Prelim Care of Mother Child Adolescent Lec Transes
Prelim Care of Mother Child Adolescent Lec Transes
Prelim Care of Mother Child Adolescent Lec Transes
GOALS OF MATERNAL AND and child during pregnancy, childbirth, and
postpartum to ensure the health of both.
Promotion and maintenance of optimal family ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES
o Preconception health care
o Care of women during the 3 trimesters of
Considers the family as a whole and as
pregnancy and the puerperium (the 6
partner in care when planning or
weeks after childbirth, sometimes termed
implementing or evaluating the effectiveness
the 4th trimester of pregnancy.
of care.
o Care of infants during the prenatal
Serves as an advocate to protect the rights of
period (the time span of pregnancy to 4
all family members, including the fetus.
weeks [28 weeks] after birth).
Demonstrates a high degree of independent
o Care of children from birth through late
nursing functions because teaching and
counseling are major interventions
o Care in variety of hospital and home care
Promotes health and disease prevention
because these protect the health of the next
Serves as an important resource for families
CHILD HEALTH NURSING during childbearing and childrearing as these
Maternal and child health nursing is:
can be extremely stressful times in a life
o Family centered: assessment should
always include the family as well as an
Respects personal, cultural, and spiritual
attitudes and beliefs as these so strongly
o Community centered: the health of
influence the meaning and impact of
families is both affected by and
childbearing and childrearing
influences the health of communities
Encourages developmental stimulation
o Evidenced-based: this is the means
during both health and illness so children
whereby critical knowledge increases,
can reach their ultimate capacity in adult life
Assesses families for strengths as well as
A challenging role for nurses and a major factor
specific needs or challenges
in keeping families well and optimally
Encourages family bonding through
rooming-in and family visiting in maternal
GLOBAL HEALTH and child healthcare settings
Encourages early hospital discharge options
To end poverty and hunger to reunite families as soon as possible in
To achieve universal primary education order to create as seamless, helpful transition
To promote gender equality and empower
Encourages families to reach out to their
community so the family can develop a
To reduce child mortality
wealth of support people they can call on in
To improve child maternal health
a time of a family crisis.
To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other
To ensure environmental sustainability
To develop a global partnership for Goals are a UN Initiative.
development The Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs), officially known as Transforming
THEORIES RELATED TO our world: the 2030 Agenda for
MATERNAL AND CHILD NURSING Sustainable Development, are an
intergovernmental set of aspiration Goals
PERINATAL with 169 targets.
Perinatal nursing is the care and support of
women and their families before, during, SUSTAINABLE
and after childbirth. Perinatal nurses provide DEVELOPMENT GOALS
education and resources about pregnancy Poverty - End poverty in all its forms
and childbirth, and help oversee the mother everywhere
PRELIM Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent
Hunger and Food Security - End hunger,
LEC Penis:
achieve food security and improved nutrition
is the male organ for sexual
intercourse. It has three parts: the root, shaft
and promote sustainable agriculture. and glans
Good Health and Well-Being - Ensure Scrotum: is the loose pouch-like sac of
healthy lives and promote well-being for all skin that hangs behind the penis. It contains
at all ages. the testicles has a protective function and
Education -Ensure inclusive and equitable acts as a climate control system for the testes
quality education and promote lifelong Testicles / Testes: are responsible for
learning opportunities for all. making testosterone, the primary male sex
Gender Equality and Women's hormone (endocrine function), and for
Empowerment - Achieve gender equality generating sperm (exocrine function)
and empower all women and girls. Epididymis: It functions in the transport
Water and Sanitation - Ensure availability and storage of the sperm cells that are
and sustainable management of water and produced in the testes
sanitation for all. Vas Deferens: transports mature sperm to
Energy - Ensure access to affordable, the urethra in preparation for ejaculation
reliable, sustainable and clean energy for all. Urethra: carries urine from the bladder to
Economic Growth - Promote sustained, outside of the body
inclusive and sustainable economic growth, Seminal Vesicle: produce a sugar-rich fluid
full and productive employment and decent (fructose) that provides sperm with a source
work for all. of energy and helps with the sperms'
Infrastructure, Industrialization - Build motility
resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive Prostate gland: contributes additional fluid
and sustainable industrialization and foster to the ejaculate. Prostate fluids also help to
innovation. nourish the sperm.
Inequality - Reduce inequality within and
Cities - Make cities and human settlements
inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. BIOLOGIC
Sustainable Consumption and Production SEX/GENDER
- Ensure sustainable consumption and Used to denote chromosomal sexual
production patterns. development male (XY) & female (XX)
Climate Change - Take urgent action to
combat climate change and its impacts. GENDER
Oceans - Conserve and sustainably use the IDENTITY
oceans, seas and marine resources for Is the individual’s persisting inner sense of
sustainable development. being male or female, masculine & feminine
Biodiversity, Forests, Deforestation - Its development was based on biologic sex
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use & sociocultural reinforcement, which brings
of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably at birth with identification of the baby as
manage forests, combat desertification, and male or female
halt and reverse land degradation and halt
biodiversity loss. SEXUALITY
Peace and Justice - Promote peaceful and
inclusive societies for sustainable It includes all those aspects of the human
development, provide access to justice for being that relate specifically to being a boy
all and build effective, accountable and or girl, man or woman
inclusive institutions at all levels. As a function of total personality, it is
Partnerships - Strengthen the means of concerned with biological, psychological,
implementation and revitalize the global sociological, spiritual & cultural variables of
partnership for sustainable development. life
Stimulates hypothalamus to
signal Anterior Pituitary Gland
Release LHRH/GnRH
Release of FSH/LH
Ovum matures
Graafian Follicle
DAY 14
Release of Prostaglandins
Corpus Luteum
If unfertilized, regression of
corpus luteum after 8-10
Menstrual Flow
Abstain from sexual intercourse. Combines the cervical mucus and BBT
The most effective way to protect against
conception and prevent sexually transmitted
diseases (STD).
METHODS (FAM) Predict ovulation by using over-the-counter
Rely on detecting when the woman will be ovulation detection kit
capable of impregnation (fertile) and using
PRELIM Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent
24 hours before ovulati
LEC Auterussmallthrough
It detects luteinizing hormone in urine 12 to plastic object inserted into the
the vagina during the
menstrual period
LACTATION Instruct the client to comply with regular
AMENORRHEA METHOD health care visits
As long as a woman is breastfeeding an Instruct the client to comply with regular
infant, there is some suppression of health care visits
ovulation. Instruct the woman to check the string
before coitus
COITUS Side effects:
INTERRUPTUS o Spotting or uterine cramping the first
The couple proceeds with coitus until the
2-3 weeks after insertion
moment of ejaculation o Higher than usual risk of Pelvic
The man withdraws and spermatozoa are
Inflammatory Disease (PID)
emitted outside the vagina
o Higher risk of ectopic pregnancy
o Heavier than usual menstrual flow
for 2-3 months
o Experience more dysmenorrhea than
ORAL other woman
Composed of varying amounts of synthetic BARRIER
estrogen combined with small amount of METHOD
synthetic progesterone. Failure rate of 1%. Are forms of birth control that work by the
May start to take the first pill 7 days after placement of chemical or other barrier
delivery between the cervix and advancing sperm so
Not taken by nursing mothers. sperm cannot enter the uterus or fallopian
SIDE EFFECTS: nausea, weight gain, tubes and fertilize the ovum.
headache, breast tenderness, spotting outside
menstrual period, monilial vaginal VAGINALLY INSERTED
infections, mild hypertension and depression SPERMICIDAL
Missed pill- take the pill as soon as she Spermicidal agents cause the death of
remembers it spermatozoa before they can enter the
INTRAMUSCULAR It changes the vaginal pH to a strong acid
INJECTION level, a condition not conducive to sperm to
A single injection of medroxyprogesterone survive
acetate (DMPA or DepoProvera) given
every 12 weeks inhibit ovulation, alter the DIAPHRAGM
endometrium and change the cervical
mucus. A circular rubber disk that is placed over the
cervix prior to intercourse.
Consists of six non-biodegradable silastic
implants about the width of a pencil lead, New type of protection that consists of thin,
embedded just under the skin on the inside flexible plastic ring about 2 inches across
of the upper arm that contains a combination of estrogen and
Over the nest 5years, implants release the progestin.
hormone suppressing ovulation and Inserted into vagina and left in place for 21
changing the endometrium so implantation days, then removed for 7 days, then
is difficult following menses a new ring is inserted
No estrogen side effect.
The inner ring covers the cervix and the
outer ring rests against the vaginal opening
DEVICE (IUD) Latex rubber or synthetic sheath that is
placed over that erect penis before coitus
PRELIM Care of Mother, Child & Adolescent