A Study On Effect of Branding On Consumer Buying Behaviour: © July 2021 - IJIRT - Volume 8 Issue 2 - ISSN: 2349-6002
A Study On Effect of Branding On Consumer Buying Behaviour: © July 2021 - IJIRT - Volume 8 Issue 2 - ISSN: 2349-6002
A Study On Effect of Branding On Consumer Buying Behaviour: © July 2021 - IJIRT - Volume 8 Issue 2 - ISSN: 2349-6002
Abstract - The study deals with the results of the primary Pepsodent), using a bathing soap (lux, cinthol),
research which purpose was to examine the effect of wearing clothes (Allen Solly, levis) etc.
branding on consumer buying behaviour. The goal of the
study is to stress the fact that the brand has an impact on
customer decision making process. Original primary
data within the primary research were collected by using
a quantitative method of questionnaire. Into the • To study the effect of brands on consumer buying
quantitative research was involved 100 respondents. The behaviour.
study used two statistical methods for analysis. They are • To analyze the importance of branding in
simple percentage method and Chi-square test. Based on advertising.
above stated subject area of research have been • To study consumer’s perception towards
formulated three hypothesis focused on relationship branding.
between the gender of respondents and influence of
• To study the brand loyalty.
brand in buying decision, between Factor influence to
buy branded products and care about using brands and
between brand preference and brand loyalty. I have NEED FOR THE STUDY
found that brand influence in buying decision.
• To get better knowledge about brand and
Index Terms - Branding-Consumer buying behaviour- consumer behaviour.
Advertisement-Brand Loyalty-Buying decision-Branded • To analyze why people choosing branded
• To analyze how brand involves in advertisement.
• To analyze the influence of brand in buying
Brands are like human beings. They are born, fed,
nurtured, made strong and responsible so that they can
• To study the influence of advertisement in
be faithful friends of the people (customers), form
consumer buying behaviour.
mutually beneficial and satisfying relationships with
them and become their companies for life. Such brands
make their parents (organization or corporate) proud
of them. The best brands are the ones who help in
forming and sustaining strong long term “Parent- • The scope of the study entitled “Effect of
Brand-People” relationships. These brands form the branding on consumer buying behaviour”.
potential for the growth and future expansion. They • The study attempts to understand the influence of
help the organization conquer peaks at the time of branding in consumer buying behaviour.
booms and stay afloat and swim at times of depression. • The study concentrates in depth on area like
We come cross a number of brands in our daily lives. 1. Branding
Our morning starts with using a toothpaste (Colgate, 2. Consumer buying behaviour
3. Advertisement
The above table explains that 7% of the respondents • Customers are loyal only to quality products from
were influenced by Price, 88% of the respondents were the brand, if there is no quality, they prefer
influenced by Quality, 3% of the respondents were another product in the market. So, brand loyalty
influenced by Packing and 2% of the respondents were built a stronger brand image.
influenced by advertisement / Promotion. • The seller should not increase the price often, this
may lead the customer to buy another product.
FINDINGS There should be certain limit in price increase.
• Only 10% of the respondents prefer brand for
• 54% of the respondents were female and food products, this shows unawareness of brand
remaining 46% of the respondents were male. in buying food products. So in this sector they
• 75% of the respondents buying branded products should increase advertisements.
only sometimes. • There is strong influence of advertisements in
• 70% of the respondents were agreed that brand purchase decision, so this is an Effective tool for
influence in their buying decision. promoting their products.
• 38% of the respondents were slightly care about • Advertisement for branded products in
using brands, 36% of the respondents were newspaper, magazines and radio should increase
strongly care about using brands and 26% of the and even more better.
respondents were not much care about using • Both male and female influenced by brand in
brands. buying decision and they buy branded products
• 58% of the respondents were prefer brands only for social status so the price should be reasonable.
for quality products, 26% of the respondents were • The seller should make easy availability of their
keep experimenting new products and only 16% products in all areas.
of the respondents stick to the same product • Packaging of branded products should be more
(brand loyal customers). attractive.
• Majority (53%) of the respondents prefers brand • In Rural areas people are unaware of brands and
for buying clothes. it is not easily available to buy. So the sellers
• Majority (58%) of the respondents said that there should concentrate in marketing of rural areas.
is strong influence of advertisement on purchase
decision. CONCLUSION
• Majority (54.5%) of the respondents sometimes
influenced to buy branded products for social This study concludes that there is effect of branding on
status. consumer buying behaviour. Brand knowledge is a
• Majority (86.6%) of the respondents agreed that very important factor. As the consumer is more aware
effective advertisement help to build a stronger of the brand and he has all the knowledge about the
brand. price, quality etc. the more he will be attracted towards
SUGGESTIONS the brand. Quality is the key factor to buy branded
products. The standard quality of the product makes
• Marketers should bring awareness of brand to the them to buy repeatedly, and they become loyal
age group below 15. customers of the brand. Brand preference and Brand
• Buying behaviour changes from one person to loyalty have related each other. Advertisement plays a
another. The seller should attract the customer in major role in buying decision. It influences the
the way of advertisement and other promotional customer to buy the product. There is strong influence
tools. of advertisement in branding, effective advertisement
• There is strong influence of brand in buying builds a stronger brand. In the end, it is concluded that
decision because of the quality, so the the branding impacts the consumer behaviour and it
manufacturer should always produce standard depends upon the person(consumer) and its varied
quality of goods. from one person to another.
[1] Consumer behaviour and branding – S.Ramesh
[2] Research methodology – Manav Aggarwal
[3] Business statistics – P.K. Viswanathan
[4] Business Mathematics and Statistics – PA.
[5] Branding – Brad VanAuken
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[2] www.heidicohen.com
[3] www.study.com
[4] www.linkedin.com
[5] www.smallbusiness.chron.com
[6] www.googlesir.com
[7] www.accountlearning.com
[8] www.investopedia.com
[9] www.eprints.usm.my
[10] www.thesesus.fi
[11] www.ukessays.com
[12] www.ivypanda.com
[13] www.martech.zone
[14] www.slideshare.net