IV B.Tech. - I Semester (16Bt70202) Switchgear and Protection
IV B.Tech. - I Semester (16Bt70202) Switchgear and Protection
IV B.Tech. - I Semester (16Bt70202) Switchgear and Protection
- I Semester
Int. Marks Ext. Marks Total Marks L T P C
30 70 100 3 1 -- 3
Overview of protection schemes; Fuses and circuit breakers;
Electromagnetic, static and microprocessor based relays; Pro-
tection schemes for various components under various operat-
ing conditions; Neutral grounding.
UNIT-I: RELAYS (11 periods)
Electromagnetic relays: Introduction, types of relays, con-
struction, operation and torque equation of induction type re-
lays, differential relays and biased differential relays. Charac-
teristics of over current, directional and distance relays (R-X).
Static relays: Advantages and disadvantages, block diagram
of a basic static relay, definite time, inverse and inverse defi-
nite minimum time (IDMT) static relays. Comparators - ampli-
tude and phase comparators.
Microprocessor based relays: Advantages and disadvantages,
block diagram with flow chart - distance relays and over cur-
rent relays - definite, inverse & IDMT.