1st Grade Lesson Plan
1st Grade Lesson Plan
1st Grade Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
School’s name: CCT:
Production: 10 Minutes
Material: Images 6 – 12
Make two teams. Using images 6 – 11 ask participants to tell you the greeting/farewell it could represent. If the answer is correct
the team gets a point. As an alternative, use image 12 flashcards for an easier approach.
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Wrap up: 5 Minutes
Material: N/A
Always consolidate your classes. Choral drill vocabulary, do mimic for students to tell you the vocabulary word in English preventing
turning this into a translation stage of the class, or have students finish a phrase you say, e.g., good mor…
Production: 15 minutes
Material: Notebook with previous pasted dialogue
Provide a model of a role-play using the previous dialogue. Ask students to mirror/imitate your role-play with at least three different
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Presentation: 10 minutes - Can I borrow your…?
Material: Image 15 - May I borrow a pencil?
Using image 15 have students guess what is happening. To guide them into topic, motivate them to guess who is asking for what. - eraser
Introduce vocabulary and drill practice acting it out with different classmates. - scissors
- Here you are.
Practice: 15 minutes
Material: Image 16
Provide a cut-out strip from image 16 to each student. Ask them to identify the speaker of the text on the strip, (the boy). Ask
students to paste it in the center of a notebook page and draw the following speech bubbles correspondingly:
Boy: May I borrow a pencil, please?
Girl: Here you are.
Boy: Thank you
Production: 10 minutes
Material: Images 1 – 3 and 15
Use image 1 to include the greeting in the previous exchange. Do this only visually to not overwhelm students with writing. After
practicing with image 1, change to images 2 and then 3.
Note: Shuffle the cards every time students move corner. For big groups, have half of the group play first. To save on printing, the
second deck of cards can just be in written form. The ones at the corners help students with illustrations for easy identification.
Suggested activities
Session 5
Warm up: 10 minutes
Material: N/A
Greet students and begin the class with a routine as in previous sessions.
1. My name is ____________________.
- first grade
Practice: 10 Minutes - I am …(age)
Material: N/A
Try to keep all students working at the same pace, thus introducing one sentence at a time helps. Continue with the following
sentences, using the previously completed verbs on the board to answer #4. Read the sentences and have students follow along.
2. I am in first grade.
3. I am ____ years old.
4. I can (verb) and (verb).
5. I know greetings and farewells in English.
Production: 15 Minutes
Material: Image 19, white sheet of paper, template 1
Tell students they will create a product of the greetings and farewells they know. Show image 19 as a model. Hand out a blank white
sheet of paper to each student and the strip of illustrations from template 1. Guide students to complete the product below.
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Wrap up: 5 minutes
Material: Song, speaker
Play the following well-known song to celebrate, My name is, https://bit.ly/3zKxhq1
In order to have a successful class development it is very important to consider the recommendations stated in the lesson plan form available in SAPI:
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Image 1
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Image 2
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Image 3
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Image 4
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Image 5
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Image 6
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Image 7
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Image 8
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Image 9
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Image 10
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Image 11
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Image 12
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Image 13
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Image 14
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Image 15
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Image 16
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Image 17
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Image 18
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Template 1
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Image 19
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