Rashid Fundamental Positions of The Arms and Feet

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Republic of the Philippines

Region X- Northern Mindanao
Division of Iligan City
Purok 11, Tambacan, Iligan City

Detailed Lesson Plan

Learning Area: PHYSICAL EDUCATION Subject: MAPEH 7

Grade Level: 7 Quarter: 4
Submitted by: Rashid M. Magarang Date: April 15, 2022
Submitted to: Mrs. Maria Imelda L. Casurra DLP #: 5

The learners demonstrate understanding of guidelines and principles in
exercising program design to achieve personal fitness.


The learner modifies the individualized exercise program to achieve personal


Execute the skills involved in the dance PE7RD-IVd-h-4

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. Identify the fundamental positions of the arms and feet in folk dancing.
2. Execute the fundamental positions of the arms and feet in folk dancing.
3. Enjoy learning the fundamental positions of the arms and feet in folk dancing.

a) Topic: The Fundamental Positions of the Arms and Feet in Folk Dancing
b) Values Integration: Importance of exercise program to achieve personal fitness.
c) References: Music and Arts Learner’s Material 7 and Online Resources


a) Materials: Power Point Presentation, Pictures, Video, Laptop, and IMs


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity


Preliminary Activities (5 minutes)

1. Greetings and Prayer

Good morning class!

Good morning, Sir.
Before we begin, May I request everyone to
stand for a Prayer this morning?
Let us Pray in the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Amen Amen

Once again, Good morning, Grade 7

Good morning, Sir.
How are you feeling today? I hope you are
all doing great!

Wow. It’s good to see you smiling and jolly We are feeling well and great today, Sir
today. And of course, I feel so delighted that
you are all feeling well and great today!

2. Checking of Attendance
Thank you, Sir.
Now, is everybody present?

Terrific! That’s good to hear that everyone is Yes, sir!

here today! Let’s give 5 claps for everyone.
Keep it up, okay!

3. Checking of Assignment Yes, Sir.

Last meeting I gave you an assignment,

right? Kindly, pass it forward in a count of
10 ( 1, 2,3…10)
Yes, Sir.
Thank you.
4. Setting of Rules/ Classroom Rules
Before anything else, I would like to know if
you still remember our class rules.
1. What will you do when you are
 Sit Properly, Sir.
2. When someone is talking or standing
in front what will you do?
 Listen when someone is
talking/standing in front, Sir
3. If you want to answer or talk what will
you do?
 Raise your hand if you want to
ask or say something, Sir.
Are we all clear with our class rules, class?
Yes, sir.
Thank you, class.

ELICIT (5 Minutes)

Review of the Past Lesson

Now, before moving on to our new topic.

Let’s fist check your knowledge about our
past lesson.
Can you still remember our previous
lesson? Yes, Sir. It was all about the Folk
Very Good! We’ve talked about the folk
dancing, its types and examples. So, when
we say, folk dancing, it refers to the dances
created and performed collectively by the
ordinary people. Now, let’s recall your
knowledge by answering this activity. We
will play “Guess me if you can”. All you need
to do is to guess what the image all about.
You will be given a hint through some

images and scramble words. Again, What
you need to do is to guess the image. The
answers are found in a scramble words Yes we are, Sir.
Are you ready, class?
( Pictures)
1. Folk dance
2. Ethnic Dance
3. Rural dance
4. Tinikling Dance
5. Cariñosa Dance
Amazing! You definitely understood and (students perform the clap)
learned our previous lesson. How about a
Paru-Paru G clap to everyone? Do you
know how to do it?

ENGAGE (15 Minutes)

Lesson proper
A. Presentation of Objectives
Now, moving on…Our lesson for today is all
about the Fundamental Positions of the
Arms and Feet in folk dancing, based on the
skills indicated in DepEd Most Essential
Learning Competency which is Execute the OBJECTIVES
skill involve in Dance. But before we talk At the end of the lesson, the
learners are expected to:
about it. Let me present first our objectives.
1. Identify the fundamental
Let us read the first objective… second…
positions of the arms and feet in
third. folk dancing.
2. Execute the fundamental
positions of the arms and feet in
folk dancing.
3. Enjoy learning the fundamental
positions of the arms and feet in
folk dancing.

Thank you class!

B. Motivation
So together, let us achieve these objectives,
Yes, Sir.
But before proceeding to our main topic, I
have here a short video clip for our lesson.
Let’s watch and observe carefully. Are we
all clear? The video is all about the fundamental
( Video presents) positions of arms and feet, Sir.

Guide Questions: (Students Answer may vary)

1. What is the video all about?
(Students Answer may vary)
2. Have you ever dance this before?

3. When was the last time you

performed or executed this dance?

Well done. I am truly impressed with your
ideas and answers. Let’s give ourselves 5 Yes, Sir
Claps. It is good to hear that some of you
knew this fundamental dance. But for the
benefit of everyone we will learn this lesson

EXPLAIN (30 Minutes)

We already talked about Folk dancing as a
popular dance and is considered as part of
the tradition or custom of a particular
So now, we will identify the five fundamental
Positions of Arms and Feet in folk dancing. There are 5 fundamental positions, Sir.

There are the five fundamental or basic

positions in folk dancing. How many (Students listen attentively)
fundamental positions, again?

Correct, there are 5 fundamental positions

that are commonly termed as 1st position,
2nd position, 3rd position, 4th position, and
5th position of the feet and arms.

Before we proceed to the lesson proper,

I want you all to stand up, find a comfortable To avoid possible injuries and prepare
area and participate in our short warm-up our body for the activity.

Why do we need to have our warm-up

before engaging to a certain physical
activity? Yes sir!

Correct! Please always put that in mind.


Let’s start with a head tilt. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,

( students participate)
and 8 Anotherer side, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and
8. Shoulder stretch, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
Arm rotations, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, hip
rotation, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Inhale,
exhale, inhale and exhale.

We’re done with the warm-up exercises.

Please settle down.
Now, are you all ready to listen and learn? Yes, Sir.

Very well, class.

To start with, I’m going to teach you how to
execute the fundamental positions of the
(Present pictures and execute)
1) Both arms are raised forward in a circle
in front of the chest with the fingertips about
an inch apart.
2.) Both arms are raised sideward with a
graceful curve at shoulder level.

For the third and fourth positions of the

arms, there are two variations. The right and
left side variation.
3.) There are 2 variations: The left arm
is raised sideward as the in 2nd
position; right arm raised upward and
vice versa.

4.) There are 2 variations: The left

arm is raised in front as in the first
position; the right arm is raised
overhead and vice versa.

5.) Both arms are raised overhead, with

elbows slightly bent.

Now that we are done learning the

fundamental positions of the arms, I am
requesting everyone to execute the
positions. Let’s have a brief recap, can you
execute the 1st position? How about the 2 nd?
3rd? 4th? And lastly the 5th position.
(Maejane performs well)
Who wants to give a try to execute the arms’
positions? Okay, We have Maejane. Let’s ( Clent performs well too)
cheer for her. Come here at the center.

Thank you Maejane, that was nice. Let’s

give Maejane an ang galing clap.

What about the boys, okay, you’re

recognize Clent. Come here in front.

Very good! Clent. Let’s give him an ang

galling clap too.

Alright! Let’s execute altogether. In 1, 2,3..5.

Awesome! You are doing good class.

To proceed, I will now teach you how to

execute the fundamental positions of the

1.) Heels close together; toes apart within

an angle of around 45 degrees.

For the Second until the fifth positions of the

feet, there are two variations. The right and
left side variation.

2.) Point the right toe sideward and bring

down heel; vice versa.
3.) Heel of one foot is close in step the other
foot; vice versa.

4.) Point the right toe forward; raise the heel

of the right foot and vice versa.

5.) The Position right foot’s heel close to the

left foot’s toes. Close the right foot to the left
by circling and return to the first position.

Now that we are also done learning the

fundamental positions of the feet, I am
requesting everyone to execute the ( Ainah performs good)
positions. Let’s have a brief recap as well,
can you execute the 1st position? How about
the 2nd? 3rd? 4th? And lastly the 5th position.

Alright! Now, who wants to volunteer first?

Okay, we have Ainah. Let’s give her hand. ( Aljon performs well)

Well done Ainah that was graceful.

What about the boys? Who wants to

volunteer? Okay, we have Aljon! Let’s give
him a hand.

Thank you, Aljon that was fantastic


Well done! Thank you for your cooperation,

my lovely students.

Lastly, I’ll teach you how to execute the

combination of the fundamental positions of
the arms and feet. May I request everyone
to please stand up and imitate what I am

Combination of the Fundamental

Positions of the Arms and Feet in Dance

(Teacher presents and discusses the slides Yes, Sir.

then tails the proper execution of the ( Students performs and executes)
combination of the fundamental positions of
the arms and feet; Right and Left variation)

To further understand it, I want you to watch

this video I made for this combination with
the accompanied of the music.
( Video presents) Thank you, Sir.
All right! Can we execute it all together?

Let’s go. Starting with the right. 1st, 2nd, 3rd.

4th and 5th position.

And for the left side, 1st, 2nd, 3rd. 4th and 5th Yes, sir.

Great job! Your participation is highly


ELABORATE (5 Minutes)
C. Generalization

Class, do you enjoy the activity?

I am happy to hear that! For our
generalization I want you to take a look at
this picture.
(Picture presents)
The pictures are all about a boy playing
all day long and the two are dancing.
(Students answer may vary)

The second picture sir because I

wanted to be healthy and strong.
( Students answer may vary)

Yes, sir.
Guide Questions:
1. What are the pictures all about? Can
you differentiate the differences?

It boosts my immune system that

makes me healthier and stronger so
2. Would you like to be the first picture
that I couldn’t be easy affected by the
or the second picture? Why?
Covid 19.
3. What is the point of this picture?
4. Can we consider Folk dancing as a
form of Physical Activity?

5. How do you think will folk dancing/

other physical activities help improve
our physical defense especially in the
midst of Covid-19 pandemic?

Very good class, for all of your answers.

Folk dancing is fun, Aside from gaining from
knowledge about your own culture it can
also develop and improve your fitness level
thereby resulting into a change of lifestyle –
from sedentary to active.
Physical inactivity increases your risk of
cardiovascular disease and other
conditions. So, keep moving and dancing.
Keeping a physically active life makes us
stronger and more resistant to any emerging
diseases that may threaten our lives.


Now, for your activity. This is a group

activity. okay? I have here a box with rolled
paper containing the fundamental positions.
All you need to do is to pick a rolled papers
here inside the box. I will give you 3 minutes
to prepare with your group. Afterwards, read
what you have picked and execute it in front.
Your grades will be based on the rubrics.

Instructions: In each group, you will pick a rolled papers inside the box. You will begin
3 mins to prepare. Afterwards, read and execute it in front what you have picked.
Grades will be based on the rubrics.

Activity Rubrics

Excellent 10 Good 8 Poor 5 Total

Doesn’t have any
Knowledge of the
Identified the position that Identified the position knowledge or is
is being asked without that is being asked still unfamiliar with
positions of arms
difficulty. with difficulty the fundamental
and feet in dance
Knows the
Had already mastered and Needs help in
Execution and positions of arms
executed it properly performing and
Mastery and feet but didn’t
without any hesitation executing
perform and not
properly executed
Members have
Members are on tasks defined
and have defined responsibilities most Members do not
Cooperation/ responsibilities at all of the time. Group’s know their task
Teamwork times. Group’s conflicts conflicts are and have no
are cooperatively cooperatively responsibilities.
managed at all times. managed at all

Evaluation (3 minutes)

Directions: In a ¼ sheet of paper. Read the following questions carefully. Write

the letter of the correct answer on your paper.

1. Raising both of your arms overhead imitates this fundamental arm position of
a. 2nd position c. 4th position
b. 3rd position d. 5th position
2. The 4 fundamental position of the feet in folk dancing look likes the following
a. Jumping c. hopping forward
b. Taking a step forward d.sliding forward
3. T or F. Beginners in dancing directly perform a highly difficult type of dance.
Answer: F
4. T or F. It is important to learn the fundamental positions of the arms and feet for
us to have a grasp of how to dance, specifically folk dances are performed.
Answer: T
5. T or F. We refer to call the fundamental position of arms and feet as
1st , 2nd ,3rd ,4th and 5th
Answer: T

Extend (2 Minutes)
Do an advance research about the Fundamental dance skills. Answer the
following questions. Do it in a 1 whole sheet of paper.
What is Locomotors skills?
What is Non-Locomotors skills?
What is Manipulative Skills?

Give at least 5 examples from each skills.

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