Describe Circuit Breakers and Various Protection Circuits
Describe Circuit Breakers and Various Protection Circuits
Describe Circuit Breakers and Various Protection Circuits
Course Pre-requisites:
The Students should have knowledge of
Basic Electrical Engineering, Electric Power System, Electrical Machines, Design of Electrical
Course Objectives:
To develop the students to recognize and study various protection devices for various applications in
Electric Power system. To design an Electric protective system with respect to safety considerations.
Term Work:
The term work shall consist of record of minimum eight experiments.
1. To find the characteristics of MCB using relay testing kit.
2. To find the characteristics of MCCB using relay testing kit.
3. To find the pickup and drop off voltage of Contactor
4. To find the characteristics of Induction type over current relay
5. To find the characteristics of Induction type under voltage relay
6. To find the characteristics of microprocessor based over current relay
7. To find the characteristics of microprocessor based under voltage relay
8. To find the characteristics of microprocessor based over voltage relay
9. Transmission line protection
10. Report on industrial visit to switchgear training centre /or switchgear/relay manufacturing unit/ or H.T.
substation visit.
Text Books:
1. Switchgear and Protection – by Sunil S Rao, Khanna Publishers.
2. Power System Protection and Switchgear by Badari Ram , D.N Viswakarma, TMH Publications
3. Switchgear and Protection- By Shripad Desai and Dr Deepak Bankar, Tech Neo Publications
Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of protection by Paithanker & Bhide.S.R
2. Static Relays by Madhava Rao
3. A text book on Power System Engineering by Soni
4. Protective Relaying by Lewis Blackburn
5. Power System Protection by P.M.Anderson
6. Electrical Power Systems by V.K.Mehta, Volume-II.
Syllabus for Unit Test: