Describe Circuit Breakers and Various Protection Circuits

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Protection of Power System Components


Theory: 04 End Semester Examination: 60 Marks Theory: 04
Practical: 02 Continuous Assessment: 40 Marks Practical: 01
Term Work: 25 Marks & Oral: 25 Total: 05

Course Pre-requisites:
The Students should have knowledge of
Basic Electrical Engineering, Electric Power System, Electrical Machines, Design of Electrical

Course Objectives:
To develop the students to recognize and study various protection devices for various applications in
Electric Power system. To design an Electric protective system with respect to safety considerations.

Course Outcomes: After learning this course students will be able to

1 Describe circuit breakers and various protection circuits.
2 Explain the necessity and comparison between Electromagnetic and Static Relays
3 Illustrate the various Transformer protection schemes
4 Illustrate the various Generator protection schemes
5 Evaluate and understand the various Transmission line protection schemes.
6 Design of Electric Substation and study of Electrical software’s.

UNIT – I Protection circuits and Circuit Breakers (08 Hours)

Functions of protective system, Normal and abnormal conditions and their effects
on power system, Fault-types, Causes, Short circuit kVA calculations, and Current
limiting reactors.
Essential qualities of protections, Circuit Breakers: Elementary principles of arc
interruption, Recovery, Restriking Voltage and Recovery voltages. - Restriking
Phenomenon, Average and Max. RRRV, Numerical Problems - Current Chopping
and Resistance Switching - CB ratings and Specifications: Types and Numerical
Problems. – Auto re-closures.
Construction, working & application of low tension switchgear - Fuses, Isolators,
MCB, MCCB, ELCB,Contactor,
UNIT - II Electromagnetic and Static Relays (08 Hours)
Principle of Operation and Construction of Attracted armature-Balanced Beam,
induction Disc and Induction Cup relays. Relays Classification: Instantaneous,
DMT and IDMT types. Application of relays: Over current/ under voltage relays,
Microprocessor based relays-Direction relays, Differential Relays, Percentage
Differential relays-Universal Torque Equation-Distance Relays: Impedance
Relay-Reactance Mho Relay-Off-set Mho Relays-Characteristics of Distance
Relays and Comparison-Static Relays verses Electromagnetic Relays.
UNIT -III Transformer and Induction motor protection (08 Hours)
Types of Faults, Over Current Protection, Percentage Differential Protection,
Inrush Phenomenon, High Resistance Ground Faults in Transformers, Inter-turn
Faults, Incipient Faults, Over-fluxing Phenomenon, Buchholz’s relay protection.
Faults and Abnormabilities in induction Motor, starting of Induction Motor, Merz
Price protection scheme
UNIT -IV Generator Protection (08 Hours)
Protection Schemes Provided for Generators – Stator side (Differential, Restricted
Earth fault, protection for 100% winding, Negative phase sequence, Reverse
power, turn-turn fault), Rotor side (Field suppression, field failure, Earth fault,
turn to turn fault). Protection of motor against over load, short circuit, earth fault,
single phasing, unbalance, locked rotor, phase reversal, under voltage, winding
temperature. -Numerical Problems on % Winding Unprotected
UNIT - V Over Voltage and Transmission Line Protection (08 Hours)
Generation of Over Voltages in Power Systems.-Protection against Lightning
Over Voltages - Valve type and Zinc-Oxide Lighting Arresters - Insulation
Coordination –BIL, Impulse Ratio, Standard Impulse Test Wave, Volt-Time
characteristics. Introduction to Distance Protection, Types of Distance Relay,
Impedance, Reactance, MHO Relay, Performance of Distance Relay During
Normal Load and Power Swing, Effect of Arc Resistance on Reach of Distance
Relays, Comparison of Distance Relays, Distance Protection of Transmission line,
Pilot wire Scheme.
UNIT -VI Electrical Substation and Neutral Earthing (08 Hours)
Substation Equipment and switching devices Substation Equipment: Switchgear-
Definition, Types, Location of switchgear in typical power system Switching
Devices:- Isolator & Earthing switch (Requirements & definitions, types and
construction, Pantograph Isolators, Ratings), Contactors: Basic working principle,
Terms & Definitions, contactors as starters for motors, rated characteristics/
Utilization categories of contactors. Neutral earthing, its necessity and

Term Work:
The term work shall consist of record of minimum eight experiments.
1. To find the characteristics of MCB using relay testing kit.
2. To find the characteristics of MCCB using relay testing kit.
3. To find the pickup and drop off voltage of Contactor
4. To find the characteristics of Induction type over current relay
5. To find the characteristics of Induction type under voltage relay
6. To find the characteristics of microprocessor based over current relay
7. To find the characteristics of microprocessor based under voltage relay
8. To find the characteristics of microprocessor based over voltage relay
9. Transmission line protection
10. Report on industrial visit to switchgear training centre /or switchgear/relay manufacturing unit/ or H.T.
substation visit.

Project based learning:

1.Relay Co-ordination in simulation software

2.Design of series Reactor in simulation software.
3. Design and selection of circuit breakers.
4. Transformer protection scheme in electrical softwares.
5. Protection of Power system components.
6. Study of Panel board used in distributed system.
7. Design of Numerical relays in simulation softwares.

Text Books:
1. Switchgear and Protection – by Sunil S Rao, Khanna Publishers.
2. Power System Protection and Switchgear by Badari Ram , D.N Viswakarma, TMH Publications
3. Switchgear and Protection- By Shripad Desai and Dr Deepak Bankar, Tech Neo Publications

Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of protection by Paithanker & Bhide.S.R
2. Static Relays by Madhava Rao
3. A text book on Power System Engineering by Soni
4. Protective Relaying by Lewis Blackburn
5. Power System Protection by P.M.Anderson
6. Electrical Power Systems by V.K.Mehta, Volume-II.
Syllabus for Unit Test:

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