Subject: Workbook
Subject: Workbook
Subject: Workbook
How We See Color
Vocabulary Practice
Word Definition
1. reflect v. to send back light, sound, or heat from a surface
Sentence Practice Color
The prism will break it down into the seven colors of the rainbow!
When you see colors, some feelings or images may come to mind. (1) For cultures around 3. You food when your body breaks it down.
the world, colors are symbols. (2) Their meanings, though, are not the same in each a. take in b. digest c. smell
culture. (3) For the Chinese, some colors have a special meaning. It’s well known that they
think of red as good luck, but what about the other colors? (4) 4. If you feel , then you are sad or unhappy.
a. down b. excited c. full
Try color therapy in your daily life. (1) You can decorate your room with a certain 3. Something that is can hurt you.
color, wear clothes that have your favorite color, or eat some colored food. (2) Or, you a. healthy b. harmful c. strange
can simply imagine that color. (3) But don’t focus on one color all the time. (4) Just try
different colors to see how you feel about them. 4. “ ” is used when you want to mention another related thing.
a. Because of b. On the other hand c. In addition
5. ( dyed / to strengthen them / fishing lines / They / with the fruit / . ) 4. wage n. money paid for services or work
They dyed fishing lines with the fruit to strengthen them.
5. mine v. to dig for things like gold or diamonds
6. ( more / takes / Natural dyeing / than / using chemicals / time and work / . ) 6. collect v. to bring together
Natural dyeing takes more time and work than using chemicals.
5. ( as much / Back / even worth / in the sixth century, / salt was / as gold / ! ) 4. preserve v. to keep something in its original condition
Back in the sixth century, salt was even worth as much as gold!
5. function v. to work or perform an action
6. ( in their diets / people ate / As / less salt / more wheat and rice, / they had / . ) 6. blood pressure n. the force of blood as it moves through the body
As people ate more wheat and rice, they had less salt in their diets.
Around 6000 B.C., the Chinese began collecting salt from lakes to flavor their food. (1) But 3. People who do something do it often.
there were other methods of collecting salt, too. (2) People in Central Asia mined rock salt a. tend to b. turn over c. refuse to
underground around 4500 B.C. (3) Around 3000 B.C., the Egyptians began to collect salt
from evaporated seawater. (4) 4. If you something, then you look at it or listen to it carefully.
a. give up on b. pay attention to c. find out about
7 Salar de Uyuni
Sentence Practice
Scientists say that too much salt can cause high blood pressure.
Not only does salt improve our diets, it is essential to our health. (1) Our muscles need it to 3. A is an understanding of the distances between objects.
move. Our hearts need it to beat. (2) Even the brain and nerves need salt to communicate a. surface b. perspective c. judgment
and function properly. (3) We might get tired, and our thinking may slow down. (4) Our
muscles might get sore, or we might even get headaches. 4. A is someone who is traveling for pleasure.
a. tourist b. guide c. photographer
Sentence Practice
4. ( there is almost / things with / nothing / On / to compare / the Uyuni Salt Flat, / . ) 2. bacteria n. (pl.) tiny living things that often cause illness
On the Uyuni Salt Flat, there is almost nothing to compare things with.
3. moisture n. very small drops of liquid
5. ( a giant / as if / eat a tiny human / It / is about to / looks / ! ) 4. seasoning n. a substance that adds flavor to food
It looks as if a giant is about to eat a tiny human!
5. soak v. to keep something in a liquid for a long time
6. ( an opportunity / nature’s wonders / gives tourists / Salar de Uyuni / to enjoy / . ) 6. go bad v. to rot or be no longer good to eat
Salar de Uyuni gives tourists an opportunity to enjoy nature’s wonders.
Sentence Practice 9
How We Hear Sound
1. ( such foods / After all, / have long been / our daily diets / part of / ! )
A Choose the correct words for the definitions.
After all, such foods have long been part of our daily diets!
attach vibrate shake
2. ( for a long time / it was difficult / In ancient times, / to keep food / . ) firm medium empty
In ancient times, it was difficult to keep food for a long time.
Word Definition
3. ( that is / a popular meat / preserved with / Salami is / salt / . )
1. firm adj. hard or solid
Salami is a popular meat that is preserved with salt.
2. medium n. a substance through which something moves
4. ( contains / The word / for salt, sale / “salami” / the Italian word / . )
3. attach v. to connect something to something else
The word “salami” contains the Italian word for salt, sale.
4. empty adj. not containing anything
5. ( add flavor / dried it out / but it also / did salt / Not only / to food, / . )
5. shake v. to quickly move something back and forth
Not only did salt add flavor to food, but it also dried it out.
6. vibrate v. to move with very short, rapid motions
6. ( no refrigerators, / and made / There were / so / food went bad / people sick / . )
There were no refrigerators, so food went bad and made people sick.
Meat is not the only food that can be preserved using salt, though. (1) One example is 3. Something that is is something that can be touched.
kimchi, which is enjoyed daily in Korea. (2) The word “kimchi” comes from the word a. mental b. physical c. chemical
chimchae , which means “soaked vegetables.” (3) To make kimchi, you need to soak
vegetables in salt water. (4) The salt in the water preserves them and keeps them crunchy. 4. A is a substance that can flow like water.
a. solid b. gas c. liquid
10 Silent No More
This is why we can’t hear sound in outer space, where there is no air.
When you hit something, the air molecules around it start shaking. (1) These vibrating 3. is something that is no longer wanted or needed.
molecules then shake the other molecules nearby. (2) The vibration is passed on like a a. Garbage b. Signal c. Noise
wave. (3) The nerves under the hairs sense it and send a message to your brain. (4) Your
brain reads this message as sound. 4. An is something that people do.
a. activity b. explore c. environment
Sentence Practice 11
Listen to This!
Some noise is made when people drill deep into the sea.
Like humans, sea animals need to communicate with one another. (1) But man-made 3. If something is , it is related to sight.
noises disturb their signals. (2) The noises cause sea animals to get lost and to be unable to a. disappearing b. delicious c. visual
hear their prey coming or their mates calling. (3) Some become injured or end up dying
because their signals get confused. (4) 4. is the pleasant sound of musical instruments.
a. Harmony b. Note c. Rhythm
1. ( the instruments / can eat / fresh vegetable soup / made with / You / . )
A Choose the correct words for the definitions.
You can eat fresh vegetable soup made with the instruments.
nymph talkative repeat
2. ( hit pumpkins / and they / like drums / with carrots / They make flutes / . ) remain disappear goddess
They make flutes with carrots and they hit pumpkins like drums.
Word Definition
3. ( make / unique music / and create / your own instrument / You can / . )
1. disappear v. to go away
You can make your own instrument and create unique music.
2. talkative adj. enjoying having conversations and talking a lot
4. ( ever heard / Have you / made / of music / with garbage cans / ? )
3. repeat v. to do something again
Have you ever heard of music made with garbage cans?
4. goddess n. a female being with superhuman power
5. ( for one day / Because / they only last / with vegetables, / they are made / . )
5. nymph n. a young female spirit who lives in nature
Because they are made with vegetables, they only last for one day.
6. remain v. to stay in the same place
6. ( different notes / These instruments / create / . )
Well, there is one group called Stomp. (1) They perform a unique combination of percussion, 3. If you sense a person’s , then you know that someone is there.
movement, and visual comedy. (2) The music and dance are very fun and energetic. (3) They a. presence b. story c. opinion
stomp around the stage and create rhythms by beating or stepping on everyday things. (4)
Anything can turn into a percussion instrument as long as it makes a sound. 4. When you , you move your body so that you are not upright.
a. jump up b. stand up c. bend down
Sentence Practice 13
To i l e t s
The History of the Toilet
One day, Echo saw a young man in the forest. He looked so handsome and strong that 3. If something happens , then it happens often over a period of time.
she fell deeply in love with him. (1) He was Narcissus, a man with a cold heart who didn’t a. rarely b. constantly c. slowly
want friends or love. (2) Echo quietly followed him. (3) But nothing came out of her
mouth except what he had spoken. (4) 4. An activity that is is relaxing.
a. comfortable b. unique c. difficult
14 A Toilet Museum
Sentence Practice To i l e t s
The flush toilet was first used in the Indus Valley Civilization. (1) As the cities there grew, 3. A is a building where valuable objects are shown to the public.
people wanted a more advanced system to get rid of their wastes. (2) So they built flush a. stadium b. theater c. museum
toilets! Most homes had a flush toilet. (3) The drains then carried the waste into a large
hole. (4) From there, it was collected and used as fertilizer. 4. When you to do something, you make up your mind to do it.
a. match b. decide c. complete
Sentence Practice To i l e t s
Haewoojae was created by Sim Jae-Duck. (1) He thought of the toilet as an innovation 3. is used water and waste material carried away by pipes.
that keeps our world more sanitary and saves people from getting sick. (2) He wanted to a. Chemical b. Pool c. Sewage
change people’s idea of toilets as being dirty and show how they have improved the lives
of humans. (3) So he decided to make a toilet museum. (4) 4. If you go on a , you travel somewhere.
a. picnic b. journey c. holiday
Sentence Practice 16
To i l e t s
Art from a Urinal
Once wastewater goes down the drain, it enters a sewer pipe underground. 6. interpret v. to understand something in a certain way
6. ( is sent / to large tanks, / The wastewater / sinks to the bottom / where the solid
waste / . )
The wastewater is sent to large tanks, where the solid waste sinks to the bottom. B Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. A is a special toilet made only for men.
More Reading Comprehension
a. shower b. urinal c. bathroom
D Choose the correct number for the sentence below.
2. If something is , then it was made or used before others of its kind.
a. original b. final c. public
The air helps bacteria eat the tiny bits of solid waste.
3. Things that look more unusual or important than other things.
The water is then moved to the next treatment area. (1) Here, air is pumped into the a. turn off b. open up c. stand out
water. (2) Finally, some chemicals are added to kill the harmful bugs you can’t see. (3) The
water is clean now and ready to be released. (4) 4. If something is , then it has a smooth, round shape.
a. flat b. curvy c. covered
3. ( because it changed / people think / It / stands out / about art / the way / . )
It stands out because it changed the way people think about art.
5. ( open-minded / After / became / people / the Second World War, / a lot more / . )
After the Second World War, people became a lot more open-minded.
He suggested that viewers should freely wonder about what art is.
In 1917, Marcel Duchamp shocked the art community. (1) It was white, smooth, curvy,
and made of porcelain. (2) The piece was called Fountain . (3) It was just a standard urinal
found in any men’s bathroom. (4) The only difference was that it was turned upside down
and signed by R. Mutt, a fake name of Duchamp.