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Water Cycle

Subject: Science

Class: Grade IV

I Objectives;

At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

a. Understand key concepts in the water cycle;

b. Describe the importance of the water cycle; and

c. Show appreciation in the cycle of water

II Subject Matter

Topic: Water Cycle

A. Source of the Lesson:



B. Materials: Pictures, Laptop, Books, Video, Art paper, Scotch Tape

C. Skills involve: Identifying, determining, understanding

D. Value Focus: Appreciation, Cooperation

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher’s Activity Students Activity

1. Prayer


start, can we all stand up and Ms. Tamayo Heavenly Father... Amen.

can you lead the prayer.

Good afternoon Teachers, Good afternoon
Good afternoon everyone. We are your
teachers for today (Michael, Glen, Noeme).

You may now take you seats.

Present teacher.
3. Checking of attendance

Please say present when your name is called.

B. Motivation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

To improve our mood for today let's sing and Okay, teacher.
dance to today's song of choice, "Rain-rain-go-

Everyone must participate.

“Rain, rain, go away Yes teacher

Come again another day
Little children wants to play
Rain, rain, go away
Come again some other day
We want to go outside and play
Come again some other day
Rain, rain, go away
Come again some other day
We want to go outside and play
Come again some other day”

Did you enjoy the song? Yes teacher

Very good. That was a very energetic


What do you think about the rain? Do you also We come out and play in the rain teacher.
hate when the rain comes or do you come out
and play in the rain?

Yes I also come out and enjoy when the rain


Have you ever wondered where do rains come From the sky

Or even the big fluffy clouds in the sky?

Another question, oftentimes when you're
outside bathing in the rain, whom among you
Me teacher.
here experienced smoke going put of your

Have you ever wondered where did the smoke Yes teacher.
comes from?

And would you believe me if I say that it is one

of the reason why it rains?

I see that you're eager to know the answers.

To know about why sometimes our bodies

smoke when we take a bath, and to know
more about the concept of rain let's go
through our lesson for today: The water
C. Lesson Proper

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

The water cycle on Earth

Water is essential to life on Earth. In its three

phases (solid, liquid, and gas), water ties
together the major parts of the Earth’s climate
system — air, clouds, the ocean, lakes,
vegetation, snowpack, and glaciersoffsite link.

The water cycle shows the continuous

movement of water within the Earth and
atmosphere. It is a complex system that
includes many different processes.

The water cycle shows the continuous

movement of water within the Earth and
atmosphere. It is a complex system that
includes three main processes; evaporation,
condensation, and precipitation.

The first process, evaporation. Evaporation,

one of the major processes in the cycle, is the
transfer of water from the surface of the
Earth to the atmosphere. By evaporation,
water in the liquid state is transferred to the
gaseous, or vapour, state. This transfer
occurs when some molecules in a water mass
have attained sufficient kinetic energy to
eject themselves from the water surface. The
main factors affecting evaporation are
temperature, humidity, wind speed, and
solar radiation.
Evaporation happens when a liquid turns
into a gas. It can be easily visualized when
rain puddles “disappear” on a hot day or
when wet clothes dry in the sun. In these
examples, the liquid water is not actually
vanishing—it is evaporating into a gas,
called water vapor.

In the water cycle, evaporation occurs when

sunlight warms the surface of the water. The
heat from the sun makes the water
molecules move faster and faster, until they
move so fast they escape as a gas. Once
evaporated, a molecule of water vapor
spends about ten days in the air.

As water vapor rises higher in the

atmosphere, it begins to cool back down.
When it is cool enough, the water vapor
condenses and returns to liquid water.

We will know more on that from teacher

Michael and teacher glen.
The transition process from the vapour state to
the liquid state is called condensation.
Condensation may take place as soon as the air
contains more water vapour than it can receive
from a free water surface through evaporation
at the prevailing temperature. This condition
occurs as the consequence of either cooling or
the mixing of air masses of different
temperatures. By condensation, water vapour
in the atmosphere is released to form

Precipitation happens when water falls from

the clouds toward the ground, especially as rain
or snow.


So what do you call the process where the

water rises up?

Good, you can also observe this when you

boil water, the smoke thing coming out in
the mouth of the pot or kettle when it boils Evaporation
are water vapor. It rises up and to the air
and meet with other water vapor forming

Yes, now did you remember what we talked Clouds teacher .

about earlier? About the smoke in your body?
Well, it's not actually called smoke, it's called
"steam". And it functions the same way with
water evaporation. Because our body is
naturally hot the water around us rises. Did you
know that we constantly emits steam or water
vapor but it's so tiny we cannot see it?

Yes. And the next time you take a bath in the

rain, some of the water might be from your
body. That rised up through the process we

Very good, it forms clouds and the water in the

clouds becomes too much for the clouds to
carry it will starts falling due to gravity. Evaporation

The process by which the water vapors merge

together to form bigger droplets is called?

Correct. Very good, and the moment we love

the most is when the water in the clouds starts
falling down to earth in the presence of rain is
the process called?
Very good.

Now do you understand why it rains?

Do you have any more questions?

It looks like you understand the lesson well.

Let’s have a little quiz

Yes teacher.
No more teacher.

IV Evaluation

Test I.

Direction: Identify and encircle the correct answer.

1. When it is raining outside the process involved is?

A. Evaporation

B. Precipitation

C. Condensation

D. Collection

2. You are heating up water when you noticed that there are smoke like moving out of the kettle,
the smoke you saw is called?

A. Water

B. Smoke

C. Vapor

D. Clouds

3. What process is involved when you boil water and it rises up?

A. Evaporation

B. Precipitation

C. Condensation

D. Collection

4. Solid ice and snow can turn directly into gas.

A. Sublimation

B. Evaporation

C. Transformation

D. Evaporation
5. It is the continuous movement of water within the Earth and atmosphere. It is also a complex
system that includes many different processes.

A. Raining

B. Precipitation

C. Water Cycle

D. Earthquake

Test II

Direction: In a one half sized paper write one paragraph indicating the importance of water cycle
in your life.

V. Assignment

Direction: You will be divided in three groups. Provided the materials you will create
your very own model of water cycle in the weekend. On Monday you will be given five
minutes to discuss to the whole class what you have learned today.

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