CSS (Kunal) .
CSS (Kunal) .
CSS (Kunal) .
1 3.Proposed Methodology 1
4. Action Plan 2
5. Resources Required 2
1.Rationale 3
Annexure –I
Micro-Project Report
1. Develop a website that provides users with comprehensive and up-to-date information
about the specifications of different mobile phones.
2. Gain experience in developing web applications using HTML and CSS.
3. Improve web development skills.
1. CO1- Creating interactive web pages using program flow control structure.
2. CO2- Implement Arrays and functions in Java Script.
3. CO3- Create event based forms using Java Script.
4. CO4- Create interactive webpage using regular expressions for validations.
3. Proposed Methodology:
The following methodology is proposed for the development of the website:
1. Requirements gathering: The developer will conduct surveys and interviews with users to
understand their needs and requirements for the website.
2. Design: The developer will create a wireframe and prototype of the website to get
feedback from users.
3. Development: The developer will develop the website using HTML and CSS, following
the best practices for web development.
4. Testing: The developer will test the website thoroughly to ensure that it is working as
expected and that it is accessible to all users.
5. Deployment: The developer will deploy the website to a web server so that it can be
accessed by users.
This methodology is designed to ensure that the website meets the needs of the users and that it
is developed using best practices for web development.
4. Action Plan:
5. Resources Required:
No. Name of resource / material Specification Quantity Remarks
3 Compiler VS CODE 1
4 Browser Chrome 1
No. Enrollment No. Name of Team Member Roll No.
Ms. Kachare S. M.
Annexure – II
Micro-Project Report
This micro-project aims to create a website that provides users with comprehensive and up-
to-date information about the specifications of different mobile phones. The website will be
developed using HTML and CSS, which are two of the most fundamental web development
1. Develop a website that provides users with comprehensive and up-to-date information
about the specifications of different mobile phones.
2. Gain experience in developing web applications using HTML and CSS.
3. Improve web development skills.
1. CO1- Creating interactive web pages using program flow control structure.
2. CO2- Implement Arrays and functions in Java Script.
3. CO3- Create event based forms using Java Script.
4. CO4- Create interactive webpage using regular expressions for validations.
4. Literature Review:
There are a number of existing websites that provide information about mobile phone
specifications. However, many of these websites are outdated or incomplete. Additionally, some of
these websites are difficult to navigate and use.
This micro-project will aim to create a website that overcomes the shortcomings of existing
websites. The website will be developed using the latest web development technologies and will be
designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate..
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Main Page</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/4/w3.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Poppins">
body,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5 { font-family: "Poppins", sans-serif}
body {font-size:16px;}
.w3-half img{margin-bottom:-6px;margin-top:16px;opacity:0.8;cursor:pointer}
.w3-half img:hover{opacity:1}
<!-- Header -->
<div class="w3-container" style="margin-top:80px" id="showcase">
<h1 class="w3-jumbo"><b>Mobile</b></h1>
<h1 class="w3-xxxlarge w3-text-red"><b>Brands</b></h1>
<hr style="width:50px;border:5px solid red" class="w3-round">
<br>- <b>detailed specifications for mobile devices:</b> This includes basic information such as the device name,
manufacturer, model number, operating system, and release date, as well as more detailed specifications such as the
display, processor, memory, storage, camera, battery, and connectivity options.
<br>- <b>Comparison tools: </b>These tools allow users to compare the specifications of multiple mobile devices
side-by-side, making it easier to choose the best device for their needs.
<br>- <b>Reviews:</b> Mobile specs info websites often publish reviews of the latest mobile devices, providing
their readers with insights into the devices' strengths and weaknesses.
<br>- <b>News and updates:</b> These websites also keep their readers informed about the latest news and updates
in the mobile industry, such as new device releases, software updates, and carrier promotions.
<br>- <b>Forums and communities:</b> Some mobile specs info websites also have forums and communities where
users can discuss mobile devices and ask questions.
In addition to these core services, our mobile specs info websites may also offer additional services such as:
<br>- <b>Price comparisons:</b> These tools allow users to compare the prices of mobile devices from different
<br>- <b>Deals and promotions:</b> These websites may also publish deals and promotions on mobile devices and
<br>- <b>Device compatibility checker:</b> This tool allows users to check if a particular mobile device is
compatible with a particular app or service.
<br>- <b>Troubleshooting guides: </b>These guides can help users to troubleshoot problems with their mobile
<!-- Designers -->
<div class="w3-container" id="designers" style="margin-top:75px">
<h1 class="w3-xxxlarge w3-text-red"><b>Designers.</b></h1>
<hr style="width:50px;border:5px solid red" class="w3-round">
<p><i>The best Designer in the world.</i></p>
<p>This website was designed and developed by <b>Kunal Nalwade</b>, a talented and experienced web designer.
Kunal Nalwade is passionate about creating websites that are both visually appealing and user-friendly.
<p><b>Our designers are thoughtfully chosen</b>:</p>
<div class="w3-row-padding">
<div class="w3-half w3-margin-bottom">
<ul class="w3-ul w3-light-grey w3-center">
<li class="w3-dark-grey w3-xlarge w3-padding-32">Basic</li>
<li class="w3-padding-16">Ad-free browsing</li>
<li class="w3-padding-16">Priority customer support</li>
<li class="w3-padding-16">Early access to new content</li>
<li class="w3-padding-16">personalizedrecommendations <b style="color: red;">X</b></li>
<li class="w3-padding-16">Advanced search features <b style="color: red;">X</b></li>
<li class="w3-padding-16">
<h2>199 INR</h2>
<span class="w3-opacity">per Account</span>
<li class="w3-light-grey w3-padding-24">
<button class="w3-button w3-red w3-padding-large w3-hover-black">Sign Up</button>
<div class="w3-half">
<ul class="w3-ul w3-light-grey w3-center">
<li class="w3-red w3-xlarge w3-padding-32">Pro</li>
<li class="w3-padding-16">Ad-free browsing</li>
<li class="w3-padding-16">Priority customer support</li>
<li class="w3-padding-16">Early access to new content</li>
<li class="w3-padding-16">personalized recommendations</li>
<li class="w3-padding-16">Advanced search features</li>
<li class="w3-padding-16">
<h2>249 INR</h2>
<span class="w3-opacity">per Account</span>
<li class="w3-light-grey w3-padding-24">
<button class="w3-button w3-red w3-padding-large w3-hover-black">Sign Up</button>
<button type="submit" class="w3-button w3-block w3-padding-large w3-red w3-margin-bottom"
onclick="O()">Send Message</button>
<!--review -->
<div class="w3-container" id="review" style="margin-top:75px">
<h1 class="w3-xxxlarge w3-text-red"><b>Review.</b></h1>
<hr style="width:50px;border:5px solid red" class="w3-round">
<p> Fill out the form and fill me in with the details :) We Appreciate your Reviews</p>
<form action="/action_page.php" target="_blank">
<div class="w3-section">
<input class="w3-input w3-border" type="text" name="Name" required>
<button type="submit" class="w3-button w3-block w3-padding-large w3-red w3-margin-bottom"
onclick="O()">Send Message</button>
<!-- End page content -->
// Script to open and close sidebar
function w3_open() {
document.getElementById("mySidebar").style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("myOverlay").style.display = "block";
function w3_close() {
document.getElementById("mySidebar").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("myOverlay").style.display = "none";
6. Actual Resources Used:
7. Outputs of Micro-Projects:
8. Skill developed / Learning out of this Micro-Project:
There are so many thing that we learn from this project of
1. I have learnt that how to make the project in Advance Java programming.
2. How to do the testing of program in VS CODE.
3. How to collect the information and how to make the presentation that we learn from
this project.
4. I have learnt how to use all the swing components and functions.
9. Applications of this Micro-Project:
1. Retail businesses
2. Wholesale businesses
3. Manufacturing businesses
4. Warehouses
5. Distribution centers