. Glass-coated pillow lavas are abundant.
Toward the top, tuffaceous sandstones and conglom- Agabama* Formation. —It consists of ±500 ft (±150 m)
erates are present as well as a rudist reef. of thin, even bedded, siliceous, brown to sulfur-
This unit is included in the Provincial Formation yellow, hard and soft shales.
by Dilla and Garcı́a (1985) and in Pushcharovsky et al. These shales contain abundant radiolaria and
(1988). sponge spicules and, therefore, appear to have been
The fauna consists of Rotalipora appenninica sl., deposited in very deep waters.
Globigerina cretacea sl., Globigerina sp., Globigerinella Escambray* Formation. — This consists of ±450 ft
sp., Guembelina sp., and radiolaria. The age is consid- (±140 m) of hard brown siliceous shales and massive
ered Cenomanian. black to tan chert with a 50-ft (15-m) augite basalt
It has strong similarities to the underlying Cristobal* to andesite porphyry in the lower part and a 100-ft
Formation and is the correlative of the Huevero*, (30-m) glassy basalt porphyry with a fractured
Gomez*, and Diego* formations on the north flank of hackly appearance in the upper part.
the Seibabo syncline. This unit was deposited mostly In addition to the abundant radiolaria and sponge
under deep-water conditions, but shallow waters were spicules, it contains Globigerina cretacea sl. and Guem-
also present at some time as indicated by the rudist belina sp., indicating pelagic, deep-water conditions.
reefs. The Pastora* Group is considered Turonian –
This formation grades upward into the Seibabo* Senonian in age and is conformably overlain by the
Formation. Salvador* Formation.
Seibabo* Formation. —This unit consists of ±600 Salvador* Formation. — It consists of ±300 ft
ft (±185 m) of coarsely fragmental tuffs with (±90 m) of mottled, orange, and buff, sometimes
abundant dark-green pumice fragments, interbedded sandy, calcarenites interbedded with marls and
with thin beds of shale, tuffaceous sandstones, and volcanic-derived sandstones and conglomerates.
occasional black limestones. The percentage of Dilla and Garcı́a (1985) include a Palmarito Mem-
limestone decreases upward. Dilla and Garcı́a ber in the Cotorro Formation. Pushcharovsky et al.
(1985), as well as Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), rec- (1988) include the Palmarito, Maguey, Hilario, and
ognize the name Seibabo Formation. In the latter, it is Salvador formations in the Tassajera Group of
assigned to the Cenomanian and given a thickness of Coniacian and Campanian age. It appears that, for
500–2950 ft (150–900 m). this map, all the Cabaiguan* sequence units younger
The fauna consists of Rotalipora appenninica sl., than the Bruja* Formation have been lumped to-
Globotruncana aff. Globotruncana renzi, Globigerina gether without any attempt to unravel the strati-
cretacea sl., Guembelina sp., Globigerinella sp., Meyenella graphic relationships. The absence of Maastrichtian
sp., and radiolaria. The age is considered Turonian. is very surprising. The presence of Maastrichtian
There is no equivalent to this formation in the north Pseudorbitoides spp. in some of the above-mentioned
flank of the Seibabo syncline. units raises questions as to the age assignment of the
This unit was deposited under deep-water condi- Tassajera Group.
tions and is conformably overlain by the Pastora* The fossils consist of Globotruncana lapparenti sl.,
Group. Globotruncana fornicata, Globigerina cretacea sl., Guem-
Pastora* Group. —It is included in Hatten et al.’s belina sp., Sulcoperculina spp., Pithonella spp., Pseu-
(1958) Cabaiguan tuffs. Dilla and Garcı́a (1985) dorbitoides spp., radiolaria, Inoceramus spp. prisms,
recognize a Bruja Formation, but assign it to the and algae. The age is considered lower Maastrichtian,
Coniacian and Santonian. As already mentioned, perhaps including the upper Campanian.
with the exception of the Bruja Formation described The Palmarito* and Maguey* members (formerly
as 1640 ft (500 m) of Turonian andesites, marls, and given the rank of formation) are two characteristic
tuffs, no unit is a clear-cut equivalent to the Pastora* lithologies of this formation:
Group in Pushcharovsky et al. (1988). Palmarito* Member.— It is a ±100-ft (±30-m)-thick,
This group is made of three units as follows. massive, white, organic calcirudite containing large
Bruja* Formation. —It consists of 1000 ft (300 m) rudists (Hippurites, etc.) and other mollusks and, in
of massive quartz andesite porphyry interbedded places, contains coarse volcanic fragments.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 213
Maguey* Member.— It is a ±150-ft (±45-m)-thick of shallow-water reefs associated with the volcanics
flow of an amygdular basalt porphyry with translu- and volcanic-derived sediments. No clear evidence of
cent zeolite phenocrysts. unconformities exists, and the entire section appears
The Salvador* Formation is lithologically very sim- continuous.
ilar to and an age equivalent of the Felipe* Formation
of the north flank of the Seibabo syncline. Further Cienfuegos Area
fieldwork might indicate that the two formations This area (Pszczólkowski, 2002) is of interest be-
are synonymous. It is conformably overlain by the cause it shows well the K/T boundary above the
Cotorro* Formation. Cabaiguan* sequence. It is located in the lower part of
Cotorro* Formation. — This clastic unit is similar the Maastrichtian–Paleocene marls of the Vaqueria
to that of the northern limb of the syncline. It is Formation, above the shallow-water limestones of
comformably overlain by the Hilario* Formation. the Maastrichtian Cantabria Formation and the
Hilario* Formation. — The unit consists of ±400 ft Campanian – Maastrichtian marls and conglomer-
(±120 m) of green to buff, dense to fragmental, dull, ates of the San Pedro Formation.
siliceous, medium-bedded to massive lithic crystal and The K/T boundary occurs in a zone of crustacean
vitric tuffs. It is very well developed in this locality. burrows within the Vaqueria marls, with Paleocene
Hatten et al. (1958) describe a Dagamal Formation fossils above and Maastrichtian fossils below.
of olive-green to grayish blue-green well-bedded tuffs
and massive tuff breccias. They report a fauna of re- Tamarindo-Camajuani Area
worked Pseudorbitoides sp. in some samples, indicat- This area is mostly associated with the Vega-
ing that the age cannot be older than upper Cam- Tamarindo area of the Domingo* sequence. Here,
panian. Hatten’s Dagamal is believed to be the same the structural deformation is intense, making the
as the Hilario* and could include part of the under- estimate of thicknesses impossible and masking the
lying Cotorro* Formation. As previously mentioned, true nature of the contacts. However, several strati-
it is included in the Tassajera Group in Pushcharovsky graphic units can be readily recognized, and a sec-
et al. (1988). tion can be pieced together as shown in Figure 120.
This unit is barren of fossils but is considered Maas- Compared to the Seibabo syncline, the section is in-
trichtian because of its stratigraphic position. It is over- complete. It is not known if the missing components
lain with apparent conformity by the Seibabo up- are absent through tectonism or sedimentation.
per units (see section above on the Seibabo syncline, Old Volcanics*. — They are poorly exposed, but
north flank). basalts, basalt porphyries, and associated sediments can
Seibabo Syncline, South Flank: Discussion. — In be readily recognized. They do not appear to be very
the southern flank of the Seibabo syncline, the Early thick. This unit overlies the Cumbre* Formation and
Cretaceous was characterized by an almost continuous is overlain with apparent unconformity by the
and impressive outpouring of basalts. This vol- Gomez* Formation. Compared to the north limb of
canism was submarine as indicated by the common the Seibabo syncline, at least 1600–2400 ft (500–750 m)
lava pillows and the unweathered and unabraded char- of Obregon*, Barro*, and Huevero* formations were ei-
acter of the particles in the associated sediments. ther eroded or never deposited. Pushcharovsky et al.
During the Cenomanian, a marked decrease in vol- (1988) show extensive outcrops of Zurrapandilla For-
canic activity was observed, whereas sedimentation mation in this area but very little Mataguá. It is pos-
continued under pelagic conditions with a sudden, sible that the Old Volcanics* have been included in
and short-lived, influx of Upper Jurassic carbonate the Zurrapandilla Formation.
detritus originating from a southern source. Gomez* Formation.— Here, it outcrops in thin
The Turonian through the Senonian marks a re- slivers with its characteristic development of dark-
newal of volcanic activity, but with a definitely more gray to black, thin-bedded to nodular limestones in-
acidic and explosive character. A second period of terbedded with dark-gray shales. It is overlain with
relative volcanic quiescence occurred during the early apparent unconformity by the Cotorro* Formation.
Maastrichtian. Compared to the north limb of the Seibabo syncline,
Afterward, during the remainder of the Cretaceous, 1300 ft (400 m) of the Pastora* Group and the Felipe*
a new episode of volcanism occurred accompanied by Formation are missing. This unit, shown in the Gulf
an increase in subaerial eruption. This is indicated by maps, is not shown in this area in Pushcharovsky et al.
the character of the ejecta and the increasing presence (1988). Perhaps it is a matter of scale.
214 / Pardo
Formation. They believed it to be a late outpouring The Turino* Formation is overlain by and could also
of basalt several thousand feet thick and considered be a facies of the Jiquimas* Formation.
it, on indirect evidence, to be of probable Coniacian– Jiquimas* Formation. —It consists of relatively
Santonian age. However, they also mention that it thin, lenticular, white, massive orbitoidal reefs. The
overlies their Dagamal Formation of probable Maas- limestone is very pure, containing only rare igneous
trichtian age. They propose some volcanic process grains, although the reefs were growing directly on the
(nué ardente) to explain this inversion of ages. They underlying porphyries. It is probably included in
also named a Carlota Formation that has no relation to Hatten et al.’s (1958) Carlota Formation and is cer-
this Carlota* Formation. Dilla and Garcı́a (1985) place tainly included in the Carlota Formation of Pushcha-
La Rana in the Coniacian and Santonian and make it rovsky et al. (1988).
a facies of the Dagamal Formation and equivalent to The fossils consist of Globotruncana contusa, Globo-
the Bruja Formation. This contradicts field evidence. truncana stuarti, Globotruncana lapparenti sl., Guembe-
In Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), the Carlota Formation lina sp., Pithonella spp., Vaughanina cubensis, Dicyclina
is widely represented, considered Santonian and Cam- sp., Pseudorbitoides sp., Lepidorbitoides(?) sp., Sulcoper-
panian, resting on the Mataguá Formation, and is culina sp., Archeolithothamnium sp., and fragments
described as tuffs, marls, shales, basic to intermediate of rudists, echinoids, and algae. The age is considered
volcanics, and reef limestones. It is obvious that it Maastrichtian.
includes much more than the Carlota* Formation. It is unconformably overlain by the Taguasco*
The Carlota* Formation is restricted to the south- Formation.
eastern part of the Tamarindo-Camajuani area. Taguasco* Formation.— This unit, consisting of a
Flow Breccia Member. — It consists of rounded, Paleocene igneous-derived conglomerate, is found only
slightly glassy-surfaced blocks of hypersthene basalt in a few outcrops in the eastern part of this area, so it
porphyry in a noncalcareous yellow-green matrix. will be described under the section on the Fomento-
Porphyry Member. — It consists of pink, gray, and Taguasco area, where it is characteristically developed.
green hypersthene and augite basalt porphyry in thick Tamarindo-Camajuani Area: Discussion. —
flows. The phenocrysts are mostly labradorite and Structural complications make it difficult to draw pos-
hypersthene. itive conclusions about the history of the Tamarindo-
Rana* Member. — It consists of an interbedding of Camajuani area of the Cabaiguan* sequence. Thick-
the two above lithologies with even-bedded, volcanic- nesses are impossible to measure because most units
derived conglomerates and tuffaceous, fine to coarse are bound, or repeated, by faults. In most cases, it is
sandstones with abundant colored igneous grains. not known whether formations are missing because
The Carlota* Formation is devoid of fossils, but is of faults, nondeposition, or erosion. However, the au-
considered Maastrichtian because of its stratigraphic thor believes that (1) the presence of the thin Gomez*
position. It grades westward into the Turino* Forma- Formation, (2) the relatively thick development of
tion and is overlain by the Jiquimas* Formation. the Maastrichtian sediments, and (3) the absence or
Turino* Formation. —The unit consists of ±200 ft poor development of the Lower Cretaceous and the
(±60 m) of calcirudite, with abundant igneous grains, Turonian–Campanian volcanics (which are very thick
interbedded with the Carlota* Formation basalt por- in the Seibabo syncline) reflect, in large part, the sedi-
phyries. It contains some marls and sandstones. It mentary and erosional history prior to tectonism.
is the western equivalent of the Carlota* Formation. Tentatively, one can hypothesize that the area was
Hatten et al. (1958) describe a Carlota Formation that characterized by a period of volcanic activity during
might in part include the Turino*. It is certainly in- the Lower Cretaceous, although the thick Lower Cre-
cluded in the Carlota Formation of Pushcharovsky taceous basalts present in the Seibabo syncline are
et al. (1988). essentially missing. The presence of the sedimentary
The fossils consist of Globotruncana lapparenti tri- Gomez* Formation indicates that, here, volcanism
carinata, Globigerina cretacea sl., Sulcoperculina cf. Sul- also paused during the Cenomanian.
coperculin vermunti, Pseudorbitoides sp., Pithonella spp., The missing Turonian to Santonian volcanics and
miliolids, rotaloids, Archeolithothamnium sp., and mol- derived sediments were probably eroded during the
lusk and echinoid fragments. The assemblages are ho- pre-Maastrichtian unconformity.
mogeneous, but the orbitoids and mollusk fragments In the early Maastrichtian, the volcanic activity was
have a dark coating, suggesting redeposition. The age renewed, with late basalt outpourings, but this activ-
is considered Maastrichtian. ity was apparently less intense than before. Volcanism
216 / Pardo
must have been, in large part, submarine, as indi- guan* sequence in Las Villas. It is the easternmost
cated by the pelagic faunas of the associated sediments continuation of the Seibabo syncline. In this area,
and the fact that the volcanic-derived sandstones the Late Cretaceous – early Paleogene stratigraphy
show whole mineral grains with no sign of weather- becomes quite complex, with rapid facies changes; so
ing or abrasion. Toward the late Maastrichtian, volcan- it is necessary to subdivide it into the Taguasco vicin-
ism decreased, and several shallow-water reefs devel- ity to the north and the Fomento vicinity to the south.
oped on the volcanoes. The Paleocene shows a great Taguasco Vicinity. —In this region, overlying the
influx of igneous detritus, marking the onset of strong Cumbre* and underlying the Barro* Formation are
deformation. several badly tectonized outcrops of volcanics. Al-
though consisting of characteristic lithologies, they
are difficult to correlate with established formations.
Fomento-Taguasco Area These units will be briefly described and shown in
This area is related to the preceding one and rep- Figure 121 in what is believed to be the proper suc-
resents the southeastern termination of the Cabai- cession, but their relative position in the section is
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 217
questionable. All have been grouped under the infor- fresh, showing almost no sign of weathering. Most of
mal name of Old Volcanics*. the components appear to be derived from acidic types
Old Volcanics*. — Here, Gulf’s geologists subdivided of igneous rock, apparently related to the Manicar-
them into three distinctive units. This is included agua belt intrusive. Although volcanics (other than
in the Mataguá Formation of Pushcharovsky et al. the basalt boulders) and limestone components are
(1988). occasionally present, they are surprisingly rare. Essen-
Viajaca* Formation: — This unit consists of ±700 ft tially, no ultrabasic material exists. The sandstones and
(±200 m) of thin-bedded, light-gray, red, and brown shales are interbedded with igneous grain-bearing
weathering, siliceous, shaly tuffs containing radiolaria. limestones, marls, and occasional reef limestones.
Potrerillos* Formation: — This consists of 5000 – Hatten et al. (1958) describe the Eloisa conglom-
10,000 ft (1500 – 3,000 m) of thin-bedded, yellow- erate that appears to be similar to the Taguasco* For-
brown tuffs, with circular patches of a lighter color mation, but they consider it Campanian to Maas-
interbedded with the following: trichtian on the basis of pelagic foraminifera (the
possibility of reworking exists). They also consider it
1) dark, blue-gray augite, glassy, basalt porphyry to be the lateral equivalent of the Catalina Shale in
2) hornblende spherulitic porphyry the Central Depression. Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) show
3) massive granophyre hornblende porphyry with 1150 ft (350 m) of a Taguasco Formation of Paleo-
1-in. (2.5-cm)-long phenocrysts cene age that is undoubtedly synonymous to Gulf’s.
4) hard, blue-green weathering to yellow-brown It shows the Taguasco Formation resting conform-
dense siliceous, thin-bedded tuffs ably in several places over the Maastrichtian Persever-
5) thin to medium-bedded platy fragmental to pu- anza Group shown as dominantly limestone in this
miceous tuffs area, but described as conglomerates, sandstones, silt-
6) medium-crystalline augite quartz diorite flows stones, shales, and limestones. Both units rest over sev-
eral older units. As already mentioned under the sec-
Satasa* Formation: —It consists of 1000 ft (300 m) tion on the north flank of the Seibabo syncline, this
of coarsely fragmental, dark-green tuffs with abundant map shows the Zaza unit major break, representing
wavy laminated grains. It is interbedded with thick the onset of the diastrophic phase, at the base of the
augite andesitic porphyritic flows with a cryptocrystal- Maastrichtian.
line to coarse-crystalline groundmass. Sandy tuffs, The fauna consists of abundant Tertiary Globiger-
tuffaceous sandstones, and volcanic conglomerates ina spp., Globorotalia spp., and radiolaria. The age is
are present. This formation might be in part equiva- considered Paleocene.
lent to the Obregon* Formation, and it grades into the The Taguasco* Formation represents a synoro-
overlying Barro* Formation. genic deposit associated with and apparently riding
As previously mentioned, the Old Volcanics* forward with the basic igneous-volcanic province
were not mapped in detail by Gulf geologists. over the northern carbonate belts. It is believed to be
Lower and Upper Cretaceous Units. —Above the Old older than the Vega* Formation, which is a similar
Volcanics* are representative outcrops of the Barro*, deposit, but associated with the carbonate belts. It is,
Gomez*, Bruja*, Felipe*, and Cotorro* formations. A in part, equivalent to the Lucia* Formation in the
unit named the Saltadero* Formation and consisting Sancti Spiritus area and the Fomento* Formation in
of 500 –1000 ft (150 –300 m) of yellow-weathering the Fomento area. It is equivalent to the Santa Clara*
rhyolite porphyry interbedded with laminated, dull- Formation in the Santo Domingo – Santa Clara area.
green vitric tuffs, is now believed to be an inlier of the The composition and texture of the Taguasco* sug-
Bruja* Formation. The above units are separated by gest a strong, short mechanical erosion of a nearby
faults and do not exhibit complete sections. In the source area, without much weathering, and the dump-
northern part of this area, they are overlain with ing of coarse erosion products into a deep basin that
marked unconformity by the Taguasco* Formation. was being filled with fine clastic material under dom-
Taguasco* Formation. —This unit consists of a very inantly pelagic conditions. Interestingly, the Taguasco*
variable thickness, probably averaging 250 ft (75 m), of Formation is restricted to the area between Cabaiguan
well-bedded, fine- to coarse-grained, noncalcareous and Tamarindo, away from the most obvious south-
sandstones and shales, which contain spherical granite ern source of granitic material. Hatten et al. (1958)
and basalt boulders up to 3 ft (1 m) in diameter. The raise the possibility of a now-disappeared northern
sorting is impressively bimodal. The boulders are very source in the basement klippes of the Cifuentes* belt.
218 / Pardo
The Taguasco* Formation is conformably and tran- The fauna consists of Discocyclina mestieri, Discocyc-
sitionally overlain by the Bijabo* Formation, but ap- lina spp., Vaughanina sp., Sulcoperculina sp., Asterorbis
pears to rest unconformably on many older units of sp., Truncorotalia sp., Pithonella spp., Guembelina sp.,
the basic igneous-volcanic province. and Orbitoides spp. Algae are abundant. It is considered
Lucia* Formation.—The Lucia* Formation outcrops lower–middle Eocene and is correlative with the
southwest of Cabaiguan and consists of 200–700 ft Sagua* Formation in the carbonate belts to the north.
(60–200 m) of thick-bedded, fragmental to conglom- It grades into the overlying Rubio* Formation.
eratic, detrital limestones, with interbeds of rudist Rubio* Formation. —The unit consists of ±100 to
reefs, red shales, and marls. The base is unknown. In ±500 ft (±30 to ±150 m) of thick-bedded, detrital, pellet
Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), it must be included in the limestone with scattered, small igneous grains,
lower–middle Eocene Bijabo Formation. interbedded with nondetrital calcarenites and thick
The fauna consists of Globigerina spp., Globorotalia marls. This unit is certainly included in the Loma
spp., Vaughanina sp., Discocyclina sp., Orbitocyclina Iguará by Hatten et al. (1958) and in the Siguaney
sp., Dictyoconus cookei, Eoconuloides wellsi, Sulcoper- Formation in Pushcharovsky et al. (1988).
culina sp., Pithonella spp., and Orbitoides spp. Algae The fauna consists of Discocyclina spp., Vaughanina
are abundant. The age is considered to extend from sp., Sulcoperculina sp., Guembelina sp., ‘‘Nummulites’’
the Maastrichtian to the lower – middle Eocene. bermudezi, Globorotalia spp., Globigerina spp., radi-
It underlies and is in part equivalent to the Ta- olaria, and Orbitoides spp. The age is considered lower–
guasco* and Isabel* formations. Toward the east, in middle Eocene.
the Sancti Spiritus area, its base appears to contain It disappears westward and gradually increases in
300 ft (90 m) of a massive and thick-bedded, porce- thickness to the east. Although it is in fault contact
laneous, Maastrichtian fossiliferous limestone that with younger Tertiary sediments, it is believed to be
was called the Guayos* Formation. It is overlain by the youngest pre– upper Eocene overlap unit of the
the Bijabo* Formation. Cabaiguan* sequence.
Bijabo* Formation. —This unit consists of 500 – Fomento Vicinity. — In this region, the Old
1000 ft (150 –300 m) of thin-bedded, loosely con- Volcanics* are overlain with a strong unconformity
solidated brown sandstones, shales, and conglom- by the Jucillo* Formation.
erates interbedded with sandy limestones. Hatten Jucillo* Formation. — The unit consists of a volca-
et al. (1958) describe more than 4000 ft (1200 m) of nic pebble conglomerate with a thickness ranging
the Zaza Formation, which undoubtedly includes from 0 to 3000 ft (0 to 900 m). All the components are
the Bijabo* Formation. Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) derived from the underlying volcanics. Toward the
show a Bijabo Formation that certainly includes Gulf’s top, it grades into and is interbedded with the reef
Bijabo*, but must also include the Lucia* that was con- limestones of the Isabel* Formation. In Pushchar-
sidered by Gulf a southern equivalent of the Taguasco* ovsky et al. (1988), it is shown as the Jucillo Forma-
Formation. tion, but is considered lower Eocene.
The fossils consist of Globigerina spp., Globorotalia It is barren of organisms, but because of its strat-
spp., Asterocyclina sp., Discocyclina spp., Vaughanina igraphic position and the reef limestones in its upper
sp., Sulcoperculina sp., ‘‘Nummulites’’ bermudezi, part, it is considered Maastrichtian.
Orbitoides sp., and algal remains. The planktonics To the east, near Sancti Spiritus, the Capiro* Mem-
are occasionally abundant. The age is considered ber (it was formerly called a formation) is distinguished
lower – middle Eocene. Although it is equivalent to by containing a high percentage of components de-
the Vega* Formation, it represents the beginning of rived from the granodiorite that outcrops nearby.
the molasse deposition. Isabel* Formation. — The Isabel* Formation out-
Siguaney* Formation.—This unit consists of ±300 ft crops in the Fomento area and consists of 0– 300 ft
(±90 m) of massive, thick-bedded, porcelaneous, fine (0 – 90 m) of reefoidal limestones with large rudists,
calcarenites. It is interbedded with massive limestone corals, and orbitoids. Igneous-derived grains are com-
conglomerates of the Sagua* type. Hatten et al. (1958) mon to abundant. In Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), it is
describe an identical unit and called it Loma Iguará included in the Maastrichtian Perseverancia Group,
Formation. Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) show a lower underlying the Paleocene Fomento Formation.
Eocene Sicuaney (sic) (Loma Iguará) Formation near The fossils consist of Globotruncana stuarti, Pitho-
the town of Taguasco in sheet 13. This is obviously a nella spp., Globigerinella sp., Lepidorbitoides sp.,
typo because it is spelled Siguaney in the master legend. Pseudorbitoides sp., Vaughanina sp., Sulcoperculina sp.,
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 219
and Archeolithothamnium sp. The age is considered by the type of clastics and the abundance of shallow-
Maastrichtian. water, fragmental, and reefoidal limestones. This was
This unit is similar and equivalent to both the the time when the Vega* Formation flysch and the
Turino* and Jiquimas* formations in the Tamarindo- Rosas* wildflysch were being deposited in deep waters
Camajuani area. It is conformably overlain by the to the north over the Las Villas* and Cabaiguan*.
Fomento* Formation.
Fomento* Formation. — The Fomento* Formation Santo Domingo–Santa Clara Area
consists of an unknown thickness of gray to pink, fine This part of the Cabaiguan* sequence lies east, north,
calcarenite, occurring in nodular and lenticular beds, and northwest of the city of Santa Clara. In this area,
and a coarser calcarenite containing abundant igneous- the outcrops are found in isolated groups surrounded
derived grains. The limestones are interbedded with by ultrabasics and, like in the Tamarindo-Camajuani
tan, noncalcareous, fissile shales, calcareous shales, clay- area, they are severely disturbed. Here, the Cumbre*
stone, and pink sandstones. In Pushcharovsky et al. Formation also appears to underlie the Cabaiguan*
(1988), it is shown as the Bijabo Formation, of Paleo- sequence volcanics; however, it is difficult to establish
cene age overlying the Perseverancia Group. the relationship with the overlying units. The section
The fossils consist of Globigerina spp., Globorotalia is shown in Figure 122.
spp., Asterocyclina sp., Discocyclina sp., Dictyoconus sp., Old Volcanics*. — They (Pushcharovsky et al.
Baggina sp., Lithothamnium sp., radiolaria, discoasters, [1988] include them in the Mataguá Formation)
and sponge spicules. The age is considered lower – appear to be represented by one formation. The as-
middle Eocene, possibly extending down into the signment of this unit to the Old Volcanics* is strictly
Paleocene. on the basis of lithologic similarities because its strat-
It is in part equivalent to the Lucia*, Taguasco* igraphic position is impossible to unravel.
and Bijabo* formations. Corojo* Formation. — The Corojo* Formation
Fomento-Taguasco Area: Discussion. — In the consists of an unknown thickness of dense, green,
Fomento-Taguasco area, some 7000–12,000 ft (2000– siliceous tuffs, weathering yellow-brown inter-
3500 m) of Old Volcanics* are overlain by fragmented bedded with dark-gray, amygdular, aphanitic, por-
outcrops representative of the Upper Cretaceous lith- phyritic dolerites.
ologic units. In the north, in the vicinity of Taguasco, Hatillo* Formation. — The Hatillo* Formation
the volcanics are overlain, with strong unconformity, (Pushcharovsky et al. [1988] include it in the Mataguá
by a Paleocene conglomerate (Taguasco*) that grades Formation) consists of ±500 ft (±150 m) of brown, in
into the dominantly clastic lower – middle Eocene part tuffaceous, sandstone and siltstones, interbedded
(Bijabo*) that, in turn, is overlain by reefoidal to de- with pumiceous tuff, shale, marls, and fine calcarenites.
trital carbonates (Siguaney*, Rubio*). In the south, in The fauna consists of radiolaria, sponge spicules,
the vicinity of Fomento, the volcanics are overlain by and traces of Globigerina sp. The age of this unit is
thick Maastrichtian volcanic detritus (Jucillo*), which undetermined, but possibly Lower Cretaceous and
is overlain by Maastrichtian reefoidal to detrital car- possibly equivalent to the Barro* and Huevero* for-
bonates (Lucia*, Isabel*) and are, in turn, overlain by mations in the north flank of the Seibabo syncline.
lower–middle Eocene calcarenites (Fomento*) and Diego* Formation. —The Diego* Formation con-
clastics (Bijabo*). sists of 300 ft (90 m) of a white, thin-bedded, marly
All the Paleocene and lower – middle Eocene units limestone interbedded with marls and a yellow, soft,
appear to be lateral equivalents of the Catalina Shale, tuffaceous sandstone. Where the Diego* Formation
of which 800 ft (240 m) were drilled, overlying 600 ft outcrops, Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) show several
(180 m) of Eloise conglomerate (Taguasco* Formation), areas with a pattern indicating Albian – Cenomanian
in Adelaide-1, some 7.5 km (4.6 mi) northwest of the outcrops, similar to the one used for the Tasajera and
town of Jatibonico. Santa Teresa formations, but without identification.
As can be seen, the present state of knowledge does A rich planktonic fauna is present consisting of
not provide much information on the Cretaceous vol- Globigerina cretacea sl., Globigerinella sp., Rugoglobiger-
canic history of this area, but does provide informa- ina sp., Hastigerinoides rohri, Planulina sp., and radi-
tion and dates on the diastrophism. The volcanic arc olaria. The age is considered Cenomanian.
became inactive and was being eroded during the late It is the northwestward equivalent of the Gomez*,
Maastrichtian and Paleocene. The relief must have been Cristobal*, and Casanova* formations of the Seibabo
quite low in the lower – middle Eocene as indicated syncline.
220 / Pardo
Bruja* Formation. — In this area (not shown in stratigraphic position is questionable because of struc-
Pushcharovsky et al. [1988]), only minor patches of tural complications, and it could be synonymous with
the typical Bruja flows of quartz-andesite porphyry Bruja*, although at one time, it was thought to belong
are present. These flows are the only representatives to the Old Volcanics.
of the Pastora* Group. Felipe* Formation.—The type locality is in this area
Bayate* Formation. —The unit consists of more where it has a full development. In Pushcharovsky
than 1000 ft (300 m) of a soft weathering, yellow- et al. [1988], it is very probably included in the
brown, massive flow consisting of fine-grained spher- Tassajera Group. Here, it has been divided into
ulitic quartz andesite porphyry. The spherulites are three members.
filled with quartz, and the phenocrysts are altered Lower Member.— This consists of 300–400 ft (90–
feldspars. These flows appear to be interbedded with 120 m) of dark-gray, friable tuffaceous, in part calcar-
tuffs, which are badly weathered. This unit is petro- eous sandstones containing basic feldspars, biotite,
graphically very similar to the Bruja* Formation. Its calcite, chert, and silicified ash fragments.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 221
Middle Member.— It consists of 50 ft (15 m) of fine The relationships with other units are not clear, but
fragmental, dense, light-gray limestone interbedded it appears faunally and lithologically related to the
with marls. Santa Clara* Formation; they might be synonymous.
An abundant planktonic fauna is present contain- Santa Clara* Formation. — This unit (recognized
ing Globotruncana lapparenti sl., Globotruncana contusa, in Pushcharovsky et al. [1988]) consists of 100 – 300 ft
Globigerina cretacea sl., and Guembelina spp. (33 –90 m) of white to cream, fragmental to conglom-
This member is considered equivalent to a 100-ft eratic limestone, with abundant algal and tuff frag-
(30-m), white, massive, reefoidal limestone that has ments. In addition, some interbedded marls and a 10–
been called the Roble* Formation and is considered of 20-ft (3–6-m) conglomerate with boulders of white,
Maastrichtian–Campanian age. This unit unfortunate- fossiliferous Paleocene limestone without igneous
ly outcrops only as isolated blocks and, for this reason, grains are present.
is not included in the volcanic sequence of this area. The fossils consist of Discocyclina sp., Broeckella bel-
Upper Member.—This member consists of 50–1000 ft gica, Globorotalia spp., Globigerina pseudobulloides, Glo-
(15 – 300 m) of pistachio-green shale interbedded bigerina spp. (of Tertiary type), and Lithothamnium spp.
with tuffaceous sandstones with common feldspar (of Tertiary type), indicating a Paleocene to lower–middle
crystals and gray, finely fragmental, slightly sandy Eocene age. It also contains an abundant reworked
limestones. Maastrichtian fauna. It is considered to be equivalent
An abundant planktonic fauna is present, contain- to the Taguasco* Formation to the southeast, but
ing Globotruncana lapparenti sl, Globigerina cretacea sl, older than the lower–middle Eocene part of the
and Guembelina spp. The upper member is transition- Sagua* Formation of the carbonate belts to the north.
ally overlain by the Cotorro* Formation. As already mentioned, the base of the Santa Clara*
As already mentioned, the Felipe* Formation is con- Formation marks a pronounced unconformity over
sidered of lower Maastrichtian age, perhaps extending the Maastrichtian because it rests on the Cotorro*,
into the Campanian. Felipe*, and Belico* formations. At Loma Capiro, north-
Cotorro* Formation.—This unit consists of ±300 ft east of the town of Santa Clara, the K/T boundary
(±90 m) of its typical development of volcanic-derived has been identified within this formation (Alegret
clastics with occasional argillaceous limestones. et al., 2005). The presence of impact material has been
It contains a characteristic Maastrichtian, pelagic recognized.
fauna and is overlain by and grades into the Belico* The Santa Clara* Formation is overlain by several
Formation. lower – middle Eocene units, including the Vega*,
Belico* Formation. —This unit (not recognized in Vicente*, and Falcon* formations.
Pushcharovsky et al. [1988]) consists of ±500 ft (±150 m) Lower –Middle Eocene Units. — Under this title
of white to pale-green, in part calcareous, tuffs; inter- are grouped several units of this age whose relation-
bedded light-colored, limy, tuffaceous sandstones; ships with each other are not clear. Their total thick-
and rare white siliceous (devitrified glass?) beds. It ness is ±2000 ft (±600 m). They consist of graywacke
shows some similarities to the Hilario* Formation sandstones, shales, and conglomerates, with occasion-
and is characterized by a white color and calcareous al marls and limestones of the Vega*, Vicente*, and
content. Falcon* formations. The Vega* Formation has already
The fossils consist of Globotruncana lapparenti sl., been described; the Vicente* Formation consists of
Guembelina sp., Pithonella spp., Dicyclina sp., Pseudorbi- maroon shales and calcarenites with igneous grains;
toides sp., Sulcoperculina sp., Archeolithothamnium sp., and the Falcon* Formation is made up of light-gray,
mollusk fragments, and radiolaria. The age is consid- dull calcarenites with rounded igneous components
ered Maastrichtian. and marls. In Pushcharovsky et al., 1988, they appear
It is overlain with a marked unconformity by the under the name of Ochoa Formation of lower–middle
Santa Clara* Formation. Eocene age, consisting of conglomerates, sandstones,
Bernia* Formation.—This unit consists of ±300 ft shales, siltstones, and limestones.
(90 m) of tan pellet to oolitic, medium-bedded lime- These units are equivalent to the Bijabo*, Siguaney*,
stone with sparse to abundant igneous grains. and Rubio* formations to the southeast.
The fossils consist of Guembelina sp., Lockhartia Santo Domingo–Santa Clara Area: Discussion.—
sp., Pithonella spp., and Lithothamnium sp. It is con- In the Santo Domingo–Santa Clara area, the Cabai-
sidered Maastrichtian, possibly extending into the guan* sequence is characterized by (1) intense vol-
Paleocene. canic activity in the Lower Cretaceous, although the
222 / Pardo
thickness is not as great as in the other areas; (2) a Hedbergella sp. and Nannoconus sp., Globigerinelloides
volcanic pause during the Cenomanian, accompanied sp., and radiolarians (Furrazola-Bermudez et al., 1964),
by pelagic carbonate sedimentation; (3) a renewal of indicating an Aptian–Albian age. The Camujiro For-
volcanism during the Turonian–Senonian, with more mation unconformably overlies these beds.
acidic-type rocks characterized by rhyolitic flows; (4) a Camujiro Formation.—The unit consists of approx-
strong pre-Maastrichtian unconformity; and (5) re- imately 11,500–13,000 ft (3500–4000 m) of volcanic-
duced volcanic activity during the Maastrichtian, as derived basal conglomerates, overlain by crystalline
evidenced by volcanic-derived sediments only. In the tuffs, and basaltic to intermediate lavas. A horizon
Paleocene and through the lower–middle Eocene, there some 40 ft (12 m) in thickness consists of lenses of
was a completely new cycle. All volcanic activity ceased, gray crystalline limestones containing rudists and in-
and igneous detritus derived from the uplift of the terbedded with tuffs. The limestones contain Tepeya-
Domingo* and Cabaiguan* sequences, as well as other sia corrugata and Ichtyosarcolites sp. The tuffs contain
crystalline areas, became the dominant sediment. Hedbergella sp. and Ticinella sp. The Camujiro forma-
tion is considered to be upper Albian to Turonian in
Central Camaguey Area age. It is considered equivalent to the Bruja* Forma-
The Cabaiguan* sequence rocks form most of the tion in Las Villas. It is in part synonymous and re-
outcrops south of the Domingo belt, extending from places the Guaimaro and Contramaestre formations
Ciego de Avila to Vertientes, Amancio Rodriguez, and of Pushcharovsky et al. (1988).
the vicinity of Las Tunas. As already mentioned, Gulf The Piragua Formation overlies the Camujiro with
did only reconnaissance in this area. A major difference an unconformity. Intrusive contacts with the grano-
between the Las Villas and Camaguey provinces is that diorite and associated intrusives are common.
in Camaguey, the Cabaiguan* sequence is divided into Sierra de Rompe. — This unit (originally described
two segments by a nearly continuous, fairly linear body by Somin and Millán, 1981) consists of an unknown
of granodiorite and associated intrusives that extends thickness of metamorphosed basalts and associated
from Ciego de Avila to east of Las Tunas. This body, volcaniclastics. Some strongly deformed marbles
like the Manicaragua belt granodiorite, is of Late Cre- containing rudist remains have been described, sug-
taceous age and, therefore, shows extensive intrusive gesting a possible late Lower Cretaceous to Campa-
relationships with the volcanics. In Las Villas province, nian age. Tchounev et al. (1986) report the presence
the intrusion is limited to the southern edge of the of this unit in the Guaimaro –Las Tunas area, where
Cabaiguan* sequence and intrudes only its oldest rocks. they were formerly considered to be contact meta-
The most complete exposed sections are south of morphics between the granodiorite and the volca-
the granitoid body or south of a line running from nics. The type of metamorphism is regional, and there
Florida to Las Tunas. This exposure of volcanics is is a similarity to the Mabujina complex. The position
shown in the 1988 geologic map (Pushcharovsky et al., of this unit is questionable because no normal con-
1988) as the Las Tunas unit, consisting of a broad anti- tacts with other units of the volcanic sequence have
cline where, in several fault blocks with no clear rela- been observed. It could be equivalent to the Camujiro
tion to each other, the older units lie under a succes- Formation (Millan-Tujillo, 1996) and appears to be re-
sion of later Cretaceous overlaps. This map shows more lated to Cretaceous volcanics, such as the Old Vol-
than 28,000 ft (8500 m) of Albian to Maastrichtian canics* in Las Villas province, instead of the ophiolitic
volcanics. The dips are generally low (under 308), and association.
recent information reports a considerable amount of Piragua Formation. —The Piragua Formation (in
repetition, indicating that the thickness estimates are large part synonymous with, and replaces, the Vidot
greatly exaggerated. In Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), Formation of Pushcharovsky et al. [1988]) consists
Contramaestre, Guaimaro, and Vidot formations rep- approximately of ±1400 ft (±500 m) of tuffs and ba-
resent much of the volcanic section. This nomencla- saltic to rhyolitic flows. A basal conglomerate is pres-
ture is being replaced by the section, which is shown ent, overlain by two levels of limestone lenses con-
in Figure 123, and described as follows. It is based on taining rudists. Both levels are near the base of the
Iturralde-Vinent and de la Torre (1990), and Iturralde- formation.
Vinent (1996). In the upper limestone level consisting of dark-
Pre-Camujiro Beds. — This is the informal name gray massive limestone lenses, up to 150 ft (50 m)
for a monotonous section of intermediate flows, gray thick, Barretia monolifera, Pseudorbitoides sp., and Sulco-
tuffs, shales, and graywacke sandstones. They contain perculina sp. have been identified.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 223
The lower part of the section has been divided This member contains radiolaria and ammonites
into two members representing different facies of the (Paratexanites? sp., Texasia? dentocarinata).
formation. The Piragua Formation is considered to extend
Loma Yucatan Member. —It consists of a basal con- from the Santonian through the Campanian. Meta-
glomerate overlain by thick, massive, dark-gray lime- morphosed contacts with the granodiorite and asso-
stones interbedded with tuffs. The limestone contains ciated intrusives are common. It is equivalent to the
the rudists Durrania curasavica and Vaccinites sp. It is Coabilla Formation that outcrops mostly north of
considered of Santonian age. the granodiorite body. Some rhyolitic flows at the
San Francisco Member. —This member consists of top of the Piragua Formation have been called La
cream to pink calcareous tuffs considered to be the Sierra Formation.
deep-water equivalent of the Loma Yucatan Mem- Marti Formation. — The Marti Formation consists
ber. The basal conglomerate is absent. of an unknown thickness of acid flows, tuffs,
224 / Pardo
volcanic-derived sediments, and limestones and is cubensis, Vaughanina guatemaltensis, Orbitoides apicul-
considered of Campanian age. It is equivalent to the lata, Orbitoides media, Pseudorbitoides sp., and Sulco-
Piragua Formation and shows contact metamorphism perculina globosa. A pelagic foraminifera fauna consist-
with the granodiorite. According to Pushcharovsky ing of Globotruncana spp. and Rugoglobigerina spp. is
et al. (1988), it has a very limited distribution in the also present. It is considered of Maastrichtian age, and
vicinity of the town of Marti. it overlies all older units with marked unconformity.
Aguilar Formation. —This unit (partially synon- This formation is mostly confined to the south
ymous with the Contramaestre Formation) consists Cabaiguan* sequence outcrop area, but the presence
of 380 – 400 ft (100 – 150 m) of a monotonous section of outliers to the north indicate that at one time, it
of light-cream, well-bedded tuffs, cherts, calcareous was a widespread unit.
tuffs, and biomicritic limestones. The age is consid- It is equivalent to the Isabel* Formation (which is
ered Santonian on the basis of Paratexanites sp. and included in the Perseverancia Group in Pushcharovsky
Texasia? dentatocarinata. It could extend into the et al., 1988) in the Fomento area. It is also very prob-
Campanian. ably equivalent to the Jiquimas* Formation of the
Coabilla Formation.—This unit (named by Iturralde- Tamarindo-Camajuani area.
Vinent, 1981) consists of an unknown thickness of To the south, in the Florida-Vertientes area, the
medium acid- to acid-flow breccias and tuffs that have Jimaguayu Formation is overlain by the Vertientes
been assigned to the Campanian. This formation oc- Formation.
curs mostly north of the granodiorite body and ap- Vertientes Formation. — This unit consists of
pears to rest directly, in fault contact, on the ultra- 1500–2100 ft (500–700 m) of marls, sandstone, lime-
basics of the Domingo* sequence. Good evidence also stones, and radiolarites of lower to middle Eocene age.
exists that it was intruded by the granodiorite. It is the It shows similarities to and is probably correlative with
northern equivalent of the Piragua and Aguilar for- the Rubio* Formation. It is present mostly to the south
mations. In the upper part of the Coabilla Formation and west of the bulk of the volcanic rock outcrops.
is a body of columnar andesitic basalt named La This unit, although still considered as part of the pre–
Mulata Formation, an equivalent of La Sierra. It is upper Eocene deformed sediments, is much less
considered of Campanian –upper Maastrichtian age. tectonized than the underlying Cretaceous.
The Duran or Jimaguayu Formation unconformably Florida Formation. — It consists of 200 ft (60 m) of
overlies the Coabilla Formation. calcirudites, limestones, and marls of middle Eocene
Durán Formation. — This unit consists of ±330 ft age. It is in part equivalent, and lithologically similar,
(±100 m) of conglomerates, sandstones, volcanic- to the Siguaney* Formation and is in part equivalent to
derived sandstones, and siltstones. the Vertientes Formation. It is best developed between
Some reef limestones contain a fauna of the rudists the towns of Ciego de Avila and Florida.
Titanosarcolites giganteus and Microcaprina tschoppi. The Toward the center of the island, in the Maraguan
associated foraminifera are Vaughanina cubensis, Orbit- area, the Jimaguayu Formation is overlain by the Mara-
oides apicullata, Pseudorbitoides sp., S. globosa, and a rich guan Formation.
pelagic fauna containing Globotruncana spp. and Rugo- Maraguan Formation. — This unit outcrops in
globigerina spp. It is considered of Campanian through the northeastern part of the Cabaiguan* sequence,
Maastrichtian age. north of the granodiorite body, and northwest of the
The base of the Duran Formation marks an impor- city of Camaguey. It consists of 325 ft (100 m) of
tant unconformity over all older volcanic units. This interbedded conglomerates, sandstones, siltstones,
is the oldest unit not to show the effects of the grano- and marls. It is considered lower Eocene and overlies
diorite intrusion. with marked unconformity the Upper Cretaceous
It is the northern equivalent of the Jimaguayu Jimaguayu, Piragua, Coabilla, and Duran formations.
Formation. It occupies the same stratigraphic position as the Ta-
Jimaguayu Formation.— It consists of 1000 ft guasco* Formation, although the Paleocene has not
(300 m) of fossiliferous limestones, calcirudites, marls, been reported. It underlies with apparent conformi-
and sandstones. ty the Saramaguacan Formation.
The limestones contain a rich rudist fauna, includ- Saramaguacan Formation. — This consists of
ing Biradiolites mooretownensis, Titanosarcolites gigan- 1500–2100 ft (500–700 m) of an interbedding of lime-
teus, Microcaprina tschoppi, and Praebarrettia sparcilir- stones, marls, sandstones, siltstones, and shales. It is
ata. The associated foraminifera consist of Vaughanina considered lower to middle Eocene.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 225
Central Camaguey Area: Discussion.—In Central is possible because a major hiatus exists between the
Camaguey, the following points should be emphasized: Camujiro and the pre-Camujiro beds.
During the Santonian–Campanian interval, an ac-
1) Possible late Lower Cretaceous to Campanian cumulation of tuffs, of intermediate to acid composi-
tholeitic basalts were only recognized in 1986, tion, and other volcaniclastics occurred, interbedded
after the 1985 information cutoff date for the with carbonate bodies possibly equivalent to part of
1988 geologic map, (Pushcharovsky et al., 1988). the Pastora* Group.
Since 1985, much of the geology of the area has During the Coniacian, there was some deforma-
been revised, and most of the exposed volcanic tion and uplift before the deposition of the Campa-
section is now thought to be post-Albian. nian Piragua, Coabilla, and Marti formations.
2) The oldest reported carbonates are Cenomanian The deformation continued, and a second uncon-
(Albian?) – Turonian, in the Camujiro (in part formity occurred at the base of the Campanian –
Guaimaro of Pushcharovsky et al. [1988]) For- Maastrichtian Duran and Yaquimas formations. This
mation. Therefore, carbonates equivalent to the unconformity very possibly correlates with the pre-
Cristobal* and Gomez* formations of Las Villas Maastrichtian unconformity in Las Villas province.
are not known in this area, although the Albian– The overlying units are characterized by further de-
Turonian is present and contains pelagic faunas. position of tuffs and volcanoclastic sediments and
The pre-Camujiro beds could be related and show are probably correlative to the Cotorro* and Hilario*
some affinities with the Huevero* Formation. formations of the Tamarindo-Camajuani area.
3) As already mentioned, the thickness of the Up- The granodiorite body shows contact metamor-
per Cretaceous volcanics (Guaimaro and Contra- phism with all Campanian and older units. Several
maestre formations) shown in Pushcharovsky et al., smaller associated intrusives are concentrated around
1988, is exaggerated and does not exceed 6500 ft Guaimaro, suggesting the presence of a volcanic center.
(2000 m). This is caused by the abundant repeti- The close of the Maastrichtian is marked here,
tions of section. The Contramaestre Formation has as in Las Villas province, by the influx of carbonate
been found to be a structural mixture of Camujiro sedimentation characterized by the Jimaguayu Forma-
and Piragua formations. tion, correlative with the Jiquimas*.
4) The extensive granodiorite body intrudes all the The Paleocene is not reported, although the Ma-
volcanics older than the Duran Formation with- raguan could be a counterpart of the Taguasco*
out being associated with regional metamorphism. Formation.
Furthermore, this body seems to divide central Ca- The middle Eocene clastics, carbonates, and marls
maguey into two distinct areas, with the bulk of of the Florida and Vertientes formations, similar
the volcanics to the south and only the Campa- and correlative with the Siguaney* and Rubio* forma-
nian Coabilla and younger formations to the north. tions, are also unconformable over older sediments,
This body is much more extensive in the subsur- but are not as involved in the deformation as is the
face than it appears on the surface. lower Tertiary in the northern carbonate belts of Las
5) A major unconformity exists at the base of the Villas and Camaguey provinces.
Santonian and Campanian Piragua and its equiv- Although tuffs are reported in the Maastrichtian,
alent, the Coabilla Formation, which is found in the present thinking of Cuban workers is that here,
fault contact with the Domingo* sequence. as in Las Villas province, volcanism ceased at the close
of the Campanian.
In summary, no apparent sedimentary contact In this area, the Domingo* is separated from the
exists between the Domingo* and Cabaiguan* se- Cabaiguan* sequence by a series of faults, which prob-
quences, although tholeitic basalts of possible Early ably represents the highly deformed expression of a
Cretaceous age have been reported. Except for the Al- Cabaiguan* sequence thrust sheet riding northward
bian tuffs, no record of Lower Cretaceous volcanism over the Domingo*.
During the Cenomanian – Santonian, submarine Intrusives
outpourings of intermediate basaltic-andesitic flows Part of this area was included in the Manicaragua
interbedded with tuffs and volcaniclastics occurred. It tectounit. Hatten et al., 1958, named this unit the
is not clear whether there was a pause in volcanism Manicaragua tectounit; it was redefined and described
in the Cenomanian as in Las Villas province, but this by Hatten et al., 1988.
226 / Pardo
It outcrops in Las Villas province, where it con- of 84 Ma or Santonian. It is worth mentioning that
sists of a narrow band of granodiorite and metavol- some dates of the Escambray metamorphism are as
canics, commonly ±10 km (±6 mi) wide, north of the young as 70 Ma or middle Maastrichtian and as old as
Escambray massif. It extends from the vicinity of Cu- 95 Ma or middle Cenomanian. At any rate, there ap-
manayagua through Manicaragua to Sancti Spiritus. pears to be no question that the age of the intrusion,
In the Camaguey province, an assemblage of grano- as well as that of the corresponding more acidic vol-
dioritic intrusive rocks (already mentioned) forms canic phase of the Cabaiguan* sequence, is Upper
the backbone of the province and outcrops almost Cretaceous. As already mentioned, this body shows
continuously from Ciego de Avila to Las Tunas. In this intrusive relationships with the Lower Cretaceous
study, these granodiorites and associated metamor- volcanics.
phics will be included in the Cretaceous volcanic com- Porvenir Formation. — The Porvenir Formation
plex of the Cabaiguan section (see Figure 124). consists of badly weathered metavolcanics in con-
Escambray Massif Area. — tact with the granodiorite. A mixture of lithologies
Sancti Spiritus Granodiorite.—In the recent literature, exists such as metatuffs, quartzites, and marbles.
no formal name exists for this group of related granit- Central Camaguey Area. — In this area, only a
oids. Hatten et al. (1958) included it in the Mani- granodiorite body of composition and age similar to
caragua tectounit. I feel that it should be separated that of the Sancti Spiritus granodiorite is present.
from the Mabujina amphibolite for being genetically Radiometric dates from the granodiorite (28 samples)
different. range from 58 to 99 Ma, but have a median value of
It is a large intrusive body ranging in composition 78 Ma or lower Campanian. It shows intrusive rela-
from diorite to granodiorite to plagiogranite. The pla- tionships with all the units from the possible Lower
gioclase ranges from andesine to labradorite. Some- Cretaceous Sierra de Rompe sequence to the Campa-
times, it has well-developed intergrowths of quartz. It nian Piragua and Coabilla formations. A cluster of
generally contains hornblende and biotite. Near the related granitoid intrusions in the Cabaiguan* se-
contact with the Mabuyina, many scattered inclusions quence, as well as in the granodiorite proper in the
of rounded to angular amphibolite are present. Unde- vicinity of Guaimaro, suggests the location of a former
formed pegmatite dikes cut both the Mabuyina com- volcanic center.
plex and the granodiorite. The main difference between these two granodi-
Radiometric dates from the granodiorite (10 sam- orite bodies is their relation to the Cabaiguan* se-
ples) range from 60 to 93 Ma, but have a median value quence exposures; the Sancti Spiritus body is to the
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 227
south of the exposures, whereas in central Camaguey, tified in the Algarrobos*, Belico*, Cotorro*, Felipe*,
it is located to the north of most of them. and Yaya* formations.
2) Benthonic assemblages. Orbitoid assemblages are
considered mostly of Campanian – Maastrichtian
Campanian–Maastrichtian Problem age. The Vaughanina-Orbitoides-Lepidorbitoides as-
Here, it seems appropriate to discuss the dating of semblage was considered definitely of Maastrich-
the end of the volcanism because there is a point of tian age. This assemblage was identified in the
disagreement between my interpretation and the cur- Algarrobos*, Jiquimas*, Salvador*, and Turino* for-
rent opinion of several authors. mations. The Roble* Formation, containing primi-
Gulf considered the volcanism in Las Villas prov- tive pseudorbitoids, was considered of lower Maas-
ince to have continued into the Maastrichtian. How- trichtian–Campanian(?) age and to be an equivalent
ever, Pushcharovsky et al., 1988, indicate that the to the middle member of the Felipe* Formation.
volcanism ceased at the end of the Campanian and
considers several units that were dated by Gulf as Of the above-mentioned units considered by Gulf
Maastrichtian to be Campanian or older. In the Cama- to be of Maastrichtian age, the Cotorro* Formation is
guey province, Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), Iturralde- crucial because it is represented in the Seibabo syncline,
Vinent and de la Torre (1990), and Iturralde-Vinent north and south flanks; the Tamarindo-Camajuani
(1996) show an unconformity and hiatus below the area; and the Santo Domingo – Santa Clara area. It
Maastrichtian separating a lower Campanian and older is poorly represented to absent in the Fomento-
volcanic section from an upper nonvolcanic one. Taguasco area. The relationships of the Cotorro* with
Because only a maximum of 3 m.y. are involved, other units is as follows.
this might appear as splitting hairs. However, this
difference has an important effect on the age assign- 1) In the Seibabo syncline–north flank and the Santo
ment of certain unfossiliferous units, thus affecting Domingo–Santa Clara area, it conformably over-
the reconstruction of the geologic history. Having lies the volcanic Felipe* Formation, considered by
no access to documents with evidence supporting Gulf to be lower Maastrichtian–Campanian(?).
the pre-Maastrichtian cessation of volcanic activity 2) In the Seibabo syncline– south flank, it conform-
in all of central Cuba, what follows is a review of the ably overlies the volcanic Salvador* Formation,
reasons why Gulf’s geologists thought that some vol- which is similar to, and possibly synonymous with,
canic activity in this area continued until at least the the Felipe*.
lower part of the Maastrichtian. 3) In the Tamarindo-Camajuani area, it lies with
One idea to keep in mind during this discussion strong unconformity over the Cenomanian Go-
is the common Cuban problem of the reworking of mez* Formation.
older faunas into younger sediments. 4) In the Fomento-Taguasco area, it is either absent
because of a Paleocene unconformity or represented
1) Pelagic assemblages. In the Cifuentes* belt, the by the Jucillo* conglomerates, interbedded with
Amaro* and Rodrigo* formations contain a rich the Maastrichtian Isabel* Formation, and lying
pelagic assemblage of the Globotruncana lapparenti unconformably over the Old Volcanics*.
group, which was assigned a Santonian through 5) The Cotorro* Formation is definitely overlain by
Maastrichtian age. P. Brönnimann considered that the Hilario* Formation, which is made of massive
much of the Amaro* Formation pelagic fauna per- tuffs, the Belico* Formation, that definitely con-
tained to the Globotruncana calcarata–Globotruncana tains tuffs and tuffaceous sandstones, and the
fornicata and Globotruncana ganseri zones of Turino* Formation, which, consisting mostly of
Campanian–lower Maastrichtian age. The Rodrigo* calcarenites, is interbedded with the basalt por-
Formation fauna pertains to the Globotruncana phyries and breccias of the Carlota* Formation.
mayaroensis zone and was therefore considered to
be of upper Maastrichtian age. Pushcharovsky As previously mentioned, the Carlota* Formation,
et al. (1988) agree with this age determination and La Rana of Hatten et al. (1958), was considered by them
considers the Amaro (and equivalent Camajan) to overlie the Maastrichtian and/or upper Campa-
Formation, which includes Gulf’s Rodrigo* Forma- nian Dagamal (Hilario*) Formation, although they
tion, to be of Maastrichtian age. In the Cabaiguan* assign it to the Coniacian–Santonian. Their reasoning
sequence, the same assemblages have been iden- is not entirely clear.
228 / Pardo
Overlying these Maastrichtian volcanics is a group This disagreement will certainly not be settled
of Maastrichtian, reefoidal to detrital, carbonate units here, but it is not clear why the Amaro* and Rodrigo*
that resemble the Camaguey province Duran and Ji- formations are accepted as Maastrichtian, whereas the
maguayú formations; these are the Isabel*, Jiquimas*, above-mentioned Cabaiguan* sequence units, with
Bernia*, and the Seibabo upper units. an identical fauna, are not. However, the Isabel* and
In Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), most of the units Santa Clara* formations considered by P. Brönnimann
mentioned above are included in the Tassajera Group as Maastrichtian and Maastrichtian – Paleocene,
of Coniacian –Campanian age. respectively, on the same faunal evidence, are
It is therefore possible that the unconformity is considered part of a Maastrichtian and later overlap,
upper Campanian in age (see Figure 125). In Cama- the Perseverancia Group and Santa Clara Formation,
guey, it separates the upper Maastrichtian deposits on the 1988 geologic map (Pushcharovsky et al.,
from the underlying Campanian, whereas in Las Villas 1988).
province, it separates the lower Maastrichtian from This volcanism cutoff date is a somewhat surpris-
Campanian and older sediments. In southeastern Las ing conclusion in view of the fact that according to
Villas, the Maastrichtian (Cotorro*, Jucillo*) overlies K-Ar dating (Iturralde-Vinent et al., 1996), the period
Cenomanian to Lower Cretaceous volcanics; in north- of 65–75 m.y. (Maastrichtian) represents the highest
western Las Villas, the Maastrichtian –Campanian(?) peak of thermal activity (rock formation, metamor-
(Felipe*) overlies the Turonian (Bruja*); and in south- phism, etc.) in the Cabaiguan* sequence. At any rate,
eastern Las Villas, sedimentation was apparently it must be pointed out that the flows of the Salvador*
uninterrupted. and Carlota* formations are basalts, quite different
The late phases of volcanism, therefore, extended from the preceding, older, rhyolitic flows. The basalts
into the lower Maastrichtian in Las Villas, but were suggest late-orogenic volcanic activity, which, in this
not recorded in central Camaguey because no sedi- study, will be considered lower Maastrichtian.
ments accumulated there until the upper Maastrich- Drilling. —Several wells have been drilled in the
tian. The evidence in Las Villas indicates that the eastward continuation of the Cabaiguan* sequence.
volcanism ended by the middle Maastrichtian and Information is available on some of them.
was overlain by carbonate deposits similar to, and
contemporaneous with, the Duran and Jimaguayú 1) Kewanee Cabrera-1. Drilled 3 km (1.8 mi) north of
formations. the town of Seibabo, was spudded in the Bijabo*
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 229
FIGURE 126. Western Cuba: basic igneous-volcanics terrane generalized geologic map.
Formation, and encountered the Taguasco* at 4) Cristales oil field. In this field, 30 km (18 mi) due
3610 ft (1101 m) to total depth at 6193 ft (1888 m). east of the town of Jatibonico, the production is
2) General Corporation Echevarria-1. Drilled approx- from the vugular reefoidal limestones of the
imately 5 km (3.1 mi) northeast of the town of Jiquimas* Formation (Cristales limestone) at, or
Jatibonico, was spudded in Oligocene sediments, under, an unspecified Tertiary unconformity over
and penetrated undifferentiated Old Volcanics* at the volcanics at ±1800 ft (±550 m).
1072 ft (327 m) to total depth at 8375 ft (2553 m).
The producing interval is at the contact between Western Cuba
the volcanics and the overlying Tertiary.
3) EPEP Jatibonico-78. Drilled 6.5 km (4 mi) west- As in central Cuba, the basic igneous-volcanic prov-
northwest of Jatibonico, was spudded in the ince can be subdivided into the Domingo* sequence,
young Tertiary cover, and is reported (in Shien consisting of ultrabasic rocks and basalts, spilites, etc.,
et al., 1984) to have encountered Upper Cretaceous and the Cabaiguan* sequence that consists of inter-
intermediate to basic tuffs, flows, and agglomer- mediate to acid volcanics and associated sediments.
ates at ±1150 ft (±350 m). At ±4725 ft (±1440 m), it In western Cuba, rocks belonging to these belts are found
penetrated Aptian–Albian intermediate to basic in three general areas (see Figure 126), all forming
tuffs and flows. Below 10,030 ft (±3180 m), basic part of Truitt’s (1956a, b) Bahia Honda* belt: the Bahia
flows were penetrated to 13,775 ft (±4200 m), Honda vicinity, the area south of the Pinar fault, and
where pre-Mesozoic metamorphics were reported the north of the Isle de la Juventud. Figure 127 is a
to a total depth of 14,553 ft (4437 m). The kind of correlation chart of western Cuba, including north-
metamorphics and the basis for dating the vol- ern Cuba.
canics are unknown, but the succession suggests a In this study, the name Bahia Honda area will be
normal Cabaiguan into Domingo section. used in the geographically restricted sense of Furrazola-
230 / Pardo
FIGURE 127. Correlation chart, basic igneous-volcanic terrane, western and northern Cuba.
Bermúdez et al. (1964) (it is considered by them as a ed outcrops that extends from Manuel Sanguily east-
subzone of the Zaza zone). Here, it will be subdivided ward for 74 km (46 mi).
into a southern tectonic unit and a northern tectonic The Bahia Honda area is found north of the
unit. The area south of the Pinar fault is named the Guajaibon – Sierra Azul and northern Rosario belts,
Los Palacios Basin, and the unmetamorphosed volca- east of the La Esperanza belt, and toward La Habana.
nics outcropping in the north of the Isla de la Ju- After the Pinar fault disappears, it merges with the
ventud is named the Isla de la Juventud area. These eastern Los Palacios Basin.
areas are defined as follows. Pszczólkowski and Albear (1982) and Pushchar-
Bahia Honda Area. — The Bahia Honda area is ovsky et al. (1988) subdivide the Bahia Honda area
present only in the northeastern Pinar del Rio (see into two units:
Figure 128) and is the continuation of the basic
igneous-volcanic province of central Cuba after out- 1) Northern tectonic unit. It contains ultrabasics. It
cropping through La Habana and Matanzas provinces, extends from the coast to the fault that defines
where it is broken up by a large number of cross-faults the southern limit of the ultrabasics.
into relatively small segments. In western Cuba, it 2) Southern tectonic unit. It is characterized by vol-
forms a large body of parallel, fairly coherent, elongat- canics and volcaniclastics, with no ultrabasics,
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 231
FIGURE 128. Western Cuba, Bahia Honda, and Los Palacios areas.
and dipping steeply northward under the north- areas of Cuba, it appears to be overlain by the Ca-
ern tectonic unit. baiguan* sequence. The northern tectonic unit also
overlies the southern tectonic unit, where it is in a
Los Palacios Basin. — This area extends along the north-dipping fault contact with the Quiñones, En-
southern side of the Pinar fault all the way to the crucijada, and Via Blanca formations of the Cabai-
south coast of Pinar del Rio. It is mostly a subsurface guan* sequence.
feature, except for a narrow belt of early Tertiary and Serpentine. — It forms most of the rocks repre-
Upper Cretaceous outcrops along the Pinar fault. Sev- senting this belt. In the southwestern part of the
eral wells have been drilled into it. Pszczólkowski (1978) northern area, they form the large mass of the Sierra
used the term ‘‘San Diego de los Baños structurofacies de Cajalbana. They are present throughout the area
zone.’’ It is called Los Palacios Basin in Pushcharovsky in isolated patches, but form a narrow linear body
et al. (1988). that extends for the entire length and defines the
Isla de la Juventud Area. — A small area of unmeta- southern limit of the unit. The serpentine appears to
morphosed Cretaceous volcanics exists outcropping form a steeply north-dipping tabular body. As in cen-
in the northwest of the Isla de la Juventud. tral Cuba, the Domingo* sequence appears to represent
the base of the basic igneous-volcanic section. Accord-
Domingo* Sequence ing to Garcia-Casco et al. (2003), it seems to have
been formed at moderate pressure (6–8 kbar) and
Bahia Honda Area: Northern Tectonic Unit moderately high temperature (6008C). Thicknesses of
The Domingo* sequence is represented by an asso- the serpentine are impossible to estimate, but as in
ciation of serpentines and gabbroic rocks that occur central Cuba, they are very variable. The serpentines
in a continuous way only in the northern tectonic are highly disturbed and appear to be overlain by
unit of the Bahia Honda area (named the Felicidades gabbroic rocks. Concerning the wildflysch (Big Boul-
belt). Despite structural complications, like in other der bed) or Vieja Member of the Manacas (Quiñones)
232 / Pardo
Formation in contact with the serpentine, Hatten Occasional associated tuffs, volcanic derived shales,
(1957) described many ‘‘exotic’’ blocks of amphib- and sandstones occur. Occasional dirty limestones are
olite, actinolite garnet schists, and hornblende-quartz also observed. The Encrucijada Formation is the lower
rocks are enclosed by the serpentinized rock. These part of the Chirino Formation of Pszczólkowski and
metamorphics are of unknown origin. Albear (1982). It is also part of Truitt’s (1956a, b) Nuñez
He might have been referring to the basal part of Formation. This unit is considered Aptian–Albian in
the serpentine body, which is chaotic in nature, and age and is believed to be transitional with the Orozco
would therefore contain exotic metamorphic blocks Formation.
as does the lower Domingo* sequence in the Santa Orozco Formation. — The Orozco Formation is
Clara area of central Cuba. the upper part of the Chirino Formation of Pszczólk-
owski and Albear (1982). It is also part of Truitt’s
Gabbros (1956a, b) Nuñez Formation.
A complex consisting of spilites, gabbros, diabase, This unit consists of 1600 ft (500 m) of basaltic and
troctolite, and anorthosite is found associated with dacitic tuffs, basalts, tuffaceous sandstones, and con-
the serpentines. Although most of the contacts are glomerates. It is considered Cenomanian–Turonian
modified by tectonism, this complex appears to over- and is a noncalcareous, noncherty equivalent of the
lie the serpentine and underlie the rocks of the Ca- Quiñones Formation of the southern unit. It is un-
baiguan* sequence of the northern tectonic unit. conformably below the Via Blanca Formation.
Via Blanca Formation. — The Via Blanca Forma-
Other Areas tion consists of an unknown thickness (but as much
Outside the Bahia Honda area, many patches of ser- as several hundred meters) of reddish green shales,
pentine associated with faults are present through- graywacke siltstones, and sandstones with a few inter-
out the Sierra de Guaniguanico. Very commonly, beds of white marls. Conglomerates are common and
they are in contact with the Manacas Formation. consists of two types: (1) those consisting mostly of
They might be remnants of a Domingo-Cabaiguan igneous material and (2) carbonate breccias with a
belt thrust sheet over the Manacas Formation. Many high percentage of limestone components contain-
of them are large olistoliths of Domingo* sequence ing rudists (probably derived from San Juan y Martinez).
in the wildflysch of the Vieja Member of the Mana- This formation is mostly restricted to the northern
cas Formation. unit and extends eastward toward La Habana, where
A particularly large outcrop of serpentine and gab- it was originally described.
bro, present in the Cabeza de Horacio window (sur- It contains an abundant foraminiferal fauna (de-
rounded by San Cayetano and associated with La scribed in the section on northern Cuba) indicating a
Esperanza Formation), could be a remnant of Domingo* Campanian – late Maastrichtian age. In an area north
sequence caught in the thrusting, as suggested by of La Palma, west of the Sierra de Cajalbana, the rud-
Pardo (1975), or be an equivalent of the El Sabalo oce- ist Titanosarcolites sp. has been identified.
anic basement under the La Esperanza Formation. At This unit was deposited under shallow- to relatively
any rate, it appears to be allochthonous because it deep-water conditions, and the source of material ap-
has no gravity or magnetic expression. pears to have been in the south-southwest. It is un-
conformably overlain by the Peñalver Formation and
is equivalent, and in places similar, to the San Juan y
Cabaiguan* Sequence Martinez Formation of the Los Palacios Basin.
This belt is not nearly as well developed as in cen- Peñalver Formation. — The Peñalver Formation
tral Cuba and in general is structurally much more consists of up to ±330 ft (100 m) of a dominantly
disturbed. carbonate turbidite bed showing graded bedding. At
The section is shown in Figure 129. the base, the clasts are up to 5 ft (1.5 m) in diameter,
decreasing to silt size at the top. The clasts consist
Bahia Honda Area: Northern Tectonic Unit mostly of rudist fragments, foraminifera (planktonic
This area is shown in Figure 128. and benthonic), shallow- and deep-water limestones,
Encrucijada Formation. — This unit consists of and frequent terrigenous and igneous rock fragments.
±2000 ft (±600 m) of massive, commonly badly Brönnimann and Rigassi (1963) originally described
weathered and highly sheared, amygdaloidal, and the Peñalver Formation from the area of La Habana.
porphyritic basic flows and thick chert interbeds. It will be described in more details in the section on
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 233
northern Cuba below in this chapter. The age is con- composing it will be described in the section on
sidered upper Maastrichtian and, therefore, is equiv- northern Cuba below in this chapter, where all the
alent and lithologically similar to the Cacarajı́cara and individual formations were named. The Mariel Group,
Amaro formations (although the terrigenous material consisting of the Madruga and Capdevila formations, is
is more abundant). It rest unconformably below the also used. This group comprises of the Mercedes,
Capdevila Formation. Apolo, Madruga, Via Crucis, and Alkazar formations
Vibora Group. —It consists of 1000 ft (300 m) of that will be described in detail in the below section
sandstones, conglomerates, shales, marls, and lime- on northern Cuba.
stones of Paleocene age. The origin of this name is Capdevila Formation.—It consists of 1500–2000 ft
unknown, but it is shown in Pushcharovsky et al. (450–600 m) of an interbedding of polymict, gray-
(1988) as a grouping of formations. The formations wacke sandstones, sandy calcarenites, shales, marls,
234 / Pardo
and conglomerates. Some pebbles of leucocratic gneiss, mation of Pszczólkowski and Albear (1982). It is also
possibly originating from an older basement, are pres- part of Truitt’s (1956a, b) Nuñez Formation. The age
ent in the conglomerates. These sediments are typically is considered mostly Cenomanian and Turonian, al-
representative of flysch conditions with characteristic though it might extend in the Campanian. This unit
turbidites in relatively deep waters. Originally named is in part equivalent and shows similarities to the
by Palmer (1934) and described in detail by Brönni- Gomez* Formation of central Cuba and also shows
mann and Rigassi (1963) from the area of La Habana, some affinities with some of the Upper Cretaceous of
it will be described in more detail in the section on the sedimentary belts of the Sierra de Guaniguanico. In
northern Cuba. An abundant fauna of planktonic the eastern extreme of the southern unit, it lies un-
foraminifera indicates an upper Paleocene to early conformably under the Via Blanca Formation.
lower Eocene age. This unit is found in contact with Via Blanca Formation. —The Via Blanca Forma-
several older units, indicating some transgressive rela- tion occurs as a small area of outcrops in the eastern
tionship. It is comformably overlain by the Universi- end of this tectonic unit. It consists mostly of reddish
dad Formation. This section correlates and shows green shales, graywacke siltstones, and sandstones
similarities with part of the Pica Pica of the Sierra de with a few interbeds of white marls. Brönnimann and
Guaniguanico and with the Vega* and San Martin* Rigassi (1963) originally described the Via Blanca
formations of central Cuba. Formation from the area of La Habana. It will be de-
Universidad Formation. — The Universidad For- scribed in more detail in the below section on north-
mation consists of up to 150 ft (50 m) of white to ern Cuba.
yellowish white marls interbedded with calcarenites Drilling. —
at the base. Occasional chert nodules are present. EPEP Mariel-1. — A very generalized section of this
Volcanic glass has been identified as a detrital compo- well is shown in Cuba, 1985a. This well encountered
nent. It was named by P. Bermudez in 1937 (Bermudez, the Neogene to ±820 ft (±250 m). From this point to
1961) and discussed in detail by Brönnimann and ±5250 ft (1600 m), it penetrated volcanics and vol-
Rigassi (1963) from the area of La Habana. It will be caniclastics of Valanginian to Santonian age. From
described in more detail in the below section on north- there to ±7950 ft (2150 m), it drilled through the
ern Cuba. It is sometimes called a group, including the ultrabasics, and from that point to the total depth of
Toledo and Principe formations. Radiolaria are abun- 10,500 ft (3201 m), it went through Campanian–
dant, as well as planktonic foraminifera. The age is Maastrichtian breccias, limestones, and shales. Obvi-
considered as lower–middle Eocene. This formation is ously, this well penetrated the Cabaiguan* and Do-
the youngest under the regional upper Eocene uncon- mingo* sequences, and below, a thrust went into either
formity and, like the Rubio* Formation (Fomento- a repeat of the upper Cabaiguan* sequence or into a
Taguasco area), indicates a late-orogenic return to carbonate, nonvolcanic unit. Kuznetsov et al. (1985)
carbonate sedimentation. show an unidentified Mariel well, perhaps a compos-
ite between EPEP Mariel-1 and 2 (the total depth does
Bahia Honda Area: Southern Tectonic Unit
not correspond with Petroconsultants, 1997, or Shien
This area is shown in Figure 128. et al., 1984). This section shows that this well penetrated
Encrucijada Formation.—Here, this unit is ±3000 ft the Neogene to ±2200 ft (±670 m), the Campanian–
(±900 m) thick. It is believed to be transitional with the Santonian volcanics and volcaniclastics to ±4130 ft
Quiñones Formation. The Encrucijada Formation is the (±1260 m), then the Aptian–Albian ultrabasic com-
lower part of the Felicidades Formation of Pszczólk- plex and flows to ±7950 ft (±2420 m), and finally, after
owski and Albear (1982). It is also part of Truitt’s going through a major thrust, into an igneous and
(1956a, b) Nuñez Formation. sedimentary Maastrichtian–Paleocene megabreccia
Quiñones Formation. — This unit consists of (probably the Vieja Member) to total depth at 10,825 ft
±2000 ft (±600 m) of interbedded sandy limestones, (3300 m). Whatever the origin of the published section,
siltstones, shales, and cherts with an increasing per- it confirms the EPEP Mariel-1 section and show that
centage of shale and chert beds toward the upper part both bottomed in a major thrust zone without con-
of the section. Sandstones, shales, and breccias are clusively reaching one of the Sierra de Guaniguanico
found at the top. The limestones contain abundant sedimentary facies.
planktonic microorganisms (calcisphaerulidae) as well EPEP Martin Mesa-1. —It was drilled 10 km (8 mi)
as terrigenous and pyroclastic material. The Quiñones east of the Mariel wells and on the northern edge of
Formation is the upper part of the Felicidades For- the Martin Mesa window. It reached the total depth of
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 235
10,663 ft (3250 m) (Petroconsultants, 1997, depth), re- stone, quartz, and cherts occur. The base of the forma-
maining within the carbonates of the Martin Mesa tion has never been observed.
Group without any trace of Domingo* or Cabaiguan* The rudist fauna is very rich, and some of the forms
sequence rocks. identified are as follows: Antillocaprina annulata, Antil-
These wells support the fact that if the basic igneous- locaprina crassitella, Bournonia aff. bournoni, Bournonia
volcanic province has been thrusted over the carbon- aff. africana, Chiapacella radiolitiformis, Coralliochama
ate belts of the Sierra del Rosario, the present atti- sp., Dichtyoptychus sp., Joufia sp., Hippurites mulleriedi,
tude of the thrust is very steep and possibly cut by Lithocalamus colonicus, Mitrocaprina sp., Parabournonia
imbrications. sp., Plagioptychus tschoppi, Praebarrettia corali, Praebar-
rettia aff. peruviana, Prebarretia sparcilirata, Praebarret-
Los Palacios Basin tia torrei, Sabina aff. kugleri, Tampsia rutteni,
Relatively little is publicly known about this ba- Titanosarcolites giganteus, and Titanosarcolites macgil-
sin. It extends for 150 km (93 mi) in a northeast – lavryi. Abundant large foraminifera are also present,
southwest direction. It is bounded on the southeast including Orbitoides apiculata, Pseudorbitoides israels-
by a strong positive gravity and magnetic anomaly in kyi, Pseudorbitoides kozaryi, Pseudorbitoides rutteni,
the Guanal area, giving it a width of 30 km (18 mi). Somoutina bermudezi, Sulcoperculina angulata, and
However, if these anomalies are intrabasinal features Sulcoperculina diazi. The age of the formation is con-
caused by the shallow presence of Domingo* sequence sidered to extend from the Campanian through the
rocks (as suggested by drilling) and not related to an Maastrichtian; it is equivalent to the Via Blanca and
in-situ basement, the basin could extend to the Isle de Peñalver formations. This formation lies unconform-
la Juventud or a distance of 100 km (62 mi) from the ably under the upper Paleocene Capdevila Formation.
Pinar fault. This area is shown in Figure 128. Only the Much of the Paleocene appears to be missing.
upper part of the section is known through the ex- The sediments of the San Juan y Martinez Forma-
posures along the Pinar fault. Several wells have been tion were deposited in a highly variable littoral en-
drilled near the towns of Ariguanabo, Candelaria, and vironment. All along the Pinar fault, the results of
Los Palacios in an area that generally coincides with deep drilling indicate a southeastward deepening of
a major regional gravity low. Few results have been the basin. The sediments become finer, and there is
published, and the ones that have are rather sketchy. progressively less of a benthonic organism contribu-
However, they indicate a narrow deep Tertiary basin, tion toward the center of the Los Palacios Basin.
obviously related to the Pinar fault. Unfortunately, Capdevila Formation.—Here, this unit exceeds
even the deepest wells provide little information on 5500 ft (1680 m) in thickness.
the pre-Tertiary section. The lower part of the formation consists of sandy
The section, shown in Figure 130, is as follows. and argillaceous sediments with a few marl inter-
San Juan y Martinez Formation. —The San Juan beds.
y Martinez Formation (Herrera, 1961, named this Over these beds is an assemblage of polymict sand-
formation) consists of a minimum of 1070 ft (325 m) stones, argillite, and conglomerates that can reach
of sandstones, siltstones, conglomerates, shales, marly 1650 ft (500 m) in thickness. The conglomerates are
limestones, and masses of rudist limestones. Rapid poorly sorted, commonly strongly bimodal with boul-
horizontal changes of lithology are typical for this der size components in a siltstone matrix. Graded bed-
formation; very few beds extend for a long distance. ding and pebbly mudstones can be observed. The com-
The most characteristic and dominant type of ponents can reach several meters in diameter (±10 ft;
sediment is a bioclastic limestone with an abundant ±3 m), are well rounded, and consist mostly of volcanic
rudist fauna. The rudists are grouped in biostromes, or rocks. Gneisses (possibly older basement) and carbon-
pseudoreefs, showing the animal shells in their up- ates are occasionally present. Some unusual compo-
right living position. In addition to rudists, corals, nents of the section are worth mentioning: tuffs and
algae, oysters, bryozoa, and other unidentified organ- agglomerates and pink to cream bioclastic lime-
isms are present. The limestones are lenticular and are stones with abundant algae, gastropods, pelecypods,
transitional to clastic sediments, mainly conglomer- corals, and foraminifera. The bedding between the
atic lenses with boulders reaching several tens of cen- above units is rather indistinct, and all grade into each
timeters in diameter. The conglomerate’s dominant other.
components are andesite, trachite, basalts, and var- The uppermost part of the section consists of sand-
ious types of tuffs. Minor components of quartz sand- stones, siltstones, and shales with thin interbedding
236 / Pardo
of marls. Graded bedding and flow structures are com- Globorotalia cf. aragonensis, Globorotalia cf. wilcoxensis,
mon. In the more complete sections, the marls be- and Nummoloculina heimi. The age is considered upper
come more abundant toward the top where the Cap- Paleocene and lower Eocene.
devila grades into the overlying Universidad Formation. The clastic material (volcanic) was derived from
In other places, the Loma Candela Formation overlies the southwest.
it with unconformity. Universidad Formation. — It is represented by a
The Capdevila Formation contains abundant fora- thickness not exceeding 165 ft (50 m) of thin- to
minifera, among them Distychoplax biserialis, Globiger- medium-bedded, light-gray marls with a few inter-
ina mckannai, Globorotalia pseudomenardii, Globorotalia beds of fine calcarenites, siltstones, and sandstones.
quetra(?), Globorotalia velascoensis, Globorotalia cf. cras- It contains a rich foraminifera fauna, including
sata densa, Globorotalia cf. aequa, Globorotalia cf. acuta, Discocyclina cf. cubensis, Eoconuloides wellsi, Globigerina
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 237
cf. mckannai, Globorotalia aragonensis, Globorotalia cf. mation). However, the Cretaceous fauna might be
crassata densa, and Globorotalia cf. aequa. The age is reworked, and the lithology of the upper part of
considered late lower and early middle Eocene. the section suggests the Bacunayagua Formation
The Universidad Formation unconformably un- of upper Paleocene age.
derlies the middle Eocene, postorogenic sediments
of the Loma Candela Formation. Shien et al., 1984, show the generalized logs of
Drilling. — As mentioned, 16 wells between 3300 two wells: ARCO Los Palacios-1A, and ESSO CUBA
and 9800 ft (1000 and 3000 m) have been drilled in Guanal-1A (probably Guanal-1).
this basin, but little information on them is publicly ARCO Los Palacios-1. — This well bottomed at 8000
available. ft (2439 m) in postorogenic middle–upper Eocene
EPEP Candelaria-1. — The most detailed published clastics (therefore, not penetrating the Cabaiguan*
information on the subsurface of this basin is given sequence rocks).
in a report by Fernández et al. (1987) on this well ESSO CUBA Guanal-1. — This well bottomed at
drilled by EPEP, near the town of Candelaria, to a 3214 ft (980 m), penetrating Coniacian–Santonian
total depth of 14,380 ft (4384 m). The section volcanics below the Neogene (there are some doubts
encountered is as follows. about the accuracy of this study). H. Wassall reports
(1990, personal communication) that ESSO CUBA
0 ft (0 m): Consists of post– middle Eocene de- Guanal-1 penetrated diabase or serpentine below lower
tritus equivalent to Loma Candela and youn- Miocene (it is not known whether it is in situ or a
ger units. A description of this younger section boulder). The Guanal wells were drilled on a strong
will be given below in the Post – Middle Eocene regional gravity high and sharp magnetic high-low
Stratigraphy. anomaly.
11,676 ft (3560 m): This interval consists of poly-
mict sandstones and siltstones, shales, fine-grained
bioclastic shaly limestones, and gravels with an Isla de la Juventud Area
increasing amount of volcanic detritus. Abundant In the northwestern Isle de la Juventud is a group
planktonic foraminifera are present, indicating a of outcrops, called the Sabana Grande zone by Millán
lower Eocene age. No middle Eocene faunas were (1981) (see Figure 131) and Pushcharovsky et al. (1988),
found. This interval is considered to belong to the limited by faults, which was mapped as the undiffer-
lower Capdevila Formation. entiated and unmetamorphosed Cretaceous Teneme
12,169 ft (3710 m): This unit is characterized as a Formation (named by Pushcharovsky [1988]; Push-
very argillaceous, silty, bioclastic limestone with charovsky et al. [1988] also show a volcanic Teneme
fragments of basalts and a lithocrystallovitro- Formation in southeastern Oriente; it is not known if
clastic tuff. The age is considered middle – upper this is accidental or on purpose), consisting of andes-
Paleocene based on poorly preserved Globorotalia ites and basalts. Not much more can be found in the
acuta and Globorotalia pseudomenadii. It is also published literature, although these exposures are a
considered equivalent to the lower Capdevila clear indication that unmetamorphosed Cabaiguan*
Formation. sequence volcanics are in contact with the Isle de la
12,464 ft (3800 m): Arkosic-type sandstones, Juventud metamorphics, as in the Escambray mas-
siltstones, and gravels characterize the upper part sif. Within the metamorphic massif proper, masses of
of this interval. The lower part of the interval, be- granitoids are present, believed related to the Creta-
low 13,999 ft (4268 m), is characterized by a de- ceous volcanics.
crease in the arkosic material and an increase in
volcanic components. At total depth of 14,380 ft
(4384 m), only volcanic detritus is present. The Western Cuba: Basic Igneous-Volcanic
report mentions high dips throughout the inter- Terrane Discussion
val, so not much section was penetrated. The fauna The basic igneous-volcanic province in western
is poorly preserved, but Globotruncana sp. and Cuba is not as well developed and thick as in central
other remnants of algae, bryozoa, corals, mollusks, Cuba. Except for the Sierra de Cajalbana, the ultraba-
etc. have been interpreted as indicating an Upper sics are poorly represented. Pre-Cenomanian volcanics
Cretaceous age (if such was the case, it would be (Encrucijada Formation) also are not as well developed
equivalent to part of the San Juan y Martinez For- as in central Cuba. The Cenomanian, as in central Cuba,
238 / Pardo
represents a possible pause in volcanism, with the de- late Paleocene, of an already existing incipient thrust
position of carbonates and nonvolcanic-derived sedi- sheet of basic igneous and volcanic rocks. Of greatest
ments. In western Cuba, important volcanic activity importance is the fact that the initial overriding of
seems to have ceased by the Turonian to Campanian; the sediments by the basic igneous-volcanic province
the Via Blanca Formation contains abundant volcanic could have started during the Maastrichtian or as
detritus but no direct evidence of volcanic activity much as 17 m.y. before the development of the nappe
(flows, tuffs, breccias, etc.). This is true for the remainder structures, or thrusting, that characterize the Sierra de
of the section, although reports of tuffs exist in the Guaniguanico. A similar difference in timing could
lower Paleogene. have occurred in central Cuba as indicated by the
Simultaneously, sediments were being carried north- volcanic detritus in the Maastrichtian Amaro* For-
ward into the Via Blanca and Peñalver formations of mation, preceding the lower – middle Eocene Vega
the Bahia Honda area. This is supporting evidence Formation.
that the Palacios Basin and the Bahia Honda area The presence of arkosic sediments in the question-
were part, at one time, of the same sheet of the basic able Upper Cretaceous of Candelaria-1 is puzzling. It
igneous-volcanic province, which was being uplifted is reminiscent of the granitic boulders in the Paleo-
and eroded in the late Campanian–Maastrichtian. This cene Taguasco* Formation of central Cuba or, as will
uplift might have corresponded to the initial thrust- be discussed in the section on northern Cuba, of the
ing of the primarily volcanic basin (eugeosyncline) biotitic granite boulders in the conglomerates of the
over the primarily carbonate basin (miogeosyncline). Paleocene Bacunayagua Formation (part equivalent
This must have happened a considerable distance to the Capdevila). These components seem to have
away from its present position, but close enough so had a northern origin (originally suggested by Hatten
the volcanics and intrusive rocks could contribute et al., 1958) that, with the exception of the Rancho
fine detritus to the Campanian–Maastrichtian Mo- Veloz, Trés Guanos, and La Rana klippes, has mostly
reno and Cacarajı́cara formations. disappeared today. Such a situation could be very
The sediments of the Manacas Formation were likely if a regional basement high (extensional) sep-
therefore derived from the erosion and collapse, in the arated the volcanic and carbonate basins, and the
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 239
thrusting of the basic igneous and volcanics occurred stratigraphic names, type localities, and descriptions
over a relatively thin sedimentary section, underlain (as well as many fossil determinations) originate from
by a mixture of granodiorite and basalts. This is sug- the general Habana area. As will be seen below, here,
gested by the basement remnants in the northern the section represents a very restricted phase of the
Rosario and Cifuentes* belts. Cuban orogeny.
The rocks presently exposed in the core of the Gua- The lower part of the section is very fragmented;
niguanico Mountains do not show up in the sedi- however, as the rocks become younger, the structural
ments of the Palacios Basin until the middle – upper deformation is less intense, and as in eastern Las Villas
Eocene, which is when they were effectively eroded and western Camaguey provinces, the flysch deposits
away. This is a very good proof of the timing of the of the middle Eocene extend into the upper Eocene and
deformation in western Cuba. become almost transitional with, and indistinguish-
It is impossible to estimate accurately the original able from, the postorogenic molasse deposits.
width of this province; however, its minimum width In addition, as already mentioned, many wells have
should have been at least the distance from the coast, been drilled in the area. Figure 132 shows the locations
north of La Habana, to the Isla de la Juventud, or 150 km of the most heavily drilled areas and the outcrops of
(93 mi). the Domingo* as well as the upper and lower Cabaiguan
The origin of the Domingo* and Cabaiguan* se- sequences.
quence rocks of the Bahia Honda area has been sub-
ject to much controversy. Domingo*–Cabaiguan* Sequences
Some authors have stated, and still maintain, that Albear Franquiz and Iturralde-Vinent (1985a, b) in-
the Bahia Honda area was thrusted from the north clude the San Adrian Formation, which was described
over the Guaniguanico Mountains. at the beginning of this chapter (under the section on
Iturralde-Vinent (1996) points out that no incon- the basal section of the carbonate platform province in
trovertible evidence exists that rocks from the basic central Cuba) as a Cenomanian–Turonian evaporitic
igneous-volcanic terrane are present in the Palacios unit in the Cabaiguan* sequence. This is an unusual
Basin. The position of the reported ultrabasics pene- interpretation, based in part on the presence of a Ce-
trated by ESSO CUBA Guanal-1 is questionable, and nomanian fauna found by V. Kuznetsov (personal com-
the wells EPEP Candelaria-1 and ARCO Los Palacios-1 munication to M. Iturralde-Vinent, 1975) in a shale
never reached basement and bottomed in the post- lens within the gypsum. However, this interpretation
volcanic Tertiary. He proposed an origin in the Pala- may be caused by the desire to explain away a piece of
cios Basin, with thrusting north over the Guaniguanico information that does not fit some tectonic theories.
and south over the Isla de la Juventud. The evaporite, and later the carbonate bank, were not
However, the well Shell Ariguanabo-1, south of supposed to have extended this far west. It might
the Martin-Mesa window, in what appears to be the also be the reason why Truitt’s (1956a, b) Cacarajı́cara
northeast end of the Palacios Basin, drilled through (Guajaibon–Sierra Azul) belt of western Cuba was also
3775 ft (1150 m) of Cretaceous volcanics. They are a ignored for a long time. There is no question that the
continuation of the Domingo and Cabaiguan sec- San Adrian diapir is not a diapir in the true sense; it is a
tions in northern and central Cuba, showing the same mass of evaporite that was caught in a complex fault
relationship to the Guaniguanico Mountains as to system and served as lubricant, incorporating a large
central Cuba sediments. In addition, the presence of range of exotics, including schists, marble, and ser-
Cabaiguan sequence volcanics over metamorphosed pentine, as well as Nannoconus limestones that are
southwestern terrane sediments in the Isla de la Ju- totally alien to the Cabaiguan* sequence. More than
ventud suggests that these rocks very probably orig- 50% of the total rock is composed of quartzose and
inated south of the Isla de la Juventud metamorphics micaceous clastics, also totally foreign to the Ca-
and were thrusted northward over them, the Palacios baiguan belt, suggesting the San Cayetano or the La
Basin, and the Sierra de Guaniguanico. Esperanza formations of western Cuba. It is likely that
the San Adrian Formation is a tectonically disturbed
Northern Cuba sample of some unknown unit, close to the base of the
Northern Cuba does not provide much informa- Las Villas* belt section and totally unrelated to the
tion about the general geology, but being near the Cabaiguan* sequence.
capital, it was probably studied and sampled more The section described as follows is a composite of
than any other part of the island. Most of the older northern Cuba (see Figure 133).
240 / Pardo
FIGURE 132. Northern Cuba: basic igneous-volcanic terrane generalized geologic map.
Ultrabasics. —These rocks appear to form the base- Near Matanzas, where this formation is well devel-
ment over which the Cabaiguan* sequence was depos- oped, the vitrocrystalloclastic and medium-grained
ited. The outcrops consist mostly of highly sheared lithocrystalloclastic tuffs with lapillis predominate.
(waxy) serpentine in bodies ranging from a few meters They sometimes form massive, well-bedded sequences;
to 16 km in length. In several outcrops, bodies of dark-brown or green color predominates. They are
gabbro or troctolite are associated with the serpen- interbedded with tuffs, limestones, cherts, andesite,
tines, and are commonly found between the serpen- and basalts. The limestones have light colors, gray to
tine and the volcanics of the Cabaiguan* sequence. pinkish cream, fine to medium grained, well bedded
Chirino Formation. — This unit consists of pos- to laminated, and associated with beds or nodules of
sibly more than 3300 ft (1000 m) of the following green, violet, white, or black chert. The andesites and
lithologies: (1) green to grayish green tuffaceous cherts; basalts commonly have pillows.
(2) vitric and crystalline tuff; (3) reddish medium- to Radiolaria are abundant, but other fossils are very
coarse-grained lithic tuff; (4) andesite and vesicular rare. In a sandstone interbedded with this sequence,
lava; (5) and graywacke sandstones, tuffaceous shales, the following microfossils were found: Hedbergella sp.,
and argillaceous limestones. Pithonella trejoi, Pithonella ovalis, and Stomiosphaera
Ducloz (1960, 1963) named this formation. It was sphaerica, indicating an Albian–Cenomanian age. The
formerly included in the Habana Formation and later contacts with other units are tectonic, but the general
in the pre-Via Blanca beds by Brönnimann and Rigassi impression is that the Chirino Formation overlies the
(1963). gabbros of the Domingo* sequence and underlies the
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 241
La Trampa Group, which has been dated as probable The matrix consists of coarse-grained tuffaceous sand-
Cenomanian–Turonian. stone, and the cement can be calcareous. These con-
La Trampa Group.— This unit consists of more glomerates are interbedded with tuffaceous shales,
than 1000 ft (300 m) of medium-bedded tuffaceous, containing radiolaria, and coarse-grained, dark-purple,
gravel-size conglomerates, with components of coarse- graywacke sandstones, also with calcareous cement.
grained marbles, andesites, diorites, and porphyries. Interbeds of whitish chloritized andesite-dacite lavas
242 / Pardo
and coarse-grained, chloritized, lithoclastic tuffs are tuffs. This conglomerate unconformably overlies the
also present. In the graywacke are some quartz and La Trampa Formation.
serpentinite grains. This name was used by Kozary Via Túnel Conglomerate.—Most of the components
(1955a, b) to describe a massive trachiandesite por- consist of rudist casts and fragmental limestones; the
phyry. The name was extended to associated sediments igneous components are rare. The matrix consists of
by Albear Franquiz and Iturralde-Vinent (1985a). It was pink clay, pink graywacke sandstones, and siltstones
formerly related to the Chirino and, therefore, includ- with graded bedding and detrital limestones. The age
ed in the Habana Formation. It is unknown why it is is considered lower Maastrichtian.
called a group because it is not subdivided. Casa-Escuela Conglomerate. — This unit contains
A fauna of Pithonella sp., Calcisphaerula spp., Stio- clasts of limestones, graywacke, marls, and andesites.
mosphaera spherica, Ticinella sp., Rotalipora sp., Clavi- In some strata, the igneous components dominate,
hedbergella subdigitata, Globigerinelloides cf. escheri, whereas in others, limestones dominate. The matrix
Heterohelix cf. globulosa, Schackoina cf. cenomana, Glo- consists of pinkish clay and graywacke sandstones. The
botruncana sp., mollusks, and radiolaria indicates a youngest fragments and the matrix are Maastrichtian.
Cenomanian–Turonian age. Rio Piedras Conglomerate. — Contains fragments of
The Trampa Group is unconformably overlain by Cenomanian–Turonian limestones, graywacke, Cam-
the Via Blanca Formation, as indicated by the pres- panian limestones, and igneous rocks in a graywacke
ence of distinctive Trampa fragments in the Via Blanca matrix containing Campanian faunas.
conglomerates. It should be noted that it is the oldest Los Mangos Flysch.—This consists of an up to 330-ft
formation in Cuba to contain serpentinite detritus. (100-m)-thick, yellowish pink graywacke sandstone
Via Blanca Formation. —It consists of an un- to clay bed with graded bedding showing coarse grains
known thickness, but probably several hundred me- with large foraminifera at the base, and fine grains with
ters, of reddish green and pink shale, siltstones, and planktonic forms at the top.
sandstones of graywacke composition, interbedded Jibacoa Olistostrome.—The Jibacoa olistostrome con-
with thin beds of white marl. Brönnimann and Rigassi sists of up to 330 ft (100 m) of a poorly bedded, dark-red,
(1963) named this unit. It was formerly known as argillaceous siltstone matrix in which blocks ranging
part of Palmer’s Habana Formation. It is a complex from a few centimeters to hundreds of meters in size
unit needing more detailed studies. Several informal- are embedded. The matrix contains micas, plagioclase,
ly designated levels of conglomerate, flysch, and one magnetite, and other dark minerals as well as plank-
olistostrome are present. Only the formal Bacuranao tonic foraminifera that indicate a Maastrichtian age.
Member has been established. Structural complexities The smaller blocks, up to 15 ft (5 m) in diameter, con-
make it difficult to unravel the stratigraphic relation- sist of a very weathered diorite and strongly folded Los
ships between the different lithologies. Mangos flysch. In places, this olistostrome is found
Bacuranao Member.— This consists of some 65 ft interbedded with the Los Mangos flysch.
(20 m) of yellowish to whitish gray calcareous silt- Brönnimann and Rigassi (1963) include tuffs and
stones, containing grains of igneous rocks, grading up- andesites in the Via Blanca Formation. Albear Franquiz
ward into calcareous marls and clays. Albear Franquiz and Iturralde-Vinent (1985a, b), who are convinced
and Iturralde-Vinent (1985a) formalized the name. It that all volcanic activity of the Cretaceous arc ceased
was previously named the ‘‘Bacuranao limestones’’ before the Maastrichtian (see the above discussion in
by Brönnimann and Rigassi (1963). It contains abun- this chapter on central Cuba), question this assign-
dant Campanian nannofossils and foraminifera. This ment. I do not see why volcanic activity should cease
unit is extensive east of Habana. before gravitational tectonic movement occurs; both
Bahia Conglomerate. — The Bahia conglomerate are certainly happening simultaneously today in many
forms a local basal conglomerate, containing clasts places in the world (Lesser Antilles, Java-Sumatra, Ja-
of limestone, graywacke sandstones and siltstones, pan Trench, etc.), and in eastern Cuba, the serpentine
radiolarites, peridotite and serpentinized gabbro, an- was thrusted over the volcanics in the Maastrichtian,
desite porphyry, agglomerates, tuffs, etc. The clasts before the intense Paleocene–middle Eocene volcanic
are normally 1.5 – 2.5 in. (4 – 6 cm) but can reach 3 ft activity represented by the Cobre Formation.
(1 m). The matrix consists of coarse-grained graywacke In some wells, as much as 3950 ft (1200 m) of the
sandstone. Some of the components have a Campa- Via Blanca Formation have been penetrated; how-
nian fauna. The conglomerates are associated with ever, this does not consider the possible structural
thin beds of purplish red bentonitic shales and white complications and repeats.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 243
The indigenous microfauna contains Pithonella stones, but some minor amount of igneous grains is
ovalis, Calcisphaerula innominata, Globotruncana fornicata, present. Brönnimann and Rigassi (1963) named this
Globotruncana stuarti, Globotruncana linneiana, Globotrun- unit, although the name had previously been used by
cana lapparenti, Globotruncana mariel, Globotruncana tri- Kozary (1955a, b) to designate some volcanic outcrops
carinata, Globotruncana arca, Globotruncana gansseri, in north central Habana.
Rugoglobigerina rugosa, Pseudotextularia elegans, Pseu- A fauna, considered indigenous, is characterized by
doguembelina excolata, Pseudoguembelina striaca, Pla- Globotruncana stuarti, Globotruncana linneiana, Globo-
noglobulina glabrata, Gublerina ornatissima, Gublerina truncana lapparenti, Globotruncana arca, Globotruncana
arcuta robusta, Heterohelix pulchra, Heterohelix globulosa, contusa, Pseudotextularia elegans, Omphalocyclus macro-
Heterohelix carinata, and Orbitocyclina minima. The age porus, Vaughanina cubana, Asterorbis macei, Asterorbis
is considered Campanian–late Maastrichtian. cubensis, and Kathia jamaicensis and indicates an upper
The Via Blanca Formation was deposited in waters Maastrichtian age. This formation, which is lithologi-
deeper than 2000 ft (300 m), surrounding a vol- cally similar to the Cacarajı́cara and Amaro* forma-
canic terrane with abundant shallow-water reefs and tions, would be coeval with them and be part of an
banks. The sedimentation was dominantly turbid- extensive deep-water turbidite deposit originating
itic with collapses and slides. The Los Mangos flysch from the slumping of shallow-water carbonate banks
forms most of the sediment fill of the basin, and the possibly to the north and south of the basin.
sedimentation is believed to have been from south It is unconformably overlain by the Apolo Forma-
to north. The Peñalver Formation unconformably tion and is believed to underlie the Mercedes Forma-
covers it. tion; however, this last contact has not been observed.
Bacunayagua Formation. — At the type locality, It is believed to represent the K/T boundary.
the unit (named by Ducloz, 1960) consists of 260 ft Vibora Group.— It consists of ±1000 ft (±300 m) of
(80 m) of poorly bedded and poorly sorted gray ar- sandstones, conglomerates, shales, marls, and limestones
kosic sandstones and gravels. The size of the com- of Paleocene age. This group comprises the Mercedes,
ponents ranges from a few millimeters up to 4 in. Apolo, Alkazar, Via Crucis, Madruga, and Bacu-
(10 cm); the larger ones are well rounded. In the nayagua formations.
clasts, light-colored minerals dominate, and marble, Mercedes Formation.—The unit (named by Furrazola-
diorites, plagioclase, biotite, granite, quartzite, fine- Bermudez et al., 1976, from the well Shell Mercedes-2
grained quartzose sandstones, cherts, etc., are com- in Matanzas Province) consists of ±330 ft (±100 m) of
mon. This is considered a good lithologic marker in interbedded light-colored limestones, sandy lime-
the subsurface where it is named Arena A. stones, marly limestones, calcarenites, marls, greenish
This generally poorly fossiliferous unit had been gray shales, and conglomerates. The conglomerates
considered Lower Cretaceous to lower Eocene by var- contain clasts of limestone, sandstones, and volcanics.
ious authors. This unit was first described in the subsurface and
Presently, based on the presence of Globotruncana later found in outcrops. Its foraminiferal fauna is char-
cf. linneiana, Pseudorbitoides sp., Sulcoperculina sp., acterized by Globorotalia cf. varianta, Globorotalia cf.
Ophtalmidium sp., and Stomiosphaera sphaerica, it is perclara, Globorotalia pseudobulloides, Globorotalia com-
considered Campanian – Maastrichtian (Pushchar- pressa, Globorotalia trinidadensis, Globigerina triloculi-
ovsky et al., 1988). noides, Globorotalia cf. imitata, and Globoconusa cf.
The rounding of the coarser components indicates daubjergensis. Ostracods and radiolaria are also pres-
that they were subject to active abrasion by streams ent. The sandstones contain reworked specimens of
before being dumped into deep waters without much Vaughanina cubensis, Pseudorbitoides rutteni, and Lepi-
wave erosion or chemical weathering. This is sup- dorbitoides cf. floridensis, as well as benthonic forami-
ported by the scarcity of benthonic faunas. The source nifera, mollusks, and algal fragments. It is considered
of arkosic clastics has disappeared since. lower Paleocene (Danian). As already mentioned under
Peñalver Formation. — The unit consists of a 65 – the above section on central Cuba, note that very few
500 ft (20– 150 m) bed of limestone, bluish gray well-established identifications of lower Paleocene
when fresh, whitish when weathered, dominantly strata exist in Cuba.
detrital, and showing graded bedding. The lower This unit is a flysch deposited in moderately deep
part is coarse (rudite up to 5 cm [2 in.]) and massive, waters, and it is well developed in the Jibacoa and
whereas the upper part is very fine (siltite) and bedded. Mariel areas. An equivalent can be recognized in the
Most of the components are made of biogenic lime- Batabano area.
244 / Pardo
Apolo Formation. — The unit (named by Brönni- This formation is commonly found lying uncon-
mann and Rigassi, 1963) consists of up to 330 ft (100 m) formably over the Cretaceous and under the Uni-
of an interbedding of deep-purple to red clay shale and versidad Formation. It is considered to be a flysch
siltstones, purple to greenish gray graywacke sand- deposit in deep waters and is found in the Jibacoa
stones, and yellowish white to ocher calcarenites and area only.
nodular marls. This formation unconformably over- Madruga Formation. — The unit (named by Lewis,
lies the Peñalver and other older formations. It is 1932, who considered it Cretaceous; Bermudez,
conformably under the Alkazar Formation. 1950, properly assigned it to the Paleogene) consists
The fauna is characterized by Amphistegina lopez- of an estimated less than 300 ft (100 m) of purple to
trigoi, Discocyclina anconensis, Discocyclina barkeri, reddish brown graywacke sandstones, siltstones, and
Globigerina primitiva, Globigerina pseudobulloides, Glo- shales interbedded with a few polymict conglomer-
bigerina soldadoensis, Subbotina triloculinoides, Globor- ates. The clasts in the conglomerates range from 1 to
otalia aequa, Globorotalia pseudobulloides, Globorotalia 6 ft (0.3 to 2 m) of Cretaceous sedimentary and vol-
uncinata, and Morozovella angulata, indicating an canic rocks.
middle Paleocene age. In the indigenous fauna, Globanomalina cf. wilcox-
The Apolo Formation is considered to be a flysch ensis, Subbotina triloculinoides, Globigerina velascoensis,
deposited in deep water and is found only in the Jiba- Globorotalia albeari, Globorotalia pseudomenardii, Globo-
coa Area. rotalia velascoensis, and Globorotalia wilcoxensis acuta
Alkazar Formation. — The unit (named by Brönni- have been identified, suggesting an upper Paleocene
mann and Rigassi, 1963) consists of 30 – 160 ft (10 – age. It is equivalent to the Apolo and Alkazar forma-
50 m) of interbedded greenish marls and light-colored tions and is unconformably overlain by the Universi-
and well-cemented, occasionally silicified, detrital dad Formation.
limestones. It is transitional with and partially equiv- It is also considered to be a flysch deposited in deep
alent to the overlying Capdevila Formation. waters and is present in the Jibacoa area. Equivalent
The fauna is very rich and characterized by Am- units can be recognized in the Mariel and Batabano
phistegina lopeztrigoi, Discocyclina barkeri, Eoconuloides areas.
wellsi, Globigerina primitiva, Globigerina soldadoensis, Capdevila Formation. — The unit (named by
Subbotina triloculinoides, Globorotalia velascoensis, Glo- Palmer, 1934) consists of an estimated 1000–1300 ft
borotalia albeari, and Globorotalia elongata, indicating (300–400 m) of the following lithologies:
an upper Paleocene age. It should be noted that the
benthonic fauna is found at the base of the graded beds, 1) Light-yellow to pink, well-bedded shales, marls,
and the planktonics are found in the upper fine frac- graywacke sandstone, and siltstones with graded
tion. The possibility that the entire assemblage is re- bedding. Interbeds of radiolarites with coccoliths
worked and that the Alkazar Formation is younger are present.
than upper Paleocene exists. 2) Pinkish yellow to orange, graywacke sandstones
This unit is a flysch deposited by turbidites in and siltstones. The shales have rhythmic and
deep water and outcrops in the Mariel and Jibacoa graded bedding. Some microconglomerates are
areas. present.
Via Crucis Formation. —The Via Crucis Formation 3) Pink to pinkish orange, graywacke sandstones
(named by Albear Franquiz and Iturralde-Vinent, and conglomerates with rhythmic and graded
1985a) consists of up to 650 ft (200 m) of interbedded bedding.
light-purple, yellowish, whitish, greenish gray, and 4) White, yellow, to pinkish-orange chalky marls
brown siltstones, shaly siltstones, polymict sandstones, and claystones. They show rhythmic and graded
and rare conglomerates. The sequence shows rhythmic bedding.
and graded bedding varying from laminae to layers a
few millimeters thick. Occasionally, blocks of Peñalver, Alcazar, etc., forma-
A great number of reworked fossils exist including tions are embedded in the Capdevila Formation. They
rudists; however, planktonic foraminifera such as could either be olistoliths or structural imbrications.
Subbotina triloculinoides, Globoconusa cf. daubjergen- An abundant radiolaria and foraminiferal fauna
sis, Globorotalia aequa, Globorotalia angulata, Globor- contain, among others, Globorotalia rex, Globorotalia
otalia compressa, and Globorotalia cf. pseudomenardii formosa, Globorotalia wilcoxensis, Globorotalia quetra,
are present, indicating an upper Paleocene age. Globorotalia brodermani, Globorotalia pseudoscitula,
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 245
Globorotalia aragonensis, Eoconuloides wellsi, Dictyoco- kugleri, and Globigerina sp., indicating a middle Eo-
nus cookei, and Eofabiana cushmani. These indicate a cene age.
lower Eocene age (Bermudez, 1950; Brönnimann and These channels are the result of an intra –middle
Rigassi, 1963). However, recently, the species Globor- Eocene unconformity and are believed to belong to
otalia velascoensis, Subbotina triloculinoides, Globorotalia the postorogenic cycle.
pseudomenardii, Globorotalia margidentata, and Globor- In western Cuba, the Universidad Formation is con-
otalia angulata have been found, suggesting that the sidered to be the uppermost unit below the major up-
formation extends down into the upper Paleocene per Eocene unconformity that indicates the end of the
(Albear Franquiz and Iturralde-Vinent, 1985a). orogeny; however, in northern Cuba, two lithologic
This unit represents flysch sedimentation in a deep- units are present that seem to extend uninterruptedly
water environment. It is equivalent to the Vega* For- from the middle into the upper Eocene. These are the
mation of central Cuba and the Manacas (Pica Pica) Nazareno Group that overlies the Capdevila and is in
Formation of western Cuba. part equivalent to the Universidad Formation, and
Universidad Formation. — This unit consists of the Punta Brava Formation, also overlying the Cap-
more than 160 ft (50 m) of dominantly carbonate devila, and originally thought to be restricted to the
rocks that have been subdivided into two mappable upper Eocene. These two units are described below.
members by Brönnimann and Rigassi (1963). Nazareno group. — This consists of an estimated
Principe member.—It consists of white to yellowish, ±2300 ft (±700 m) of an interbedding of gray argilla-
massive marls that range from argillaceous limestones ceous marls, fine-grained argillaceous limestones, a
to calcareous clays. Some calcareous olistoliths are few pink to reddish brown, laminated siltstones to
present at the base. fine-grained sandstones, and gray shales. Quartz, pla-
Toledo member. — It consists of white to greenish gioclase, mica, and dark minerals are the dominant
or grayish, more or less laminated, argillaceous lime- components of the siltstones and sandstones. The per-
stones or chalky limestones interbedded with layers centage of the components varies from section to sec-
containing chert nodules. In addition, silicified white tion, but the limestones and the limestone-siltstone-
to yellowish limestones are present. Altered volcanic shale sequences dominate. This unit was named by Albear
glass is also present. Radiolaria are abundant. This Franquiz and Iturralde-Vinent (1985a), who called it a
member is dominant. group because of its lithologic diversity and who be-
It contains a rich foraminiferal fauna with Dis- lieved that it could be broken into formations. This
cocyclina cf. cubensis, Eoconuloides wellsi, Globigerina unit is intensely folded and faulted, so the true thick-
cf. mckannai, Globorotalia aragonensis, Globorotalia cf. ness is difficult to estimate; some wells have pene-
crassata densa, and Globorotalia cf. aequa. The age is trated up to 3300 ft (1000 m) of similar Eocene sediments.
considered lower and middle Eocene. Paleontologically, this formation can be subdivided
The Universidad Formation was deposited in open into two parts, although the division is not always
deep waters, and it consists almost entirely of cal- consistent:
careous nannoplankton with foraminifera and radi-
olaria and some contribution of volcanic ash. It is 1) a lower –middle Eocene part characterized by
present in the Mariel and Jibacoa areas, where it is Globigerina turgida, Globigerina senni, Globigerina
unconformably overlain by the middle – upper Eo- linaperta, Globigerina soldadoensis, Globorotalia ara-
cene Punta Brava Formation and Urria beds. It is a gonensis, Globorotalia formosa gracilis, Globigerina
partial equivalent to the Nazareno Group in the Ba- densa, Globigerina palmarea, Globigerina equa, Glo-
tabano area and correlates with and is similar to the borotalia quetra, Globigerina pseudopilensis, Globo-
Rubio* Formation of central Cuba (Fomento-Taguasco nomalina micra, Eoconuloides wellsi, Nummulites
area). floridensis, Dictyoconus sp., Pseudophragmina sp.,
Urria Beds. —This name has been given to some Distychoplax biserialis, Kainoconus ovalis, Discoaster
small channel fills, 20 ft (6 m) wide by 6–10 ft (2–3 m) lodoensis, Discoaster barbadensis, and radiolaria
deep, in the Universidad, Apolo, and Alkazar forma- 2) an upper Eocene part containing Globigerina rohri,
tions. They consist of white and yellowish, thin- and Globigerina linaparta, Globigerina venezuelana, Globi-
well-bedded, hard, microcrystalline, sometimes dolo- gerina pseudoampliapertura, Globigerina trilocularia,
mitized limestones. Catapsydrax dissimilis, Globigerinatheka barri, Globi-
The fauna consists of Globonomalina micra, Globo- gerapsis semiinvoluta, Globorotalia centralis, Kainoco-
nomalina wilcoxensis, Acerinina densa, Globigerapsis nus ovalis, ostracods, radiolaria, and nannoplankton
246 / Pardo
This unit constitutes a flysch containing igneous sequences. One of the most recent articles on the
detritus, deposited in deep water, and is in part equiv- subject, Kuznetsov et al. (1985), provides much of the
alent to the dominantly calcareous Universidad For- following information.
mation. It overlies unconformably the Capdevila For- As mentioned before, the EPEP geologists seldom
mation and is restricted to the southern Batabano refer to the accepted stratigraphic nomenclature and
area. The Oligocene Tinguaro Formation unconform- identify part of this section as ‘‘Upper Cretaceous
ably covers it. Campanian – Maastrichtian allochthonous eugeo-
Punta Brava Formation. — The unit (named by syncline’’ or other similar interpretive terms; how-
Brönnimann and Rigassi, 1963) consists of an esti- ever, comments and details permit some fairly safe
mated maximum of ±650 ft (±200 m) of well-bedded, guesses as to the relationship with the more formal,
yellowish cream to whitish, chalky limestones and accepted nomenclature. As already mentioned, several
gray to orange fine, argillaceous calcarenites with of the deep wells along the north coast drilled through
graded bedding and containing dark igneous grains. some part of the Domingo*–Cabaiguan* sequence
Some limestone breccias are present. and bottomed in the structurally underlying Martin
Paleontologically, this formation can be subdi- Mesa, Las Villas*, or Cifuentes* belts, whereas the ones
vided into two parts: drilled farther south such as Shell Ariguanabo-2 and
EPEP Vegas-1 never get out of the basic igneous and
1) a lower–middle Eocene part containing Globiger- volcanics, even at 16,500 ft (5000 m). Some of the
apsis kugleri, Globigerinatheka barri, Truncatulinoides typical drilling results are listed below (see Figure 132
cf. rhori, Acarinina pseudotopilensis, Globorotalia ara- for locations).
gonensis, Globorotalia lehneri, Globorotalia cf. spinu- Bacuranao-Cruz Verde Oil Field. — This was drilled
losa, and Globorotalia cf. bullbrooki into and produces from fractured serpentine (Domingo*
2) an upper Eocene part with Hantkenina alabamen- sequence). The deepest well was drilled to 7665 ft
sis, Hantkenina thalmanni, Hantkenina brevispira, (2336 m) and encountered conglomerates and sand-
Globorotalia centralis, Globorotalia cerroazulensis, stones below the serpentine (Manacas Formation?).
Globorotalia altispiroides, Globigerapsis index, Globi- Santa Maria del Mar Oil Field. —This well produces
gerapsis semiinvoluta, Chiloguembelina cubensis, Glo- from fractured serpentine (Domingo* sequence) and
bigerina ampliapertura, Globigerina pseudoamplia- vugular dolomite (ophicalcite?) at 2200 ft (670 m).
pertura, Globigerina turritilina, Globigerina tripartia, The serpentine is overlain by 1065 ft (325 m) of Maa-
Globigerina linaperta, Globigerina rohri, Globigerina strichtian volcanics and clastics possibly belonging
venezuelana, Catapsydrax dissimilis, Globanomalina to the Via Blanca and older formations (Cabaiguan*
mitra, Cribohantkenina inflata, Globigerinita pera, sequence). These, in turn, are overlain by 350 ft (105 m)
Globigerinita cf. africana, Discoaster aster, Bavar- of lower–middle Eocene and younger Tertiary.
udosphaera bigelowi, Bavarudosphaera discula, Tre- Shell Ariguanabo-2. — It was drilled 31 km (19 mi)
malithus eopelagicus, and Thoracosphaera spp. south-southwest of La Habana by the Compania
Petrolera la Estrella de Cuba (Shell) in the 1950s. It
This unit is in part equivalent to and has similarities is reported to have penetrated the Campanian –
with the Nazareno Group, although it contains less Maastrichtian Via Blanca at ±2475 ft (±760 m) and the
igneous-derived material. However, the possibility of Cretaceous volcanics at ±3775 ft (±1150 m) to the to-
reworking of lower–middle Eocene faunas into the tal depth of 10,030 ft (3058 m).
upper Eocene should not be completely discarded. The EPEP Vegas-1. —It was drilled 28 km (17 mi) south-
Punta Brava Formation was also deposited in deep southeast of Jaruco by EPEP. It is reported to have
waters and is present in the Mariel area, where it un- spudded in the Miocene Guines Formation, imme-
conformably overlies the Capdevila Formation. diately penetrated into the middle Eocene Nazareno
Drilling. — Many hundreds of wells have been Group (Cabaiguan belt), reached the Campanian –
drilled in northern Cuba from Mariel to Cardenas Bay. Maastrichtian Via Blanca Formation at ±8036 ft
It is has been and is the area of greatest oil exploration (±2450 m), and the Cretaceous volcanics at ±9840 ft
and development activity and, therefore, deserves a (±3000 m) to the total depth of 16,498 ft (5030 m).
special section. Very little has been published about
the drilling results, and what has been published is, Domingo*–Cabaiguan* Sequence Discussion
unfortunately, not very informative, especially regard- Northern Cuba, as in western Cuba, does not pro-
ing the stratigraphy of the Domingo* and Cabaiguan* vide much information on the Domingo* and the
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 247
older Cabaiguan* sequence rocks, but is quite infor- Paleocene faunas in this formation indicates that
mative on the uppermost Cretaceous and lower Pa- this interval of time is generally poorly recorded
leogene (Figure 133). in the sediments and, much like the Coniacian –
Here, as elsewhere in Cuba, the serpentines appear Santonian, represents a hiatus over most of Cuba.
to be overlain by gabbroic rocks, and these, in turn, The general absence of lower Paleocene is real and
are overlain by volcanics. In view of the extreme struc- not a paleontological artifact, as has been suggested.
tural complications, it is not certain if Lower Creta- 4) Upper Paleocene –middle Eocene. This interval of
ceous volcanics are present. Perhaps these are repre- time is characterized by continuous basic igneous-
sented by parts of the Chirino Formation in which and volcanic-derived flysch deposition in deep
both andesites and basalts are present. However, the waters, in what appears to be several relatively in-
presence of limestones and cherts, as well as the few dependent depocenters, as one would expect on
fossils, suggests that parts of the Chirino are proba- a complex submarine topography. This is indi-
bly Albian or younger. It is possible that the Chirino cated by the variations between units that make
limestones are in part equivalent to those of the Qui- up the Vibora Group and Capdevila Formation.
ñones Formation in the southern tectonic unit of the The Bacunayagua Formation is considered quite
Bahia Honda area of western Cuba. They could also be significant because of its arkosic composition,
equivalent to those of the Gomez* Formation in cen- similarity to the Taguasco* Formation and some
tral Cuba. The La Trampa Group is a dominantly coarse arkosic sediments in the Palacios Basin of western
clastic unit, also of Cenomanian–Turonian age, and is Cuba, and its possible northern source of detritus.
associated with andesites and tuffs. It is therefore im- Most of the other flysch units seem to have been
possible to establish if in northern Cuba there was a derived from the south.
break in volcanism as in central Cuba, with a change 5) Middle – upper Eocene. Much of the sedimentation
from basic to more acid volcanics. during this period of time consisted of accumulation
of foraminifera and radiolaria with a relatively small
1) Campanian – lower Maastrichtian. The major contribution of terrigenous material and volcanic
break appears to be at the base of the Via Blanca ash. In many places, a marked unconformity exists
Formation, and Brönnimann and Rigassi (1963) between the middle and upper Eocene. In others,
recognized it. This formation consists mostly there appears to be continuous deposition into
of conglomerates, olistostromes, and flysch (Los the upper Eocene, as indicated by the Nazareno
Mangos) and appears to have been deposited in Group and the Punta Brava Formation. Continuous
deep waters surrounded by a complex topogra- sedimentation seems characteristic of the back of
phy with abundant shallow-water reefs. It repre- the basin and the tendency toward the develop-
sents a tectonically active period. The source of ment of pelagic carbonates in the middle Eocene,
sediments seems to have been to the south. Some accompanied by a decrease in the amplitude of
tuffaceous beds could be present. the pre –upper Eocene unconformity, as was also
2) Upper Maastrichtian. The upper Maastrichtian is observed in the Fomento-Taguasco area of central
characterized by the Peñalver Formation, con- Cuba (Rubio* Formation).
sisting of a massive carbonate turbidite with sub-
ordinate igneous detritus. Most of the components Eastern Cuba
originate from carbonate banks and reefs. A strong Eastern Cuba comprises most of the old province
unconformity exists at the base. If it is Maastrich- of Oriente, and for the purpose of this description,
tian, it would be a Cabaiguan* sequence unit sim- the pre – upper Eocene has been subdivided into the
ilar and equivalent to the Cacarajı́cara and Amaro* major northern Oriente, southeastern Oriente, and
formations of the carbonate belts and equivalent southwestern Oriente regions.
to the Isabel* Jiquimas* or Jimaguayu formations It is worth noting that much of the early activity
of central Cuba, although these last three have a by geologists in Oriente was related to metallic min-
more reefoidal character. eral exploration (manganese and chrome). Most of
3) Lower Paleocene (Danian). This interval of time the outcrops consist of volcanic and basic to ultra-
has been definitely recognized recently (1972 – basic igneous rocks, with only small and restricted
1973) only in northern Cuba, where it is repre- outcrops of the carbonate sedimentary belts that are
sented by the relatively thin calcareous and clas- exposed in many other places of the island. In ad-
tic Mercedes Formation. The recognition of lower dition, unquestionable petroleum indications are
248 / Pardo
FIGURE 134. Eastern Cuba: basic igneous-volcanic terrane generalized geologic map.
rare. For this reason, and except for a few recon- ly physiographic in nature, corresponding well to the
naissance trips, oil company geologists stayed away above-mentioned regions, and do not necessarily fit
from Oriente. the definition of belts. They are as follows:
Among some of the early workers, Taber (1934),
Woodring and Daviess (1944), and Lewis (1932) should Remedios and Auras zone: northern Oriente region
be mentioned. In the mid-1940s, Hermes (1945) and Sierras de Nipe – Cristal –Baracoa zone: south-
De Vletter (1946), from the University of Utrech, did eastern Oriente region
reconnaissance in Oriente as part of Rutten’s Cuba Caiman zone: southwestern Oriente region
project. Gulf Oil did not do any work in Oriente. In
the early 1950s, Myron Kozary, a Columbia University The already described carbonate platform province
graduate student with funding from the National Sci- is named Remedios and occurs only in the northern
ence Foundation and an informal arrangement with Oriente region. Nagy names a Tunas zone, which cor-
Gulf Oil, studied and mapped a large part of northern responds to the eastern end in the Oriente province
Oriente in the vicinity of Gibara as a subject for his of the already described Cabaiguan* and Manicaragua
ph.D. thesis (Kozary, 1968). In the late 1950s, some oil sections, central Camaguey area of central Cuba; it
exploration activity occurred, including drilling, in will therefore not be discussed in this chapter. The
the Tertiary of the Cauto Basin and the Gulf of Gua- metamorphic province consists of the Sierra del Pu-
nacayabo, with negative results. rial and a relatively small area called the Asuncion
After the 1959 revolution, a Cuban-Hungarian bri- area that are included in the Sierras de Nipe–Cristal–
gade was organized by the Institute of Geology and Baracoa zone. The other zone names will be men-
Paleontology of the Cuban Academy of Sciences to tioned when pertinent, but for the sake of uniformity,
prepare the 1:250,000 map of Oriente, and the results the names of belts, as used in the rest of the study, will
of the survey are summarized in the book Contribution be used (see Figure 134).
to the Geology of Eastern Cuba by Nagy et al. (1983). Figure 135 shows a correlation chart for Oriente.
This section will rely heavily on this publication. In view of the markedly different geologic charac-
Nagy (1983) subdivided eastern Cuba into sev- ter of the eastern Cuba areas, these will be described
eral facies-structural zones; they appear to be most- separately.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 249
In view of the structural complications, these cannot ber of south-dipping slices of ultrabasics separated
be areally separated from the Cabaiguan* section. from each other by slices or blocks of Cabaiguan*
sequence lithologies. Thicknesses are impossible to
measure, and those shown in Figure 136 are only for
Domingo* Sequence illustrative purposes.
This section will be described separately from the Peridotite, harzburgite (serpentine).—Most of the
Cabaiguan* sequence. It is represented by a large num- ultrabasics consist of slightly serpentinized peridotite
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 251
and harzburgite, with small amounts of anorthosite. The section is graphically shown in Figure 136, where
The minerals are coarse grained with some amphi- the thicknesses are for illustration purposes only.
bole crystals reaching 3 in. (7 cm) in diameter. Every Iberia Formation.—This unit, for the reasons men-
grade of serpentinization can be recognized, particu- tioned above, is in itself essentially a wastebasket, in-
larly along internally sheared areas. Bands of coherent cluding much of the Cabaiguan* sequence rocks. It
lithology, 100–150 ft (30–50 m) wide, can be observed consists of a large variety of rock types ranging from
aligned along the main structural trend that appear to the Albian to the Maastrichtian. Pyroclastic rocks form
form a stack of separate bodies. The degree of serpen- 80% of the formation; lavas and dikes form 15%; and
tinization is inversely proportional to the size of the the sediments, including conglomerates, and sand-
ultramafic bodies. The ultramafic bodies dip steeply stones and limestones form only 5%. Kozary (1968)
to the south, and serpentinization is most intense in named equivalent volcanics in the Silla Gibara the
the bottom part of the section. The ultrabasics appear Lima (flows) and Colorado (tuffs) formations. Four
to grade transitionally into gabbros at the top of the members are recognized, but the relationships between
section. each other and the rest of the section are obscured by
Metamorphic exotics are present within the ultra- tectonism. The main lithologies are as follows:
basics. An 800-ft (250-m)-long block of metagrano-
dioritic orthogneiss has been dated by the K-Ar meth- 1) The pyroclastics consist of
od; a concentrate of muscovite gave 196 Ma, and one of a. Basic tuffs and agglomerates. They are thick
feldspars gave 91 Ma. A biotite concentrate from an- bedded, and the color is dark gray, with a green-
other orthogneiss gave 447 Ma. Other exotics such as a ish matrix. The size ranges from fine to 8 in.
carbonate graphitic phyllite and a white marble are (20 cm) in the agglomerate blocks. The fragments
present that Kozary (1968) considered as possible pre- commonly consist of basalt or basalt-andesite,
Cretaceous age. occasionally amygdaloid, and the cement is
Gabbros.— Hard, unweathered gabbro is consis- pumiceous.
tently associated with the ultrabasics and appears to b. Intermediate tuffs and agglomerates. Their col-
be a product of differentiation. When internal line- or is greenish gray to grayish with a violet ma-
ation is observed, the gabbros and ultrabasics are al- trix. The fragments consist of andesites and
ways conformable. In the larger ultramafic bodies, andesite porphyries with recrystallized volca-
the gabbros are present at the top of the south-dipping nic glass and opaque sericitized fragments. Oc-
section. casionally, amygdules are present and are filled
Cumbre*(?) Formation.— Several beds of serpen- with zeolites and carbonates.
tine have been identified that show faint traces of 2) The lavas consist of
pillowlike structures with variolitic cavities, suggest- a. Augitic andesite
ing highly basic submarine lava flows. This type of b. Amygdaloidal andesite
feature is similar to some of the lithologies encoun- c. Basaltic andesite lava-breccia
tered in the Cumbre* Formation of central Cuba. d. Pyroxene diabase
Kozary (1968) called these beds ‘‘magmatic extrusive e. Amphibolitized diabase
serpentine.’’ The above lavas occur in lenticular bodies between
Sheeted dikes. —Along the southern margin of 10 and 140 ft (3 and 40 m) thick of augitic andes-
the Domingo* sequence, the 1988 geologic map ite, amygdaloidal andesite, basaltic andesite lava-
(Pushcharovsky et al., 1988) shows a complex of breccia, pyroxene diabase, and amphibolitized di-
sheeted dikes. abase. The dikes consist of diabase and basalts.
3) The sediments consist of
Cabaiguan* Sequence a. Polymict conglomerates of gray to greenish gray
The lithologies of this section are present in gen- color containing fragments of tuffs, tuffaceous
erally vertical to steeply south-dipping slices, alter- sandstones, limestones, andesites, basalts, and
nating with or included in the Domingo* sequence fossil fragments (rudists). The fragments vary
rocks. Not only are the thicknesses impossible to from angular to rounded, with a diameter up to
measure (the given numbers are only guesses), but the 3 in. (7 cm). The cement is calcareous.
stratigraphic relationships between units are seldom b. Well-bedded, greenish, brownish gray to yel-
visible; some of Cabaiguan* sequence outcrops are en- lowish brown, medium- to coarse-grained tuff-
tirely surrounded by Domingo* sequence ultrabasics. aceous sandstones.
252 / Pardo
c. Fine-grained clastics interbedded with cherts. La Jiquima Member. —The unit is made of at least
d. Lenticular intercalations of light-gray to pur- 1000 ft (300 m) of fine- to medium-bedded, well-sorted,
plish, dense, porcelaneous, tuffaceous lime- fine- to medium-grained, brownish gray to creamy
stones. Their fauna consists of Ticinella sp., brown sandstones. Carbonized plant fragments are
Stomiosphaera sphaerica, Hedbergella sp., Glo- common. Sulcoperculina sp., Globotruncana sp., and
botruncana sp., Globigerinelloides sp., rudist Gyroidina sp. have been identified, suggesting a
fragments, and radiolaria, suggesting an Albian– Campanian–Maastrichtian age. Although no direct
Turonian age. These limestones are associated evidence exists, it is believed that the Tinajita and
with cherts. Lindero members are interbedded with the Jiquima
Member, and that all three lie unconformably over
The thickness of the above-described volcanic- the Iberia Formation.
sedimentary part of the Iberia Formation is estimated The stratigraphic subdivision of the above section
at 3330–4000 ft (1000–1200 m). Kozák (1996, p. 212) is not entirely clear. From the above descriptions,
estimates ‘‘500 to 2000, perhaps 4000 m.’’ it appears that the Iberia Formation, including the
The formal members are La Morena, Tinajita, Lin- La Morena Member, forms a lower unit of Albian –
dero, and La Jiquima. In Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), Turonian age, which is unconformably overlain by
the last three units are given the rank of formation. La another unit that includes the Tinajita, Lindero, and
Morena is not shown and is probably included in the La Jiquima members of Campanian – Maastrichtian
Iberia Formation. age; the section is shown in this way in Pushcharovsky
La Morena Member. —This unit consists of ±100 ft et al. (1988).
(±30 m) of well-bedded alternation of white, com- Kozák (1996) named the Loma Blanca Formation
pact limestone and friable, creamy white marl. It ap- and separated it from the Iberia Formation, which con-
pears to be the only member belonging or related to sists of more acidic and mature calc-alkaline flows, as-
the Iberia Formation. The fauna consists of Hetero- sociated tuffs, and some sediments. Age dating by the
helicidae, Calcisphaerula innominata, Stiomosphaera K-Ar method has given ages of 81 ± 3 and 86 ± 5 Ma, or
sphaerica, Praeglobotruncana sp., Globotruncana cf. for- Santonian.
nicata, Globotruncana linneiana tricarinata, Globiger- Haticos Formation. — This unit consists of ±650
inelloides sp., and radiolaria, indicating a probable to ±3300 ft (±200 to ±1000 m) of a coarse conglom-
Albian – Turonian age. erate (wildflysch) interbedded with pumiceous tuffs.
Tinajita Member.— This unit was named by Kozary The components of the conglomerate are poorly sorted
(1968) who considered it part of a Maastrichtian and angular to rounded and consist of serpentine,
forereef. gabbro, microgabbro, diabase, granodiorite, and the
It consists of massive, dense, beige, light-gray, and volcanics and volcaniclastics of the Cabaiguan* se-
yellowish white, oolitic, organoclastic limestones with quence. The matrix is a volcanic-derived sandstone,
undefined thick bedding. Among the fossils, Globo- siltstone, and white, yellow, or gray marls and tuffs.
truncana lapparenti bulloides, Globotruncana linneiana, Interbeds of brown and yellowish brown, well-sorted,
Globotruncana calciformis, Globotruncana fornicata, Glo- thinly bedded, fine- to coarse-grained sandstones are
botruncana stuarti, Globotruncana contusa, Globotruncana present. The components are plagioclase, quartz, pyro-
conica, Torreina torrei, Solenopore piai, Pseudorbitoides xene, and olivine. Named by Kozary (1955a, b; 1968).
israelskyi, Sulcoperculina globosa, Sulcoperculina dicker- P. Jakus describes another formation, the Yaguajay
soni, Sulcoperculina diazi, Sulcorbitoides pardoi, Actinorbi- Formation (no relation to Gulf’s Yaguajay*) that, like
toides browni, Vaughanina cubensis, Vaughanina barkeri, the Vega Alta, represents a structural mixture of rocks
and Orbitoides tissoti have been identified, indicating belonging to different tectonic-stratigraphic belts or
a probable Santonian–Campanian or Campanian age. zones. It is not considered a legitimate formation and,
Lindero Member.— The unit consists of up to dozens therefore, will not be included in this publication. The
of meters of medium, well-bedded, light-gray, greenish, Yaguajay Formation is shown in Pushcharovsky et al.
or pink, commonly silicified, dense, and porcellaneous (1988).
limestones. Among the fossils Globotruncana cf. lappar- Fossils are rare, but Globorotalia velascoensis, Glo-
enti, Globotruncana cf. linneiana, Hedbergella sp., Rugo- borotalia aequa, Milliolina sp., radiolaria, and echi-
globigerina sp., Pseudotextularia elegans, Heterohelix sp., noids have been found. Jakus (1983) considers this
and radiolaria have been identified, indicating a prob- unit of late Paleocene age. This unit was deposited in
able Campanian–Maastrichtian age. deep waters, and the presence of tuffs (if not entirely
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 253
is postulated to have originated in the Lower Creta- The upper Paleocene to middle Eocene is repre-
ceous, it could be partially superimposed on the plat- sented first by what appears to be flysch deposition
form to deep-water province. It is believed that Kozary, in deep waters, but is followed by fine clastics and
in his work for this Ph.D. thesis, was the first geologist volcanics, suggesting a molasse cycle and, of great im-
to propose a period of rifting to explain the Cuban portance, volcanic activity that is coeval with, or even
ultrabasics prior to the advent of an orogenic arc. might follow, the maximum tectonic activity. The
It should be remembered that the Jurassic – Vigia Formation is present north and south of the fault
Cretaceous sedimentary basin does not outcrop in separating the carbonates from the Gibara area from
Oriente, has very few outcrops in Camaguey, outcrops the Domingo*–Cabaiguan* sequences. It grades from
continuously in Las Villas, and is extensively exposed coarse to fine upward, indicating that it was deposited
in Pinar del Rio. The structural complications and tec- after the maximum displacement on this fault.
tonic shortening appear to be inversely related to the
area of surface exposures of these sedimentary facies. Southeastern Oriente
This suggests that the platform to deep-water province This region extends from the south of Nipe Bay to
was either wider in the west and narrowed eastward or the southeastern tip of Cuba, south of Baracoa. It is
was tectonically more compressed and overridden to- in large part formed by the Sierra de Cristal.
ward Oriente. The structural style is quite different from that of
The lower part of the Cabaiguan* sequence (the northern and central Cuba and from northern Ori-
Iberia Formation) is of Albian –Turonian age. Most of ente; it is reminiscent of the Sierra de Guaniguanico
the deposits consist of basic to intermediate tuffs, in western Cuba. The structures consist of large, rela-
and the subordinate flows and dikes consist of basalts tively undisturbed, horizontal thrust sheets of ultra-
and andesites. The position of the limestones within basics and volcanics cut by numerous high-angle faults.
the section is unknown, but they are equivalent in Although evidence for large horizontal displacements
age to the Cristobal*, Gomez*, and Camujiro of cen- exists, the high degree of compression and shortening
tral Cuba as well as to the Encrucijada Formation of present along the axial Cuban disturbed belt is lacking.
the Bahia Honda area of Pinar del Rio. Unfortunately, it Only the basic igneous-volcanic and metamorphic
is impossible to reconstruct the history of volcanism. provinces are represented. The Domingo* sequence
No paleontological record of the Coniacian and rocks cover more than 50% of the region, the Ca-
Santonian exists; Santonian rocks have been dated, baiguan* sequence covers approximately 30%, and
however, by radiometric methods. variously metamorphosed sediments and volcanics
The Campanian – Maastrichtian is represented by represent less than 20% of the area in the massif of the
the clastics of the La Jiquima Member, believed to be Sierra del Purial and the small Asuncion area.
associated with the carbonates of the Tinajita and The basic igneous-volcanic province forms a nearly
Lindero members and to lie unconformably over the continuous band of outcrops of 180 25 km (111
Iberia Formation. There is the problem of the car- 15 mi), extending from the south of the Bay of Nipe
bonates, such as the Tinajita Member, tectonically to the south of Baracoa. Two other, small, isolated
mixed with the ultrabasics; perhaps these were de- outcrops are present, one south of San German and
posited directly over an ultramafic basement after the other near San Antonio near the southern coast.
erosion (or perhaps nondeposition) of older post- In Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), the middle Eocene
Turonian – Cretaceous volcanics. Gran Tierra, Miranda, Castillo de los Indios, Puerto
The only indications of Manicaragua-type intru- Boniato, and Charco Redondo formations are included
sives are outcrops under the city of Holguin covering in the Bayamo–San Luis Basin, although they pertain
some 5 km2 (2 mi2). They consist of quartz diorite to the pre–upper Eocene late orogenic cycle. This ba-
porphyry dated at 77 ± 10 m.y. by the K-Ar method. sin is located between southeastern and southwestern
The Paleocene is represented by a megabreccia, Oriente. In this study, these formations will be dis-
derived from the erosion of the Domingo* and Ca- cussed under southeastern and southwestern Oriente.
baiguan* sequence rocks, interbedded with sand-
stones and tuffs, indicating some volcanic activity in
the region. This wildflysch corresponds to the Ta- Domingo* Sequence
guasco* Formation of central Cuba; although grano- Rocks of this belt cover a large percentage of the
diorite is mentioned as a component, there is no area of this province. They are distributed in two large
mention of an arkosic character. tabular bodies, which have been called the Mayari and
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 255
Baracoa massifs (see Figure 134). The section is dia- believed to have originated from volcanic rocks of
grammatically shown in Figure 137. It consists of the basic to intermediate composition under conditions
following. of high pressure and intermediate temperature. This
Corea Formation.—This consists of a large block, block is an exotic in the ultrabasics and is similar to
some 10 km (6 mi) long of albite-amphibole-epidote some of those occurring in the Santa Clara area in
schist. It has much muscovite and some chlorite. It is central Cuba. I am not sure that a formation name is
256 / Pardo
justified. Age determinations by Rb/Sr have given 79 ± chocolate grayish brown. They are well bedded
32 m.y. for the whole rock and 72 ± 28 m.y. for the with thin to medium beds and are fine to medium
muscovite. One pegmatite dike cutting the schist was grained. Crystalline, vitric-clastic types dominate.
dated at 119 ±12 m.y. by K-Ar. This suggests a date of The lithic crystalloclastic types are secondary.
Upper Cretaceous for the metamorphism but Lower 2) Lavas. They consist of small bodies of massive,
Cretaceous for the intrusion. greenish gray, medium- to coarse-grained diorite
Ultrabasic Complex. —It consists of layered peri- porphyries, brownish fine- to medium-grained dia-
dotites, harzburgites, lherzholites, dunites, etc., in var- base, and very rare, black, coarse-grained andesites.
ious degrees of serpentinization. In composition, it 3) Agglomerates. They are commonly associated
is similar to the other Cuban ultrabasic complexes. with the lavas and have an andesite to dacite
Structurally, this complex is part of a large, nearly hor- composition.
izontal, ±2600-ft (800-m)-thick slab resting in fault con- According to Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), the Bucuey
tact over rocks of the unmetamorphosed Cabaiguan* Formation is divided into the Teneme Formation,
sequence, as well as those of the Purial metamorphic limited to the north and western part of the Cabai-
complex. The roots of this thrust sheet can be seen in guan* sequence outcrops and consisting of basalts
discontinuous outcrops south of the Sierra del Purial and andesite-basalts, tuffs, and breccias; and the Santo
massif. The base is characterized by an ultrabasic brec- Domingo Formation, outcropping to the southwest
cia in a serpentine matrix. of the Cabaiguan* sequence and consisting mostly
Gabbros. — Toward the east, southwest of Baracoa, of tuffs, andesites, agglomerates, conglomerates, and
are outcrops of gabbros, most of them in fault contact limestones.
with the ultrabasics. The position of the limestones is not well defined,
Sheeted dikes. — These have been identified in and for this reason, they have been assigned to a sep-
several localities. arate member within the Bucuey (Santo Domingo,
Note that no report exists of rocks older than Maas- Teneme) Formation.
trichtian resting in sedimentary contact over the ultra- Barraderas Member.—It consists of 130–160-ft (40–
basic complex. These may never have been deposited 50-m)-thick lenses of well-bedded, micritic, sometimes
or were eroded prior to the Maastrichtian. This could brecciated, white to creamy white or gray limestones.
be an undisturbed equivalent of the sedimentary exot- In Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), it is shown as part of
ics in the disturbed ultrabasics of northern Oriente. the Teneme (Bucuey) Formation. The limestones are
commonly strongly folded and slaty and occur in
several different localities. Based on the presence of
Cabaiguan* Sequence Preaglobotruncana helvetica and Ticinella (Hedbergella?)
Most of the outcrops of the Cabaiguan* sequence sp., they have been given an Aptian – Turonian age.
are found structurally under the ultrabasics of the It must be stressed that the age of the Bucuey For-
Domingo* sequence (see Figure 134). The section is mation is entirely based on the age assignment of
also shown in Figure 137. these limestones. This formation is therefore equiv-
Bucuey (Santo Domingo, Teneme) Formation.— alent to the Iberia Formation in northern Oriente,
The unit consists of 6900 ft (2100 m) of tuffs, lavas, and and the Barraderas Member is a possible correlative to
subordinate amounts of agglomerates. Small bodies of the La Morena Member. It must be emphasized that,
dioritic porphyries, andesites, and diabases are also in contrast with the Iberia Formation and with the
present, as well as thin horizons of limestone and rare exception of the proximity of faults, the dips are gen-
small lenses of conglomerate. This unit was named by erally low, 15–308. The base of the Bucuey Formation
Coutı́n and Brito (1975). Part of this formation was has never been observed, but Jakus (1983) considers
named Santo Domingo by Iturralde-Vinent (1975a, b). this section autochthonous and probably equivalent
It is shown as Santo Domingo (Bucuey) and Teneme to the greenschists of the La Farola Formation.
(Bucuey) in Pushcharovsky et al. (1988). The major Yaguaneque Formation. — This unit consists of
lithologic types are as follows: more than 35 ft (10 m) of white, cream, or gray and
sometimes brown, massive limestone. It is commonly
1) Tuffs. They make up more than 50% of the forma- criss-crossed by small, white calcite veins. It is known
tion and dominate in the upper part of the unit. only as two small separated patches in the north
They are greenish gray, bluish gray, and light coast. The fauna consists of Pseudorbitoides cf. israelskyi,
green when fresh, weathering to brownish and Vaughanina sp., Sulcoperculina cf. globosa, Orbitoides
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 257
sp., Omphalocyclus sp., Globotruncana cf. stuarti, Globo- result of the erosion of an advancing thrust front.
truncana cf. fornicata, Globotruncana linneiana, Globo- Jakus (1983) considers it in part fluviatile-deltaic as
truncana contusa, Sulcorbitoides sp., Globigerinelloides indicated by the localized presence of lignites. Both
sp., rudistids, and rare radiolaria. The age is considered units are found under the major ultrabasic thrust
Campanian–Maastrichtian. This unit is believed to sheet that covers a large part of the southeastern Ori-
unconformably overlie the La Farola Formation. ente region. They unconformably overlie the Bucuey
Picota Formation. —It consists of up to 3300 ft Formation and, in places, the ultrabasics; they are also
(1000 m) of interbedded conglomerates, sandstones, found folded into the ultrabasics. They are conformably
and siltstones. The dominantly sandy and silty overlain by the Gran Tierra Formation and unconform-
section has been named the Mı́cara Member. The ably overlain by the Castillo de los Indios Formation.
Picota Formation is mostly a polymict, poorly sorted, Gran Tierra Formation. — The unit (named by
reddish, mottled conglomerate and breccia with boul- Iturralde-Vinent, 1975a, b) consists of small irregular
ders up to 10 in. (25 cm) in diameter. The components patches, 500 – 650 ft (150 – 200 m) thick of conglom-
consist of lavas, tuffs, diorites, gabbros, serpentine, erates and breccias with calcareous cement and marls
and, in lesser quantity, limestones. The composition of grading upward into white limestone breccias. The
the detritus varies from place to place from dominantly clasts are fresh and rounded consisting mostly of the
ultrabasic to dominantly volcanic. The textural appear- volcanics of the Bucuey Formation and minor amounts
ance also changes from detrital sediment to an angu- of gabbros, serpentine, sandstones, etc. The marls are
lar tectonic breccia without bedding or orientation. creamy yellow.
Colbiella (1974) named it the Sabanilla Formation The fossils Globorotalia pseudobulloides, Globorota-
and divided it into the La Picota and Mı́cara members. lia trinidadensis, Globorotalia imitata, and Globigerina
The conglomerates are very poor in fossils, but a lime- triloculinoides have been identified, suggesting a lower
stone lens between the sandstones and conglomerate Paleocene age.
has given Sulcoperculina globosa, Vaughanina cubensis, It conformably overlies the Picota Formation
Vaughanina cubensis globosa, and bryozoans, indicating (Mı́cara Member) and is found unconformably over
a Maastrichtian age. The conglomerates interfinger the ultrabasics, the Cabaiguan* sequence Bucuey For-
with the finer clastics of the Mı́cara Member. mation, and the greenschists of the metamorphic prov-
Mı́cara Member. — The unit consists of dark- ince La Farola Formation. It is commonly overlain
gray, greenish gray, and dark-green, well- and fine- to by the acid tuffs of the Miranda Formation. This unit
medium-bedded sandstones and siltstones, with inter- is considered equivalent to the Haticos and Embarca-
beds of conglomerates and dolomitized limestones. dero formations of northern Oriente.
Graded bedding and crossbedding are common. The Miranda Formation. — The Miranda Formation
sandstones are fine to coarse grained, and the compo- consists of generally 1000 – 1150 ft (300 – 350 m),
nents consist of subrounded rock fragments, plagio- occasionally reaching 3000 ft (900 m), of thin- to
clase, quartz, chalcedony, calcite, and ultrabasics. The medium-bedded, porous, vitroclastic, lithovitroclastic,
matrix is calcareous. The siltstones are of gray color, and crystallovitroclastic tuffs with smaller amounts
and the components consist of rock fragments, plagio- of conglomerates, breccias, marls, and limestones.
clase, quartz, and calcite in a fine matrix. The contact Small bodies of andesites, andesitic basalts, and da-
between the sandstones and siltstones is commonly citic andesites are also present. The colors range from
sharp, erosional, and wavy. The clasts of the conglom- greenish, greenish yellow, yellowish white, and gray
erates are rounded to subangular, up to 8 in. (20 cm) to white. Depending on the area, the alteration is
in diameter, and consist of Bucuey Formation vol- dominantly zeolitic or bentonitic, although the tuffs
canics, gabbros, diorite porphyry, limestone, and oc- are also silicified and chloritized. In places, a poorly
casionally, serpentine. The matrix is sandy. sorted conglomeratic breccia (lenses?) is present, up
A rich nannoplankton assemblage (coccoliths, zygo- to 800 ft (250 m) in thickness, with clasts up to 5 in.
discs, etc.) has been identified, as well as Pseudorbitoides (12 cm), of andesitic volcanics and aphanitic, white
cf. israelskyi, Sulcoperculina globosa, Asterorbis sp., Hedber- limestone containing upper Paleocene–lower Eocene
gella planispira, Preaglobotruncana sp. (reworked), Gyroi- faunas. The matrix is dominantly a slightly argilla-
dina sp., and Inoceramus sp., suggesting a Campanian– ceous vitroclastic tuff.
Maastrichtian age. In addition to the presence of nannoplankton in
The Picota Formation and Mı́cara Member appear the Miranda Formation, the following fossils have been
to have been deposited as flysch in open water as the identified: Globorotalia velascoensis, Globorotalia aequa,
258 / Pardo
Globorotalia pseudomenardii, Globorotalia occlusa, Glo- lensis, Eoconuloides wellsi, Globorotalia cf. wilcoxensis,
borotalia spinulosa, Globorotalia rex, Globorotalia for- Globorotalia cf. elongata, Globorotalia cf. convexa, Glo-
mosa, Globorotalia crassata, Globorotalia pseudobul- borotalia cf. pseudomenardii, Globigerina cf. mckannai,
loides, Globorotalia compressa, Globorotalia elongata, Globigerina cf. soldadoensis, Trancorotaloides topilensis,
Globorotalia cf. wilcoxensis, Globorotalia cf. aragonensis, Lepidocyclina ariana, Lepidocyclina macdonaldi, Pseu-
Globigerina cf. mckannai-soldadoensis, Globigerina lina- dophragmina habanensis, and Pseudopragmina teres.
perta, Globigerina velascoensis, Globigerina triloculinoides, The age is considered middle Eocene.
Pseudophragmina sp., Discocyclina cf. cristensis, Discocy- It lies conformably on the Miranda and uncon-
clina marginata, Discocyclina cf. cubensis, Amphistegina formably on the Castillo de los Indios Formation.
cf. lopeztrigoi, and Asterocyclina cf. habanensis. The Charco Redondo Formation. — It is well repre-
age is considered upper Paleocene to middle Eocene. sented in southeastern Oriente, where it lies uncon-
The Miranda Formation rests unconformably on formably over the ultrabasics and the Bucuey, Picota,
the Picota and Gran Tierra formations, as well as Miranda, and Vigia formations. It is the youngest pre–
on the Cretaceous volcanics, the ultrabasics, and upper Eocene unit.
the metamorphics of the Sierra del Purial. It is un- Domingo*–Cabaiguan* Sequences Discussion.—
conformably overlain and overlapped by the upper This province in southeastern Cuba is characterized
Eocene. It is equivalent to the Cobre and Vigia forma- by relatively low dips and a major, nearly horizontal
tions of southwestern Oriente. Its upper part might overthrust of the Domingo* over the Cretaceous part
be correlative to the lower part of the Castillo de los of the Cabaiguan* sequence, as well as over the meta-
Indios Formation. morphics of the Purial massif. The general structural
Castillo de los Indios Formation. — The unit style is reminiscent of that found in the Sierra de
consists of a maximum of 800 ft (250 m), but 230 ft Guaniguanico in Pinar del Rio, except that it involves
(70 m) on average, of thin- to medium-bedded litho- the basic igneous-volcanic province instead of the clas-
clastic and lithovitroclastic tuffs. The fragments in the tic and platform to deep-water province.
vitroclastic tuffs consist of somewhat altered volcanic The Aptian–Turonian volcanics of the Bucuey For-
glass of fine to medium size, but occasionally up to mation are overlain by the flysch deposits of the Picota
3 in. (8 cm) in diameter. Also well distributed in this Formation, which is synchronous with the thrusting
formation are limestones, marls, and light-gray to yel- of the Domingo* sequence sheet in the Maastrichtian;
lowish white thin-bedded siltstones. In some areas, the Picota contains abundant ultrabasic fragments,
the limestones dominate. occurs under the ultrabasics, and is also infolded into,
The fauna consists of nannoplankton (cocolitho- and lies above them. The base of the Cabaiguan* se-
phoridae and discoasteridae) and foraminifera, includ- quence volcanics is unknown; in contrast to central
ing Truncorotaloides rohri, Truncorotaloides topilensis, Cuba, where many thousands of feet of Cretaceous
Hantkenina alabamensis, Globorotalia cf. convexa, Glo- volcanics are seen resting on the ultrabasics, here, no
borotalia densa, Globorotalia centralis, Amphistegina cf. volcanics of Cretaceous age exist over them. The Gran
cubensis, Amphistegina lopeztrigoi, Distychoplax biserialis, Tierra Formation of lower Paleocene age is the oldest
Fabiania cubensis, Globanomalina cf. wilcoxensis, and unit that appears to transgress both the ultrabasics
Globigerina senni, indicating a lower–middle Eocene and the Picota and the Bucuey formations. Here, as in
age perhaps extending into the upper Eocene. northern Oriente, there was a renewal of volcanic ac-
This formation lies conformably over the Gran tivity during the late Paleocene and the middle Eo-
Tierra Formation and unconformably over the ultra- cene that correlates with that of the Cobre Forma-
basics. The Puerto Boniato Formation overlies it with tion in southwestern Oriente. As in central Cuba, the
a slight unconformity. It is equivalent to the upper flysch grades into a molasse as the tectonic activity
part of the Vigia Formation in northern Oriente. decreases in intensity.
Puerto Boniato Formation. —This unit consists Southeastern Oriente can be used as a model to in-
of up to 160 ft (50 m) of thin-bedded, cream to whit- terpret the structural and stratigraphic relationships
ish cream, dense, sometime bioclastic limestones in northern Oriente. If the Domingo* and Cabaiguan*
interbedded with brownish black chert and light- sequence rocks here were to be strongly imbricated
gray marls. and compressed, they would show major imbrica-
The foraminiferal fauna consists of Discocyclina tions of the Cretaceous Cabaiguan* sequence and the
marginata, Discocyclina cubensis, Amphistegina lopez- Domingo* sequence, but only Paleocene to middle
trigoi, Asterocyclina habanensis, Asterocyclina monticel- Eocene sediments would be found as exotics in the
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 259
ultrabasics. The situation is similar to northern Ori- a question whether Cretaceous sediments have been
ente, with the exception that the exotics in the ultra- legitimately included in the Cobre Group.
basics consist only of Maastrichtian and younger sed- Bruja Oriental Formation. —Pushcharovsky et al.
iments. This indicates that, in northern Oriente, the (1988) show near the southern coast of Oriente, some
thrusting and erosion of the Domingo*–Cabaiguan* outcrops of this Campanian – Maastrichtian unit in
thrust sheet occurred at an earlier period in Campanian– fault contact with the Cobre Group. They are described
Maastrichtian. as sandstone, tuffaceous siltstone, sandy limestone,
A very high 180 mg Bouguer gravity value over the and conglomerate. Despite the name, this unit does
ultrabasics and metamorphics is probably not caused not seem to have any relationship with the Bruja For-
by the near-surface rocks, but suggests a shallow oce- mation of central Cuba, and the origin of this name
anic basement under the thrust sheets. For instance, and the basis for the dating is unknown.
the Domingo* sequence in northern Oriente, which Cobre group. — The Cobre Group consists of
is along the main Cuban deformation zone, shows 16,500–20,000 ft (5000–6000 m) of a complex, dom-
values of 10 mg or less, although the ultrabasic out- inantly andesitic, effusive, and volcanoclastic section
crops are nearly as extensive. It is possible that what including lavas, agglomerates, lithocrystalloclastic,
appears to be a thrust sheet represents a cold extru- and vitroclastic tuffs, calcareous tuffs, and lenses and
sion and gravity flow of serpentinized ultrabasics from beds of bioclastic and tuffaceous limestones. The
several feeders. different lithologic types grade into each other lat-
It should be noted that no direct evidence for the erally and vertically, which makes it extremely
direction of thrusting of the ultrabasics has been re- difficult to subdivide this unit. Numerous dioritic
ported; however, this thrust sheet is believed by Co- intrusive bodies cut the Cobre Group, causing much
biella et al. (1984) to form a major anticline with its contact metamorphism of the intruded rocks. The
roots southward, toward the Cayman Trench. The Ca- various components are as follows:
baiguan* sequence is considered to be autochthonous.
The original width of the exposed Domingo* and 1) Andesites. This is the most common effusive type
Cabaiguan* sequences must have been a minimum present as lava flows, sills, dikes, and related tuffs
of 85 km (52 mi) before thrusting. However, if the and agglomerates. The color is commonly gray,
serpentine originated from local feeders and spread with hues that can be green, violet, brown, and
as submarine flows, this width might not be more sometimes almost black. The texture is common-
than 45 km (28 mi). ly porphyritic with an ophitic matrix. The compo-
sition is very uniform; the phenocrysts commonly
Southwestern Oriente consist of andesine and sometimes augite. The
This region extends for 250 km (155 mi) west of matrix is mostly made up of plagioclase accom-
Guantanamo Bay along the southern coast of Cuba. It panied by grains of pyroxenes, metallic miner-
reaches north as far as Tiguani. As shown in Figure 134, als, and glass.
it is a large uplift, the Sierra Madre, north of the Cay- 2) Dacites and andesitodacites. This type is fairly com-
man Trench, and it is a continuation of the Cayman mon. The color is commonly gray, with hues that
Ridge. Here, the basic igneous province is represented can be violet, brown, and sometimes green. They
only by rocks of the Cabaiguan* sequence. With the are finely porphyritic, with a glassy or holocrystal-
exception of small Cretaceous volcanic outcrops, the line (recrystallized) matrix. The phenocrysts are
Paleogene dominates the region. commonly acid feldspars (from oligoclase to al-
bite), quartz, and metallic minerals. The andes-
Cabaiguan* Sequence itodacites contain less quartz in the phenocrysts.
Two small Cretaceous outcrops, the Tejas and Bruja 3) Rhyolites and rhyodacites. These are the least abun-
Oriental formations, probably form the basement dant effusives. They also have a porphyritic tex-
under a thick Paleogene volcanic section, which is ture; the phenocrysts consist of quartz, acid pla-
characteristic of this region. Paleogene volcanics have gioclase, and mafic minerals in minor quantities.
been previously described in other regions of eastern The matrix contains plagioclase, biotite, and grains
Cuba and also as tuffs included in the sediments of of metallic minerals.
northern and central Cuba. Here, however, the Paleo- 4) Pyroclastics. The kind of pyroclastics are present
gene volcanic section is well developed and appears in the same proportions as the above correspond-
continuous, as shown in Figure 138. However, there is ing effusive rocks.
260 / Pardo
5) Tephras and agglomerates. They show a variation per part of the various volcanic cycles and are com-
from acid to basic. monly associated with tuffaceous limestones.
6) Tuffs. They are commonly well bedded, fine to 7) Graywackes. They are abundant only in the western
very fine grained, and present a large range of light part of the Sierra Maestra. They are commonly well
to dark colors. They commonly represent the up- bedded and well sorted with subangular grains.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 261
These sediments and volcanics were deposited in lopeztrigoi, Asterocyclina habanensis, Eoconuloides wellsi,
an open-marine environment with variable depth. Boreloides cubensis, Helicostegina cf. gyralis, Distychoplax
Among the characteristic fossils, the following spe- sp., Lithothamnium sp., and Lithophyllum sp., suggesting
cies have been recognized: Globigerina spiralis, Globi- a lower–middle Eocene age.
gerina aquiensis, Globigerina mckannai, Globigerina Pilón Formation. — The Pilón Formation (shown
primitiva, Globorotalia acuta, Globorotalia aequa, Glo- as a formation in Pushcharovsky et al., 1988) consists
borotalia convexa, Globorotalia crassata, Globorotalia of more than 6500 ft (2000 m) of banded calcareous
pseudoscitula, Globorotalia pseudopilensis, Globorotalia tuffs in the lower part, followed by graywacke and
brodermani, Globorotalia (Morozovella) aragonensis, Glo- medium-grained detritus composed of volcanic frag-
borotalia (Acarinina) densa, Hantkenina bumblei, Catap- ments and, finally, massive limestones with volcanic
sydrax echinatus, Discocyclina barkeri, Discocyclina fragments in the upper part. The following fauna has
mestieri, Discocyclina marginata, Discocyclina cubensis, been recognized: Globigerina mckannai, Globigerina
Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) cedarkeyensis, Pseudo- primitiva, Globorotalia cf. acuta, Globorotalia cf. aequa,
phragmina (Proporocyclina) habanensis, Pseudophrag- Globorotalia crassata, Globorotalia pseudopilensis, Glo-
mina (Proporocyclina) psila, Amphistegina lopeztrigoi, borotalia (Morozovella) aragonensis, Globorotalia (Acar-
Amphistegina cubensis, Asterocyclina habanensis, Num- rinina) densa, Catapsydrax echinatus, Discocyclina bar-
mulites bermudezi, Cymbalopora cushmani, Eoconuloides keri, Discocyclina cf. mestieri, Discocyclina marginata,
wellsi, Boreloides cubensis, Helicostegina gyralis, and Fa- Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) cedarkeyensis, Pseu-
biana cubensis. This assemblage indicates the lower– dophragmina (Proporocyclina) habanensis, Pseudophrag-
middle Eocene. However, some limestones of the mina (Proporocyclina) cf. psila, Amphistegina cf. lopez-
Palma Mocha Formation contain Sulcoperculina dick- trigoi, Asterocyclina habanensis, Nummulites bermudezi,
ersoni and Pithonella sp., suggesting an Upper Creta- Eoconuloides wellsi, and Fabiania cubensis. This assem-
ceous age. blage is lower–middle Eocene; however, this forma-
Within the Cobre Group, several formations have tion is believed by Jakus (1983) to extend into the
been defined: Hongolosongo, Cuabitas, Pı́lon, and Upper Cretaceous. It is reported to contain abundant
Palma Mocha. They do not constitute a complete Cenomanian –Turonian reworked fragments.
subdivision of the group, but instead, they represent Palma Mocha Formation.— This unit consists of
some characteristic lithologic associations that can ±650 ft (200 m) of thin to medium, well-bedded,
be locally mapped. They do not constitute a strati- black to dark-gray limestones, with occasional inter-
graphic succession. beds of lithocrystalline tuffs, containing Sulcoperculina
Hongolosongo Formation. — This unit (named dickersoni, Pithonella sp., and radiolaria. It was named
by Yikdov et al., 1971, and shown as a formation in Palma Mocha Group by Furrazola-Bermudez et al.
Pushcharovsky et al., 1988) consists of a variable thick- (1976). In the 1988 geologic map (Pushcharovsky
ness, up to a maximum of 10,000 ft (3000 m), of yellow- et al., 1988), near the type locality of the Palma Mocha
ish gray, poorly bedded acid tuffs (dacites, riodacites, Member, a Cretaceous undifferentiated Turquino For-
rhyolites) interbedded with frequent agglomerates, mation was described as consisting of clastics and
lapillis, and ignimbrites. Lavas of the same composi- volcanics but shown with limestones in the colum-
tion and dikes of diorite and basalt porphyries are also nar section. The age is considered Upper Cretaceous
present. The fauna is poor, but Distychoplax sp., Bore- (Cenomanian – Turonian). Because this formation
loides cubensis, and Eoconuloides wellsi have been iden- shows a certain similarity to the Gomez* Formation
tified. This member is under the limestones of the of central Cuba, it probably does not belong to the
Cuabitas Formation that contain a rich lower–middle Cobre Group.
Eocene fauna. The Cobre Group lies unconformably under the
Cuabitas Formation.— This unit consists of up Charco Redondo and Barrancas formations. Although
to 200 ft (60 m) of limestone lenses, occasionally re- it is commonly concordant and transitional with the
efoidal, that appear to have grown on volcanic islands. Puerto Boniato Formation, they can be occasionally
The following species have been identified: Globigerina separated by an unconformity.
spiralis (or aquiensis), Globigerina mckannai, Globorotalia The Cobre Group is a mixture of a large number
cf. pseudopilensis, Globorotalia (Morozovella) aragonensis, of lithologic units with an age possibly ranging from
Globorotalia (Acarinina) cf. densa, Discocyclina barkeri, the Cenomanian to the middle Eocene. From the pub-
Discocyclina marginata, Discocyclina cubensis, Pseudo- lished descriptions, volcanic activity seems to have
phragmina (Proporocyclina) cedarkeyensis, Amphistegina been continuous through the Campanian – middle
262 / Pardo
Eocene. Much more work is needed to clarify this Barrancas Formation.—The Barrancas Formation
point. consists of 200–330 ft (60–100 m) of crystallovitro-
Caney Formation.—The Caney Formation consists clastic and vitroclastic, rhyolithorhyodacitic tuffs with
of ±3300 ft (±1000 m) of well- and generally thin- coarse, gray glass fragments. White marls, cream, well-
bedded tuffaceous rocks with various light colors. The sorted, tuffaceous, and calcareous sandstones, white
acid varieties dominate, and thin zeolitized horizons bioclastic limestones, and calcilutites are also present.
are common. Many manganese deposits are associated It unconformably overlies the Caney Member of the
with this formation. It is shown as a formation in the Cobre Formation. This unit contains abundant dia-
1988 geologic map (Pushcharovsky et al., 1988). The toms and silicoflagellates in addition to foraminifera.
fauna contains Globigerina mckannai, Globorotalia The following foraminifera have been identified:
aequa, Globorotalia cf. pseudoscitula, Globorotalia cf. Catapsydrax dissimilis, Discocyclina cubensis, Fissurina
brodermani, Globorotalia cf. convexa, Globorotalia (Mo- margarita, Globigerapsis kugleri, Globigerina mckannai,
rozovella) aragonensis, Globorotalia (Acarinina) densa, Globigerina trilocularis, Globorotalia aequa, Globorotalia
Discocyclina barkeri, Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) centralis, Globorotalia cerroazulensis, Globorotalia (Aca-
cedarkeyensis, Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) haba- rinina) densa, Globorotaloides suteri, and Truncorotaloides
nensis, Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) psila, Amphis- topilensis, suggesting middle Eocene to the lower part
tegina cubensis, Eoconuloides wellsi, and Helicostegina cf. of the upper Eocene. This unit correlates with the Cas-
gyralis. The age is considered middle Eocene with tillo de los Indios and Miranda formations of south-
some reworked faunas from the Paleocene and lower eastern Oriente and the upper part of the Vigı́a For-
Eocene. mation of northern Oriente.
Puerto Boniato Formation.—This unit is also well Cabaiguan* sequence intrusives.—Along the axis
developed in this region, where in most instances, it of the Sierra Maestra, parallel to the Cayman Trench,
transitionally overlies the Cobre Formation. Locally, are several intrusive bodies in the Cobre Formation.
it unconformably overlies the Caney Formation. The following types have been recognized: aplites
Charco Redondo Formation. —It was described and micropegmatites, granodiorites and granodio-
under northern Oriente and is well developed in ritic porphyry, plagiogranite and granite porphyry,
this region where its type locality is located. quartz-diorite and quartz-diorite porphyry, diorite
Farallon Grande Formation. —The unit (named and diorite porphyry, and miscellaneous dikes (spes-
by Taber, 1934) consists of 165 –4100 ft (50 –1250 m) sartite, andesite, andesite-basalt, basalt, andesite-
of a polymict conglomeratic breccia with angular to dacite, dacite, and rhyodacite). Three samples of
subangular clasts from 1 to 4 in. (2 to 10 cm) in diam- granitoids have been dated by K-Ar method on whole
eter. The sorting is poor at the base and improves rock giving 46 ± 6, 49 ± 6, and 58 ± 8 m.y. or upper
upward where rhythmic bedding can be observed. In- Paleocene to middle Eocene.
terbeds of coarse-grained sandstones and well-sorted Drilling. —Stanolind drilled several wells, two of
conglomerates are present. Most of the clasts are de- them offshore, in the Guanacayabos-Nipe Basin in
rived from the Cobre Formation along with limestone the late 1950s. More recently, EPEP drilled Granma-1
clasts from the Charco Redondo Formation. The matrix near Bayamo.
consists of sand and reworked tuff or can be totally
absent. The cement is calcareous. Stanolind Rabihorcado-1. Drilled through youn-
Discocyclina cubensis and Fabiania cubensis have ger Tertiary to ±3280 ft (±1000 m), where it pen-
been identified in a limestone lens. The clasts con- etrated the Cobre Formation to the total depth of
tain typical middle Eocene faunas, and the overlying 4266 ft (1205 m).
San Luis has a late middle –upper Eocene assemblage, Stanolind Lavanderas-1. Drilled through younger
indicating a middle Eocene age for the Farallon Grande Tertiary to ±3280 ft (±1300 m), where it pen-
Formation. etrated the Cobre Formation to the total depth of
The Farallon Grande unconformably overlies the 5535 ft (1688 m).
Pilón Member and the Charco Redondo Formation. EPEP Granma-1. Drilled through younger Tertiary
It grades upward into the upper Eocene San Luis For- to ±8364 ft (±2550 m), where it penetrated the
mation and is unconformably covered by the Cobre Formation to the total depth of 9898 ft
Neogene Limones and Manzanillo formations. This (3017 m).
unit represents the end of the flysch and beginning Cabaiguan* sequence discussion. — Only the
of the molasse deposition. Cabaiguan* sequence is present in this province. Un-
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 263
fortunately, because of complex structures and stra- eral, the metamorphism is low grade and involves vol-
tigraphy, this volcanic section is poorly understood. canic rocks. The Purial massif is in part reminiscent of
The pre-Paleogene section occurs either as small, the Manicaragua zone of central Cuba, including am-
scattered outcrops (Tejas, Bruja Oriental formations) phibolites and metamorphosed volcanics (greens-
or is included as possible Cenomanian – Turonian chists), and represents most of the metamorphic out-
(Palma Mocha limestone member) in the Cobre For- crops. Their distribution is shown in Figure 134, and
mation. This member is probably equivalent to sim- the units will be described generally from east to west
ilar limestones (Gomez*, Cristobal* Camujiro, Qui- and shown in Figure 139 (no thicknesses have been
ñones, etc.) of the same age elsewhere in Cuba. These measured, and the ones given on the figure are for
scattered outcrops definitely indicate the presence of graphic purpose only).
an Upper Cretaceous arc. Güira de Jauco Formation. —The Güira de Jauco
No report exists of the commonly richly fossilif- Formation consists of a schistose, sometimes banded,
erous Campanian –Maastrichtian, which is always amphibolite of hornblende-andesine composition com-
present in southeastern and northern Oriente, as well monly containing garnet and quartz. Isolated interca-
as elsewhere in Cuba. It is not known if its absence is lations of quartz-garnet cherts and garnet-hornblende-
caused by erosion, nondeposition, or just unfavor- andesine-quartz, fine-grained plagiogneiss are also
able conditions for fossil accumulation and preserva- present. Some of the amphibolites have been defin-
tion. There are reports of numerous clasts containing itively derived from gabbros, which show pseudo-
Campanian – Maastrichtian faunas in conglomer- bands caused by the orientation of the components
ates of the Cobre Formation, specifically the Pilón that preserve relicts of the primary clinopyroxenes
Member. In view of the fact that, in other areas, the and basic plagioclases. In places, clinozoisite-epidote is
Campanian–Maastrichtian consists of shallow-water abundant. The chemical composition corresponds to
detritus deposited in shallow to deep waters, it is that of tholeiites.
very likely that during that time, this region was up- This formation contains pegmatite veins and
lifted and, therefore, the site of nondeposition and/ small intrusive bodies of diorite and quartz-diorite.
or erosion. In the amphibolites are many lenses of serpentinite,
During the Paleogene, volcanic products were con- and large blocks, up to 650 ft (200 m), of amphibolite
tinuously present and dominated until the middle are entirely encased in serpentine.
Eocene, when the volcanism ceased during the time The schistosity and banding trends north-north-
of the Charco Redondo and Puerto Boniato Forma- east – south-southwest parallel to the general trend
tion deposition. The volcanism was mainly acid, from and schistosity of the other metamorphic rocks in
andesitic to rhyolitic, along with the accompanying the area. It forms the easternmost outcrops of the basic
ejecta. Numerous intrusives of this age are present. igneous-volcanic massif of the Sierra del Purial and is
Note that in the postorogenic Guacanayabo-Nipe in fault contact with the metasediments of the Sierra
Basin, the middle Eocene can grade into the overly- Verde Formation to the east in the Asuncion area.
ing upper Eocene sediments. The age of the Güira de Jauco Formation is un-
Although northward-directed thrusts of Cobre known. A K-Ar age determination has given 72–75 Ma,
Formation have been observed, most of the dips in or Campanian–Maastrichtian, which could be the age
this belt are moderate (30 –508), and most faults are of the metamorphism. However, zircon from a sample
high angle. The present width of 45 km (27 mi) of the of gabbro-amphibolite has given 100 ± 50 m.y., sug-
belt is not believed to have been much more than gesting that the original rock could be much older.
70 km (43 mi) predeformation. La Farola Formation. — This name is another
wastebasket unit that includes all the metavolcanics
of the Sierra del Purial. It is synonymous with the
Metamorphosed Basic Igneous-Volcanics Purial complex of Millán and Somin (1985a, b) and
(Purial Massif) Millan-Trujillo (1996), who divided it into five se-
This province occurs in the southeastern part of quences, which are, from east to northwest, Rio Ba-
the southeastern Oriente region and is named the racoa, Jojo, Quivican, Via Mulata, and Mal Nombre.
Purial massif. It has not been as well surveyed as the Although Millán and Somin consider this term invalid
Escambray massif. However, like the other metamor- because it includes a number of disparate lithologies,
phic provinces in Cuba, Millán and Somin (1981, it is used in this book as a group since it is shown on
1985a, b) and Millan-Trujillo (1996) studied it. In gen- the 1988 geologic map (Pushcharovsky et al., 1988).
264 / Pardo
Rio Baracoa sequence. — The unit (named by Millán The primary composition of the pyroclastics is
and Somin, 1985a) outcrops in the easternmost part of effusive with abundant tuffs showing graded bed-
the Purial massif and consists of a mostly sedimentary ding. The recrystallization is uneven, and the highest
section. It is a dominantly basic pyroclastic section, grades show albite, chlorite, epidote prehnite, and
sometimes effusive but with common polymict sand- actinolite and, more rarely, lawsonite, glaucophane,
stones, quartz feldspar sandstones, and limestones. and pumpellyite.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 265
The polymict metasandstones are dark gray and derived from the erosion of granitoids. In addition,
poorly bedded, and the clasts are deformed. They some isolated groups of beds of fine-grained actinolite
contain abundant fragments of intermediate to basic schists, in places rich in graphite, containing albite,
feldspars, clinopyroxenes, and clasts of basalt and quartz, chlorite, and glaucophane.
andesitic basalt. Frequent fragments of a fine-grained This sequence shows similarity to some of the li-
aggregate of sericite, quartz, and albite might have thologies of the unmetamorphosed Bucuey (Santo
originated from a dacitic effusive rock. Abundant grains Domingo) Formation of the Cabaiguan* sequence.
of hornblende, quartz, epidote, and oxides, with the Loma quivican sequence. —The Loma Quivican se-
plagioclase, might have originated from the erosion quence (named by Millán and Somin, 1985a) outcrops
of a diorite or quartz-diorite. The common metamor- in the north-central part of the Sierra del Purial and
phic minerals are chlorite, actinolite, epidote, sericite, consists of nonmetamorphic to slightly metamor-
albite, and rarely, glaucophane. phosed volcanics. The metamorphism is so low that
In places, groups of beds of quartz-plagioclase the volcanic glass is unaltered. The major lithologic
metasandstones contain fractured clasts of quartz type consists of psammitic tuffs and poorly bedded
and acid plagioclase that appear to have been derived tuff breccias made of fragments of plagioclase basalt,
from granitoids. The common metamorphic miner- amygdular porphyritic andesite basalts, fragments of
als are chlorite, epidote, sericite, lawsonite, and rare- clinopyroxene crystals, and magmatic plagioclase.
ly, glaucophane. Between these tuffs are intercalations of very fine-
Limestones occur quite frequently and form beds grained, commonly schistose tuffs with bands of vari-
from 2 in. (5 cm) to ±6 ft (±2 m). They are crystalline, ous colors.
light colored, well bedded, and seldom massive. They The effusive rocks constitute 25% of the total and
are interbedded with the metasandstones and meta- are represented by porphyritic basalts with low TiO2
tuffs. The following fossils have been found: Sulco- and K2O and high alumina that is characteristic of
perculina globosa*, Sulcoperculina diazi*, Lepidorbitoides tholeiites.
sp.*, Pseudorbitoides sp., Orbitoides cf. tissoti*, Globo- Via Mulata sequence.—The Via Mulata sequence
truncana cf. elevata, Globotruncana linneana, Globo- (named by Millan-Trujillo, 1996) outcrops in the
truncana arca, Globotruncana lapparenti, Globotruncana northwestern part of the Sierra del Purial complex
cf. calcarata, Globigerinelloides sp., and Hedbergella sp. and consists of a sequence of well-bedded metatuffs
(the asterisk indicates that the fossils were found in a showing rhythmic sedimentation. Medium- to fine-
float believed to belong to the Rio Baracoa sequence), grained tuffs can be recognized, and the color varies
suggesting a late Santonian–Campanian age. from green to lilac with a slaty luster. Occasionally,
This sequence is unconformably overlain by the light-colored slaty limestones occur. This sequence
massive, barely recrystallized limestones of the Cañas could represent a lateral equivalent of the Loma
Formation (named by Colbiella et al., 1984) containing Quivican.
Orbitoides apiculata, Pseudorbitoides rutteni, Lepidorbi- Mal Nombre sequence. —The Mal Nombre sequence
toides sp., and Sulcoperculina globosa. This fauna is in- outcrops in the extreme northwest of the Sierra del
terpreted as Maastrichtian. The Cañas Formation is not Purial complex and consists of homogeneous, mas-
shown in Pushcharovsky et al. (1988), and it is believed sive to poorly bedded, polymict metasandstones. In
to be a postmetamorphic and postultrabasic thrust general, they are poorly sorted, angular, and coarse
plate overlap; the field relationships are not clear. It grained up to brecciated metaconglomerates. The
should be noted that the age difference between the clasts vary much in size and, in general, are flattened
limestones attributed to the Rio Baracoa sequence and elongated. Occasionally, very fine-grained layers
and the Cañas Formation is not obvious from the are present. This sequence is similar to some of the
fossil list alone. clastics of the Rio Baracoa and could be a metamor-
Jojo sequence.—The Jojo sequence (named by Millán phic equivalent of the Mı́cara Formation as well as La
and Somin, 1985a) outcrops on the south-central Picota Member of the Cabaiguan* sequence.
slopes of the Purial massif and is characterized by This complex is very likely the metamorphosed
pyroclastic rocks of a basaltic composition. Pyroclas- equivalent of the Cretaceous volcanic arc sequence
tics and effusive rocks of andesitic and rhyolithoda- and its ultrabasic basement that characterizes the
citic composition are also present. Cuban basic igneous-volcanic province. It is the only
Polymict medium-grained metasandstones with place in Cuba where this section is metamorphosed.
volcanic fragments and quartz are observed, possibly The metamorphism, characterized by glaucophane,
266 / Pardo
is of the high-pressure–low-temperature type and de- Purial Massif Metamorphics Discussion. — The
creases from southeast to northwest. This complex is Purial massif sequence represents a metamorphosed
highly deformed. Based on a window near La Tinta, Domingo*–Cabaiguan* sequence section with some
it is believed by Cobiella et al. (1984) to form a rela- affinity to the Manicaragua belt (Mabujina am-
tively thin thrust sheet overriding its unmetamor- phibolite), but with a greater development of vol-
phosed equivalent, the Bucuey (Santo Domingo) For- canics. According to Millan-Trujillo (1996), it shows
mation. For this reason, the thicknesses cannot be low-grade high-pressure – low-temperature regional
estimated, and a section is impossible to reconstruct. metamorphism.
However, it is quite probable that the Güira de Jauco The contact between the metamorphics and the
Formation was the oceanic basement under the vol- main body of ultrabasics to the north and south is
canic section, and the Mal Nombre sequence might by faults, with the ultrabasics riding as a sheet over
have been the highest volcanic unit over or partly the Purial massif anticlinorium. The ultrabasics are
equivalent to the Rio Baracoa sequence. By similar- not metamorphosed and could have been thrusted
ity with other volcanic section, the La Farola For- from south to north. The La Farola Formation meta-
mation may extend from the Aptian(?) through the morphics are also considered by Cobiella et al. (1984)
Maastrichtian. to be a thrust sheet riding over the equivalent un-
Granitoids.— Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) show a metamorphosed Bucuey (Santa Domingo) Forma-
body of Upper Cretaceous quartz diorite in fault con- tion, although they admit the possibility that the
tact with the Rio Baracoa and/or the Jojo sequences. window of Bucuey Formation could be an olistolith,
Note. —An assemblage of serpentinites, leucocratic or a tectonic scale, under the ultrabasics.
gabbros, and diabases altered with a fine aggregate of The relation between the metavolcanics of the
epidote, chlorite, albite, prehnite, and actinolite is in Purial and the Asuncion metamorphics is tectonic
fault contact with the encasing rocks (Güira de Jauco and further confused by the presence of ultrabasics.
to the east and La Farola to the west) and has a general However, the band of ultrabasics separating the meta-
north-northeast–south-southwest trend. To the north morphosed Cabaiguan* sequence from the Güira de
of this belt of outcrops are large blocks of serpentine Jauco amphibolites is believed to be part of the major
and gabbros: the serpentinites contain inclusions of ultrabasic Mayari-Baracoa thrust sheet that formerly
high-pressure metamorphics. covered the Purial massif and was wedged along the
To the southwest of the ultrabasics, infaulted in faults that separate the Purial from the Asuncion area.
the Rio Baracoa sequence, are conglomerate-breccias It is no coincidence that in central and western Cuba,
containing rounded blocks of serpentinite and dia- amphibolites (Mabujina, Daguilla) are also found in
base in a disintegrated serpentine matrix. They appear contact with metamorphosed sediments, suggesting
to be allochthonous, and although no other mate- that the Asuncion area was originally part of a win-
rial was found, they are similar to the Maastrichtian dow of metamorphosed sediments showing through
Picota conglomerates to the north and west. the thrust sheet of amphibolite basement under the
Consequently, these ultrabasics do not belong to Purial metavolcanics.
the metamorphic province, but are part of the overly- The original prethrusting width (if such thrusting
ing Maastrichtian–Paleocene ultrabasic Mayari-Baracoa occurred) represented by Domingo* belt and the Purial
thrust sheet. metamorphics must have been at least 100 km (62 mi).
In southwestern Oriente are some poor outcrops
of metamorphosed volcanics underlying the Cobre
Formation. Eastern Cuba: Basic Igneous-Volcanic
Tejas Formation. — The Tejas Formation consists Terrane Discussion
of poor outcrops, near Santa Rita, of light-gray, tuffa- Oriente, like the other Cuban regions, does not show
ceous, micaceous schists. It consists of quartz, sericite- a complete stratigraphic sequence of any particular
illite, and pyrite. Several andesite dikes belonging to province, but presents a different look at a particular
Cobre Formation cut this formation. The original rock phase of the geological development of the island. On-
is believed to have been a tuff. No fossils have been ly three provinces are exposed: (1) the carbonate plat-
found, and the Tejas Formation is believed to be un- form, (2) the basic igneous-volcanic, and (3) the meta-
conformably under the Cobre Formation. It is prob- morphic. The platform to deep basin province is not
ably equivalent to part of La Farola Formation of the exposed, which does not mean that it is not present at
Purial massif. depth.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 267
The basic igneous-volcanic province can be seen, trending 180-milligal Bouguer gravity anomaly (the
from north to south, in four different structural largest in Cuba, which otherwise is characterized by
situations: relatively low gravity values) located under the Mayari-
Baracoa massif and coinciding with the Moho high
1) Tightly compressed against the carbonate platform, (diapir?) indicated by the crustal measurements (see
where the ultrabasics form the basement under Chapter 5, this publication) suggests a shallow oce-
the Albian–Turonian volcanics and were thrusted anic basement. Possibly under tension, the serpenti-
over them in the Campanian–Maastrichtian. nized ultrabasics might have moved upward and flowed
2) Relatively undeformed, where the ultrabasics, horizontally over the unmetamorphosed, as well as al-
covered with Maastrichtian and Paleogene sedi- ready metamorphosed, volcanics. This sheet, or flow,
ments and volcanics, form the nearly horizontal could have moved southward, although Cobiella et al.
Mayari-Baracoa thrust sheet over the unmetamor- (1984) consider the movement to have been north-
phosed Albian–Turonian volcanics (considered ward. A second strong and parallel gravity high, reach-
autochthonous). ing 140 milligal, coincides with the eastern end of the
3) Relatively undeformed and unmetamorphosed regional southwestern Oriente high and the Bayamo–
ultrabasics of the Mayari-Baracoa thrust sheet cov- San Luis depression. The outcrops show no obvious
ering highly deformed and slightly metamor- reason for this feature, which is a good evidence for a
phosed greenschist formed from the Upper Cre- deep-seated origin.
taceous volcanics, possibly, according to Cobiella A marked increase in the amount of volcanics and
et al. (1984), the same thrust sheet that overlies volcaniclastics from north to south during the Paleo-
the equivalent unmetamorphosed section. cene to middle Eocene is observed. Lower–middle Eo-
4) Moderately deformed, very thick section of Pa- cene ashes are reported from northern and western
leocene to middle Eocene volcanics, possibly over- Cuba, but in small quantities. These volcanics are the
lying unmetamorphosed and metamorphosed result of the large lower–middle Eocene intermediate
Upper Cretaceous (pre-Campanian to Maastrich- to acid, volcanic center in the southwestern part of
tian?) volcanics. eastern Cuba characterized by the Cobre Formation
and related units. This center could have been related
In all situations, there is indication of volcanism to the Jardines de la Reina archipelago’s northeast-
in the lower – middle Eocene. dipping subduction zone. At any rate, this is proof that
Very little can be said about the stratigraphy and in Oriente volcanism continued after the obduction of
basement of the Cretaceous Cabaiguan* sequence ultrabasics and, simultaneously, with the violent de-
except that the section is mostly post-Albian to pre- formation that was occurring along the Cuban axial
Campanian and tends to be basic to intermediate in thrust zone to the north and west.
composition. Based on other Cuban regions, the base- The relationships between the La Farola volcanics,
ment is assumed to have been the basic to ultrabasic the Güira de Jauco amphibolites, and the Asuncion
complex. complex are obscured by high-angle faults. However,
During the Campanian in northern Oriente and like the Mabujina amphibolite in the Escambray mas-
Maastrichtian in southeastern Oriente, the volcanics sif, the Güira de Jauco is believed to be the basement
were covered with a thrust sheet, or cold extrusion over which the La Farola metamorphosed volcanics
and flow, of the ultrabasic complex. After the em- were deposited. In addition, as in the Escambray massif,
placement of the thrust sheet, the overlying Creta- both overrode the nonvolcanic sediments, in this case,
ceous volcanics, if present, were eroded, and sedi- the Asuncion metamorphics. Note the following:
ments were deposited over both the ultrabasic thrust
sheet and/or the underlying Cretaceous volcanics. 1) The dating of the amphibolite metamorphism is
This occurred in the Campanian to middle Eocene in Campanian–Maastrichtian, whereas the amphib-
northern Oriente and Maastrichtian to middle Eo- olite itself could be Lower Cretaceous or older.
cene in southeastern Oriente. There is no indication 2) The overlying metamorphosed Rio Baracoa
of ultrabasics in southwestern Oriente. sequence is Campanian.
The direction of thrusting is problematic; in north- 3) This metamorphic sequence is under the un-
ern Oriente, it was very probably directed northward, metamorphosed Mayari-Baracoa ultrabasic thrust
but in eastern Oriente, it could have been directed sheet that is, in its turn, covered by unmetamor-
either north or south. The northwest – southeast- phosed Maastrichtian sediments.
268 / Pardo
Apparently, the metamorphism preceded the thrust- by skin tectonics with large nappes, thrusts, or
ing of the ultrabasics that occurred in the Maastrich- slides, which adjoins the Cretaceous arc farther
tian. However, because the Asuncion complex is meta- to the south.
morphosed, the thrusting of the amphibolites over
it must have preceded or been simultaneous with Not much information exists to determine the
the metamorphism, meaning Campanian at the lat- distribution of facies within each province of east-
est. In this area, along the coast, evidence exists for ern Cuba; however, what there is provides informa-
northward-directed thrusts of the serpentine and tion about their relationships.
lower – middle Eocene Cobre Formation over the As in the other regions, two possible alternatives
late middle Eocene to lower Oligocene San Luis For- exist: (1) the basic igneous-volcanic province was
mation; they appear to originate in the Cayman trough. originally south of the Sierra del Purial and Asuncion
These movements could be related to the early de- metamorphics and (2) the basic igneous-volcanic
velopment of the Cayman rift; this will be described province was originally north of the Sierra del Purial
in Chapter 3 of this publication. and Asuncion metamorphics. The first alternative is
These conclusions about timing and mechanism the more likely. This reconstruction is supported by
of the orogenic process fit well and complement the the similarity between the Asuncion complex and
conclusions derived from other areas: the carbonate platform to deep-water province sed-
iments. However, the presence of the nearly hori-
1) They agree with the Upper Cretaceous metamor- zontal ultrabasic thrust sheet above the relatively
phism and simultaneous deformation of the en- undeformed volcanic arc as well as above the meta-
tire Cuban arc. morphosed volcanics is difficult to explain with this
2) They support the timing of the original deforma- interpretation. If the Domingo* and Cabaiguan* se-
tion of the ultrabasics; the first ultrabasic detritus quences, which are highly deformed in northern
is found in the Maastrichtian of the miogeosyn- Oriente but nearly horizontal in southeastern Ori-
cline Amaro* and Cacarajı́cara formations. ente, are part of the same thrust over the metamor-
3) They support the evidence indicating that the ul- phics, then the thrusting alone cannot explain the
trabasic basement was of a rifted nature, and al- northern Oriente deformation. The metamorphosed
though it served as basement for a volcanic se- La Farola, which shows a northward decrease in
quence, much of it was never subducted under a metamorphism, is possibly thrusted over and is the
continental margin. equivalent to the Bucuey (Santo Domingo, Teneme)
4) The age of the first appearance of igneous detritus volcanics. Therefore, two sources of regional meta-
in sediments supports the evidence that the de- morphism, one for the Purial complex and another
formation of the ultrabasics and volcanics proceeded one for the Asuncion complex, are required to explain
at different times in different areas of the Cuban this reconstruction.
geosyncline as indicated by the following ages, The northern part of the southwestern Oriente Pa-
progressing from earliest in the south to latest in leogene volcanic complex overlies metamorphosed
the north: volcanics, possibly equivalent to La Farola Formation.
To the south, however, along the south flank of the
Campanian: Moreno (northern Rosario) Sierra Madre, unmetamorphosed Cretaceous volca-
Maastrichtian: Cacarajicara (southern Rosario), nics are present. In view of the fact that this lower–
Amaro*, (Cifuentes*) middle Eocene volcanic activity occurred after the
Paleocene: Ancón (Sierra de los Organos) deformation and thrusting of the basic igneous-
early –middle Eocene: San Martin* (Las Villas* volcanic province and synchronously with the par-
and Yaguajay*), Embarcadero (Yaguajay*) oxysm of deformation along the main Cuban thrust
5. The possible obduction of ultrabasics and vol- belt, it is believed to be nearly autochthonous (over
canics over the nonvolcanic sediments was not the already thrusted Domingo* and Cabaiguan* se-
responsible for the metamorphism of the south- quences), although together with serpentines, it has
western terrane. been found thrusted over the middle–upper Eocene
6. Eastern Cuba, like western Cuba, confirms the San Luis Formation south of the Sierra del Purial. The
presence of a strongly compressed and deformed effect of this volcanism was felt over most of eastern
axial zone between the carbonate platform to Cuba, as indicated by the tuffs in the Paleogene of
the north and an area to the south characterized northern and southeastern Oriente.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 269
FIGURE 140. Restored stratigraphic section, central Cuba, north-central terrane (through Gulf Blanquizal III-1).
DISCUSSION OF THE PRE–UPPER EOCENE sarily located along what was then a continuous
STRATIGRAPHY OF CUBA profile; there may have been considerable transcurrent
displacement between them as well as rotation of
In this section, an attempt will be made to piece some of them.
together some of the most significant, previously de-
scribed stratigraphic components. This will have to
be done for each area and assembled for the entire North-Central Terranes: Carbonate Platform to
island. Deep Basin Section
Because the stratigraphic details for each compo- Although there has been some shortening, this is
nent have been discussed earlier in this chapter, this the most autochthonous of the three subbasins. Two
section will concentrate on how the different com- possible lines of section exist from the Bahamas plat-
ponents can be pieced together, in essentially a form to the deep-water basin: (1) Cay Sal-1, Blanquizal-1,
two-dimensional model, based only on central Cuba Yaguajay* belt, Sagua la Chica* belt, and Las Villas*
stratigraphic evidence. The possible model will be belt; and (2) Cay Sal-1, Cayo Coco-2, Yaguajay* belt,
geographically expanded later as other areas are Jatibonico* belt, and Las Villas* belt (see Figures 140,
described. In all the restored stratigraphic sections, 141, respectively). These sections show the distribution
the top of the Cretaceous will be used as datum. The of lithologic types at the end of the Cretaceous. There
datum will be shown at the estimated subsea depth were some local reef developments at the edge of the
for that time, the rock thicknesses (measured or Jurassic–Cretaceous bank, but typical reef rocks have
estimated) will be shown below the datum, and the not been observed in place in central Cuba, although
distances will be palynspastically restored according reef debris is very common in the Las Villas* belt
to the already given estimates of shortening. For the carbonate clastics. The Maastrichtian Mayajigua* For-
sake of graphic clarity, it will be assumed that major mation conglomerate consists almost entirely of reef
shortening had not occurred until the end of the fragments. The reefs may be present at depth and not
Cretaceous, which, of course, is not entirely correct. exposed because of the geometry of the south-dipping
For the same reason, the lithologic symbols will be Yaguajay* belt fault block, which shows only the bank
simplified. Although the models are two-dimensional, (backreef) facies. It should also be noted that most of
the four segments of each section were not neces- the exposed Jurassic represents bank conditions; only
270 / Pardo
FIGURE 141. Restored stratigraphic section, central Cuba, north-central terrane (through Shell Cayo Coco-2).
the Tithonian Caguaguas* Formation in the Las Villas* whereas in western Cuba, the situation is reversed.
belt shows a deepening of the waters with an influx of The dips are generally northward, and the shallower
pelagic organisms. From the late Early Cretaceous on, water sediments to volcanic succession of belts is from
there appears to have been carbonate banks separated south to north toward the Mariel-Matanzas syncli-
from the main Bahamas Bank by deep, open-water norium. Amazingly, to this date, no published direct
tongues. The sections through the Cayo Coco –Punta evidence of the direction of thrusting exists, so there
Alegre areas show this. The southeastern part of the have been arguments for either direction of motion.
Yaguajay* belt appears to have been one of these iso- For any number of regional considerations, it is very
lated banks. This is further supported by the presence difficult to visualize a north-to-south direction of
of Casablanca Group outcrops north of the Upper Cre- thrusting in western Cuba.
taceous Remedios Formation in the Sierra de Cubitas; If one assumes that the basic igneous-volcanic
this situation could have extended much farther west. complex constitutes the highest of the thrust sheets
Also of interest is the evidence for a separated Early and originated from the south, then the sequence of
Cretaceous basement high, named Rana, south of the belts becomes (from north to south) Mogotes, south-
main Bahamas Bank. ern Rosario (east), northern Rosario, and Guajaibon –
Sierra Azul belts (see Figure 142). It is postulated that
the Guajaibon-Cierra Azul bank carbonates were de-
Southwestern Terranes: Carbonate Platform posited over a western continuation of the Rana high,
to Deep Basin Section south of the northern Rosario deep-water sediments.
The main difference between western Cuba and This paleohigh could have been responsible for the
central Cuba is the lack of a well-established, and in- Cretaceous section being sandier westward. This is
controvertible, Cretaceous and later continental mar- shown in a second profile, Figure 143 that, from north
gin such as the Bahamas Bank and the development to south, displays the Mogotes, southern Rosario–
of a thick Jurassic sand-shale section. The other major Alturas de las Pizarras del Sur area, Cangre, and La
difference is that, generally speaking, the belts of cen- Esperanza belts. This succession will be used herein
tral Cuba are dipping to the south, toward the Seibabo as the most logical, but not necessarily the only alter-
syncline with a southward progression from shallow- native. It must be noted that the metamorphism of the
water to deep-water sediments and, finally, volcanics, Cangre belt can be definitely dated as early Tertiary.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 271
FIGURE 142. Restored stratigraphic section, western Cuba, southwestern terrane, eastern section. Upper portion shows
Guajaibon to the north; lower section shows Guajaibon to the south.
FIGURE 143. Restored stratigraphic section, western Cuba, southwestern terrane, western section.
FIGURE 144. Restored stratigraphic section, central Cuba, southwestern terrane, Escambray Massif.
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 273
FIGURE 145. Restored stratigraphic section, central Cuba, basic igneous-volcanic terrane.
FIGURE 146. Restored stratigraphic section, western Cuba, basic igneous-volcanic terrane.
Blanquizal III-1) and then crosses the present-day places, a marked unconformity exists between the
Florida Strait to the edge of the west Florida shelf. middle and upper Eocene; however, in some areas,
4) The outcrops of Domingo* and Cabaiguan* se- a perfectly conformable transition is present.
quence rocks are continuous through northern
Cuba, indicating that these belts in western Cuba
belong to the same basic igneous-volcanic prov- Eastern Cuba
ince as those of central Cuba. In eastern Cuba, the information available about
5) Although volcanic ejecta are found in strata as each province provides only a stratigraphic section
young as the lower – middle Eocene, no major with no lateral variation. Furthermore, no reliable
volcanic deposits exist above the base of the reported thicknesses occur. The angularity between
Campanian–lower Maastrichtian Via Blanca For- the regional Cuban trends and the Cayman trough
mation. After the accumulation of most of the vol- makes simple north – south reconstructions unrealis-
canics, the pre–Via Blanca volcanics were subject tic. Lateral motions and rotations are certainly in-
to strong deformation, erosion, and redeposition volved. Although the model used for other parts of
in what appears to have been submarine topog- Cuba probably generally applies, no restored cross
raphy with great relief. This period represents the section will be attempted for eastern Cuba.
beginning of the destruction of the Cretaceous
volcanic arc, and according to some sedimentary
patterns, the source of sediments was to the south. Restored Cuba Cross-Sections
Possibly, it was the time of the initial northward Restored cross sections can be put together for cen-
thrusting of the basic igneous-volcanic province. tral and western Cuba to give a general idea of the pre–
6) The final emplacement of the basic igneous- upper Eocene facies distribution (see Figure 147). It
volcanic thrust sheet, as well as the stacking of the must be noted that the original width represented
carbonate thrust sheets occurred, as in the rest of by the present outcrops could approximate 1000 km
Cuba, during the early–middle Eocene. In many (621 mi).
Pre – Upper Eocene Stratigraphy / 275
278 / Pardo
The limestone is fairly clean, with only occasional glomerates contain abundant igneous fragments. The
marly and slightly sandy beds. Discocyclinas, aster- formation is medium bedded.
ocyclinas, and lepidocyclinas characterize the fauna. The Chambas* Formation contains abundant mol-
The age is considered upper Eocene. It lies uncon- lusks and is characterized by large lepidocyclinas (in
formably over the Vega Formation and older rocks part stellate forms with spatulate equatorial cham-
of the Yaguajay* belt. bers). The age is considered lower–middle Oligocene.
Some middle Eocene faunas, found in the lower part,
are probably reworked.
Rancho Bravo Formation In outcrop, this unit has been recognized only in
The Rancho Bravo Formation consists of 200 ft the eastern rim of the Jatibonico Mountains, where it
(60 m) of polymictic hard, dark green, calcareous con- seems to unconformably overlap with the upper Eo-
glomerates with well-rounded clasts of ultrabasics, cene Piedras* Formation and the lower–middle Eo-
making up to 60% of the total rock. This conglomer- cene Vega* Formation. It has been identified in Punta
ate is poorly sorted, with pebbles up to 4 in. (20 cm) Alegre-2, where it is 636 ft (194 m) thick, and overlies
in diameter. Clasts of limestones from the Gibara area the Turiguano* Formation.
also exist. Above the conglomerates are beds of fine-
grained, gray, argillaceous sandstones and hard beige
mudstones. A fauna of nannoplankton indicates mid- Güines Formation
dle to upper Eocene age. Reworked middle Eocene The Güines Formation consists of an unknown
and Upper Cretaceous foraminifera exist. This for- thickness, but is probably quite thin, of locally dolo-
mation, present in northern Oriente, is equivalent in mitized, cavernous, organic, reefoidal limestones. It
age to the San Luis Formation and lies unconform- also contains some dirty marls and sandstones. It was
ably over the Vigı́a Formation. named by Alexander Von Humboldt in 1826, thus
being one of the oldest formation names in the Ca-
ribbean. The fauna is characterized by very abundant
Chambas* Formation mollusks, corals, and algae. Amphisorus sp. and Am-
The Chambas* Formation consists of 2700 ft (820 m) phistegina sp. are the characteristic foraminifera. It is
of yellow-brown, calcareous sandstones and conglom- of Miocene age. In most places, it is fairly flat lying or
erates with abundant beds of sandy limestone, cavern- tilted with gentle dips. It occurs along the flanks of
ous organic limestone, marls, and clays. The con- major structures and makes up the greatest part of the
Post – middle Eocene Stratigraphy / 279
FIGURE 149. Correlation chart, upper Eocene – upper Miocene.
280 / Pardo
Guanajay* Formation
The Guanajay* Formation (named by Truitt, 1956a)
consists of 1475 ft (450 m) of very argillaceous lime-
stones, fossiliferous marls, sandy and gravely lime-
stones, polymictic sandstones, marls interbedded with
organic sandy limestones, and conglomeratic gravels.
This formation has been paleontologically subdivided
into an upper Eocene interval characterized by the
Globigerina ciperoensis – Globorotalia opima biozone
and a lower Oligocene interval, of similar lithology,
characterized by the Globigerina sellii – Globigerina
ampliapertura biozone. Large foraminifera are charac-
terized by Lepidocyclina undosa biozone. The environ-
ment of disposition is similar to that of the Eocene.
Güines Formation
The Güines Formation consists of 3936 ft (1200 m)
of reefoidal organic and argillaceous limestones. Small
FIGURE 150. Stratigraphic section: post – Upper Eocene, benthic foraminifera, algal fragments, echinoderms,
Los Palacios. gastropods, and other mollusks characterize the fossils.
Miliolidae, Peneroplidae, and Soritidae indicate depo-
sition in shallow warm waters. The age is lower–middle
been reported from the EPEP Candelaria-1 well. The Miocene, perhaps extending into the upper Miocene.
section is shown in Figure 150.
Jabaco Formation Many wells have been drilled in this basin, but not
The Jabaco Formation, named by P. J. Bermudez in much data are available.
1937 (1950), consists of 755 ft (230 m) of interbedded
polymictic conglomeratic gravels, sandstones, and fossil- EPEP Candelaria-1
iferous argillaceous limestones. It has been subdivided This is the deepest well reported in the basin.
into an upper Globorotalia cerroazulensis and a lower 1640 –5575 ft (500 – 1700 m) — Guines Formation.
Globigerinatheka semiinvoluta zone. Larger foraminifera 5575–6724 ft (1700–2050 m)— Paso Real Formation.
also exist that are characteristic of the Asterocyclina 6724–8200 ft (2050–2500 m)— Guanajay Forma-
minima zone. The age is considered late upper Eocene. tion (Baños).
Deposition occurred in waters not deeper than 8200–8955 ft (2500–2730 m)— Jabaco Formation.
100 m (330 ft). This unit outcrops along the Pinar fault 8955 –14,379 ft (2730 – 4384 m) — Cabaiguan belt.
282 / Pardo
Perissocytheridea sp. The age is considered lower Mio- Formation. These rocks were deposited in bathyal to
cene. The Husillo Formation lies unconformably over neritic conditions in water less than 300 m (1000 ft)
Eocene (and older) rocks; however, it is conformable deep. In some areas, submarine channels have been
over the Guanajay and Tinguaro formations. It is observed.
equivalent to the Jaruco Formation. This unit appears
to have been deposited in relatively shallow water as Cangrejeras Formation
indicated by the local biohermal and reefoidal blocks. The Cangrejeras Formation (named by Brönnimann
and Rigassi, 1963) consists of ±560 ft (± 200 m) of a
Jaruco Formation well-bedded limestone sequence. The limestones are
The Jaruco Formation, named by P. J. Bermudez in bioclastic and fossiliferous with many well-preserved
1960 (Bermudez, 1961) consists of approximately megafossils. The following fossils have been reported:
330 ft (±100 m) of cream to white argillaceous lime- Nummulites cojimarensis, Heterostegina antillea, Amphis-
stones. When fresh, the color is steel gray. They have tegina gibbosa, Amphistegina angulata, Globoquadrina al-
a granular, medium to fine texture, and in general tispira, Orbulina universa, and Archeolithothamnium sp.,
are massive to medium bedded. Sometimes, they are indicating a late middle Miocene age. These limestones
interbedded with the limestones of the Husillo For- were deposited in shallow water.
mation. The fauna consists of Globoquadrina altispira,
Globoquadrina dehiscens, Globigerinoides trilobus, Catap- Güines Formation
sydrax sp., Orbulina(?) sp., Amphistegina sp., Globigerina- The Güines Formation consists of up to 790 ft (240 m)
tella insueta, Porticulasphaera transitoria, Globigeriroides of massive biogenic limestones characterized by a
bisphaericus, Globigeriroides subquadratus, Globigerina ju- strong karstic topography. Among these limestones
venillis, Globigerina rohri, Globorotalia barisanensis, Glo- are coral, bioclastic, recrystallized, dolomitized, and
borotalia mayeri, Tremalitus eopelagicus, Discoaster aster, argillaceous limestones. It is richly fossiliferous, con-
Discoaster barbadiensis, Discoaster deflandrei, Discoaster taining corals, echinoids, mollusks, fishes, bryozoa,
woodringi, Braarudosphaera bigelowi, and Thoracosphaera foraminifera, sponges, and even manatees. Some of the
spp. The age is considered lower Miocene. It is equiv- identified foraminifera and other fossils are Archaias
alent to the Husillo Formation and conformably over- angulatus, Peneroplis proteus, Peneroplis planatus, Cyclor-
lies Tinguaro and Guanajay formations. biculina compress, Sorites marginalis, Gypsina globulus,
Amphistegina angulata, Amphistegina rotundata, Amphis-
Cojimar Formation tegina lessonii, Valvulammina affinis, Miogypsina antillea,
The Cojimar Formation (named by Palmer, 1934) miliolids, globigerinids, algae, Lithophyllum sp., Archeo-
consists of up to 1280 ft (390 m), but generally less than lithothamnium sp., Jania sp., and Amphiroa sp. This very
260 ft (80 m) of calcareous and argillaceous marls and widespread formation ranges from lower to middle
gray chalks. They weather to a dark yellowish cream Miocene possibly into the upper Miocene. It is a typ-
to whitish yellow. The texture is commonly coarse and ical carbonate platform deposit.
granular with fine sand present. These marls are inter-
bedded with almost pure to argillaceous bioclastic lime- Rosario Formation
stones. Fossils are common. The fauna is very rich, The Rosario Formation was named by Brönnimann
including Orbulina universa, Orbulina saturalis, Globi- and Rigassi (1963) and redescribed by Albear Franquiz
gerinoides inmaturus, Globigerinoides secculifer, Globigeri- et al. (1985). It consists of 525 ft (160 m) of:
noides trilobus, Globigerinoides ruber, Globigerinoides
quadrilobatus, Globoquadrina altispira, Globoquadrina de- 1) Green, gray, and red, sometimes mottled clays
hiscens, Sphaeroidinella grimsdali, Sphaeroidinella dehiscens, with oysters, abundant megafossils, and common
Globorotalia praemenardii, Globorotalia archeomenardii, clasts of Eocene limestones, porphyries, and tuffs.
Globorotalia fohsi praefohsi, Globorotalia fohsi peripher- 2) Conglomerates with well-rounded limestone
oacuta, Globorotalia fohsi lobata, Globorotalia peripher- clasts and rare volcanics that contain abundant
oronda, Globorotalia obesa, Globigerinella aequilateralis, Teredo tubes.
and Nummulites cojimarensis. On the basis of this fauna, 3) Conglomeratic marls, with variable quantities of
the age has been determined to be middle Miocene limestones and other clasts.
and is a Globorotalia fohsi zone. The Cojimar Formation
lies transitionally over the Jaruco and Husillo forma- The abundant fauna, which includes ostracods,
tions. It is a partial lateral equivalent to the Guines indicates a middle Miocene age. This unit appears to
284 / Pardo
have been deposited in a shallow littoral basin with glomeratic limestones. The fossils consist of Archeo-
a strong land influence. It is, in part, equivalent to lithothamnium sp., Dictyoconus sp., Fabiania sp.,
the Guines, Cojimar, and Cangrejeras formations. It Lepidocyclina pustulosa, Lithothamnium sp., miliolids,
lies unconformably over the Husillo Formation and Operculinoides sp., Asterocyclina sp., and Globorotalia
other older Eocene and Cretaceous rock. sp. This unit is considered to be upper Eocene and
overlies the Manacal* Formation.
One deep well, EPEP Vegas-1, was drilled in southern Jia Formation
Matanzas. It was spudded into a thin cover of Güines The Jia Formation consists of 490 ft (150 m) of
Formation and, in a few feet, reached the Cabaiguan* limestones, bioclastic limestones, and breccia con-
sequence. glomerates of lower Oligocene age transitionally above
the Jicotea Formation.
Sevilla Formation
The Sevilla Formation consists of up to 1909 ft
(580 m) of hard, brownish-gray detrital limestones with
many molds of mollusks, brachiopods, and tubular
structures, as well as large lepidocyclinas. In addition,
it contains fragments of tuffs, volcaniclastics, and Pa-
leogene limestones. Toward the center of the Guaca-
nayabo Basin, in the subsurface, it consists of an inter-
bedding of limestones and calcareous shales with marls,
siltstones, and reworked volcaniclastics. The character-
istic fossils are Lepidocyclina sp., Amphistegina angulata, FIGURE 151. Stratigraphic section, Guanacayabo-Nipe
Lepidocyclina gigas, Lepidocyclina dilatata, Lepidocyclina Basin.
chaperi, Miogypsina sp., and Globigerina ciperoensis. Re-
worked Eocene foraminifera also exist. The age is con-
sidered lower Miocene. It lies with marked unconfor-
mity over the Cobre Formation. Manzanillo Formation
The Manzanillo Formation (named by Taber, 1934)
Limones Formation consists of up to 3625 ft (800 m) of hard, massive,
The Limones Formation consists of more than 1000 ft cavernous, white to brownish yellow, bioclastic lime-
(300 m) of brownish-red, coarse-grained, porous calcar- stones. These limestones are commonly fossiliferous
enites. They exhibit lenticular and cross-bedding and and marly. They are interbedded with marls, shales,
occasionally contain pebbles of older formations. The calcarenites, sandy marls, and cream, white, and gray
calcarenites are bioclastic. The fauna consists of Sorites medium-hard, calcareous shales. Some beds of pseudo-
marginalis, Sorites cf. magna, Archaias compressus, Num- conglomeratic limestones exist. In general, the bed-
mulites dia, Amphistegina angulata, Amphistegina cf. ding is irregular. The massive horizons are dominant.
gibbosa, and calcareous algae are abundant. In addition, It has a rich mollusk fauna as well as echinoids and
there are reworked Eocene fossils. The age is considered corals. The foraminiferal fauna is rich and dominated
middle Miocene. by shallow-water benthic forms such as Amphistegina,
288 / Pardo
of the Cayman trough. Because these are not relevant in Figure 152, only the Guaniguanico Mountains, parts
for the purpose of this publication, they will only be of the coast in northern and central Cuba, the Escam-
listed: (1) Capiro Formation (upper Eocene siltstones); bray Mountains, the Isle of Pines, and the northern
(2) Cabacú Formation (upper Oligocene conglomer- coastal area in southeastern Oriente were emergent.
ates); and (3) La Cruz Formation (upper Miocene silt- Consequently, no abundant source of terrigenous ma-
stones, calcarenites, and limestones). terial exists, and most of the sediments were derived
from extensive platform carbonates or were of pelagic
DISCUSSION OF THE POST–MIDDLE EOCENE Middle – late Oligocene. During the middle to late
STRATIGRAPHY OF CUBA Oligocene, much of the island was emergent. The Los
Palacios Basin, the southern part of Habana and Ma-
In summary, during the late Eocene and later Ter- tanzas provinces, the Central Depression, and the
tiary, Cuba slowly emerged from the sea while de- Guanacayabo-Nipe and Guantanamo basins in Ori-
pressions filled with sediment. In the late Eocene, ente remained under water. As shown in Figure 153,
very few areas of Cuba were above sea level; most of most of the sediments remained carbonates from plat-
the orogenic process had occurred under deep water. forms in shallow waters and pelagic-argillaceous de-
This period of time also coincided with the strike- posits in the deeper parts of the basins.
slip opening of the Cayman trough. This is a peculiar Early Miocene. During the early Miocene, a slight
left-lateral feature where new crust was being gener- transgression expanded (Figure 154) the Oligocene
ated in an east–west direction, with north– south- areas of sedimentation and terrigenous deposits accu-
trending magnetic anomalies. The Cayman trough is mulated in the Central Depression and eastern Cuba.
bounded to the north by the Cayman Ridge, the west- Middle Miocene. The waters all over Cuba shallowed,
ward continuation of the Sierra Madre Oriental. and most of the island was under platform carbonate
The history of Cuba from the late Eocene to the late conditions, as shown in Figure 155. Coarser clastics
Miocene (which has been very well summarized by were very restricted.
Iturralde-Vinent, 1977) is shown in Figures 152–155. Late Miocene. The entire island was emergent, with
Late Eocene. During the late Eocene, Cuba consisted only part of the Zapata swamps and small areas in
of an archipelago of relatively small islands. As shown Oriente under water. Cuba has remained essentially
292 / Pardo
FIGURE 153. Middle – upper Oligocene paleogeography. Modified from Iturralde-Vinent (1977).
the same ever since, with some subsidence along the warm, which was combined with a lack of terrigenous
coasts during the Pliocene and the Quaternary. detritus. Consequently, most of the deposits consist
It should be emphasized that the water tempera- of bioclastic limestones, chalks, and other sediments
tures during the late Eocene and Neogene were very with a high fossil content.
The position and depth of the post–middle Eocene zoic sedimentary cover’’ (unfortunately, their defini-
basins are shown schematically in Figure 156. The tion of the ‘‘base of the Cenozoic sedimentary cover’’
1989 Tectonic Map of Cuba (Pushcharovsky et al., is not clear; at any rate the map probably represents
1989) also shows the depth to the ‘‘base of the Ceno- the basins fairly well).
FIGURE 156. Cuba post – middle Eocene basin thickness. Modified from Iturralde-Vinent (1977).
Pardo, G., 2009, Geophysical characteristics, in G. Pardo, The geology of
Cuba: AAPG Studies in Geology Series, no. 58, p. 295 – 309.
Geophysical Characteristics
GRAVITY lished in Dengo and Case (1990), is unfortunately at a
1:5,000,000 scale (contoured at 25 milligals) and, there-
History fore, too generalized to be related to details of the
The earliest gravity survey in Cuba was conducted Cuban geology. This map is the base for the Carib-
mostly in Matanzas and Las Villas provinces in 1932– bean part of the 1987 Gravity Anomaly Map of North
1935 by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. America (Tanner et al., 1987; scale 1:5,000,000). This
Between 1935 and 1958, international oil compa- map is contoured at 10 milligals intervals. It is, how-
nies conducted surveys in several local areas. Among ever, very useful from a broad regional standpoint. It
these were the southern Pinar del Rio and the north- should be pointed out that the given gravity values
ern Isle of Pines; the coastal areas of northern Habana, are Bouguer on land and Free Air at sea. It is not known
Matanzas, Las Villas, and Camaguey; parts of south- where the boundary between the two is in shallow
ern Camaguey and southwestern Las Villas; and west- waters, although it is presumed that in these areas,
ern Oriente. These surveys were of high precision but Bouguer and Free Air values are close to each other.
were not connected to each other.
In 1958, the U.S. Government (Coast and Geodetic Description of the Gravity Anomalies
Survey) began to establish gravity base stations in Cuba In general, the gravity field over the island of Cuba
tied to Panama, which is part of the global gravity net- is between 30 and +100 milligals. This is in the
work with its origin in Potsdam. Four base stations general range of continental values. In eastern Cuba,
were established: San Julian, Habana, Santa Clara, and in the Sierra del Purial area, the values climb to more
Siguanea. After 1959, the Cuban Institute of Geogra- than 160 milligals (see Figure 157). The most obvious
phy and Geodesy continued this work, and by 1962, features of the gravity field are:
the following bases had been established; 7 first class,
13 second class, and 2500 fill-in. In 1962, in coopera- 1) A marked gravity low exists, from +70 to
tion with the Institute of Earth Physics from the former +10 milligals southward across the Pinar Fault.
Soviet Union’s Academy of Science, the Cuban Insti- This low reflects the presence of the thick, low-
tute of Geography and Geodesy established a new density, Tertiary clastics of the San Diego de los
base network of 62 stations. From then on, all the sur- Baños Basin.
veys were tied to the base station network. As of 1971, 2) A gravity minimum with values ranging from
some 60% of the island had been surveyed at scales 0 to 30 milligals extends from Cardenas Bay
of 1:50,000 and 1:100,000. In 1971, Ipatenko and Sa- through the town of Camaguey as far as the town
shina published a 1:3,000,000 gravity map of Cuba. of Gibara; this coincides with the northern con-
The most recently published regional gravity maps tact between the carbonates to the north and the
were done as an insert in the 1985 Geologic Map (Cuba, basic igneous-volcanic province to the south. It
1985a; scale 1:500,000 and contoured at 10-milligal reflects a major fault. Note that the carbonates
intervals), based on the published work of Ipatenko outcropping over the gravity low are common-
and Sashina, and in the 1988 New Atlas of the Republic ly high density, without much associated low-
of Cuba (Sanchez Herrero, 1988; scale 1:1,000,000). density material, and therefore, the surface ex-
The gravity map compiled by Westbrook and pub- pression of the fault alone cannot explain the
296 / Pardo
gravity minimum; deeper crustal material must reflect a high crustal block adjacent to the Cayman
be involved. trough. The Cayman trough shows a prominent
3) An east-northeast-trending gravity low, with val- gravity low with values less than 150 milligals.
ues reaching 30 milligals, in western Camaguey 8) As will be seen later, the Free Air gravity low that
coincides with the Central Depression or the reaches 60 milligals and extends from south of
Trocha fault zone. The reason for this anomaly is the Isle of Pines to the south of the Jardines de la
not entirely clear; although a shallow basin ex- Reina Cays might be in part the expression of a
ists, the density contrast of the near-surface sedi- presently inactive subduction zone. It might also
ments is not believed large enough to produce be an expression of the change in submarine
an anomaly of such magnitude, therefore it must topography.
originate at basement level. 9) As will also be seen later, the Free Air gravity low
4) The outcrops of metasediments of the Isle of Pines that reaches 80 milligals and extends from north
and the Escambray Massif have relatively low val- of Pinar del Rio to Cardenas Bay could be the
ues in the order of +25 milligals. The gravity ap- expression of an important thrust zone, bring-
pears to indicate a connection between the two. ing the island of Cuba over the southern Gulf of
5) Everywhere in Cuba, the outcropping volcanics Mexico. It is the continuation of the thrust front
show positive values of up to +70 milligals. They mentioned above, although it could be an ex-
also show characteristic high-frequency anomalies. pression of the change in submarine topography.
6) The large positive anomaly in Oriente, reaching 10) There are several long, linear gravity lows and
more than +150 milligals, coincides with exten- highs, paralleling the coast between Cardenas
sive ultrabasic outcrops. As will be seen in the Bay and Cayo Coco. They must reflect structures
next section, it coincides with a shallow (16-km; (possibly fault blocks) or sediment changes within
10-mi) Moho discontinuity. the coastal area.
7) The generally high gravity values along the south
coast of Oriente are over outcrops of lower–middle The significance of the Cuban gravitational features
Eocene volcanics of the Cobre Group, extending will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 6 of this
westward along the Cayman Ridge, and might publication.
Geophysical Characteristics / 297
8) Habana, Matanzas, and southeastern Pinar del Rio files parallel and perpendicular to the regional strike,
are characterized by a relatively featureless mag- as well as the conversion of transmitted earthquake
netic expression. In places there are sharp anoma- waves.
lies, suggesting isolated igneous bodies within Between 1978 and 1982, B. E. Scherbakova, V. G.
the sedimentary section over a deep basement. Bovenko, and H. Hernandez, among others, published
9) Along the southern coast of Oriente, in the south- the results of this project.
ern Sierra Maestra, is a sharp, east–west-trending, Figure 159 shows the location of the refraction sec-
high-low feature that is possibly associated with tions as well as the refraction shot lines. Figure 160
the Cayman trough. A similar feature can be seen shows the location of the crustal columns as inferred
200 km (124 mi) to the west along the south flank by the earthquake wave conversion method. It should
of the Cayman Ridge. be noted that because of the small scale of the pub-
lished information, the location of the sections and
The number of correlations between low-frequency shot lines is approximate.
gravity and magnetic anomalies suggests that a deep- Figure 161 shows the crustal thicknesses and the
seated basement determines both. However, a large seismic velocity columns based on the refraction shoot-
number of cases exist where strong, high-frequency, ing; it also shows profiles I, IV, and VIII, which were
magnetic anomalies are superimposed on gravity min- used for gravity modeling and seismic analysis. Figure
imums, revealing the near-surface presence of igneous 162 is a map of crustal thickness (depth to the Moho
material over a deep basement. discontinuity) after Scherbakova et al. (1978a, b) and
Bovenko et al. (1981, 1982).
The results of these studies are difficult to evaluate;
CRUSTAL MEASUREMENTS in their 1977 and 1988 articles, Scherbakova et al.,
conclude that the entire island of Cuba is underlain
From 1972–1975, the All-Union Scientific Research by a sedimentary-volcanogenic cover with thickness
Institute of Geophysics conducted a project aimed ranging from 2.0 to 12.5 km (1.2 to 7.7 mi), a granitic
at determining the deep crustal structure of Cuba. layer with thickness from 5.5 to 12.0 km (3.4 to 7.4 mi),
The method used refraction shooting along long pro- and a basaltic layer 6.0–21.5 km (3.7–13.3 mi) thick.
Geophysical Characteristics / 299
The following velocities were used as criteria for dif- patible with the surface observations. It is consistent
ferentiating the layers: with Soviet-era interpretations elsewhere in the world,
so it may be a consequence of standard interpretation
Granitic layer Vp = 6.2 km/s Vp/Vs = 1.80 methods by Soviet-era or Soviet-era-trained researchers.
Basaltic layer Vp = 7.0 km/s Vp/Vs = 1.76
Upper mantle Vp = 8.1 km/s Vp/Vs = 1.80 Of great significance, however, is the identification
of a discontinuity dipping 45–708 to the south that
Furthermore, they state that the island is broken extends from south of La Habana to the Bay of Nipe.
into blocks by deep-seated, vertical to near-vertical The trace of this discontinuity, which is referred to as
faults, and that each block has its own layer thick- a suture, is parallel to the regional structural trend and
ness distribution and somewhat different physical occurs generally south of the main body of ultrabasics
characteristics. This high-angle, vertically faulted, lay- and north of the Upper Cretaceous intrusive grano-
er cake, basement tectonic model is certainly not com- diorites. It seems to follow the axis of the Cretaceous
volcanic synclinorium. It is not clear whether this gional strike, which would have a profound ef-
suture continues west-northwest toward the Gulf of fect in the computations if the model were not
Mexico or changes course southwestward and paral- three-dimensional.
lels the Pinar fault in Pinar del Rio. Perhaps it branches.
At any rate, this suture is reflected in both the gravity According to this later article, some of the original
and magnetic maps. conclusions of B. E. Scherbakova must have been
Although Scherbakova et al. (1978a, b) point out changed. The simple, two-dimensional type of grav-
that the Moho is commonly difficult to identify, ity modeling (it appears to be a modification of M.
Figure 163 shows crustal thinning (less than 24 km Talwani’s) that was used certainly does not provide
[15 mi] from a more than 28-km [17-mi] general back- any new data but simply another interpretation of the
ground) associated with the suture as well as a prom- same data. A familiar problem with this kind of mod-
inent Moho high (12–16 km [7.4–10 mi] in depth) in eling is that there is no unique answer.
western and southern Oriente. Perhaps there, the su- Despite the above uncertainties, some interesting
ture is not as closed as it is in central and western Cuba. interpretations have been made on the nature and
In a more recent article by Bush and Scherbakova structure of the Cuban crust. Pushcharovsky et al.
(1986), profiles I, IV, and VIII (from the previously (1988) present a classification of the types of crust and
mentioned refraction study) were used to do gravity their location. Pushcharovsky et al. (1989) show the
modeling across the island. In this article, the authors same scheme in a 1:2,500,000 insert in the 1989 Tec-
appear to have relied more on gravity and surface ge- tonic Map of Cuba. According to these authors, the
ology than on seismic refraction data to build their crust consists of the following:
model. The suture concept is maintained, but these
profiles, shown in Figure 163, show that the model 1) The continental North American crust in north
has been considerably changed: central Cuba, 22–30 km (13–18 mi) thick, consist-
ing of three layers; a 5–7-km (3.1–4.3-mi)-thick
1) The Moho is not shown but referred to as the top sedimentary cover over a granitic-metamorphic
of the asthenosphere, present in the 30–40-km and a basaltic layer of equal thicknesses. The south-
(18–25-mi) range only south of the suture. ern part of this crust is overlain by the sedimen-
2) What was previously the crust has been divided tary and ophiolite thrusts.
in three layers, with the upper two only being 2) In Pinar del Rio, the crust consists of components
named upper and lower crust and the lower re- from both the North and South American con-
maining unnamed. tinents. It is somewhat thicker, 24 – 30 km (15 –
3) What was formerly named the Moho north of the 18 mi), and the granitic-metamorphic layer is
suture, and in Profile 1, in Pinar Del Rio, is now 10 km (6 mi) thick versus 15 km (9 mi) for the
the new base of the crust, making the crust thick- basaltic layer, and the southern boundary is along
ness north of the suture considerably thicker than the Pinar fault.
to the south. In profile I, in Pinar del Rio, what was 3) Separated from the continental crust by the geo-
the Moho is now the new base of the crust. suture is a transitional crust (of possible late Cre-
4) The suture zone has become a slab ±8 km (±5 mi) taceous age), 28 –32 km (17 –20 mi) thick with a
thick with its own physical properties. basalt layer up to 20 km (12 mi) in thickness,
5) The previously reported internal velocity varia- whereas the granitic-metamorphic layer is only
tions of the zones are ignored. 3.5 – 8 km (2.1 – 5 mi) thick and discontinuous.
6) Finally, and most serious of all, profile I depicts This crust can be divided into two segments: the
the Pinar fault as a feature similar to the ophiolite one under the basic igneous-volcanic province
front in central Cuba, which is not supported by to the north, containing granitoids, and the
field observations. In profile IV, the outcropping Escambray – Isla de Pinos to the south, which is
ophiolites are shown north of the gravity mini- considered to contain South American crustal
mum, when in reality, they either coincide with it components.
(or are south of it), and in profile VIII, the gravity 4) In central Oriente, there is a relatively shallow
minimum does not appear to be properly located dome of suboceanic ultramafic material, with a
in relation to the model. It should be noted that greatly reduced crust, 14–18 km (8–11 mi) thick,
the strike of profile VIII is at an angle of 40 – 508 coinciding with the already mentioned strong
to the trend of the gravity minimum and the re- positive gravity anomaly.
302 / Pardo
5) In southern Oriente and along the Cayman Ridge Since the revolution, seismic parties (Soviet, Com-
is another belt of transitional crust of Paleogene pagnie Generale de Geophysique [CGG], and others)
age with well-defined granitic-metamorphic and have been continuously active. The results have not
basaltic layers. been released. Echevarria-Rodriguez et al. (1991) stated
6) The Yucatan Basin and the southern Gulf of Mex- that more than 50,000 km (31,000 mi) of seismic lines
ico are underlain by a suboceanic crust with thick- (most of them marine) were analyzed. They published
nesses ranging from 8 to 20 km (5 to 12 mi). two profiles from the offshore north coast, a north–
7) The Cayman trough is underlain by oceanic crust. south 18-km (11-mi) profile in 4000 ft (1200 m) of wa-
ter north of Cardenas Bay and a northeast–southwest
The above blocks show many offsets by east- 22-km (13-mi) profile in 1500 ft (450 m) of water some
northeast-trending left-lateral transcurrent faults. 20 km (12 mi) north of Cayo Coco. These profiles ap-
Here again, it is difficult to evaluate the meaning pear to be of recent vintage and must be some of the
of these conclusions. They are obviously not entirely best available (the article is in the Journal of Petroleum
derived from geophysical studies; the hypothesis of the Geology and is of a promotional nature). They do show
South American origin of some of the crustal blocks, structures at what the authors call the Upper Cretaceous
although possible, must be based on some geological level, but unfortunately, nothing can be resolved below
considerations because it cannot be derived from the that point. The reflections identified as the Jurassic
geophysical data alone. What is the relationship be- are very probably multiples. In view that nothing is
tween the extensive ophiolites and basic volcanics known about the processing, it is not known whether
of the basic igneous-volcanic province and the in- anything more can be obtained from this type of data
termediate crust underlying them? Are they part of because the pre – lower Eocene structures can be ex-
that crust (velocity inversions have been reported)? tremely complex. However, the authors claim that sev-
Are the metamorphics of the Isla de la Juventud and eral north coast fields, including Varadero and Boca
Escambray massif considered part of the granitic- de Jaruco, were discovered through seismic surveys.
metamorphic layer of the South American crust, or Differing opinions exist that they were found through
are they overlying that layer (the problem of reverse random drilling (70 deep wells in the area as of 1974).
metamorphism)? Hernandez Perez and Blickwede (2000) published five
In conclusion, it can be said that the problem in- short profiles regarding the deep water north of Cuba.
volving the geometry and nature of the crust under- The article, in the Oil & Gas Journal, is also of a pro-
neath the island of Cuba is still not resolved. The motional nature, and the prints are of poor quality.
most significant observations are as follows: The authors present, as line drawings, interpretations
of profiles A and B (see Figure 164). Profile A, north of
1) The presence of a crustal suture (disturbed zone) the Havana-Matanzas anticline, shows structurally
along the axis of the island and extending from disturbed, pre-Tertiary sediments over its entire length
Habana to the Bay of Nipe (the crustal thinning of approximately 31 km (19 mi), but the thrust front
northward across the suture might be the result appears to be some 12 km (7 mi) south of the north
of Moho miscorrelations) end of the profile. Assuming an average velocity of
2) The deep-seated nature of the Pinar fault 15,000 ft/s (4500 m/s), it also shows a possible décol-
3) The presence of thin crust–shallow mantle in east- lement surface at ±31,250 ft (±9500 m) below sea
ern and possibly southern Oriente level. Profile B, north of western Pinar del Rio (Martin
4) The general intermediate (noncontinental and Mesa?), shows the thrust front approximately 10 km
nonoceanic) nature and thickness of the crust (6 mi) north of the southern end of the profile. As-
5) The general internal complexity of the crust sug- suming the same average sediment velocity, at least
gesting its involvement in compressional and ±32,725 ft (±9974 m) exist to a possible décollement,
transcurrent tectonics and north of it, ±24,750 ft (±7543 m) of undisturbed
sediments below 6750 ft (2057 m) of water exist. These
numbers suggest basement or salt at ±32,000 ft
REFLECTION SEISMOGRAPHY (±9753 m) below sea level.
The Institute for Geophysics of the University of
Seismic reflection surveys were conducted in sever- Texas ran an extensive multichannel survey in the
al places for many years. Before 1960, the results were Yucatan Basin between 1975 and 1980. Although
disappointing as far as resolving pre-Tertiary structures. this survey does not cover Cuban territory, it has
304 / Pardo
FIGURE 164. Cuba seismic profiles A and B. See Figure 168 for location. Author’s interpretation from sections published
by Hernandez Perez and Blickwede (2000).
bearing on the geology and geologic development the surrounding rocks. The depth at which the mea-
of the island. The data have been reported by Hol- surements were taken ranges from 295 to 4887 ft (90
combe et al. (1990) and Rosencrantz (1990), and it to 1490 m).
shows a trench and northeast-dipping subduction Figure 167 shows a table summarizing the results
under eastern and possibly central Cuba, south- of the study. In general, Cuba is characterized by a low
west of and paralleling the Jardines de la Reina Cays geothermal gradient and a low to very low heat flow.
(Figure 165). It is difficult to draw conclusions from these data ex-
cept that the mean of 45 mW/m2 (milliWatt per square
TEMPERATURE AND HEAT FLOW meter) is close to that of the Gulf of Mexico (<40 mW/
m2), the Florida-Bahamas Platform (±50 mW/m2),
Cermak et al. (1984, 1991) published two articles and the Yucatan Basin (±58 mW/m2). It is in contrast
on temperature and heat flow in several localities with the high geothermal activity of the Caribbean
throughout the island. (±88 mW m 2 in the Cayman trench). Interestingly, the
The measurements were made in 36 boreholes highest heat-flow values were obtained in the Central
(Figure 166) that had not been disturbed for pe- Depression (63 mW/m2) and Jatibonico (50 mW/m2),
riods ranging from several months to several years whereas, unexpectedly, the lowest heat-flow values
and were, therefore, in thermal equilibrium with were obtained in southeastern Oriente at Puriales,
Geophysical Characteristics / 305
FIGURE 165. Yucatan Basin seismic profile C: Camaguey trench. See Figure 168 for location. Modified from Holcombe
et al., 1990.
(25 mW/m2), which is supposedly underlain by the than the surface temperature. The undisturbed geo-
thinnest crust over a mantle dome. thermal gradient is commonly present below 650 –
It should be noted that rock samples for thermal 820 ft (200 – 250 m). This anomaly is independent of
conductivity measurements were not available from the surrounding rocks or the depth of the water table
all the wells, in which case samples were taken from and is present in most surveyed locations; it is be-
nearby outcrops, therefore introducing a possible lieved to be the result of the global warming that
source of error in heat-flow calculations. followed the last glaciation.
The heat flow and geothermal gradient of north-
ern Cuba under the carbonates has probably been the PALEOMAGNETISM
same or similar to the present heat flow for a long
period of time ( perhaps since the Jurassic), whereas Several paleomagnetic studies have been made in
the heat flow of the southern volcanic, igneous, and Cuba.
metamorphic provinces must be of much more re- Renne et al. (1991) discusses southern Las Villas
cent origin, possibly since the late Eocene. These con- Province on the south flank of the Seibabo syncline.
ditions have certainly had an important influence They report the results of the study of 42 specimens
on the kerogen maturation. in five out of seven localities. Three of the selected
Another interesting feature of the Cuban geother- localities are in Aptian–Albian volcaniclastics and two
mal gradient is an inversion that occurs between 330 are in overlying Cenomanian micritic limestones.
and 650 ft (100 and 200 m). At that depth, the tem- The data from the remaining two are unusable. Un-
perature can be on the order of 5.58F (3.08K) lower fortunately, all the samples have a strong magnetic
306 / Pardo
overprint of unknown origin that could not be re- and central Cuba differ by about the same amount
moved. However, they do show between 40 and 508 of as the major structural trends of these two areas sug-
counterclockwise rotation. Whether this is indica- gesting oroclinal bending of Cuba. At the same time,
tive of rotation of the entire volcanic belt or rotation both areas are rotated counterclockwise with respect
of individual blocks caused by the eastward displace- to North America, thus implying movements on a
ment of southern Cuba in relation to North America broader scale.’’
is open to question. Although a northward displace- Alva-Valdivia et al. (2001, p. 716) state that, ‘‘The
ment is inferred, it is not supported by the data. mean palaeodirection obtained in present study is
Chauvin et al. (1994, p. 1691) conclude that, ‘‘the not significantly different from the expected Jurassic–
entire Cretaceous succession of the Zaza terrane was Cretaceous palaeodirections estimated from the North
remagnetized in the Campanian. The measured lati- American apparent polar wander path, at least from
tude is lower by 158 ± 68 with respect to the North 140 to 60 Ma. This suggests that no major latitudinal
American APWP indicating ca. 1600 ± 600 km north- displacements and rotation have affected the Guani-
ward displacement of the Zaza terrane since the Cam- guanico Cordillera since the Jurassic period.’’
panian. Also discordant is the measured declination Fundora Granda et al. (2003) show the eastern Cuba
implying 378 ± 118 counterclockwise rotation of the volcanics migrating from 108S in the Lower Creta-
Zaza terrane.’’ ceous to 228N in the present and, surprisingly, also
Bazhenov et al. (1996, p. 65) reached the following making a 1808 clockwise rotation.
preliminary conclusions: ‘‘In contrast, well-defined It therefore seems that, so far, the general consen-
characteristic components were isolated from basalts sus is that the Guaniguanico sedimentary belts have
of the Aptian–Albian Encrucijada and the Late Creta- not moved much in relation to North America, where-
ceous Orozco formations from the Bahia Honda zone as the basic igneous-volcanic terranes have moved
in the north of western Cuba; the remanence in the more than 1000 km (600 mi) in a north-northeast di-
Encrucijada Formation is shown to predate deforma- rection and show a counterclockwise rotation.
tion. Mean inclinations in both formations match Much work along these lines remains to be done.
those in Cretaceous volcanics from central Cuba, and
all the results show lower latitudes than expected
from the reference data for the North American Plate, AGE DATING
thus implying that volcanic domains of Cuba were
displaced northward by about 1000 km prior to the Iturralde-Vinent et al. (1996) present the results
middle Eocene. Cretaceous declinations in western of a large number of K-Ar age determinations. They
Geophysical Characteristics / 307
are grouped according to broad areal distribution and 4) Cretaceous volcanics: 53 – 100 Ma, with median
rock types (igneous, volcanics, metamorphics, Escam- at 77 Ma
bray, Sierra Maestra, etc.), but unfortunately, there is 5) Cretaceous plutons (Sancti Spiritu granodiorite):
no precise location or stratigraphic identification. 50 –99 Ma, with median at 78 Ma
Some of the results can be summarized as follows: 6) Paleogene volcanics (El Cobre): 39 –58 Ma, with
median at 47 Ma
1) Cifuentes belt basement (Socorro complex): 139– 7) Mafics of northern ophiolites (Domingo*): 52 –
150 Ma, with marble dated at ±900 Ma 160 Ma, with median at 105 Ma
2) Escambray metamorphics: 55 – 85 Ma, with me- 8) Mabujina complex: 44 –89 Ma, with median at
dian at 66 Ma 81 Ma
3) Isla de la Juventud metamorphics: 49–78 Ma, with 9) Metamorphic inclusions in the ophiolites: 91 –
median at 66 Ma 196 Ma, with median at 111 Ma
308 / Pardo
FIGURE 168. Summary of geophysical data. See Figure 164 for seismic profiles A and B; see Figure 165 for seismic profile C.
Without further stratigraphic details and more pre- ern carbonate belts and the Escambray meta-
cise locations, it is impossible to attempt to explain morphics, it must also have had roots north of
the broad scattering of age determinations. However, the Guaniguanico Mountains. However, if it orig-
the data support the theory that the Paleocene meta- inated south of Guaniguanico and was thrusted
morphism of the sedimentary section (Escambray and northward, then it must have originated south
Isla de la Juventud) is younger than the Campanian of Escambray and been also thrusted northward
volcanic arc and could be related, at least partially, to over the metamorphics.
the obduction process. 2) A regional gravity and magnetic low anomaly
extending from Cardenas Bay to Holguin exists.
This anomaly coincides approximately with the
GEOPHYSICAL DATA DISCUSSION boundary between the carbonate outcrops to the
north and the basic igneous rocks to the south. Its
The geophysical information available to the au- south flank also coincides with what has been
thor indicates several relationships concerning the interpreted as a crustal discontinuity based on re-
general structure of Cuba (see Figure 168). fraction seismography. It has been called a suture
by several authors.
1) A definite continuity exists between the basic 3) A few reflection profiles, gravity anomalies, as
igneous-volcanic province of central Cuba and well as some drilling information suggest that
northern Oriente and the Bahia Honda belt of the Cuban structural front extends all along the
western Cuba. Assuming that the basic igneous- north coast of the island some tens of kilometers
volcanic province had roots between the north- offshore.
Geophysical Characteristics / 309
4) A seismic reflection profile south of the Jardines body of basic igneous material. It is not parallel
de la Reina archipelago shows a buried trench over with the supposed axis of the Los Palacios Basin.
a possible inactive northeast-dipping subduc- The wells Guanal-1 and Guanal-1A, drilled by Esso
tion. A high-low gravity anomaly, extending past on the western end of this feature, reached a total
the Isla de la Juventud, suggests that this trench depth of 854 and 980 m (2801 and 3215 ft), respec-
might mark the boundary between Cuba and the tively. Guanal-1A was reported to have bottomed
Yucatan Basin. in ultrabasic igneous rocks. Some authors doubt
5) The Central Depression is characterized by marked the validity of this report (Iturralde-Vinent, 1996),
gravity and magnetic lows. They are the basis for however, the fact that ESSO stopped drilling both
the Trocha fault. wells at such a shallow depth would confirm the
6) The Isla de la Juventud and the Escambray mas- presence of igneous.
sif are also characterized by gravity and magnet- 8) A very strong positive gravity anomaly and the
ic anomaly lows. There seem to be an east – west shallowest Moho in the island characterize south-
connection between the two. eastern Oriente. However, no noticeable magnet-
7) South of the main island of Cuba and north of ic expression exists.
the Isla de la Juventud is a pronounced east–west 9) With the exception of the Jatibonico area, the
positive gravity and magnetic anomaly extend- geothermal gradient is low, on the order of ±18F/
ing from La Coloma in southeastern Pinar del 100 ft (±28C/100 m). In the Jatibonico area (Cen-
Rio to Cienfuegos. The cause for this anomaly tral Depression and Trocha fault), the geother-
is unknown, but together with the refraction seis- mal gradient is on the order of ±28F/100 ft (±48C/
mography, it suggests either a thinner crust or a 100 m).
Pardo, G., 2009, Structural geology, in G. Pardo, The geology of Cuba: AAPG
Studies in Geology Series, no. 58, p. 311 – 341.
Structural Geology
In this chapter, only the surface structures that char- not applicable in unraveling the geologic history of
acterize the various tectonic styles will be described. Cuba. The only unquestionable major high-angle faults
Examples of subsurface structures will be shown, al- truncating the regional trends are the Pinar and the
though very little has been published on this subject. Tuinicu fault system. The Trocha and the Cauto faults,
This chapter will describe the structures in the fol- which are most commonly accepted by the geolog-
lowing order: central Cuba, western Cuba, northern ical community, are postulated on the basis of surface
Cuba, and eastern Cuba. offsets, and perhaps geophysics, but they have never
There will be a strong emphasis on central Cuba been directly observed. They may be lateral ramps or
because of the availability of the 1:40,000 Gulf maps, transforms joining thrust-fault segments.
which are detailed enough to see individual structures
clearly. For the other regions, only the 1988 1:250,000 CENTRAL CUBA
geologic map of Cuba (Pushcharovsky et al., 1988) is
available, so only the general structural style can be The tectonics of central Cuba are extremely com-
recognized. For structural information outside of cen- plex; most known types of structural features are pres-
tral Cuba, the available material generally shows only ent. Each of the previously described belts has its
very small-scale drawings; generalized very small-scale characteristic tectonic style. Figure 169 shows the lo-
cross sections and maps are characteristic of Cuban cation of larger scale, but generalized, maps illustrating
structural literature. this chapter.
The Tectonic Map of Cuba 1:500,000 (Pushchar-
ovsky et al., 1989) is a good summary map. From an Coastal Region
interpretative point of view, it shows only the case in A relatively low structural relief appears to charac-
which the basic igneous-volcanic province originated terize this zone. The structures cannot be well observed
between the metamorphic massifs and the North Amer- on the surface because of an extensive Neogene to
ican continent. This map, as well as the older 1985 geo- Holocene cover (see Figure 170).
logic map (Cuba, 1985a), shows several large crustal Various scattered exposures show gentle folds with
faults or deep fractures cutting across all structural dips not exceeding 308. These low-relief folds, expos-
trends. The bases for postulating these discontinuities ing only the Caibarien* and Frio* formations in the
are many: topography, gravity, magnetics, crustal seis- core, are present in the Caibarien and Sagua la Chica
mic, and surface geology. These deep fractures might areas. Similar folds, exposing the Casablanca Group,
well exist, but most of them are very questionable. are present in the area north of the Cubitas Range in
They date from the 1960s when Soviet experts, who the Camaguey Province.
did not believe in a thrusted orogenic belt origin for Toward the south, close to the Yaguajay* belt, the
the island, invoked classical Soviet-era block faulting folding becomes steeper, and faulting increases. This
and in-situ magmatism (a la Beloussov [Khudoley, is unquestionably caused by the proximity of the
1967; Khudoley and Meyerhoff, 1971]). Subsequently, Yaguajay and Las Villas faults. The folds become very
most of these crustal fractures have disappeared from steep; the flanks of the anticlines and synclines are
the literature, but some of them still remain on the commonly overturned to the north and to the south,
maps. Most such fractures probably do not exist or are and faulting becomes very common.
312 / Pardo
However, three remarkable exceptions to the rela- structures, which have been called diapirs, are as yet
tively quiet low structural relief exist. The Punta Alegre, poorly understood; they could be either part of a deep-
Turiguano, and Cunagua structures bring the Juras- seated ridge (possibly salt) associated with thrust faults
sic evaporites of the Punta Alegre* Formation and the or related to the postulated La Trocha fault. It should
Cunagua salt to, or near, the surface. This indicates a be noted that post–upper Eocene deposits in the Cen-
structural relief of at least 10,000 ft (3000 m). tral Depression show appreciable folding. Diapiric
These three structures are en echelon folds in line structures have been reported in deep water offshore.
along the regional strike, that is, N658W, but each The well Shell Manuy-1, drilled 11 km (7 mi) east of
having its axis approximately east–west. The structures and on strike with the Punta Alegre structure, crossed
are associated with faulting and seem to have been at least three thrust faults that repeated the Eocene to
active for a long time, possibly since the Maastrich- Cretaceous section.
tian through most of the Tertiary. Although very little In this general area, the Empressa de Perforacion
is known about the Turiguano structure, each one ap- y Extraccion de Petroleo (EPEP) drilled EPEP Moron
pears to have a somewhat different character. Norte-1 some 8 km (5 mi) due west of Loma Cunagua.
The Punta Alegre structure is a gentle south-dipping It is reported to have drilled through the following
monocline, exposing the Punta Alegre* Formation, section:
underlain by a large south-dipping thrust that brings
the Punta Alegre* Formation and Cunagua salt over 0 to ±2690 ft (0 to ±820 m): Neogene clastics
Oligocene sediments. The Cunagua structure is simi- ±2690 to ±6165 ft (±820 to ±1880 m): lower –
lar, except that it has more of a diapiric aspect involv- middle Eocene clastics, including conglomerates
ing only the Cunagua salt; it appears to be rooted at the (Vega*?)
contact between the coastal belt and the Domingo*– ±6165 to ±9185 ft (±1880 to ±2800 m): Campa-
Cabaiguan* sequences. The Turiguano structure has nian to Albian volcanics and volcaniclastics of
an irregular dumbbell shape, suggesting a dome. These the Cabaiguan* sequence to where it crossed a
Structural Geology / 313
major fault into ±260 ft (±80 m) of Paleocene the dips average 308, and there is a possible thrust at
coarse clastics (Vega*?) 8349 ft (2545 m), repeating 650 ft (198 m) of section. It
±9185 ft (±2800 m) to total depth at 16,416 ft is obvious that these wells show structural complica-
(5005 m): Neocomian dolomites that suggest tions and were not drilled on structure to total depth.
either the Guani* Formation of the Yaguajay* belt It is possible that all the above wells crossed the same
or the upper Cayo Coco* Formation of the coastal fault system that defines Cuba’s north coast.
region. Furthermore, seismic profiles shot in deep water
offshore the north coast of Cuba between Cay Sal and
Little is known about the structures along the Cayo Coco were published by Ball et al. (1981, 1985)
coast. Unfortunately, the pre-1960 seismic technolo- and Echevarria-Rodriguez et al. (1991). They show
gy was unable to resolve the structures at depth. Some old highs, possibly bounded by reverse faults, under
of the wells (Gulf Hicacos-1, Gulf Blanquizal III-1) a younger cover. Therefore, probably, the structures
were located on long, linear gravity anomalies of un- under the coastal region consist of ridges, diapirs, or
known origin. Others (Shell Cayo Coco-1 and Shell elongated fault blocks, bounded by south-dipping
Cayo Coco-2, Shell Punta Alegre-1 and Shell Punta high-angle thrusts.
Alegre-2, and Shell Manuy-1) were drilled on a com-
bination of gravity and seismic reflection, with lim-
ited penetration and resolution (see Figure 171). Yaguajay* Belt
Of the deep wells drilled along the Cays, Gulf This belt is a large monocline characterized by fair-
Blanquizal III-1 had average dips of 258 and was prob- ly uniform south dips, ranging from 30 to 608, and
ably cut by a thrust fault at 7650 ft (2332 m), repeating by a uniform N50–708W strike. More than 12,000 ft
±3000 ft (±900 m) of section. ICRM Cayo Frances-5 (3600 m) of section is continuously exposed. This belt
is reported to have crossed a thrust at ±11,510 ft is cut by a large number of normal high-angle faults
(±3510 m), with a possible ±6000-ft (±1830-m) repeat, striking approximately N708E.
and ICRM Cayo Romano-1 is also reported to have The Yaguajay* belt is limited to the north by the
crossed a thrust at 8397 ft (2560 m), with a possible Yaguajay fault zone, which strikes N578W and con-
±10,220 ft (±3115 m) of repeat. In Shell Cayo Coco-2, sists of a set of en echelon faults. South of any one of
314 / Pardo
the individual faults, the dip is to the south, and north The Jatibonico* belt is between the Jatibonico fault
of the faults, it changes abruptly to the north. Within to the north and the Las Villas fault to the south. The
the fault zone itself is a continuous line of north- Jatibonico* belt is separated from the Yaguajay* belt
ward tilted blocks showing relatively little displace- by a thick section of San Martin* and Vega* forma-
ment in relation to the coastal region, but a much tions; however, these deposits must hide a fault of
larger displacement in relation to the main part of large horizontal displacement because the Jatibonico*
the Yaguajay* belt. The displacement between the up- belt shows facies that are coeval with, but markedly
thrown southern part of the Yaguajay fault zone and different from, those of the Yaguajay* belt.
the coastal region is more than 10,000 ft (3000 m). The Jatibonico fault, which in the field shows as
The dip of the fault is unknown, but is believed to be a prominent scarp, is believed to be a high-angle
high. The en echelon arrangement of the individual fault with a throw of some 5000 ft (1500 m), which
faults, the strong uptilting of a narrow belt of highly places the Jurassic to the south in contact with
competent sediments, and the linear trend of the fault the basic igneous of the Domingo* sequence to the
zone suggest that the Yaguajay fault has a strong lat- north.
eral component, with the Yaguajay* belt displaced east- South of the Jatibonico* and Yaguajay* belts, the
ward in relation to the coastal region. Las Villas fault dips to the south, and after passing
The Yaguajay* belt is limited to the south by the around the eastern end of the Jatibonico* belt, it
Las Villas fault. dips north toward the coastal belt. Furthermore, the
Domingo* sequence rides over the Las Villas* belt
Jatibonico* Belt thrust sheet, both south and north of the Jatibonico*
The Jatibonico* belt consists mainly of a south- belt and the eastern end of the Yaguajay* belt. The
dipping monocline whose strike is parallel to the Jatibonico fault cuts both the Las Villas and the Do-
regional strike; it is a continuation of the Yaguajay* mingo faults (see Figures 172, 173).
belt, but slightly offset to the southeast. The dips range The eastern end of the Yaguajay* belt is therefore
from vertical to 508S. Some sharp folding toward the the eastward-plunging nose of a folded and faulted
center of the belt exists. stack of three thrust sheets; it is the only locality in
Structural Geology / 315
FIGURE 172. Jatibonico structure. Modified from Pushcharovsky et al. (1988). See Figure 173 for cross section AA0.
FIGURE 173. Jatibonico structure cross section. See Figure 172 for definition of symbols.
316 / Pardo
central Cuba where this structural relationship can found north and south of the fault, and the great dif-
be unequivocally demonstrated. ferences of facies between the older formations in-
dicate that although the fault was still active in the
Sagua La Chica* Belt middle Eocene, the greatest displacement probably
As already mentioned, the existence of a Sagua la occurred in pre-Sagua* time (toward the beginning
Chica* belt was suspected only late in Gulf’s field- of the Tertiary). However, in view of the fact that the
work, and consequently, the structural relationships Sagua* conglomerate was, in large part, a talus depos-
were not studied in detail. No additional work on this ited in deep water at the base of a carbonate scarp, the
belt has been reported. The type area where this belt horizontal displacement of the fault during the Eo-
is present is known as the Meneses anticlinorium; it is cene might not be larger than a few kilometers.
between the towns of Encrucijada (Sagua la Chica and The folding and regional tilting of the thrust fault
Camajuani River sections) and Menesses and between and of the whole Las Villas plate could explain the
the Las Villas and the Unidad faults. Along this belt, difference in surface expression between the eastern
the exposures consist almost exclusively of the steeply and western parts of the Las Villas* belt. Toward the
faulted and tightly folded Sagua* Formation, showing east, the high angle of the fault would show only a
many section repeats. This belt is probably an imbri- steep-dipping cross section of the plate, whereas to-
cation of, and structurally closely associated to, the ward the west, the dip of the fault as it became closer
Las Villas* belt. In that sense, it could be a subbelt of to horizontal would show a tangential section of the
the Las Villas* belt. The structure will be further dis- plate.
cussed under the Las Villas* belt section of this chapter. The Las Villas* belt can be subdivided into three
major areas: The western area, extending from Pan-
Las Villas* Belt chita to Sitiecito; the central area, extending from
The Las Villas* belt (which included the Sagua la central Corazon de Jesus to Calabazar; and the east-
Chica* belt in its original definition) is bounded to ern area, extending from north of Vega Alta to Flor-
the north by the Las Villas fault of still unknown hori- encia. These three areas of the Las Villas* belt are broad
zontal displacement and dip. regional highs separated by northward encroachments
of southern belts.
Las Villas Fault
The Las Villas fault is the most prominent feature Western Area
of the Las Villas* belt and can be observed from west The western area extends from the Sagua la Grande
of Jumagua to the eastern end of the Jatibonico Moun- River to Rancho Veloz. It is characterized by one large
tains. The trace of the fault is linear, but locally it has anticlinal structure.
many irregularities.
The stratigraphic displacement of the fault is be- Quemado de Guines Anticlinorium
lieved to be not very large at the fault front because The Quemado de Guines anticlinorium is a very
it places the Sagua* conglomerate of the Las Villas* large structure (see Figures 174, 175). It lies south of
belt on Vega* Formation of the Yaguajay* belt. How- the Las Villas fault and is at least 37 km (23 mi) long
ever, the horizontal displacement is believed to be and could extend farther northwestward toward the
large (as much as 30 km [18 mi]) because of the strik- offshore. It is more than 8 km (5 mi) wide.
ing difference between the facies north and south of It consists of three major faulted anticlines expos-
the fault. The Vega Formation is found all along the ing Jagüita* and Trocha* formations in the core and
fault front, as if this formation had acted as the in- Sagua* Formation in the trough of the intervening
competent material on which the displacement oc- synclines. The south flank of the structure exposes
curred. In the Jatibonico area, the Las Villas* belt has beds as young as the upper Vega*, whereas the north-
a low north dip, cuts above relatively undisturbed ern flank is cut by the Las Villas fault. In general, the
Vega* Formation, and wraps around a core of both dips are on the order of 30 – 508. The faults separat-
Yaguajay* and Jatibonico* belt lithologies. This is ing the three folds are today high-angle thrusts be-
believed to be a proof for the initial low angle of the cause they place Jurassic beds to the south in contact
Las Villas thrust, and it is proof for later folding and with Upper Cretaceous to middle Eocene beds to the
faulting of this fault’s fault plane. north. The horizontal displacement of these second-
The lower dips found on the Vega* Formation un- ary faults must have been large enough so that the
derlying the fault, the similarity between the Sagua* facies of the Capitolio* Formation changes to that
Structural Geology / 317
FIGURE 174. Quemado de Guines, Guayabo anticlinoria. Modified from Pushcharovsky et al. (1988). See Figure 175 for
cross sections AA0 and BB0.
FIGURE 175. Quemado de Guines, Guayabo anticlinoria sections. See Figure 174 for definition of symbols.
greater deformation than the older ones; the Sagua* Meneses Anticlinorium
Formation shows intense wrinkling and fracturing. In The Meneses anticlinorium is not well known at
this case again, individual structures might not be present. It extends all the way from the Sagua la Chica
deep seated; however, they show less intense deforma- River to Florencia; over most of the area, most of the
tion than in the Quemado de Guines anticlinorium. outcrops are lower – middle Eocene (mostly Sagua*
The Guayabo anticlinorium plunges steeply toward Formation). Here, it probably represents the Sagua
the southeast. The Texaco Guayabo-1 well bottomed la Chica* belt. The total length is more than 105 km
at 10,010 ft (3052 m) in the Upper Jurassic, probably (65 mi). The folds within this anticlinorium are of
the Hoyo Colorado* Formation. The Las Villas fault small amplitude. Toward the east, the whole belt is
was not reached. tilted southward, such that, in the southern flank of
the Sierra de Meneses and Jatibonico, it becomes a
Mata Anticlinorium monocline showing first a succession of repeated sec-
The Mata anticlinorium resembles the Quemado de tions and then, finally, only one section extending
Guines anticlinorium in that it is quite compressed, from the Jurassic into the San Martin* Formation.
and the sharp folds expose the Jagüita* Formation in In the Sierra de Jatibonico, the southeastern end of
their core. Undoubtedly, these structures are not deep the Meneses anticlinorium rides over the Yaguajay*
seated, but are part of a thrust plate. It appears to ride and Jatibonico* belts. To the south of the Jatibonico
over the Guayabo anticlinorium. Mountains, the Las Villas* belt dips southward ap-
proximately 608, whereas to the north, north of the
Eastern Area Jatibonico fault, it dips gently northward, apparently
The eastern area is subdivided lengthwise by the under Domingo* sequence lithologies. It can also be
Unidad thrust fault into the northern Meneses anti- seen wrapping around the southeastern end of the
clinorium and the southern Zulueta anticlinorium Yaguajay* belt, separated from it by a rim of Vega*
(see Figures 176, 177). Formation belonging to the Yaguajay* belt.
Structural Geology / 319
FIGURE 176. Santa Clara – Placetas area. Modified from Pushcharovsky et al. (1988). See Figure 177 for cross
sections AA0 and BB0.
FIGURE 177. Santa Clara – Placetas area sections. See Figure 176 for definition of symbols.
these are intimately associated. Several areas distin- The Cifuentes thrust can be observed surrounding
guishable by their characteristic tectonic style can be the Yabu window. The trace of the Cifuentes thrust,
differentiated. These areas are (1) the Cifuentes plate however, does not constitute the northern boundary
proper, (2) the Loma Santa Fe–Placetas plate, (3) the of the Cifuentes* belt. This boundary consists of an
Jarahueca structure, (4) the Loma Bonachea win- area of varying width, but commonly very narrow
dow, (5) the La Rana klippe, and (6) the Sierra Morena (on the order of a few hundred meters), where igneous
klippe. rocks of the Domingo* sequence, including grano-
diorite and some serpentine, are tectonically mixed
Cifuentes Plate Proper with the Vega* Formation belonging to the Las Villas*
The Cifuentes plate proper is characterized by the belt. Core drilling has shown that the fault separat-
almost exclusive presence of Cifuentes* belt litholo- ing the Cifuentes* belt from the igneous rocks is com-
gies. It consists of the superposition of three, and pos- monly steep, more than 608S, but can be as low as 358S.
sibly four, individual thrust plates, which appear to Along this fault zone, toward the Las Villas* belt, is
be gently folded. In detail, the structural conditions intense deformation, such as squeezing out of entire
are extremely complex because the rocks show intense formations and boudinage phenomena. Within the
fracturing and minor folding; in many cases, several fault zone are several high-angle faults, which seem to
units are mixed together in what appears to be a giant be parallel to the strike of the fault zone itself. This
breccia in which the components range in size, from suggests that at present, the northern boundary of the
a few meters to a few hundred meters across. In Push- Cifuentes* belt is caused by late middle Eocene fault-
charovsky et al. (1988), this area has been largely ing, which truncated the original trace of the Cifuentes
mapped as the Paleocene – Eocene Vega Alta olistos- thrust. As will be seen later, the fragmentary outcrops
trome complex. of the Domingo* sequence are believed to have been
From north to south, the Cifuentes plate shows the faulted down from above and caught in the fault zone,
following succession of lithologic groups: Placetas* whereas the Cifuentes* belt was being upthrown after
belt (restricted to the central Macagua area), central the main thrusting was completed.
Cifuentes* belt, southern Cifuentes* belt, central Ci- It should be mentioned that north of Sitiecito,
fuentes* belt, northern Cifuentes* belt, Yabu window, there is a klippe of Cifuentes* belt, 5 km (3.1 mi) long
northern Cifuentes* belt, central Cifuentes* belt, and by 1.5 km (1 mi) wide, which is separated from the
southern Cifuentes* belt (see Figures 174, 175). main Cifuentes* belt by 2 km (1.2 mi) of exposure of
The above succession definitely indicates the pres- Domingo* sequence lithology. The Domingo thrust
ence of a syncline, the axis of which strikes N558W bounds this klippe to the south.
and passes near the town of Cifuentes and also an The displacement of the Cifuentes* belt proper
anticline of approximately parallel strike and whose over the Las Villas* belt is difficult to estimate. How-
axis passes through the Yabu window. A large num- ever, considering the position of several thrust plates,
ber of strike faults exist, possibly imbrications within a minimum displacement of 40 km (25 mi) of the
individual plates; however, these appear to be of rel- southern Cifuentes* belt plate in relation to the Las
atively minor importance. However, the main thrusts Villas* belt is necessary. This displacement is an ab-
separating the individual plates must have totaled a solute minimum. Individual belts do not show any
minimum horizontal displacement of 24 km (15 mi). appreciable facies change across their strike, whereas
The succession of the plates (that is, the southern Ci- marked facies differences are obvious from plate to
fuentes* plate lying in the trough of the syncline and plate.
the northern Cifuentes* plate surrounding the Yabu
window) clearly indicates that the displacement Loma Santa Fe–Placetas Plate
was from south to north. The fact that relatively thin In this plate, which is a southeastward continuation
units cover such an extensive area is believed to be of the Cifuentes plate proper (see Figures 176, 177),
evidence that, in general, the Cifuentes* plate proper Placetas* and Cifuentes* belt lithologies occur to-
is very nearly horizontal, and that the folding is of gether. In the Encrucijada area (see Figure 174), this
large amplitude. The area of typical Placetas* belt plate encroaches deeply over the Las Villas* belt. This
lithologies, in the vicinity of central Macagua, might encroachment is parallel to a similar displacement of
be a direct continuation of the northern Cifuentes* the Domingo* sequence at Sitiecito (see Figure 178),
plate, in which case a fourth thrust plate would not which suggests the presence of north–south faults
be necessary. that are not clearly defined in the field because they
322 / Pardo
FIGURE 178. Camajuani-Tamarindo area. See Figure 179 for cross section AA0.
are probably wide zones of shearing. However, they crushing. In general, the structure is that of an anti-
appear to have downdropped the Placetas* belt in cline, as shown by the Las Villas* and Placetas* belt
relation to the Las Villas* belt. The structure within window of the Fidencia anticline, which lies more or
this part of the plate is poorly defined but seems to be less in the center of the Loma Santa Fe – Placetas
anticlinal with a general strike of N358W. Typical li- plate. Southeast of Placetas, this plate shows a marked
thologies of the Cifuentes* and Placetas* belts occur Z-fold, which, although cut by several faults, is con-
intermixed; however, typical Placetas* belt litholo- sidered an expression of two eastward-plunging an-
gies are dominant. In this plate, the structural details ticlines overlain by Domingo* and Cabaiguan* se-
are again impossible to discern because of intense quence lithologies.
Structural Geology / 323
Cunagua? ? ?
FIGURE 179. Camajuani – Tamarindo area. See Figure 178 for definition of symbols.
Formation mixed with metamorphic blocks and ser- The magnitude of the displacement relative to
pentine containing metamorphic exotics. The rocks the Las Villas* belt must have been at least 40 km
showing through the window are highly sheared, (25 mi); however, allowing for facies changes from
showing evidence of flowage. The Loma Bonachea one plate to the next, a displacement of 80 – 100 km
window is a southeastward continuation of the Cifu- (49– 62 mi) is more likely.
entes plate proper and is part of what was called the
Cruz anticline.
Domingo* and Cabaiguan* Sequences
La Rana Olistolith(?) Tectonically, these sequences cannot be separated.
The La Rana olistolith(?) consists of a small area For clarity of the description, the Domingo* and Cabai-
of southern Cifuentes plate lithologies (including the guan* sequences will be subdivided into the follow-
best documented pre-Neocomian granodioritic base- ing areas: (1) the Mayajigua area, (2) the Camajuani-
ment outcrop in central Cuba) lying in the trough of a Tamarindo area, (3) the Santa Clara – Placetas area,
syncline of the Cabaiguan* sequence (see Figure 179). (4) the Seibabo–Cabaiguan area, (5) central Camaguey
It is surrounded by the Maastrichtian Carlota* Forma- area, and (6) the northern Escambray area.
tion, but is apparently overlain by the upper Maas-
trichtian Jiquimas* Formation and by the Paleocene
Taguasco* Formation. This feature is poorly under- Mayajigua Area
stood because it is surrounded by rocks of the Cabai- Very little is known about the Mayajigua area (see
guan* sequence. It appears to be of late Maastrichtian – Figure 172). It is part of a klippe of Domingo* se-
Paleocene age, whereas most of the other thrusts are quence lithologies, which lies on the coastal area
of Paleocene to lower– middle Eocene age. It could be north of the Yaguajay* and Jatibonico* belts, north of
a slump block within the Taguasco* Formation derived the Jatibonico Mountains. The previously mentioned
from the nearby Jarahueca structure. EPEP Moron Norte-1 well near the town of Moron,
30 km (18 mi) to the east, found Cabaiguan* sequence
Sierra Morena volcanics over the coastal area sediments.
The Sierra Morena (Socorro complex) consists of a
large area (12 4 km; 7 2.5 mi) of southern Ci-
fuentes* belt, including pre-Middle Jurassic granite Camajuani–Tamarindo Area
with Precambrian marble inclusions, overlain by Neo- This area consists of a mixture of Domingo* and
comian Jobosi* conglomerates and Ronda* Formation Cabaiguan* sequence lithologies. It is bounded to the
(see Figure 178). Pszczólkowski (1983) mapped a stack north by a fault that separates it from the Las Villas*
of low-angle thrust sheets, the highest (La Sierra) con- belt and Las Villas–southern facies (see Figure 179).
sisting of Jobosi* (Constancia), Ronda* (Veloz), and Toward the northwest, this fault has a high angle; how-
Santa Teresa* riding over a granite sheet (Socorro), ever, toward the southeast, there are indications that
which, in turn, rides over another sheet of Ronda*. This it dips southward at a lower angle.
Cifuentes* belt complex rides over the Las Villas* belt to To the south, Domingo* and Cabaiguan* sequences
the north. It is centered on a large gravity minimum. are separated from the Placetas* belt by the Jarahueca
In conclusion, the Cifuentes* and Placetas* belts fault. This area of exposures of Cabaiguan* and Do-
have a tectonic style characterized by a succession of mingo* sequence lithologies can be considered a
relatively flat-lying thrust plates, forming low-amplitude faulted synclinorium striking N358W and plunging
folds of relatively large wavelength. In detail, the tec- toward the southeast. The structural details are very
tonic pattern of this plate is very chaotic, but the large- complex: there is evidence of high compression, and
scale structural features are persistent over large dis- strike faults are common. A narrow anticline runs
tances. The Cifuentes*–Placetas* belt outcrops between along the center of the synclinorium for practically
the Las Villas* (and Las Villas*– southern facies occa- its whole length, passing through Andrés and south
sionally) and the Domingo* and Cabaiguan* sequences. of the towns of Jarahueca and Venega.
These three major belts were folded and faulted after It should be emphasized that in this area, forma-
thrusting, producing windows and klippen. tions, which outcrop extensively south of the Cifuen-
The displacement of the plates was unquestion- tes* and Placetas* belts, have been definitely identified
ably from south to north because southern facies (the fossiliferous Cenomanian Gomez* Formation
plates consistently overlie northern facies plates. among them). These formations, belonging to the
Structural Geology / 325
volcanic section, are of the same age as formations of Sullivan-8 core hole was drilled in serpentine to 2343 ft
the Placetas* and Cifuentes* belts. This shows that (714 m) and had a large oil show near the surface. In
the thrust plate, which displaced the volcanic facies, 1956, a Consolidated Cuban Petroleum Corp. farm out
moved a long distance northward over the limestone from Gulf, Escambray-1, was drilled nearby in ser-
facies. Considering the present-day exposures of the pentine and metamorphics to 5053 ft (1540 m) where
Domingo*–Cabaiguan* sequence in relation to the it was abandoned for mechanical reasons. To my
limestone belts, a minimum northward displacement knowledge, no deeper well has ever been drilled in this
of 25 km (15 mi) is required; however, the true dis- location.
placement probably was much greater.
Toward the southeast, the area of Domingo* and The Santa Clara Syncline
Cabaiguan* sequence exposures continues into the The Santa Clara syncline has an axis roughly par-
Seibabo –Cabaiguan area through a well-developed allel to the Escambray anticline (N708W) that plunges
anticline, which is the continuation along the strike to the northwest (Gulf sheet 11-D). The trough of this
of the Jarahueca structure. This anticline shows, to- feature is filled with Cabaiguan* sequence and lower
ward the northwest, the Placetas* and Cifuentes* belt to middle Eocene sediments. The width of the Santa
in the core of the Jarahueca structure and on the flanks, Clara syncline north of the town of Santa Clara is
successively, Domingo* sequence lithologies, Lower approximately 8 km (5 mi). The Santa Clara is parallel
Cretaceous(?) volcanics, and Maastrichtian volcanics. to the Cruz anticline to the north.
This anticline is extremely broad and plunges to the
southeast. It is cut by numerous faults; the Domingo* The Cruz Anticline
sequence lithologies, as well as the older volcanics, The core of the Cruz anticline is the Loma Bo-
show more intense deformation than the Maastrich- nachea window, which is surrounded by a zone of
tian rocks. brecciated Miguel* Formation mixed with metamor-
phic blocks. This anticline, which is on strike with
Santa Clara–Placetas Area the Cifuentes plate proper, swings southward at Loma
The Santa Clara–Placetas area, which has a roughly Bonachea until the axis strikes N158W. Although
triangular shape, is in the vicinity of Santa Clara and several faults are obvious, the base of the Domingo*
Placetas and extends almost as far north as the cen- sequence is mostly represented by the Domingo thrust.
tral Constancia. Here, rocks of the Domingo belt form The Cruz anticline axis plunges southward. Toward
most of the outcrop. Several features are present: the west, the Manajanabo syncline follows the Cruz
(1) the Escambray anticline, (2) the Santa Clara syn- anticline.
cline, (3) the Cruz anticline, (4) the Manajanabo syn-
cline, and (5) the Falcon syncline (see Figures 176, 177). The Manajanabo Syncline
The Manajanabo syncline is more than 30 km
The Escambray Anticline (18 mi) long by 23 km (12 mi) wide, strikes N158W,
The Escambray anticline (not to be confused with and plunges toward the south. The trough of the syn-
the Escambray massif farther to the south near the cline is filled with Cabaiguan* sequence sediments.
towns of Trinidad and Sancti Spiritus) is a large fea- This syncline is limited to the northeast by what is
ture 28 km (17 mi) long by 12 km (7 mi) wide whose believed to be the trace of the Domingo fault; how-
axis strikes N558W and plunges to the northwest. ever, here again, high-angle faulting and possibly
This anticline exposes mostly metamorphic rocks flowage phenomena in the serpentine have modified
and a mixture of serpentine and metamorphics. It is the original nature of the thrust. This syncline is fol-
bounded to the south by the Guaracabulla fault that lowed to the south by the Falcon syncline.
dips to the north, therefore upthrowing the Escam-
bray anticline in relation to the Cabaiguan* se- The Falcon Syncline
quence. The anticline includes minor folds such as The Falcon syncline is a very interesting feature,
the Espanto syncline and the Corojo anticline. formed by a thrust plate of Cabaiguan* and Domin-
The Escambray anticline is believed to expose the go* sequences lithologies resting in the trough of the
lowest level of the Domingo* sequence. Because of its Manajanabo syncline. The fault itself is clearly in-
numerous oil and gas seeps, Gulf believed it offered dicated by a semicircular narrow strip of serpentine
the best prospect in central Cuba for drilling to the around a normal sequence of Domingo* and Cabai-
supposed underlying carbonate plates. In 1955, Gulf’s guan* sequence lithologies. No rocks younger than
326 / Pardo
Maastrichtian are present under the serpentine rim, The axis of the Seibabo syncline plunges toward the
indicating that the thrusting was late Maastrichtian, northwest.
certainly before the Paleocene. The Falcon syncline is
bounded to the south by the prolongation of the La Rana Syncline
Guaracabulla fault and has taken a somewhat bowl The La Rana syncline is located northeast of Ca-
shape, whose long axis strikes approximately east–west. baiguan and south of the Jarahueca structure (see
The Falcon syncline is cut by several minor faults. Figure 179). It is broken by numerous faults; its
In conclusion, the Santa Clara – Placetas area rep- north flank consists of Domingo* sequence lithol-
resents a regional high that was uplifted probably at ogies, whereas its south flank is cut by poorly under-
the same time that the Guaracabulla fault was active. stood faults. Paleocene to middle Eocene rocks are
From west to east, the strike of the structures shifts preserved in the trough, and a fragmentary Cabai-
from N558W to N158W, and simultaneously, the axes guan* sequence section is preserved on both flanks.
of the structures plunge in opposite directions: the The strike of the syncline is N508W, and its axis
Escambray anticline and Santa Clara syncline plunge plunges toward the southeast. The northwestern
to the northwest, and the Cruz anticline and Mana- end of the syncline, northwest of Potrerillo, shows
janabo syncline plunge to the south. This change in Cabaiguan* sequence lithologies surrounded by Do-
direction was accomplished at the expense of great mingo* sequence lithologies and, from northwest
fracturing and possibly flowage along the central part to south, by the Placetas* belt. This particular area
of the area. where the Jarahueca fault truncates the syncline to
The Loma Bonachea window is clear evidence that the north is another typical example of the superpo-
the Domingo* and Cabaiguan* sequences were exten- sition of thrust sheets.
sively thrusted over the limestone belts, and this is an Near Cabaiguan and toward the northwest, the
indication that the whole Santa Clara–Placetas area structure is uninterpreted because of the lack of
might be underlain, at not too great depths, by the obvious markers; however, block faulting and large-
limestones of the northern belts. The Falcon syn- scale folding do occur. West and south of Cabai-
cline indicates that low-angle thrusts were also pres- guan, starting near the town of Fomento, a syncline
ent within the Domingo* and Cabaiguan* sequences. is present; it appears to be a branch of the Seibabo
Near the town of Cabaiguan and north of the town
Seibabo-Cabaiguan Area of Jatibonico, the Cabaiguan* sequence forms a large
This area contains most of the Cabaiguan* se- syncline containing intensely folded and faulted Ter-
quence proper. tiary rocks.
Seibabo Syncline
The Seibabo syncline is a large syncline, west of Central Camaguey Area
Cabaiguan, more than 40 km (25 mi) long by 14 km In the central Camaguey area, the outcrops do
(8.7 mi) wide (see Figures 180, 181). The steeply north- not show the large-scale structural diversity obvious
dipping, reverse Guaracabulla fault separates it from in Las Villas and western Camaguey provinces. The
the Escambray anticline. The north flank of this syn- Domingo* sequence is largely in contact with the
cline dips steeply to the south and sometimes is over- Yaguajay* belt to the north. As in western Camaguey,
turned, whereas the south flank dips from 30 to 508 the Domingo fault (Cubitas fault) appears to wrap
to the north. The axis of the syncline strikes N508W. around the southeastern end of the Yaguajay* belt
The center of the syncline is cut by a large number of (Cubitas Range).
normal and thrust faults that divide the structure into Toward the northwestern end of the ultrabasics,
independent blocks. Some major faults are cutting Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) show several linear expo-
completely across the syncline, some of which show sures of Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous limestone called
as much as 2 km (1.2 mi) of lateral displacement. The the Esmeralda complex. These were interpreted by
strike of the most important thrust fault is north- Gulf as being windows showing the Las Villas* belt
northwest and dips northeast. It is an imbrication of through the Domingo* sequence. Toward the south-
the Guaracabulla fault. Abundant evidence for intra- eastern end of the ultrabasic body is a large window,
bed slippage also exists. This syncline shows evidence called Loma Camajan, exposing the Las Villas* belt
of southward pushing from the serpentine mass. to the north and Cifuentes* belt to the south.
Structural Geology / 327
FIGURE 180. Seibabo syncline. See Figure 181 for cross section AA0.
FIGURE 181. Seibabo syncline. See Figure 180 for definition of symbols.
large outcrops of unmetamorphosed Ronda* and the vicinity of Arroyo Blanco. These faults are pos-
Jagüita* formations from the Cifuentes* and Las sibly normal or transcurrent faults with a downthrown
Villas* belts exist. Near the fault zone, Tertiary con- south side.
glomerates contain fragments of these formations as It should again be emphasized that a minimum
well as fragments of the Jobosi* Formation. northward thrusting of 25 km (15 mi) is necessary,
The Mabujina is believed to be equivalent to the with the possible displacement of the Domingo* and
Domingo* sequence and to be the basement over Cabaiguan* sequence thrust plate over the limestone
which the Cabaiguan* sequence was deposited. The plates on the order of 50 km (31 mi) or more. Most
basic igneous-volcanic province is in fault contact displacement during the orogeny probably occurred
with the Escambray metamorphics that it overlies along the Domingo thrust, and the distance between
on three sides. There is no question that this prov- the original position of the basic igneous-volcanic
ince overrode the Escambray massif; however, there province facies and the carbonate platform province
is no direct field evidence whether it was from south facies must have been shortened by a minimum of
to north or north to south. 150–200 km (93–124 mi). This shortening of the ba-
In conclusion, the Cabaiguan* and Domingo* se- sin seems great, but if considered in relation to the
quences are structurally characterized by a high to- total length of the orogenic belt, which extends from
ward the north, where Domingo* sequence lithologies Central America to the Lesser Antilles, it does not ap-
are brought near the surface and are structurally pear so much out of proportion (Figure 182).
mixed with the limestone belts. This area is, general-
ly speaking, the area of exposure of the trace of the Escambray Metamorphics
Domingo thrust fault. Toward the north, evidence As in Chapter 2 of this publication, the following
for northward thrusting is found. However, toward section is mostly based on the excellent work of Guil-
the south, Domingo* sequence lithologies are deeply lermo Millán and Mark Somin conducted from 1977
buried under a large asymmetric syncline, which shows to 1990. Pushcharovsky et al. (1988) is also based on
evidences of southward thrusting. This peculiar tec- their work.
tonic style of the Cabaiguan* sequence does not show The Escambray massif is in large part made up of
as much intense deformation as the Domingo* and generally low-grade metamorphics that have been
Cabaiguan* sequences show to the north. This south- fairly well dated and correlated with the unmetamor-
ward push could be related to later deformation of phosed Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous section of
the thrust plate if all the thrusting was directed to- Pinar Del Rio. No similar rocks have been reported
ward the north or be evidence that thrusting was also elsewhere in the central Camaguey province.
directed southward. The Santa Clara – Placetas area The internal structure of these two domes is very
represents a regional structural high from which all complex with steep radially directed dips. The Trini-
the structures plunge away. The southwestern limit dad and the Sancti Spiritus domes have been sub-
of the Domingo* and Cabaiguan* sequences is char- divided into six structural units each, for a total of
acterized by large N758E-striking faults passing in eight units (four units are common to both domes)
Structural Geology / 329
(see Figures 106, 107). These units are interpreted as Maastrichtian–lower Paleocene, and there is evidence
folded and faulted superimposed thrust sheets. that some deformation happened prior to the meta-
Each dome has also been subdivided into three morphism, whereas most of it was simultaneous with
metamorphic zones where, generally speaking, zone I, it or later. It was generally believed that the Sancti
the lowest grade, is in the center of the western domes Spiritus granodiorite, associated with the Upper Cre-
and zone III, the highest grade, is on the periphery of taceous volcanics of the Cabaiguan* sequence, was re-
both. From the center of the domes outward, the meta- lated to the process responsible for the metamorphism
morphic grade of the structural units increase from of the Escambray massif. However, as already men-
zone I to zone III, giving the impression of inverse tioned, the age of the granodiorite body has been de-
metamorphism, which was the original interpretation. termined to have a median value of 84 Ma in Las
However, an exception is observed; the outermost Villas, and 78 Ma in Camaguey, or upper Santonian
structural unit (unit 6) has a lower metamorphic grade. to lower Campanian. This, together with the low-
The metamorphism is described as high pressure – temperature type of metamorphism, definitely sug-
low temperature. The zones, which have been de- gests that the Escambray metamorphism was more
scribed in Chapter 2 of this publication, are summa- related to the overriding oceanic basement plate than
rized as follows: to the arc volcanism. Millan and Somin (1981) orig-
inally proposed this idea. The question of why the
Zone I: This zone, internal units 4– 6, shows little Escambray sediments were metamorphosed, whereas
recrystallization and much preservation of the the Las Villas, Placetas, and Cifuentes that were also
original texture. The shales show preservation of overridden were not, remains. A possible explanation
the original sedimentary structures with little or might be that the oceanic plate had cooled by the
no schistosity. time it reached the edge of the basin.
Zone II: This shows complete recrystallization.
The sedimentary schists have white mica and oc- CENTRAL CUBA DISCUSSION
casionally chlorite and sometime show remnants
of the original structures, exhibiting the same Figure 183 shows a simplified, composite, north –
minerals found in zone I, plus lawsonite. south cross section from Cayo Coco through the Es-
Zone III: This zone, external unit 1, shows that in cambray massif, with a minimum of interpretation.
the sedimentary schists, chlorite has disappeared, The most important structural elements are shown.
and albite can be abundant. Quartz-albite-white The Jurassic platform carbonates and the Cifuentes*
mica schists are common. Some crystalline schists belt are shown under the Tuinicu fault only to explain
contain garnet, glaucophane, diopside, horn- their presence as exotics along the fault plane.
blende, clinozoisite, epidote, zoisite, and law- Central Cuba therefore shows evidence of the pres-
sonite. In the metabasic rocks, hornblende is ence of a deformed stack of thrust sheets underlying
present instead of actinolite and so are glauco- the Domingo* and Cabaiguan* sequence.
phane, garnet, clinozoisite-epidote, white mica, It must be emphasized that the Yaguajay, Sagua
diopside, zoisite, and lawsonite. Quartzites can La Chica, Jatibonico, and Las Villas* belts form fairly
have garnet, magnetite, glaucophane, riebeckite, coherent structures. So do the Domingo and Cabai-
hornblende, zoisite, clinopyroxenes, and diopside. guan sequences south of Santa Clara. However, the
White mica is always present. In marbles, zoisite structures of the Placetas and Cifuentes belts, as well
is occasionally present. as the intervening imbrications of the northern basic
igneous-volcanic province are extremely chaotic. Some
Figure 108 shows, from the center of the domes authors have called them olistostromes. These rela-
(units 4–6) toward the rims, the order of the structural tively thin, deep-water sediments appear to have been
units and, schematically, the lithologies of the orig- crushed under the slab of advancing oceanic base-
inal sediments. In general, units 2, 3, and 4–6 are the ment, a ‘‘traineau ecraseur’’ (crushing sled). Figure 184
internal units, whereas units 1 and 2 are the external illustrates a possible mechanism of structural develop-
ones. The degree of metamorphism decreases toward ment assuming an overriding slab of oceanic crust.
the center. However, as of this date, no direct proof of Additionally, these thrust sheets seem to have been
the direction of thrusting exists. considerably compressed, cut by high-angle and trans-
The age dates of the metamorphics range from 43 current faults. This zone of superimposed deformation
±5.0 to 85 ± 4.7 Ma, with a median of 68 Ma or upper coincides with the suture and must have happened
330 / Pardo
during the final phase of tectonism in the middle Eo- mingo* and Cabaiguan* sequences exposed in the Sei-
cene. It is not clear if this is caused by the Bahamas babo syncline show evidence of southward movement.
Bank buttress or other plate motions. All the plat- Whether the basic igneous-volcanic province was en-
form to deep water province, as well as the northern tirely thrust northward or extruded north and south
basic igneous-volcanic province, thrust sheets have from a nearly in-situ rift (Iturralde-Vinent, 1996) is still
definitely been thrust northward, whereas the Do- debatable. Two conflicting pieces of evidence exist:
Structural Geology / 331
FIGURE 183. Central Cuba cross section. See Figure 169 for location of cross section.
(1) the Upper Jurassic Jagüita* detritus in the Ceno- be present. The granodiorite near Sierra Morena,
manian Cristobal* Formation of the Cabaiguan* se- which is considered a slice belonging to the south-
quence supporting an in-situ rift and (2) the outcrops ern Cifuentes* belt plate and lies in the trough
of unmetamorphosed Jagüita* and Ronda* forma- of a syncline, coincides with the lowest value
tions along the Tuinicu fault supporting a southern (30 mG) of the regional gravity low.
origin for all thrusting. 3) The granodiorite near Sierra Morena, which is con-
The Bouguer gravity (Figure 157) shows some in- sidered a slice belonging to the southern Cifuen-
teresting features that are worth comparing with the tes* Belt Plate and lies surrounded by sediments.
outcrops: It coincides with the lowest value (30 milligals)
of the regional gravity low. This suggests the pres-
1) The Yaguajay and part of the coastal belts lie on ence of a thick stack of thrust plates.
the south flank of a regional gravity high of which 4) In the Motembo area, the Domingo sequence co-
the axis is approximately parallel to and near the incides with a regional gravity high. This suggests
outer lines of keys. This gravity high might be the presence of a considerable amount of ultra-
related to the fault zone along the north coast of basic igneous in the subsurface.
Cuba (high-angle reverse faults?). 5) A narrow strong linear gravity low exists (as low
2) Most of the low-angle thrust plates of the north- as 30 mG), which extends from the south of
ern belts coincide with a strong regional gravity Sancti Spiritus to the north of Ciego de Avila. This
low (10 to 20 milligals). The coincidence be- gravity low coincides with the Central Depres-
tween the gravity low and the area of carbonate sion, and the lowest gravity values are where Ter-
thrust plates indicates that basement must be at a tiary deposits are relatively thin. It is parallel to
great depth, possibly more than 30,000 ft (9000 m), the postulated La Trocha fault system, which, near
and that under the relatively thin Cifuentes* and Arroyo Blanco, marks the southwestern termina-
Placetas* belt thrust plates, a full development of tion of the Domingo* and Cabaiguan* sequences
Las Villas*, Jatibonico*, and Yaguajay* belts could exposed in the Las Villas province. This gravity
332 / Pardo
low, believed to be related to the faulting, is pos- offset of the Yaguajay* belt, it would seem as
sibly the reflection of a deep-seated graben. though the Trocha fault zone has several kilo-
6) Considering the trend of the granite outcrops, meters of left-lateral displacement. However,
which ends near Sancti Spiritus and reappears this fault zone has never been well defined in
again near Ciego de Avila and Florida and the the subsurface.
Structural Geology / 333
7) The granodiorite and volcanic outcrops north- Sierra de Los Organos Belt
west of Sancti Spiritus, Ciego de Avila-Florida, and
south-central Camaguey coincide with a strong Mogotes Area
regional gravity high. This, contrasting with the The Sierra de los Organos belt, Mogotes area, has
gravity low under the granite outcrop of Sierra been subdivided into nine superimposed thrust sheets
Morena, would suggest that these granites and or scales:
volcanics are deep seated.
8) The Domingo* sequence in the central Camaguey 1) Pinar-1 unit. It is the lowest unit and is only known
province again coincides with a pronounced grav- from the deep well EPEP Pinar-1. It has not been
ity low (30 milligals). This suggests an accumu- formally named, and the name Pinar-1 is used
lation of thrust plates involving material other in this report. It underlies the Valle de Pons unit,
than basic igneous material. and its base is unknown. The dips are generally
9) The Escambray metamorphics are represented by low.
generally low Bouguer anomalies. This, perhaps, 2) Valle de Pons unit. Its upper part is known from
reflects an accumulation of dominantly quartzosa outcrops in the Pons Valley, but the lower part is
thrust sheets, over a deep granitic basement. only known from Pinar-1. Because of a repeat of
section in the well, Pszczólkowski (1999) con-
siders that two units are involved. This unit is
WESTERN CUBA probably equivalent to the outcrops exposed in
the Los Portales window in the southwest of the
For structural purposes, western Cuba has been Mogotes belt. It underlies the Quemado, Infierno,
subdivided into the Guaniguanico Mountains (in- Viñales, and Pizarras del Norte units.
cluding the Bahia Honda area in western Habana), 3) Quemado unit. It outcrops only south of the town
the Los Palacios Basin, and the Isle of Pines. of Pons where it overlies the Valle de Pons unit. It
underlies the Infierno unit. It is probably equiv-
Guaniguanico Mountains alent to the Paso Real unit in the southwestern
The overall structure of the Guaniguanico Moun- Mogotes belt that overlies the Los Portales out-
tains in western Cuba is characterized by a very broad crops and is overlain by the Guane unit.
anticlinorium consisting of a stack of thrust sheets. The 4) Infierno unit. It occurs mostly in the south-central
stratigraphy of these individual thrust sheets (or tec- part of the Mogotes belt and overlies the Valle de
tonic units) is described in Chapter 2 of this publica- Pons and Quemado units. To the southwest, the
tion. Based on the stratigraphy, five major thrust plates Guane unit is considered equivalent to the In-
have been recognized; in ascending order, they are fierno. A minor structural subunit is named the
Celadas unit.
1) the Sierra de los Organos belt (Mogotes area) 5) Viñales unit. This is the most extensive of the car-
2) Sierra de los Organos belt (Pizarras del Sur area) bonate units and overlies the Infierno and the
3) Cangre belt Valle de Pons units. It underlies the Ancón, Pico
4) southern Rosario belt Grande, and Pizarras del Norte units.
5) northern Rosario belt 6) Sierra la Güira unit. It occurs in the northeast of
6) La Esperanza belt (equivalent to northern Rosario the Mogotes belt. It lies over the Viñales unit. It
belt) underlies the Loma del Puerto, Los Bermejales,
7) Guajaibon – Sierra Azul belt and Pizarras del Sur units of the southern Rosario
8) Domingo* and Cabaiguan* sequences belt. Toward the southwest, it overlies the Pizarras
del Sur that is believed to be a local structural
These major thrust sheets have been subdivided phenomenon.
into smaller scales or tectonostratigraphic units with 7) Pico Grande. This unit occurs between the Viñales
a more restricted distribution. These scales are var- and Ancón units. It is the lower part of the orig-
iable in size and limited in geographic extent; they are inal Rigassi-Studer (1963) Ancón unit. Toward
like large olistoliths and do not extend the whole the east, it underlies the Loma del Puerto and La
length of the belt; these, from lower to upper unit, Paloma units of the southern Rosario belt.
are summarized in the following sections. They are 8) Ancón unit. It is the highest carbonate unit in
shown in Figure 185. the Mogotes belt. It is developed mostly toward
334 / Pardo
the northeast, where it underlies the La Paloma Pinar fault and extends for some 72 km (44 mi). It
unit of the southern Rosario belt. has been subdivided into two units:
9) Limonar-Cayo las Damas window. This long and
narrow window through the Pizarras del Norte 1) Mestanza unit. It is a thin, south-dipping thrust
subbelt extends from La Palma to south of Mantua. sliver wedged between the Pizarras del Sur belt
It shows mostly the underlying Manacas For- and the Pino Solo unit. It is characterized by a thin
mation and other outcrops of unidentified lower Jurassic carbonate section and by some degree of
units. metamorphism.
2) Pino Solo unit. It extends for 70 km (43 mi) along
the Pinar fault and represents the uppermost and
Pizarras del Sur Area most metamorphosed thrust sheet of the Pizarras
The Pizarras del Sur area is the southern equivalent del Sur belt. North of it is a klippe of the same
of the Loma del Muerto and La Llave units (Pizarras del subunit named the Cerro de las Cabras unit.
Norte) of the southern Rosario belt. It consists of all
the unmetamorphosed San Cayetano outcrops south
of the Mogotes belt and north of the Pinar fault. The Northern Rosario Belt
thick, monotonous San Cayetano is intensely folded The northern Rosario belt has been subdivided
and faulted. into seven low-angle mostly north-dipping thrust
sheets or units:
Cangre Belt 1) Belen Vigoa unit. This is the lowest of the se-
The narrow Cangre belt is called the Cangre unit quence and overlies the southern Rosario belt. It
in Pushcharovsky et al., 1988 (and other publications). is overlain in the east by the Naranjo and in the
It is present along the northern upthrown side of the west by the Cangre units.
Structural Geology / 335
2) Naranjo unit. It generally overlies the Belen Vigoa Guajaibon–Sierra Azul Belt
unit and, to the east, the southern Rosario belt. The Guajaibon–Sierra Azul belt, although geograph-
From east to west, it underlies the Dolores, La ically restricted, deserves the rank of belt because of
Serafina, and Cangre units. its lithologic character. It consists of a sliver of plat-
3) Dolores unit. It is limited to the eastern part of form carbonates between the northern Rosario belt
the northern Rosario belt, where it overlies the and the Domingo* – Cabaiguan* sequence; it is the
Naranjo unit, and is overlain by the La Serafina highest sedimentary thrust sheet.
4) La Serafina unit. It is also limited to the eastern Domingo* and Cabaiguan* Sequences
part of the Rosario belt and is mostly underlain by
the Dolores unit and overlain by the Cangre unit. Bahia Honda Area
5) Cangre unit. The Cangre unit (the name Cangre The Bahia Honda area is present only in north-
Belt has been used for the metamorphic equiva- eastern Pinar Del Rio and is the continuation of the
lent of the Pizarras del Sur belt.) is rather exten- basic igneous-volcanic province of central Cuba.
sive and covers two-thirds of the northern Rosario The Bahia Honda area is found north of the Caca-
belt. From east to west, it underlies La Serafina, rajı́cara belt, east of the La Esperanza belt. After the
Naranjo, and Belen Vigoa units and the southern Pinar fault disappears, it merges with the eastern Los
Rosario belt. Between the Cangre and the Naranjo Palacios Basin.
units is a large elongated serpentine body. Every- The Bahia Honda area is subdivided into two units:
where, the Cangre unit underlies the Sierra Chi-
quita unit. The name Cangre belt has been used 1) Southern tectonic unit characterized by volca-
for the metamorphic equivalent of the Pizarras nics and volcaniclastics, with no ultrabasics, and
del sur belt. dipping steeply northward under the northern
6) Sierra Chiquita unit. Extending for the entire tectonic unit.
length of the northern Rosario belt, it is under- 2) Northern tectonic unit contains ultrabasics and
lain by the Cangre unit and the southern Ro- extends from the coast to the fault that defines
sario belt to the west. It is mostly overlain by the the southern limit of the ultrabasics.
Quiñones unit and in the east by the Bahia Honda
area of the Cabaiguan* sequence. The tectonic style of the northern tectonic unit re-
7) Quiñones unit. It is the highest unit of the se- sembles that of the Habana and Matanzas provinces,
quence. In this report, it differs from the Pszczólk- and in the northern Domingo* and Cabaiguan* se-
owski’s (1978) Quiñones sequence in that it ex- quences of central Cuba, more than is present in most
cludes the Guajaibón Formation (Viñas Group of Pinar Del Rio. Greater evidence of compression
and Camaco Formation). It extends for 45 km exists as indicated by the very steeply dipping and
(28 mi) east-northeast of San Juan de Sagua im- sheared Martin Mesa window of the northern Rosario
mediately south of the Cacarajı́cara* belt. belt, surrounded by nearly vertical beds of the Do-
mingo* and Cabaiguan* sequences.
The presence of reverse metamorphism in the
La Esperanza Belt Cangre belt is rather puzzling. It should indicate that
The La Esperanza belt is considered the western the metamorphism occurred before the thrusting, but
equivalent of the Pizarras del Norte belt. It extends it has been dated as late as the Eocene, whereas the
along the north coast of Pinar Del Rio from Manuel thrusting must have occurred from the Maastrichtian
Sanguily to Mantua. Along the fault that separates it to the middle Eocene.
from the Pizarras del Norte subbelt, it is structurally
both under and over the Pizarras del Norte subbelt. Los Palacios Basin
It should be noted that no Manacas Formation has The Los Palacios Basin is a sharp and deep feature
been reported, separating it from the Pizarras del probably underlain by the Cabaiguan* sequence. The
Norte belt. In the subsurface, it overlies the Vieja Mem- prominent Pinar fault forms its northern boundary.
ber of the Manacas Formation. The structural and strati- Little is publicly known about the structures of this
graphic relationships with other belts are not entirely basin. To the north, much of the Tertiary and Upper
clear. There may be a relationship with the Cabaiguan* Cretaceous section is exposed, with dips ranging from
sequence. 30 to 708 south. The Pinar fault, which today is a very
336 / Pardo
prominent feature, originated in the Eocene because the Maastrichtian. As in central Cuba, all the defor-
the deposition of earlier beds (Ancón and earlier for- mation seems to have occurred under water, initially
mations) were apparently unaffected by the fault. Many through large submarine slides, as indicated by the
authors describe it as a transcurrent fault, although very extensive development of the Vieja orogenic
the south side might be downthrown by more than conglomerate or wildflysch.
6000 ft (2000 m). This basin shows as a well-defined Unlike central Cuba, the deformation appears to
Bouguer gravity low and is apparently bounded to the have started in the Campanian (Moreno Forma-
south by a basic igneous-volcanic high, La Coloma, as tion) by uplift and initial slide of the Domingo* and
indicated by a gravity and magnetic high (that ter- Cabaiguan* sequences and culminated in the lower–
minates at the Pinar fault), and possibly the shallow middle Eocene, with the stack of thrusts moving
Guané wells. northward. The epiorogenic Upper Cretaceous to mid-
dle Eocene basins (such as Los Palacios) were carried
Isla de la Juventud northward over the thrusts.
Not much is known about the structures of the From a structural point of view, the main differ-
metamorphics of this island except that they consist ence between western Cuba and central Cuba is the
of broad anticlines and synclines cut by faults. Al- absence of the thick Bahamas platform (and even per-
though inverse metamorphism has been reported, haps the absence of a thick continental crust). As a
there is no mention as to whether this phenomenon result, the gravity slides of western Cuba slowed down
is related to superimposed folded thrust sheets as in through their own internal friction and eventually
Escambray. stopped toward the Gulf of Mexico without creating
Of great significance is the presence of unmeta- the intense compression and crush zone against the
morphosed Cabaiguan* sequence volcanics in the Bahamas that is evident in the northern part of central
northwest corner of the massif, as well as scattered Cuba. Some of that deformation becomes visible to-
outcrops of amphibolite and granitoids over the meta- ward the northeast in the Martin Mesa area.
morphics. This suggests that, as in Escambray, the The Cangre belt is another example of reverse
Cabaiguan* and Manicaragua-like sequences were metamorphism. Here, like in the Escambray massif,
thrusted over the metamorphic massif. the timing of the metamorphism suggests that it was
In general, the metamorphism of the sediments is caused, at least in part, by the overriding plate of basic
less intense than in the Escambray. It is of moderate igneous and volcanics.
pressure and high temperature. In addition, a similarity of structural style exists
between western Cuba and the Escambray massif.
Western Cuba Discussion Both areas show a broad anticlinorium of a stack of
No good generalized structural cross section of these many thrust slices, contrasting with relatively nar-
units exists in the literature. Only Pszczólkowski (1994c) row folds of only a few thrust sheets in central Cuba.
has presented drawings showing the tectonic styles. Many authors have pointed out the stratigraphic
Some of these (sections A, D, E, and F) are shown in similarity between the two areas, contrasting with the
Figures 186–189 of this publication. Unfortunately, northern central Cuba section. This difference might
they are all in the eastern part of the Sierra de Guan- be more apparent than real and might be caused by
guanico. No published map, at the proper scale, shows postdepositional events. For instance, the Lower Cre-
this area in sufficient detail to corroborate such cross taceous Sabanilla Formation indicates that an appre-
sections. Although the details of structures can be ex- ciable Upper Jurassic shallow-water carbonate sec-
tremely complex in thin-bedded formations such as tion was present south of the Las Villas* belt and
the San Cayetano and the Santa Teresa formations, eroded during the Lower Cretaceous. In addition, the
the overall structures are much broader and simpler well EPEP Pinar-1 discovered a thick, Upper Jurassic,
in nature than in central Cuba. Figure 190 shows shallow-water carbonate section very similar to the
generalized and much simplified sections X and Y. La Trocha* Group of central Cuba.
All evidence indicates that the major movements
were from south to north, with the upper thrust NORTHERN CUBA
sheets being the ones originating farther to the south.
The strongest evidence for such motion is, as in cen- In northern Cuba, the exposures consist entirely of
tral Cuba, the total absence of basic igneous and vol- imbrications of Domingo* and Cabaiguan* sequences,
canic detritus in any of the sedimentary belts until and the surface structures are extremely complex; most
Structural Geology / 337
FIGURE 186. Western Cuba cross section A. Modified from Pszczólkowski (1994c). See Figure 185 for location of cross
of the very numerous faults are nearly vertical and so in the western Habana-Matanzas anticline (east –west
are the strata in the core of the Habana-Matanzas an- trend) and those in the eastern end (west-northwest–
ticline. Figure 132 shows the general structural style. east-southeast trend).
The work by Gulf in that area was never completed, Figure 191 shows a structural interpretation by
but Brönnimann and Rigassi (1963) published an ex- Mossakovskiy and Albear (1978, 1979). This profile is
cellent article on the area incorporating much of Gulf’s based on surface geology and wells, but unfortunate-
work. ly, no indication of well names or locations exists in
The recent drilling along the coast found super- the article. The section shown is oriented north–south,
imposed thrust sheets, with the lower one invariably between Havana and Cardenas. The structural style is
consisting of the Las Villas* belt, the next one up- definitely closer to that of central Cuba than to that
ward of the Cifuentes* belt, and finally, the uppermost of Pinar de Rio, but the authors show the Cabaiguan
sheet consisting of the Domingo* and Cabaiguan* sequence under the Domingo sequence, suggesting
sequences. No report of any well penetrating the Ba- the Bahia Honda belt, where the Felicidades is under
hamas, Yaguajay, or Cayo Coco type of section exists. the serpentine thrust.
The structures are broken by many faults, and there is One important fact is that the sections present in
a definite break in strike between the rocks exposed northern Cuba prove the continuity of the Domingo
FIGURE 187. Western Cuba cross section D. Modified from Pszczólkowski (1994c). See Figure 185 for location of cross
338 / Pardo
FIGURE 188. Western Cuba cross section E. Modified from Pszczólkowski (1994c). See Figure 185 for location of cross
and Cabaiguan sequences from the Bahia Honda area sequences are extremely deformed and in fault con-
to the Santa Clara – Seibabo area. This gives strength tact (Domingo fault) with the Gibara area carbonate-
to the concept that the Domingo and Cabaiguan se- platform sediments. Figure 192 is a generalized geo-
quences were thrust from the south over the Escam- logic map, modified from Andó et al. (1996). It shows
bray massif. the extreme shearing and fragmentation of the basic
igneous rocks with inclusions of exotic volcanic and
EASTERN CUBA sedimentary blocks.
Eastern Cuba can be divided into three areas with Southeastern Oriente
remarkably different structural styles. Southeastern Oriente shows much gentler struc-
tures, although the Mayari-Baracoa massif is an 800-m
Northern Oriente (2600-ft)-thick flat-lying nappe of ultrabasics overriding
As already mentioned, in northern Oriente, the Las moderately deformed unmetamorphosed Cabaiguan*
Villas* to Cifuentes* belts equivalents are not pres- sequence in the Mayari area and metamorphosed Ca-
ent on the surface, and the Domingo* and Cabaiguan* baiguan* sequence in the Purial massif. Figure 193
FIGURE 189. Western Cuba cross section F. Modified from Pszczólkowski (1994c). See Figure 185 for location of cross
Structural Geology / 339
FIGURE 190. Western Cuba cross sections X, Y. See Figure 185 for location of cross sections.
is an interpretation of the Mayari-Baracoa massif by or central Cuba; there is no evidence of tightly crushed
Iturralde-Vinent (1994, personal communication). The rocks.
reason for a sheet of unmetamorphosed ultrabasics It must be emphasized that this is the only area in
to override metamorphosed and unmetamorphosed Cuba where the Cretaceous Cabaiguan sequence is
Cabaiguan* sequence volcanics is not entirely clear; found metamorphosed and structurally underlying
the time of the thrusting appears to be between the the Domingo sequence. The metamorphism was high
late Maastrichtian and lower–middle Eocene. The pressure and low temperature.
thrusts are considered to have originated in the south,
where the Cayman trough is now; however, the pres- Southwestern Oriente
ence of very high Bouguer anomalies (+180 mG) under Most of the outcrops in this area consist of the
the Mayari-Baracoa massif suggests that the mantle uplifted and faulted El Cobre Formation. In one local-
is uncommonly high. This has been confirmed by ity south of the Sierra del Purial, near the coast, the El
crustal studies, but surprisingly, the geothermal gra- Cobre Formation is thrusted over the middle to upper
dient and the heat flow are very low (0.798F/100 ft, Eocene San Luis and San Ignacio formations. Serpen-
39 mW/m2). The style of deformation is definitely more tine is present between the El Cobre and the under-
related to Pinar Del Rio than it is to northern Oriente lying autochthonous sediments, and the direction of
340 / Pardo
FIGURE 191. Northern Cuba cross section. Modified from Mossakovskiy and Albear (1978). See Figure 185 for location of
cross section.
thrusting is north-northwestward. The serpentine was a trench with the Yucatan Basin being subducted
therefore involved in deformation as late as the upper under the central Camaguey area and southwestern
Eocene. Perhaps this was related to the opening stages Oriente. This feature, which extends for more than
of the Cayman trough. 600 km (372 mi) from the Isla de la Juventud to the
As already mentioned, a seismic profile shot by the southwestern tip of Oriente, is very significant, but
University of Texas across the Yucatan Basin conti- seen at only one location; it could represent a seg-
nental slope, southwest of the Jardines de la Reina ment, now inactive, of the subduction responsible
archipelago (Rosencrantz, 1990) (Figure 165), shows for the late Cuban volcanic arc. Pszczólkowski (2007,
FIGURE 192. Northern Oriente generalized geologic map. Modified from Andó et al. (1996).
Structural Geology / 341
FIGURE 193. Southern Cuba cross section: Mayari-Baracoa. See Figure 185 for location of cross section.
personal communication) queried a possible relation western Cuba, but in central Cuba, facing the Bahamas
to the Cayman rise. buttress, it appears to have been intensely compressed;
there appears to be a zone of strong deformation sep-
arating the Bahamas-type platform carbonates to the
STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY DISCUSSION north from the basic igneous volcanics to the south.
In addition, this zone shows numerous vertical, pos-
It is well established that the pre–upper Eocene struc- sibly transcurrent, faults.
tural style of Cuba consists of a stack of northward- Furthermore, three windows in the basic igneous-
directed thrust sheets, nappes, or gravity slides, over- volcanic material show relatively low-grade metamor-
lying a shallow-water Jurassic carbonate platform phics that are similar and equivalent in age to the
and evaporites. The southward and westward extent sediments observed in the unmetamorphosed thrust
of the evaporites is unknown. plates. Geophysics suggests a connection between
In north central Cuba, the Platform carbonates the Escambray massif and the Isla de la Juventud.
have persisted until the present. The overlying sheets There appears to be a segment of a northward-
have an increasingly pelagic deep-water character to- directed subduction of the Yucatan Basin (or rise)
ward the top. Toward the west, the entire section be- under the Jardines de la Reina archipelago. The enig-
comes clastic. Finally, above this stack is a massive matic La Trocha fault zone may be a deep-seated trans-
thrust sheet with basic igneous (oceanic-rift crust) at current fault or entirely restricted to the upper igneous-
the bottom, overlain by volcanics that show the in- volcanic sheet.
creasing influence of a volcanic arc. The horizontality Figure 184 summarizes the above major tectonic
of the stack of thrusts is well preserved in eastern and elements.
Pardo, G., 2009, Hydrocarbons, in G. Pardo, The geology of Cuba: AAPG
Studies in Geology Series, no. 58, p. 343 – 360.
KNOWN DISTRIBUTION AND TYPES (DSTs). Dry ammonia gas and minor amounts of meth-
OF HYDROCARBONS ane were recovered in Shell Cayo Coco-2 DSTs. Nothing
is known about the deep wells drilled by ICRM.
Evidence for the presence of hydrocarbons in Cuba is
extremely widespread. Tar deposits, bituminous lime- Sagua La Chica* and Jatibonico* Belts
stones, gas and oil seeps, and small producing fields are Only a few tar indications in fractures are present
common throughout the island. Asphalt deposits were in the Jatibonico* belt.
commercially mined at the turn of the century. The es-
timated daily production of the island was 34,000 BOPD Las Villas* Belt
for 1999 (Torres, 1999). However, to this date, despite
Surface Indications
the efforts by major western oil companies prior to the
late 1950s (such as Chevron, Esso, Gulf, Shell, and Tex- Very few surface seeps are found in the outcrops
aco), and those of many independents, plus the Eastern of Las Villas* belt lithologies. However, these lithol-
Block–Cuban cooperation since then, no major hydro- ogies are reported to be productive in northern Cuba.
carbon accumulation has been found. Many fresh samples of these rocks collected from be-
The petroleum indications show a definite distri- low the surface (core drill, fresh road cuts) show com-
bution pattern. The past and presently producing mon oil-filled fractures and vugs, suggesting that
fields can be considered extensions of the seeps and the exposed limestones had contained oil at one time
therefore will be described under the same headings. and lost it through weathering.
For a general distribution of oil fields and petro-
Subsurface Indications
leum indications, see Cuba, 1988. Known oil-field sta-
tistics are tabulated in Table 1. Two wells drilled in the Las Villas* belt had abundant
hydrocarbon indications; Gulf Hicacos-1 and Gulf
Guayabo-1. Hicacos-1 will be discussed under north-
Central Cuba ern Cuba.
The occurrence of seeps will be described accord- Texaco Guayabo-1. It had common tar, heavy oil,
ing to the geologic province or belts in which they and occasional gas to total depth at 10,010 ft (3052 m).
are located. See Figure 194. The shows became more common below a thrust
fault at 2910 ft (887 m), with Jaguita* overriding the
Yaguajay* and Coastal Area Calabazar* Formation. The Calabazar* and Ramblazo*
With the exception of a few tar indications (tar balls formations had no porosity or oil shows. The Capitolio*
out of fractures in outcrops), no seeps are known Formation had rare oil shows, and these were com-
from the Yaguajay* belt and coastal area. However, in monly associated with some dolomitization. The Up-
Gulf Blanquizal-1, Shell Cayo Coco-2, Shell Manuy-1, per Jurassic Caguaguas*, Jaguita*, and, possibly, Hoyo
and Texaco Mayajigua-1, all drilled in the coastal re- Colorado* formations had common dolomitization
gion or in the Yaguajay* belt, small traces of hydrocar- and abundant shows of 1–58 API tar. Some cores bled
bons were reported. These commonly consisted of tar gas for several days after having been cut. A fractured
in samples and small amounts of gas in drill-stem tests limestone interval at 7628–7632 ft (2326–2327 m)
344 / Pardo
Table 1. Oil fields. Modified from Echevarria-Rodriguez et al. (1991) and G. Pardo, 1992, The Geology of Cuba Petroconsultants report.
Hydrocarbons / 345
FIGURE 194. Central Cuba: petroleum seeps, oil fields, and significant wells.
oozed 58 API tar every time drilling was stopped. On the northwest. The asphalt invariably fills frac-
test, this interval produced 4 bbl of tar and a small tures in the Placetas*, Cifuentes*, and Domingo*
amount of gas. belt rocks or even occurs as dikes in basic igneous
rock. These dikes can be quite large; the Jatibo-
nico asphalt dike is several meters thick and more
Placetas* and Cifuentes* Belt, Domingo* Sequence than 1 km (0.6 mi) long.
Most surface petroleum indications occur in the Core drilling north of the town of Placetas (north
general area between the southern boundary of the of the above-mentioned fault zone) found abun-
Domingo* sequence and the southern boundary of dant oil shows. In the neighborhood of the fault
the Las Villas* belt. This relationship extends from plane, the oil had gravities ranging from 15 to
Habana to Oriente, although the complete succes- 358 API. In some cases, these shows came from
sion of belts is present at the surface only in Las Villas boulders in Vega* or Rosas* Formation conglomer-
and northwestern Camaguey (Wassall, 1956). In the ates, which displayed pressure release when broken.
subsurface, several accumulations occur in the up- It therefore appears as if the original Domingo*
per part of the Cifuentes* and Placetas belts and be- thrust fault (presently a high-angle fault, or cut by
low or within the base of the Domingo* sequence. a high-angle fault, with a left-lateral component)
was at some time responsible for the migration
Surface Indications and accumulation of hydrocarbons. The open,
Within these belts, the seeps can be differentiated asphalt-filled fractures in its vicinity, as well as the
into two groups according to their character: vertical asphalt dike near Perea, are evidence that
this process occurred under geostatic pressure con-
1) The first group consists of a zone of asphalt oc- ditions at great depth.
currences, more or less parallel and close to the 2) The second group of seeps is characterized by
Domingo* fault separating the Domingo* and heavy to medium-gravity oil and gas; these oc-
Cabaiguan* sequences from (a) the Las Villas* cur in abundance over most of the Domingo*
belt to the southeast and (b) the Cifuentes* belt to sequence, south of the Placetas* and Cifuentes*
346 / Pardo
because the oil fields of the Central Depression are maximum annualized production was 26 BOPD in
underlain by the Cabaiguan* sequence, and the vol- 1957.
canic section, although of general low permeability, Cristales field. — Located some 25 km (15 mi) to
is cut by many faults that should allow some seepage the east of Jatibonico, the Cristales field appears to
such as in the Jatibonico and Catalina fields. be of a similar in nature. The discovery well Cuban
American Cristales-1A, drilled in 1956, found a gas
Oil Fields accumulation below ±1800 ft (±550 m) in fractured
Five fields exist, Catalina, Cristales, Jatibonico, Ma- vugular reef limestones of the Jiquimas* Formation
monal, and Reforma, which are known as the Central (Cristales Limestone) of Maastrichtian age interbedded
Depression fields. They occur in or near the western with volcanics. The depth of the productive interval
flank of the structural low believed to be associated averages 2600 ft (800 m). This section underlies the
with the La Trocha fault zone. As already mentioned, Paleocene unconformity. Oil shows were also found
it is a thickening of the Paleocene to lower–middle in the underlying volcanic sequence. This field was
Eocene flysch overlying the Cabaiguan* sequence. considered the first commercial gas discovery in Cuba.
Upper Eocene and younger beds are not affected. The initial tests gave 1 MMCFGD, and gas production
Jatibonico field. — The Jatibonico field is located began in 1971 and reached 2 MMCFGD in 1974. Oil
on the flank of the Central Depression and appears to was also being produced at the rate of 370 BOPD in
be associated with seeps coming up the Arroyo Blanco 1964.
group of faults. The oil seems to have migrated along No published information exists on Mamonal and
the faults, as in Jarahueca, and accumulated in the Reforma fields, but they are believed to be of the same
volcanics under the Tertiary cover. The discovery well, size as the Catalina field.
General Corporation Echevarria-1, drilled in 1954, It should be noted that oils from the Catalina and
found 158 API oil at 1072 ft (327 m) in fractured volca- Cristales fields (Gurko et al., 1982) show great similar-
nics of the Cabaiguan* belt under the Paleocene(?)– ity to Jarahueca oils, including indication of meteoric
Eocene unconformity. Echevarria-1 was drilled to loss of higher fractions, low asphaltenes, and a paraf-
8375 ft (2553 m) and remained in Cabaiguan* sequence finic composition of 28–69% (as in Gulf Sullivan-8, a
volcanics to total depth and never encountered any suggestion of terrestrial influence).
carbonates or ultrabasics. The gross pay thickness is Numerous wells (most of them shallow) were drilled
reported as 230 ft (70 m). EPEP Jatibonico-78, drilled in the same La Trocha graben, farther southwest (in
less than 2 km (1.2 mi) to the southwest, penetrated the vicinity of Sancti Spiritus), with no reports of oil
the Cabaiguan* sequence at 1150 ft (350 m) and re- indications.
mained in the volcanics until 13,775 ft (4200 m),
where it is reported to have penetrated pre-Jurassic(?)
metamorphics to a total depth of 15,553 ft (4437 m). Western Cuba: Pinar Del Rio
It is not known if these metamorphics are similar to The Viñales Group of limestones has long been
those of the Escambray massif or of the Manicaragua known as a petroliferous section in the Rosario Moun-
belt. The maximum annualized production rate was tains and in the Martin Mesa window. The San Diego
1230 BOPD in 1957. By 1963, the production had de- de los Baños Basin, with its well-developed Tertiary
clined to 170 BOPD, and secondary recovery projects section, has also attracted much attention in the past.
were initiated in 1964. Recently, the northwest coast of Pinar del Rio, in the
Catalina field. — The Catalina field is located Esperanza belt, has been the subject of an unsuccessful
13 km (8 mi) southwest of Jatibonico. The discovery exploration and deep drilling program. See Figure 195.
well Drilling Catalina-1, drilled in 1956, found produc-
tion of 32–358 API below 7102 ft (2165 m) in limy, Northern and Southern Rosario and
fractured Catalina Shale. The total depth was 7157 ft La Esperanza Belts
(2181 m). Although this shale has been reported to be
of Upper Cretaceous age, in this report, it is considered Surface Indications
equivalent to the Paleocene Taguasco* and Fomento* Most of the oil indications in Pinar del Rio are re-
formations. The situation appears to be similar to stricted to these belts. They consist mostly of heavy-
that of Jatibonico, with oil migrating up faults and oil-filled fractures in the Jurassic and Lower Cre-
accumulating at or near the Paleocene unconformity. taceous carbonates. The Maastrichtian fragmental
The gross pay is reported to be 18 ft (5 m), and the limestones commonly bleed oil, and asphalt veins
348 / Pardo
FIGURE 195. Western Cuba: petroleum seeps, oil fields, and significant wells.
and deposits are common, especially when the Eo- Sierra De Los Organos, Pizarras del Sur,
cene and Cabaiguan* sequence equivalent overlies this and Cangre Belts
belt like in Martin Mesa between the Rosario Moun-
tains and Guanajay. An oil seep exists along the coast Surface Indications
near Puerto la Esperanza. No seeps are known from these belts; most of the
outcrops consist of barren-looking San Cayetano For-
Subsurface Indications mation clastics, although some Jagua Formation and
Several wells have been drilled in the Rosario belt Viñales Group carbonates show bituminous material.
sediments, and most have had some shows and even
some limited production. In general, the oil indications Subsurface Indications
are similar to those found north of the Domingo* se- The well EPEP Pinar-1, drilled 4 km (2.4 mi) south of
quence and the Cifuentes* and Las Villas* belts of cen- the town of Pons in the central Organos belt, found oil
tral and northern Cuba. The well EPEP Martin Mesa-1 saturation in fractures associated with faulting, in the
has been reported as a discovery. This well on the lower autochthonous carbonate sequence. This sec-
north flank of the Martin Mesa window was drilled tion, extending from 12,136 ft (3700 m) to a total
to 10,663 ft (3251 m). No published details exist as to depth at 17,056 ft (5200 m), consists of Upper Jurassic
the oil occurrence, but the well bottomed in the Neo- bank-type limestones.
comian, drilling through a thrust fault at ±5180 ft
(±1580 m) that repeated the Aptian through Maas- Domingo* and Cabaiguan Sequences
trichtian sequence. The section is an equivalent of the The Bahia Honda* belt ultrabasics are not well de-
northern Rosario belt. veloped and do not have obvious seeps or production
Hydrocarbons / 349
as in central and northern Cuba. However, there are analyzed and show 71 and 74% nitrogen, 12 and
oil indications and asphalt deposits in the volcanics 24% methane, 16 and 0% hydrogen sulfide, and 1 and
of the Bahia Honda* belt between Cacarajicara and 2% carbon dioxide, respectively. These gas seeps are
Bahia Honda and between Mariel and Cayajabos, where apparently quite active and build small underwater
they are in proximity to or possibly overlie the Rosario sediment cones. The origin of these gases is somewhat
belt. At least nine asphalt mines have been exploited puzzling; the methane, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon
there in the past. EPEP’s Mariel-1 and Mariel-2 were dioxide could be either of recent organic origin, asso-
drilled to 10,171 and 10,312 ft (3101 and 3144 m), ciated with hydrocarbon gases or of volcanic origin.
respectively, in Domingo* and Cabaiguan* sequence However, little is known about the origin of high per-
rocks (under the Miocene overlap) to a depth of centages of nitrogen, assuming that the chemical anal-
±7900 ft (±2400 m), where they encountered chaotic yses are reliable. In other areas, it has been suggested
lower–middle Eocene conglomerates (La Vieja wild- that the nitrogen is produced by the breakdown of
flysch = Rosas* Formation) to total depth. ammonia resulting from the decomposition of or-
No seeps have been reported in the San Diego de ganic matter.
los Baños Basin. Several relatively deep tests (such as
ARCO Baños-1 and Baños-2, EPEP Candelaria-1, Ro- Northern Cuba
sario Taco Taco-1, and Rosario Soroa-1) were drilled As previously mentioned, the outcrops on this part
south of the Pinar fault in its Cabaiguan*-like volcanics of the island consist of a complex structural mixture
and overlying thick Tertiary sediments. Although meth- of Domingo* and Cabaiguan* sequences. However,
ane and oil shows have been reported, there has not the Las Villas* and Cifuentes* belt lithologies have
been a discovery in the basin. been recognized at depth in many of the wells (see
Figure 197).
Western Cuba: Isla De La Juventud
A report of hard asphalt outcrop on the Isla de la Surface Indications
Juventud proper, at Cerro Natividad, as well as on the As mentioned in the Introduction, the Spanish col-
keys north of the island was written (DeGolyer, 1918); onists in 1508 knew of the presence of tar in Habana
this is difficult to believe and has not been subse- Bay. The petroleum seeps at the baths of Guanabacoa,
quently confirmed. In addition, several gas seeps have now an eastern suburb of Habana, were also well
been reported along the keys that extend eastward known in colonial days. Seeps are common along
from the Isle of Pines from Punta del Este to Cayo Largo the north coast of the island and at the type locality of
(Butticaz, 1952) (see Figure 196). Two of the gases were the Universidad Formation, in the grounds of Habana
350 / Pardo
FIGURE 197. Northern Cuba: petroleum seeps, oil fields, and significant wells.
University; this unit is impregnated with heavy oil. In Formation. The section immediately below the upper
Cardenas Bay, tar is coming to the surface of Holocene Eocene marls consists of fractured Cretaceous lime-
sediments along what appear to be fractures and form- stone, saturated with tar for 539 ft (164 m). The tar
ing underwater accumulations. These were mined at sometimes forms a high percentage of the rock, strong-
several localities from 1875 to the early 1900s. It should ly suggesting an Eocene seep. The entire Jurassic –
be mentioned that these tar seeps were reported as re- Lower Cretaceous section contains numerous heavy-
plenishing themselves. Cardenas Bay lies mostly over oil indications.
the northwest projection of the Cifuentes* belt and its Since 1960, there has been much drilling, with
contact with the Domingo* sequence. some of the wells deeper than 12,000 ft (3700 m).
The detailed results are unknown, but led to the dis-
Subsurface Indications coveries of Varadero and Boca de Jaruco fields.
Many water wells drilled in this general area have
had oil and gas indications. This is also true of the Oil Fields
many shallow holes drilled near seeps. Several oil fields are located between La Habana
Gulf Hicacos-1 was drilled in northeastern Cardenas and Cardenas Bay. They are named, from west to east,
Bay in 1949. It penetrated the Las Villas* belt at 2290 ft Bacuranao-Cruz Verde, Santa Maria del Mar, Guanabo-
(698 m) to total depth at 5045 ft (1538 m) below an Brı́sas, Peñas Altas, Boca de Jaruco, and Via Blanca fields
Eocene to Holocene cover and was cut by at least in Habana Province, and Yumurı́, Camarioca, Cantel,
one major fault at 4030 ft (1229 m) that brings lower– Varadero, Guasimas, Marbella, and Chapelin fields in
middle Eocene under the Upper Jurassic Caguaguas* Matanzas Province. Many of these are old inactive
Hydrocarbons / 351
fields, but Boca de Jaruco and Varadero have been (±670 m). The accumulation is reported to be in highly
recently developed and are reported to contribute the folded sediments under an unconformity. The maxi-
great bulk of today’s Cuban production. From the sparse mum production was 98 BOPD in 1958, and in 1964, it
literature, they appear to be similar in general character was producing 3 BOPD. A pilot steam injection pro-
and regional structural position to those of Jarahueca gram was started in 1966, but there is no information
and Motembo; they are located on or near the north- about the results.
ern outcrops of the Domingo* and Cabaiguan* se-
quences, in proximity to and/or over the Cifuentes* Boca de Jaruco-Via Blanca
and Las Villas* belt rocks. This field was discovered in 1969 and is drilled
Published information on these fields is somewhat largely offshore. The production consists of 178 API
vague and very limited, with no maps (well location, oil with high sulfur content. The structure is very com-
reservoirs, etc.) and no production statistics. The strat- plex and consists of a stack of two major thrust sheets.
igraphic nomenclature does not follow the terminol- In the south of the field, downdip from the crest of the
ogy of the other Cuban publications. The sections are structure, the section has been described under Dril-
invariably described as stacks of strongly folded para- ling, Cifuentes Belt, Chapter 2 of this publication.
autochthonous, allochthonous miogeosynclinal to An autochthonous section has not been pene-
allochthonous eugeosynclinal material separated by trated, and oil is being produced from fractures in
south-dipping, low-angle thrust faults. However, as the sections under the two major thrusts. The top of
described in Chapter 2 of this publication, it is possi- production for each zone is 1500 ft (450 m) and
ble to give a reliable limited translation of these terms 2700 ft (825 m), respectively. The reported initial
to the nomenclature followed in this report. recoverable reserves are given as 6 MMBO.
originating from the shallow carbonate banks. The Sierra de los Organos Belt
Calabazar* Formation is characterized by black cherts The Jagua Vieja Member of the Jagua Formation,
and limestones that are dark gray when fresh and of upper Oxfordian age, consists of black laminated
weather to chalky white, indicating abundant organ- shales with ammonite-bearing limestone concre-
ic, bituminous matter. These units correlate in part tions; the concretions contain oil (commonly inside
with the Pons Formation. the ammonite chambers).
The Guasasa Formation, of Kimmeridgian to Ceno-
Placetas* and Cifuentes* Belt manian age, contains several black, micritic, pelagic,
The Berriasian to Barremian is represented by the limestone members: the San Vicente and El Ameri-
Ronda* Formation. This unit has similar textures and cano members.
compositions, and it is therefore similar, in environ- The gray to black micritic limestones and cherts
ment of deposition, to the Capitolio* Formation of the of the Pons Formation, of Valanginian to Turonian
Las Villas* belt. The amount of argillaceous material age, also have the classical characteristics of organic-
and organic content increases toward the southern- rich sediments deposited under fairly deep and anoxic
most facies, as indicated by the change from brown to water conditions.
black color.
The Aptian to Cenomanian is represented by sedi- Northern and Southern Rosario Belts
ments that range from the above described Calabazar* The Francisco Formation is a correlative of and
and Mata* formations of the Las Villas* belt through lithologically similar to the laminated and petroli-
the Carmita* Formation assemblage of limestones, ferous Jagua Vieja Formation described above.
cherts, thin-bedded shales, and fine-grained sand- The Kimmeridgian to Valanginian Artemisa For-
stones of the Placetas* belt to the Santa Teresa* For- mation, with its well-bedded micritic limestones and
mation of the Cifuentes* belt, consisting entirely of cherts, is equivalent to the lower Guasasa and is an
thin, even-bedded, varicolored cherts (radiolarian) and even more favorable source. It appears to have been
shales. This entire group of formations is of pelagic deposited under even deeper, pelagic, and anoxic con-
origin and may have had source potential not too ditions and is characterized by a strong petroliferous
unlike the Monterrey of California. This, however, is odor and the presence of asphalt.
difficult to assess at present. The Buenavista Group and the Santa Teresa, Pina-
lilla, and Moreno formations, of Barremian to Maas-
Cabaiguan* Sequence trichtian age, containing abundant radiolarian cherts
The only unit that appears to have source poten- and, like the Las Villas Santa Teresa Formation, could
tial is the Gomez* Formation, of Cenomanian age, have contributed hydrocarbons.
which, in the exposure of its best development on the
north flank of the Seibabo syncline, consists of thin- Northern Cuba
bedded black and brown pelagic limestones inter- Here, the Las Villas* and Placetas* or Cifuentes*
bedded with dark-gray shales. Although the thick- belt lithologies of central Cuba are present and are
ness at this locality, 500 ft (150 m), is adequate to associated with the current production. These rocks,
generate hydrocarbons, the regional distribution of which act as reservoirs in several fields, are also be-
this facies is not known. lieved to be the source of petroleum, particularly the
Upper Jurassic ones.
Western Cuba
The rocks outcropping in this province display Oriente
some very spectacular examples of what today is con- With the exception of isolated blocks of pelagic
sidered a classical source rock. They are found mostly carbonates included in the ultrabasics of the Silla de
in the Jagua Formation and the Viñales Group, partic- Gibara area, no outcrops of any of the type of rocks
ularly in the Rosario belt. Black bituminous pelagic described above exist.
limestones, black shales containing ammonite-bearing
concretions that release oil when broken, as well as
limestones that give a strong sulfurous and bituminous Speculative Sources
odor when freshly broken are present. The units that In addition to the several potential petroleum source
are considered good candidates for a petroleum source rocks mentioned above, some other possible, although
are as follows. speculative, sources should be discussed.
354 / Pardo
the necessary hydrodynamic gradient for the migration hibiting various degrees of metamorphism, in the Isla
of hydrocarbons. It is possible that the serpentines de la Juventud (Cañada Formation) and in the Escam-
could have had a similar behavior. Geostatic pres- bray massif (Naranjo Formation) in Las Villas Province.
sure is certainly indicated by the asphalt dikes in the It would be of interest to ascertain if some of the exotic
Domingo* sequence. metamorphic blocks found in the serpentine in the
vicinity of the town of Santa Clara could be related to
Domingo* Sequence the San Cayetano.
As previously mentioned, in the general Santa Clara In addition, near the top of the section and equiv-
area, there are outcrops of Maastrichtian, noncalcar- alent to part of the Jagua Formation are beds of black
eous, shales of the Miguel* Formation that were de- fossiliferous limestones, with a strong sulfurous odor
posited under pelagic conditions, which appear to when broken, which appear to have been deposited
structurally underlie the Domingo* sequence. Noth- in an anoxic environment.
ing is known about the original thickness and distri-
bution of these deposits, which could have generated MATURATION
hydrocarbons under the right circumstances.
If one accepts all the units described in the previ-
Escambray Massif ous section as potential sources, the best that can be
It should be mentioned that the low-grade meta- done at present is to try to make reasonable assump-
morphics in the core of the mountains contain quartz- tions regarding the maturation and possible migra-
ites interbedded with gray graphitic mica schists: the tion of hydrocarbons.
Naranjo Group that ranges from the Lower Jurassic to
the Oxfordian. These are overlain by dark-gray to black Temperature
limestones with sulfurous odor: the Sauco and Mayari The first point to consider is that, in the Escambray
formations that range from the lower Tithonian to massif, the age of the youngest metamorphosed sedi-
Lower Cretaceous. In the rim of the mountains, there ments, the Loma Quivican Formation, is believed to
are some higher grade metamorphics consisting of black be pre-Campanian Upper Cretaceous. If the internal
marbles and schists with graphite of the Collantes For- thrusting of the massif is prior to the metamorphism
mation of equivalent age. These units, which are sim- and the apparent inverse metamorphism is caused by
ilar to and correlate with parts of the Pinar del Rio sec- the overriding by the Domingo* –Cabaiguan* thrust
tion, at some pre-Upper Cretaceous time, could have plate, as was initially proposed by Millán and Somin
contributed hydrocarbons prior to metamorphism. (1981), the metamorphism must be Maastrichtian or
later. If the thrusting within the massif is postmeta-
Western Cuba morphism and the apparent inverse metamorphism
The San Cayetano Formation has not been tra- is caused by the stacking of several plates of increas-
ditionally considered a source rock. This is caused by ing metamorphic grade, then the metamorphism must
the abundance of coarser clastics, to some variable be related to the post-Cenomanian Upper Cretaceous
degree of metamorphism, to its usual white to red- volcanic arc. Regardless of whether one considers that
dish color in the outcrops, and to the absence of seeps the Domingo* and Cabaiguan* sequences rode north-
or other oil indications. However, the formation is ward over the Escambray massif or that the Domingo*
very thick (estimates of up to 15,000 ft [4600 m] have and Cabaiguan* sequences were extruded by the closing
been made) and consists of a well-bedded alternation of the back-arc between the North American conti-
of sandstones, siltstones, and shales, commonly bar- nental margin and the Escambray massif, the meta-
ren of organisms; it is of black to dark-gray color when morphism should have occurred when the Escambray
fresh. Plant remains and carbonaceous material are rocks were much farther to the south or west of their
present. It appears to be a typical deltaic sequence, present position. Thus, in either case, the entire suc-
and one could expect associated prodelta muds. This cession from Lower Jurassic through the Cretaceous
entire section certainly shows many petroleum source and from the southern coast of Cuba to the Bahamas
characteristics that would also be compatible with the should have had a normal continental margin ther-
suggested origin of the oil in Gulf Sullivan-8. mal regime up until the early Eocene. It should be noted
The San Cayetano Formation equivalents certainly that neither the carbonate belts nor the Cabaiguan* and
covered a large area in addition to Pinar del Rio. They Domingo* sequences show any indication of thermal
outcrop as exotics in the San Adrian diapirs and, ex- metamorphism. The same is true in Pinar del Rio. The
356 / Pardo
metamorphism in the Cangre belt is interpreted as a known facies, represent the filling of a subsiding
separate thrust sheet adjacent to the Pinar fault. rift, with sedimentation more or less keeping pace
The information available on temperature comes with subsidence.
from three sources: 2) That there was a continuous regional subsidence
from Berriasian to the end of the Cretaceous with,
1) Kewanee Collazo-1 and Gulf Hicacos-1. In bottom- to the north, the Yaguajay* and Coastal Province
hole temperature measurements, they show a carbonate sedimentation keeping pace with the
very low geothermal gradient of 0.458F/100 ft subsidence, whereas the belts to the south did not
(0.828C/100 m). and received only pelagic sedimentation in wa-
2) General Corporation Echevarria-1. A temperature ters on the order of some 13,000 ft (4000 m) deep.
log from the uncased well in the Cabaiguan* belt 3) That the thrusting started in early Tertiary, pro-
shows a somewhat higher, but still low, gradient ducing deep-water flysch deposits, the Vega* For-
of 0.838F/100 ft (1.518C/100 m). mation, which were overridden in middle Eocene
3) Published heat-flow measurements from 35 bore- by the Domingo* –Cabaiguan* sequences thrust
holes by Cermak et al. (1984, 1991) (see Chapter 5, sheet, the whole process terminating before the
this publication). The given temperature gradients upper Eocene.
are as follows: 4) That only relatively minor later activity occurred
because no upper Eocene and later detrital de-
Coastal area: Punta Alegre: 0.378F/100 ft (0.688C/ posits are well developed in Cuba (they could be
100 m) present offshore). Consequently, the pre– upper
Organos– Pinar del Rio: 0.758F/100 ft (1.378C/ Eocene and later erosion in central Cuba and Pinar
100 m) del Rio were ignored.
Domingo* or Cabaiguan* –north coast: 1.168F/
100 ft (2.118C/100 m) Using surface temperatures of 258C at sea level
Domingo* or Cabaiguan* – Cardenas Bay: 1.668F/ and 58C in deep water, paleodepth and paleotem-
100 ft (3.038C/100 m) perature diagrams for two hypothetical locations were
Cabaiguan* – Jatibonico oil field: 2.148F/100 ft prepared: at a north location on the carbonate bank
(3.908C/100 m) and a south location inside the thrust belt. Two oil-
Cabaiguan*–Central Depression–western Cama- generation modeling techniques, the Lopatin and Ar-
guey: 1.348F/100 ft (2.438C/100 m) rhenius methods of calculating the time-temperature
Cabaiguan* – central Camaguey: 0.838F/100 ft indices (TTI), were used for each location (Wapples,
(1.518C/100 m) 1980; Wood, 1988). The Arrhenius technique gives
somewhat more optimistic results than the Lopatin.
Because the data from 1 and 2 are taken from logs The following results were obtained:
and are uncorrected, they probably tend to under-
estimate the true gradient. The data from 3 are be- 1) If the entire continental margin had a geother-
lieved to be much more representative because the mal gradient of 18F/100 ft (1.8248C/100 m), then,
boreholes stabilized over a period of years before the at the northern location, only the Jurassic and
measurements were made. However, the measure- the lowermost part of the Cretaceous would have
ments taken in the continental margin show very been subjected to a high-enough temperature dur-
low values, 0.45–0.758F/100 ft, whereas those taken ing a long-enough period of time to have gen-
in the Domingo* – Cabaiguan* sequence are appre- erated petroleum; however, neither technique
ciably higher, 0.83 – 2.148F/100 ft. indicates that Cretaceous rocks reached the peak
of oil generation. Moreover, the temperature at
A Model the southern location would have been affected
A greatly oversimplified picture of the structural by increased water depth and by the thrusting.
evolution and distribution of lithologic units was Only the Lower Jurassic (if it exists) would have
considered. been under the right conditions until the lower
The model depicts the following conditions: Eocene and the entire Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous,
and possibly the Upper Cretaceous, and the lower
1) That the San Cayetano and equivalent Cayo Coco* part of the Eocene flysch might have generated
and Punta Alegre* formations, as well as older un- oil afterward. In other words, this suggests that oil
Hydrocarbons / 357
generation from the obvious sources might have and dynamic process). In Cuba, thick and extensive
been the direct result of the overthrusting. argillaceous sediments are known only in the Jurassic
2) If the southern Bahamas–northeastern Cuba had San Cayetano Formation (and related metamorphics),
a gradient of 0.58F/100 ft (0.9128C/100 m), only the Cretaceous Cabaiguan* sequence volcanics, and
the Lower Jurassic (if it exists) would have been the lower–middle Eocene Vega* Formation flysch and
under favorable conditions at the north location. equivalents. The Cabaiguan* sequence volcanics con-
tain abundant argillaceous material, but are unlikely
In conclusion, these calculations, obviously very to have been involved in the petroleum-generation
approximate, suggest that, unless (1) there is an un- process; only the San Cayetano and the Vega* for-
known source older than anything observed and mations could have been an important factor.
(2) the geothermal gradient was in the vicinity of The San Cayetano Formation is the only unit sug-
18F/100 ft (1.8248C/100 m), the Cuban carbonate plat- gesting a deltaic sequence certainly capable of gener-
form province had little chance to generate much oil. ating overpressures. One can safely assume that, at
Tenneco’s Doubloon Saxon-1, with a total depth at least until the end of the Cretaceous, it had a fairly
21,740 ft (6628 m), should furnish critical informa- normal compaction gradient, similar to that found in
tion when the data are released. many present-day deltas. Whether the San Cayetano
However, they also suggest that the oil observed Formation and equivalents could have developed and
in Cuba at present is the result of the orogenic pro- maintained overpressures for any length of time would
cess that provided the necessary overburden for the have entirely depended on the shale percentage
maturation of the organic matter in the obvious pos- distribution, and no data on this subject are available.
sible and also speculative source sediments. It should Furthermore, if overpressures existed, the direction of
also be noted that because of the low geothermal fluid flow during the Jurassic and Cretaceous would
gradient (18F/100 ft; 1.8248C/100 m) the maximum have depended on the paleogeographic reconstruction
depth of wet-gas preservation could be on the order of the sand and shale facies.
of 23,000– 26,000 ft (7000 – 8000 m).
Central and Northern Cuba
MIGRATION AND ACCUMULATION In the Escambray massif, where the metamor-
phosed equivalents of the San Cayetano are present,
This is unquestionably the aspect of Cuban petro- if one assumes that the direction of internal thrusting
leum geology that is most critical and most difficult was from south to north, then the La Llamagua sands
to resolve. In most geosynclinal petroliferous basins, were to the north, and the Herradura shales were to
the deeper part of the basin, with a high percentage of the south prior to the thrusting. This indicates that
argillaceous material and a greater thickness of sed- the direction of compaction fluid flow during the Ju-
iments, is considered the source of petroleum as well rassic and Lower Cretaceous was from south to north.
as the source of high fluid pressures that drives the During the orogeny in uppermost Cretaceous to
hydrocarbons toward the stable margins of the basin middle Eocene, the direction of fluid flow must have
where they accumulate in traps (hydrodynamic sinks). been controlled by the advancing thrusts and, there-
Therefore, the possible sources of fluid, the poten- fore, must have been from south to north over much
tial aquifers or reservoirs, and finally, the seals will be of central Cuba.
discussed. Farther to the north, in the Cayo Coco–Punta Alegre
area of the coastal province, the abundant evaporites
Source of Fluids must have channeled the migration of fluids south-
All sediments are a potential source of fluids; quartz ward toward the edge of the banks. The geometry of
sands and most carbonates have an original water con- the possible transition from the Punta Alegre* (and/
tent on the order of 45%, and the clays and pelagic or lower Cayo Coco) Formation to the San Adrian
oozes on the order of 70%, which can be reduced to (and/or San Cayetano) Formation, and its effect on
a few percent by normal compaction. However, only fluid-flow patterns, is totally unknown.
the clays will be able to generate overpressures be- However, no evaporites are present in the Yaguajay*
cause of their low permeability and swelling pressure; and Jatibonico* belts nor in the Gulf Blanquizal-1.
all the other sediments will generate overpressure Collapse breccias in the dolomite are common in the
only if they are enclosed within low-permeability sed- wells and outcrops, indicating the solution of Lower
iments such as clays or evaporites (this is a complex Cretaceous and possibly older evaporites. However,
358 / Pardo
these two belts were near the bank edge, and few evap- Central and Northern Cuba
orites might have extended this far from the center of Here, the Jobosi* and Constancia* formations could
the basin. This would suggest that along the bank edge, be considered potential reservoirs if well developed.
there might have been a zone of cross-formational fluid They seem to cover a large area. However, where they
flow of unknown age, but possibly as old or older than have been observed, they are thin and have a dense
the early Tertiary. This zone might have prevented the calcareous matrix, although they have been reported
hydrocarbons, generated during and/or prior to the as reservoirs in some north Cuba fields. It is not
orogeny, from reaching the carbonate platform prov- known if production is from intergranular or fracture
ince and, therefore, the Bahamas foreland. porosity and permeability. Several volcanic-derived
The noncalcareous shales of the Maastrichtian sandstones in the Cabaiguan* belt sequence exist, but
Miguel* Formation could certainly have been a source they are quartz poor with a high percentage of feld-
of fluid, but unfortunately, they are known only in a spars and clays that reduce the permeability and ef-
few isolated outcrops. fective porosity. The lower Eocene clastics of the Upper
The lower –middle Eocene Vega* Formation must Vega* and Rosas* formations are believed not to have
have been a source of fluids with near-geostatic pres- reservoir potential for the same reasons. Nothing is
sures acting, therefore, as an effective hydrodynamic known of the possibilities of a San Cayetano Forma-
seal for fluid flow from older strata. This is caused tion equivalent in this area; if present, its porosity
not only by its clay content and high shale percent- might be greatly reduced by the additional overbur-
age, but by its rapid deposition and burial under the den of the thrust sheets that could be on the order of
advancing Domingo* – Cabaiguan* sequence thrust more than 13,000 ft (4000 m).
sheets. As mentioned previously, the presence of as-
phalt dikes or veins is a definite indication that geo- Western Cuba
static pressures existed at one time at the base of the In Pinar del Rio, the San Cayetano Formation con-
Domingo* sequence and in the underlying sedimen- sists of a thick section of quartz sandstone interbedded
tary belts. It is unfortunate that, because of the struc- with shales. The sandstone percentage can be very high,
tural complications, the outcrops of the Vega* For- but it is impossible, because of structural complica-
mation are so poor that it is impossible to map the tions, to determine the possible location of favorable
lithologies of this unit on a regional scale. sand/shale ratios. Although the sandstones in out-
In northern Cuba, the carbonate bank facies has crops appear porous, they are invariably hard and well
not been recognized and probably did not extend west lithified when fresh. An additional problem is the vari-
of the Cardenas Bay, so the only movement of fluids able degree of metamorphism. La Esperanza Formation
there must have been directed northward toward the also contains abundant sandstones, but very little is
Gulf of Mexico. publicly known about it. The Tertiary Diego Forma-
tion outcropping south of the Pinar fault has numer-
Western Cuba ous porous sands interbedded with shales that, under
In Pinar del Rio, the San Cayetano facies distribu- the right circumstances, could be good reservoirs.
tion strongly suggests that during the Jurassic, and
possibly later, a south to southwestward direction of
compaction fluid flow existed. Carbonates
The direction of fluid movement is more difficult These form the reservoirs in the largest fields (Va-
to estimate during the orogeny because both north- radero and Boca de Jaruco) and are the most likely
ward and southward thrusting have been recognized. potential reservoirs.
Although chaotic, flysch and wildflysch, orogenic de-
tritus is widespread, no thick shales such as the Vega* Central and Northern Cuba
Formation have been recognized in Pinar del Rio. In the Cayo Coco –Punta Alegre area and the Ya-
guajay* and Jatibonico* belts, the secondary dolo-
mites found throughout the Lower Cretaceous and
AQUIFERS AND RESERVOIRS Upper Jurassic section are capable of being good res-
ervoirs with adequate intercrystalline porosity and
Clastics permeability. Platform limestones, if fractured near
Generally, in Cuba, good reservoirs of this type fault zones or other structures, are also possible reser-
are very few. voir beds. Vugular porosity and solution cavities are
Hydrocarbons / 359
occasionally found but are difficult to predict. Reefs Sal-1 and Tenneco Doubloon Saxon-1 wells. The dense
are a definite possibility, but so far, they have not limestones of this province are probably too fractured
been observed. In the Las Villas* and Placetas* belts, to be a barrier to fluid motion. Farther south, in the
the medium-grained dolomites of the Tithonian Hoyo Yaguajay* to Cifuentes* belts, the known Jurassic and
Colorado* Formation appear to have enough poros- Cretaceous section is devoid of evaporites; however,
ity and permeability to be reservoirs. In addition, the there is the possibility that the autochthonous sec-
associated massive shallow-water limestones, as well tion with evaporites extends farther south and west
as those of the overlying Jaguita* Formation, could under these belts as suggested by the presence of the
form good reservoirs if fractured. The same is true of San Adrian diapirs. Jurassic evaporites could be the
the Lower Cretaceous pelagic limestones of the Ca- décollement surface under the Yaguajay* and Las
pitolio* and Ronda* formations. Villas* belt. If this was the case, autochthonous res-
ervoirs could be sealed by the evaporites under the
Western Cuba allochthonous belts.
In the Mogotes and Rosario belts, the massive lime-
stones and dolomites of the Guasasa and Artemisa for- Western Cuba
mations could be good reservoirs if fractured. Similar No evaporite beds have been definitely reported
potential reservoirs are the several orogenic carbonate from Pinar del Rio. None of the logs of the Pinar del Rio
conglomerates found in every tectonic belt and the wells, published in the 1985 geologic map (Cuba,
Cretaceous massive miliolid limestones of the Gua- 1985a), show evaporites. However, dolomite and an-
jaibon Formation (Viñas* Group). hydrite are reported by Kuznetsov et al. (1985) in the
Puerto Esperanza wells, but not shown in the well logs.
Other Rocks In the EPEP Pinar-1 well, Lopez-Rivera et al. (1987) re-
Several other types of rocks form present-day res- port anhydrite, in nodules and fracture fillings, within
ervoirs, such as fractured serpentine, gabbros, volca- the shallow-water Jurassic carbonates. The amount of
nics, and conglomerates. Whether these can produce anhydrite increases toward the total depth of the well
sizable reservoirs with commercial flow rates is not at 17,058 ft (5200 m).
known but unlikely.
Argillaceous Sediments
Central and Northern Cuba
As previously mentioned, a characteristic of the sed- Except for the highly deformed Santa Teresa* For-
iments exposed in Cuba is the lack of well-developed mation, the carbonate belts are essentially devoid of
shales or other potential seals. Evaporites are found argillaceous material. The only known possibilities of
in the subsurface and outcrop only as diapirs; whether argillaceous seals would be the Upper Cretaceous non-
they can form continuous seals remains to be seen. calcareous shales of the Miguel* Formation and the
In all areas, it should be emphasized that the thrust shales of the lower–middle Eocene Vega* Formation.
faults themselves, with their Vega* (or similar) Forma- Both units probably underlie the Domingo* thrust and
tion material smeared along the fault plane, might are caught in the fault planes of the many imbrications.
form the best seals available. All surface and drilling In the northern Cuban oil fields, the seals over the
evidence points to it. This type of seal apparently traps existing production consist of Tertiary shales and
much of the present production. In view of the com- graywackes, ultrabasics, and volcanics (olistostromes)
plexity of the fault geometry, whether it can be ade- caught along folded, faulted, and imbricated low-
quate for major accumulations remains to be seen. angle faults. This indicates that the faults behave as
seals. However, it is the author’s opinion that the
Evaporites complexity of the geometry of the observed faults has
prevented the discovery of major accumulations. Per-
North and Central Cuba haps there are some less complicated faults at depth
The evaporites of the coastal province are capable or in unexplored areas.
of being effective seals when present. They occur in As mentioned before, the fact that most of the ac-
the Cayo Coco–Punta Alegre area and could be exten- tive seeps are located in the ultrabasics of the Domingo*
sive elsewhere in the northeastern coastal region. sequence suggests that these rocks, because of the
They are present in the Bahamas’ Gulf-Chevron Cay fracturing, act more like a low-permeability reservoir
360 / Pardo
than a cap. However, the volcanics of the Cabaiguan* fortunately, their reported stratigraphic position is
sequence do seem to act as a definite seal but they not too clear, and their relationship with older rocks,
outcrop mostly in the trough of a large, faulted, sharp as suggested by the presence of volcanic outcrops with-
syncline. in their described sections, could be of a structural
nature. In the Los Organos belt, a detrital section of
lower to middle Eocene age, the Pica Pica Formation,
Western Cuba contains shales. This unit is fairly thin but suggests
Here, the exposed Jurassic and Cretaceous non- the Vega* Formation of central Cuba and could sim-
volcanic section shows a higher argillaceous content ilarly be much more extensive and involved in the
than that of central and northern Cuba. The San Ca- thrusting, making the thrusts themselves effective
yetano, Jagua, and parts of the Artemisa, Polier, and seals. The volcanics of the San Diego de los Baños belt,
Lucas formations have variable amounts of shale in- south of the Pinar fault, could provide some seals, but
terbeds. In addition, some uppermost Cretaceous and so far, despite all the drilling, no shows have been
Paleocene units like the Ancón, Buenavista, and Sierra reported. In the same area, the Tertiary Diego Forma-
Azul formations have well-developed shale beds. Un- tion contains numerous shale beds.