Advertisements’ perception is critical to their success. Prior research has attempted to ascertain the
antecedents of consumers’ perceptions of online advertising, and it has been discovered that an increase
in consumer perception is connected with an increase in online advertising (Nasir et al., Citation2021).
This indicated that there was a strong and positive correlation between consumer perception and online
advertising. Additionally, it was discovered that all sub-dimensions of consumer perception influenced
online advertising and its dimensions favorably and considerably (Haur et al., Citation2017). Advertising
is basically an art of persuasion. Understanding the factors of an ad that can successfully persuade a user
on social media becomes necessary to create an effective ad (Ahmad et al., Citation2019; Lee &
Hong, Citation2016).
A comparative study indicated that both entertainment and informative-ness have a significant impact
on the value of social media advertisements (Logan et al., Citation2012). The impact of informativeness
and the impact of advertising creativity on customers’ empathy expression were validated (Lee &
Hong, Citation2016). Customers’ intention to purchase and intention to express empathy saw a strong
association (Lee & Hong, Citation2016). The perception an advertisement as informative affects a
consumer’s attitudes towards advertising (Wang & Sun, Citation2010; Weismueller et al., Citation2020;
Wolin et al., Citation2002). The product information shown in advertisements help consumers in making
informed and right purchase decisions and therefore consumers consider advertisements as an
important source of information (Jamali & Khan, Citation2018).
Entertainment and information are said to have a significant positive influence on the added value of
social media ads (Dehghani & Tumer, Citation2015; Saxena & Khanna, Citation2013). An advertisement is
said to be entertaining if the consumer finds it attractive and it provides a sensory pleasure and gratify
the consumers’ sentiments (Lim et al., Citation2017; Pollay & Mittal, Citation1993). The level of
believability or trustworthiness of the medium of the advertisement is said to influence how the
consumer judges the credibility of the information displayed in the advertisement (Moore &
Rodgers, Citation2005).
Some researchers have found that online advertising comes off as more believable than traditional
media advertising (McClure & Seock, Citation2020; Schlosser et al., Citation1999). But some others
believe that authenticity of online advertisements cause concern to consumers (Waller, Citation2006). A
study concluded that the corporate reputation of an organization affects consumer behavior towards it
(Hsieh et al., Citation2004). Unlike the traditional advertising techniques, one can add many attractive
and eye catching details on social media advertisements. They can also be personalized to grab the
attention of that particular user (Kamal et al., Citation2013; Smith et al., Citation2007). Customers
allowed to specify their attribute preferences in selecting products were found to be more satisfied
(Mayrhofer et al., Citation2020).
Some findings suggest that the richness of a post influences the attitude towards it. Features like
dynamic animations, pictures, contrasting colors and interactive links to other websites, have the ability
to enhance the noticeability of a brand post (Brookes, Citation2010; He & Qu, Citation2018; Sabate et
al., Citation2014). Studies done on Facebook revealed that the platform had more activity during
working days (Golder et al., Citation2007). User interaction with posts were said to show an increase
towards the evening and then increasing further as the night passes and reaching a high (Golder et
al., Citation2007). Brands posts done early in the morning also saw high engagement rates (Buddy Media
Inc, Citation2011). Message length was shown to affect performance measures like click through rates in
a research done on advertising effectiveness (Baltas, Citation2003).
Messages with emotional appeals have been proven to be more effective in persuading users who have
little to no motivation or ability to cognitively process a message (Talih Akkaya et al., Citation2017).
Advertisements with emotional content have also been proven to have more ability in generating word
of mouth and were shared online more than advertisements with no emotional appeal (Alhabash et
al., Citation2013; Jain et al., Citation2018). Consumers were shown to be more easily influenced by a
message delivered by someone with whom they could relate or feel close to (Belch and
Belch, Citation2012).
Endorsements for a brand or company by a celebrity who is admired by its target audience has the
ability to attract consumers and bring in more profit for the company. The presence of celebrity
endorsers bring in many benefits. They are good at creating attention towards the brand or product and
its recall value increases manifold. They are also good at creating awareness and attention towards it.
The use of celebrity endorsement also uplifts the image of the product and brings it closer to the
expectations of the consumer (Roozen & Claeys, Citation2010).
Another kind of advertisements that draw attention towards them easily are controversial
advertisements. Controversial advertisements sometimes contain offensive content in them and it can
result in a number of actions like negative publicity, negative word of mouth and can attract complaints
to advertising regulatory bodies, dip in sales and can lead to the products or brand in concern to be
boycotted too (Crosier & Erdogan, Citation2001). But, like every other thing, this has two sides to it too.
Controversial advertisements can sometimes prove to very effective if created and implemented in the
right way (Martins et al., Citation2019). A number of organisations have successfully managed to do this
and increase profits and attention towards their rand too. Therefore, it is important to acknowledge that
controversial advertising has the ability to create both positive and negative effects (He &
Qu, Citation2018).
Various studies have looked into social media advertising and its effectiveness. Voorveld et al.
(Citation2018) looked at consumers’ engagement with social media advertisements using a survey
method. They found that social media engagement in itself plays a pivotal role in measuring advertising
effectiveness. Van-Tien Dao et al. (Citation2014), using a survey method, found that informativeness,
entertainment and credibility positively influences consumers’ perceived value of social media
advertising, which in turn positively influences their online purchase intention. Lee & Hong
(Citation2016) were of similar views and highlighted that Informativeness and advertising creativity were
instrumental in generating positive behavioral responses to social media advertisements. Winter et al.
(Citation2021) Explain that persuasive susceptibilities are vital in generating higher ad engagements.
Nasir et al. (Citation2021), using a survey method, highlight that informativeness is a vital factor.
This review of the literature aided in identifying the majority of the variables affecting social media
advertising. However, prior knowledge about the characteristics of advertisements that influence their
perception is limited. This review of the literature results in the following research questions: