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B.B.A. Syllabus

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University of Pune

Faculty of Commerce
Bachelor of Business Administration B.B.A. Semester III and IV (w.e.f. 2009-10) Course Code Sem, III 301 302 303 304 305 306 Sem. IV 401 402 403 404 405 406 Subject/Paper title Personality Development Business Law Human Resume Management and Organizational Behavior Management Accounting Business Economics (Macro) Information Technology in Management Production and Operations Management Industrial Relations and Labor Laws Business Taxation International Business Management Information System Industrial Exposure

Statement showing equivalence of Papers/Subjects B. B. A. (Year 200304) course with B. B. A (Year 2008-09)

B. B. A. (Year 2003-04)

B. B. A. (Revised) (Year 2008-09) Code No. Equivalent Title of Subject/Paper

Code No.


First Year
Sem I Business Organization and System Business Economics (Micro) Business Mathematics Business Demography and Environmental Studies Business Accounting Sem II Principles of Management Business Economics (Macro) (Sem III) Business Statistics Basics Cost Accounting Business Communication Skills (Sem I) Principles of Marketing Second Year Sem III Management Information System (Sem IV) Management Accounting Human Resource Management and Organization Behavior Business Taxation (Sem IV) Research Methodology (Tools and Analysis) Sem IV Principles of Finance (Sem II) IT in Management (Sem III) Business Taxation Production and Operations Management

First Year
101 102 103 104 105 106 Sem I Business Organization and System Business Economics Basic Business Mathematics Business Environment Financial Accounting Computer Fundamentals and Data Base Management Sem II Management Theory and Practice Business Economics II Basic Business Statistics Cost Accounting Communication Skills Marketing Management Second Year Sem III Indian Economy Management Information System Management Accounting Human Resource Management and Organization Behavior Income Tax Research Methodology Sem IV Financial Management Information Technology in Management Indirect Taxes Services Management Production and Operation Management 101 104 105 106 103

201 202 203 204 205 206

201 305 205 204 102 202

301 302 303 304 305 306

405 304 303 403 504

401 402 403 404 405

203 306 403 401


501 502 503 504 505 506 601 602 603 604 605 606

Industrial Exposure Third Year Sem V Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Business Law International Business and New Trends Personality Development Specialization I Specialization II Sem VI Industrial Relations and Labour Laws Agri - Business Management Purchasing and Materials Management Business Ethics Specialization I Specialization II


502 302 404 301 505 506 402

Business Exposure (Field Visits) Third Year Sem V Entrepreneurship Development Business Law (Sem III) International Business (Sem IV) Personality Development Specialization I Specialization II Sem VI Industrial Relations and Labour Laws (Sem IV) Business Ethics (Sem V) Specialization I Specialization II

503 605 606

University of Pune ( Pattern 2008 ) B.B.A. Sem III Subject: PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT (301) Objectives: 1) To make the students aware about dimensions of personality. 2) To understand personality traits and its application in corporate sector 3) To make the students aware about the importance of communication in personality development. w.e.f. 2009

Sr.No. UNIT 1

Topic Introduction Define personality, perception- personality, Man-personalpersonality, Personality Factors- Factors of associationPersonality Relationship at home-friends-environmenteducational factor- Situational Factors- ConditionalGenetic- compulsory- spiritual-public relations factors Trait Personification/ Personality Traits Personality Traits-personality person- formation- factors influencing person habits of highly effective people & personality habits- Be proactiveBegin with the end in mindPut first things firstThink win- Seek first to understand then to be understood Synergize Sharpen the saw Five Pillars of Personality Development Introspection Self Assessment Self Appraisal Self Development- Self Introduction. Self Esteem - Term of self esteem- symptoms- advantages- Dos and donts to develop positive Positive self esteem & negative self esteem Personality Formation Structure Mind mapping, Competency mapping& 360* assessment & development, Types of persons Extrovert- IntrovertAmbivert person

No. of Lectures 10






8 Ideal Personality Effective communication & its key aspects, Body language, Assertiveness, problem-solving, Conflict & stress management, decision making skills, Motivation, positive & creative thinking, Leadership & qualities of successful leader, character building, Teamwork, Lateral thinking, Time management, Work ethics, personality A spiritual journey beyond management of change-Good manners & etiquettesInterpersonal relationships-Analysis of strengths & weaknesses.

Recommended Books : 1) 7 Habits of highly effective people-Stephen Covey 2) You can win-Shiv Khera McMillan India ltd. 3) 3.Basic Managerial Skill for all-Prentice Hall of India Pvt ltd, New Delhi. 4) 8th Habit-Stephen covey 5) Management thoughts-Pramod Batra. 6) VCDs Produced by: Asian Centre for Research & Training Trimurti,27/B,Damle Bunglow,Hanumannagar, Senapati Bapat Road,Pune 411016. Tele 020-2565529,E-mail : director_acrt@yahoo.co.in. Series on : a) b) c) d) Effective Communication One VCD. Motivation One VCD Quality circle-One VCD Series on Entrepreneurship One VCD

University of Pune ( Pattern 2008 ) B.B.A. Sem III Subject: Business Law (302) Objectives: 1. To understand basic legal terms and concepts used in law pertaining to business 2. To comprehend applicability of legal principles to situations in Business world by referring to few decided leading cases. Sr.No. UNIT 1 Topic Indian Comtract Act 1872 * Definition,kinds and concepts of contracts. * Offer and Acceptance * Consideration * Capacity of Parties * Free Consent * Legality and Objects of consideration * Void Agreements * Performance of Contract. * Discharge of Contract and Remedies. The Sale of Goods Act 1930 * Contract of Sales of Goods * Conditions and Warranties * Transfer of Property * Performance of a contract of sale * Rights of unpaid Seller The Indian Partnership Act, 1932 * Concept of partnership :Partnership and company, Hindu joint family firm Test for determination of existence for partnership. Kinds of partnerships * Registration, Effects of non-registration. * Rights and duties of partners towards other partners. * Authority of partner and liabilities towards third parties * Admission, retirement, expulsion of partners and their liabilities * Dissolution of the firm The Companies Act, 1956 * Company-Definition, Meaning, Features and Types of Companies * Incorporation of a Company- Memorandum of Association, Article Of Association and Prospectus, Statement in lieu of Prospectus and share capital structure. No. of Lectures 12 w.e.f. 2009








Company Management And Bord Meeting : * Administrative Hierachy * Board of Director Director- Legal Position, Appointment, Qualification, Disqualification, Removals Power, duties, Liabilities etc. Managing Director Meaning, Appointment, and Disqualification. Manager-Meaning, Disqualification. * Company MeetingsMeaning of meeting-General Body meeting statutory Meeting, Annual General meeting, Extra ordinary meetingBoard Meeting. The Consumer Protection Act,1986 * Salient features of Act. * Definitions-Consumer, Complaint, Services, Defect and * Deficiency, Complainant. * Rights and Reliefs available to consumer. * Procedure to file complaint. * Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies. * (Composition, Jurisdiction, Powers and Functions.) * Procedure followed by Redressal Aqencies

Recommended Books : 1) Business and Commercial Laws-Sen and Mitra. 2) An Introduction to Mercantile Laws-N. D. Kapoor 3) Business Laws-N. M. Wechlekar 4) Company Law-Avatar Singh 5) Law of Contract-Avtar Singh 6) Business Laws-Kuchhal M.C. 7) Business Law for Management-Bulchandani K.R. 8) Consumer Protection Act in India . Niraj Kumar 9) Consumer protection in India. V.K.Agrawal 10) Consumer Grievance Redressal under CPA. Deepa Sharma.

University of Pune
( Pattern 2008 ) BBA Sem III Subject: Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour (303) Objectives : To acquaint the students with the Human Resource Management its different functions in an organization and the Human Resource Processes that are concerned with planning, motivating and developing suitable employees for the benefit of the organization. Sr.No. UNIT 1 Topic Introduction to H. R. M. Definition and concept of H. R. M. and personnel Management H.R.M. and Human Resource Development Importance of H.R.M.- Activities and functions of HRMOrganization of H.R.M. department- Role of H.R.M Department Limitations of HRM-Challenges before H. R. M. Human Resources Planning Definition and objectives of Human Resource planningprocess of Human Resource planning factors influencing estimation of Human Resources. Concept of Recruitment-Recruitment policy-Sources of Recruitment-Selection procedure Promotion and demotion policy- Transfer policy. Performance Appraisal Concept and objectives of performance Appraisal- Process Performance Appraisal Methods- Uses and limitations of Performance Appraisal. Training and Development Meaning and Definition- Need-Objectives-Importance of Training-Training Methods-Evaluation of Training Programme. Concept of Management Development Management Development Process and methods Evaluation of Management Development Programme. Wage and Salary Administration Methods of wage payments-Employee Remuneration factors determining the level of remuneration- Profit sharing-Fringe Benefits and Employee services- Wages & Salary Administration Introduction to Organizational Behaviour Meaning- Definition- Scope- Disciplines Contributing to Orgainzational Behaviour -Models and Approaches of Organizational Behaviour. No. of Lectures 8 w.e.f. 2009 10







6 Organisational Changes and Development Nature of change- Levels of Change- Types of changeResistance to change- Organisational Development Programme.

Recommended Books : 1) A. M. Sharma - Personnel and Human Resource Management. 2) S. K. Bhatia and Nirmal Sing - Personnel Management and Human Resource Management. 3) V. P. Michael -Human Resource Management & Human Relations 4) P. C. Pardeshi - Human Resource Management. 5) C. B. Mamoria - Personnel Management 6) S. R. Nair - Organisational Behaviour 7) K. Ashwathappa - Organisational Behaviour 8) Anjali Ghanekar - Organisational Behaviour

University of Pune
( Pattern 2008 ) B.B.A. Sem III Subject: Management Accounting (304) Objectives: To impart basic knowledge of Management Accounting Sr.No. UNIT 1 w.e.f. 2009


Major types of Accounting
1) Financial Accounting 2) Cost Accounting 3) Management Accounting

No. of Lectures 12

Management Accounting
Need, Essentials of Management Accounting, Importance, Objectives, Scope, Functions, Principal systems and Techniques, Advantages, Limitations, Distinction between Financial Accounting and Management Accounting, Distinction between Cost Accounting and Management Accounting. 10 Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statement


Methods of Analysis
Comparative Statements Common Size Statement Trend Percentage or Trend Ration (Horizontal Analysis) Ratios Fund Flow Statement

Ratio Analysis
Meaning of Ratio Necessity and Advantages of Ratio Analysis Interpretation of Ratios Types of Ratio i) According to the nature of items i) Balance Sheet Ratios ii) Revenue Statements or Profit and Loss Account Ratios iii) Inter Statement or Composite Ratios ii) Functional Classification i) Liquidity Ratios




ii) Leverage Ratios iii) Activity Ratios iv) Profitability Ratios Problems 8 Fund Flow Statement and Cash Flow Statement Meaning of Funds, Fund Flow Statement, Flow of Funds, Working Capital, Causes of changes in working Capital, Proforma of Sources and Application of Funds, Proforma of Adjusted Profit and Loss Account 6 Working Capital Meaning, Objective and Importance, Factors determining requirement of Working Capital, Sources of Working Capital, Computation of Working Capital 8
Marginal Costing


Meaning and Definition of Marginal cost and Marginal Costing, Contribution, Profit Volume Ratio, Advantages of Marginal Costing, Limitation, Problems 8 Budget and Budgetary Control Meaning of Budget and Budgetary Control, Definition, Nature of Budget and Budgetary Control, Objective of Budget and Budgetary Control, Limitations of Budget and Budgetary Control, Steps in Budgetary Control

Types/classification of Budgets
According to Time i) Short Term ii) Long Term According to Flexibility i) Flexible ii) Fixed Recommended Books : 1. R. N. Anthony, G. A. Walsh:: Management Accounting 2. M. Y. Khan,. K. P. Jain:: Management Accounting I. M. Pandey::Management Accounting (Vikas) 3. J. Betty: Management Accounting 4. Sr. K. Paul: Management Accounting 5. Dr. Jawaharlal:: Management Accounting 6. Man Mohan Goyal: Management Accounting 7. S. N. Maheshwari:: Principles of Management Accounting 8. R. K. Sharma and Shashi K. Gupta: Management Accounting 9. Richard M. Lynch and Robert Williamson: Accounting for Management Planning and Control 10. Horngren: Introduction to Management Accounting (Pearson)

University of Pune ( Pattern 2008 ) B.B.A. Sem III Subject: BUSINESS ECONOMICS (MACRO) (305) Objectives: 1. To study the behaviour and working of the economy as a whole. 2. To study relationships among broad aggregates. 3. To apply economic reasoning to problems of business and public policy. w.e.f. 2009

Sr.No. UNIT 1

Topic BASIC CONCEPTS OF MACRO ECONOMICS 1.1 Definition and Nature of Macro economics 1.2 Scope, Importance and Limitations National Income Accounting 2.1 Circular flow of Macro economic activity. 2.2 Details of National Accounts 2.2.1 Stock and flow 2.2.2 Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross National Product (GNP), Net Domestic Product (NDP), Net National Product (NNP) Theory of Income and Employment 3.1 Says law of market. 3.2 Keynesian Theory of Income and Employment. Savings and Investment 4.1 Consumption Function Keynes Psychological Law of consumption Average propensity to consume (APC), Marginal Propensity to consume (MPC), Average Propensity to save (APS), Marginal Propensity to save (MPS). 4.2 Investment Function Autonomous and Induced investment. 4.3 Investment Multiplier 4.4 Principle of Acceleration Business Cycle, Inflation and Deflation 5.1 Nature and Characteristics of Business Cycle. 5.2 Phases of Business Cycle 5.3 Inflation and Deflation Meaning, causes and control Macro Economic Policies 6.1 Monetary Policy 6.2 Fiscal Policy

No. of Lectures 5









Recommended Books : 1) Ackley G. Macro Economics: Theory and Policy, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York. 1978 2) Ahuja H.L. Macro Economics: Theory and Policy, S. Chand & Co. Ltd. New Delhi.2006 3) Gupta S.B. Monetary Economics, S. Chand & Co. Ltd. New Delhi.2002 4) Shapiro E. Macro Economic Analysis, Galgotia Publications, New Delhi. 1996 5th Ed. 5) Jhingan M. L. Macro Economic Theory: Vrinda Publications, New Delhi. 2006 6) William Branson Macro Economics: Theory and Policy.1988 2nd Edn. 7) Dr. T. G. Gite & others: Sthul Arthshastra, Atharv Prakashan, Pune. 2005. 8) J. Harvey and H. Johnson Introduction to Macro Economics 9) D. N. Dwivedi Macro Economics Tata McGrew Hill, New Delhi-2006 10) Samuelson, Nordhaus Economics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi-2007

University of Pune ( Pattern 2008 ) BBA Sem III Subject: IT (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) in MANAGEMENT (306) w.e.f. 2009 10

Sr.No. UNIT 1

Topic Information Technology Infrastructure a. Managing Hardware & Software assets b. Managing data resources c. Telecommunication & Networks d. Types of Networks, Topologies. e. Network Goals d. The Internet & New Information Technology Infrastructure Information Technology & TPS a. Types of Operating System b. Types of Processing Techniques c. Office Automation Concept Transaction Processing System Managing Information System a. Information system security control b. Various Threats and Control to Information Security c. Information Technology Act 2000. d. Cyber Law e. Biometrics Object Oriented Technology (OOT) a. Introduction b. What is object orientation? c. Object oriented Analysis (OOA) d. System Development Through OOT Use case Model e. OOSAD Development Life Cycle. f. OOT & MIS. Enterprise Management System. a. EMS b. ERP system c. Benefits of the ERP d. Benefits of the ERD e. ERD selection f. ERP Implementation g. EMS & MIS

No. of Lectures 7







Knowledge Management System 1. Knowledge Management Architecture 2. Knowledge Management System 3. Tools of Knowledge Management 4. Knowledge Management Life Cycle KMS & MIS Presentation Graphics 8.1 Create slides to include clip art and tables 8.2 Modifying the presentation by adding, removing and deleting individual slides

Recommended Books : Managing Information System W.S. Jawadekar Managing Information System Kenneth C. Laudon & Jane P. Laudon Information Technology Williams / Tata McGraw Hills

University of Pune
( Pattern 2008 ) B.B.A. Sem IV Subject: Production & Operations Management (401) Sr.No. UNIT 1 Topic No. of Lectures 10 w.e.f. 2009




Introduction Meaning and Functions of Production Management, Role and Responsibility of Production Function in Organization, Types of Production System- Continuous Intermittent, Joblots etc Plant Layout- Objectives, Types, Materials Flow Pattern. Safety Considerations and Environmental Aspects. 10 Production Design Definition, Importance, Factors affecting product DesignProduct Policy-Standardization, Simplification. Production Development-Meaning, Importance, Factors Responsible for Development, Techniques of Product Development. 10 Production Planning and Control Meaning, Objectives, Scope, Importance & Procedure of Production Planning, Routing scheduling Master Production Schedule, Production Schedule, Dispatch, Follow up, Production Control-Meaning, objectives, Factors affecting Production Control. 10 Methods Study, Work Study and Time Study Methods Study- Concept, Questioning Techniques, Principles of Motion Economy, flow Process Chart, Multiple Activity Chart, SIMO Chart, Travel Chart. Work Study- Concepts, Scope and Applications, Work Study and Production Improvement. Time Study Routing Concepts, Stopwatch Study, Allowance, PMTS Systems (Concepts Only) Activity Sampling. Productivity Meaning, Importance, Measurement, Techniques, Factors affecting Productivity, Measures to boost Productivity- ISO 9000 to ISO 2000, Quality Control, Quality Circles, Effects of Globalization on Business.


Definition, Importance, Work and Rest Cycles, Biomechanical Factors, Effects of Factors such as Light, Ventilation, Noise, Heat on Performance. Importance, Safe Practices in handling Chemicals, Gases, Bulk Materials, Safety with cargo handling equipment, Safety equipments and Devices, Statutes Governing Safety.

Recommended Books : 1. Plant Layout and Material Handling 2. Work Study 3. Production & Operations Management 4. A Key to Production Management 5. Production & Operation Management 6. Modern Production and Operation Management 7. Utpadan Vyavasthapan James Apple & John Wileysons IZO Publication R S Goel Kalyani Publicaion, Ludhiyana S N Chavy, TMH Delhi Elwood S Butta Maharashtra Vidyapeeth

University of Pune ( Pattern 2008 ) B.B.A. Sem IV Subject: Industrial Relations & Labour Laws (402) Objectives: 1. To acquaint the student to develop an understanding of the legal framework of industrial & labour laws. 2. To impart the students with the knowledge of laws & how law affects the industry & labour. Sr.No. UNIT 1 Topic Industrial Relations 1.1 Industrial Relation-Definition, Importance & Scope. 1.2 Trade Union-Growth, Objective, Function & Role in globalize Content. 1.3 Governmental Measures Ministry for labour, Commissioner of labour, Deputy Commissioner & Labour Offices. 1.4 Labours Management Role of Personnel & Industrial Relations Manager in Promoting & Establishing peaceful industrial relations. Industrial Disputes 2.1 Nature of Industrial Dispute 2.2 Causes of Industrial Dispute 2.3 Types of conflict Resolution Statutory & Non Statutory 2.4 Collective Bargaining Meaning, Characteristics, Need, Importance, Process, Pre-requisites. Workers Participation in Management 3.1 Concept & Pre-requisites. 3.2 Forms & Levels of Participation 3.3 Benefit of workers participation in management 3.4 Role of workers participation in Labour welfare & Industrial hygiene Causes of Industrial Dispute 3.5 Types of conflict Resolution Statutory & Non Statutory The Industrial Disputes Act,1946 4.1 Definitions, 4.2 Authorities under the Act, Power & Duties of Authorities 4.3 Strike & lockout, Lay-off and retrenchment. 4.4 Grievance Redressal Machinery No. of Lectures 12 w.e.f. 2009






The Factories Act, 1948 5.1 Provisions regarding Safety 5.2 Provisions regarding Health 5.3 Provisions regarding Welfare 5.4 Provisions regarding Leave with Wages 5.5 Working hours of adults The Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition)Act,1970 All provisions under the Act. Maharashtra Recognition of Trade Union and Prevention of Unfair Labour practices Act,1971 All provisions under the Act.

6 5

Recommended Books : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Industrial law Industrial & labour laws Taxmanns Labour Laws Industrial Relations Industrial Relations Collective Bargaining - P.L.Malir -S.P.Jain

-Arun Monappa -Mamoria -Kochan T.A. & Katz Henry 2nd a. Ed.Homewood Illinois, b. Richard D.Irish 1988. 7. Labour Unionism,Myth & reality-New, Oxford University press 1982. 8. Personnel Management & Industrial Relations-P.C.Shejwalkar,S.B.Malegaonkar.

University of Pune ( Pattern 2008 ) B.B.A. Sem IV Subject: Business Taxation (403) Objectives: 1. To understand the basic concepts and definitions under the Income Tax Act,1961. 2. To Acquire knowledge about Computation of Income under different heads of Income of Income Tax Act,1961. 3. To Acquire Knowledge about the submission of Income Tax Return, Advance Tax, Tax deducted at Source, Tax Collection Authorities. 4. To Prepare students Competent enough to take up to employment in Tax planner. Sr.No. UNIT 1 Topic Income Tax Act-1961. (Meaning ,Concepts and Definitions) Income, Person, Assessee, Assessment year, Pervious year, Agricultural Income, Exempted Income, Residential Status of an Assessee, Fringe benefit Tax, Tax deducted at Source, Capital and Revenue Income and expenditure. Computation of Taxable Income under the different heads of Income. a) Income form Salary Salient features, meaning of salary, Allowances and tax Liability-Perquisites and their Valuation- Deductions from salary.(Theory and Problems) b) Income from House PropertyBasis of Chargeability-Annual Value-Self occupied and let out property- Deductions allowed (Theory and Problems) c) Profits and Gains of Definitions, Deductions expressly allowed and Business and professions disallowed (Theory and Problems) d) Capital Gains Chargeability-definitions-Cost of Improvement Short term and long term capital gains-deductions (Theory only) e) Income from other sources Chargeability-deductions-Amounts not deductable. (Theory only ) Computation of Total Taxable Income of an Individual. Gross total Income- deductions u/s-80(80ccc to 80 u ) Income Tax calculation- (Rates applicable for respective Assessment year) Education cesses. No. of Lectures 8 w.e.f. 2009





Miscellaneous : Tax deducted at source-Return of Income-Advance payment of Tax-methods of payment of tax-Forms of Returns-Refund of Tax. (Theory) Income Tax Authorities : Organization structure of Income Tax Authorities / Administrative and Judicial Originations) Central Board of Direct Tax (Functions and powers of various Income Tax Authorities)

Recommended Books : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Indian Income Tax Act. Vinod Singhania Students guide to Income Tax. Dr.Vinod Singhania Income Tal. Ahuja and Gupta, Bharat Prakashan. Income Tax. Manoharam. Indian Income Tax Act.H.C.Malhotra Income Tax Act. R.N.Lakhotia Pratical Approach to Income Tax-Girish Ahuja and Ravi Gupta.

University of Pune ( Pattern 2008 ) B.B.A. Sem IV Subject: International Business (404) Objectives: 1. To acquaint the students with emerging issues in international business. 2. To study the impact of international business environment on foreign market operations of a firm. Sr.No. UNIT 1 Topic International Business Environment. 1.1 Nature. 1.2 Theories of International Trade 1.2.1 Ricardos Theory 1.2.2 Heckscher-Ohlin Theory Multinational Enterprises Meaning of International Corporations. Role and importance of Multi-national corporations in international business Foreign Exchange Market 3.1 Meaning of Exchange Rate 3.2 Determination of Exchange rate Fixed, Flexible and Managed. International Financial Management 4.5 Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments 4.6 International Monetary Fund (IMF) Objectives and functions. 4.7 World Bank Objectives and Functions. Regional Economic Grouping 5.1 Evolution, structure and functions of : 5.1.1 North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 5.1.2 South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) 5.1.3 European Union (E.U.) 5.1.4 World Trade Organization (WTO) Indias Foreign Trade 6.1 Composition and direction of Indias Foreign Trade since 1991. 6.2 Current Foreign Trade Policy of India. (2004-09) 6.3 Role of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in International Business. No. of Lectures 10 w.e.f. 2009








Recommended Books : 1) International Economics Miltiades Chacholiades, Mc-Grew Hill Publishing Co, New York. 1990 2) International Economics W. Charles Sawyer and Richard L. Sprinkle, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. Delhi. 2003 3) International Economics M. L. Jhingan, Vrinda Publications, Delhi.2006 4) International Business Competing in the Global Market Place Charles Hill, Arun Kumar Jain, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 2008

University of Pune
( Pattern 2008 ) BBA Sem IV Subject: Management Information System (405) w.e.f. 2009 10

Sr. No. UNIT 1

Topic System Concepts General Model Types of System Subsystems Information Concepts Definition Quality of Information Value of Information Information Needs of Manager at different Levels Management Information System Definition Integrated System MIS Vs. Data Processing MIS and Other Academic Disciplines Structure of MIS based on Management Activities and Functions System Concepts of MIS Planning and Control Process Control on Systems Feedback Control Law of Requisite Variety Management Control through Reporting Human as Information Processors Newell-Simon Model Limits on human Information Processors Characteristics of Human Information Processing Performance Information System for Functional Areas Information for Financial Marketing Inventory Control Production and Personal Functions MIS Design Approaches Prototyping Life-Cycle Approach Project Management Case Studies

No. of Lectures 2










Management Support System-Overview Decision Making Phase Concepts of Decision Making Decision Supports System Difference between MIS and DSS Decision Making Systems and Modelling Modeling Process Information need 3ed for different phases and decision making Sensitivity Analysis Static and Dynamic Models Simulation Operations Research Techniques Heuristic Programming Case Studies Executive Information and Support Systems Needs Characteristics Software and Hardware Integrated EIS and DSS EIS Implementation

Reference Books : 1) Management Information System - Gorden Devis, Margareth H. Oison 2) Information Systems for Modern Management Robert Murdick, Joel E. Ross 3) Decision Support and Expert Systems Efraim Turban

University of Pune
( Pattern 2008 ) BBA Sem IV Subject: Industrial Exposure (406) Objectives: 1) To introduce to the students to the general nature and structure of source selected industries and business organisation. 2) To enhance the awareness of the students towards study and user of Trade and Industry directories, business websites and published data and information relating to trade, commerce and industry. Activities: 1) The Teachers through class interaction to brief the students about planning for Industrial visits. 2) The students to organize individual/group visits (minimum 4) to the business units. 3) The students to maintain diary of visits and to write the reports for favor of submission to the Teacher. 4) The visits be organised strictly as per prior planning. Assessment: The division of marks will be as under: a) Scrutinity of reports by the teacher: b) Viva based on field visits: w.e.f. 2009 10

50 Marks 50 Marks

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