How The Other Three-Quarters Live Inequality Between The World's Rich and Poor

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Inequality between the world’s rich and poor

 Development economics focuses primarily on the poorest three-fourths (to be precise,
78 percent) of the world's population.
 These poor are the vast majority, but not all, of the population of developing
countries, which comprise 81 percent of the world’s population. Many of them are
inadequately fed and housed, in poor health, and illiterate.
 If you have an average income in the United States and Canada, you are among the
richest 5 percent of the world's population. The economic concerns of this 5 percent
are in stark contrast to those of the majority of people on this planet.

A North American family

 An average intact family (Smith) in the United States and Canada - a family of four
 has an annual income of $55,000 to $60,000
 Live in a three bedrooms apartment, a living room, kitchen, and numerous electrical
appliances and consumer goods.
 Three meals a day include coffee from Brazil, tinned fruit from the Philippines, and
bananas from Ecuador.
 Children are in good health.
 Average life expectancy of 77 years.
 Both parents received a secondary education, and the children can be expected to
finish high school and possibly go to a university.
 Their jobs will probably be relieved by modern machinery and technology.
 Though they seem to have a reasonably good life, they may experience stress,
frustration, boredom, insecurity, and a lack of meaning and control over their lives –
air/water polluted, and roads congested..
Indian farm families
 The family of a farm laborer in India.
 Illustrates the low income of the majority of the world’s population in Asia, Africa,
and Latin America relative to North America.
 Balayya, Kamani and their four children, ranging in age from 3 to 12 years.
 Combined annual income of $900 to $1200 (but several times that in purchasing
power), most of which consists of goods produced rather than money earned.
 Under a complex division of labor, the family receives consumption shares from the
patron (or landlord) in return for agricultural work--plowing, transplanting, threshing,
stacking, and so on.
 The rice-based daily meal
 One-room mud house thatched with palm leaves, and the crudely stitched clothing are
produced locally.
 No electricity, clean water, or latrine.
 Kamani fetches the day's water supply from the village well, a kilometer (three-fifths
of a mile) away.
 The nearest doctor, nurse, or midwife is 50 kilometers away, serving affluent city
 Average life expectancy is 63 years.
 Few villagers can afford the bus that twice daily connects a neighboring village to the
city, 40 kilometers away.
 The family's world is circumscribed by the distance a person can walk in a day.
 Neither parents can read or write.
 One of their children attended school regularly for 3 years but dropped out before
completing primary school. The child will probably not return to school.
 Despite inadequate food, Balayya and the two sons over 7 years old toil hard under
the blazing sun, aided by only a few simple tools.
 During the peak season of planting, transplanting, and harvesting, the work is from
sunrise to sunset.
 Kamani, with help from a 6-year-old daughter, spends most of her long working day
in the courtyard near the house.
 Balayya has no savings.
 Like his father before him, he will be perpetually in debt to the landlord for
expenditures, not only for occasional emergencies, but also for the proper marriages
of daughters in the family.
 The common stereotype is that peasant, agricultural societies have populations with
roughly uniform poverty, a generally false view. A tiny middle and upper class even

Congestion, poverty, and affluence in India’s cities

 Few proper footpaths for pedestrians.
 Or separation of fast moving vehicles from slower ones
 Flow of traffic - buses, automobiles, trucks, jeeps, bicycles, human-drawn and motorized
rickshaws, oxcarts, handcarts, cattle, dogs, and pedestrians walking or carrying head loads.
 Congestion, squalor, destitution, and insecurity characterize the lives of the unemployed,
underemployed, and marginally employed in cities.
 In the central city, people literally live in the street, where they eat, wash, defecate, and
sleep on or near the pavement
 During the monsoon season, they huddle under the overhanging roofs of nearby
commercial establishments.
Others with menial jobs live in crowded, blighted huts and tenement houses that make up

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