Reviewer in Aom

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REVIEWER IN AOM - As private units inside a structure,
these are an incredible alternative
when your customers are remaining
in a significant city or resort town.
- It is something applied for
- They can prepare their own suppers
convenience or to satisfy a need
here and do their own clothing and
such as lodging, food, and services
appreciate the sentiment of having
or traveling space and related
their own space while on vacation.

5. Bed and Breakfast

- It is a small lodging place that offers
overnight accommodation and
breakfast (BnB).
1. Motels
- Bed and breakfasts are often private
- These normally include a
family homes and typically have four
determination of a studio and a
and eleven rooms, with six being the
couple of room units. Tea, espresso,
and now and again kitchen are
given, and most units have a TV.
6. Holiday Homes
- Truly moderate, motels are ideal for
- Referring to privately owned holiday
the more economical explorer who
houses, extend from basic cabins by
acknowledges the simplicity of an
the ocean to sumptuous hotels in the
inn remains.
- Contrasted with the hotel or motel,
2. Hotels
your customers will have
- These are establishments providing
significantly additionally living space
accommodations, meals, and other
to appreciate.
services for travelers and tourists.
They come in all shapes, sizes, and
7. Resorts
personalities from budget to luxury.
- These tend to be self-contained and
come with all the facilities you need
3. Hostels
and can often be great for family
- They refer to establishments that
provide inexpensive food and
lodging for a specific group of people
8. Homestays
such as students, workers, and
- These accommodations which all
domestic facilities are shared with
- Some hostels only offer dormitory
the family (owner or host), including
rooms (single sex on request), while
bathrooms and meals, are eaten
others provide a choice of dormitory,
together too
double, twin, and single rooms.
- Often including dinner.
- In some hostels, bathrooms and
kitchen facilities are shared.
ON SIZE - E.g: Taj Hotel in Mumbai
Size refers to the number of rooms
3. Casino Hotel
● Small Hotels - 25 rooms or less - Is an establishment consisting of a
● Average Hotels - 26 to 99 rooms casino with temporary lodging
● Above Average Hotels - 100 to 299 provided in an on-premises hotel.
rooms - Customers receive the benefits of
● Large Hotels - more than 300 gambling facilities and lodging.
4. Motels
BASED ON STAR SYSTEM - Motels are normally economical and
The start category for the hotels is given by they provide comfortable bathrooms
the committee called (HRACC) “Hotels and that motorists prefer to stay on their
Restaurants Approval and Classifications way for a night's rest.
Committee.” - Motels have facilities of a proper
motor garage to service a car and a
1. One Star filling station of refill.
2. Two Star
3. Three Star 5. Conference Hotels
4. Four Star - The conference hotels often contain
5. Five Star Deluxe full-sized luxury facilities with
6. Five Star Super Deluxe full-service accommodations and
BASED ON LOCATION AND CLIENTELE - These hotels may be referred to as
major conference center hotels,
1. Airport Hotel flagship hotels, and destination
- They are located near the hotels.
airport - It's near to the airport or a fixed
- Hotel-owned courtesy vans location.
often transport guests It is also called CONVENTION HOTEL
between the hotel and the - A type of accommodation
airport specialized in hosting the MICE
- Typically target market traveler segment.
includes business clientele,
airline passengers with 6. Suite Hotels
overnight travel layovers or - The all-suite concept is a new
canceled flights, and airline addition to the hotel industry.
personnel. - These suites provide a living room,
bedroom, kitchenette, etc.
2. Down Town Hotels
- Located in the heart of the city
- Near the shopping areas and
theaters etc
7. Banquet Hotel 14. Chain Hotels
- These are very small and very - A chain is usually classified as
expensive hotels and mainly cater operating under a management
for elite class. contract or as a franchise or referral
- Though the hotels is small but still it group.
has more number of restaurants. - Chain usually make certain rules
- Each one is decorated keeping in regarding standards, rules, policies,
view a theme and the food served. procedures or affiliation etc

8. Raotels Hotel 15. Transient Hotels

- Hotels on wheels - Rest houses, government guest
- Palace of wheels houses etc are the best example of
- Used by a group of travelers transient hotels.
- E.g: Maharaja Express
16. Heritage Hotels
9. Flying Hotel - The heritage hotels cover running
- A futuristic giant nuclear-powered hotels in palaces, castles, forts, and
flying hotel, Sky Cruise, showcases residences of any size built prior to
basic amenities like a gym and 1950.
swimming pool with the ability to - The facade, architectural features,
carry around 5,000 passengers. and general construction should
have distinctive qualities and
10. Floatels ambiance in keeping the traditional
- Established on luxury liners or ships way of life of the area.
- Cruise ships
17. Residential Hotels
11. Boatels - These hotels offer rooms/apartments
- House Boat on monthly basis and even if a guest
- Shikara of Kashmir stays for a part of the month, is
normally charged for the full month.
12. Franchise Hotel - The best examples of these hotels
- Is a fee-based agreement between a are hostels, paying guest houses for
business owner, the franchisee, and students, trainees, working people,
a brand owner, the franchisor. etc.

13. Condominium
- A condominium project that involves 18. Independent Hotels
registration desks, short-term - Independent hotels do not have
occupancy, food and telephone ownership or management affiliation
services, and daily cleaning with other properties.
services, and is generally operated
as a commercial hotel even though
the units are individually owned.
TYPES OF HOTEL ROOMS - This may refer to room view or size
or type of furnishings
Rooms 3. Superior - superior to standard in
- A perishable commodity size and furnishings (or just the
- A room not sold on a particular day view)
losses its opportunity to earn 4. Deluxe - deluxe in every way: view,
revenue for that day. location, furnishings, size
- Available in single deluxe or
ROOMS TO GUEST MEANS: double deluxe
● Comfort - Some amenities are an
● Security attached bathroom, a
● Convenience dressing table, a bedside
● Privacy table, a small writing table, a
● Cleanliness and hygiene TV, and a small fridge.
● A home away from home 5. Studio - configured like a junior
TYPES OF ROOM ACCORDING TO - Has a kitchenette or cooking
BED/NUMBER OF BED facilities
6. Suite Room - the most luxurious
1. Single Room - single bed facility room in a hotel.
2. Double Room - double-bed facility - A room comprises 2 or more
3. Twin Room - 2 single beds bedrooms, a living room, and a
separated by a center table dining area.
4. Double-double Room - 2 double 7. Junior Suite - In a large room
beds (queen-sized) partition is done by using a wooden
5. Triple Room - 3 twin beds or 2 board.
double beds 8. Penthouse Suite - usually on the
6. Quad Room - A room assigned to highest floor of the building.
four people. - A room situated on the terrace, a
- 2 or more beds. part of which may be opened to the
7. Queen Bedroom - room with a sky.
queen-sized bed 9. Presidential Suite - most expensive
8. King Bedroom - room with a room
king-sized bed
9. Family Room - 7 to 8 occupancy OTHER TYPES OF ROOMS

TYPES OF ROOMS ACCORDING TO 1. Efficiency Room - room with

2. Interconnecting Room - 2 rooms
1. Standard - most basic room type that share a common door.
- basic amenities and furnishings 3. Lanai - a room that oversees a
2. Moderate - slightly bit better than scenic beauty (garden, landscape,
standard or waterfall)
4. Hospitality Room - a room where RESERVATION OFFICER
hotel staff would entertain their - He/She needs to ensure booking
guests. information is input accurately into
5. Adjoining Rooms - 2 rooms that the reservation system and maintain
share a common wall. and update room availability on
6. Cabana - A room that is near a online booking platforms.
water body or beside the swimming
7. Duplex - A room that is been spread PHONE
on two floors connected by an - 3 rings before pick-up
internal staircase.
8. Studio Room - a room with Once pickup
sofa-cum-bed facility. ➔ Greetings (time of the day)
9. Parlor - a room that is used for ➔ Mention the name of the hotel
sitting and cannot be used for ➔ Name of the front desk agent
sleeping purposes. ➔ How may I help you?
10. Sico Room - a room that is fitted
with a sofa bed or a murphy bed. FDA | Front Desk Agent

Murphy bed FDA: “your name” speaking, How may I

- A bed that folds out a wall or closet. help you?

—------------------------------------------------------- FDA: May I know who’s on the line

- For internal and external ➔ (Ask for the name of the guest)
communication ➔ (Use PHONETIC ALPHABETS to
- Making good and last impression to clarify the spelling)
the guest
- FDA: Availability of the Room
FRONT DESK AGENT ➔ (say “one moment” for waiting)
- work for hotels, motels, and other ➔ (say “thank you for waiting” after)
vacation resorts checking guests in
and out of their rooms. FDA: Available or not
- They work with guests both ➔ (Get the full name)
in-person and online to reserve their ➔ (Contact Number)
rooms, answer any questions they ➔ (Address)
have about the hotel and provide ➔ (Mode of Payment)
details and recommendations about
activities to do in the surrounding FDA: Clarify the Info
area. FDA: Bidding Goodbye
(Thank you for choosing ‘hotel name’.
Looking forward to meet you)

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