Basic Adroit Ignite Training Manual 2021 - Rev06
Basic Adroit Ignite Training Manual 2021 - Rev06
Basic Adroit Ignite Training Manual 2021 - Rev06
Copyright © 2021 Advanced Worx 112 (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The software described in this document is furnished under a
license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of those
agreements. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or any means
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording for any purpose other than the purchaser’s personal use without the
written permission of Advanced Worx 112 (Pty) Ltd.
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1. Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 7
1.1. Adroit Ignite HMI Overview ......................................................................................................... 8
1.2. Introducing Adroit Ignite HMI ...................................................................................................... 9
1.3. How is Adroit Ignite HMI packaged? ............................................................................................. 9
1.3.1. Licensing Definitions .......................................................................................................................... 10
2. Course Overview............................................................................................................................... 11
2.1. The Batching Plant Training Project ............................................................................................ 11
3. A Guide to Best Practices.................................................................................................................. 11
3.1. Define the end goal of the Automation Solution ........................................................................... 11
3.2. Visualisation and Control Strategy .............................................................................................. 12
3.2.1. Three Primary Principles ..................................................................................................................... 12
3.2.2. Graphic Hierarchy .............................................................................................................................. 12
3.2.3. Control Plan...................................................................................................................................... 12
3.2.4. HMI Standards .................................................................................................................................. 13
3.2.5. HMI/PLC Interface ............................................................................................................................. 13
3.2.6. Reporting Strategy ............................................................................................................................ 13
3.2.7. Alarming Strategy.............................................................................................................................. 14
3.2.8. Security Strategy ............................................................................................................................... 14
4. Main Components and Architecture ................................................................................................. 15
4.1. Data Layer............................................................................................................................... 15
4.1.1. Agent Server .................................................................................................................................... 15
4.2. The Ignite Server ..................................................................................................................... 16
4.3. Presentation Layer.................................................................................................................... 16
4.3.1. The Designer .................................................................................................................................... 16
4.3.2. The Operator .................................................................................................................................... 17
4.4. Help and ReadMe Files .............................................................................................................. 18
5. Installing Adroit Ignite HMI ............................................................................................................. 19
5.1. Hardware & Software Requirements ........................................................................................... 19
5.1.1. Recommended Hardware & Software ................................................................................................... 19
5.1.2. Additional Software............................................................................................................................ 19
5.2. Licensing ................................................................................................................................. 19
5.2.1. Licensing definitions........................................................................................................................... 19
5.3. Pre-requisites for installing Adroit Ignite HMI software.................................................................. 19
Exercise 1 - Installation of the Adroit Ignite HMI software ................................................................................... 20
5.4. License Installation ................................................................................................................... 22
Exercise 2 - Installation of the Adroit Ignite HMI License ..................................................................................... 23
Exercise 3 – Starting the Adroit Ignite HMI ........................................................................................................ 25
6. Training Course................................................................................................................................. 27
6.1.1. Objective of the Training Course .......................................................................................................... 27
6.1.2. Overview Drawing ............................................................................................................................. 28
6.2. Batching Simulation OPC Server ................................................................................................. 29
7. Adroit Ignite Config Editor ............................................................................................................... 31
Exercise 4 - Creating a New Configuration ......................................................................................................... 32
Exercise 5 - Driver Configuration...................................................................................................................... 34
Exercise 6 - Launching the Designer ................................................................................................................. 35
8. The Designer ..................................................................................................................................... 36
8.1. The Agent Configurator............................................................................................................. 37
8.2. Default Tool & View Windows .................................................................................................... 38
8.3. The Home Menu: ..................................................................................................................... 42
8.4. The View Menu: ....................................................................................................................... 43
8.5. The SCADA Menu: .................................................................................................................... 45
8.6. The Configuration Menu: ........................................................................................................... 46
8.7. The Diagnostics & Tools Menu: .................................................................................................. 47
8.8. The Project Menu: .................................................................................................................... 48
8.9. The Design Menu: .................................................................................................................... 49
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8.10. The Behaviors Menu: ................................................................................................................ 50
8.11. Shapes Wizards & Examples Menus ............................................................................................ 51
8.12. Graphic Form Toolbar ............................................................................................................... 52
8.12.1. Save Functions .............................................................................................................................. 52
8.12.2. Substitutions ................................................................................................................................. 52
8.12.3. Launch Script Editor ....................................................................................................................... 52
8.12.4. Design & Run................................................................................................................................ 52
8.12.5. Zoom........................................................................................................................................... 53
8.12.6. Optimise Graphic Form ................................................................................................................... 53
8.12.7. Statistics, Optimizations & Find and Replace ...................................................................................... 53
9. Agents ............................................................................................................................................... 54
9.1. Overview - Agent Groups and Agent Types ................................................................................. 54
9.2. Naming Convention .................................................................................................................. 56
9.2.1. Agent .............................................................................................................................................. 56
9.2.2. Device ............................................................................................................................................. 56
9.2.3. Agent Types Overview ....................................................................................................................... 57
9.2.4. Slots................................................................................................................................................ 58
9.2.5. Data Elements .................................................................................................................................. 59
9.2.6. Header Slots ..................................................................................................................................... 60
9.2.7. Status Bits/Agent Header Slots ............................................................................................................ 61
9.3. Primitive Agent Types ............................................................................................................... 62
9.3.1. Boolean Agent .................................................................................................................................. 62
9.3.2. Text Agent ....................................................................................................................................... 62
9.4. Basic Agent Types .................................................................................................................... 63
9.4.1. Analog Agent .................................................................................................................................... 63
9.4.2. Counter Agent .................................................................................................................................. 64
9.4.3. Digital Agent..................................................................................................................................... 64
9.4.4. Expression Agent............................................................................................................................... 65
9.4.5. String Agent ..................................................................................................................................... 66
9.4.6. StringList Agent ................................................................................................................................ 66
9.4.7. Timer Agent ..................................................................................................................................... 67
9.5. Advanced Agent Types.............................................................................................................. 68
9.5.1. AgentGroup ...................................................................................................................................... 68
9.5.2. Alarm Agent ..................................................................................................................................... 68
9.5.3. AlarmList Agent................................................................................................................................. 69
9.5.4. Command Agent ............................................................................................................................... 70
9.5.5. DBQuery Agent ................................................................................................................................. 70
9.5.6. DBLog Agent .................................................................................................................................... 71
9.5.7. EventLogging Agent........................................................................................................................... 71
9.5.8. EventOutput Agent ............................................................................................................................ 72
9.5.9. MultiMedia Agent............................................................................................................................... 72
9.5.10. Notify Agent ................................................................................................................................. 73
9.5.11. Script Agent.................................................................................................................................. 73
9.5.12. Shift Agent ................................................................................................................................... 74
9.5.13. Statistical Agent ............................................................................................................................ 74
9.6. MIS/MES Agent Types............................................................................................................... 75
9.6.1. Accumulator Agent ............................................................................................................................ 75
9.7. IT/IoT Agent Types .................................................................................................................. 76
9.7.1. PerfMon Agent .................................................................................................................................. 76
9.8. System Agent Types ................................................................................................................. 77
9.8.1. Alias Agent ....................................................................................................................................... 77
9.8.2. DataLog Agent .................................................................................................................................. 77
9.8.3. Device Agent .................................................................................................................................... 79
9.8.4. Other System Agent Types ................................................................................................................. 79
9.9. Adding the Tags for the Batching Plant ....................................................................................... 81
Exercise 7 - Configuring Digital Agents: First Principles........................................................................................ 82
Exercise 8 - Configuring Analog Agents: First Principles ....................................................................................... 84
Exercise 9 - Configuring Stringlist Agents: First Principles .................................................................................... 86
Exercise 10 - Configuring Expression Agents: First Principles ................................................................................ 88
Exercise 11 - Configuring Counter Agents: First Principles .................................................................................... 90
9.10. Scanning Agents/Tags .............................................................................................................. 92
9.10.1. The Principles of Scanning .............................................................................................................. 92
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9.10.2. Golden Rules for Scanning: ............................................................................................................. 92
9.10.3. Device and Scan Agents ................................................................................................................. 93
9.10.4. Calculating the Scan Period ............................................................................................................. 93
Exercise 12 - Scanning Digital Agents: First Principles ......................................................................................... 94
Exercise 13 - Scanning Analog Agents: First Principles......................................................................................... 97
Exercise 14 - Scanning StringList Agents: First Principles ..................................................................................... 99
10. Project Tree and Graphic Forms ..................................................................................................... 100
Exercise 15 - Creating a Project Tree ............................................................................................................... 101
11. Behaviours ...................................................................................................................................... 103
11.1. Bind Value Behaviour ............................................................................................................... 103
11.2. Colour Behaviour..................................................................................................................... 103
11.3. Display Value Behaviour ........................................................................................................... 104
11.4. Execute Command Behaviour ................................................................................................... 104
11.5. Flip Bitmap Behaviour .............................................................................................................. 104
11.6. Location Behaviour .................................................................................................................. 104
11.7. Operator Action Behaviour........................................................................................................ 104
11.8. Percentage Fill Behaviour ......................................................................................................... 104
11.9. Rotation Behaviour .................................................................................................................. 105
11.10. Size Behaviour..................................................................................................................... 105
11.11. Tooltip Behaviour................................................................................................................. 105
11.12. Visibility Behaviours ............................................................................................................. 105
12. Design Mode: Building Graphic Forms............................................................................................ 106
Exercise 16 - Building the Batching Plant Graphic Form ...................................................................................... 107
Exercise 17 - Adding Static Graphics and Colour Behaviour [Part 1]...................................................................... 109
Exercise 18 - Adding Static Graphics and Colour Behaviour [Part 2]...................................................................... 111
Exercise 19 - Percentage Fill Behaviour ............................................................................................................ 113
Exercise 20 - Location and Visibility Behaviour [Part 1] ....................................................................................... 115
12.1. Creating Labels and Displaying Real Time Data ........................................................................... 116
Exercise 21 - Creating Labels.......................................................................................................................... 117
Exercise 22 - Display Value Behaviour (Level & Status) ...................................................................................... 118
Exercise 23 - Visibility Behaviour ..................................................................................................................... 120
Exercise 24 - Bind Behaviour .......................................................................................................................... 121
Exercise 25 - Tooltip Behaviour....................................................................................................................... 122
Exercise 26 - Blinking Behaviour ..................................................................................................................... 123
Exercise 27 - Operator Behaviour [Part 1] ........................................................................................................ 124
Exercise 28 - Operator Behaviour [Part 2] ........................................................................................................ 125
Exercise 29 – Execute Command Behaviour ...................................................................................................... 127
13. Datalogging .................................................................................................................................... 129
14. Trends/Charts................................................................................................................................. 130
Exercise 30 - Basic Datalogging (.LGD file) ....................................................................................................... 131
Exercise 31 - Displaying Logged Data in a Trend ............................................................................................... 132
Exercise 32 - Retrieve Logged Data ................................................................................................................. 135
15. Wizards & Templates ...................................................................................................................... 136
15.1. Wizards .................................................................................................................................. 136
15.1.1. Creating a Wizard ......................................................................................................................... 136
Exercise 33 - Creating a Basic Dynamic Wizard [Method 1] ................................................................................. 137
Exercise 34 - Creating a Basic Dynamic Wizard [Method 2] ................................................................................. 139
Exercise 35 - Making use of a User Defined Wizard ............................................................................................ 141
15.2. Templates .............................................................................................................................. 142
Exercise 36 - Creating a Template [Part 1] ....................................................................................................... 143
Exercise 37 - Creating a Template [Part 2] – Display Actual/Target Values ............................................................ 146
Exercise 38 - Creating a Template [Part 3] - Trend Button .................................................................................. 147
Exercise 39 - Creating a Template [Part 4] - Close Button................................................................................... 148
16. System Events ................................................................................................................................ 149
16.1. What is an Event? ................................................................................................................... 149
Exercise 40 - Adding a Tab Control.................................................................................................................. 150
Exercise 41 - Event View Window ................................................................................................................... 151
17. Alarms ............................................................................................................................................. 152
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17.1. What is an Alarm? ................................................................................................................... 152
17.2. Alarm Type ............................................................................................................................. 153
17.3. Configuring the Alarm Agent Instance........................................................................................ 154
Exercise 42 - Configuring Alarm Routes............................................................................................................ 155
17.4. Alarming an Agent Instance...................................................................................................... 158
Exercise 43 - Setting up Alarm Masks .............................................................................................................. 159
17.5. Alarm List Viewer Control ......................................................................................................... 161
Exercise 44 - Setting up Alarm View Windows ................................................................................................... 162
17.6. What is the difference between Alarms and Events? .................................................................... 163
18. Navigation ...................................................................................................................................... 164
Exercise 45 – Navigation [Part 1] .................................................................................................................... 165
Exercise 46 - Navigation [Part 2] - Adding Menu Items and Graphic Forms............................................................ 167
Exercise 47 - Navigation [Part 3] - Add a Default Graphic on Home Page .............................................................. 168
19. Operator Settings ........................................................................................................................... 169
19.1. Customizable Operators Settings & Configuration ........................................................................ 169
Exercise 48 - Adding a Default Graphic Form to the Operator .............................................................................. 171
20. Ignite Utilities ................................................................................................................................. 172
20.1. Adtech Licensing Utility ............................................................................................................ 172
20.2. Agent Browser ........................................................................................................................ 173
20.3. OPC Browser .......................................................................................................................... 173
20.4. OPC Server ............................................................................................................................. 174
20.5. Scanning Monitor .................................................................................................................... 174
20.6. Driver Monitor......................................................................................................................... 174
20.7. Scheduler ............................................................................................................................... 175
20.8. Script Editor............................................................................................................................ 176
21. System Backup and Restore ........................................................................................................... 177
Exercise 49 - Project Backup .......................................................................................................................... 177
Exercise 50 - Project Restore .......................................................................................................................... 178
22. Batch Plant I/O Schedules ............................................................................................................. 180
22.1. Analog Agents......................................................................................................................... 180
22.2. Digital Agents ......................................................................................................................... 181
22.3. StringList Agent ...................................................................................................................... 182
22.4. Expression Agents ................................................................................................................... 182
22.5. Counter Agents ....................................................................................................................... 182
23. Adroit Ignite HMI Competency Test (Optional) ............................................................................. 183
23.1. Introduction............................................................................................................................ 183
23.2. Procedure, URS and Process Description .................................................................................... 183
23.2.1. Certificate of Competency .............................................................................................................. 184
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1. Introduction
Adroit (Advanced Distributed Real-time Object-oriented Intelligent Toolkit), is an English word that
means “flexible or dexterous”.
Adroit Ignite HMI is an open, object-oriented, human machine, process automation software, structured
around a distributed client-server architecture, where:
• The I/O Server component is known as the Agent Server.
• The Ignite Server is a middleware layer and;
• The Client component is typically the Ignite Designer and Operator.
In order to understand Adroit Ignite HMI, it is important to understand the basic architecture of the
product. Below is a diagram, which represents the basic architecture:
• Front End Device (FED): The front-end device is a general term used for a PLC; OPC server;
RTU; a controller; or any software package that allows third party communication (i.e.
• Protocol drivers: Adroit Ignite HMI supports +- 100 different protocols. Once a new driver
has been created and configured, it is called a device. A single protocol can support multiple
devices. An example of this is the user can have multiple FEDs which use the same protocol
(i.e. MODBUS Ethernet), each FED will have its own IP address/Address. A device will need to
be created for each FED.
• Datasource: Each source of data (i.e. Adroit Ignite HMI Agent Server) requires a datasource
plugin before it can be associated with the Ignite Server. This provides the ability to expose
its data as Data Elements.
An example of a Data Element is Adroit.Analog._SAMPLEANALOG.value.
• Agent Server (AS): (I/O Server) is the real-time database, which handles the real-time
values and if configured, will log and/or alarm the data.
• Ignite Server: is a middleware layer server which exposes data from a number of disparate
sources, and also acts as a repository for the graphic forms or mimics.
• Clients: The Adroit Ignite HMI comes with two types of clients which connects to the Ignite
o The Designer: The Designer allows the user to configure Datasources as well as create
and design graphic forms.
o The Operator allows you to operate graphic forms.
When connecting to the Ignite Server the user will be prompted for login credentials. The default
credentials are the same as the windows credentials that the user installed Adroit Ignite HMI.
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1.1. Adroit Ignite HMI Overview
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1.2. Introducing Adroit Ignite HMI
Adroit Ignite HMI is a process visualisation/SCADA product and as such is primarily concerned with
process values, since these are essentially used to supervise and control processes. Like all programs,
Adroit Ignite HMI has its own terminology or language and in this case, the language applies to how it
refers to these process values.
• Agent Architecture: Create the necessary Agents to both acquire and store the process
variables and perform more advanced calculations and manipulations.
• Communication of process values: This is the primary function of any SCADA; in that it
allows a user to bring in and send out values via front-end devices in the field. This allows the
process to be supervised (SCADA).
• Alarming of values: When values transgress configurable operational limits, an alarm can
be created to notify the user of this transgression using a variety of methods.
• Logging or recording of values: This allows the values of the process to be saved to
proprietary historical files and/or to databases, so that they can be retrieved for long-term
analysis and reporting purposes (ASI) and/or real time trending.
• Displaying of values: This is usually performed through the creation of graphic forms where
values can be displayed, manipulated and / or used to animate the graphic forms.
• Trending of values: it is also possible to visually trend the fluctuations of these values, both
in real-time and / or when combined with logged values, to provide historical trending too.
Adroit Ignite HMI is built on a client-server architecture, where the Agent Server is the database that
contains the values and the Ignite Server and Clients which provides the capability of accessing,
configuring, displaying and manipulating the values
Typically, Adroit Ignite is licensed using our software licensing mechanism. You will be given 30 days to
complete and complete licensing on the machine you will be deploying in the field. Once licensed it is
not possible to transfer the license to another machine.
Alternatively you may purchase a USB dongle/HASP software protection key, which is inserted into the
USB port of the computer on which the Agent Server is running. This HASP is then programmed in
accordance with your specific license agreement. Please note this option makes it easy to transfer
between machines, but this option costs US$50 plus transport costs additional to the cost of the software.
Adroit Ignite HMI is packaged in different scan point sizes; these are 8 (Free), 30, 75, 150. This allows
the user to purchase the size that best fits the application. Functionality of all packages is uniform,
irrespective of the number of Agents and remote clients.
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1.3.1. Licensing Definitions
Adroit Ignite HMI is licensed based on the following:-
• Agents: When a memory address is scanned/attached in the PLC and every DBQuery and
Script that is used.
• Remote Clients/Operator Stations: A remote client licence is required for every client
• Number of other licenses applications such the HTML5 Performance Anywhere Client or the
Adroit Air Mobile application. Both of which can be used with the Adroit Ignite HMI software.
• Version: Adroit Ignite installations are licensed against versions of Adroit.
• OEM: Additional components are licensed against the OEM code license. E.g. Siemens
Ethernet driver; Allen Bradley.
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2. Course Overview
2.1. The Batching Plant Training Project
The Adroit Ignite HMI training project is based on a Batch Plant simulation OPC Server that is supplied
as part of the Adroit Ignite HMI install. This OPC Server simulates a PLC that controls a simple Batching
Process, including Process Parameter Setting and Production Target Setting etc. along with various
Process variables for doing quality, alarming etc.
This course has been designed as to both empower the user to discover the wide, wonderful and powerful
world of Adroit Ignite HMI and at the same time reveal the fundamentals of the product. It must be
borne in mind that Adroit Ignite HMI, while being very user friendly, is a flexible, scalable and open
product that allows a user to achieve almost anything no matter how complex.
While every attempt has been made to make this manual a complete guide to the product, it remains to
be said that it must be used in conjunction with the Help file and Adroit Ignite HMI documentation as
found on the website (
Further, it is intended to assist in defining a project and the resulting expectations from the Adroit Ignite
HMI product. It helps to clarify all possible issues prior to “going down the road” and then hitting
limitations (either environmental or product) that may not have been addressed in the pre-project phase.
Also, if fleshed out in enough detail, it can stand as a complete project document, not only for the initial
phase but also for years to come and can be used as a knowledge and standards base for the life of any
"A best practice tends to spread throughout a field or industry after a success has been demonstrated.
However, it is often noted that demonstrated best practices can be slow to spread, even within an
organization. According to the American Productivity & Quality Centre, the three main barriers to
adoption of a best practice are a lack of knowledge about current best practices, a lack of motivation to
make changes involved in their adoption, and a lack of knowledge and skills required to do so."
This covers how you approach an Adroit Ignite HMI project and product choice.
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• The number of concurrent connections the system will have - Operators and or 3rd party
• The no. of Performance Anywhere clients
• The no. of Adroit Air mobile app connections required.
Once all criteria have been taken into account, all the standard tools and features of Adroit Ignite HMI
can be used to build the solution.
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3.2.4. HMI Standards
Colour conventions for:
• Red = Off
• Green = On
• Flash yellow and current state colour = Fault
• Naming conventions
• Numbering conventions
3.2.5. HMI/PLC Interface
• Create I/O schedule for the plant (Physical Agents)
• Create virtual I/O for plant (Virtual Agents)
• Display I/O
• Stop signals
• Start signals
• Fault signals
• Control signals
Plant Items Description Agent name Slot name Agent Type PLC Output PLC Input
• Use value deadbands to avoid small analog fluctuations from being logged where necessary.
• All Adroit log files must be stored in their own specific User defined areas and uniquely named
files. It is preferable to create many small log files.
• Dead banding should only be implemented after a project is complete to optimize processes.
• Set the logging standards and strategy, e.g. logging frequency, log period, log files, SQL
logging, DBLog, DBQuery Agent, etc.
• During design phase it must be decided how much data to log and view on a trend.
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The Adroit Ignite HMI data logging sub-system is used to store\log historical data for trending purpose.
The data log should be configured as follows.
• LineChart
• Template trends
• All BULK flows shall be stored for 60 days at a frequency of 15 minutes.
• All SMALL flows (wasting, de-sludging) shall be stored for 1 week at a frequency of 1 minute.
• All DOSING flows shall be stored for 1 week at a frequency of 5 minutes.
• All PROCESS variables (pH’s etc) shall be stored for 1 week at a frequency of 1 minute.
• All BULK levels (big dams) shall be stored for 60 days at a frequency of 15 minutes.
• All TANK levels shall be stored for 1 week at a frequency of 1 minute.
• All motor running digitals must be logged on exception (every stop/start) and stored for 30
Alarming Standards
The solution is to be configured in accordance with best practices. In principle, it has to be identified as
what constitutes an alarm and what constitutes an event and the two kept separate. Applying the
definition that an “Alarm is an event that requires an operator to acknowledge and take some action”,
thereby not cluttering up the alarm viewers with unnecessary data.
To start it is recommended that all the defined alarms be broken into three categories.. Each category
can be assigned an Alarm route in the Alarm Agent and an outcome using the associated Agents.
For example:
o Global Alarm list
Non-Critical Alarms
o Global Alarm list
o Non-critical Alarm list - These alarms require the Operator to acknowledge them.
Critical Alarms
o Global Alarm list
o Non-critical Alarm list - These alarms require the Operator to acknowledge them.
o Sends the alarm to a predefined cell number.
3.2.8. Security Strategy
The security system is user-centric and operates on top of the traditional Windows operating system
security. This uses a configurable sub-set of the existing users and groups that are "allowed" on each
Adroit Ignite HMI computer.
All security users and groups would be configured in Windows / on the domain (outside of our software)
and then groups and / or users would be allowed access to the Adroit Ignite Server and then to certain
Data Elements (normal security config applies in the Designer).
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4. Main Components and Architecture
4.1. Data Layer
Adroit Ignite HMI offers users the unique ability to securely integrate both real-time and transactional
data into a rich and functional user interface. This is done through creating connections from the
Ignite Server into the various Datasources that make up the data layer.
Sources of data can include:
• Agent Server (I/O Server)
• OLE DB Databases (external to Adroit Ignite HMI)
• Web Services
• Adroit Air (configuration tool)
A more detailed examination of the implications and meaning of this is presented under the sub-heading
Agents later in this document.
The Agent Server is the equivalent of an I/O Server in some other SCADA systems and performs the
real-time data acquisition, storage and alarming of all data from devices in the field. The data stored
within the Agent Server is said to be historical data.
The Agent Server is a separate program within the package and must run for Adroit Ignite HMI to be
able to control a plant or whatever it is configured to do.
When the Agent Server application is run its Window shows the various Agents being loaded, debugged,
along with other information such as Drivers, WGP details etc.
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Figure 3 Agents Sever Window
The Agent Server is responsible for scanning data, pre-processing, logging and alarming and interacting
with external systems such as databases and third-party applications wishing to use the data available
from the plant.
The Ignite Server is the middle-layer that brings all the available datasources into a unified data model
for use within a project. It is a data portal which exposes data from a number of disparate datasources,
both external and internal to it. The data sources included as standard are one Agent Server data source,
multiple databases, web services multiple Windows event sources.
In the Ignite Server you can add different datasources, configure profiles, security and create, edit and
delete graphic projects.
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Figure 4 Designer
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4.4. Help and ReadMe Files
A hypertext online context sensitive help system - ReadMe files contain the latest information regarding
small improvements and updates, which will not be found in the Help file. It contains the Supplementary
Release Notes for Adroit, which includes installation and upgrading information and any known issues
concerning the operation of the product.
In and around Adroit Ignite HMI Windows there will be Help buttons (question marks) and/or Help About
on the Menu bar, or a Help button.
For example:
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5. Installing Adroit Ignite HMI
5.1. Hardware & Software Requirements
5.1.1. Recommended Hardware & Software
Please refer to the Hardware & Software Specification document available from our website. Here
5.2. Licensing
The Adroit Ignite HMI software is, by default licensed using our soft licensing mechanism. This means
it has to be licensed finally on the machine you intend to ship your solution on. Should There is no way
of transferring these licenses between machines and each final project will need a new license to be
In situations where you would want a transferrable physical HASP USB security dongle this is available
on request and there is a cost of around US$50 (excluding transport) per HASP license or license
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Exercise 1 - Installation of the Adroit Ignite HMI software
1. Run the Adroit Ignite HMI executable and follow the installation instructions.
NOTE: The release notes contain all the information regarding the new version of Adroit Ignite HMI. It is recommended that
the user familiarize themselves with this document, then click the next button.
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Figure 7 Installation Process
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5.4. License Installation
On the completion of your purchase of the Adroit Ignite HMI, you will receive a Temporary License valid
for 30 days. This Temporary License can be used on as many machines as the purchaser would like and
will include all the features as per the order placed.
Once the payment has cleared, the purchaser will receive a notification via email with instructions on
how to obtain this Permanent License.
This permanent licence will then be generated in the form of a .V2C file. The purchaser will then apply
this .V2C using the Ignite Utilities (Adroit Licensing Utility) on the machine intended for use in the final
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Exercise 2 - Installation of the Adroit Ignite HMI License
2. Open the Adtech Licensing Utility, and under the Additional Options tab, click on “Apply V2C”
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Figure 10 ALU : License Details
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Exercise 3 – Starting the Adroit Ignite HMI
Adroit Ignite HMI is a Client/Server application and as such in a distributed architecture. In smaller
stand-alone applications the Agent Server, Ignite Server, Designer and Operator would reside on a
single PC. For this reason you need to start the Agent Server and the Client Applications
(Designer/Operator) separately. The Ignite Server will start automatically when you start the Agent
Server application
The Adroit Ignite HMI Agent Server (AS) will load. Check that the server loads without any
errors and that the AS displays a LOAD complete.
Once the Agent Server has finished loading the Ignite Server will start automatically.
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Check to make sure that the Ignite Server shows it is Running. This can be done by launching
the Ignite Server application icon on the desktop or the icon located in the tray.
In normal conditions you don’t need to do this but for starters it’s worthwhile understanding
each component within the system.
It is also possible to open the Batching Simulation OPC Server by browsing to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adroit Technologies\Adroit
and launch the Batchopc.exe file and get a feel of how the simulation process will run.
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6. Training Course
Using all the basic functions of Adroit Ignite to build an HMI.
The Adroit Ignite HMI Configuration Course has been designed around a specific graphic forms used in
building an interface for a simple Batching Plant. It demonstrates many of Adroit Ignite HMI’s functions
and capabilities.
Delegates will be expected to design a graphic form/mimic of the plant while being exposed to the various
aspects/ concepts including Agents, Behaviours and Properties of Adroit Ignite HMI. During the course,
the delegate will be guided through developing the Batching Plant, as and when the various Adroit Ignite
HMI concepts arise, they will be discussed in depth and examined in detail. The typical SCADA functions:
Scanning, Alarming, Logging and Trending will be addressed in this course.
In a real-world scenario, interfacing the Adroit Ignite HMI SCADA onto some real-world hardware device
such as a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) or a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) is done through the
(Input/Output) I/O schedule, which maps the addresses in the PLC to Agents/Tags in Adroit Ignite HMI.
The I/O schedule must cover which addresses are Agents needing to be just read into the SCADA, which
Agents need to be written out to the PLC/RTU, which ones need to be logged and which ones alarmed.
An understanding of the project is essential. Find the attached Plant I/O schedule and become familiar
with the document.
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6.1.2. Overview Drawing
A piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) is a detailed diagram in the process industry which shows
the piping and vessels in the process flow, together with the instrumentation and control devices.
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6.2. Batching Simulation OPC Server
Familiarising yourself with the workings of the Batching Plant.
To do this, browse to the Batching OPC Server executable which resides in C:\Program Files
(x86)\Adroit Technologies\Adroit folder and is called:
Start this application and the user interface will appear. You can play around with various setpoints, stop
and start the Batch Simulation OPC Server to become familiar with it as it is effectively the PLC side of
the training project.
The Batching Simulation OPC Server is a built-in fixed simulator to which you can connect your Adroit
Ignite HMI project. It consists of 3 simulations namely Batching, Conveyors and Turbine. Our Training
Course is built around the Batching simulation.
For Automatic mode, select the no. of batches required, select Auto Mode and then Auto Start. The
Batching program will proceed as per the sequence on the left hand side of the Batching screen, as well
as according to the values pre-set for each of the ingredients, mixing time, heating time and discharge
time. All of these are adjustable by selecting the appropriate value (blue text) and setting a new value
as shown below.
Alarms are randomly generated and can either be reset manually via the pushbutton or automatically
when selecting the Auto alarm reset checkbox.
As part of this course, various exercises will teach you how to set these values from controls within
your project.
Browse the Batching Simulation OPC Server for 2 other simulation packages, Conveyors and Turbine.
These can also be used by yourself to create additional training sessions.
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7. Adroit Ignite Config Editor
The Config Editor is used to configure default settings for the Agent Server, Designer and Operator.
Preferences may vary from project to project depending on a project’s architecture. Normally on a stand-
alone or simple distributed system, the user would not have to edit this configuration.
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Exercise 4 - Creating a New Configuration
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Figure 19 Config Editor - Advanced Agent Configuration
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Exercise 5 - Driver Configuration
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Exercise 6 - Launching the Designer
1. Start the Agent Server from the Ignite Agent Server Icon.
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8. The Designer
The Designer Application allows a user to manage Datasource connections, create and design graphic
forms, customize the work environment and manage both user and data security at the same time. The
work environment of the Designer consists of two types of windows:
• The Design workspace and,
• Tool Windows/Views – Dockable windows.
The Design workspace is the main work area, which is always opened in the centre of the Designer
application window. This is used to display all the graphic forms, which are currently open in the
Multiple graphic forms can be opened simultaneously but only one graphic form in focus at any one time.
Graphic forms can be run within this environment to allow for testing during configuration. Each graphic
form that is opened is identified by means of a tab, which is displayed at the top of this window to easily
select the required graphic form. If one or more graphic forms are already opened, then this tab is added
to the right of any existing tabs.
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8.1. The Agent Configurator
The Agent Configurator is the engineering interface to Agent Server and has functions to find, add, edit,
remove and otherwise configure Agents belonging to an Agent Server running either locally or on a
remote machine somewhere on the network. Suitably authorized users therefore have access to all
Agents in an Agent Server on the network, meaning that separate engineering stations are not required.
The Agent Configurator top-level dialog is shown below. It is from this dialog that users are led in a
structured way to select the next aspect of configuration (scanning, logging, alarming, etc.).
The Agent Configurator provides access to the Agent Server or Tag database. It provides the user with
an Agent editing and configuration tool.
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8.2. Default Tool & View Windows
Tool windows are dockable windows that can be arranged to increase the viewing and editing space
provided by the design workspace. The following is a list of all the tool windows that are provided, by
default, within the Designer application workspace.
Enterprise Manager
This window provides the means for viewing and working with projects and
Datasources and Servers. This “explorer” view has been designed to emulate
the windows explorer environment as much as possible for ease of use.
A right-click on any item in the Enterprise Manager, a menu will open with
the available options, if any, for working with that item.
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This tool window contains the available forms components/.net controls which
can be added to graphic forms when they are being configured or designed.
Figure 26 Toolbox
This tool window can be used to view and, if necessary, manually
configure the properties and events exposed by the graphic form and/or
its form component(s) that is currently in focus.
Figure 27 Properties
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Other Designer Windows
These Windows are useful Windows but probably wont be used in your basic HMI projects. To turn and
manage the view of these windows use the “View” tab in the Designer (dealt with a little later).
Output Events
This tool window is a log window for Client based low-priority events, such as Spiders execution failing,
connection event outputs, etc.
Progress Window
This tool window displays the progress of any Client-Server communication. This can be used to
determine if a (lengthy) process has completed, which is especially useful when the Client has connected
to the Server over the Internet. New operations are added to the top of the list. The progress of each
operation is indicated by means of a progress bar per item. To the right of this progress bar, the name
of the current sub-task is displayed as it is being performed, which is replaced with the total time taken,
in milliseconds, once this operation has completed.
Watches Window
This tool window makes it possible to quickly view (and if possible modify), the real-time value of Data
Elements in the Designer which can otherwise only be viewed when graphic forms are run in the Design
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Levels and Layers Window
This tool window contains the levels and layers configured for the graphic form that is currently opened.
Levels and layers are used to display or hide controls and/or graphic elements in order to create overlays
or masking effects.
Translation Window
This translation table performs the actual translating of text values of graphic form components. This
graphic form translation table consists of a row for each property that contains a string values and a
column for each configured language for runtime multi language applications. These languages are
related to user profile language settings.
Figure 32 Translation
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8.3. The Home Menu:
Connection Description
Connect This will connect the Designer from the Ignite Server.
Disconnect This will disconnect the Designer from the Ignite Server.
Refresh This refreshes the server view in the Enterprise Manager.
Save Server Data All data in the Server will be saved.
Clipboard Description
Paste When in design mode on the graphic form you can paste copied objects.
Copy Copy any object on your graphic form.
Cut Cut objects on your graphic form that you would like to paste
Project Description
New Folder This creates a new folder in your project.
New Graphic Form This button creates a graphic form in the selected project or folder.
New Graphic Form (Styled) This button creates a graphic form in the selected project or folder.
New Project Creates a new project from this button.
New Wizard In order to create a wizard object, it needs to be created on a wizard page.
Delete Deletes the selected graphic form, wizard, folder or project.
Find To find where a tag (agent name) has been referenced and used throughout
a project.
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8.4. The View Menu:
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Spider Configuration Mode = Advanced
Content Section Description
This button will hide or show the translation properties window at the bottom
of the screen
Watches This will hide or show the Watches window at the bottom of the screen.
Progress This will hide or show the Progress window at the bottom of the screen.
Launch Script Editor
Levels and Layers This will hide or show the levels and layers window at the bottom of the screen.
Output Events
The button will hide or show the contents window on the right side of the
Enterprise Manager This will hide or show the Enterprise Manager.
Spider Configuration grants full access to the Spider Configuration window and opens this window.
Properties This will hide or show the properties window on the right of the screen.
Toolbox This will hide or show the toolbox window on the left of the screen.
Context View
Spider Configuration
Mode Section
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8.5. The SCADA Menu:
Button Add Button
Check Box Add Check Box
DropDown Add Drop Down
Ellipse Add Ellipse
Line Add Line
Picture Add Picture
Pipe Add Pipe
Polyline Add Polyline
Rectangle Add Rectangle
Scale Add Scale
Slider Add Slider
Spline Add Spline
Text Add Text
AlarmViewer Add AlarmViewer
EventViewer Add EventViewer
HistoricalAlarmViewer Add HistoricalAlarmViewer
BarChart Add BarChart
ColumnChart Add ColumnChart
LineChart Add LineChart
PieChart Add PieChart
VIZNETDataBinder Add VIZNETDataBinder
XYPlotChart Add XYPlotChart
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8.6. The Configuration Menu:
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8.7. The Diagnostics & Tools Menu:
This utility allows users to monitor the operation of their installed protocol
Driver Monitor
drivers and provides many diagnostic capabilities.
This utility is designed to assist experienced users in fine-tuning the scanning
Scanning Monitor subsystem to achieve optimal performance, by providing an intuitive report-
like view of advanced diagnostic information
This utility allows you to display all the items within an OPC Server and if
OPC Browser necessary, you can browse for and select the required address of particular
OPC items.
This utility is typically provided for advanced users for diagnosing or
Agent Server Monitor
troubleshooting the Agent Server.
This utility inspects the structure of your existing Agent database (.WGP)
WGP Inspector
License Utility
Adroit is licensed via the Agent Server and this licensing typically occurs via a
License Utility HASP software protection key, which is programmed in accordance with the
required license.
This utility allows you to run commands and utilities run today, tomorrow, or
on a particular day of the week or month at a specific time.
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8.8. The Project Menu:
Adroit Classic
Import Mimic This will import any Classic UI mimic onto the graphic form.
Import Trend This will import any Classic UI trend onto the graphic form.
XAML Graphics
Import XAML This allows you to import any graphics that is in XAML format.
Project Style
When creating a project, you can choose to associate either a predefined or
custom style to the project, which creates a hidden graphic form, called
!Style, which configures the following common graphic form display
properties to save you design time and ensure a consistent look and feel.
This allows you to set the physical dimensions, specified in pixels: either
Size select a Predefined width and height, which specify common monitor
resolutions or specify your own Custom dimensions.
Width This allows you to set the width.
Height This allows you to set the height.
Size This allows you to set the size.
The BackColor of the graphic form.
BackColor Note: Depending on the controls that you add to this graphic form, they may
inherit the specified BackColor.
The default Font of the graphic form and any controls that you add to this
graphic form.
ForeColor The Fore Color of the graphic form.
Font Size The Font Size of the graphic form.
After editing this project style graphic form, click the Save Project Style item
Save Project Style to save these project style changes.
Note: You can only edit the style of a single project at a time.
Open Project Style opens the project style graphic form (!Style), so that you
can add form components to this project style graphic form, such as a banner
Open Project Style
(header) or footer or logo or any other element or graphic that all your styled
graphic forms have in common and/or configure their default properties.
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8.9. The Design Menu:
Create Vector Group This creates a group of objects into one group.
Break Vector Group Press this button to break the one group into separate objects.
Reset Centre This will reset the centre of the object.
Rotate This rotates the object.
Rotate This rotates the object by the selected degrees.
Alignment Use this to align selected items.
Size Use this to size all selected items to the same size.
Spacing Use this to space selected items equally.
Layout Select an item to be in front or at the back of another object.
View Tab Order
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8.10. The Behaviors Menu:
Display Value This behavior allows you to display values from Agents in the Agent Server.
This behavior can drive a data element (value) to and/or from the value of a
Bind Value
property of a control or vector.
Visibility This is a simple true/false visibility behaviour to show an object.
Tooltip This behaviour brings up a window with info on it for an action.
Define an index list of images and when manipulating the index, the image
Flip Bitmap
assigned to the index number will display.
This behaviour allows to dynamically move the object linearly in a defined X-Y
direction by means of monitored value.
Rotation This behaviour dynamically rotates the object by means of a monitored value.
This behaviour dynamically resizes the object linearly by means of a monitored
This behaviour allows assigning colours to the two states of a digital (Boolean)
Color value; blink a specific colour property or the VISIBILITY property either
continuously or triggered by a value.
Percentage Fill This behaviour dynamically fill the object by means of a monitored value.
This behaviour typically provides methods that allow end-users to change a
Operator Action
value at runtime.
This behaviour perform commands such as launching an application or
Execute Command opening, closing or printing a graphic form or logging a user on or off and/or
switching users.
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8.11. Shapes Wizards & Examples Menus
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8.12. Graphic Form Toolbar
Note: This menu bar is visible once a graphic form has been loaded.
8.12.1. Save Functions
Save Menu
Save Save the current graphic form
Save a duplicate of a graphic form with an alternative name or within another
Save As
Save as Wizard Convert graphic template/form to wizard format
Publishing will create a run-time version of a graphic for use in the operator
Save and Publish
8.12.2. Substitutions
Substitutions Menu
Substitutions Selection become available during wizard creation
Selection become available when a deployed wizard is selected, allowing the
Substitution Assignment configuration of the assign substitutions
Script Editor
Brings forth the script for the selected graphic form, allowing
Launch Script Editor
editing of the script
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8.12.5. Zoom
Zoom Menu
Zoom In Zoom into your graphic form, vectors only
Zoom Out Zoom out of the graphic from, vectors only
Zoom Home To view all components
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9. Agents
9.1. Overview - Agent Groups and Agent Types
Adroit Ignite HMI configurations are made up of one or more collections of intelligent, cooperating
objects known as Agents. An Agent is said to be "intelligent" because, in addition to containing "state"
information as would a conventional database "record" or "structure", it also embodies "action".
Agent Object type Intelligent Adroit object type Analog, Digital, Counter etc
Consider for a moment the Analog Agent type. Each Analog Agent contains, amongst other things, the
following data values, also often referred to as attributes, slots, or properties depending on your
preferred terminology.
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Value Description
rawValue Used to hold the raw or unconditioned value read-in from a front end device
rawMin Device Span minimum value
rawMax Device Span maximum value
engMin Engineering Span, i.e. conditioned or scaled, minimum value
engMax Engineering Span, i.e. conditioned or scaled, maximum value
value Conditioned or scaled value of the Analog
The Agent's "state" at any instant in time, is the collective value of these, and any other attributes.
Because our Agent is of type Analog, it has the inherent knowledge to transform any value coming into
its rawValue slot into a scaled or conditioned value for its value slot, using the rawMin, rawMax, engMin,
and engMax scaling parameters.
An Agent's "state" can therefore be defined as the collective value of all its data attributes at an instant
in time, and its "action" can be defined as the collection of expectations as to how it will respond to
externally generated stimuli, such as, for example, a change to one or more of its data attributes.
Agents have both generic and type-specific action and attributes. Generic action and attributes is
something that all types of Agents possess, whereas type-specific action and attributes, as the name
suggests, is something that pertains only to Agents of the specific type.
Some of the generic actions possessed by all Agent types are, for example, the ability to create, destroy,
save, and load instances. Examples of generic attributes are name, description, status, etc. The above
partial description of an Analog Agent highlights some of the type-specific action and attributes of the
Analog Agent type.
As will be explained in more detail later, Adroit Ignite HMI makes use of different Agent types to
implement a wide variety of system related, as well as application-specific tasks. The benefit of
implementing everything as Agents in Adroit Ignite HMI is that the standard mechanisms developed for
displaying, scanning, logging, alarming, eventing, etc., of process values can also be used to monitor
and control Adroit Ignite HMI itself. This has proved to be of enormous benefit from an adaptability
and flexibility point of view and will continue to pay dividends as Adroit Ignite HMI continues to evolve
in the future.
One of the generic Agent attributes is a 32-bit status word that is used by the Agent to store binary
information about its state. The first 16 bits of this word are common to all Agent types (i.e., Agent
Bad, Log Inhibit, etc.), while the last 16 bits are type-specific, for instance the Analog Agent uses the
first type-specific bit to indicate a Low Alarm condition.
It is also critical to understand that any Tag (Agent+Slot) can be in itself, scanned, alarmed, and logged
which makes Adroit Ignite HMI an incredibly powerful platform for any application. In real life this
means that, by way of example that the Analog Alarm limits could be scanned to PLC addresses without
having to create another Tag as often required in competitive HMI products, saving time and license
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9.2. Naming Convention
Each Agent (instance of an Agent type) is referred to by its own unique name therefore Adroit will not
permit an Agent name to be used twice within an Agent Server. Usually this name is defined by the user
when the Agent is created, however, some Agents are created by Adroit itself in which case a name is
usually automatically generated.
In Adroit a Tag means “AgentName.slotName”. It will be seen during the course that any slot of any
Agent can be accessed, its data displayed or edited, provided that the Adroit naming convention is
adhered to.
When naming Agents, Adroit will not accept lower case characters, spaces, $ or % signs, commas,
periods, or backslashes in the name.
Therefore, in order to make the name of an Agent read to make sense, the _ (underscore) is used to
separate words into something readable.
Agent names should be, especially on distributed systems, unique and not longer than 32 characters.
Duplicate Agent names are only permitted in distributed Agent Servers used in Active Clustering (Hot
Standby and Redundancy) configurations.
Example: The status word of a pump controlled from PLCA A on the Bioreactor in Unit 1 may have an
Agent name as follows: BIO1_A_BR_PMP01_STS
9.2.1. Agent
Symbol Description* Abbreviation
VVV Production PRO
XXX Booster Pump BSP
## Module number 01
Agent name = PRO_PLA_BSP_PPA_TRP_01
9.2.2. Device
Symbol Description* Abbreviation
VVV Production PRO
## An incremental number to support multiple devices 00
Device Name = PRO_PLA_00
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9.2.3. Agent Types Overview
An Agent is the basis and the building block of Adroit residing within the Agent Server. Agents do not
only store data, but also have intelligence in that they know how to manipulate that data. An Agent
therefore contains data and the operations with which to manipulate it.
These Agent types are primitive because they offer limited value and are limited in functionality
when compared to the Basic Agents, they are essentially single value containers.
Boolean, Text.
IMPORTANT: These Agent types CANNOT be alarmed, and their values are not scaled etc, so use the Basic Agent
types instead to represent your process values.
These Agent types form the basic building blocks of a system and are used for gathering,
handling and processing data to and from the physical external world.
Analog, Counter, Date, Digital, Expression, String, StringList, Timer.
These Agent types provide powerful SCADA and integration functionality that allow the Basic
Agents to be alarmed and logged to databases and provides various means of reporting and/or
controlling their values.
AgentGroup, Alarm, AlarmList, Command, DBLog, DBQuery, EventLogging,
EventOutput, MultiMedia, Notify, Script, Shift, Statistical Agent.
These are very specific and usually quite complex Agent types used to do monitor, control and
solve higher level shop-floor and general industrial challenges.
These Agent types facilitate the integration and management of SCADA and IT.
IoT, Perfmon.
These Agent types are used internally to perform certain SCADA and other specific functions.
Note: Instances of these Agents are created automatically and cannot be added manually by
the user.
Alias, Beeper, DataLog, Device, Hasp, Proxy, Scan, SystemInformation.
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9.2.4. Slots
All and any data within an Agent is accessible to other Agents in the Agent Server. This data is accessed
in properties of the Agent called Slots. Each slot has a unique name so that when referring to a particular
slot within an Agent, the notation AgentName.slotName is used. This is essentially what many other
SCADA products refer to as Tags.
A slot is that part of the internal structure of an Agent that contains data. It may vary from a bit to a
variable length text.
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9.2.5. Data Elements
The Ignite Server is a "data portal" which integrates data from a number of disparate sources of data
(Datasources). Each source of data requires a datasource plugin before it can be associated with the
Ignite Server. This provides the ability to expose its data as Data Elements to the Server and, if necessary,
provides special functions or methods to further interact with its data.
For example to read the value slot of an Analog Agent called ADT_JU_MX_MIX_TNK_LVL, it would be
addressed in the following manner:
Property Description
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9.2.6. Header Slots
Every Agent has header slots that are split into three sections. All header slots on all Agents are identical
although the meanings of the last 16 bits depend on the type of Agent. The three sections contain data
referring to: the name, description and priority, 16 common status bits and 16 specific status bits
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9.2.7. Status Bits/Agent Header Slots
This status slots are contained in a 32-bit word containing configuration and run-time status information
about the Agent. Each bit of this 32-bit word is also exposed as a slot, allowing up to 32 status flags to
be accessed at any time. The overall status of an Agent can be determined from its status slot, which is
a header or generic slot and so is common to all Agent types.
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9.3. Primitive Agent Types
Primitive Agents are used for gathering, handling and processing data to and from the physical external
world, however they offer limited value add and are limited in functionality when compared to even the
Basic Agents.
• The Boolean and Text Agent types make up this group. They are essentially single value
containers and can’t be alarmed, data can be scanned in from or out to external devices.
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9.4. Basic Agent Types
Basic Agents are used for gathering, handling and processing data to and from the physical external
world. Together these form the basic building blocks of a system. For instance:
• the Analog and Digital Agent types perform some conditioning or conversion process on
data normally scanned in from or out to external devices.
• The Counter Agent type performs the counting and averaging of discrete values.
• The String, StringList Agent type provides a means of indexing text.
• The Expression and Timer Agent types order and transform information for calculation and
control purposes.
• The Date Agent type holds time and date information broken down into the year, month,
day, hour, minute, second and millisecond constituents.
The most useful Basic Agents are described below and are listed in Alphabetical order.
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9.4.2. Counter Agent
A Counter Agent is a simple counter and average calculator which takes data from any other Agent’s
Boolean (on/off) slots and calculates the time spent on and the time spent off, counts the number of on
and off events, and totalizes the on
and off time. Each of these values can
be individually alarmed (by clicking
the Alarms… button). This allows
you, for example, to generate an
event when a motor has started more
than a required number of times.
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9.4.4. Expression Agent
The Expression Agent type is an extremely powerful mechanism for implementing user-defined
calculations. These calculations can be used for a number of purposes.
Some of the more obvious uses are:
• For constructing control strategies by combining and connecting expressions into arbitrarily
complex networks, and for scanning out one or more of the resulting values;
• For enabling or
disabling of alarming;
• For enabling logging on
a section of plant when
a process value
exceeds a certain
• For creating
sophisticated animation
effects by linking the
output of an expression
to a display object
animation behaviour;
• For creating relatively
simple plant
simulations by
connecting a network
of expressions
Each expression Agent can contain up to 20 input variables, each of which can be sourced from any
other Agent attribute or directly from a front-end device. For complex calculations, expression Agents
can be interconnected with the result of one expression becoming an input to the next.
Alternatively, the trigger can be connected to some other input, possibly common to a number of other
expressions, which may be used to constrain the group of expressions to evaluate, for example, only
when data is valid.
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9.4.7. Timer Agent
The Timer Agent is able to perform several
commonly used timing operations, which
previously could only be inefficiently
accomplished by using expressions and scripts.
This Agent also provides a Boolean value slot as
an output, which is enabled (set to TRUE) and
disabled (set to FALSE) by the Agent, depending
upon its current mode of operation. This slot can
therefore be used to enable or disable or
schedule other Agents.
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9.5. Advanced Agent Types
These provide the powerful SCADA and integration functionality which allows the basic Agents described
above to be flexibly grouped, scripted and routed to external databases, as well as presenting related
information to the user in event logs, etc. The most important advanced Agents are described below.
• The AgentGroup, Alarm, AlarmList, Command, DBLog, DBQuery, EventLogging,
EventOutput, MultiMedia, Notify, Script, Shift, Statistical Agent types make up this
9.5.1. AgentGroup
Agents that are considered to have something in common can be grouped together by means of
AgentGroup Agents. For instance, all Agents of type Analog can be grouped in an Agent group called
ANALOGS, and all Agents belonging to the North Plant of a process plant would be grouped in the
NORTH_PLANT Agent group. AgentGroups can, and usually do, have overlapping memberships.
By collecting Agents together in Agent groups, any changes made to certain AgentGroup status bits will
affect the status bits of all Agents in that group. As an example, consider the situation when part of a
plant (say the North Plant) is shut down for routine maintenance, and it is required to disable scanning
of all Agents belonging to this plant section. By setting the Scan Inhibit bit for the NORTH_PLANT
AgentGroup Agent, the Scan Inhibit bits would be set for all the Agents that belong to the North Plant.
Each alarm type can report the status of any number of applicable slots. Taking an Analog Agent as an
example, the type High can be configured to report the values contained in the value, high alarm limit
and units’ slots to the alarm list. The entry in the alarm list will then show the occurrence of the alarm
event together with the actual value of the Agent, the engineering units and the associated high alarm
You can configure alarm types directly from the Alarming dialog and specify the Priority of each incident
(Current alarm type), in addition to assigning an Agent-specific priority. So, in the case of an Analog
Agent the HighHigh incident can have a higher priority than the High incident, etc. Typically, you
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prioritize your incidents to ensure that your operators ONLY receive IMPORTANT alarms since some
alarms are critical, whereas others are more informational in nature.
You can also configure a Delay (secs) for each incident (Current alarm type). Typically, this is added
to delay an active incident from entering the alarm system to prevent intermittent alarms from flooding
your alarm system or to ensure that this alarm is raised when the operator needs to respond to it.
Do Conditional expression to ensure that each incident is unique and does not duplicate existing
active incidents. In this way you can implement first-up alarming, which disregards the incidents that
echo existing problems, so that your operators can focus on the real issues at hand.
It is also possible to do Alarm shelving, commonly used in areas where maintenance is being carried out
and the user does not want false data making its way into the Alarm Management Reports.
If necessary, you can temporarily suspend the alarming of an incident for a predefined period of time,
using the Inhibited until option.
This option should be used when an alarm indicator may be malfunctioning or may need to be repaired
or replaced or in situations when you need to disable ALL the alarms of a particular item of equipment
and you cannot disable the alarming of an Alarm Agent.
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9.5.4. Command Agent
Command Agents can both send and
receive SMS messages via a SMS GSM
modem. SMS messages can be sent to a
single recipient either manually or
automatically, e.g., to remotely monitor
the status of important process values.
Sent SMS messages can also be
monitored for auditing purposes and if
they are not received and/or responded
to within a specified period, can also be
sent via another Command Agent to
another recipient.
Command Agents bypass the scanning subsystem by using a device of this new GSM_SMS driver directly.
This means that instead of being restricted to only 79 characters, the full 160-character SMS message
length can be utilized, both when sending and receiving SMS messages.
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9.5.6. DBLog Agent
This Agent is a bulk OLE DB logging Agent for typically logging Analog and/or Digital values to a specific
table in a database for later retrieval. In other words,
instead of logging each Analog and/or Digital value
separately, you can simply specify a list of Tags to log
and either export/import this list from a file or browse
in this list individually in the required DBLog Agent.
This Agent also provides:
• A Logging method list box to select the
required methods for specifying when and
how the listed Tags are logged.
• A String logging checkbox (the BOOLEAN
strLog slot), which when enabled logs the
Tag values as Strings and not numeric values;
this also allows you to log other string slots
(this will log the first 79 characters).
• A Housekeeping section to specify how
long, in days, that you want to store your
logged Tags. This depends upon the storage
capacity you have available for your database
and how useful this data becomes to you the
older it gets.
• A method of dealing with a problematic
connection to the specified database (if the
connection is lost) or when this Agent is
logging a large number of Tags frequently so Figure 64 DBLog Agent
that it becomes overworked.
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9.5.8. EventOutput Agent
The EventOutput Agent directs event log messages to output devices (printers, serial ports and parallel
ports), and to SQL compliant databases.
To cater for the various output devices, EventOutput Agents accept a variety of user configurable general
fields that are used for the layout and format of the data, and the device specific information.
Output of data to the device will depend on the triggering criteria selected: on demand, line at a time
as the event occurs, only after x lines, based on time criteria or as a combination of the above.
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9.5.10. Notify Agent
The Notify Agent allows alarms to be routed directly to a designated person, using:
• A pager service;
• A mobile phone using the Short Message Service (SMS); and
• An email address.
The alarm message to be transmitted can be configured to include up to 15 fields (Action, Agent, Alarm
Type, Category, Computer, Date, Description,
Event ID, Extra Data, Filter Group, Priority,
Reported Data, Source, Sub-Source and Time), and
custom messages can be sent on demand by the
In addition to automatically sending alarms as email messages, the Notify Agent can also be configured
to allow your operators to manually send email messages via an appropriately configured mimic or
graphic form.
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9.5.12. Shift Agent
Various Agents in Adroit Ignite HMI require knowledge of the current shift number. Instead of configuring
the shift pattern information into each
instance of these Agents, you can
instead configure these shift patterns
globally, in a Shift Agent, for use by any
interested Agents.
The Shift Agent continually monitors the current time and checks it against the configured shift pattern
to determine the current shift number. If NO matching shift pattern is found, the shift value is set to 0.
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9.6. MIS/MES Agent Types
These Agents are the building blocks around getting more from your Adroit Ignite HMI system. They are
very specific and usually quite complex Agents used to do monitor, control and solve higher level shop-
floor and general industrial challenges.
Any infringement of these alarm limits causes the Agent to set its corresponding status bit, which can
be alarmed.
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9.7. IT/IoT Agent Types
These Agents are the building blocks around integration and management of SCADA and IT and are
summarised here.
The values of these counters are updated every second and can also be assigned other Adroit Ignite HMI
Tags, such as Analog Tags, which can then be appropriately alarmed. Up to 16 performance counters
can be monitored per Agent.
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9.8. System Agent Types
System Agents are used internally by Adroit Ignite HMI to perform certain SCADA and other specific
functions. Instances of these Agents are created automatically and cannot be added manually by the
• The Alias, Beeper, DataLog, Device, Hasp, Proxy, Scan and SystemInformation Agent types
make up this group.
If this latter method is used, one can specify which table is used
for logging this data.
Any attribute of any Agent can be configured to have its values
historically logged.
Logging can take place either to native Adroit Ignite HMI binary
files or to any ADO datasource (SQL Server, Oracle, MS Access,
When logged, the values are time stamped and are made
available via a DataLog Agent, to any client such as historical
trends, reports, external spread sheets, etc.
Historical values are stored in a central file, with each DataLog Agent "owning" a defined portion of the
file. The total amount of disk space required for data logging depends on the total number of values
logged, as well as the rate at which and period for which each value is logged.
The following formula can be used to calculate disk file sizes:
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Description Formula
Index file size (bytes) = 8 + (56 * number of logged values)
Raw buffer size (bytes) = 20 * (Period/Rate) rounded up to next multiple of 8
Raw file size (bytes) = Raw buffer sizes
Total disk space = Index file size + Raw file size
By default historical logging is an event-based function; in other words values are only logged when they
change and only then if the amount of change exceeds the value deadband parameter.
When the value of a logged point does not exceed the previously logged value by more than the value
deadband, the value is not logged.
Similarly, values that change more frequently than the user-defined time deadband will have a value
logged that depends on the logging method selected: actual value, average value, minimum value or
maximum value, as follows:
Value Description
actual The value logged is the value at the end of the time slice.
A time-weighted average is maintained of all the changes that occur and logged at the end
of the time slice.
minimum Only the lowest or minimum value is logged at the end of the time slice.
maximum The highest or maximum value is logged.
The formula presented above calculates a raw log file size based on the value changing exactly at the
logging rate (i.e., worst case scenario).
It is possible to override the default on-change-only logging behaviour and cause values to be logged
periodically or according to some other application-relevant trigger criteria.
Historically logged values can be retrieved for viewing within Adroit Ignite HMI or exported for further
processing as a .CSV file. This file format is recognized by many commercial spread sheet and database
Adroit Ignite HMI also provides a means of merging values from a .CSV file into an existing historical
database of Data Log Agents. The .CSV file may have been originally created by the Extract utility or
exported directly.
Out of limit monitoring enables Datalog Agents to immediately log out of limit values (values that are
not within their specified operating range), by ignoring the normal time deadband value and using a
faster log rate specified by the out of limit time deadband instead.
Each Datalog Agent can create their own backup (.LGB) files, when their associated .LGD files wrap.
Once created, the datalogging subsystem automatically retrieves the data from these .LGB files, if
required by trends (charts) or other requests for historical data.
This feature can also extend the potential amount of logged data without creating larger log files, since
larger log files have the side effect of causing the Agent Server to take longer to start up.
IMPORTANT: When backing up datalogs we recommend the creation and use of .LGB files.
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9.8.3. Device Agent
Device Agents, in conjunction with protocol drivers, coordinate scanning in Adroit Ignite HMI and are
responsible for creating, deleting and otherwise configuring Scan Agents which handle the actual
scanning to and from front-end devices.
Due to Adroit Ignite HMI‘s inherent flexibility, it is possible to scan in and out of any slot of any Agent.
For example, a Data Log Agent can be started by scanning its start slot from an external device, thereby
effectively achieving event-triggered logging; a new value can be uploaded to the high alarm limit of an
Analog Agent, etc. Each slot to be scanned is associated with an address in an external device, a scan
period in milliseconds, and a deadband. A value is only updated into the relevant slot when it changes
by more than the deadband setting.
In addition, scanning is the means by which any two Agent slots are "linked" or "connected" together.
The implication of this is that Agents can source their data from any other Agent as well as from a front-
end device. This feature is particularly valuable when used in conjunction with Expression Agents (the
Expression Agent is explained later).
The Beeper Agent drives the built-in PC speaker and is typically used to annunciate alarms.
A single Hasp Agent instance called LICENCE holds details about how many scan points and users are
currently licenced.
Proxy Agents are created automatically when an application requests information about an Agent that
exists in a remote Agent Server. The proxy Agent assumes the role of the remote Agent in the local
environment and is continuously updated with any changes that occur in the remote Agent. The function
of updating the proxy is transparent to applications such as Operators as well as any 3rd party applications
interacting locally or remotely with the server containing the proxy.
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Scan Agents are created dynamically by the system as a function of the user-specified scan
configuration and capabilities of the protocol driver mapped by the device creating the scan Agent.
There is also a single SystemInformation instance called systemInfo that contains a variety of system
wide configuration, run-time, and diagnostic information.
This Agent contains some very valuable information that can be used to present a more detailed view of
what is going on within a Server. Again, as has been explained the information available are all contained
with slots and available to be presented on a graphic form or used within a system.
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9.9. Adding the Tags for the Batching Plant
As per the IO Schedule and Agents required to run the Batching Plant we will now configure the first of
the Agents required. The IO Schedule can be found at the end of this document, you may want to print
them out in hard copy for easy reference.
Note: Once you are familiar with the first principals Agents can be generated from our EXCEL Add-in
tool and bulk engineering allows this to be done very quickly and efficiently. An additional Training
manual is available for this Excel Add-in tool.
Note: We will deal with Scanning to the OPC Server in the next section, in normal projects you would
do all at the time you would be adding Agents.
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Exercise 7 - Configuring Digital Agents: First Principles
1. Open the Designer and navigate to the Open Configurator from the Home menu.
Alternatively, expand Datasource in the Enterprise Manager, right click on Adroit and select Open
2. Select the Agent Type Digital.
3. In the Name dialog box, add the Agent ADT_JU_MX_PMP_STATUS.
4. Insert the description Water Pump Inlet into the Description dialog box.
5. Click the Add Button. (once viewed in the Agent’s window, the Agent has been added to the Datasource)
6. Click OK and close the Agent Configurator and save the changes.
7. Repeat the above exercise for the balance of the Digital Agents in the IO Schedule.
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Name Description
state state
ADT_JU_MX_AGIT_START Agitator Manual Start OFF ON
ADT_JU_MX_AGIT_STATUS Agitator Motor Status Stopped Running
ADT_JU_MX_AGIT_STOP Agitator Manual Stop OFF ON
ADT_JU_MX_AUT_MAN Plant Auto/Manual Automatic Manual
ADT_JU_MX_VLV_ALM Discharge Valve Alarm OFF ON
ADT_JU_MX_VLV_STAT Discharge Valve Status Closed Open
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Exercise 8 - Configuring Analog Agents: First Principles
1. Open the Designer and navigate to the Open Configurator from the Home menu.
Alternatively, expand Datasource in the Enterprise Manager, right click on Adroit and select Open Configurator.
2. Select Agent Type Analog.
3. In the Name dialog box, add the Agent ADT_JU_MX_PMP_MASS_ACT.
4. Insert the description Water Mass Actual into the Description dialog box.
5. Select the Agent in the Agents window and click Edit.
6. Set the following parameters as per the supplied I/O Schedule:
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8. Repeat the above exercise for the balance of the Analog Agents in the IO Schedule
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Exercise 9 - Configuring Stringlist Agents: First Principles
1. Open the Designer and navigate to the Open Configurator from the Home menu.
Alternatively, expand Datasource in the Enterprise Manager, right click on Adroit and select Open Configurator.
2. Select Agent Type Stringlist.
3. In the Name dialog box, add the Agent ADT_JU_MX_BTCH_STAT.
4. Insert the description Plant Phase into the Description dialog box.
5. Select the Agent in the Agents window and click Edit.
6. Set the following parameters as per the supplied I/O Schedule:
7. Select Add as indicated below to add to the list
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Name Description Index String
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Exercise 10 - Configuring Expression Agents: First Principles
1. Open the Designer and navigate to the Open Configurator from the Home menu.
Alternatively, expand Datasource in the Enterprise Manager, right click on Adroit and select Open Configurator.
2. Select Agent Type Expression.
3. In the Name dialog box, add the Agent ADT_JU_MX_MIX_TOTL_MASS.
4. Insert the description Tank Level Calculation into the Description dialog box.
5. Select the Agent in the Agents window and click Edit.
6. Set the following parameters in the Variable Slots and other settings of the Expression Agent as per
the supplied I/O Schedule:
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Name Description Engineered Data Range
Value = ADT_JU_MX_MIX_TNK_LVL.value
Variable Slots:
ADT_JU_MX_MIX_TOTL_MASS Tank level Calculation V04 = ADT_JU_MX_VLV_RATE.value
V05 = ADT_JU_MX_VLV_TIME.value
Expression = v1+v2+v3-(v4*v5)
Evaluation = Continuous
10. Add and configure the balance of the Expression Agents as per the IO Schedule
Expression = v1 == 8 ? 1 : 0
Evaluation = Continuous
Expression = v1 == 3 ? 1 : 0
Evaluation = Continuous
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Exercise 11 - Configuring Counter Agents: First Principles
We are using the Adroit Ignite Counter Agents to give us data around the Stop/Start and Running Statistics
of the various pieces of equipment running the Batching Plant.
1. Open the Designer and navigate to the Open Configurator from the Home menu.
Alternatively, expand Datasource in the Enterprise Manager, right click on Adroit and select Open Configurator.
2. Select Agent Type Counter.
3. In the Name dialog box, add the Agent ADT_JU_MX_AGIT_DAT.
4. Insert the description Agitator Data into the Description dialog box.
5. Select the Agent in the Agents window and click Edit.
6. Set the following parameters as per the supplied I/O Schedule:
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9. Add and configure the balance of the Counter Agents as per the IO Schedule
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9.10. Scanning Agents/Tags
Scanning in Adroit Ignite HMI refers to the sending of or the communication of values between Adroit
Ignite HMI Tags (Agent.slot) and the front-end devices in the field, such as PLCs, RTUs, etc.
Since front-end devices use different protocols or languages for communication, Adroit has developed a
large number of protocol drivers, which allow Adroit Ignite HMI to communicate to these front-end devices.
Once installed, a protocol driver provides the protocol or language to communicate to front-end devices
that use this protocol. However, it is necessary to add one or more devices through which the
communication actually occurs. Each device is essentially a logical connection to the front-end device that
it is communicating to.
In other words, while the installed protocol driver is the language that needs to be communicated, the
devices are the actual translators that use this language to communicate between the front-end devices
and Adroit Ignite HMI.
Scanning allows for both conventional poll-response and exception protocols. Scan rates can be defined
on individual I/O ports that are automatically optimised for orderly scanning and traffic loading. Drivers
can be configured dynamically online and support auto recovery with primary and secondary channel
The Driver configuration is saved in the system registry and should the Agent Server be run on another
machine; the Drivers must be reconfigured on that machine. Protocol Drivers can be installed and
configured using the Driver Configuration in the Adroit Ignite Config Editor.
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9.10.3. Device and Scan Agents
Scanning is managed in Adroit Ignite HMI by means of active and specialist Agents called Scan Agents.
The appropriate Device Agents automatically create them when needed and concentrates data types
together for efficiency.
Device names may not exceed 27 Adroit legal characters that are unique, as they eventually become the
names of the Device Agent within the Agent Server.
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Exercise 12 - Scanning Digital Agents: First Principles
Now we have created all the Agents required for the Batching Plant we can go ahead and start tying the
Agents up to the Batch Simulation OPC Server items.
1. Open the Designer and navigate to the Open Configurator from the Home menu.
Alternatively, expand Datasource in the Enterprise Manager, right click on Adroit and select Open Configurator.
2. Select the Agent type you wish to scan. In this case we are going to scan a Digital Agent
3. In the name dialog box, select the Agent ADT_JU_MX_PMP_STATUS.
4. With the Tag highlighted, click the Scan button.
5. Select your device that you wish to scan BATCH
a. Select the correct Device
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c. Browse in the correct addressing for the Batching Simulation OPC Server (in this case
PumpRunning) Double click on the name in the OPC Browser to load or highlight the item and
click Select.
d. Change Scan Rate to 1000ms
6. Click Scan. Tag should appear in the Currently Scanned Tags List.
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8. Repeat the above exercise for the balance of the Digital Agents in the IO Schedule.
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Exercise 13 - Scanning Analog Agents: First Principles
1. Open the Designer and navigate to the Open Configurator from the Home menu.
Alternatively, expand Datasource in the Enterprise Manager, right click on Adroit and select Open Configurator.
2. Select the Agent type you wish to scan. In this case we are going to scan an Analog Agent
3. Select the Tag ADT_JU_MX_PMP_MASS_ACT
4. With the Tag highlighted, click the Scan button.
5. Select your device that you wish to scan BATCH
a. Select the correct Device
b. Browse in the correct addressing for the Batching Simulation OPC Server (in this case
c. Change Scan Rate to 1000ms
6. Click Scan. Tag should appear in the Currently Scanned Tags List.
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9. Repeat the above exercise for the balance of the Analog Agents in the IO Schedule
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Exercise 14 - Scanning StringList Agents: First Principles
1. Open the Designer and navigate to the Open Configurator from the Home menu.
Alternatively, expand Datasource in the Enterprise Manager, right click on Adroit and select Open Configurator.
2. Select the Agent type you wish to scan. In this case we are going to scan an StringList Agent
3. Select the Tag ADT_JU_MX_BTCH_STAT
4. With the Tag highlighted, click the Scan button.
5. Select your device that you wish to scan BATCH
a. Select the correct Device
b. Browse in the correct addressing for the Batching Simulation OPC Server (in this case Status)
c. Change Scan Rate to 1000ms
6. Click Scan. Tag should appear in the Currently Scanned Tags List.
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10. Project Tree and Graphic Forms
Projects manage the creation, opening and storage of graphic forms and wizards, which can be organized
through the creation of folders and sub-folders.
A project exists in two main states:
• The design state, which is used to add, import and configure or design the graphic forms within
the Designer.
• The operational or run-time state, which is used to view and interact with these graphic forms,
typically within the Operator although it is also possible to do this within the Designer.
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Exercise 15 - Creating a Project Tree
If you look at the BatchOPC Server our sample Juice Plant is going to be made up of a Batching Plant so
we are going to create a single Project called Juice that would have sub-project directories called Batching
that would contain the Graphic Forms (Mimics) stored in an organised manner.
b. Under Project Style Settings, ensure the Predefined radial button is selected, and via the drop-
down menu select the option 1920x1080
c. Set the BackColor to System, ControlDark
d. Via the Font dialog, set you Font to Arial, Bold, 10
e. Click Finish.
4. Right click on the Juice project and create the following new folders:
a. Batching Plant
b. Filter Plant (for Competency Test use)
c. Landing
d. Templates
e. Wizards
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Figure 92 Enterprise Manager Projects Folder
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11. Behaviours
Behaviours can animate or provide additional functionality to controls graphic elements that are added to
a graphic form. In other words, you typically use behaviours to display the values of your data, either
actually of graphically, by using the available properties of the selected control or graphic element and to
perform other functions.
• To assign colours to the two states of a Boolean or digital value, so that depending on its value,
this object will alternate between these two pre-defined colours.
• To blink a specific Colour property of the object (alternate between two pre-defined colours at
a specified interval in milliseconds) and display another pre-defined colour when this blinking is
• This blinking can either be continuous or be started and stopped by a value.
• To blink the visibility of the object (alternate between hiding and showing the object at a
specified interval in milliseconds) .
• This blinking can either be continuous or be started and stopped by a value.
• To define coloured states, each associated with specific value(s).
If necessary, one or more of these states can blink.
• If necessary, one or more of these bit masks can blink.
Note: Only numerical and Boolean values can be used to activate blinking. Invalid values grey out the associated object.
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11.3. Display Value Behaviour
This behaviour can ONLY configure controls that have String properties that end-users can see, to display
the value of a specific Data Element. If necessary, this value can be formatted before it is displayed.
Note: It is not recommended to add more than one Display Value behaviour as typically ONLY the value
of the last defined behaviour is displayed.
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11.9. Rotation Behaviour
This behaviour can ONLY be applied to graphic elements (vectors) to dynamically rotate the object by
means of a monitored value.
In other words, you need to monitor a value, which has a defined minimum and maximum value and then
specify the maximum required rotation, in degrees, when the value reaches its maximum value.
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12. Design Mode: Building Graphic Forms
The Designer is the interface you will use to interact with and configure projects within the Ignite Server.
The top part of the window is the quick access design menu. This menu is based on the very popular
ribbon menu you see in Microsoft products.
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Exercise 16 - Building the Batching Plant Graphic Form
1. In the Enterprise Manager, right click on the Batching Plant Folder and select Create Graphic Form
2. Name the graphic form Batching Plant.
Property Value
Size: 1920, 1080
3. From Toolbox tab, navigate to Vectors, select Rectangle and place on the graphic form.
4. Set the properties of the Rectangle as follows.
Property Value
Name: cORTankBody
Size: 300,400
5. From Toolbox tab, navigate to Vectors, select Ellipse and place on the graphic form.
6. Set the properties of the Ellipse as follows.
Property Value
Name: cOETankTop
Size: 300,60
7. Align the Ellipse from the top corners of the rectangle, that it creates an appearance of a cylinder.
8. Copy the ellipse and position at the bottom of the rectangle to form that base of the tank
9. Select all 3 vectors, navigate to the Design menu, and click Alignment, choosing Align Centres.
10. With all three vectors selected, click Create Vector Group.
11. Save the graphic form.
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Exercise 17 - Adding Static Graphics and Colour Behaviour [Part 1]
1. Option A: Browse through Shapes Wizards and Examples Menu, Electrical Symbols, Static Graphics,
Agitators. Select the Vertical Axis Agitator, then click on the graphic form to paste.
Option B: From the Enterprise Manager navigate to Projects, Shapes Wizards and Examples, Static
Graphics, Agitators; Drag the Vertical Axis Agitator on the Batching Plant Graphic and select Paste
Graphic Form contents.
2. With the Agitator selected, navigate to the Contents window.
3. Expose the various contents of the Agitator, selecting a part that you wish to add a Behaviour to.
4. Right click on the selected content and select Add new Colour behaviour
5. Select the option digital state and browse the Data Element:
6. Set the On and Off to green and red respectively.
9. Add a Screw Conveyor to the graphic form from the Static Graphics library, Conveyors.
10. Size the Screw Conveyor that is proportional in size to your tank.
11. Copy and paste the Screw Conveyor and selecting flip horizontally in the Design ribbon under the rotate
drop-down menu.
12. Align the 2 x Screw Conveyors to the top of the tank.
13. Access the contents of each screw conveyer and place a Colour Behaviour, with the digital state option,
on a section of the object making use of the following two Data Elements:
− Adroit.Digital.ADT_JU_MX_FED_A_STATUS.value
− Adroit.Digital.ADT_JU_MX_FED_B_STATUS.value
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Exercise 18 - Adding Static Graphics and Colour Behaviour [Part 2]
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Exercise 19 - Percentage Fill Behaviour
1. Navigate to the Batching Plant graphic form and select the Mixing Tank Body.
2. As this object is part of a vector group, select the Contents page. Browse for the cORTankBody.
3. Right click and select Add new Percentage Fill behaviour.
4. Browse in the Input Data Element Adroit.Analog.ADT_JU_MX_MIX_TNK_LVL.value
5. Ensure that the Minimum and Maximum dialogs are populated.
6. Select the fill direction, Bottom to Top.
7. Click Finish.
8. Save the graphic form.
9. Toggle to Run Mode and test the graphic form from the Batching Simulation OPC Server.
You will notice that the Data Element Adroit.Analog.ADT_JU_MX_MIX_TNK_LVL.value, is not being
scanned from the Batching Simulator OPC Server as per the I/O Schedule:
Device Span Engineering Span Alarms Scan
Name Description High- Low- OPC Output
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Unit High Low
high low Address Enabled
The Value is generated by the using the Expression Agent you have already created.
Name Description Engineered Data Range
Value = ADT_JU_MX_MIX_TNK_LVL.value
V04 = ADT_JU_MX_VLV_RATE.value
ADT_JU_MX_MIX_TOTL_MASS Tank level Calculation
V05 = ADT_JU_MX_VLV_TIME.value
Expression = v1+v2+v3-(v4*v5)
Evaluation = Continuous
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Figure 98 Expression Agent Configuration Dialogue
To test the Expression, open the Configurator, Edit, Click the Display Values radial button and click on
The values will reflect the actual Batching Simulator OPC Server values.
In the Expression, all variables are V01 – V20, while the Value slot is also refer to V99.
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Exercise 20 - Location and Visibility Behaviour [Part 1]
Make the tank bottom ellipse invisible when the tank is empty.
Objective: Get an Ellipse to move vertically.
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12.1. Creating Labels and Displaying Real Time Data
This can be done in a number of ways depending on the specific requirements. Real-Time Data is
information that is delivered immediately after collection The basic definition of real-time data is that it is
data that is not kept or stored but is passed along to the end user as quickly as it is gathered. It is helpful
for all sorts of analytics projects and for keeping people informed about their natural environment through
the power of instant data delivery.
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Exercise 21 - Creating Labels
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Exercise 22 - Display Value Behaviour (Level & Status)
Display the level of the Mixing tank, and the status of the plant.
1. Select and position a Windows Form Label control on the centre of the MixingTank.
2. Set the properties of the label as follows.
Property Value
Name lblTankLevel
AutoSize True
BackColor Web, White
3. Attached a Display Value behaviour on the label, browsing in the Data Element
4. Change the formatting to: Tank Level {0:F2} Kg
Property Value
Name cOStatus
BackColor Gray
Font Arial, 14pt, Bold
Text Plant State
TextAlign TopCentre
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6. Select both labels and align their centres:
7. Assign a Display Value behaviour to the label cOStatus and assign the Data Element:
8. The formatting should be set to {0:N0}
9. Copy (with behaviours) and paste the Plant State labels and change the following properties:
Property Value
Name cOBatchNumber
Text Batch Number
Name lblBatchNumber
Text Batch Number
10. Change the Display Value behaviour to use the Analog Tag:
11. Save graphic form.
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Exercise 23 - Visibility Behaviour
1. In Shapes, Wizards & Examples, navigate to Static Graphics and browse to Heat Exchangers.
2. Drag the graphic Heat Exchanger 01 onto the graphic form.
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Exercise 24 - Bind Behaviour
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Exercise 25 - Tooltip Behaviour
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Exercise 26 - Blinking Behaviour
5. Click Finish
6. Save and Run the graphic form.
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Exercise 27 - Operator Behaviour [Part 1]
1. Place a Windows Forms Button control on the graphic form with the following properties
Property Value
Name btnManAuto
Font Arial, 12, Bold
Text Auto/Man
AutoSize True
2. Assign a Display Value Behaviour to btnManAuto that it is connect to the Data Element
3. Set the formatting to No Formatting {0}
4. Assign an Operator Action Behaviour to the button using the Data Element
5. Set the Control Action of Toggle Boolean.
6. Click Finish.
7. Save and Run the graphic form
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Exercise 28 - Operator Behaviour [Part 2]
1. Position 3 Buttons on the Batching Plant graphic form with the following Properties:
Property Value
Name btnPlantStart
Font Arial, 12, Bold
Text Start Plant
AutoSize True
Property Value
Name btnResetPlant
Font Arial, 12, Bold
Text Reset Plant
AutoSize True
Property Value
Name btnAlmReset
Font Arial, 12, Bold
Text Reset Alarm
AutoSize True
2. The Reset Alarm, Reset Plant and Start Plant buttons each have an Operation Action attached to ‘SET
BOOLEAN TRUE’ and assigned the appropriate Agent instances.
− Adroit.ADT_JU_MX_AUT_STRT.value to btnPlantStart
− Adroit.ADT_JU_MX_ALM_RESET.value to btnAlmReset
− Adroit.ADT_JU_MX_OPC_RESET.value to btnResetPlant
3. Create a copy of the ‘Batch Number’ labels as implemented in Exercise 16 by performing a ‘Copy with
Behaviours’ action. Change the object properties as follows.
Property Value
Name cOBatchNumberSP
AutoSize True
BackColor Gray
Font Arial, 14pt, Bold
Text Batches to Run
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Property Value
Name cOBatchNumberSP2
BackColor Gray
Font Arial, 14pt, Bold
Text Batch to Run
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Exercise 29 – Execute Command Behaviour
Property Value
Name btnCounterFEDA
Font Arial, 12, Bold
Text FED_A Counter
6. In the Graphic Form dialog box, browse in the Counter Template from the Templates folder.
7. Click Aliases tab, click the browse button in the Input dialog box and add
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8. Manually delete the slot value (in this case .onCount)
9. Click Finish.
10. Save and Run the Operator to test.
11. Create the button for Fed_B and test on the Operator.
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13. Datalogging
We define data logging in the following way.
Data logging is the process of collecting and storing data over a period in order to analyse specific trends
or record the data-based events/actions of a system, network or IT environment. It enables the tracking
of all interactions through which data, files or applications are stored, accessed or modified on a storage
device or application
Examples of the types of information a data logging system can collect include temperatures, sound
frequencies, vibrations, times, light intensities, electrical currents, pressure and changes in states of
Adroit provides extensive and powerful historical logging facilities. As with scanning any slot of any Agent
can be configured to have its values historically logged.
When logged, the values are time-stamped and are made available via a DataLog Agent to any client.
Examples of data log clients would be historical Trends, the extract utility, OLE-aware 3rd Party applications
such as external spreadsheets for reports, and more.
Historical values can be stored in one or more data files, each file containing the values of one or more
DataLog Agent. The total amount of disk space required for data logging depends on the number of data
files used, the number of Agents being datalogged and the total number of values logged per Agent, as
well as the sampling time and length of time for which each value is logged.
During logging, each DataLog Agent will write to its own pre-allocated dynamic buffer area in a data file
and will overwrite itself after reaching the end of the buffer. A data log file is composed of many buffers,
one for each DataLog Agent. Being event-based, the speed at which each buffer is written depends on
how often the value in the Agent slot being logged changes according to its dead-band.
The data log file can be periodically archived. Either by using the System DataLog Agent which allows a
user to backup Datalogs to .CSV files on a scheduled or triggered basis, alternatively if necessary by file
copy, so that the historical data can be retrieved later and exported for further analysis as a Comma
Separated Variable (.CSV) file, a format recognised by many commercial spreadsheet and database
packages. If the System DataLog Agent is used, the Graphing utility in the Adroit Utilities folder is used to
display these backed-up files or opened up in Excel.
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14. Trends/Charts
Charting controls allow a user to report both live and historical data. Typically, the Line, Surface and XYPlot
charting controls are used to trend live data, while the Pie, Bar and Column charting controls are used to
report historical data.
Each charting control displays one or more series:
• BarChart: Each charted series is either a series of horizontal bars representing values or a
series of points that are usually connected to form lines.
• ColumnChart: Each charted series is either a series of vertical columns representing values or
a series of points that are usually connected to form lines.
• LineChart: Each charted series is a series of points that are usually connected to form lines.
• PieChart: Each charted series is a series of slices or segments to form a complete pie or circle.
Typically only one series can be used per chart.
• XYPlotChart: Each charted series is a series of points that are plotted from two sets of values,
one providing the X or horizontal coordinate and the other providing the Y or vertical coordinate
of each point.
Each series can display discreet (single valued), dataset and DataBinder data,
When logged, the values are time-stamped and are made available via a DataLog Agent to any client.
Examples of data log clients would be historical Trends, the extract utility, OLE-aware 3rd Party applications
such as external spreadsheets for reports, and more.
Historical values can be stored in one or more data files, each file containing the values of one or more
DataLog Agent. The total amount of disk space required for data logging depends on the number of data
files used, the number of Agents being datalogged and the total number of values logged per Agent, as
well as the sampling time and length of time for which each value is logged.
During logging, each DataLog Agent will write to its own pre-allocated dynamic buffer area in a data file
and will overwrite itself after reaching the end of the buffer. A data log file is composed of many buffers,
one for each DataLog Agent. Being event-based, the speed at which each buffer is written depends on
how often the value in the Agent slot being logged changes according to its dead-band.
The data log file can be periodically archived. Either by using the System DataLog Agent which allows a
user to backup Datalogs to .CSV files on a scheduled or triggered basis, alternatively if necessary by file
copy, so that the historical data can be retrieved later and exported for further analysis as a Comma
Separated Variable (.CSV) file, a format recognised by many commercial spreadsheet and database
packages. If the System DataLog Agent is used, the Graphing utility in the Adroit Utilities folder is used to
display these backed-up files or opened up in Microsoft Excel.
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Exercise 30 - Basic Datalogging (.LGD file)
1. Open the Agent Configurator window and select the Analog Agent ADT_JU_MX_MIX_TNK_LVL.
2. Click the Log button.
3. Ensure that the value slot is visible in the slot field.
4. Select the Mode that is required, in this case Continuous mode
5. In the Datasource dialog box, adjust the pathing that it reads the following:
C:\ProgramData\Adroit Technologies\Adroit\Configurations\JUICE\Datalogs\Target Temp
6. Select the length button and set it to 1 hour
7. Compression method set to Actual
8. Set the time button set to 1 second.
9. Make sure the start radial button is selected before clicking the OK button
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Exercise 31 - Displaying Logged Data in a Trend
1. Create a new graphic form in the Juice/Batching Plant folder called Tank Level Trend.
2. Save the graphic form.
3. From the toolbox, select the LineChart in the Data Group and place it on the new graphic form. The
Configuration: Line Chart Wizard will automatically display.
4. Select the Values Tab in the series setup. In the Values field browse for the Data Element
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Figure 109 LineChart - Series Configuration
10. Open the Batching Plant Graphic Form and place a ‘Execute Command’ behaviour onto the actual tank.
11. The execute command behaviour must use the ‘Open graphic form’ action and then browse for this
‘Tank Level Trend’ graphic form as the form to open.
12. Specify Open As = Modal Form and Position = Center Screen.
13. Click Finish
14. Save and test.
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Exercise 32 - Retrieve Logged Data
1. Open the Agent Configurator and navigate to the Datalog Agent type (under Type:System), and select
the Agent the would require the information to be retrieved.
2. Edit said Datalog Agent and click the retrieve button
3. Retrieve a new set of data, by altering the period and rate and click the retrieve button
4. Click the export button and save the ensuing *.CSV file in
C:\ProgramData\AdroitTechnologies\Adroit\Configurations\Juice\CSV as Temp Target.csv
5. Run Excel and open the Temp Target.csv file
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15. Wizards & Templates
15.1. Wizards
Wizards allow you to reuse the same graphical object and its assigned behaviours (if any), over and over
again, with different Data Elements, without having to recreate this object from scratch ever time. In other
words, a wizard is a reusable design-time object, much like a Windows control. In addition, wizards have
the facility to update their instances that have been added to graphic forms to their current configuration,
when they are modified after having been used.
A Wizard is a pre-drawn and/or pre-configured skeleton of graphical objects and their assigned behaviours
(if any), which has placeholders {substitutions} for Data Elements, which can simplify and speed up the
task of creating graphic forms. However, instead of directly specifying the values that drive these
behaviours, these are replaced with value or static text placeholders {substitutions}.
Each time a wizard is inserted into a graphic form, a dialog is displayed whereby values must be specified
for all the substitutions that occur within this wizard. For instance, instead of redrawing a pump or a motor,
each time one is required, a wizard can be created and simply inserted wherever a pump or motor is
needed, at which time you link the required Data Elements (values) to its pre-defined substitutions.
The main differences between a wizard and a graphic form:
• Wizards cannot be displayed in the Operator
• Wizards allow you to assign values to substitutions when they are pasted onto a graphic form
(which can be edited later too).
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Exercise 33 - Creating a Basic Dynamic Wizard [Method 1]
1. Right click on the Wizard sub folder in the Juice Project and select Create Wizard, naming the instance
3. Place a windows form button on the screen with the following properties
Property Value
Name btnStart
BackColor Green
Text Start
Cursor Hand
Font Arial,10pt,Bold
Location 3;3
Size 90,44
8. Edit the Operation Action behaviour on the Stop button, Change the Data Element to
{Stop Data Element} and click finish
9. Click Optimise Graphic Form Size on the graphic form menu as shown below:
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Exercise 34 - Creating a Basic Dynamic Wizard [Method 2]
1. Navigate to the Batching Plant graphic form, Select Feeder A and it’s Label, right click and select the
option Copy with Behaviours.
2. Create a new wizard called wzdConveyor under the Wizard’s folder within your project and paste the
copied Conveyor and label.
3. Modify the Label’s Text Property to read {EquipmentDesc}
4. Click yes to accept changes.
5. Access the colour behaviour as previously done in Exercise 12 , by browsing the Contents and selecting
Colour, right click for Edit Behaviour.
6. Enter the following substitution into the Data Element dialog box
7. Click Finish.
8. Click Optimise Graphic Form Size on the graphic form menu.
9. Save the Wizard.
10. Navigate back to the Batching Plant graphic form, delete Feeder A and it’s label, and replace the label
and feeder with the newly created wizard. (drag and drop from the Wizard folder), select Paste Wizard
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Name Value
{EquipmentDesc} Ingredient A
(EquipmentName} FED_A
{Signal} STATUS
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Exercise 35 - Making use of a User Defined Wizard
1. Return to the Batching Plant graphic form and drag the wizard (MyWizard) that was created as per
the exercise above on to the Batching plant graphic form.
2. In the substation assignment window, browse in the following Data Element.
• Start Data Element: Adroit.Digital.ADT_JU_MX_AGIT_START.value
• Stop Data Element: Adroit.Digital.ADT_JU_MX_AGIT_STOP.value
3. Click Finish.
4. Using the Smart Tag ( ) of the wizard group, attach a visibility behaviour.
5. Link the Data Element Adroit.Digital.ADT_JU_MX_AUT_MAN.value to the behaviour, selecting the
radial button “Visible”.
6. Click Finish and Save the graphic form.
7. Copy the Wizard and apply the applicable Stop and Start Tags for the Water Pump. (only to be visible
in Manual mode)
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15.2. Templates
Templates are reusable graphic forms that can be used at run-time. The fundamental difference between
a graphic form and a Template is that a Data Element within a Behaviour or the spider configuration view
can be driven dynamically by using {} notation, in the following instances:
• When configuring Behaviours: for any Data Element field, you can specify the required name
enclosed in { } braces, which is automatically linked via a Variable Data Element spider to this
Data Element property of this behaviour.
• In the Properties view: for any String or Text properties, you can specify the required name
enclosed in { } braces, which is automatically linked via a String Format spider and a Variable
Data Element spider to this String property.
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Exercise 36 - Creating a Template [Part 1]
1. Browse to the Templates folder in the Juice project and create a graphic form called SetPoints and
2. Create a Windows Form label with the following properties.
Property Value
Name lblHeading
Font Arial,18,Bold
Text {EquipmentName}
TextAlign MiddleCentre
3. Click Yes
4. Place the Heading label in the top of the graphic form.
5. Below the Heading place 2 x Labels on the left with the following properties.
Property Value
Name lblActMass
AutoSize True
Font Arial,12,Bold
Text Actual
TextAlign MiddleLeft
Property Value
Name lblTgtMass
AutoSize True
Font Arial,12,Bold
Text Target
TextAlign MiddleLeft
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6. On the lblActMass label, place a Display Value behaviour with the following substitution:
Note: For each instance of this template, the { } implies that the actual description will be displayed per device.
7. The label named lblTgtMass requires the following substitution to be added with a Display Value
8. To the right of the 2 Labels, add 2 Textbox objects.
Each text box will have the following properties:
Property Value
Name TBoxActMass
Property Value
Name TBoxTgtMass
Note: in this case, the String Formatting implies that the word Target will be displayed with the actual values per device.
11. To the right of these Labels place another 2 x Labels with the following properties:
Property Value
Name lblActUnit
AutoSize True
Font Arial,12,Bold
Text unit
TextAlign MiddleLeft
Property Value
Name lblTgtUnit
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AutoSize True
Font Arial,12,Bold
Text unit
TextAlign MiddleLeft
12. On the lblActUnit label, place a Display Value behaviour with the following substitution:
13. On the lblTgtUnit label, place a Display Value behaviour with the following substitution:
Note: This substitution implies that the actual unit of measure will be displayed per device.
Property Value
Name BtnClose
Font Arial,12,Bold
Text Close
TextAlign MiddleCenter
Size 310, 42
16. Click Optimise Graphic Form Size on the graphic form menu as shown below
17. Save the graphic form.
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Exercise 37 - Creating a Template [Part 2] – Display Actual/Target Values
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Exercise 38 - Creating a Template [Part 3] - Trend Button
Display the Trend for Agitator, Heater and Pump using one
Objective: Template.
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Exercise 39 - Creating a Template [Part 4] - Close Button
Close the pop up window for Agitator, Heater and Pump using one
Objective: Template.
1. On the SetPoints and Targets graphic form, link the Close button via the Execute Command
behaviour to close the window.
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16. System Events
16.1. What is an Event?
Events represent normal system status messages, and do not require an operator response. An event is
defined as a detectable occurrence, which may or may not be associated with an alarm.
Simple example of Event in Industrial automation can be simple logging of Operator with his username to
the SCADA application. The SCADA system can log that event in text file if configured to do so.
Adroit constantly monitors the process to detect undesirable states, process values and the malfunctioning
of Devices. Any significant occurrences are recorded in the Event Log and may be displayed using a Chart.
Each line in the log shows information pertaining to one event
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Exercise 40 - Adding a Tab Control
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Exercise 41 - Event View Window
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17. Alarms
17.1. What is an Alarm?
According to the EEMUA 191 guidelines, an alarm is an event to which an operator must react, respond
and acknowledge. An alarm system should alert the operator to abnormal situations and assist with the
management of the abnormal situation.
Example could be as follows; Suppose a Tank water level has increased beyond the desired value and that
time SCADA system should give Alarm.
Any Tag in Adroit can be alarmed and individually routed to one or more Alarm Agents. Alarm Agents are
set up to “direct” the alarms to various outputs including but not limited to Alarm Lists, Event Logs,
Databases, Files, Cell phones, Multimedia Files, etc.
These Alarm Lists may be resident on the local machine or on any Adroit networked machine. Further,
the alarms may be routed to other audio or visual alerts can be implemented and configured which will
inform an operator or other Adroit user as to a fault condition:
• By multicolour behaviour in graphical picture elements;
• By multitext messages in picture elements;
• Via displays listing active unacknowledged and acknowledged alarms;
• Directly onto hard copy printout;
• As records within the event log;
• By the activation of audio devices;
• Popping up of a process-specific page of hypertext help.
These visual and audible means of communicating the presence of an alarm condition to the operator are
controlled by Alarm Agents that are linked by the user to those process Agents he wishes to monitor. An
alarm is triggered when one or more of the configured status mask bits in an Alarm Agent match any
status bits in the Agent being monitored.
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17.2. Alarm Type
Trigger conditions will have been predefined by the user. Together with the process data to be reported
back for each alarm type, which would then have been applied, to the Agent being monitored.
This information is routed by the Alarm Agent to the relevant output and display mechanisms, whether
this is an alarm list, printer, audio device or event log.
The alarm type name, which is reported in the Alarm List display can be specified by the user to describe
the alarm condition, which when coupled with the appropriate choice of reported data, will enable the
operator to diagnose the problem easily.
Picture elements may directly display the alarm state of an Agent by reading its status bits directly, without
using the Alarm Agent routing mechanism. The statusAlarmsUnacked and statusAlarmsActive bits will
show the unacknowledged and active states as set by the Alarm Agent. In this way any situations ranging
from plant upsets or process variable excursions to failures within Adroit itself can be monitored.
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In order to implement an alarm strategy for an application, the user must decide which process values
need to be monitored and which alarm types need to be created to do the monitoring
Route 0/1: a predefined Adroit system route used for system alarms such as software faults and
communication errors and provides the following alarm destinations: The alarm list of this Alarm Agent,
so these incidents can be viewed in an Alarm List Viewer window that is connected to the
• The default Beeper Agent, aBeeper, which uses the PC speaker to audibly alert users to these
active alarms.
• The default EventLogging Agent, EventLog, which records these active alarms to the Windows
Application event log on the Agent Server computer. These events can be viewed in an Event
Log viewer window on this computer.
Route 2: this route is intended for reporting the active process incidents that need to be responded to,
repaired and acknowledged by the operator e.g. a tank level reaches a high level.
Route 3: this route is intended for reporting the active process events that is provided for information
only e.g. if a set point value has changed.
Route 4: this route is intended for reporting via SMS, the active process incidents that is responded to,
repaired and acknowledged by the operator.
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Exercise 42 - Configuring Alarm Routes
a. Click on the folder with the star in the top left corner
b. Click the Add button
c. And enter the TagName and Description as shown below
d. Click ok and then select the newly created alarm list and click OK again
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Figure 120 Adding an Agent “on the Fly"
6. Delete the aBeeper.start Tag and add a new instance named: ADT_JU_MX_BEEPER with a
description: Batching Plant Alarms for Route 2
7. Browse for a new Output event to Route 2 of the DefaultAlarmAgent.
8. Add the instance of the EventOutput called ADT_JU_MX_PRINTER and the description as Route 2
Alarm Printer.
Note: set up for the printer would be require if using this EventOutput
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9. Select Route 3
10. Add an AlarmList Agent instance named ADT_JU_MX_ALM_LST_EVENTS with a description
Batching Plant Events for Route 3
11. Browse for a new Output event to Route 3 of the DefaultAlarmAgent.
12. Click OK
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17.4. Alarming an Agent Instance
In principle, any Agent can be alarmed. These Agents will typically be collecting information by scanning
front-end Devices or subscribing to the slots of other Agents. To be successfully monitored by an Alarm
Agent, the following must first be determined:
• Decide which alarm type to use and which status bits will flag the alarm condition
• Decide the Agent’s individual alarm priority
• Choose an Alarm Agent to monitor its status bits
• Select the alarm types available in the chosen Alarm Agent
• Select the desired routes defined for the alarm type
• Decide which alarm types are to be acknowledgeable
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Exercise 43 - Setting up Alarm Masks
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Figure 123 Configuring Alarm Types
9. Click the OK button. From the Alarming dialog box, select the Available mask Contents Hot and move
it to the Current side.
10. Ensure that they are associated with Route 2 (as previously configured)
11. Click the OK button.
12. Complete all the Alarm Strategy requirements as per the above Table.
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17.5. Alarm List Viewer Control
This control Adroit Alarm List Viewer window Control: -
• Displays the active alarms within the alarm list of an Alarm or AlarmList Agent.
• Provides the means to acknowledge individual alarms either locally or globally.
• This functionality can also be intentionally disabled (for security reasons).
• Provides the means to limit the number of alarms that are displayed.
• Represents alarms as coloured entries within a list, whose foreground (text) and background colour
combination, represents the state of each alarm.
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Exercise 44 - Setting up Alarm View Windows
1. On the Batching Plant graphic form, select the tab page Alarms in the TabControl window.
2. Drag the AlarmViewer, from the Adroit Folder in the Toolbox, onto the tab page
3. Set the properties of the Alarm Viewer as follows:
Property Value
AlarmGlobalAcknowledgedButtonWidth 150
AlarmlocalAcknowledgedButtonWidth 150
Dock Full
4. Select the Alarm Viewer Task Menu via the Smart Tag ( )
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17.6. What is the difference between Alarms and Events?
Alarm and Event are both Notifiers and are used to notify or inform about any important Alarm or event
that has occurred or is occurring in present in an Industry.
1. Alarm: Alarms represent warning of process conditions that could cause problems and require an
operator response.
a. Example, suppose a Tank Water level has increased beyond the desired value and at that time
the SCADA system should give an alarm
The intention of an alarm is to signal that something has gone wrong, or that a particular stage
of processing has been reached.
2. Event: Events represent normal system status messages, and do not require an operator response.
An event is defined as a detectable occurrence, which may or may not be associated with an alarm
a. Simple example of Event in Industrial automation can be simple logging of Operator with his
username to the SCADA application. The SCADA system can log that event in text file if
configured to do so.
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18. Navigation
There are several different navigation strategies that can be created.
Every project contains a collection of windows. These windows are the fundamental building blocks for
your projects, containing the hierarchy of components. Components are what we refer to as the visual
elements that range in complexity from a single button and label to the chart and table components.
The first part to consider when setting up navigation for the project is what windows would open on start-
up. This is generally the overview page of the project, as these shall be the first things that the user will
see. In a typical navigation strategy, two windows open on start-up; one docked and one main window
(filling the rest of the space). From these windows, other windows can be opened and closed.
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Exercise 45 – Navigation [Part 1]
1. Right Click on Landing Folder and select Create Graphic Form (Styled), naming it Landing Page.
Property Value
Name MainNavigation
Dock Fill
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13. Open the Behaviour ribbon and select the Display Value behaviour on the Menu ribbon.
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Exercise 46 - Navigation [Part 2] - Adding Menu Items and Graphic Forms
1. Via the Smart Tag ( ) of the TemplateGONav, select Browse for Toolbar Graphic Forms
2. Add a menu item and call it Batching Plant.
3. Click Add GF and browse in the Batching Plant graphic form.
4. Browse in the Batching Plant graphic form.
5. Click finish.
6. Select the graphic form in the list and move it accordingly that it sits below the menu item called
Batching Plant. (Highlight the graphic form under the Toolbar Item Text….select Right)
7. Click right, to enable to become an item of the Batching plant Menu
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Exercise 47 - Navigation [Part 3] - Add a Default Graphic on Home Page
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19. Operator Settings
User Profiles can customize the default display and permitted user interaction within the Operator window.
Browse to:
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Exercise 48 - Adding a Default Graphic Form to the Operator
1. Via the Enterprise Manager, Management, Profile, access Default by right clicking on it and selecting
the option Configure.
2. On the right-hand pane, select Operator Settings.
3. Click on the dialog box for DefaultGraphicFormPath, and then select the browse button.
4. Browse in the Landing Page graphic form.
5. Click Finish and select Save Server Data in the Home menu.
6. Test by opening the Operator.
Figure 131 The Operator Default Screen with logo and text
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20. Ignite Utilities
Utilities has been added to provide a central location from which the installed utilities can be launched,
instead of installing a host of separate shortcuts for each individual utility. This shortcut is also installed
on the Desktop. This application also describes their supported command line options and by right
clicking the utility you can specify which command line options you want to use when launching the
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20.2. Agent Browser
The Agent Browser is a utility that allows one to browse the configured Tags within an Agent Server to be
viewed and selected if required for configuration purposes. This also displays status slot names and Tag
(Agent.slot) values and, if the necessary command line option is provided, these Tag values can be
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20.4. OPC Server
The Adroit OPC Server is OPC 2.0 compliant and exposes each Tag in an Agent Server as an I/O to an
OPC client Application. When the OPC Server starts it is added to the system tray, in the bottom right of
the screen.
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This procedure describes how to create an HTML log file of the communication messages and errors as
they occur between Adroit Ignite HMI and the specified front-end device. So that if you are not a driver
expert, you can email this log file to Adroit support, who will then be able to assist you with your driver
The advantage of an HTML log file over a text file is that this file format preserves the colour of the
Datascope window, which makes the troubleshooting process easier.
The driver Monitor Launcher can be activated from the Diagnostics & Tools menu in the Designer.
20.7. Scheduler
Commands and utilities can be scheduled to run today, tomorrow, or on a particular day of the week or
month at a specified time using the Scheduler. Typical examples of its use would be printing a report,
archiving a file, starting a backup procedure, extracting logged data or doing a Putslot operation.
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20.8. Script Editor
This Script Editor is usually launched from the Script Agent so that their VB Script files can be edited.
It allows the concurrent editing of the following script file types: Script Agent VB Script files (*.BAS)
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21. System Backup and Restore
Exercise 49 - Project Backup
1. Open the Config Editor, browse to the System Back Up and Restore
2. Select the Backup option.
3. Select the destination to save the backup to and give the file a name i.e. Juice_Backup
4. Click the backup button and allow the process to run.
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Exercise 50 - Project Restore
1. From Configuration in the Ignite Config Editor, Create/select the configuration that you shall be
restoring to.
2. Click the Restore option.
3. Click the browse button to the right of the edit box and specify the required .ZIP backup file.
4. Click the Restore button to OVERWRITE all the currently specified system files and settings, of this
Configuration, with those stored in the backup.
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Figure 142 System Restore Details
Note: Ensure that the name of the active (currently loaded) Configuration is the SAME as the name of the Configuration that you
have backed up, to minimize the potential for incorrect paths.
5. Click Finish.
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22. Batch Plant I/O Schedules
22.1. Analog Agents
Device Span Engineering Span Alarms Scan
Name Description High- Low- OPC Output
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Unit High Low
high low Address Enabled
ADT_JU_MX_AGIT_TIME_ACT Actual Mix Time 0 100 0 100 sec 100 100 0 0 ActualMixTime No
ADT_JU_MX_AGIT_TIME_TGT Target Mix Time 0 100 0 100 sec 100 100 0 0 TargetMixTime Yes
ADT_JU_MX_BTCH_NUM Batches per shift 0 100 0 100 100 100 0 0 BatchNumber No
ADT_JU_MX_BTCH_NUM_SP Batches to Run 0 100 0 100 100 100 0 0 NumBatches Yes
ADT_JU_MX_FED_A_MASS_ACT Ingredient A Powder Feeder 0 100 0 100 Kg 85 70 35 20 IngMassA No
ADT_JU_MX_FED_A_MASS_TGT Ingredient A Powder Target 0 100 0 100 Kg 85 75 35 20 IngTargetA Yes
ADT_JU_MX_FED_B_MASS_ACT Ingredient B Powder Feeder 0 100 0 100 Kg 85 70 35 20 IngMassB No
ADT_JU_MX_FED_B_MASS_TGT Ingredient B Powder Target 0 100 0 100 Kg 100 100 0 0 IngTargetB Yes
ADT_JU_MX_HTR_TEMP_ACT Heat Temperature Actual 0 4096 0 45 °C 45 35 15 0 ActualMixTemp No
ADT_JU_MX_HTR_TEMP_TGT Heat Temperature Target 0 4096 0 45 °C 45 35 15 0 TargetTemp Yes
ADT_JU_MX_MIX_TNK_LVL Mix Tank level 0 100 0 100 Kg 85 70 5 0 - -
ADT_JU_MX_PMP_MASS_ACT Water Mass Actual 0 100 0 100 Litres 85 70 35 20 IngMassH20 No
ADT_JU_MX_PMP_MASS_TGT Water Mass Target 0 100 0 100 Litres 100 100 0 0 IngTargetH2O Yes
ADT_JU_MX_VLV_RATE Outlet Valve Flow Rate 0 100 0 100 Kg/s 100 100 0 0 DischRate Yes
ADT_JU_MX_VLV_TIME Discharge Time 0 100 0 100 s 100 100 0 0 ActualDischTime Yes
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22.2. Digital Agents
Name Description Output Enabled OPC Address
state state
ADT_JU_MX_AGIT_START Agitator Manual Start OFF ON Yes StartAgitatorMan
ADT_JU_MX_AGIT_STATUS Mixer Motor Stopped Running No AgitatorRunning
ADT_JU_MX_AGIT_STOP Agitator Manual Stop OFF ON Yes StopAgitatorMan
ADT_JU_MX_ALM_RESET Reset OPC alarms OFF ON Yes AlmReset
ADT_JU_MX_AUT_MAN Automatic / Manual Automatic Manual Yes ManAuto
ADT_JU_MX_FED_A_STATUS Ingredient A Powder Feeder OFF ON No FeedARunning
ADT_JU_MX_FED_B_STATUS Ingredient B Powder Feeder OFF ON No FeedBRunning
ADT_JU_MX_PMP_MAN_STP Stop in Manual OFF ON Yes StopPumpMan
ADT_JU_MX_PMP_MAN_STRT Start in Manual OFF ON Yes StartPumpMan
ADT_JU_MX_PMP_STATUS Water Pump OFF ON No PumpRunning
ADT_JU_MX_PMP_TRIP Water Pump Alarm OFF ON No PumpTrip
ADT_JU_MX_VLV_ALM Discharge Valve Alarm OFF ON No DischargeAlm
ADT_JU_MX_VLV_STAT Outlet Valve OFF ON No DischValveOpen
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22.3. StringList Agent
Expression = v1 == 8 ? 1 : 0
Evaluation = Continuous
Expression = v1 == 3 ? 1 : 0
Evaluation = Continuous
Value = ADT_JU_MX_MIX_TNK_LVL.value
V04 = ADT_JU_MX_VLV_RATE.value
ADT_JU_MX_MIX_TOTL_MASS Tank level Calculation
V05 = ADT_JU_MX_VLV_TIME.value
Expression = v1+v2+v3-(v4*v5)
Evaluation = Continuous
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23. Adroit Ignite HMI Competency Test (Optional)
23.1. Introduction
The purpose of this Adroit Ignite HMI Configuration Competency Test is to evaluate your competency
in configuring the basics of the product. Although we are not testing how well you can draw pictures
or prescribing how you should achieve something, we also understand that there is neither a correct
nor an incorrect way of achieving the objective. In the real-world engineers, have different approaches
and philosophies when it comes to engineering a project.
2 Design, develop and implement the graphic form below, using static graphics that Adroit Ignite
HMI supplies within the Shape, Wizards and Examples project found in the Enterprise Manager.
3 The bottom tank has a capacity of 1000 litres. Represent this by making use of behaviours and
the Analog Agent.
4 The top tank has a capacity of 650 litres. Represent this by making use of behaviours and the
Analog Agent.
5 The flow rate is adjustable allowing the operator to change the value using a behaviour.
6 Setpoints:
• Minimum Value = 50kgs
• Maximum Value = 100kgs
7 Design or Modify a static graphic that represents a Filter. Animate this object to show the status
and operation. (The Filter should appear to move and become invisible when not in use.)
8 Transferring from Bottom Tank to Top Tank cannot occur unless the valve, filter and pump are
9 The Trend, Alarm and Event windows to be displayed.
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Figure 143 Adroit Ignite HMI Configuration Competency Test (Example)
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