A Detailed Lesson Plan in English V (AutoRecovered)
A Detailed Lesson Plan in English V (AutoRecovered)
A Detailed Lesson Plan in English V (AutoRecovered)
Be tactful in communicating with others
Listen to the selection with compensation and enthusiasm
Express a point of view clearly and briefly
Topic: Listening to a selection “Once I was a king” expressing point of View
References: English matters 6 (Reading) P. 153
Materials: chart, pictures of a king, strips of cartolina
Okay let us read each sentence and you will tell the
meaning of the underlined phrase through contextual
B. Modeling
Now class listen attentively as I read the selection.
Find out the different(meaning) feelings of the
character while playing to role of the king.
(Teachers will read the selection)
D. Independent Practice
Class read the passage below tell the purpose of
the author. Support your answer.
a. To describe
b. To entertain
c. To explain
d. To persuade
e. To quie faits
IV. Evaluation
Read the selection. Note the authors point of view. Write the best phrase to complete each
Do you believe that extinction is forever? Let us do something to avoid similar findings, the
Philippines eagle’s population is being drastically reduced, every year, these birds are being
haunted for what? For decoration and for good. The eggs are also edible the laws that protect
eagles can either be inadequate or without proper enforcement.
1. The author word most likely agrees with the point of view that;
a. Extinction is a problem with which we should be concerned.
b. People have the right to kill eagles because they need food.
c. People think it is an honor to have stuffed eagles on their home walks.
2. The author wants to persuade every one that actions to protect eagles are necessary
because he or she is _______________________________________________
a. Does not like haunters
b. Does not want eagles to become extinct.
c. Is find of eagle living
d. Is paid to write articles on eagles.
V. Assignment
Search an article and tell the authors purposes.