Faq Aph 2023 - 24
Faq Aph 2023 - 24
Faq Aph 2023 - 24
A: The New Institution is required to visit NSWS website to create login credentials & select AICTE
approval under approval tab for navigating to AICTE portal.
Q: For existing institutions applying for only EoA is it mandatory to update faculty/ Infrastructure/ other
details before submission of application?
A: One-minute submission of application provision is made available for only EoA cases with effect from
2023-24. For only EoA cases Institute may update the details of faculty / Infrastructure / etc after
issuance of EoA.
Q: How many divisions can a new institution apply for Under Graduate/ Diploma Engineering and
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Approval Process 2023-24
Frequently Asked Questions
A: Institute may apply for divisions size 30/60 with maximum allowed intake of 360.
Q: Institute is having NBA for Mechanical Engineering since 2018. Can I increase the intake of
Mechanical Engineering from 180 to 240?
A: The institute may utilize the NBA for increasing intake from 180 to 240 provided that the NBA for
Mechanical Engineering is not utilized for the span of six years.
A: As per the provisions in the APH clause 1.5.4, the self-finance / private Institute cannot use the words
such as Indian/ National/ etc. in the name of the institution.
A: As per the provisions in the APH clause 1.5.5, Applicants shall NOT use the names of the existing
Institutions within the State. The existing Institutions having the same names run by the
same/different Society/Trust/Company within the State/UT shall at least add the name of the
Village/Town/City where it is located as an integral part of the name of the Institution.
Q: Does AICTE allow Arts and Science Courses in an Institution offering Engineering Courses?
A: Conduct of any other Academic Courses (Technical/Non-Technical):
The Institutions may conduct Academic Courses (Technical/ Non-Technical of any other
Regulatory Body) using the existing facilities in excess or by creating additional facilities as per
the provisions laid down in the norms and standards of the respective Regulatory Body without
affecting the quality of education prescribed by all the Regulatory Bodies after taking NOC from the
Council following the procedure specified in the Approval Process Handbook. However, the
Applicant has to make Material/ Non-Material amendment of the Building Plan, Site Plan, etc.
approved by the concerned Competent Authority (if applicable) to suit the requirements of the new
The total land required shall be the highest amongst the programs/ levels being offered by the
Institute. However, institute shall have sufficient built up area to cover all the requirements of ALL
the programs/ levels conducted as per the provisions of Approval Process Handbook.
The institute shall extend to provide ample space for play-ground (owned or hired) facilities for
indoor and outdoor sports for the students either in the Campus or through arrangements with
other adjacent Institutions, Corporation grounds, private facilities, etc.
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Approval Process 2023-24
Frequently Asked Questions
A: Yes. In case of Engineering and Technology at least THREE core branches and ONE emerging area course shall
be opted. The Core branch and emerging are listed in Clause 1.5.7.
Core branches: Agriculture Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering,
Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineering, Food Technology, Industrial Engineering, Instrumentation, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy,
Mining Engineering and Textile Engineering.
Emerging area courses: Microelectronics and VLSI, Smart Mobility, EV-Technology, Transportation, Highway
Engineering, Renewable Energy, Climate Change, Earth System Sciences, 5G, Sustainable Development &
Circular Economy, Waste Management, Product Design, CRISPR Cas – 9, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of
Things (IoT), Embedded SW, Internet SW, Mobility, Analytics, Cloud Computing, Block Chain, Data Sciences,
Cyber Security, 3D Printing and Design, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality (AR/VR), Quantum Computing
Q: Will the Institution get a chance to submit the compliance of deficiencies (if any) before the scrutiny/
Re-Scrutiny committee?
A: Yes , Institute can submit the compliance.
Q: a. Whether MCA/ MBA Department of Arts and Science College is eligible to apply for AICTE
b. Whether AICTE approval is needed for running MCA Course in our Arts and Science
A: For a and b: Yes. Refer Clause 1.3.5 of APH 2023-24. In case of non-Technical Institutions seeking
approval for conducting MCA/ MBA and University Departments/ Constituent Colleges seeking
approval for conducting MCA/ MBA/ M.Tech. Programmes apart from their existing Courses,
separate building and Principal are NOT required. However, in such cases all other norms (as per
APH 2023-24) such as separate Head of the Department, Faculty, Infrastructure, Built-Up area,
etc. should be fulfilled.
Q: Can we apply for closure of the existing Institution and open a new Institution at the same
A: Yes.
Q: Whether a New Institution is obligated to appoint a Principal and Faculty at the time of application
for approval or subsequent to approval before commencement of the Course? Whether the
Faculty to be appointed are for the First Year of the Course or for the entire period of the
A: The New Institution is obligated to appoint a Principal and Faculty before the commencement of the
Course. The Faculty to be appointed are for the First Year of the Course and it will be progressively
done each year so that when an Expert Visit Committee (EVC) conducted any time before the first
batch of students has passed out, the availability of the facilities of an Institution as per the norms
in Approval Process Handbook be verified.
Q: We have got the first approval for our Institution in 2022-23. But we have NOT admitted
students due the delay in getting affiliation. Do we need to apply for EoA?
A: ALL the applicants issued LoA for starting the New Technical Institutions shall apply on AICTE Web-
Portal for Extension of Approval (EOA) as specified in the Approval Process Handbook from the
next Academic Year onwards, irrespective of the admission of the students.
Q: a. While applying, I had made a mistake in opting for FN/OCI? How can I rectify the mistake?
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Approval Process 2023-24
Frequently Asked Questions
b. We had applied for the Closure of the Institution, but now we have decided to apply for
EoA. How can I revert the application?
A: For a and b: You can inform AICTE as per the procedure mentioned in Clause 2.3.8 of APH 2023-
Q: We had 25 years of Live Lease at the time of our approval for establishment of new Technical
Institution, currently our Live Lease is 5 years. What should we do to get the EoA?
A: In case of Institutions having Lease agreement for Land, the Council shall NOT issue EoA from
the Year in which the Live Lease is equal to the number of years of the Course having the maximum
duration. However, if such Institutions submit the Lease extended for further 30 years with at least
25 years of Live Lease, EoA shall be considered.(Refer 2.1 (e) clause) of APH 2023-24.
Q: Our Institution was given Withdrawal of Approval in 20XX-YY. We are not able to apply
under 2023-24 application.
A: You have to apply ONLY as a New Institution in 2023-24.
Q: a. The Institution has been placed under 20% reduction for 2021-22. How to get the full
Intake in 2023-24?
b. Our Institution was placed under No admission/ No EoA/ Reduction in Intake category in
the previous year. We are not able to create 2023-24 application.
A: For a and b: Institutions are required to apply for Restoration on the Web Portal as per provision in
the APH
Q: a. Our Institution got approval up to the Academic Year 2019-20 and we were unable to
submit application in 2020-21 and 2021-22. We want to apply for 2023-24.
b. We have taken approval from AICTE for the Engineering Courses in 2011-12. After that we
could not take EoA from AICTE due to some reasons. Now we want to apply for EoA in 2023-
24. We have ID and password allotted by AICTE in 2011. Should we continue to fill our
application on Web Portal of AICTE using that ID and Password?
c. We have not applied for EoA in the past 3 years. Can we apply for Break in EoA as well as
for a new Programme?
A: a. You are required to apply for Break in EoA on Web Portal. The same user ID and password
can be used.
b. Institutions which have NOT applied for EoA for last SIX YEARS consecutively shall NOT be eligible
to apply under Break in EoA and such Institutions shall apply ONLY as a new Technical Institution
following appropriate procedure for Closure of the Programmes/Courses approved.
c. The Institutions applying under Break in EoA/ Restoration shall NOT be permitted to apply for
other categories listed under Chapter II/ III/ V/ VI of the APH 2023-24.
Q: After the submission of the application for EoA, if an institute wants to revoke the application and
wants to apply under different category what is the provision of penalty for that?
A: Institute can revoke the application and submit new application within due date, Penalty as
applicable for late submission of application if any.
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Approval Process 2023-24
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Our Intake was reduced to 50% due to the enrollment less than 30% in the past 5 years
consecutively. The student admission this year is more than 30%. Should we have to apply for
Restoration in 2023-24?
A: The Institution falling under this category need not apply for restoration and the Intake shall be
automatically reinstated by the Council, if the enrolment becomes more than 30% based
on the student enrolment data provided by the Institution on AICTE Portal.
Q: If an Institute not applied for EoA in preceding academic year, How Institute will apply for the next
academic year for EoA?
A: Such Institute shall be considered as “ Break–in-EoA” and will apply under Break-in-EoA.
Q: What is the difference between Programme & level?
A: Levels are such as Diploma/UG/PG and Programmes are such as Engineering and Technology /Applied
Art and Craft/Design /Hotel Management and Catering Technology/ MBA/MCA/PGDM/PGCM.
Q: The Institute applying under Break-In-EoA shall be eligible for to start new Programme/ Level in the
existing institution.
A: Not Permitted
Q: We have 5 Diploma Courses; can we apply for conversion of Two Diploma Courses only into
Degree Courses?
A: No. Partial conversion of Courses / Programmes at any Levels is NOT permitted.
Q: We are having UG and PG Courses in Engineering and Technology. We would like to apply
for conversion of our Under Graduate Courses into Diploma Level? Should we have to apply
for closure of PG Courses?
PG Courses in Engineering and Technology should be applied for closure and simultaneously
A: apply for conversion of UG into Diploma.
Q: We would like to apply for conversion of our UG Degree Courses into Diploma Courses, but we
don’t find the nomenclature of certain Courses in Annexure 3. How can we apply?
A: You have to continue at the same Level or may opt for the closure of Course(s).
Q: When an existing Institution applies for a new Programme, whether it have to comply with the
built up area and Infrastructural requirements of the new Programme only for First year and/ or
for the entire duration of the new Programme? Whether the existing Institution
and the new Programme can share the administrative and amenities areas by creating exclusive
Instructional area for the new Programme?
A: When an existing Institution applies for a new Programme, it has to comply with the built
up area and Infrastructural requirements of the new Programme for 50% of the active duration of
the programme First year and the sharing of the administrative and amenities areas are permissible
as far as it caters the need of all the students for all the Programmes, with creation of exclusive
instructional area for the new Programme and progressively done each year to cater the
requirement as per AICTE norms.
Q: Whether an Institution offering MBA could be merged with an Institution offering Engineering
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Approval Process 2023-24
Frequently Asked Questions
A: Yes, if both the Institutions are run by the same Trust/ Society/ Company.
Q: a. Can we merge two Institutions located within same Campus/City?
b. Can we merge few Courses of a Child Institution with Parent Institution and run the Child
Institution with the remaining Courses?
c. Can we merge an Institution running Under Graduate Courses and a Polytechnic in
A: a. Yes
b. Not permissible.
c. Yes.
Q: How can we apply for addition seats in Indian / Regional Languages at Diploma/Degree level
Courses in Engineering and Technology?
A: National Education Policy 2020 envisages the availability of Higher Technical Education in Indian /
Regional Languages at Diploma/Degree level. AICTE shall permit an addition of ONE division with
30/60 seats to the eligible and interested institutes. Institutions seeking approval shall be permitted
for Increase in intake in Accredited courses (Supernumerary) or against Approved Intake.
Q: We have One Course with valid NBA accreditation. How many increase/ new Course our Institution
is eligible?
A: Institutions shall be eligible for new Course(s)/ expansion of existing Course(s), equal to the number
of valid NBA accredited Course(s), limited to a maximum of FOUR within the definition of Division/
Programme/ Level and provided they are running three Core branches. Refer Clause 2.14.3 of APH
2023-24. Further for introduction of new course, Institute should run minimum three core branches
Q: Our Institution has valid NBA accredited Courses. Is it necessary to upload valid NBA letter on
portal and send hard copy to Regional Office?
A: Yes. The information related to validity of NBA accredited Courses need to be provided on
portal. However hard copy need not be provided. Institution need to produce the additional
documents including NBA letter at the time of Scrutiny.
Q: Our Institution has applied for NBA, whether we are eligible for adding a new Course?
A: Yes, provided accreditation of existing Course is to be provided on or before the date of Scrutiny
Committee and subject to the fulfilment of other norms as per APH 2023-24.
Q: How many seats allowed to an institution under NRI category?
A: Five percent (5%) of seats within “Approval Intake” shall be allowed for admission under NRI
Q: Our Institution has obtained Provisional Accreditation for two Courses which are valid till 2021. I
have used these Courses for adding two new Courses during 2021-22. If my Institution secures
Provisional accreditation again during 2022 for the same Courses, can I apply for the introduction
of New Course/ increase in Intake using it.
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Approval Process 2023-24
Frequently Asked Questions
A: No. A Course having valid NBA accreditation can be used for adding New Course/ increase in
Intake only once within a span of 6 years. Further for introduction of new course, Institute should
run minimum three core branches
Q: Our Institution has obtained Accreditation for two Courses which are valid till 2023. I have
used these Courses for adding two new Courses during 2022-23. If my Institution got the renewal
of accreditation again after inspection during 2023 for the same Courses, can I apply for the
introduction of New Course/ increase in Intake using it
A: Yes. A Course having valid NBA accreditation can be used for adding New Course/ increase
in Intake only once within a span of 6 years. Further for introduction of new course, Institute should
run minimum three core branches.
Q: What does it mean by EoA based on self-Disclosure?
A: An Institute given approval earlier can apply for extension of approval by providing self-
declaration as per appendix 17 APH 2023-24
Q: We are offering Courses in Design Programme. We are not eligible to apply for NBA. How can we
apply for new PG Course?
A: The Institutions offering the Courses in Applied Arts and Crafts and Design shall be eligible to
apply for new Course(s) at the Post Graduate Level only after two batches of students’ pass
out and the same shall be permitted for a maximum of FIVE Courses / Divisions, subject to “Zero
Deficiency” based on Self-Disclosure on AICTE Web-Portal. However, for every Post Graduate
Course, there should be at least one Professor with Ph.D. qualification. In case of non-availability of
qualified Professor, an Associate Professor may be considered.
As and when accreditation for the above Courses is started by the NBA, such Institutions who have
been approved by the AICTE to run Course(s) at the Post Graduate Level shall obtain
NBA accreditation within TWO years.
Q: a. Whether a few of the existing Courses shall be continued, while introducing few new Courses?
b. Whether the maximum permissible Intake after the closure of certain existing Courses and
introduction of certain new Courses shall be the existing Intake of the academic year 2022-23 or the
maximum of 300?
c. Whether the Faculty and the Infrastructural facilities for the new Course and / or increase in
Intake in the existing Course are to be for the First Year of the new Course and / or
increase in Intake or for the entire duration of the new Course and / or Intake?
A: For a and b:
Yes. The existing Institution without NBA Accreditation can apply for closure of few existing Courses
in the Programme and introduce new Courses in the same Programme at same Level, without
exceeding the total “Approved Intake”/ “Maximum Intake Allowed”, as applicable,
as well as the number of Courses/ Divisions as specified in Appendix 3 of the Approval Process
Handbook, subject to “Zero Deficiency” based on Self-Disclosure on AICTE Web
Portal. An Expert Visit Committee may be conducted, any time before the first batch of students
has passed out, to verify the fulfilment of the norms as specified in the Approval Process Handbook.
Please Refer clause 2.14.4 (b).
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Frequently Asked Questions
c. The Faculty, Infrastructural facilities and other requirements have to be fulfilled for the new
Course and / or increase in Intake in the existing Course for the First Year of the new Course
and/ or increase in Intake. An Expert Visit Committee may be conducted, any time before the
first batch of students has passed out, to verify the fulfilment of the norms as specified in the
Approval Process Handbook.
Q: Is AICTE web-portal generates the deficiency report for the online submitted application?
A: Yes, AICTE web-portal generates the deficiency report for the online submitted application
Q: We are a private Polytechnic Institution approved last year, running 5 branches with 300
Intake. Now we want to apply for Increase in Intake and add for new Courses. How many Courses
we can add?
A: You may add any new Branch/Course or increase in Intake. Institutions already with Maximum
Intake Allowed, but NOT eligible to apply for NBA for any of their courses, shall apply for closure
of Course(s) and apply for increase in Intake/ new Course within the
maximum permissible Intake as per APH 2023-24. Refer Clause 2.14.4 of APH 2023-24.
Q: Is Integrated M.E./ M.Tech. Programme permitted?
A: Yes. Refer Clause 2.15 of APH 2023-24 for eligible conditions.
Q: Can we merge Production Engineering Course with Intake 60 and Mechanical Engineering Course
with Intake 60, to offer a single Course in Mechanical Engineering with Intake 120?
A: Not permissible. Refer Annexure 6 of APH 2023-24 for the Courses permitted for merging.
Q: We want to apply for reduction in Intake within a Division for certain Courses. What is the
maximum number of UG and PG Courses, we can opt for reduction?
A: There is no limit, any number of UG and PG Courses may be selected. However, the reduction
in intake (value) within division is allowed ONLY as per the Provisions of APH 2023-24.
Q: We, Polytechnic Institution, want to reduce the Intake one of Course Namely Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering from 60 to 30. Can we do the same?
A: In any Course, within a Division, (non-Zero) reduction (i.e. 60 to 30) is permissible.
Q: Our Institution has become a University. Do we have to apply as a new University under
Chapter I or can we apply for EoA as a University?
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Approval Process 2023-24
Frequently Asked Questions
A: You can apply for EOA as a University with change of Type of Institution (No need to apply
as a new University under Chapter I). Refer Clause 2.19 of APH 2023-24. However, change of
status will be applicable from next Academic Year
Q: In a State, if one University is merged with another University (by State Government), how to
change the name of the affiliating University under Course Tab.
A: Select the Question available under Questionnaire “Do you wish to change the Affiliating
University?” Then select the answer as “Yes” and select the name of new affiliating University
from the drop down menu. Contact Approval Bureau along with a request letter in the Letter head
of the Institution enclosing copies of State Government resolution/ Gazette Notification. In such
cases, NOC form State Government/ University are not
Q: Name of our affiliating University does not appear in the affiliating University drop down.
A: Contact Approval Bureau for inclusion of the University name in the portal. Apply through CSS
Q: Our Institution was approved as a Private/ Un-aided Institution. Recently our Institution has been
recognized as minority Institution. How to update this change in AICTE Portal?
A: You can apply on the Portal for Change of Minority Status. Refer Clause 2.20 of APH 2023-24.
Q: Our Institution has extended EoA upto 2022-23. When we apply in the Portal for Increase in
Intake, the Portal is calculating the TER Charges. Are we not exempted from payment?
A: Institutions approved for extended EoA are waived from paying TER Charges for Extension of
Approval (EoA) ONLY for the extended years for the existing Programme(s) and
Course(s) at the time of issue of Extended EoA. However, such Institutions are required to submit
the application for EoA and maintain ALL the norms and standards as specified in the Approval
Process Handbook. In the subsequent years (within the duration of Extended
EOA), if the Institution intends to apply for any other categories, the corresponding TER
Charges as per Approval Process Handbook shall be paid.
Q: Whether a State Technical University is required to take approval of AICTE to conduct
Technical Courses.
A: State Universities do not require prior approval of AICTE to commence a new Department or
Course and Programme(s) in Technical Education, however Universities have obligation
or duty to conform to the standards; and norms laid down by the AICTE from time to time.
Q: a. Ours is a Deemed to be University/ Private University established under UGC Act offering
Technical Programmes but not seeking approval from AICTE. What is the procedure for getting
the Programmes approved by AICTE?
b. Our University is 07 years old Private University approved by UGC. Whether Private University
running technical Programmes/ Courses in Engineering, Management,
Architecture, MCA, etc. are required to obtain AICTE approval?
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Approval Process 2023-24
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: For a:
Institutions Deemed to be Universities seeking approval for the first time from AICTE (in compliance
to the order dated 03.11.2017 passed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court Order CA No. 17869-17870 /
2017) shall submit an application as a new Technical Institution.
Private Universities interested in seeking approval for the first time from AICTE may submit an
application as a new Technical Institution.
For b: State Private Universities do not require prior approval of AICTE to commence a new
Course and Programme(s) in Technical Education (Engineering, Management, etc.), however State
Private Universities have the obligation or duty to conform to the standards and norms laid down
by the AICTE from time to time.
State Private Universities interested in seeking approval for the first time from AICTE may submit
an application as a new Technical Institution.
A: We are Standalone Institutions offering PGDM Courses. Can we apply for ODL and/or Online
Q: Yes. Subject to fulfilling eligibility conditions mentioned in Chapter- 5 of APH 2023-24. Refer
Chapter 5 of APH 2023-24 for more details.
A: We would like to apply for a new Course, but the nomenclature is not available in the drop down.
How to apply?
Q: If any Institution proposes to start a new Course whose nomenclature is not available in
Appendix 2 of the Approval Process Handbook, prior concurrence, as the case may be, by
the Council for the same shall be necessary. For such concurrence, the Institution with due
endorsement by the Registrar/ Director of affiliating University/ Board/ Technical
Institution shall submit detailed Syllabus and Curriculum and its nomenclature to the Policy and
Academic Planning Bureau, AICTE before 30th September of the Calendar Year, to
process the same in the respective Board. Only Recommended Courses Nomenclatures will
be included in in the ensuing year APH.
A: Whether Faculty not recruited on Regular basis shall be considered for Faculty Student ratio?
Q: The contractual Faculty who have taught for 2 consecutive semesters in the preceding
Academic Year on Full Time basis ONLY shall be considered for the purpose of calculation
of Faculty.
A: a. Can we convert our First and Second Shift Diploma Courses into Degree Courses?
Q: b. We were running First Shift (180) and Second Shift (120), currently the portal shows a
single number with both the Intakes. Because of this, we are getting deficiencies. Please change
the Intake as that of the last year.
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Frequently Asked Questions
A: For a and b :
The Courses offered in the timings of Regular Shift, First Shift, Second Shift and Part Time shall be
considered as Regular Courses. The Institutions shall have to fulfil all facilities such
as Infrastructure, Faculty and other requirements to offer the Regular Courses as per the norms
specified in the Approval Process Handbook for the Total Approved Intake and the Institutions may
conduct the Courses in the timings of Regular Shift, First Shift, Second Shift
and Part Time not exceeding the “Approved Intake” of each Course, as per the convenience of all
stakeholders. All such Institutions shall create the necessary Faculty, Infrastructure and other
facilities WITHIN 1 YEAR to fulfil the norms (before the completion of A/Y 2022- 23). Student
enrolment details shall be uploaded in the Web-Portal. Hence the Council will
consider the issue of EoA till such time.
Q: a. Our Institution wants to make admission under Lateral Entry in Engineering and
Q: Technology. Is there any provision in APH 2023-24?
b. Whether Lateral Entry is permitted in Diploma?
c. Whether students from SAARC Countries/ Foreign Nationals are permitted to admit under Lateral
Entry in Engineering Courses?
A: Yes. Refer Chapter VII of APH 2023-24. The Institutions may conduct skill development
Courses of any other Regulatory Body using the existing facilities, or by creating additional facilities
as per the provisions laid down in the norms and standards of the respective Regulatory Bodies
without affecting the quality of education prescribed by both Regulatory
Bodies after taking NOC from the Council.
Q: What is the duration of MCA Course? Lateral Entry Permissible in MCA?
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Frequently Asked Questions
A: Yes, in addition to that Students passed Diploma (in Engineering and Technology) will be considered,
subject to vacancies in the First Year, in case the vacancies at lateral entry are exhausted.
Q: How do we implement the rationalization of nomenclature suggested by the AICTE in
Management Programme?
A: The nomenclature of the Courses in Management after rationalization will be visible in your
application. The revised nomenclatures are also communicated to all Universities. In case of
difficulty in adopting the nomenclatures, the respective University shall be contacted or if the
issue persists, raise your grievance in the Portal.
Q: Our Institution has six UG Engineering Courses. How many Seminar Halls we need for
running UG Programme?
A: Please Refer Appendix 4 of APH 2023-24.
A: The classification of cities has been made as per Census 2011 data. Refer Appendix 4 in APH
Q: We are affiliated institute in rural area what is the concession fee per division is granted for EoA?
A: For rural areas, there is no concession of Rs.5000 per division from this Academic Year.
Q: We are running Five PG Courses in Civil Engineering. How many Professors with Ph.D.
qualification are required?
A: For every PG Course, there should be at least one Professor with Ph.D. qualification. Refer
Appendix 7 of APH 2023-24.
Q: What is the Faculty Student ratio to be maintained by the Institutions Deemed to be Universities/
Institutions having Accreditation/ Autonomous status?
A: Institutions Deemed to be Universities/ Institutions having Accreditation (of one or any
number of Courses)/ Autonomy status shall have Faculty: Student ratio as 1:20 in Under
Graduate Degree Level in Engineering and Technology Courses and maintain a better Cadre ratio in
order to achieve excellence in Technical Education. All such Institutions shall create the necessary
Faculty, Infrastructure and other facilities WITHIN 2 YEARS to fulfil the norms.
Hence the Council will consider the issue of EoA till such time.
Q: In Appendix 10 subscription of journals, what is N?
A: N is the Total number of Courses. Please read the foot note made available below the table of
Appendix 10.
Q: With reference to APH 2023-24, whether subscription of E-journal is mandatory.
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Frequently Asked Questions
A: Refer Appendix 10 of APH 2023-24. Subscription of the journal will add value to the quality of
Technical education and skill. However, subscription of E-Journals is mandatory for the Institutions
offering PG Courses.
Q: Can we change our society /trust/company for existing institute?
A: No, cannot change (society /trust/company Name change is ONLY permitted)
Q: I want to know whether any applicant of the Organization can be the owner of the land or else if
any member of the organization can give a lease to the applicant society. Moreover,
does the lease agreement needed to be registered or not.
A: Refer Appendix 16.1 of APH 2023-24.
Q: Is it essential to have representative of AICTE in the Board of Governors?
A: The suggested composition of Board of Governors for the AICTE approved Institutions has been
given in Appendix 18 of APH 2023-24. Nominee of the All India Council for Technical
Education is applicable to PGDM Institutions Only.
Q: Please clarify the qualification and age limit of Adjunct Faculty. Whether a same Adjunct
Faculty can be associated with different Institutions? Is there any restriction for Maximum No. of
Institutions that an Adjunct Faculty should be associated?
A: Refer Annexure 9 of APH 2023-24. Adjunct Faculty shall not be engaged in not more than two
Institutions at the same time.
Q: Can we charge the Fee as per the Recommendation of National Fee Committee given in APH 2023-
A: Institutions have to contact the respective State Fee Regulatory Committee for finalizing the Fee.
Q: What is the procedure for conversion of Technical Institution into Technical Campus?
A: There is no provision to convert a Technical Institution into Technical Campus. You can refer Clause
2.9 of APH 2023-24 for starting a new Programme/ Level in the existing Institutions. The
Institutions shall be permitted to apply for ANYONE Level (Diploma/ Under Graduate) in an
existing Programme/ a new Programme, not exceeding THREE Division(s)/ Course(s). However,
the norms of the concerned Regulatory Authorities shall also be fulfilled. Also, refer Merger of
Institutions Clause in APH 2023-24.
Q: We want to change the details which are non-editable/ read-only. How this can be done?
A: If an Institution intends to modify the Non-Editable fields such as Land details, etc, it shall duly
apply and after successful scrutiny of the details shall be edited by AICTE on the portal. TER charges
shall be applicable.
Q: Whether Affidavit can be submitted in e-Stamp Paper?
A: Yes
Q: How much TER charges I need to pay for closure of institution
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Approval Process 2023-24
Frequently Asked Questions
A: As per APH 2023-24 No TER charges for closure of institution.
Q: Is TER Charges refundable if application is rejected?
A: TER Charges shall not be refunded in any case, if the application is processed and rejected as
specified in the Approval Process Handbook. However, if application is rejected at the
Q: Level of Scrutiny/ Re-Scrutiny (as per Clause 1.6 of APH 2023-24) without availing the appeal
provision, TER Charges as applicable shall be refunded to the Applicant/ Institution. Refer clause
1.4.2 (g)
A: When we have established our Institution in 1980, we have got the Completion Certificate
issued by the then Competent Authority, but we don’t have Occupancy Certificate for 2018. How
can we apply for EoA?
Q: Your Completion Certificate is acceptable. Structural Stability Certificate from the
registered Structural Engineer is to be submitted after the expiry of a period of thirty years from
the issue of Completion Certificate.
A: How to get a copy of Corrigendum EoA / Corrigendum LoA in case of corrections made in EoA or
LoA from AICTE Web Portal?
Q: Institution need to check drop down menu and click on ‘Corrigendum EoA’ or ‘Corrigendum LoA’
as the case may be, instead of clicking on ‘EoA’ or ‘LoA’ menu.
A: Whether e-Affidavit is mandatory?
Q: E-affidavit shall be generated automatically on the portal. The generated affidavit has to be duly
signed on Rs 100/- Stamp paper.
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Approval Process 2023-24
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: It is an act under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to consolidate the laws relating to food and
to establish the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India for laying down science based
standards for articles of food and to regulate their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and
import, to ensure availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption and for matters
connected there with or incidental thereto. The provision under the act is available at http:/ /
www.fssai.gov.in/ home/ fss-legislation/ food-safety-and-standards- act.html.
The Canteen/ Mess running in all AICTE approved Institutions should obtain a certificate
from the Local Self Government/ any other Competent Authority stating that the same is complying
with the norms and standards mentioned in the Act.
Q: Yes, it is mandatory, No partial approval for the Technical programme/ courses shall be issued to
Universities from A.Y. 2023-24 as per Clause 4.3.3 of APH 2023-24
A: Is DSC mandatory for submission of online application for New and Existing Institutions?
Q: Yes, As per the Clause 3.2 of APH 2023-24 Institutions fulfilling the conditions are eligible to
start program/ courses under Collaboration and Twinning.
A: What are the requirements of Infrastructure for Online education compared to ODL education?
Q: Refer Clause 5.2.5 of APH 2023-24 to know about infrastructure requirements.
A: Whether Govt aided Technical institutions running self-financing courses need to pay TER
Charges ?
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Approval Process 2023-24
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: No, as per Cause 2.3.3 of APH 2023-24. Government Aided Institutions are Exempted from
payment of TER Charges ONLY from this A/Y 2023-24.
A: Whether TIN/GST number for any Industry is Mandatory in order to have MoU with AICTE
approved Institutions?
Q: YES. Refer Clause 7.22 of APH 2023-24.
A: Whether Lateral entry admission is considered for the enrolment calculation under reduction in
intake category of punitive action.
Q: Yes, Institute having less than 50% admission in last 5 years along with lateral entry admission
is considered as per Clause 7.13 (a) of APH 2023-24.
A: Whether any institution can conduct a course or program affiliated to two different Universities?
Q: No, As per Clause 2.14.6 of APH 2023-24.
A: Clarify whether a two years old AICTE approved institution with intake of 120 can apply for increase
in intake up to 180 seats without NBA Accreditation?
Q: Yes, up to 180 (three divisions) in different courses.
A: Whether Standalone B.HMCT college can apply for closure and start New program in same
establishment ?
Q: Yes. Simultaneous Closure of One Program and Opening of New Program Permitted.
Q: Whether reducing seats in MCA and MBA can be used for additional courses in B. Tech
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Approval Process 2023-24
Frequently Asked Questions
A: No. MBA and MCA are different Programs.
Q: Earlier Physics and mathematics were mandatory subjects in 10+2 level to take admission to
Engineering. Are these subjects NOT mandatory from 2023-24?
A: Please refer the APH 2023-24. Concerned State Authorities / Universities will decide on the
eligibility criteria for admission to Engineering courses.
Q: Can Autonomous and Non-autonomous Institutions under the same TRUST in the same city can
be merged ?
A: Yes.
NOTE: Affiliating University will decide regarding Continuation of Autonomous Status after merger.
Q: We are running MCA and Management courses do we have to pay TER charges?
A: Yes
Q: Within the total intake of the institute, can we reduce the intake in any one of the UG course
and increase the intake (using reduced one) in another UG program. Is it Possible ?
Q: Can we adjust 180 seats in Emerging Areas by reducing intake of 180 through closure of
course/ reduction in course keeping the intake as intact?
A: Refer to 2.14.4 (b) APH 2023-24
Q: Is it possible to merge Diploma Institution into Degree Institution under same trust or Society?
A: Yes. Refer APH 2023-24 for other conditions.
Q: Our institute is under Extended EoA, shall we require to apply for EoA annually. As per APH 2023-
24, in which category we should apply (EOA based on self-disclosure or Extended EoA)?
A: EoA based on self-disclosure.
Q: We have closed our MCA Course During 2012-13. Now We wish to Offer MCA Course from
the Academic Year 2023-24. Shall we need to apply as New Institutions or Existing
A: As a New Institute. However, Existing Institutes can also start MCA as a New Program by
full filling the conditions of APH 2023-24.
Q: When will inspection for Merger of Institutions take place (after shifting the facilities from
child institution to parent institution or before)?
A: EVC will take place only after Scrutiny. Refer APH 2023-24. EVC will check for all the
facilities required to run the courses after merger as per the outcome of SC/Re-SC
Q: In case of merger, kindly clarify whether facilities such as labs equipment need to be shifted from
child to parent institute before EVC visit or after approval it has to be shifted?
A: EVC will take place only after Scrutiny. Refer APH 2023-24. EVC will check for all the
facilities required to run the courses after merger as per the outcome of SC/Re-SC.
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Approval Process 2023-24
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: The Nomenclature of PGDM Part Time and Executive PGDM programme is NOT available in
nomenclature list.
A: No Part Time Courses allowed. Now all the courses need to be conducted in Regular mode
or in Online / ODL mode.
Q: What is the Student Faculty Ratio for MBA programme?
A: Refer APH 2023-24
Q: If there is a break in EOA for MBA program for more than six years and IF it is a State
University and MCA Department has AICTE approval. what is the procedure for getting
AICTE approval for MBA program?
A: University department has to apply as a New Program along with MCA (under the same
Q: We have applied on the online portal for EoA do we need to submit the hard copy of documents to
the Regional Office.
A: Not Required
Q: Want to start standalone PGDM college using extra land with us. The land is in the name of
society but building plan in the name of existing college. Can we need building plan in the name
of new Institute.
A: If the existing land and building as required as per the APH 2023-24 for the Standalone
Institution with proper demarcation. Otherwise, not permissible. Ref APH 2023-24 for more
Q: What is the eligibility criteria for standalone ODL Institutes to apply for EOA for AY 2021-22
Q: UG Engineering College having sanctioned intake of 300 with 5 courses. Can we add new course
with intake 60 by reducing intake of two existing courses by 30 each?
Q: Is the TER Charges applicable for reinstatement (restoration) of seats from 30 to 60
A: Yes, if reduction is due to punitive action. Refer APH 2023-24 for more details.
Q: Is an PGDM institute get additional 60 seats for this year 2023-24, without NBA
A: No (if already having 300 intake). Refer APH 2023-24
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Approval Process 2023-24
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: We are non-NBA institute having total intake 420, can we take new course within 420 intake by
reducing intake in existing intake.
A: Yes, institute may apply for reduction in intake capacity and may opt for new course in emerging /
conventional course subject to other eligibility conditions.
Q: Is it possible to modify land details? Because the current land norm is less than that was
required at the time of starting of the college. Please allow to modify, so that we can use
Excess Land.
A: No, however permission will be given to use surplus land to run other educational
institutions (not for coaching / tuition centers, etc.). Refer Chapter -7 of APH 2023-24
Q: We are having total intake of 240.we would like to restore the seat of Electrical Branch from 30 to
60. Which documents are required? what is the difference between the reinstatement
and restoration of seats.
A: For documents refer Appendix 17. Re-instatement is used normally to bring back the reduced
intake to original value (Reduced by the institute itself). Restoration normally used
to bring back the reduced intake to original intake (reduced by AICTE due to punitive action).
Q: Whether institute can apply for Emerging Area Course by closing the Exiting course?
A: Yes. As per the procedure laid down in APH 2023-24
Q: To start MCA in an existing aided college, Is AICTE approval should be taken first or
University Approval?
A: AICTE approval. However NOC from affiliating University is required at the time of scrutiny.
Q: We have only traditional courses in B.E. Level and got less admission i.e. less than 50 % hence we
like to reduce 60 seats of a traditional course from 120 seats to offer Emerging course with 60 seats.
Hence request you to relax the condition of minimum 50 % admission
last year given as Note in page no.55 of APH 2023-24 in Clause 2.14.4 (b) for effective
utilization of infrastructure.
A: Not possible. First reduce the intake and improve the enrolment/admissions through quality
Q: Regarding New Course addition, our college has four accredited NBA course, without
changing the overall intake of the college, shall we reduce one division in existing course.and
shall we able to start new course in Emerging field but available as listed in Emerging
Area course list specified in AICTE Handbook 2023-24
Q: Can we transfer the seats from one course to the other, like 30 seats from MBA(IT) to MCA?
A: No. But reduction in MBA IT is allowed.
Q: Institution having Autonomous status can apply for grant of approval for ODL
A: No. Affiliated institutes are not allowed. Refer Chapter 5 of APH 2023-24.
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Approval Process 2023-24
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: We reduced intake last year in Civil Mech. and ECE. Are we eligible to apply for additional
courses in Emerging areas like Artificial intelligence, Data science etc. without NBA?
A: No, the benefit against the reduced intake in the earlier Academic Year cannot be availed during the
current year.
Q: Can we apply for two Management Courses in New College?
A: Yes, as per the conditions mentioned in APH 2023-24.
Q: For Merger of Institution, who has to apply? Is it the Parent Institution or the Child Institution?
A: Parent Institution (Preferably).
Q: In case of merger of institution is rejected at Scrutiny/Re-scrutiny level, will the full TER charges
A: No, Full TER charges shall not return, for further please refer to clause 1.4.2(g). of APH 2023-24
Q: Can we opt all 300 intake of 30 division size?
A: Yes, the institute may opt for 30 division size up to total 10 divisions for 300 intake capacity.
Q: Is it possible to reduce Mechanical Engineering from 180 to 60 intake.
A: As Mechanical Engineering is a core branch and cannot be reduced beyond 50% of total intake
capacity. Hence Mechanical Engineering can be reduced up to 90 intake.
Q: What is the procedure to Reduce the Land area? We having enough Land as per norms, is it possible
to reduce it ?
A: Land Area can’t be reduced. However, NOC will be issued to eligible institutes for the use of
excess land for running other educational Institutions.
Q: We want to reduce our B. Tech EEE course intake from 60 to 0.
A: Please apply on portal. Refer Appendix 17 APH 2023-24 for documents required to be
Q: We are deemed to be university if we want to increase in our intake so do we need approval of
A: Yes, you need approval of AICTE
Q: We are a NAAC accredited MBA Institute affiliated to the University of Mumbai. If we wish
to start MBA (IEV) which is one of the Emerging areas, Is it must for us to have NBA accreditation?
A: Yes. Please refer Chapter-2 of APH 2023-24 for More details.
Q: We are Autonomous and have NAAC accreditation A+ grade till 2022 pl clarify whether our
TER charges will be waived in case of Extended EOA
A: Autonomous Institutes are eligible for Extended EOA. TER Charges will be waived OFF Only
for the eligible institutions as per the provisions of APH 2023-24.
Q: Can we open a new course within approved sanctioned intake without NBA?
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Approval Process 2023-24
Frequently Asked Questions
A: Yes, as per APH 2023-24
Q: We are an Autonomous Institution, want to apply for ME Programme in CSE (AI&ML) but this
Programme is not offered by the affiliating university Anna University, Can AICTE will
permit us to start the Programme.
A: NO. It is mandatory to have University NOC
Q: How much TER charges I need to pay for closure of institution
A: Levels are such as Diploma/UG/PG Programmes are such as Engineering and Technology /Applied
Art and Craft/Design /Hotel Management and Catering Technology/ MBA/MCA/PGDM/PGCM.
Q: Procedure to change the name of course?
A: Apply online through AICTE portal and the both course names should be from same basket as per
annexure 6 /7 of APH 2023-24
Q: What does it mean by EoA based on self-Disclosure?
A: An Institute given approval earlier can apply for extension of approval by providing self-declaration
as per appendix 17 APH 2023-24
Q: Can we change our society /trust/company for existing institute?
A: No, cannot change
Q: We are affiliated institute in rural area what is the concession fee per division is granted for EoA?
A: For rural areas, no concession of 5000 Rs per division is granted from this academic year.
Q: Is AICTE web-portal permits the deficiency report for the online submitted application?
A: Yes,
Q: We are running MCA and Management courses do we have to pay TER charges?
A: Yes
Q: How many seats allowed to an institution under NRI category?
A: Five percent (5%) of seats within “Approval Intake” shall be allowed for admission under NRI
Q: In case of merger of institution is rejected at Scrutiny/Re-scrutiny level, will the full TER charges
A: No, Full TER charges shall not return, for further please refer to clause 1.4.2(g). of APH 2023-24
Q: If an Institute not applied for EoA in preceding academic year, How Institute will apply for the
next academic year for EoA?
A: Such Institute shall be considered as “ Break–in-EoA” and will apply next year under Break-in-EoA.
Q: Institute applied for closure but due to certain deficiencies application is not approved by the
council, in such case what institute will do?
A: Such Institute shall be considered as “ Break–in-EoA” and will apply next year under Break-in-EoA.
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Approval Process 2023-24
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Institute applied for closure but due to certain deficiencies application is not approved by the
council, in such case what institute will do?
A: Please refer clause 2.16.3 in APH 2023-24
Q: Can an affiliated institute shall do reduction in Intake by itself on the portal?
A: Institute is required to apply our portal and reduction in intake shall be communicated after
following due procedure.
Q: Is TER charges applicable for Minority Institutes?
A: Yes, TER charges is applicable kindly refer clause 2.3.3 table in APH 2023-24
Q: We have applied on the online portal for EoA do we need to submit the hard copy of documents
to the Regional Office.
A: Not Required
Q: We are non-NBA institute having total intake 420, can we take new course within 420 intake by
reducing intake in existing intake.
A: Yes, institute may apply for reduction in intake capacity and may opt for new course in emerging
/ conventional course subject to other eligibility conditions.
Q: Our institute building is much older and is a kind of heritage building running technical course of
specialized nature since long. Do we need to adhere with current infrastructure norms?
A: Refer clause 7.11 of APH 2023-24.
Q: Is there any provision for Gifted and Talented student for admission in technical course?
A: Two supernumerary seats shall be accorded by AICTE in its approved institutions. Further refer
Q: As per APH 2023-24, Can an institute apply for conventional new courses?
A: Yes, Institute may opt for conventional/emerging/multidisciplinary areas subject to fulfillment of
other conditions in the APH clause 2.14.
Q: Does NOC for Additional course from affiliating university/board is required?
A: Yes, NOC is required for additional course from affiliating university/ board (Refer Clause
Q: What is the division size as per APH 2023-24?
A: The division size shall be 60/30 as mentioned in Appendix 3 of APH 2023-24.
Q: How many divisions of 30 intake capacity can an institute apply for having total intake of 300?
A: The institute may opt for various combination of 60/30 having division up to 5/10 for 300 intake
capacity. However, the maximum intake in any course shall not exceed 180.
Q: The institute namely ABC is having 3 NBA accredited courses. As per Approval Process Handbook
2020-21 increase intake/ new course was obtained against these 3 accredited courses. Now the
same 3 courses are being reaccredited with effect from academic year 2023-24. Can we use
these accreditations for new course/ increase in intake?
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Approval Process 2023-24
Frequently Asked Questions
A: The benefit of introduction of a new course or increase in intake by utilizing valid NBA
accreditation ONLY ONCE within a span of Six years Refer clause 2.14.3(f).Further for
introduction of new course, Institute should run minimum three core branches
Q: Which are the core branches in which more than 50% reduction is not allowed?
A: Agriculture Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering,
Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Food Technology, Industrial
Engineering, Instrumentation, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy, Mining Engineering and
Textile Engineering. Refer to the clause 2.14.4(b) of APH 2023-24.
Q: I’m a new institute my Application is rejected; how shall I apply for APPEAL?
A: For New institution: Institute is required to press Appeal Button through institute login.
Q: Is it mandatory to attach Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) in documents?
A: Yes, it is mandatory to attach Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) in documents.
A: As per APH, you can re-open the application before due date.
Q: Does AICTE offer Approved Courses in other than regular mode or shift?
A: Kindly refer to APH Clause 7.10.
Q: Can Closed child institute intake be added to parent institute?
A: This is not permitted.
Q: Merger of two institutes from two different trust/society/ company (section8) can be done?
A: This is not permitted
Q: We were placed under No admission status last year; what category shall be eligible for us to
A: You shall apply for Restoration Refer Clause 2.11.2
Q: We voluntarily reduced seats in core branch last year, but now want to restore its original intake
A: (a) If your current intake is less than 300 you may apply on portal for increase in intake
(b) If your current intake is more than 360 you can only apply for an increase in intake if you have
a valid NBA accreditation in that program.
Q: Temporary campus approved during COVID restriction is expired, and yet original campus not
ready due to some reason? how shall I proceed for approval 2023-24?
A: Yes, refer clause 1.3.4 (e) of APH 2023-24.
Q: We like to introduce one technical course in Indian language, we already have intake capacity of
300, how shall we can proceed for approval 2023-24?
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Approval Process 2023-24
Frequently Asked Questions
A: Yes, if you have NBA accreditation in that course or against reduction (30/60) same may be opted
(Refer Clause
Q: What kind of applications by institutions can be submitted round the year?
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Approval Process 2023-24
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When can an institute update the faculty details over the portal?
A: Faculty update tab is available round the year.
Q: Can I apply for new course in emerging area without having NBA?
A: Yes, within approved intake by reducing the intake in existing braches. Please refer clause 2.14.4
of APH 2023-24
Q: Can I close the core branches?
A: Yes, the institute can apply for closure of core branches. However NO increase in intake or new
course shall be granted in lieu of this complete closure.
Q: Whether it is mandatory to take NOC from state board for closure of course and increasing intake
within sanction intake prior submitting the application?
A: Yes, NOC from Affiliating body is essential for closure.
Q: The institute has reduced the seats in certain courses during last two years. Can institute start
new course without NBA?
A: Yes, within the originally approved intake. Please refer to the APH 2023-24 provision 2.14.4
Q: Whether permission of Affiliating university is required for merger of institute under same
A: NOC from affiliating body is essential.
Q: The institute is intending to shift location. Can they shift immediately to new location and start or
does it need to wait for complete approval and inspection?
A: Please refer to the provision 2.7 of APH 2023-24.
Q: Can institute convert existing polytechnic institute to degree engineering institute this year?
A: Yes, the institute has to apply as per the provision of 2.8 of APH 2023-24.
Q: We want to increase MCA intake from 60 to 120,NBA accreditation required for this?
A: For increase in intake NBA accreditation is required. The institute not having NBA accreditation
may apply for increase in intake by reducing the intake in other branches. Refer to provision 2.14
of APH 2023-24.
Q: A society running MBA and engineering institutes. Can these institutes be merged?
A: Please refer to the clause 2.18 of APH 2023-24.
Q: The course offered in the timings of part time shall be considered as regular courses. The
institutions shall have to fulfill all facilities such as infrastructure, faculty and other requirements?
A: Refer provision 7.10 of APH 2023-24.
Q: Can we take admission in B.Tech Computer Science even if we had Biology as a subject instead of
Maths in 12th standard?
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Approval Process 2023-24
Frequently Asked Questions
A: Please refer to the provision 1.3(a) of Appendix 1 of APH 202223.
Q: The courses offered in the timings of part time shall be considered as regular courses? The
institution shall have to fulfill all facilities such as infrastructure separately?
A: Yes, please refer to the provision 7.10 of APH 2023-24.
Q: I want to change type of institution from SFI to Grant-in-aid or government aided, there is no
provision in APH 2021-22, is it provided in this?
A: Approach AICTE HQ
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