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Rizal’s Life in Abroad: First Trip To Europe heeding his advice, Rizal left Barcelona in the fall of 1882

he fall of 1882 and

established himself in Madrid, the capital of Spain.
After finishing the 4th Year of the medical course in the University
of Santo Tomas, Jose Rizal, being disgusted with the antiquated Madrid
method of instruction in this Dominican-owned university and the
racial prejudice of Dominican professors against Filipino students, Rizal enrolled at the Universidad Central de Madrid on November
decided to complete his studies in Spain. 3, 1882 he took up Philosophy and Letters and Medicine.

He left Manila with his brother Paciano and Uncle Antonio Rivera’s While studying in the university, he also enrolled at the Academy
blessing. He did not seek his parents’ permission because clearly, of San Carlos taking up painting and sculpture, and languages in
they will not approve of Rizal’s plan. French, German and English.

Paciano did everything to make sure that Rizal can leave the Rizal passed the medical examination. He was given the degree of
country secretly to avoid detection by Spanish authorities, Licentiate in Medicine for this and continued his doctorate degree
especially by the friars. He was the one who secured Rizal’s in medicine. However, he was not able to accomplish the
passport using the name Jose Mercado and through diploma because he failed to present the thesis required for
endorsements from Pedro Paterno. graduation. He was allowed to practice medicine but cannot teach
On May 3, 1882, Rizal departed on board the Spanish steamer
Salvadora bound for Singapore. With tears in his eyes and ‚gloom He then finished his course in Philosophy and Letters and gained
in his heart, he gazed at the receding skyline of Manila. the degree Licenciado en Filosofia y Letras.

During the voyage to Singapore, he carefully observed the people Rizal led a Spartan life in Madrid. He knew that he came to Spain
and things on board the steamer. There were sixteen passengers, to study and prepare himself for service to his fatherland.
including himself - “five or six ladies, many children, and the rest Accordingly, he rigidly budgeted his money and time. He lived
gentlemen. He was the only Filipino, the rest were Spaniards, frugally, spending his money on food, clothing, lodging, and books
British, and Indian Negroes. – never wasting a peseta for gambling, wine, and women.

In Singapore Rizal transferred to another ship Djemnah, a French Rizal, being a lonely man in a foreign country of Madrid, far from
steamer, which left Singapore for Europe on May 11. It was a his natal land, was attracted by Consuelo’s beauty and vivacity.
larger and cleaner vessel that carried more passengers. Among He even composed a lovely poem on August 22, 1883, dedicated
these passengers were British, French, Dutch, Spaniards, Malays, to her. In this poem titled A La Señorita C. O. y P. (To Miss C. O. y
Siamese, and Filipinos (Mr. and Mrs. Salazar, Mr. Vicente Pardo, P.).
and Jose Rizal).
In 1882 after his arrival in Madrid, Rizal joined the Circulo Hispano-
On June 11, 1882, Rizal reached Naples. This Italian city pleased Filipino (HispanoPhilippine Circle), a society of Spaniards and
him because of its business activity, its lively people, and its Filipinos. Upon the request of the members of this society, he
panoramic beauty. He was fascinated by Mount Vesuvius, the wrote a poem entitled “Me Piden Verses” (They Ask Me For
Castle of St. Telmo, and other historic sights of the city. Verses) which he personally declaimed during the New Year’s Eve
reception of the Madrid Filipinos held in the evening of December
Arrival in Spain 31, 1882.

Rizal’s first impression of Barcelona, the greatest city of Cataluña Rizal was impressed by the way the Spanish Masons openly and
and Spain’s second-largest city, was unfavorable. He thought that freely criticized the government policies and lambasted the friars,
it was ugly, with dirty little inns and inhospitable residents, which could not be done in the Philippines. March 1883, he joined
because he happened to stay upon his arrival at a dingy inn the Masonic lodge called Acacia in Madrid.
situated on an unimpressive narrow street in the “town’s most
ugly side” and the staff and guests in this inn were indifferent to His reason for becoming a mason was to secure Freemasonry’s aid
him. in his fight against the friars in the Philippines.

In progressive Barcelona, Rizal wrote a nationalistic essay entitled His only Masonic writing was a lecture titled “Science, Virtue, and
“Amor Patrio” (Love of Country), his first article written on Spain’s Labor,” which he delivered in 1889 at Lodge Solidaridad, Madrid.
soil. He sent this article to his friend in Manila, Basilio Teodoro The Filipino community to celebrate the double victory of the
Moran, publisher of Diariong Tagalog, the first Manila bilingual Filipino artist in the National Exposition of Fine Arts in Madrid –
newspaper (Spanish and Tagalog) Juan Luna’s Spoliarium winning first prize and Felix Hidalgo’s
Rizal in his “Amor Patrio” urged his countrymen to love their Christian Virgins Exposed to the Populace, second prize.
fatherland, the Philippines. Rizal saluted Luna and Hidalgo as the two glories of Spain and
“It has always been said that love is the most potent force behind Philippines, whose artistic achievements transcended
the most inspiring deeds.” geographical frontiers and racial origins.

While staying in Barcelona, Rizal received sad news about the Paris, France
cholera that was ravaging Manila and the provinces. Many people
After completing his studies in Madrid, Rizal went to Paris and
had died and more were dying daily.
Germany in order to specialize in ophthalmology.
ln one of his letters (dated May 26, 1882), Paciano advised his
a branch of medical science dealing with the structure, functions,
younger brother to finish the medical course in Madrid. Evidently,
and diseases of the eye.
He particularly chose this branch of medicine because he wanted Out in far-away Calamba, Paciano tried desperately to raise
to cure his mother’s eye ailment. He served as assistant to the money. He knew his younger brother was in a dire financial
famous oculists of Europe. situation in Berlin. But the crops had failed due to the damages of
the locusts. The sugar market collapsed. Time was of the essence,
Shortly after terminating his studies at the Central University of but poor Paciano was delayed in raising the necessary funds.
Madrid, Rizal, who was then 24 years old and already a physician,
went to Paris in order to acquire more knowledge in The miserable winter of 1886 was memorable in the life of Rizal
ophthalmology. for two reasons: first, it was a painful episode for he was hungry,
sick, and hopeless in a strange city and, second, it brought him
In November 1885, Rizal was living in Paris, where he stopped for great joy, after enduring so much sufferings, because his first
about four months; He worked as an assistant to Dr. Louis de novel NOLI ME TAGGERE came off the press in March, 1887
Weckert (1852-1906), leading French ophthalmologist, from (Berlin).
November 1885 to February 1886.
Idea of writing a Novel on the Philippines. His reading of Harriet
He helped Luna by posing as model in several paintings. In Luna’s Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom's Cabin which portrays the brutalities
canvas “The Death of Cleopatra,” Rizal posed as an Egyptian of American slave-owners and the pathetic conditions of the
priest. In another of Luna’s great paintings, “The Blood Compact,” unfortunate Negro slaves, inspired Dr. Rizal to prepare a novel
he posed as Sikatuna, with Trinidad Pardo de Tavera taking the that would depict the miseries of his people under the lash of
role of Legazpi. Spanish tyrants. He was then a student in the Central University
of Madrid.

On February 3, 1886, he arrived in Heidelberg a historic city in Calamba, Laguna

Germany famous for its old university and romantic surroundings.
For a short time, he lived in a boarding house with some German
law students. After five years of memorable sojourn in Europe, he returned to
the Philippines in August 5, 1887 and practiced medicine in
After a few days, Rizal transferred to a boarding house which was
Calamba. He lived the quiet life of a country doctor. But his
near the University of Heidelberg. He worked at the University
enemies, who hated his Noli, persecuted him, even threatening to
Eye Hospital under the direction of Dr. Otto Becker, distinguished
kill him.
German ophthalmologist, and attended the lectures of Doctor
Becker and Prof. Wilhelm Kuehne at the university. DECISION TO RETURN HOME
In his mood of homesickness, he wrote on April 22, 1886, a title Because of the publication of the Noli Me Tangere and the chaos it
poem “A Las Flores de Heidelberg” (To the Flowers of caused among the friars, Rizal was warned by Paciano (his
Heidelberg). brother), Silvestre Ubaldo (his brotherin-law), Chengoy (Jose M.
“All those beloved creatures greet, That still around home’s altar Cecilio), and other friends not to return home. But he did not heed
meet.” their warning.

After writing “To the Flowers of Heidelberg,” Rizal spent a three He was determined to return to the Philippines for the following
month-summer, vacation at Wilhelmsfeld, a mountainous village reasons:
near Heidelberg. He stayed at the house of a kind Protestant (1) to operate on his mother’s eyes;
pastor, Dr. Karl Ullmer, who became his good friend and admirer.
(2) to serve his people who had long been oppressed by Spanish
On July 31, 1886 Rizal wrote his first letter in German (which he tyrants;
had improved after his stay with the Ullmers) to Professor
Ferdinand Blumentritt, Director of the Ateneo of Leitmeritz, (3) to find out for himself how the Noli and his other writings were
Austria. He had heard of this Austrian ethnologist and his interest affecting Filipinos and Spaniards in the Philippines;
in Philippine languages.
(4) to inquire why Leonor Rivera remained silent
Rizal was fortunate to be sojourning in Heidelberg when the
famous University of Heidelberg held its fifth centenary HAPPY HOMECOMING
celebration on August 6, 1886.
On August 8th, he returned to Calamha. His family welcomed him
Berlin, Germany affectionately, with plentiful tears of joy. The rejoicings of Rizal‘s
return over his family became worried for his SAFETY. Paciano
Rizal’s Life in Berlin. In Berlin, Rizal was not a mere student or a did not leave him during the first days after arrival to protect him
curious tourist. He lived in this famous capital of unified Germany from any enemy assault. His own father would not let him go out
for five reasons: (1) to gain further knowledge of ophthalmology, alone, in case something might happen to him.
(2) to further his studies of sciences and languages, (3) to
observe the economic had poIiticaI conditions of the German IN CALAMBA
nation, (4) to associate with famous German scientists and Rizal established a medical clinic. His first patient was his mother
scholars and (5) to publish his novel, Noli Me Tangere. who was almost blind. He treated her eyes, but could not perform
Rizal led a methodical and frugal life in Berlin. By day, he worked any surgical operation because her eye cataracts were not yet
as an assistant in the clinic of Dr. Schweigger, eminent German ripe. News of the arrival of a great doctor from Germany spread
opthaImoIogist. At night, he attended lectures in the University of far and wide.
Patients from Manila and the provinces flocked to Calamba. Rizal, Rizal’s Life in Abroad: Second Trip To Europe
who came to be called “Doctor Uliman” (“el doctor Aleman”)
because he came from Germany, treated their ailments and soon HONG KONG
he acquired a beneficial medical practice. His professional fees
were reasonable, even free of charge to the poor. Rizal arrived in Hong Kong on February 8,1888. His fellow Filipinos
namely Jose Maria Basa, Balbino Mauricio and Manuel Yriarte,
Rizal suffered one failure during his six months of sojourn in who were all exiled in 1872, met Rizal.
Calamha his failure to see Leonor Rivera. He tried to go to
Dagupan, but his parents absolutely forbade him to go because In Hong Kong, he was able to study the Chinese language, Chinese
Leonor‘s mother did not like him for a son-in law. drama and theater, Chinese cultures and Chinese values.

A few weeks after his arrival, a storm broke over his novel. One JAPAN
day Rizal received a letter from Governor-General Emilio Terrero
During his stay in Japan, he studied the Japanese language or
(1885-88) requesting him to come to Malacañang Palace.
Nippongo, Japanese culture, theatres, martial arts and visited
Somebody had whispered to the governor’s ear that the Noli
Japanese provinces. Rizal appreciated the cleanliness, politeness,
contained subversive (rebellious) ideas.
and industry of the Japanese.
ATTACKERS OF THE NOLI Rizal then met O-Sei-San and their romance began when he lived
The battle over the Noli took the form of a powerful war of words. at the Spanish legation. They became friends and later on
Augustinian, Fr. Jose Rodriguez, published a series of eight developed to become lovers. O-Sei-San or Seiko Usui and Rizal fell
pamphlets under the general heading CUESTIONES DE SUMO in love for each other. Because of this, Rizal thought of staying in
INTERES (Questions of Supreme Interest) to blast the Noii and Japan for good. Nonetheless, Rizal had duties to fulfill for his
other anti-Spanish writings. country. So he decided to leave Japan and said his goodbyes to
A brilliant defense of the Noli came from an unexpected source. It
was by Rev. Vicente Garcia, a Filipino Catholic priestscholar, a Rizal went to different cities in America like Reno, Utah, Colorado,
theologian of the Manila Cathedral, and a Tagalog translator of Nebraska, Chicago, Albany, and New York City. He was very much
the famous Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis. Father Garcia, impressed with all the cities for their natural beauty, the
writing under the penname Justo Daidetio Magalang. hardworking Americans, the material progress and the high
standard of living, and the opportunities offered to poor
Rizal does not attack the Church and Spain, as Fr. Rodriguez immigrants for a better life.
claimed, because what Rizal attacked in the Noli were the bad
Spanish officials and not Spain, and the bad anti corrupt friars and The negative impressions include the lack of racial equality and
not the Church. the presence of racial prejudice against other nations. The
Americans value valued money more than human life and fairness
After a thorough study of the conditions in Calamba, Rizal wrote and justice were only offered to white people.
down his findings which the tenants and three of the officials of
the hacienda signed on January 8, 1888. LONDON

1. The hacienda of the Dominican Order comprised not only the Rizal had reasons why he chose to live in London.
lands around Calamba, but also the town of Calamba.
1. he wanted to enhance his knowledge on the English language
2. The profits of the Dominican Order continually increased
2. he sought to have further study on Antonio Morga’s Sucesos de
because of the arbitrary increase of the rentals paid by the
las Islas Filipinas and to do research on Philippine history;
3. London was a safe haven from Spanish tyranny’s attacks.
3. The hacienda owner never contributed a single centavo for the
celebration of the town fiesta, for the education of the children, PARIS
and for the improvement of agriculture.
Earlier in September 1888, Rizal went to Paris to continue his
4. Tenants who had spent much labor in clearing the lands were research on Philippine history in the Bibliotheque Nationale or
dispossessed of said lands for flimsy reasons. the National Library in Paris.
5. High rates of interest were charged the tenants for delayed There he polished the annotated version of Antonio Morga’s
payment of rentals, and when the rentals could not be paid, the Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas.
hacienda management confiscated their carabaos, tools, and
homes. On December 24,1888, Rizal spent his Christmas and New Year
with the Beckett family. That time, Rizal was attracted to another
A POEM FOR LIPA woman, Gertrude Beckett, known by her nicknames Tottie and
Shortly before Rizal left Calamba in 1888 his friend from Lipa
requested him to write a poem in commemoration of the town’s This just goes to show that Rizal’s love for Leonor Rivera was not
elevation to a Villa (city) by virtue of the Becerra Law of 1888. that deep. But unlike Leonor, Gertrude was not as appealing.
Gladly, he wrote a poem dedicated to the industrious folks of Lipa.
This was the Himno Al Trabajo (Hymn to Labor). He finished it and Rizal was interested with Gertrude because they had close
sent it to Lipa before his departure from Calamba. relationship and have a happy family. Rizal, however, prevented
his feelings for Gertrude when he knew that she was falling in
love with him.

Rizal became more active in the Propaganda Movement with his

fellow ilustrados.

The Propaganda Movement aimed for reforms such as:

1) for the Philippines to be made a province of Spain so that the

native Filipinos would have equal rights accorded to Spaniards;

2) to have a representation of the Philippines in the Spanish

Cortes; and

(3) secularization of parishes.

Rizal became busy in writing articles and essays that were

published in the Propaganda Movement’s newspaper, La


Rizal left Madrid and went to Hong Kong after he published the El
Fili in Europe.

He then decided to practice medicine, through his association

with Dr. Lorenzo P. Marquez, so he applied for a license and the
license and was eventually granted. His family went to Hong Kong
and he supported them in the city.

During his days in Hong Kong, he started to write the constitution

of La Liga Filipina, through the help of Jose Ma. Basa.

La Liga Filipina aimed for:

1. the unity of the whole archipelago into one body;

2. common protection in every want and necessity;

3. protection against all forms of violence and injustice;

4. stimulation of instruction, agriculture and commerce;

5. the undertaking of study and application of reforms.

The motto of the league was Unus Instar Omnium Or One Like All.

There were three organizational councils in La Liga: popular,

provincial, and supreme.

Rizal and his sister Lucia left Hong Kong and returned to Manila in
1892, Despite the warnings and his family’s disapproval, Rizal
arrived on June 26, 1892 and immediately went to visit his friends
in Central Luzon. He encouraged them to join the La Liga Filipina
but sadly, a few days after the Liga’s formation, Rizal was captured
and brought to Fort Santiago on July 6, 1892 for the accusation
that he brought with him from Hong Kong, leaflets entitled
“Pobres Friales” or poor friars.

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