LESSON 12 Meetings and Greetings
LESSON 12 Meetings and Greetings
LESSON 12 Meetings and Greetings
TOPIC 13: Meetings and Greetings – Part 1 & 2
TOPICS IN DETAIL Greeting – different types
LEARNING OBJECTIVES ● To teach kids basic phrases of greeting
● To familiarize kids with basic etiquettes involved with meeting
1.We should concentrate on speaking, rather than trying to correct
the spelling or writing skills of kids. Kids shall be able to speak in
english at the end
2. Always make use of things kids know. Children learn by known to
REQUIRED Sheets/ Cards with images of greetings (for the game)
Note: After the class put chart in the classroom, let it be there for
a week or till next time you visit. Take out the chart when you go
next week. Hand over the audio file to teacher and ask teacher to
play it at least 23 times in a week.
POINT OF CONTACT Parnika 9483009966
5 Buffer
15 Introduce the topic Explain what is meeting and
greeting with an example
State the how it is used
Show a chart with different
greetings. Use that as
reference for the rest of the
25 Song Teach the kids the action
song with greetings
15 Phonics Introduce vowels and
5 Buffer
10 Recap of topics covered in previous class Explain what is meeting and
greeting with an example
State the how it is used
Show a chart with different
greetings. Use that as
reference for the rest of the
30 Game Choose any two games which
is most suitable for your class
and play it for 15 min each.
15 Phonics Introduce syllables
1. Chart
More greetings that can be added to the list are:
Greeting People
Hello. / Hi.
Good morning. (before 12 o'clock)
Good afternoon.(after 12 o'clock)
Good evening
Introducing People
What's your name?
Who are you?
My name is ...
I am ...
My friends call me ...
You can call me ...
Haven't we met (before)?
Yes, I think we have.
No, I don't think we have.
I think we've already met.
I don't think we've met (before).
This is ...
Meet ...
Have you met ...?
Yes, I have.
No, I haven't.
Yes, I think I have.
No, I don't think I have.
Hello, ... (name)
Nice to meet you. (informal)
Pleased to meet you.
How do you do? (formal)
Nice to see you.
Nice to see you again.
Say Goodbye
Good bye.
Bye. / See you.
See you later.
See you soon.
See you tomorrow.
See you next week.
Good night.
How are you?
How are you today?
Fine, thank you/thanks.
Not too bad.
Very well.
I'm okay / all right.
Not too well, actually.
What's wrong with you?
What's the matter with you?
Are you all right?
I'm tired
I'm exhausted
I've got a cold.
2. Song
Good Morning!
by Richard Graham &
Will Jasprizza
Good morning,
Good morning.
Good afternoon,
Good afternoon.
Good evening,
Good evening,
Good night!
Hello, hello, hello, hello.
Hello, hello, hello, hello!
Hello, hello, hello, hello.
Hello, hello, hello, hello!
( Repeat Chorus)
Hello, hello, hello, hello.
Hello, hello, hello, hello!
Hello, hello, hello, hello.
Hello, hello, hello, hello!
After practising the vocab a few times...
The best way is to get the kids in a group, sat on the floor pretending to be asleep. Then
you start the music.
You shout out "Good morning", the kids reach up and stretch whilst replying "Good
You then say "Good afternoon" and they stand up whilst replying.
Similarly for "Good evening".
Then when you say "Good night", the kids all fall back on the floor asleep!
For the "Hello, hello part" the kids all mingle together and sing each "hello" to a
different person!
Then a big final "Hello!" It's frantic but very fun!
Link to the song
3. Game
The following games can be played based on the class
a. Card game
Place different cards with images as given below. The children must identify what
greeting is being shown through the picture
b. The 1minute greeting : This is for those days when you need a superquick greeting.
Teach the children how to properly greet someone with a firm (but not painful!)
handshake, smile, eye contact, and a friendly “Good morning, Ryan!” (Tell them to be
sure and say names.) Give them 1 minute (or less) to move around the room and greet
as many peers as possible.
d. Greetings in other languages : It’s fun to collect “hello” words from other languages and
compile a class chart. Teach children the proper pronunciations and then challenge
them to greet at least 5 friends in other languages (they move around the room to do
this.) Or, for younger children, draw each child’s name and go down the list. (i.e. “Our
next friend is… Ben! Let’s greet Ben in Japanese. Konichiwa, Ben!”)
● Konichiwa (kohNeecheewah) is hello in Japanese.
● Jambo (JAHMbo) is hello in Swahili.
● Hola (OHla) is hello in Spanish.
● Ni hao (neeHaOW) is hello in Chinese.
● Bonjour (bohnZhoor) is hello in French.
● Buon giorno (bwohnJORnoh) is hello in Italian.
● Annyong ha shimnikka (AnYOH HASHimnikah) is hello in Korean.
● Czesc (Chesht) is hello is Polish.
● Zdravstvuite (ZzDRASTvetyah) is hello in Russian.
● Al Salaam a’ alaykum (ahl sahLAHMahahLAYKoom)) is hello in Arabic.
For more information – Book reference
Say Hello
by Rachael Isadora
e. Pass the Hello: The general idea with this greeting is that students pass an object and
greet each other. Everyone starts by standing in a circle. The teacher greets the first
child by taking (or tossing) the object to a child and greeting him/her by name, “Good
morning, Andrea! I’m glad you are here!” The child accepts the object and responds
appropriately, “Good morning, Mrs. Antonelli!” Then the child delivers the object to the
next child with a proper greeting and then goes and sits down in her spot while the
object is passed on. (Having children sit who have already participated prevents getting
muddled at the end with questions like, “Who hasn’t had a turn?” It’s obvious that
students who are standing are the ones who still need to be greeted.”
f. Snowball Fight : When the recycle bin is full of paper, this is a fun greeting to try. Give
each child a piece of recycled paper and have them write their name on it. Then have
them crumple the paper into a ball (i.e. “snowball”) and put the kids into 2 groups on
opposite sides of the carpet. Signal “Go!” and give them 1 minute to have a “snow ball
fight.” When it’s over, have each child pick up a piece of paper and greet the child
whose name is written on it. They have a full conversation with greetings and
corresponding responses with the child whose name is on the paper received by them.