Infrstructure Developent
Infrstructure Developent
Infrstructure Developent
Ÿ The installed capacity of Power in the State till December, 2020 is 21,836 megawatt in which 660 MW
added during the year 2020-21
Ÿ The state has a potential of 1,27,750 megawatt at 120 meters hub height of wind power, against which
3,734 MW capacity was installed till December, 2020.
Ÿ The state has a potential of 142 giga watt of solar power, against which 2,178 MW capacity was
installed till December, 2020.
Ÿ Rajasthan Government has issued an investor friendly Rajasthan Solar Energy Policy-2019.
Ÿ Rajasthan Government has issued the Rajasthan Wind & Hybrid Energy Policy-2019.
Ÿ 30,711 new agricultural connections have been issued during the year 2020-21 upto December, 2020.
Ÿ 2,539 km of district and rural roads were strengthened and renovated in the State during the year 2020-21
upto December, 2020.
Ÿ During COVId-19 pandemic more than 5 lakh passengers have been transported and sent to their
Ÿ Rajasthan State road transport corporation had operated 12,289 shramik special services for laborers.
Ÿ Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation has started Moksh Kalash Special Services to Haridwar.
Under this, 578 vehicles were operated and services provided for 12,481 moksh kalash and for 24,455
th st
passengers during 25 May, 2020 to 31 December, 2020.
Ÿ `559.25 crore for agriculture inputs subsidy & locust control activities and `656.03 crore for COVID-19
have been alloted under disaster management and relief.
Future Plan: The project of 660 MW Suratgarh Thermal Power Project Unit No. 8 is in progress, which is
expected to be commissioned by April, 2021.
Figure 5.1
Installed Capacity of Power in the State
RREC, RSMML and Private
15000 Sector Wind
/Biomass/Solar projects
Allocation to State from
Central Sector projects
Economic Review 2020-21
B. Transmission System (with PPP) upto March, 2020. During the
Transmission Network financial year 2020-21 (upto December, 2020) total
The total Extra High Voltage (EHV) Transmission 844 has been added in the transmission
network of the state as on March, 2013 was 29,605 network. Transmission network in the state is (circuit Km), which has increased to 41,718 shown in table 5.2.
The number of Extra High Voltage (EHV) Sub-stations and their capacity are presented in table 5.3
Table 5.3 Number of EHV Sub-Stations and Capacity with PPP
Figure 5.2
Energy Availability and Consumption in the State
Unit in crore
Energy Availability
7500 (purchased from
Net Availability
4500 (Available at
distribution network)
Energy Sold to
1500 consumer
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Information and Communicate Technology (ICT) Private Partnership mode under Viability Gap
infrastructure and Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) Funding (VGF) scheme
Ø The work of 400 KV D/C Bikaner-Sikar
fibre network which is the communication
backbone is targeted to be completed by April, Transmission line PPP-6 have been
2021. Work order of Supervisory Control and Data completed and commissioned.
Ø The work on 400 KV D/C Suratgarh-Bikaner
Acquisition (SCADA) / Energy Management
System (EMS) has been given in December, 2018 Transmission line PPP-7 has been completed
and is expected to be completed by June, and commissioned.
2021. Ÿ One 220 KV and fifteen of 132 KV GSSs with
Economic Review 2020-21
Infrastructure Development
Economic Review 2020-21
Infrastructure Development
State is estimated to be about 1,27,750 MW at 120 Conventional road network needs to be supplemented
meter hub height as per assessment of National with expressways to keep pace with the requirement
Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE), MNRE, of uninterrupted movement of fast vehicles that are
Government of India. A total of 4,337.65 MW wind extremely necessary for the logistics industry across
power capacity has been commissioned upto the state. It has been seen that a paved surface in a
December, 2020 in the State. reasonably good condition can lead to savings to the
g. Biomass Energy tune of 15 to 40 per cent in vehicle operation cost.
This assumes greater significance in the wake of the
Among different renewable energy sources, Biomass ongoing energy crisis and the consequent need for
is also a clean energy source. The main source for sustainable alternatives.
biomass energy in the State of Rajasthan is mustard
husk and julie flora. Total 13 Biomass Power Government has prepared a plan to connect villages
Generation Plants of 120.45 MW capacity has been with roads which are not yet connected according to
commissioned upto December, 2020 in the State, out census 2011. Under the first phase, 57 villages have
of which 2 plants of 28 MW is not operational since been connected with roads and work in progress in
2012. Presently 2 Biomass power plants of total 14 330 villages.
MW capacity are under execution. Work on 4 ROB completed. Works on 35 Road over
h. Energy Conservation Programme Bridges (ROBs) are in progress. Detailed project
report of another 36 ROBs are also in progress. Work
RREC is also implementing energy conservation
on 18 Road under Bridges (RUBs) also completed.
program to promote use of energy efficient appliances
Work are in progress on 38 RUBs.
through different promotional activities and is
establishing pilot projects time to time, to showcase Achievements during last two year
the energy savings in the State. To recognize the
During the last two years, expenditure to the tune of
sincere efforts towards Energy Conservation,
`10,788.31 crore has been incurred on road
RRECL is organizing, Rajasthan Energy
development. New roads of length 4,248 kilometre
Conservation Awards (RECA) on every 14th
and National Highways of length 689 kilometre
December i.e. Energy Conservation Day. So far total
have been constructed. As far as State Highways
11 awards functions have been organized. The major
and major district roads are concerned, 3,159
categories for the awards include Industries, Energy
kilometre roads have been developed. 16,967
Auditors/Manager, Government Buildings,
kilometre of other district roads and village roads
Hospitals, Institutions and Individuals etc.
have been strengthened and renewed. 193 new
ROAD villages and habitations have been connected with
If power is the backbone, roads are an economy's
lifelines. A proper road network is among the most Significant efforts are being made in improving the
important prerequisites of economic development. As State road network in past years yet there are huge
the most accessible, convenient and far-reaching gaps which need to be considered. The total road
mode of transport, roads allow bridging of length which was just 13,553 Km in 1949 increased
geographical barriers, and have the potential to to 2,69,028.16 Km upto March, 2020. The road
greatly reduce rural-urban, rich-poor divides and density in the state is 78.61 Km per 100 sq. Km at the
other forms of inequity. Access to employment, end of March, 2020 whereas national road density is
social, health, educational and all other kinds of 152.04 Km per 100 sq. km. The total classified road
services is made possible through roads. length is given in table 5.7.
Economic Review 2020-21
Table 5.7 Road Length in the State as on 31st March, 2020 (In Km)
(BT- Black Top, MR- Metal Road, GR- Graveled Road, FW-Fair Weather)
Out of the total road length of 2,69,028.16 Km road, There are 43,264 inhabited villages in the State as per
PWD maintains 1,68,403.14 Km. 99 per cent works census 2011. The connectivity of villages by Black Top
in rural area and 1 per cent work (1,869 Km length) in road in different population groups at the end of 2019-20
urban areas are being executed by PWD. and upto December, 2020 is shown below in table 5.8.
During the year 2020-21, the important Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY),
achievements of road development upto Missing links, State Road Fund and Rural Roads.
December, 2020 are given below: Ÿ 6 habitations (Dhani/Majara) having population
Ÿ 821Km BT roads have been constructed under 250 and above were connected under PMGSY.
Infrastructure Development
Economic Review 2020-21
National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) Ÿ L-Shape drain along with walls of houses will be
constructed on both sides of the Vikas Path.
NHAI work progress during 2020-21 are as follows-
Ÿ Drains will be covered in front of houses at entrance.
Ÿ 37 works having length 3,105 Km of total
Ÿ On every 250 metre distance of Vikas Path, utility
estimated cost `34,534 crore are under progress. Out
of which 8 works have been completed. service pipeline will be cast.
Ÿ Selection of village and alignment of Vikas Path
Ÿ 5 works having length of 1,039 Km, estimated cost
of `5,263 crore under Bharatmala Scheme are will be done by a district level committee. The
under progress. Out of which 2 works have been committee members will be concerned district
completed. collector, MLA and superintending engineer.
Ÿ Delhi-Vadodara Greenfield Expressway- Total Sanction of first phase to construct 173.75 Km Vikas
road length to be developed in Rajasthan is 374 path with estimated cost of `143.53 crore at 183 gram
Km with an estimated cost of `11,203 crore. 10
panchyat, has been issued in November, 2019. 38
Packages of length 292 Km have been awarded
and appointed date has been issued for 2 Packages works have been completed and 145 works are in
of length 62 Km. progress. During 2020-21, 2 Vikas Path or 8 to 10
Ÿ Sangaria - Sanchore - Santalpur Greenfield Km roads for renewal in each constituencies will
Expressway having total length of 637 Km is to be be taken up.
developed in Rajasthan with an estimated cost of
`11,388 crore. 23 Packages having length 637 Km
has been awarded and appointed date has been TRANSPORT CORPORATION
issued for 15 package of length 419.40 Km. (RSRTC)
Vikas Path Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation
As per budget announcement of 2019-20, Wall to (RSRTC) was established on 1 October, 1964 under
Wall Vikas Path in each Gram Panchayat would be the Road Transport Corporation Act, 1950.
constructed in next five years. In this regard Presently RSRTC has total fleet of 5,183 self-owned
guidelines have been issued. Details of main and hired private buses. As per requirement in
guidelines are as follows:- December, 2020 RSRTC is operating 3,108 buses.
Ÿ Width of Vikas Path approximately will be 5.50 In December, 2020 RSRTC buses covered 10.62
metre. lakh Kms on 1,619 routes, carrying 5.26 lakh
Ÿ Average length of Viaks Path will be 1 Km. passengers per day. The vehicle fleet status and
Ÿ Vikas Path will be constructed with mandatory actual operational results from 2016-17 to 2020-21
thickness of precast cement concrete box as per (upto December, 2020) are shown in table 5.9 and
design of M 30 grade. 5.10 respectively.
Description/ Year
Km (In Cr.) 61.79 58.10 65.87 61.85 61.51 54.38# 57.44 52.19 15.51
Vehicle Utilization (Km/Bus/ Day) 405 393 400 388 360 392 385 389 351
Fleet Utilization (%) 95 87 90 77 89 68 78 74 36
Operational Earning per Km (`) 33.53 28.82 35.10 29.84 35.15 31.72 34.49 33.75 32.57
*Upto December, 2020
#Due to 23 days strike of employees operation affected
$Due to COVID-19 Lock down RSRTC started operation as per government guide line and no target was given.
Economic Review 2020-21
200 cumulative
150 162.91
during the
50 year
12.73 13.84 14.33 15.12 7.14
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21*
Infrastructure Development
Revenue of `2,506.30 crore has been earned upto per Indian Railway Year Book 2018-19). The
December, 2020 against the revenue target of Railway length in State is 8.81 per cent of all India
`6,000.00 crore for the financial year 2020-21. route length of 67,415 Km.
Attempts of during lockdown POSTAL & TELECOMMUNICATION
The state government exempted full motor vehicle SERVICES
tax on state carriage / contract carriage and Rajasthan Telecommunication is one of the prime support
state road transport corporation vehicles for the
services needed for rapid growth and modernization
month of April, 2020 to June, 2020. For the month of
of various sectors of the economy. It has become more
July, August, September, 2020 motor vehicle tax
important in recent years because of the rapid growth
exemption of 75 per cent, 50 per cent, 25 per cent
respectively was provided. of information technology and its significant impact
on the economy.
During the lockdown period, the State Government
exempted full motor vehicle tax on the omni bus not Postal and telecommunication services are
covered under any permit (Spared Vehicles) for the instrumental in strengthening communication among
month of April, May, June, 2020 and 75 per cent various areas, segments and communities in the
exemption for the month of July, 2020. State. The total number of post offices in the
State was 10,307 and telecom subscribers were
RAILWAYS 660.20 lakh at the end of March, 2020. The status
The total length of railway routes in the State was of post offices and telecom subscribers in the
5,929 Km in March, 2018, which has marginally State for the year 2019 and 2020 are given in
increased to 5,937 Km at the end of March, 2019 (as table 5.12.
Table 5.12 Status of Post Offices and Telecom Subscribers in the State
(Upto March)
Economic Review 2020-21
Government of India under National Disaster an amount of `3,936.97 crore is available including
Response Fund (NDRF) against the Kharif-2076 opening balance, out of which an amount of
Flood and Drought Memorandum and the Rabi-2076 `1,458.08 crore upto December, 2020 was allotted
Locust Memorandum. In this way for the year 2020-21, for the activities mention in table 5.13.
Table 5.13 Allotment of funds under different items during the year 2020-21
S. No. Activity
(Upto December, 2020)
Relief Activities
1 a. Drinking Water 6.15
b. Cattle Conservation Activity 2.53
Ÿ In Rabi Samvat-2076, 960 villages of 08 districts Transportation have been carried out in scarcity
have been declared scarcity affected due to Locust affected districts in Samvat-2076.
attack. Ÿ In Kharif Samvat-2077, 25 Tehsils of 6 Districts
Ÿ In Rabi Samvat-2076, 861 villages of 15 districts has been declared scarcity affected due to
have been declared scarcity affected due to Drought and a Drought Memorandum of `802.26
Hailstorm. crore for additional assistance from NDRF has
Ÿ Relief Activities viz Cattle Conservation, Water been sent to Government of India.