Index: Sr. No. Page No. Annexure I - Micro Project Proposal

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Annexure I– Micro Project Proposal

1.Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project 1

2. Course Outcome Addressed 1

1 3.Proposed Methodology 1

4. Action Plan 2

5. Resources Required 2

6. Name of student with roll no 2

Annexure II – Micro Project Report 3-8

1.Rationale 3

2.Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project 3

3.Course Outcome Achieve 3


4. Literature Review 4

5.Actual Methodology Followed 5

6.Actual Resources Used 9

7. Applications of this Micro-Project 13

Annexure I
Micro Project Proposal
Machine Learning

1. Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project:

 To learn about what machine learning is.
 To get Information about machine learning applications. 
 Gain Knowledge about the advantages of machine learning.

2. Course Outcome Addressed:

a. Develop programs using Object Oriented methodology in Java. 
b. Apply the concept of inheritance for code reusabilit

3. Proposed Methodology:

1. Focused on the selection of an appropriate topic for the micro-project.

2. Select the topic i.e. To Prepare a report on machine learning.
3. Brief study on our topic.
4. Gather all information based on the topic of the micro project.
5. Analysis and study of our topic in detail.
6. Following all the above methodologies we successfully completed our
4. Action Plan:

Sr. Planned Planned Name of Responsible

Details of Activity
No. Start date Finish date Team Members
1 Search the topic 20-09-2021 22-09-2021
4:30pm-5:30pm 4:30pm-5:30pm
2 Search the information 27-09-2021 29-09-2021
4:30pm-5:30pm 4:30pm-5:30pm
3 Find the meaning of Ro 4-10-2021 8-10-2021 Shewalkar Rohini
plant 4:30pm-5:30pm 4:30pm-5:30pm Suryakant
4 Find the different types of 11-10-2021 14-10-2021
Ro plant 4:30pm-5:30pm 4:30pm-5:30pm
5 Disadvantages and 25-10-2021 29-10-2021
precaution of Ro plant 4:30pm-5:30pm 4:30pm-5:30pm
6 Collecting the different 8-11-2021 18-11-2021
images of Ro plant 4:30pm-5:30pm 4:30pm-5:30pm
7 Making Index and 22-11-2021 03-12-2021
Certificate of project 4:30pm-5:30pm 4:30pm-5:30pm
8 Finalizing Project with its 6-12-2021 10-12-2021
report 4:30pm-5:30pm 4:30pm-5:30pm

5. Resources Required:
Name of resource / material Specification Quantity Remarks

1 Computer WINDOWS 7,2GB RAM, 1


2 Operating System WINDOWS 7 1

3 Browser Chrome 1
6. Names of Team Member with Roll No.:
Enrollment No. Name of Team Member Roll No.

1 2010950111 Shewalkar Rohini Suryakant 31

Ms. Pandit V.M

Name and Signature of the Teacher
Annexure – II

Micro-Project Report

Machine Learning


Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science that

concentrates on the usage of data and algorithms to emulate the way that humans learn,
slowly enhancing its precision.

IBM has a rich history with machine learning. One of its own, Arthur Samuel, is credited for
coining the term, “machine learning” with his research (PDF, 481 KB) (link resides outside
IBM) about the game of checkers. Robert Nealey, the self-proclaimed checkers master,
played the game on an IBM 7094 computer in 1962, and he lost to the computer.
Corresponded to what can be done today, this feat seems trivial, but it’s believed a main
milestone in the area of artificial intelligence.

Over the last couple of decades, technological advances in storage and processing power have
allowed some creative products based on machine learning, such as Netflix’s
recommendation engine and self-driving cars.

2.Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project:

 To learn about what machine learning is.
 To get Information about machine learning applications. 
 Gain Knowledge about the advantages of machine learning.

3. Course Outcomes Achieved:

a. Develop programs using Object Oriented methodology in Java. 
b. Apply the concept of inheritance for code reusabilit
4.Literature Review:

5. Actual Methodology Followed:

I have shown effective communication is a basic prerequisite for the attainment of
organizational goals. No organization, no group can exist without communication. Co-
ordination of work is impossible and the organization will collapse for lack of
communication. Co-operation also becomes impossible because people cannot communicate
their needs and feelings to others. If open communication within a workplace is encouraged,
a more cohesive and effective team will emerge. Good communication within a team also
tends to boost employee morale. When employees feel that they are well informed of the
company’s direction and vision, they will feel more secure within their role. Regular internal
communication can also lead to an improved work ethic if staff are reminded of achievements
and feel that they are working towards a common goal.

6. Actual Resources Used:

Sr. Name of resource /

Specification Quantity Remarks
No. material
1 Computer WINDOWS 7,2GB 1

2 Operating System WINDOWS 7 1

3. Browser Chrome 1

7. Skill developed / Learning out of this Micro-Project:

There are so many thing that we learn from this project of
1. Teamwork
2. Communication skills
3. Able to get all information about Machine Learning

8. Applications of this Micro-Project:

2.Automation Industry
4.government organization
5.Helthcare industry

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