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Co-ordination compounds

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Narayana IIT Academy 23-07-23_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-B)_JEE-MAIN_CTM-48_KEY&SOL
nv   n  1 a  x
n  1 v
  air  1.0003
n a
1 1 1
1  1.0003   3  10 4  n 
n n 3  104
x  nv  4
 6000 10 10  2  103 m  2mm
3  10

31. Number of H 2O ligands coordinated is different.

32. NO2 ligand shows linkage isomerism

Cr Cl  NH 3 5   ZnCl3  NO2  

Cr Cl 2  NH 3  4   ZnCl2  NO2  NH 3  Co-ordination. Isomers
 Zn  NO2  NH 3 3  Cr Cl 2 NH 3 2 

33. X   Ni  NH 3  4 en  neither GI nor OI

Y   Ni  en  2  NH 3  2  GI as well as OI

Z   Ni  en 3  do not show GI, while show OI

34. Conceptual
35. A) High spin : d 6  t24g .eg 2 CFSE = 0.4  0

C) Low spin: d 5  t25g .eg 0 CFSE = 2.0  0

B) Low spin: d 4  t24g .eg 0 CFSE = 1.6  0

D) High spin: d 7  t25 g .eg 2 CFSE = 0.8 0

36. Pt Cl4 .3NH 3   Pt  NH 3 3 Cl3  Cl

Pt Cl4 .6 NH 3   Pt  NH 3 6  Cl4

Pt Cl4 .2 NH 3   Pt  NH 3 2 Cl4 

Pt Cl4 .4 NH 3   Pt  NH 3  4 Cl2  Cl2

37. Octahedral complexes having metal cation with d 3 and d 8 can’t be defined in terms of high
and low spin complex
38. t  0

SR.IIT_*CO-SC Page. No. 12

Narayana IIT Academy 23-07-23_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-B)_JEE-MAIN_CTM-48_KEY&SOL
39. Conceptual
40. Cis :6 , Trans:3

 Ma3b2c
41. 3 GI
 M  AB 3  4 OA

 Ma2b2c2 
cis (1) ,(0.A) Trans(4) ,(OIA)

42. Conceptual
43. Conceptual
44. Strongest the ligand, greater will be the stability constant
45. Moles of complex = 0.01 mole
1.2 10 22
Moles of ions ppt   0.02
6.02  1023
No of Cl  ions  2

46. u  3.83 BM , n  3

O.S of ‘Cr’ = + 3
Complex Cr  H 2O 6 Cl3

G.I is = Cr  H 2O 4 Cl2  Cl.2 H 2O

47. oxalato : bidentate ligand

H 2O (aqua): monodentate

49. Gattermann Koch reaction is a variation of Gattermann reaction, and this reaction , involves
the use of carbon monoxide instead of HCN
50. Conceptual
51. [RhCl(PPh3)3]
52. t26g eg 0

53. The four tetra acetate oxygen atoms are involved in co-ordination
54. Fe2 : 3d 6 : t26g eg 0

SR.IIT_*CO-SC Page. No. 13

Narayana IIT Academy 16-07-23_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A)_JEE-ADV_WAT-47_Q’P
CHEMISTRY Max. Marks: 60
(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains EIGHT (08) questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE
For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded off to the second
decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, -.30, 30.27, -127.30) designated to enter the answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks: 0 In all other cases.
19. EAN of central atom in some of the complexes is given as

(atomic number of Fe  26, Co  27, Ni  28, Cr  24 )

3 3
 FeF6  Co  NH3 6   Ni  CO 4   c; Cr  CN 6 
 a;  b; d

abcd 
The value of   is
 4 

20. (i) Secondary valency of Pt in  Pt  en 2 Cl2  is ‘X’

(ii) Oxidation state of cobalt in K Co  CO 4  is ‘Y’

(iii) Effective atomic number of Mo (Z=42) is 54 in the complex  Mo  CO  Z  .

The value of (X + Y + Z ) is

21. Sum of the oxidation states of the central metal ion in the following complexes is _____
2 
Co  H2O CN  en 2  ;  PtCl4  ; Cr  NH3 3 Cl3  ; CoBr2  en 2  ;K3 Fe  CN 6 
 

22. The weight of precipitate formed by 200ml 0.1M solution of CrCl  H 2O 5  Cl2 .H 2O with
excess AgNO3 in gram is _____
(Gram Atomic weight of Ag = 108, Cr = 52, Cl – 35.5 ,O = 16, H = 1)


Narayana IIT Academy 16-07-23_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A)_JEE-ADV_WAT-47_Q’P
23. Among the following ligands

 gly1 ,C2O42 ,(DMG) ,  EDTA 4 ,CN ,SCN , F , PPh3 , en,dien,OCN ,OH , Py
Number of chelating ligands = x
Number of ambident ligands = y
Number of symmetrical bidentate ligands = z
Value of x + y + z =
24. In the given structure ‘x’ and ‘y’ are bond lengths in pm. The value of x+y is _____

25. Among the given ion pairs, the number of pairs with same outermost electronic
configuration from
Set I are X and from Set II are Y. The value of X  Y is

Set I:  Ac3 , Th 4  ,  Th 3 , Pa 4  ,  Pa 3 , U 4  ,  U 3 , Np 4  ,  Np3 , Pu 4  ,  Pu 3 , Am 4  ,

 Am 3
, Cm 4  ,  Cm3 , Bk 4  ,  Bk 3 , Cf 4  ,  Cf 3 , Es 4  ,  Es3 , Fm 4  ,  Fm3 , Md 4 

 Md 3
, No 4  ,  No3 , Lr 4  

Set II:  La 2 , Ce3  ,  Ce 2 , Pr 3  ,  Pr 2 , Nd3  ,  Nd 2 , Pm3  ,  Pm 2 ,Sm3  ,  Sm 2 , Eu 3  ,

 Eu 2
, Gd 3  ,  Gd 2 , Tb3  ,  Tb 2 , Dy3  ,  Dy 2  , Ho 3  ,  Ho 2  , Er 3  ,  Er 2 , Tm3  ,  Tm 2 , Yb3  ,

 Yb 2
, Lu 3 

26. 7.5 mole H2C2O4 .2H2O is completely oxidized by X mole KMnO4 / H  and also by Y
mole K2Cr2O7 / H . The value of X + Y is…..


Narayana IIT Academy 16-07-23_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A)_JEE-ADV_WAT-47_Q’P
(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains SIX(06) multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong
27. Which one of the following is/are INCORRECT combination:

Coordination Compound IUPAC Name

A) Cr  NH3 3  H 2O 3  Cl3 Triamminetriaquachromate(III) chloride

Tris(ethane – 1,2 – diamine)cobalt(II)

B) Co  H2 NCH2CH2 NH2 3  SO4  3

C)  Ag  NH3 2   Ag  CN 2  Diamminesilver(I) dicyanidoargentate(I)

D) K 3 Cr  C2O 4 3  Potassium trioxalatochromium(III)

28. Choose the CORRECT IUPAC names to the given complexes

Coordination Compound IUPAC Name

A)  Pt  py 4   PtCl4 

Tris(ethylenediammine)nickel(II) trioxalato
B)  Ni  en 3  Fe  C2O4 3 
3 2

C)  
CuCl2 O  C  NH2  
2 2  Dichloridobis(urea) copper(II)

D) K2 OsCl5 N Potassium pentachloridonitridoosmate(IV)


Narayana IIT Academy 16-07-23_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A)_JEE-ADV_WAT-47_Q’P
29. Which of the following is/are CORRECT regarding valence bond theory?
A) It does not give quantitative interpretation of magnetic data
B) It does not explain the colour exhibited by coordination compounds
C) It does not give a quantitative interpretation of the thermodynamic or kinetic
stabilities of
coordination compounds
D) It effectively distinguish weak and strong ligands
30. Identify the CORRECT IUPAC names among the following given complexes
A) Co  NH3 4 Cl  NO2   Cl - Tetraamminenitrito – N – chloridocobalt(III) chloride

B) K Cr  H 2O 2  C2O 4 2  .3H 2O - Potassium diaquadioxalatochromate(III)trihydrate

C)  CH3 4 N Cr  C2O4 3  - Tetramethylammonium trioxalatochromate(III)

D)  Pt  NH3 2 Cl  CH3 NH 2   Cl - Diamminechloridomethanammineplatinum(II) chloride

31. Which of the following statement/s is / are CORRECT

3 3 3
A) [Co( NH 3 )6 ] , [Co(CN )6 ] , [Co( NO2 )6 ] are diamagnetic and so involve d 2 sp3
B) [ Zn( NH 3 )4 ]2 & [ Ni(CO) 4 ] are diamagnetic and so involve sp3 hybridization
C) [Cu ( NH 3 )4 ]2 & [ Ni(CN ) 4 ]2 are diamagnetic and so involve dsp 2 hybridization
D) The spin only magnetic moment of K4 [MnF6 ] & K3[ FeF6 ] are same
32. In which of the complexes the central metal atom/ion follows the Sidgwick EAN rule
(Atomic numbers of Pd = 46, Ni=28, Fe=26, Cr=24)
A) [ Pd ( PPh3 )2 Cl2 ] B) [ NiBrCl (en)] C) Na4[Fe(CN )5  NOS ] D) [Cr (CO)6 ]0


Narayana IIT Academy 16-07-23_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A)_JEE-ADV_WAT-47_Q’P
(Maximum Marks: 12)
This section contains FOUR (04) questions.
Each question has TWO (02) matching lists: LIST-I and LIST-II.
FOUR options are given representing matching of elements from LIST-I and LIST-II. ONLY ONE of these four
options corresponds to a correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the option corresponding to the correct matching is chosen.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases.
33. Match the properties of given complexes in their solution of equal strength

Column I Column II
K 4  Fe  CN 6 
White precipitate is formed with
(A) (p)
(B)  Pt  NH3  Br  Cl  Py   (q) Highest osmatic pressure in solution
(C) Co  NH3 6  Cl3 (r) Least boiling point of solution
(D)  Pt  NH3 4 Br2  Cl2 (s) Maximum molar conductance
A) A  r,s; B  p,s;C  s, t; D  p,s B) A  p; B  q,s;C  r,; D  q
C) A  p, q, r,; B  p, q,;C  q,s; D  r D) A  q,s; B  r;C  p; D  p
34. Match the column – I with column – II and mark the correct option from the codes
given below:
Column I Column II
(A) Sodium argentothiosulphate (p) Neutral complex
(B)  Pt  NH3 5 Cl  Cl3 (q) Cationic complex
(C) Na 2  ZnCl4  (r) Anionic complex
(D)  Pt  NH3 2 Br2Cl2  (s) Heteroleptic complex
(t) Homoleptic complex
A) A  p; B  p,s;C  q; D  r,s B) A  q; B  r,s;C  p, r,s; D  q
C) A  r, t; B  q,s;C  r, t; D  p,s D) A  p; B  q,s;C  r, t; D  q


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