Day & Date Class & Time: Main: 1

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Teacher Dilla’s English Lesson

Day & Date Monday Class & Time 1 Rukun & 1 Aman 11.45 a.m. - 12.45 noon

Theme Topic Week

World of Self, Family & Friends Phonics
Language/Grammar Focus Lesson
s, a, t, p 1
Content and Learning Standard Objectives Learning Outline CCE/HOTS/MI/
Main: Listening Listen and 1. Students sing the Phonics song and do actions.
1.1 Recognize and reproduce target lang. respond to the Repeat a few times until they get tired/ bored.
sounds Kinaesthetic
1.1.1 Recognize and reproduce with a
phonemes. Introduce students to s/a/t/p using the Phonics chart. .
support a limited range of high frequency Listen and write .
target lang. phonemes the correct Extra activity: Get students to trace the letters on .
alphabets. their friends’ back and the friend have to guess what
is written.
*Students do similar activity with a lot of support.
Complementary:Reading Say aloud the 2. Students get one alphabet card each and stay at
3.1 Recognise words in linear and non Kinaesthetic
beginning sound their seat. Teacher says aloud one alphabet/sound and
linear texts by using knowledge of sounds .
and letters.
students with the mentioned alphabet or sound have .
3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with to quickly stand up. Repeat this with all 4 .
support beginning, medial and final sounds alphabet/sound until all students are familiar with
in a word. them. Get students to swap the cards so they get to
practice with different alphabet.
*Students do similar activity with a lot of support.
3. Students complete the worksheet by listening to .
the teacher and write the correct alphabet. .
*Students do similar activities with a lot of support.
Assessment Reflection
*Activities for weak learners.

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