What Should I Do If The Network Doesn't Recognize My Cognizant-Managed Device?
What Should I Do If The Network Doesn't Recognize My Cognizant-Managed Device?
What Should I Do If The Network Doesn't Recognize My Cognizant-Managed Device?
If you receive this notification, please refer to the steps below to quickly resolve the
Note: Personal laptops/desktops (with or without VPN access), mobile devices not enrolled
in the Intune company portal, client-issued devices, and Intune-enrolled mobile devices that
are using an unmanaged browser (e.g., Chrome, UC browser, etc.) are not Cognizant-
managed devices and may not be used to connect to the Cognizant network.
Step 2: If you’re using a Cognizant-managed device that is not recognized, review the
various scenarios below and follow the appropriate recommended action:
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Google Chrome browser, open the Chrome browser extensions page (see image
and check whether the “Windows 10 Accounts” extension is present (see image
below). If the extension is not listed, please raise a GSD (Live Support) support request
to add the extension.
o Clear your browser cache and open OneCognizant to initiate MFA. If the MFA is
not working properly, please open a GSD (Live Support) request using the
keywords “Cognizant WVD-MFA Issue” and the ticket description “MFA is not
coming for OneCognizant.” Please see the image below.
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o MFA can be configured to use your mobile phone, email, authenticator app and
office phone. You must set up a minimum of two authentication methods. Visit
https://mysignins.microsoft.com/security-info to confirm your security information.
To un-enroll and re-enroll your mobile device in Intune: Launch Company portal >
Check device tag > Remove device. Then re-add the device tag.
If you need additional assistance, please raise a support request with the Global Service
If you are a service owner and need support for the implementation of managed-device
validation, please contact the OneCognizant Team.
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