MYP 2 2022-23 Individuals and Societies Overview

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Year 2022-23

Subject –Individuals and Societies MYP-2 (Integrated courses)

Topic Name Key Concept Related Global Context Statement of Content Objectives Summative Learner Profile and ATL
Concept Inquiry Assessment

Unit-Changing Change Processes, Globalisation Change is a ● River, coast and A: Knowing and A: Knowing and LEARNER PROFILE
Landscape and dynamic glaciation Understanding Understanding
Sustainability - concept that ● Thinker
- What creates ● What is weathering? B: Investigation
Can fragile ● Use a range of
processes spectacular ● What is erosion?
karstic terminology in context D: Thinking critical ● Caring
create landscapes.
different rock
be used in a
sustainable ● How is the
B: Investigation ATL SKILLS
manner? Landscape shaped?

● How do rivers, seas, ● Use methods to

and ice shape the collect and record ● Communication Skill
land? relevant information
Organise and dipict
● Evaluate the research information logically
process and results,
with guidance.

D: Thinking critical ● Media literacy

● Summarize information Compare, contrast and draw

connections among media
to make valid, well- resources
supported arguments.

Unit- Ecological Global Sustainability Globalization Misuse of B:Investigating Assessment: LEARNER PROFILE
⮚ Economic Activity
footprints Interactions and resources can
sustainability challenge ● Formulate/choose a ⮚ Formulating ⮚ Communicator
sustainability ⮚ World issues-Creating research
Students will clear and focused
and threat to new climates, dealing question and ⮚ Caring
share the research question,
global with global issues- action plan
impact of explaining its
decision Ozone depletion, global
making on warming, global climate ⮚ Extended
humankind change ● Formulate and follow writing
and the according to
environment. an action plan to structured
⮚ Disaster management-
investigate a research format
-Natural and man-made question
disasters, Being ⮚ Report writing
● Use methods to ⮚ Communication skills
Prepared collect and record
⮚ Organizing ● Take effective notes in class
relevant information
● Make inferences and draw
● Evaluate the research
process and results, B:Investigating
with guidance. Research
C: Communicating
⮚ Information Literacy
C: Communicating
● Make connections between
• Communicate
information and ideas various sources of
in a way that is information
appropriate for the
audience and purpose ● Create references and
citations, use
• Structure information footnotes/endnotes and
and ideas according
to the task construct a bibliography
instructions according to recognized
• Create a reference list
and cite sources of

Unit -Revival –an Change Culture Personal and B:Investigating Assessment: LEARNER PROFILE
overview. Causality Cultural
The nature and
(Renaissance) expression. ● Formulate and follow ● Thinkers
purpose of ● Decline of  Feudalism
What is the human an action plan to ● Communicators.
investigate a research ● Formulating
nature and creative ● Renaissance and its question research
purpose of expression
causes question and ATL SKILLS
creative changes due ● Use methods to
action plan
expression?  to diverse collect and record
● Spread of education ● Extended ● Critical thinking  skills;
causes in relevant information
society. ● writing
according to
● Spirit of Enquiry C: Communicating structured
● Encouragement of art ● Communicate format ● Gather and organize
and learning information and ideas relevant information to
in a way that is formulate an argument
● Invention of printing
appropriate for the
● New discoveries ● Organizing
audience and purpose
● Decrease in the ● Structure information
influence of church ● Evaluate arguments
and ideas according
to the task B:Investigating and evidence
● Islam and its scientific
and industrial C: Communicating
development ● Create a reference list

● Impact on literature and cite sources of

information ● Communication skills;
● Impact on painting
● Impact on architecture
● Renaissance and ● Use appropriate forms
Modern science of writing  for different

● Take notes effectively

● Research Skills

Media literacy skills

● Locate, organize,
analyse, evaluate,
synthesize and
ethically use
information from a
variety of sources and

Unit-Population Time place Scale, Fairness and Absolute and B:Investigating B:Investigating Learner profile
⮚ Population-Factors
dynamics and space disparity development relative
locations have affecting population C: Communicating ● Inquirer
● Formulate and follow
consequences growth
an action plan to
for the growth ● Balanced
of human ⮚ Impact of growing investigate a research
population and question
economic studies ( India)
development ● Use methods to Community service (to teach the
maids about family planning)
⮚ Economic developme collect and record
nt relevant information

C: Communicating Atl skills

● Communicate ⮚ Thinking Skills

information and ideas
Critical-thinking skills
in a way that is
appropriate for the
● Draw reasonable conclusions
audience and purpose
and generalizations
● Structure information
and ideas according ● Interpret data
to the task

● Create a reference list ● Practise observing carefully

and cite sources of in order to recognize
information problems
● Consider ideas from multiple

⮚ Research skills

Information literacy

● Collect and analyse data to

identify solutions and make
Media literacy

● Communicate information and

ideas effectively to multiple
using a variety of media and formats
Unit- Systems Processes, Fairness and Systems and Assessment: LEARNER PROFILE:
The Making of our Governance.  development. processes are Knowledgeable
Defining the term A: Knowing and
constitution. necessary for Open-minded
Constitution. understanding. A: Knowing and
Government understanding
governance of
and civil ● Demonstrate knowledge ATL SKILL
a civil society.  Objectives of the
society;  and understanding of ● Thinking skills
Constitution. D:Thinking
subjects-specific Critically Critical thinking skills
content and concepts,
● Consider ideas from multiple
The Preamble. through description,
explanations and perspectives
examples ● Gather and organize relevant
The Nature of the state.
D:Thinking Critically information to formulate
● Analyse concepts,
issues, models, visual
representation and/ or
● Summarize information
to make valid, well-
supported arguments.
● Recognize different
perspectives and explain
their implications.
Unit – Trade and Global Resources; Globalization The need for B:Investigating Assessment: LEARNER PROFILE
expansion Interactions. trade and resources and
Industrial Revolution
Sustainability. market is an ● Formulate and follow ● Reflective
Need for colonization
impetus for an action plan to ATL SKILLS
The Spice Trade ● Formulating
world trade investigate a research
opportunities  Colonization of India- 
leading to question research ● Research
and tensions Formation of East India
opportunities question and   Skill
provided by  Company till 1857. ● Use methods to
and tensions. action plan
world collect and record
interconnected ● Extended Media literacy skills
relevant information
ness.  writing ● Access
according to information to
C. Communicating structured be informed and 
(i)Communicate information format inform others.
and ideas with Clarity.
(ii) Organise information and
ideas effectively for the task. ● Organizing
● Locate, organize,
(iii) list sources of bibliography
information in a way that analyse, evaluate,
follows the task instructions. synthesize and
B:Investigating ethically use
information from a
C: Communicating variety of sources and

● Critical Thinking skills.

● Interpret data.
● Consider ideas from
multiple perspectives
● Draw reasonable
conclusions and

Rights and Duties Systems Cooperation; Fairness and Cooperation A: Knowing and Assessment: ATL SKILL
development. and respect of understanding.
Governance. rights and Fundamental Rights and ⮚ Thinking skills
duties among Duties, as assigned by the ● Demonstrate
citizens is Indian Constitution. A: Knowing and Critical thinking skills
knowledge and
Government and imperative for understanding
civil society; understanding of
their fair ● Consider ideas from multiple
subjects-specific content
development. perspectives
and concepts, through
description, D:Thinking Critically
● Gather and organize relevant
explanations and information to formulate
● Use a range of
terminology in arguments.

D:Thinking Critically

● Analyse concepts,
issues, models, visual
representation and/
or theories

● Summarize
information to make
valid, well-supported

● Recognize different
perspectives and
explain their

Unit Global Resources Fairness and Access to ❏ India and Asia A. Knowing and A.Knowing and LEARNER PROFILE
Interaction Development resources and understanding understanding
Fairness and Equality ❏ Poverty
equality of
development ● Demonstrate knowledge B.Investigating
opportunities ❏ Development and Thinker
and understanding of
can help Aids C.Communication
subject specific content ATL SKILLS
societies to
❏ Case study india and concepts, using E.Thinking critically
develop to
descriptions, explanations
become fairer
and examples.
places but ✔ Communication Skills- Use a
this is often variety of media to
dependent on
B. Investigating communicate with a range of
global audience.
interactions ● Collect and record
relevant information
consistent with the
research question
● Reflect on the research ✔ Information literacy skills-
process and results

Access information to be
C. Communication informed and to inform
others, Process data and
● Organize information and
ideas effectively for the
✔ Critical-thinking skills-
Draw reasonable conclusions
and generalizations.
D. Thinking critically
● Identify the main points
of ideas, events, visual
representation or

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