Reviewer in Aom
Reviewer in Aom
Reviewer in Aom
REVIEWER IN AOM - As private units inside a structure,
these are an incredible alternative
when your customers are remaining
in a significant city or resort town.
- It is something applied for
- They can prepare their own suppers
convenience or to satisfy a need
here and do their own clothing and
such as lodging, food, and services
appreciate the sentiment of having
or traveling space and related
their own space while on vacation.
13. Condominium
- A condominium project that involves 18. Independent Hotels
registration desks, short-term - Independent hotels do not have
occupancy, food and telephone ownership or management affiliation
services, and daily cleaning with other properties.
services, and is generally operated
as a commercial hotel even though
the units are individually owned.
TYPES OF HOTEL ROOMS - This may refer to room view or size
or type of furnishings
Rooms 3. Superior - superior to standard in
- A perishable commodity size and furnishings (or just the
- A room not sold on a particular day view)
losses its opportunity to earn 4. Deluxe - deluxe in every way: view,
revenue for that day. location, furnishings, size
- Available in single deluxe or
ROOMS TO GUEST MEANS: double deluxe
● Comfort - Some amenities are an
● Security attached bathroom, a
● Convenience dressing table, a bedside
● Privacy table, a small writing table, a
● Cleanliness and hygiene TV, and a small fridge.
● A home away from home 5. Studio - configured like a junior
TYPES OF ROOM ACCORDING TO - Has a kitchenette or cooking
BED/NUMBER OF BED facilities
6. Suite Room - the most luxurious
1. Single Room - single bed facility room in a hotel.
2. Double Room - double-bed facility - A room comprises 2 or more
3. Twin Room - 2 single beds bedrooms, a living room, and a
separated by a center table dining area.
4. Double-double Room - 2 double 7. Junior Suite - In a large room
beds (queen-sized) partition is done by using a wooden
5. Triple Room - 3 twin beds or 2 board.
double beds 8. Penthouse Suite - usually on the
6. Quad Room - A room assigned to highest floor of the building.
four people. - A room situated on the terrace, a
- 2 or more beds. part of which may be opened to the
7. Queen Bedroom - room with a sky.
queen-sized bed 9. Presidential Suite - most expensive
8. King Bedroom - room with a room
king-sized bed
9. Family Room - 7 to 8 occupancy OTHER TYPES OF ROOMS