Weber 1980
Weber 1980
Weber 1980
Classification and Nomenclature of Coronands, Cryp- open-chain polyethers various glyme notations
tands, Podands, and of Their Complexes independent of the above ones have been employed
[8, 91. Since these notations are often incomplete
[3, 5, 6, IO] and difficult to be compared with one
EDWIN WEBER and FRITZ VijCTLE another [4, 7, Ill, it is desirable to unite them in a
Institut fir Organ&he Chemie und Biochemie der Universi- common nomenclature, to precisely define them and
tcjt,Gerhard-Domagk-Str.I, D-5300 Bonn I, F.R.G. enlarge their scope without losing their practicability
Received March 2 1,198O ]121*
Table I shows a classification of the various
organic neutral ligand systems, which is first of all
essential: Multidentate monocyclic ligands with any
The common notations in use nowadays for crown type of donor atoms are called coronands [ 131
ethers and cryptands like ‘[ 181 crown6 [I] and (‘crown compounds’), while the term crown ether
‘[2.2.2] cryptand’ [2] have been extended in various is reserved for cyclic oligoethers containing oxygen
ways during recent years to neutral ligands, which only. Moreover, a subdivision of the coronands,
contain heteroatoms other than 0 and N, aromatic crypfunds [2] and podands [ 141 according to the
nuclei and chains other than -CH2XH2- [Z&7]. For number of arms or bridges is demonstrated, whilst
TABLE I. Topology and Classification of Organic Neutral L&and? (D = Donor Atom, A = Anchor Group,“= Chain Segment
without Donor Atom, B = Bridgehead Atom).
(1) Coronand’ (Monocoronand)
aFor mixed openchain/cyclic ligand systems lying between these topologies we suggest notations like ‘podandocoronand’ or
‘coronandocryptand’ under consideration of the follobwmf order of priority: podand < coronand < cryptand; the class naye is
derived from the topologicaIly higher ligand unit. n-O--. ‘n = 1 _ _. dD = 0 (crown ether). en= 1 ___ For
simplificity the numbers in the braces may be omitted. gDifferent topologies apart from those shown exist.
L66 Inorganica ChimicaActa Letters
A few samples of crown compound names are Heteroatom and Bridge Sequence, Numbering
given below: The sequence of donor sites in the ligand skeleton
is given by hetero elemental symbols arranged in the
order or priority laid down by the IUPAC rules
[0 precedes S and N (camp. 4J, lowest locants for the
second heteroatom (camp. z> or for substituents and
functional groups (camp. 2)] . Heterocycles with
donor sites are treated as &gle atoms (camp. Hz).
The sequence for the chain segments without donor
1: 18(0eCoronandd); short name: 18C6 atoms corresponds to that of the heteroatoms, begin-
2: 9-Methyl-l8(0eeoronand6)2-en ning from the donor atom of highest priority. The
3: 22(0e-1.2.3a.2.5Coronand-6) numbering is principally carried out according to
f: I-Methyl-14(OSNO- IUPAC rules (this is also valid for the cryptands but
does not apply in case of the podands; see below).