Integrated Report 2022 - 28e

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 CEO   DENSO’s Value Foundation for Overview by Corporate

CONTENTS PROLOGUE Growth Strategy Corporate Data

DENSO Integrated Report 2022 MESSAGE Creation Story Creating New Value Product Governance
Overview by Product


Enhancing the productivity of the Monozukuri industry Outcome of Green and Peace of Mind Strategy

and improving quality of life Objectives Results

Spread awareness of lean Inside the plants of 15 customers that took our courses on lean automation, we together achieved
Our mission in the Industrial Solutions Business Unit is to realize carbon-neutral Monozukuri automation around the several improvements in operations based on the concept and skill sets of lean automation.
(manufacturing) from the perspective of “green,” and to build a society that expands human world (15 companies)
potential from the perspective of “peace of mind.” Guided by this mission, we will work to
Increase partners for We agreed to co-create an open platform with 47 partner companies that share our concept of
earnestly address the Monozukuri-related issues facing our customers, providing them with co-creation of open plat- lean automation and solutions to rationalize plants.
solution packages that resolve such issues in a manner that best suits their needs. By doing forms (40 companies)
so, we will make significant contributions to industrial and social progress. Katsuhisa Shimokawa
Head of Industrial Solutions
Business Unit Efforts toward Quality also actively engaged in industry–government–academia part-
In the Industrial Solutions Business Unit, when DENSO commer- nerships to spread DENSO’s concept of lean automation.
Business Strengths cializes production assets that have supported its “Quality * DX-CELL is a robot universal mount platform able to flexibly adapt to variable-
First” approach to the automotive business, we build in quality volume production of different types of products with modular additions,
Monozukuri Know-How That Has in the facilities desired by our customers (shorter preparation including by third parties, thereby facilitating the rapid design of precisely
Production Assets Thoroughly Refined at Safe and Secure Solutions for Society
Supported DENSO’s Products for times, stable operations soon after launching mass production,
automated production lines using DX tools.
Manufacturing Sites and Global 130 Plant Using QR Codes Developed by DENSO
More Than 70 Years
ability for anyone to maintain conditions, easy-to-use facilities).
DX-CELL facilitates
DENSO is driving improvements in productivity across the man-
Using our high-quality, highly durable DENSO solves serious issues directly DENSO creates value for new domains and People working alongside variable-volume
ufacturing industry with its production assets, thoroughly COBOTTA PRO production of different
facilities that have been refined on auto affecting the manufacturing industry, applications by incorporating outside ideas refined via on-site verification and iterative improvements. types of products
part production lines, as well as our core such as labor shortages, carbon neutrality for using QR codes and QR code reader
factory automation equipment, such as and DX, with its know-how in flexible and technologies that have been evolving since Specific Initiatives to Achieve Strategic Aims
robots and sensors, we are playing a role lean manufacturing and lean automation 2000 and which have become an interna- Initiatives to Spread Lean Automation
in improving productivity throughout the technologies. tional standard (ISO/IEC 18004). Needs are constantly increasing for rapidly ramping up produc-
manufacturing industry and society at tion and the manufacture of diverse types of products in vari-
large while spreading our reach from ous volumes in domains where labor plays a large role, such as
standalone equipment to processes and assembly, inspection and logistics, as a means to reduce CO2
modules. emitted from plants and to address labor shortages in an aging
population. • This robot looks, thinks, and • Able to work with
moves on its own, automating prototypes, small-lot
  DENSO has developed and begun selling solutions for ratio-
Business Strategy for 2022 work that could only be done production, mass pro-
nalizing plants with DX-CELL* and other products that have by hand duction, and produc-
In addition to lean automation, DENSO is commercializing eco-friendly Monozukuri. We strike a balance between business growth in been expanded for enabling lean automation. In fiscal 2023, • Saves space by making safety
tion wind-downs

non-automotive fields and the business principles for lean and clean Monozukuri. the Company accelerated activities to propose improvements cages unnecessary, as robot • Can be deployed at
moves slowly when people are necessary time to
across a broader spectrum of operations, and added to its nearby necessary location,

With the aim of spreading lean automation, we are working closely with our customers to come up with ideas for lineup a newly developed robot called COBOTTA PRO that only with a software
Growth update
flexible and lean automation, including getting involved in process engineering. We are also utilizing open platforms boosts productivity while working alongside people. We are
Strategy co-created with partners and scaling up business by leaving behind the idea of being self-sufficient.

DENSO is concentrating on the development of next-generation technologies to realize clean and lean Monozukuri
based on carbon neutrality, digital-twin plants, and collaborative robots to address serious issues faced by the manu-
facturing industry. The Company is accelerating industry–government–academia activities to further spread DENSO’s
concept of next-generation plants. Resolving Social Issues through Our Businesses Relevant SDGs

Leveraging its strengths in factory automation equipment and facilities provided by the Industrial Solutions Business
Unit (i.e., products that are thoroughly proven, improved, and refined with DENSO’s Global 130 Plant concept, and
then delivered to customers), DENSO is improving productivity while being in touch with customer needs and always Aiming to Resolve Regional Issues by Collecting Data  DENSO is helping to revitalize regional activities through the
providing high-quality production assets.
on QR Code Usage visualization of a broader range of data on people’s movements,
DENSO develops a broad spectrum of human resources adept in digital technologies that are essential for DENSO has provided QR code solutions that match diverse including restaurants, hotels and shopping, through the use of
next-generation manufacturing, such as digital-twin and open platforms, as well as human resources that excel in customer needs in the railway, retail/wholesale, and hotel indus- QR codes.
providing solutions (sales engineers) and are able to precisely propose ideas that combine know-how with technolo- tries. By using the collected QR code data more universally, we
gies owned by DENSO to solve issues faced by customers.
intend to expand services to new domains and applications.
 For example, DENSO is cooperating with companies in Tendo
City, Yamagata Prefecture (DMC Tendo Onsen Co. and Yamako
Bus Corporation) to promote the creation of attractive tourist
destinations. Together, we tested the “Gururi” Tendo City bus
routes to improve accessibility to tourist spots and enhance
transportation convenience. With DENSO’s QR code applica-
tion, DENSO and Tendo City can gather data on tourists’ travel
history, i.e., when and where they traveled and for what pur-
pose, and use this data to increase the efficiency of tours while
satisfying the needs of tourists.

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