MUS 260-001: Establishing Foundational Musicianship in Children
MUS 260-001: Establishing Foundational Musicianship in Children
MUS 260-001: Establishing Foundational Musicianship in Children
Instructor Information
Instructor: Professor Lawson
Office Building & Room Number: Lucille Caudill Little Fine Arts Library, Rm 212
Email: (preferred method)
Telephone: text via Remind app
Office Hours: By appointment (send an email or message via Remind to schedule)
Response Time: Professor will respond to student emails within 24 hours.
Course Description
This course examines the philosophy, curriculum, and process involved in promoting the musical development of
children in elementary school environments.
MUS 260: Establishing Foundational Musicianship in Children
Course Prerequisites
Sophomore standing in music.
Skill Requirements
Ability to navigate and use editing tools in Google Docs or OneDrive.
Ability to record, upload, and share videos via links [needed for when you teach lessons at schools].
Required Materials
● A mask for class
● Abril, C., & Gault, B. M. (Eds). (2016). Teaching general music: Approaches, issues, and viewpoints. Oxford
University Press.
● Barbe, J. (2011). Strategies for success: Building an elementary music program. Beatin’ Path Publications, LLC.
● Davis, A., Amidon, P., & Amidon, M. A. (Eds.). (2000). Down in the Valley: More great singing games for children.
New England Dancing Masters. [Book ONLY, I will have select audio files on Canvas]
MUS 260: Establishing Foundational Musicianship in Children
Required Membership
Student membership to the American Orff-Schulwerk Association (free)
Course Format
● Class content will be provided largely in-person. Sometimes class meetings will be replaced with small-
group meetings for lesson planning.
● All assignments will be submitted online.
● Due to the ever changing nature of the pandemic, expect flexibility from your instructor. Check your
email and Remind app regularly.
Course Assignments
Assignments are organized into 10 Modules, with an introductory module called Unit 0: Start Here to
complete prior to the second class meeting. See Canvas for a full breakdown of assignments and due dates for
each module.
● Unit 1: Getting Started Teaching Elementary Music
● Unit 2: Learner Development
● Unit 3: Lesson Plan Design
● Unit 4: Dalcroze Eurhythmics
● Unit 5: Teaching 1
● Unit 6: Kodaly
● Unit 7: Teaching 2
● Unit 8: Orff Schulwerk
● Unit 9: Teaching 3
● Unit 10: Final Paper and Project
Submission of Assignments
● Assignments are submitted on Canvas. Check Canvas for all assignment due dates.
● Assignments may be turned in up to two days late, but you will lose a letter grade for each day it is late.
Assignments cannot be turned in on the third day.
MUS 260: Establishing Foundational Musicianship in Children
For example, if an assignment is due on Tuesday at 9:30am, you have until Thursday at 9:30am to submit it for
credit. The highest grade you will get for a Thursday submission is a C. After Thursday (even after 9:30am that day), the
assignment will receive a zero. The only exception to this is prior communication with me or reasons listed under excused
absences; I will always work with you and if there are certain times during the semester when you need extra time, Iet
me know. There will need to be documented communication with me via email for these arrangements.
Course Grading
Each student’s overall course grade will be computed according to the following breakdown:
Assignment Weight
Assignments 60%
Ukulele Proficiency *You can’t pass the course without a “Pass” P/F
TOTAL 100%
A 90–100%
B 80–89%
C 70–79%
D 60–69%
E 0%
MUS 260: Establishing Foundational Musicianship in Children
Attendance Policy
Due to the pandemic, I do not have an official attendance policy. However, I will keep track of who attends in case we
need to do contact tracing and to keep in line with Senate Rule
If a student has excused absences in excess of one-fifth of the class contact hours for that course (participation
activities for an online course, as defined in A), the student shall have the right to receive a ‘W’, or the
Instructor of Record may award an ‘I’ for the course if the student declines to receive a ‘W.’
For this semester, we will have a total of 28 class meetings. That means if you miss 6 classes, for whatever reason,
you will receive a W (Withdraw) or I (Incomplete).
MUS 260: Establishing Foundational Musicianship in Children
MUS 260: Establishing Foundational Musicianship in Children
be asked to leave the classroom. If the student refuses to leave the room, the instructor reserves the right to
cancel class and/or call campus police.
● Masks and hand sanitizer can be found at the School of Music main office (CFA Rm 105) if needed.
● Students should leave enough space when entering and exiting a room. Students should not crowd doorways at
the beginning or end of class.
● The instructor may choose to remove a mask when pedagogically necessary at the front of the classroom and
behind a clear barrier. The instructor's mask will be replaced when it is no longer necessary to have it removed,
or when the class meeting is complete.
Meetings of this course may be recorded. All video and audio recordings of lecturers and class meetings, provided by the
instructors, are for educational use by students in this class only. They are not to be copied, shared, or redistributed.
As addressed in the Student Code of Conduct, students are expected to follow appropriate university policies and
maintain the security of linkblue accounts used to access recorded class materials. Recordings may not be reproduced,
shared with those not enrolled in the class, or uploaded to other online environments.
If the instructor or a University of Kentucky office plans any other uses for the recordings, beyond this class, students
identifiable in the recordings will be notified to request consent prior to such use. In anticipation of such cases, students
may be asked to complete an “authorization of use” form by a faculty member.
Video and audio recordings by students are not permitted during the class unless the student has received prior
permission from the instructor. Any sharing, distribution, and or uploading of these recordings outside of the
parameters of the class is prohibited. Students with specific recording accommodations approved by the Disability
Resource Center should present their official documentation to the instructor.
All content for this course, including handouts, assignments, and lectures are the intellectual property of the instructors
and cannot be reproduced or sold without prior permission from the instructors. A student may use the material for
reasonable educational and professional purposes extending beyond this class, such as studying for a comprehensive or
qualifying examination in a degree program, preparing for a professional or certification examination, or to assist in
fulfilling responsibilities at a job or internship.
Syllabus Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
The University of Kentucky is committed to our core values of diversity and inclusion, mutual respect and
human dignity, and a sense of community (Governing Regulations XIV). We acknowledge and respect the
seen and unseen diverse identities and experiences of all members of the university community
( These identities include but are not limited to those based on race, ethnicity,
gender identity and expressions, ideas and perspectives, religious and cultural beliefs, sexual orientation,
national origin, age, ability, and socioeconomic status. We are committed to equity and justice and providing a
learning and engaging community in which every member is engaged, heard, and valued.
MUS 260: Establishing Foundational Musicianship in Children
We strive to rectify and change behavior that is inconsistent with our principles and commitment to creating a
safe, equitable, and anti-racist environment. If students encounter such behavior in a course, they are
encouraged to speak with the instructor of record or the college’s diversity officer, who is charged with
addressing concerns about diversity, equity, and inclusiveness (
inclusion-officers). Students may also contact a faculty member within the department, program director, the
director of undergraduate or graduate studies, the department chair, or the dean. To submit an official report of
bias, hatred, racism, or identity-based violence, visit the Bias Incident Support Services website
Other Policies
Accommodations Due To Disability
If you have a documented disability that requires academic accommodations, please see me as soon as
possible during scheduled office hours. In order to receive accommodations in this course, you must provide
me with a Letter of Accommodation from the Disability Resource Center (DRC). The DRC coordinates campus disability
services available to students with disabilities. It is located on the corner of Rose Street and Huguelet Drive in the
Multidisciplinary Science Building, Suite 407. You can reach them via phone at 859-257-2754 and via email at Please note that DRC accommodations are not retroactive and should therefore be established with the
DRC as early in the semester as is feasible.
Faculty members are obligated to forward any report made by a student related to IEEO matters to the Office of
Institutional Equity and Equal Opportunity. Students can confidentially report alleged incidents through the Violence
Intervention and Prevention Center, Counseling Center, or University Health Services.
MUS 260: Establishing Foundational Musicianship in Children
Other Information
Bias Incident Support Services
Bias Incident Support Services (BISS) provides confidential support and advocacy for any student, staff, or
faculty member impacted by bias, hatred, and/or an act of identity-based violence. BISS staff aid impacted
parties in accessing campus and community resources, including the Bias Incident Response Team, the
University’s official reporting system for acts that negatively impact a sense of belonging. Campus and
community consultation and educational opportunities centered on inclusion, diversity, equity and belonging is a
resource also provided by BISS. For more detailed information please visit the BISS website or contact them via email.
Counseling Center
The UK Counseling Center (UKCC) provides a range of confidential psychological services to students enrolled
in 6 credit hours or more, psychoeducational outreach programming (including QPR suicide prevention), and
consultation to members of the UK community (students, faculty, staff, administrators, parents, concerned
others). Please visit the website for more detailed information, or
call 859.257.8701.
MUS 260: Establishing Foundational Musicianship in Children
Discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender expression, and gender identity is prohibited at UK. If you have
questions about support, advocacy, and community-building services related to sexual orientation, gender expression,
or gender identity, students are encouraged to visit the website of the Office of LGBTQ* Resources.
The Veteran’s Resource Center (VRC) is a great resource for members of our military family. If you have questions
regarding your VA benefits or other related issues, the VRC has a full complement of staff to assist you. The VRC also
provides study and lounge space, as well as free printing. Please visit the VRC website, email the VRC, visit them in the
basement of Erikson Hall, or call the director, Colonel Tony Dotson, at (859) 257-1148.
If you are a military student serving in the National Guard or Reserve, it is in your best interest to let all of your
professors know that immediately. You might also consider sharing a copy of your training schedule.
If you are a military student who is a member of the National Guard or Military Reserve and are called to duty for one-
fifth or less of this semester, please help me help you! Once you become aware of the call to duty, provide a copy of
your military orders to the Director of the Veterans Resource Center (contact information above). (Please also provide
the Director with a list of all your current courses and instructors.) The Director will verify the orders with the
appropriate military authority and on your behalf will notify me and your other instructors as to the known extent of the
I will not penalize your absence in any way and will work with you to create reasonable accommodations for making up
missed assignments, quizzes, and tests.
MUS 260: Establishing Foundational Musicianship in Children
MUS 260: Establishing Foundational Musicianship in Children
MUS 260: Establishing Foundational Musicianship in Children