Index: Sr. No. Page No. Annexure I - Micro Project Proposal
Index: Sr. No. Page No. Annexure I - Micro Project Proposal
Index: Sr. No. Page No. Annexure I - Micro Project Proposal
1 3.Proposed Methodology 1
4. Action Plan 2
5. Resources Required 2
1.Rationale 3
4. Literature Review 4
Annexure I
Micro Project Proposal
Machine Learning
3. Proposed Methodology:
5. Resources Required:
Name of resource / material Specification Quantity Remarks
3 Browser Chrome 1
6. Names of Team Member with Roll No.:
Enrollment No. Name of Team Member Roll No.
Micro-Project Report
Machine Learning
IBM has a rich history with machine learning. One of its own, Arthur Samuel, is credited for
coining the term, “machine learning” with his research (PDF, 481 KB) (link resides outside
IBM) about the game of checkers. Robert Nealey, the self-proclaimed checkers master,
played the game on an IBM 7094 computer in 1962, and he lost to the computer.
Corresponded to what can be done today, this feat seems trivial, but it’s believed a main
milestone in the area of artificial intelligence.
Over the last couple of decades, technological advances in storage and processing power have
allowed some creative products based on machine learning, such as Netflix’s
recommendation engine and self-driving cars.
3. Browser Chrome 1